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veil. 3. BARFBSS^SRBY, VIRGINIA, DECEMBER £6, IS26. r-jo. ^5. rr t( f. :sfi - , , it ? s ati »i .> \ \ :.v v i m., It V .IMIiN S. (.Ml. MIKU, .it the oj/:-, j tu, r ii\; TKK MS.—Mu-- dollar a.i \ fifty cents per annum, ' pay ,x ;!«• ' juart*• i!\ in advance; or ou<- dollar and tf\Vcnt\ -li ■.. <u sit , tofu- pa'd at tier tune of suh dOri 1 r ayy J*a\ iiu nt in advance, from distant siib vT.btrs, who are nd. known to tie- publish*. !•, w ill iU \ a" : M • (■ \ j. 1 ltd. Sh-.uld p;a no lit he d, is 1 reil to t! i c i nd of the \< ar, >J will he i\ t pored. * ,* l>o>tai^e on all lv t’eis Ml S !’ he p od. THU TRAVILIER. r ioim i \in u’> io i i on. i nr. \ \rr or \ \n rt sr. The sth oj I Ybi ua rv is entered in mv eahn- ; .e t:.<■ oi the h .ppieO dav*'ol my hie ; lor 1 t u:e pa —* d in \ jm! hi- lie \ il- ol \ a induce, a j retreat render, d Intel eOhi” h\ V' hate\ ei n hrau t!mI m naluie. . levant in 1**1 *« r**. and romantic Hi love. 1 t :;»r< h u-rd to ^a \ . that he w a'' a 1 tin'll *i -* .'TV to In id an\ tiling so enchanting'»»u t ol’ ha i\ . • -litre it had a t* mime v t > v\ - a ken his alt a eh in. :.t to* lii^hrit:ve coi;; trv I can - • far unite in the sentiment as to si\ , that could 1 he charms ol n\ ion i-n scene! y .shake t!ie mi>t:;!ir V of m\ lh eti ui idr n.\ n:iti\e ‘.Imi i >, the lock'. «ali odes, ami watt i-, the hhrnu and \erdute, 1L. ■ e c 1 u s i r j 11 and r 111:11 quiet of this little val!« y, * ‘‘a reel y surp.tsseii h\ that which the ima^ina 11■ ol dohni-on has created in tin pn^es of lias s• las. would present the strongest t> mptutionv lieie, if an\ wijen on ea i, h, mi^ht a n si a >■* j 'pint lay down the himh n ol its cares and hr at j peace, tnnhu^r a r« tin nient so tranquil. that there i mild he hut a slight transition from the repose i d'a Cottage to that ol the ^aave. Ihlt the e\pe ;:‘‘fit has once hern tried w i t li so It! tie success. i »' to olh r lew inducements to a r« petiti us : and ! my en joyment (if such an clvvimti '\ ill probably • Ije confined t,i a short and single vi-;(. \ ucluse is hidden amomr the lolls, iitiirtecn ; -r fillern 111iii■ > in a north eastern dirt «_• ti<>n from j \tiU'iinn. Having made our ai ramreiBtints tin’ i '•vi nine J>vo\ inns, \vc Id! in a po-t ehai-a- at the | in" n i'I >!.'%■- while tin- stars \v<*rt‘ t et liriidil in | i <• lt.)ii '11• and !i an-parent <im>aniriit. The 1 .rradnal adv.-nee. n| morning, limn tln‘ utray j t " iiiaht nh the hot i/nil to skit s III' the softest and j ra iled lines, were (It liahffnl. At h-nuth tin miii ; r ise in all its splendor, and poured a "’olden | nl I:u!11 upon the landscape and the hatlle j ments of the nneient citv, now seen in 1 lie (Its 1 t.mee and I'eediri"' From onr view I "nn a | yrei n e mi n t nee. frowned with o rid ends ul'oli 11 -, I the - ye e a tidies a wide and t nr haul ill" pi-, .spent ; of the t ale o( the llle ne on one si,!,-, and mi die other, ot a Fertile plain, (•pi nitte between lie- ; lulls towards \ aoelose. I'as'insr the little whit-' tdla/eoF Mull* I , seated upon the hrow ol a Ini! of the same iiaine ; anti dies,: of and (.'aid: in. ocrnpvin^ the hosont ol ;t i-ieh valh a lievontl. we r aided the hanks of Ihe Sortria at ! lie. a pretty town standing upon both si I s i a ideal' stream, whit'll leads the travel].-; t-.t a tie ip ale the purity and copiousness of the fountain iten.a nates. Its n.-isv and tiin;u 1 waters halhe the rerv thr-sle his of some of the ' id .ar-.t- 'm trotn their windows may sec the trout pi tvinij upon tin; pebbly bottom. On t -ither hank ”T<»\ ns of tires have Ihtii phint«-»!. and avenues I*»r public walks opened, embellished willi a ilf^n c of t;t>11- seldom found united with rustic simph city. I5< -yond I. Ik*, the. country becomes more solitary. 'I'lie path winds through unfenced fit-ids, burdeiinir upon the riirht hand of tin N»r ; :;ia, winch lor sotnc miles i' lost ^^!11 of. till it au'ain suddenly bursts upun 11»• ■ e\ e <d the \ i'it ant, in it hr tutitul cascade ut the entrance ul the. vale ot \ auclnse. (hi one side ut the tails, tin- rock.** are In^h, broken, and precipitous; and on the other, then- U but just room enough ! lor a path between the base ut a rid^e «.! lulls and tin* mai;.iu of the stream. The gor^'e opens in such a manner, that the valley and the foun tain are entirely secluded Irum the rest of the w or Id. and cannot he di'cov ered, till the 1 rav i 1 lei finds hniisi ll in tin* bo'oin oj tin- ub ii, m closed on every side, by lult\, bald, and craii'U'V mount a ms. , from the pass fo tin* bead ol them alley is per blips a nub and a half Alon^ both sides ul the Nn*uia are narrow belts ul aliuvian, clo-tln d in tin- hvi lle>1 ^reen.and burden d by trees,a 11 lulltc wha h was the almond already in full bloom. Its ibiwer is delicious in cornph xmn as well as m i: a" : ancr ; and was doubly grateful from h'-ii!r lownd in thi" srijuesti j, <j retreat, as also ; I n all I' iin” the first indications of the return «•( sp.).,^ \ , nutation was here several weeks in a l\ .inn■ of tin ad jacent count r\ . nw in^c to a souther .*: e\p.»sinr. to constant i: l ibation, and a!*■ *\ c alb to a *ecurit\ against the ic\ w inds ti tu t fa ■ iii*i t! i (hi the il ay id’ our \ bit. the air po-^i -ssrd the ti Ii:pej;: tU'C ul M \\ . a ini tin* "'.it e*t grilles breathed around u>. I he sum- cau-t s must operate the w hole year-, and it may he doubted wlietlu r tin* hosts o| winter are severe ill this Ml n’t \ \ ;;!•*. eili I •• :soUK d ill t ll C luMll ul il Cl'-'Cent a in lii; tin- hills. 1 mu our »■;; 1mue ;it !! j« • mi util inn. which" tin* iriiiu' of ■* Tin* Two Lamas," and l:iUinVC the lunlhud for a unde. we traced up tin- ^ihcr vtiv.ini ol tin* Soruia In it'' fountain. Nothin;: can he moi e < xouNilf lv beautiful ' 1 ’jh water is a> cl ar as crv-tai, hrjuu as perfectly tran-parra! as air its» 11. am! of such depth as to exhibit all tin- Inn - of tin j-m kv Inal reflected iron) tin* surface of tin rum nt. \\ c cmmt' <1 si\ or sc\m distinct colors. >-n h as ^men. pur pi *. him*. ami while, bhndmu lv tin- most d< h cate shades, and tormina the most splendid piece <d. Injun! )iK‘S-iic nuiu'inable. This i- a 'Inking peculiarity. winch distinguishes the Nil ;* i.t i i -: 11 all utlnj >tit am-. I’i nil the cascade :»1 r* :»d\ mentioned, at the nut !• t of tin* valley. to the trim tain, tin* current !-> tin* \\ h«.|e u;iv so r.ipid as lVr(juenf 1 v to break o\rp tin* l ock >; and in several places ar e jall (d eon-nlei able height, the murmurs ol which fill tic deli and die away in echoes unions the j lulls Tin cmifiN-il ;im! perpntu .l uproar sent h.u k upon tin ear in hollow re\ erhe rut inns from tin* dills, has an mde-cnhahh* effect iri soothing the muni, and in luilinu the f'cehnyjs into a pleas inu' melancholy. Nuinteiin*r alon^ tin- ^ven maruin of the stream, we often pau-eil to read Pi-trarrh. ami to think how oft n he had watch ed the descent and listened to-the mu-ic ol tin' same hiayiit waters! So vidd are the impres mou* produced »-y the enchanting seem-, fhsit tin1 lulls serin scar.'. lx to l.axe fot;oUrn tin iianir ul I .am .1— “.lr ivdcin.iid.tis l.aure a IVa ho do valloo, 1.1 l'rclio n’axait p.^1111 nn'. ia n .!.,u\ nmn.'! Hul I liavr not \it i'oik I ii> t • d Ilu reader le tin- fountain it"< IT. I e linn :ij.pieach xx illi tin . and jjaze at tin- irlassv. daik. and fathnuilc ahvss i,l wall r~. '!. r|inm at tin- lai'e id an im I at III lilt: (dill, xx Ini h 11 - s to tin In i, lit of ad. ot si\ In null i'll 11 c!. and st lakes I lie 'p flat of xx i'h axxe The semi circul.,i liasin, tin- rliold nl winch is formed lx the shelxine hase <.| tin lininiitain, i~ pci Imps tw rut\ h i t in dinmrti i lla hnttnlli lias Hex ei hern reached I \ tlirlonu ( st lines. iSot a xx ax e, mu'a I ipple, nor a hid I lie, is seen Upon the uni I '‘I,' n sill luce not hills saxe the ri ■ fleet in;; ilnau'e of the ei a^sux a I halm inir the mu t nr, and ol shruhs of ex .Tureen lodn' oil m the rreiires ’I In- nutlet ol the fountain ls duulile — sella tunes suhtei ranean. and some tunes pouring ox er a la d id' rudi' at the Miiian ot the " round. cox ered xxith loim alien moss At the time of our x hit. the upper channel xx a - perlecllv thv. heinif sex. ral feet ahoxe the lexi I of the xxater. tlur tcuide assured O', that the channel ollm alternates in tin course ol a 'in trie in eh t I In1 si i ht erra ne an cm a i el pushes mil several rod' la h.-xv the fount mi. and all atonic forms a iixer sutln i• ■ i.11s lai'i.'.o to lie na\i”"dih. xxith hunts. \ liti i.itx' socii ty.nianif' 'I im nn.i zeal than taste (O' judgment, have lie' ll at the expellee of ei *■ ctiior a slmp.-le's column m nr tin- margin of the fountain, to pr ipetiiate tie names of IVlraii h a:,'1 I .ama ; a- if lie- fan., nl the put needed su. h a inm.mi.i nt 1 < r >ssin;r the stream at ;|s some. , , m. mI' prompted us to clinih the mountains xx Inch ox < i haiiir tin- fountain and x ah . Hut the i c i 11' dear \\ e were ohlia’i d to no p the ai'entt ’. part id tin- wav upon our hands and l,nei s; and so errat was the l.ilmue. that one ol tin p.nlx fainted on reaching tie- top of the lull, euirpi ! lunr the elude to oil in pursuit ol xx at > r ' I 1,. prospect xx a' xxmtli much, hut xxoiild hatdlx tepav an adxentuie of this ih ~criptii n * di o. summit of the rock impeiidiii;; ox er the Soi,;i.i. are tie' ruins ol a castle m chateau, said lx soiiii' to hax e he. n the leoi'e i.| I .aura. and I x others, a palace Imill In the hi'liop ol ( axillon 1 latter opinion s, , m to li;t\ •• the I,i»r«*>f «■ I;t i n» to nut In-lit :<:t v N now remains ! • • 11 tin- > 11:j11»• r i ii w alls. pen Iim! upon tin* pr«*« t pin*. ;un] forming a juctu;« s.-oe ntj • rt wi«* »» seen ir<>rn In !• t\\. f >»•><•<• i,111r• f rom tin* mountain 1 >y a root* h vs aiihinin than tin- * in** pnrsm d m n ,\> hh.y tin* top. u e \ i -11 ♦ «I tin Mfr f»t Petrarch's <**,f t: 1 u < * * at tin* li:i“i* of M stupendous dill'. Within a few pa c • 111 tin* i iv f r. am! (Sirrctlv under the inoiiiit :ifi on tin- lirinv nt which 1' < proud* j rnailMon of I ,;mra Is sai<! to 11; i \»■ «*!oi*d. \ |,um hi** 11 i!»it ition rover- tin* ruinsoft!i*■ pm I s r#*si deuce. \n c!«l i• o!i«!11• I«•«! m to a rrvst >i spiintc. «rti’-lii * * iT from h.*m\tth tin* rocks. ami toiiclnnw; with a wand tin* moss "rowing im i. til'* s|i!r, scva rti Iwao'.it• i 1 trout -h ,t |p,,?o the covert, ami seemed topl*v in tin- fountain at the comm am! of then mi'iir^ tor mir merit. These waters an said to have hi t o }, ' lowed hy the vis’ll;,tn>r,s ,,j <|,e IniM v. ;in<l fh< cool "lotto to h to Inin a favoiitr haunt •>, t!i**ir solitarv am! impassioned m( n v. 'Mu •“printr i- Tam d hv -hra;' 1 • ir* 1. team h*