h ■- n<! *• i-. i;n!« - «). hhi* in r 111(• tii«*r.
•\ li'iin I i - in ;.t! ' . <• it inif. 1 *»<>;;« !i. I ) < :■ \ m
ifrant that '!i i.; »\ !••• si’ In j 1*1 muni I
111 < t f 111 < i t • f ijt ' 11 ', (»111 l< •, I t i« ’ mir
' 1 l '»■» \ - 1. :I »! J w ntlhi It*«I : v « \ .ii - i \ .
»-• r. .. *1 \ • ‘ -.th i .j.. i\ in t-\ v.di
vfi'l is *}»p**» - - A-i ’ r. I ' w 1;« 11 I :if11 . . ; ni
• •« ‘ '■ rati * ! i !i>:i• L 1 i ;■
;• • • :■* - tin Hi!.: !•,:i:* , i • t . < .11
! ... • ’ i ’ . ! * if I- : : ; - \ ; : :l ir, !;•••»
•« • : -;;••'!! «) h ! , \ . n -j, '
. • i - : i j ::. h . \ ,»«r ..!l- »• 1:..: i i .
\. \ >• i !::i\ <• 1n\ < ,!."
si\ 1 • ■'. ’ 11 i»■* l fii!-. j». mnl, thr i;ui ?i of
i . a *! V i . Hill v :: I; •! \ l i j i • l < !. i . !x j 11 t • ■, : i I i i i I \ i * l !
i r '%r II 11 \..i in tiiv ili* u . n - • 11,. |
1 \ til** : I ; ! * : l! i . 1 - III* 1 •. ! \ ' t| I! > f! I hi' ! M1: i : 111
• -i ihi’i^ht r In hi\\ . i i.11 * « :n 1 h\ tin j.J (v
'•! • imIt h in-- \m1- - n! !. t - !»,j.Inn.
! \ I I t l .\( r ()| I T.M M I'. I !M (\!H)\
i/.cl ntrf I r ,!■■’_> 1 < 1<n fin
flu.r, ! S» i fi/ <J lit. I>:,i fit in Ruj/j r
• N*?r "-InaiM il hi* .»\ ♦ • r J ».«k * * • I. wh .1 a h. n«*
iiri.il I..1" l»ri n tlm** immiihu »i«*.tt• * 1 !o
-11111*:\11 hi anim,! the hinah >♦ \ 11" «*!• i i^t f«i
‘ v i.i.i \ hi- s.ml Jo ha\r i \»*! i a pi! in an. i.t <•!* j
•. mon to woman, :i‘ ;t;i mu et i.ij •ml moral
hejn^. it i- i- 11 in*. 1 ii;11 til pie-* it! no-. ;t!;o\ e all I
oilier-, h ;*• uiW'll ('• ‘N 1" «i**f *i• l‘ . and taught
u- to revorenre it- mtlm u&**- !> w i- t{.• fa-hion
of other turn - to ti< \\ tie- lit• tan acquire
ui»-nts of tlie sox a- -f aielnd p**«! uitn . or \ tin
pretension ; to s{i-mah/<- them. as mrua-i-triit .
uitli thus*- dnme>iir all* lions ai;<l \ n !u \\ he h
eon-titute the ehann of sorn iv. \\ • had uhnn
hint hoimhes !' ;i'I i:;» .11 tin ir muahie weak
nesses ami sentimental d* hrai’N . np»n tie it timid
^’enlh-iiess ami -o. iuj'-r »* *i* p< lal* mo* . a- ii to
tn-te the fruit o! know 1* d^e i\ .-i •• a dt adh -m.
in*l i.'iioniHT weje the -oh* ;rnanhan of ii.no
em t , | in ii w h no 11 v * • s w . • -i. kin d o «r !
with tin* pale ra-t o! th ii^lit.* ami o it- lln.ent j
ot mtelleetiid [min'r was often n -ortetl t .. t , \
. -(* t pe the (! mi.roim no put a * n *n 'if n*:i - online
-t relict 11 In the Infill l M.ilU'if hie. the sail, i-t
v\ i- not u iiliout ( • 1 »r t i the -u/^* -ti<>n. that it
v\ a - -
“ \ \ nt|ih ot t l!v, an <.! ] a go of ea’il
ami that el-e\\ Imre. '• m.'-t women had no elia
racier at all. h» \ nul lh I ot pniif\ ami «ii• vo
tion to tin ir lamiln s \<lmii;thfe a- air tlm-e
q«! thti *s, it seemed ut ahu-e , f the ^ifls ol Pro
videnee to deny to iimiliei- if*- pu.p nj Ml
itnii’tuiir their «hd ii' u . It • u r r- tin pimh —»
ot -h inn^ the i !• II* etnal pm-nits nf their hu
hami-, to -inters ami dau^ht* r- the cleln/ht ol
ruim-t* rinu; knowledge m th** lir. -iii. ,ii< |< . t..
youth mil heality the el,anil of refilled v 11s e. to
a^e ami it tiinuty tin con-* 1 ill ti of s«m!n -
"hi' !« '‘lev a1 tie- son! and gladden tin hath —
hours ot ur-pumJeney
“ I (icings Ij‘ivo, 1!i a at me
! iu \ Tlie |»r*"*j»n!i'v> u nicli
tin \ }| ivr \«»* I *! • • * 1 to the mflunico ol
1>\ "low . !»!it sin.* ;n!v:inrcs, (‘duration I
*' nit*-t! ii • )i thruiiuSi aii iaiik> oi I* im:i!»• s
it- *•■«** oo r any dr<;td. I >t {In* <
; '* ■ •' *!. J'llil to 'tap that 11 iv-1 ]! 111« t>n
•i' f» "li. "■> iii«3* j*• ii !v\ liir h .ii ii'iih
■ ■ ■ ".or v. (oiaii- I. \* it^ jlu't UiM-tcin'it >
MiOi <d
ias «■ \
1 U*if!\
• lit u; f
In it
' '• 1 i t li it 1 111-! I . .1" »‘VITV u 111! I- « . u II: i \\
1 1 Iii\ *ir:i!»l*• fi» human virtue am! hum .n
» ; that t!:•» i ■■ tim-un-nt ol literature
''‘ ; - hi-I i •' to the devotion of |m i v ; that W m
!• rnmy • him t nn- ta- . is rmnh-n ami naa-tm
t 1 ?; *11" ; tli : I ,;i aim uj lii;uui< I " n c( ive> a i11^ h• r
i‘ h'.h li' !11 tli*- discipline ol srlnmU : that rui'i
\ d „■ i»«»i" "in-ds a rheeriny ] i y h t •»\. r done •"
1(i' d i• i«ami i*> very spaihh>. like tim>i* of
tin' «iiaiimihj, attest at miiv 11 -> power and it"
|»? 1! 11\ ! i n -1 i• i" imt a raiiiv • I l« male s m u tv.
iii>w :• v «• r hi^h, which does nut mm pa\ humaye
t> huratmc, or that would not h-lush e\»n
at tie* suspicion 1)1 t • i it lyimr.tnre which a hail
c**nlury ayo was n<*itl»i r uncommon nor dis«-r«
ditati!>* I h* n* is m>t a parent wIium1 pride may
nut d"" at tin* thought, that hi"d niyhf< ?* " h >jp
|um'"s i", m a yreat im a-ure. wit Inn !,« r own
command, w In ther sin- kon> the c.ml vijmis
t'fid vale ol hie. or v isits the hn>v walks ol
• A mm path is thus open to h-mah* imu lmn.
tu di-vute tin- pressure ol inishu turn-, without
any siippomd "a. nliim nj' diynitv or niod<—tv
'».:: ho I -11 l y i * I* • -- p 1. • • s to an r\cln-i\i- dominion
m authorship. 11<- has rivals or allies in almost
«•' > r\ ih-jMi tment of know ledyc, and I la v an* Jo
ha Sound aniony th* >e whose elegance ot man
. nr
m i- .ml Maim l-• "in "" ol lift* command his
! sp.-rt. as nint h a." their tah-nts excite iii" ad
miration \\ ho is their that does not emit. m
ph.te with « nthu"i;i'jn tin- precious frayiiu nts i !
I .li/a lath smit;i, tl . \ enei a hi- ha rniny of Kli
/ail* |h i after, the elevated piety < f Hannah
Ai >r«•. tin pels rivi\i "eina- oi Mis. Harlmul 1.
the i hyant mem m a In i u‘mnmpliMieil niece,
the In • v* itchmy !•«'t; ms oi Mad.hik* I) Vrhlav.
!h(i vi\id. p!Cture"4ji]e, and Imilir imayvrv of
Mi- H.nlehth*. tin -1 winy, poi Jr\ of Mr- 11.■
m ills, the mate hie-" wit. tin- in* \hau"tihh- eon
\ * i . t;•)11". t!m line chancier paintiny. tin- prat*
tical instruction" ol Miss Hdyewoith. tin- yreat
know \. standing in lier department l-v the >iH»
ot the y re a I I'NKMiHN.1"
I * utiih (inrrruhlcnl - Li t I ho sons of :i |'mni!\
I isr (fi.-ir ii'-piTt Ini film' 11n■:I■< I-. ;unl if uiil I.,
'ill' ilv iiii|hi-m!.|i lor :i ~tih l lote for ii.sl<>»:d
Hllllnritv III III- I’oiriil I (In not hr~lt:i'e lo si \
;unl I il l nut s.i \ it I islih . ir \\itlimif inilrli i \n
min.ilnni ol lln- 'iihjicl.) tin:I Hi"*..- I'.iinil os.
ulirn- tin- rlmrnrli'r of tin mntini is ilopn ... if
r 1111 of' ;i iiii’ii- |i list- k.i-pi’i’. mo ni\or "'ll
.■ \ i n11 ■ i! : ;i hii 11 ni *, on 111. ■ r - o t t ,i i \ t h o .■. i .
"I tin,so uiothor*. ivIkjm' rmik in th" Ihtmll no
, (|ioii/e, tl“ >1* t'i he till- ruunsell ,r-. Ilf tin ir ,-|,i!
di-en. an; in <-11i]■ Ih<j<-i] nnne :■ r,ii11111■ . and • n
i:..iiiti'xxi niiin- worthy. than i.theis. If children
Ml1-' not «imi«T tli- goirninn-iit .if mothers,
til- \ must ih-i-i s«niily in- 1 <• ft lery murli t i theit
miI.iiii-i-. ;iini i-\|i..si i! to t-:ii|\ asst, mat ion#
■ <•.: ■ i-■:i■ i -, in mini-. I in ii- rhnraeti-r» will he
'■ - I'liii".l hi tin- inllin in-i- i f adventitious
i-11■■11:i.-t..i, .-- ; unless, indeed. tin- f.itln-r <-;iu
1 "V' l'i'i' tin-in riiiist.intly. uliit'li 1-. r.iri Iv tlie
'ease. 'I iii-i ithcr !■( ij'iii i s tIn- liny to obey hi*
| mother, Mini |i -iliiips ni'.i-s him |Mr 1 n■ h-ssnns on
: sin- Mii-ji-i-t ; hut of how murli weight they w ill
. hr. in tiiriiinn ‘in- sr.il,. In-tun 11 duty ant! inch
11 :tti.-111. v. ii- 11 ill-- chilli s' .-s tli.it the f.ilin-r due#
lint respect lie;- hilllscli, it ivipii.-i s hut little
-ayir.li to ciiii j ctnre. The iiniut uf 111 llin.
d 1-s.i in ii I.i' i-, ii. mill uf rebellion. is thus ac
Titled ; ;md, if n.i tl'ret, an alu-ration i;
the stitt.- nt the heai t. it 1 ei lainly operates lliulei
cni-iuiistam-e.s unfavorable to its y-routh.
[.V i-nkMr.ror
( ON ! i \ 1 Ml \ f
A!i the teal |iie:is|ires anil ronvenieneies m
hh- In- ill a nai ruu c-.ii-pass ; hut it is the hit
tne'ir ol In. 11.kind to he alnavs liaiikiny I .rwaril.
lie! >11:1 it.i 11 yy alii r one i\ hu has y,,t lie start nl
t'i’-s.i in wealth and honor. For this n
■isi>11. as
<■ ;:r»- i.oii*- ran j>r«»j»«*t jv nr (Mil* • ; ru n, who
have not more than lla-y want: .In-if arc lew
r:<‘11 i!a n in a in <•!' 111. ;> ■!;t•-r n aliens !a,j aiming
tin' mi• i<iIf -iivi '.I tin people, v.ho ki• • |> tlii'ii
I'l'li''-' within tii.'ir fortunes. and ha* e nu.r«
u- alth than the} know how to rnjuv.
I'll-oil" nf a iii«yh'T rani; li*.- in a !.in<i m
splendid |»r. ei t\ ; an. I .ua- |»i petn . 11 \ w . n' i n -
licranse. instead ..I aequo'scing in tin- solid
j'l. a^.irrs hi.-. limy endenxniii' to initxic one
aniitin’r in h nimn anil i jijica ra nces. Men oj
si'iisi- ini ve at all tim.-s la hi It I with a at deal
nl mil lli this silly r..tin' that is jil.i\ i11;r uvi r
th. ir I. ails, anil hy contracting their desires
rti)1 \ a I that >. , r*' I sa t i - (art inn which otllCIa
mv a! wa \ s m qin si , ,|
I In' 11 nth i'. tin rlifji'nhrjs eha«e after ima
— • >‘|sm n> c,tini1.t lie snth.'icntlv i mum il.
as it is the ” rent ^ ttrro of th. s,. , 4 j]s wj.jch
gem a a lit undo a i-;i' i r in lot mans estate
I-,' what it will, he is a pour man. I'tie does P,,|(
In w n lira it a in I natm ally sets himself to sale
In an V ,.ii" that call _i*e him hi' pi ice.
\\ lien Ihfi.ils. after thedea'h of Ins hrotlu i .
, win, hail |, it linn a a.nrl cs'ate. was - fferia! a
! fia del soin nl inni.ey hv tin Isiiin- of | |1(.
thanked loin I n Ins hi ah e-s. I lit t hi Inin he
hah ah', ally tmne !,\ h .1' til-n In knew what to
| do with In s|, it. elite, t is , ij'iii ah n! to
weahh. ami l iMiiy t,. p icily; ,,r t , triv>* the
tli.ai. t.f a mm - anreeal.li turn. ‘ ( ntent i na
tnial ve.llli.' s.-\ s S..crates; to which I add_
■ l.uviiy is artilici .1 poverty '—{.hldisi/n.
I ..' no allm emi nt« nor preerpls of fishion
• tintucc you to slight the warnings of conscience.