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!!»■* « ‘ j 1 i M •! ■i Ju.»i !.i \i uivii • ! nr i i *f^ ' . •; ! ii-* v •»:*!•! .,s « \/ !«•*iM ' ' ” -I:--' ■ I . aiJii !.<!'• Jt || i; ] t • t. '•> !.i !< ii. id. !,• <: ii i ':■< i ~ »i! J«• • ' i • , > !' .r!S, },.•!> i|.- , a; • <1 i*?. !• • .;ii• r a!: .. i :• or . . . ..ii . 'M \ mii i :. • r.t, ' !: i l ) in l Jo t. ': ■ !i-i i. «* o{ !.« r '• ; ' j i ‘ »I lil t' > 11r;«’» «; h h M fi* r iof.ud < - !'<)iJ * !m ;11 l ie* : . . ■ 1 i • 'n f i I • I i') 1' ; j|j a1 (i !.. \ |, . j ,: . {< • riiajiN ; i-f!\ «]. |: ",’1' U ' i.OW ! 11 r*;, W (| ‘- u ; *T, U !t(i >111 a w ho h< v t r (id .i ' r load.- i r Mi.rlit hut h-i- | 11::‘' till- fit\ ii>i :i !in ohsciinlv liil (i. ! , *' ‘ 11 :* *1 !j« t had • * \ I j :t u -1 — '-I*- U .1^ J ||r II <• >111 •»••!}*•: I .d : *<• ri»j v i - -. v, ill), a , >},>• ' • ■ i n.*! ♦ \ [|i |* hut ' l liil * *' 1i-o . i.ii ! u il'.i u , • hn n—th- t J».>u-i»t '• \r•" • Itit \. ';(•*• v.ith •• > I i‘ r »}•!;.!• »,i ii!' > ij11 *'■ ‘ ii 'i 111■ • j»ir:t-miv {ii ‘ i • . i< ;.. 1 -> I!j.- ;lands i I a i : • i -. i 11 s } i. i t J 111«• 111 • •; t 1 ' U s , and { i ., J. an in J ; iil.-r. \\ hn u sf \.i• j • ni, - > 11,«-aii! \ t hi • iu n >u : •' ,.*!!'■> ITliii •<! c :{)I s \\ , -1 . • m-vi-r ihv ii-' liir^' - I lli.iu -ill nut —.in.! I am llnj’U I < | •! 1.1 I'm- II, \ |l| it. rtluli ! IV (lie -lati'lnl 1 • i< i.ii. ' M-ift\ n!' tin- I n, U ull| 1 I11' -< 11 a' i i‘ |, a:,, I . Ml-. M-jil.i-il III. ulilt 1- Iiy ll I mran- Iirmi it.-iiii I,,'vain, ‘"ll " Im III," '.m.N frinly til 1 I II,uni I'a'ii x .,11 ' I|- \ air 11, in I la Slrr to till- 111 mill III of \v |t. \ VI." nun in- j,!, la ai'i', |it I si,ail a,■:■ i• |,| "I 1,'inr as !•,:■ jn i nai.i:a n naii! I shall arr.jit - II'I •••>!•! > Humid a rriiiimerati n "i """III' 1 Ivin.: nrrrpta h|r. mi\ r. perhaps vim will a iiiivv inn authorised j au ini l! -ri‘j>.i! ( -a\ s \ i,n ml, mi man v inn tin- iin";;h 1 "’.II “n.- >■)" nv.-t, a a.a atm- lihertv—I vviil a-|(l. \ mi ll,,. i Iwii'i" ii| inairviiia' • i t lie r mother i»r liaua'liti.p >iiilicr it ► -av. that 1=ittjr iiri- this, , a j >1. > hail diseov. iv 1 wn), ulnm In- Was c.iin mm-', anil that in- was lint a littln ^latiini ami i u t. i ,■-i| m th,- ronl'rrenrr \ t.-vv iv s ht'.,"a-ht him t,i th.- iMiicI immi tii ,t In :l, a,!.1 a.. on,' ..M rs - th-dainrhtrr ■ 111 i'u a v - lu.ikiai ia, him as a lather, ami n,nv, . mull' than ever. h- i wlv ,1 up,,n In i' a- a il.ui-h : *«' r—he was imt displ-a-ed. imiruiiv, ■ , a |i a!>1 ."afs, wit!, ti,,. mnihri ; ami. jn.jiiirv . |„. nmnii. ill a.l.iilion to vvliat she hail air-ulv i,,1.1 him. tii ,t. w hat, v , i st mi. had uuen hr, ii thoiiufit t.» siillv In'r I'iiarantnr. tlmv had hn.-i) •!l rntimv .-.I. and that i,"i par-nts. thnu .!, m,w ' vi, a t. had I n^iv. ;i and l.aijii ith.'d h.T a coni I'.ati : III, th. tri-minds. Mir.-thm- with hm , 'I' >• 'It' I’l ll. i IV,.1'. r ,pl s. i|, , f'uvv j •i ,vs mam,',I Mi-. \V and. with In- a,l,)|,tcd ’ ' I 'l^llt.'t . M t -III till- \ , VV I '."a].||j||. in dill' I,!' ' di.1... - • ,1 whirl, In- settled. and i;' ' "dil ills ;,.!v m tin- Imsiiin 0;- run ; ' tdiin lit am! Iiappin-ss. 1 u' , itinvd. »t<* foiitniiiN a | ' \ 'i11111<- w hu h ilr-t-n ,■ |(;1 rti<'uI;■ i !\ Pr,'>Sl I i»? ill.- | 11-1 -11,1 til,,;. \ ! v i> proa.-lui.^ t,, l.,11n,,.- pr.-t n m 17 11. I',, ,-ir- > : t(;,• fr„% 1 In' <!'i,cln\-- ■; \ i-nl;uI Mir. u ],,, I, n|, <-\< ia;tl;,r\ .-h r trl.’r, I,. t. ,1 1 ' -i'H ml l-iiiu. I ."in' \ \ i, >t .ml Ini' ' mi \ hiil I'orroui i) i ■. ■ -,. i. • - i''■.■ . ill,' jiiiivr. 11.t — 11■ w ,u 1 '■I"-' '-'I i" ;- i-- ;| nil liDnii !- d] s,ii- mil :!-, an • iai ' i‘ '' ■ ' - - i- - - ,rv. tn I. i - \ , i .-i- u if I '■ 1 :i:!*-ri■ i ' n m .mil | to In- III, ■ r«-11 \ m-:u ; I |- : ;,)<••-. j ■ »■ !•«"- i 111 mi In-r ^ivi'riii'- i v u u i- ail j ■ •nm.iion | O ■ I'l'IlMH , I S'ni.i.-ni-,-. - " -. a,ii! ' -:a Ila- I I -1. in ilo.-r j - no ari-.'it ; .1/ ! T 'll THE TRAVELLER. / LLYT* /\HJJ:V()F TIir.MISSlSSU'P!. I HUM THU MIHTH AMKU1I V\ KKVI/ W. ha s,-|ec»in;r s h s ;is afford the n:o>t 1 i ahh* ^j'.a hi:* ii" ol tli« author > niannrr, ue iijj-l -o many ol »■*i i t! merit, that we are per {»!■ v «i in our cfi nee. Tie* follow inu' is a d. ' o.pte.u ol’ the bright Mile in a picture of tie* boatmen's life. \iter remarkiny; that it is not s trail ye that this mode ol hlc should have in* 'i 11i»!•• attraction’* for tin* \ouny p.-..pic who in e <m tIs*- banks of the river. In* continu' { 11'* 1* »ats ii >at !»’ their dwellings on beau tilul spnny mornings, when tin* verdant forest, il.** mod ,iiul d< ia ioiis tcinp«*raturc of tin* air. tic dehyini'ul azure of t!ie sky gf this country, t!i* 11!i• ■ hot!, in on the one hand,and tin- roman t.*■ hintl on tie* oile r, the broad and smooth sir. on iv-11 mu’ • aim! v dow n tie forest, a tel lloat ! iny the .11 y torn ard -all these eircum s;.aie« ha i iii*.iti/e inti. - excited \ i mt}«! u i in.a UUtiiilion. 1 !i ht e:t Hell are d »;e*li;y to tie* \ ! ; hit on the d* * h of tlnur hoat 'He \ scatter their wit amony tic twirls on the 'li"i* . who e*»me down 1o tie- Wat- Is e,!-e to si c the pageant : pas-, I h«- 1*•.at uhdes on until it disappears ; hehii d i point ■.t wood. \t this m >11:t*i:t. per h.,ps. tie* buy],-. with which all tie- boats an* provided, stukes up its note i:i tie* distance ovei th»* water. i’ie*se scenes and tin <c notes, erhoniy trom the hhitl - *>t the beautiful Ohio, have a eh.inn for tie* imagination. whe h. alto >’ I have heard it a thousand times repeated, and at all h mi's and in all positions, i- even to me j alwa\s new and ;dwa\- delightful.' \\ i' take m \t our author'' account ol' the* A it:n! an lu-ant;. am! -1111;■ 11 v of i!i.• .uiii^i ant -, C'tali'.i'hnii-ni. ii[ i:i ffie rich lute!' in (>hio. • In nialvinc,' remoter journey' l’imn tin- limn. Iic'iilc the livul. t'. ami in tie- little h itioui' le.l let in rullixat: m. ! lii'Ccrnei! tlie 'inok-- ii-m; ili tlm woods arid h an', the stroke' of tie- :,\i tie- tinkling ol In-!!', ami the hat ii-.e <.f tj. am! 'aiv the new lx arnu-d emiirrant either rai~ it|o- hm loo cabin. or !n-t cut, red into p-i".-. 'i .n It Iro ati-rded nn- more i-i- I'ia^ rell.-c 11■ iii'*. a happen tram oi' a" to c n 11 ■ 1111 ilate tliCM- i .'i!Miii|0' of .ocial toil in lie Wide Wlldcrne-'. til.Ill, 1U our I,lore cultivated i-eontii'. to I- urn in view ol' lh - in-.«* ' imptuow' in ui'i i Noliiino can In- m nv I,■ a:i:iii:i ih n ! he -e tittle I eltti till'. U jlOil XX hit'll t lle'e e in I _'U‘a 111' . it ! may'av'o. d,-|ui'i!e their hmi'ehold an !' ''■uii,.-' hurst I'.srtli in tin- interval' i*eiu--i u tie ii;o!i and l uv or.-uud' The 11.— uul ' are ol the Hui't he iutilul kind. Tim hr.Ilian! redhird is ')’■ il 11111i11o- anmn^ the 'Liuh'. or. I'- Celled oil a 1 |-e.-. scelll' Welcoinino. in her n: l low n ate', tin emigrant to hi' abode Flock' ol |1 n-o.|U- ‘' 11 clittcl ino amoi.o- the tin .•«. and -1 - \ ' v11 - - ■ !' a. 'kiptiii.o I run lira nc h I t hr inch in the mid'! "I lle-'C primeval ■ - - tile I cite-111 and Id- i ■ s: - la'll r live- hi' la mil v In a I. -.v \\i-ijlc- I lev hue re a red a cond! i f a hie cahin. ami other ouihin! lino. J> -In. , | u-. in two \ ."if., and X on x. ill .. e e\t.-o - jx,- I't.-lds corn ale: win -it ; a x -«iii; and thriltv ochar.i. ti nt 11 o. ' oi a'! kind', tie- o-unrat;In ol' prc'i-nt ’•mill nit 'Olt'i-‘eiicr on! ol' future ] ,\urx —. I’ -- ;t ill t. n X eii', aid li,,- |.. l.!e;_. 'will have di'appein --i l. I i; 'hud'' and toi---'l tree. XX ill lie o ,it,• The An . a t,.;i-'c1 of liood'1 ■ and le'ired ahiindan.- end e-iuful will h u alien piece la .t In ic k I u ,- with ron ■ o j. n*cnts like th -- that intern! tie- 1,011,0 i nul ol' house- in tin- older countries By this time the '.eeupant. u ho came there with. perhaps, a small 'iiiii ut money. umi moderate expectations, front liniiilile life, ami with no more than a common 'h■ >-'I education. has heen made, in succession, member oi the assembly, justice of the peace, am! iiinillv county jud^e.’ ■ i admit tiiat the first residence ammi; the tr"es it! u'd- the most agreeable picture to rnv i.m.d : and that there is an inexpressible charm to the pastoral 'implicitv of those years, before pi ide and sell-consequence have banished tin repose ol lin n ! .deli, and when you witness tin lit1'! Mi'iinnles ut social toil with the barren !uxu i iicc ol natut e.' \\ .• i■ 1,>-1• r■ i;r I'MracI- with tin- 1;i~.rv ot ■ the rust* ol' tin' prairie,’ a Miss Jamieson, ol whose parent' the author makes afl'ectionatc mention in hi- letters. • She was 1.,11 ^ a j>111>; 1 in my litniilv. From the tii't ol liei ii'iil, an* \\ i ■ i i iis she was ae <• 1 t ui jr, atti id •,n. I'm 'lie was In anti I'll, the lose nl the inairie. ant! si.e ua- at tie tiie-t i n t e rest i n n- peril a I n! lift-; anil she - ,mi am! tint tiiesl in the p isses'iun nl an iineontii.i: et! Ihm el 'pints, ami as hmivant as the lawti ul In r uwii in 11 i I • • The l e^iilatinns . >)' a r, h itimis family in that le^inn difl’er widely from "ill's \\ le'!i 'he tiist re-aled with us sj;.' we-, dispo-od to emi'ider nur rule as odious, anti tmr rest net;.,ns as tt i"i;m\. 151; t in lint pro tti'ess e| hi r studies a . ! el inore mature ae (jiiaiiitane •. 'he hn".tn. traiH jin!. s.tti- tied, and studious. esliihitin,; an etimiate siihmissioii. that fin lea red her to ti' all She soon hecaint to me as "lie "I iiiV t'iiihii't ti. A conversation w hieh 1 had with her. tlunie.t that severe 'ivk m ss. w hieh I leu e mentioned, w ill Imi; !„■ re ne "J . red in mv lit it nl \. ('outran to ah ex pi 'tall ms. I ree eve re ti. and hail the sati't’.ie'.iuii to ' e tlif pel!'it e tlliitiehtiulnC'S. that lied Imm hi "ii v itherniir on her lirnw. assume tie n.rm "I piety a ad religion \\ hen we were ahmit I depart 11 mu that region for the Aikaii-is. le i par:nia' Iroin my t'aunlv was nfiortinrate an ' '!•'i>in ! eisi"ed I'm Missouri with lim . ae hsteueil wi1 h delight to her view s, her l esiiii; 'ions, and the plans wliitdi she proposed tor le ; tut lire lite \ el ■.•ill heliete that they m-; lint the I inti re'toio' to me lor I min it seasoned with a 'pint ot tom,nice. Hut she laid down ti' the outline, the 'te-uh anti unalterahle "in <>! I li*‘ OOUMS»‘N ullM’h I ^liVt !‘1 ■ r- as "re |t:i—:»tir tin- .-drrani. w• re ni ~' j> • t■■ 1111! and nfirdionatfy, for ! cxinct cd In lin’d Imr mi more.’ !’V :M I rdr:t::i Ironi giving a few 1 * 1 delays :)i this interesting t:.: mill !'••;!r tli it tins jsh,,nh! ItitML I 'f'ti nl Kmi i:i.■.■ ’ ■ My mind and mv meitttO' I V sil^.'i-'t in tin i'.'i i- ni this younir perMNS) i1' *r In nr. fannlv. tar in..r>' than I shall rdJwK'. r; I m-t. , ! .ildii-lim; to dil-.r. I shall he oti% ! t i tnii' h only, the rdu unitin' inriddits nffi.-i sh ut c Ti'.-r. Them r. -idl’d in Inn f thrr' I"■ ■ ■ til\ a very respretal.le younjr mam 1! • was i 'tn. r sdi n' and la-si I’vrd in his nianni r>. lint *' ' "it I'nynt. and id' a very tlifl'dviit cast i m the v n in; in. a in his v n initv. Still, hi a :s n it i”. 'dll calculated In win tin- nth di is I a hcaut■ tnl voiina- woman, in whose n jnd *!’ " ,J "a-. perhaps, tint mu oh!ii|ni'v, and th r II d t.c.'it c • ... li\ the p.-rnsal nl'the .,,,v,.|s . ■ • »I’e " as not her hero. In r •• I., n ■ 1 \\ n ! in u his worth \V.- |.;i •■■■., |,:r t' e an ’ honor:I !” a/Te.-ti’it , tmh and i a .-a 'ev \’na d I! v -s in a r> spia t; | !. rm !’■ ytliWlt, anu looked to (lie lory lucrative tun.