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GAELAKS. S \ I t 1,'IMV !.' ! s;’.r 'IT. Mill U I.* ' '' r:’< \iu ;n 1 ‘ • *'ii:• ri \ u: * Vur . M I iarper- I ' r \, Au ;•«»•'* ' ■ ■, P-J1', favoured tin :nh.minin’ • -t‘»*• c* \ •l;’.- A it!* ,ls...vl M 1 I made, i:i t!i. tJ» .tdliiiVi /»iti.• * • r. if u.t- :*? that iic>i11 when »!i*• r, i \ . unved of half ii« r lot!iII*! ',, (-:r,( rgcd 1: m br til': pom! * if* the mountain, nojth of fin junc tion of tin Potomac and Shenandoah, relit'’t ag brightly and sweedy in tin* 1 lue meeting w aters he rn it!i . 1 *• i* whose sm i!«*.*> ever anil anon wore <>':> • ■ 11 r« 11 by til!* sluggish passing clouds, which orca onally finned an arcii from the opposite points ; • 'ft'* < as’ a veil »iuT lici diminished majesty. V • fill, noli smmd ot the entire number of instrument s - liicli compute the band, unsealed the eyelids of 'he writer, to enjoy all the sweet inconsistence of holing, \\ Inch ever follow* in the wake of niii .r, when :!*»“ sweet 1 ill,” unlocks the ear from <Lt p deep, now iwiug the thoughts to the throne of “Jehovah, Lord ot all,” and by a change of sound, «» suddenly bringing them dow n to t!ie quick march ol iime ; producing that indefinable tumuli ot' . whiJi the pn^er of music can alone excite, crowd ng tiie avenues that I• *:«d to the sanctum sau. tomni sd the heart, with the reminiscences of all that v? wer loved and lost ; giving birth to the “ S gh which speaks regret, Vet scarce seems con eious if if That tolls of bliss remembered \ef, t)t bliss, that ne’er must wake again.'* IIKIIOISM t he. following trot of heroism i:i a t.rcek. female, • ays a London paper, i* fioin fife pen of a corres pondent in the Levant “ \ young woman of M:-edonghi and her brother umtted that place, and fighting their wav through the ranks of the Turks, succeeded m reaching the mountains. I'pon arri\mg there, the young mm, overwhelmed by the eflmt and tie* weight of his anus sunk down and could go no farther. At that moment a Turkish horseman came up, with his sa bre in his hand. The young woman sci/ad her brother’s pistol, shot the l urk, took his Imrse, and aftit assisting her brother to mount it, conveyed him to S dona. Prom thence she went to Napoli di ttomani-i to sell the horse, in order to buy food ai d medicines for her brother.” \ phili-s'ipUt ;■ ot l’.iiMis being about to leave the court of Augustus the ‘ lather of hi' (annul s ’ de sired tilt' sage to leave him si,me piece ot advice. He suited it to the p*'s ornate u nip* r of tin f.mpe ror, when he said, M .C'si, when \ ou tiod an^, r arising in )on, repeat the tvn nl\-fnur letteisof the alphabet, before w u speak or act.’ \s tin two sexes m uneient (ireece bad but little eon nuiiiiealniii w ■ th i iteli, ibt-r, and a lev • r " s se a lout therefore favored vntli an upper Hinds l known III' passion to hi' mi' tre-s, he used to uiseov er it hv msei'ibing lier name on tile vv dU ot Ills house, on the haikol lie itei '. id | ,bi:e w dks, ,,r ill (lie leaves of h k‘ It "O' eost niarj also for him In ihvk lie ! I'niiii o ns* , win i>-the fair one lived, »t'l. 1 "We - ■ ,nl a uland'; in make libations of '' t:ii' bet- 11 it, and to sprinkle the t ii trance with tin' 'Mine liijtior.— (mrhunls were nf groat me aiming 1 lit- (ireeks, in (In: ulFiiirs of love. When a man united hi' t iihnni. it was a deekiration ol having been subdued b\ that passion : and "hen- a woman composed a garland, it was a tacit cunlossion ut tin- same thing. •grfc3C3,»-naax,T ■ <r ie,y m. j.juuiu wipmii jr» POETXSY. sin i.uliskut Founded on the Answer given in' a Norman Knight to \\ illt ijn the Compieior.) (ntll.M T.'lh Vh'.v MONTHLY M.V'.AZINi \v by is thy bark, upon the sea — Thy sa l spread ini the wind ; That vessel may go oti her wav, lint thou mu»t stay behind. I’ve seen thee stand knee deep in blood, In battle by my side ; And both thy faith and loyalty Are like thy good sword tried. Look round ’ is not this a fair land .Are not its daughters fair ' An not its ca-ths stately ones 1 < house thou and haveth\ share - — “ No ! L’ompieror, no, ” Sir t.u.Inert said, “ My portion is not here ; The air bears on’t the widow’s curse, LL * ground the orphan’s tear, f r.' 1 tliy b inner as a knight. Nil not as a brigand : My sn!dier\*duty done l will Away to mine own land. *- will not have your FiiglKh ground, Nor yet your F.nglish dame : » came but with my sword and ..teed, 1 w ill go a~> l came. \ little tower in Normandie Was v. Ivcre I had my buth : I will ia. turn to it,—no blood ( nes from m\ father’s hearth. Sir King, thou art as brave a knight \s e’er slennn’d battle wave ; But thy heart’s temper’d as thy band. Thou art as stern as brave. Forme, l am of sofn-r mould, 1 cannot hear the moan 1 hat haunts me here ; whate’er my home, At least it is mine nw n. The brt e/.e L rising on die sea, 1 see the white sa !s sw< II ; M\ hark is but for me,— Sir King, farewell ! fan well !” YOUTH. “ /Ur remembrance oj 1 vuth is u vg/i Years of my youth ! when Hope was high, I sped in halcyon wings of joy— Oh ! "ft it: wake tlic- wishful sigh, That I wen st,ll tin- thoughtless boy 1 \ O if speedy flight ' t' Manhood rip aim-, W i t n Hope -inks under crowding fears— \V lien i.fc *s out i path ot tlior s— The worl-1 a waste, a vale of tears ! Your rainbow heaven—Health, Hope ami Jov, Math hte and nature tair anil dear ; f.acli -eene teas tieauty to my eve, T.arh s, hi in t was muse; to inv etir. Ye he-t if iih-sings ! Hope and Health \| pleasures unpursuYl by pain ' As ve have mule, not wot Ids ot wealth Can make me halt so bless’d again ' With grief I muse on what hath been— W Iii boding fear on what may be ; Tor Age can never tie, I ween, " an \ until—-swit t \outn—hath been to me! On low iieiieaihthe mif and tomb, l a dre unless sleep those dear ones lie ; I he tils'—tin' to iJest loved—vv ith whom, l w as all 1 wish’d, to dwell and die ' from Tin SKwntjtfpoHT kiikk pkkss.. tiu; widow’s ixllaby Ah ' slumber on, m\ darling bov, \<»r sc-nrl tby blissful dream av/u^ 11’:' b t1lie* dream of conscious joy Still o’er thy lovely features p].o. Hum tliinkV, perhaps, th\ sire is lie:*. And ela>ps tIn e in a fond embrace ; Thou know’stimt his thy mother’s tear So warm upon ti»y dimpled face. Nor hast thou learnt how still and cold I he arms where lieu beLevcst thou * I lmu little tif.nk’st that mine infold An orphan near a w idow's In art. And sluadd’st tin u at this moment w.ik l know the name tlmu’lt lisp tin* first — To hear it call’d m vain ’twould make That aching*, wounded heart to burst. A mother’s tear, an infant’s smile, Alas, lmw often must tln v blend 1 Sleep on ’ sleep on, dear boy aw hile, Nor vet thy blest illusion end ! ON Tin; DKAI H OF AN INFANT. BY .1 V N F. TV YU) II. With w hat unknown delight the mother smil’d When this treasure m In. r arms she [>ressed 1 Her prayer was heard—she clasped a living* chii i — But how the gift transcends the poor request 1 A child w as all she asked, with inauv a vow — Mother ! behold the child’s an cuigcl now ! Now in his father’s house he finds a place Or if to earth he takes a transient flight, ’ 1’is to fulfil the purpose of his grace, To guide thy footsteps to the world of light— A mimst’rmg spirit sent to thee ; l hut w here he is, there thou ma) ’st also be. Fito.'i tuk n os to v 'utoii a>i» lamks* aliu *j TIIK DEATH WATCH. (•mens of ev.l, why thus throw Vour sluulows oVr my onward path Why rise those clouds of future wo, 1 o Idut the light the present hath ' It is that l have borne the wound, And drank earth's biueost cup of sorrows And now from evenanidle sound My sad crush'd heart affliction borrows. d hi re was a time, there was a time. When I lope’s gay blossoms strewed my wav No; glow's the sun in hhisiern clime More bright, more fair, than Kancs’s ray Was shining oil. The death bolt'sped ! 1 lien midnight wav’d her banner o’er me. Ilopi s blossoms tailed, 1’ancy fled, And life was Zentbla s glooms before me Anil now what boding fears arise ! An insect’s noasc, an airy dream, And sleep shall flee these aching eyes, And tale sdeep shadows deeper seem lo vain philosophy reveals Tin- e.uisrs—anguish will not listen — W hat heart can reason while it feels >_ Mvhs tut- cold ice when moonbeams glisfen • There fails a light, there falls a light, A pure sweet beam across 111y way ; I know that ray so calmly bright, I was caught from heaven’s own blessed da\ Tnrer than intaut innocence, U l.gion s blessed smiles are given : Hence shadow's ! darn forebodings hence ’ 1 trust and all is light, in Heaven : Oj- New Subscribers to the l.m, ca„ .m fur n sued win, complete sets from the commencement ot any volume