f virtues constitute thy L«»vk!.im>s —
Adorned v\ itli nut tiiosc <il nature ami simplicity.
(!i« v ill ‘liiii*1 like the refulgent sun, and diw
l»la\ to man that the La i Imr-s of thv person is
ti =t t*> he found in tin1 liu^ 1 ornaments of the
hod\ , hilt m the reflection of the rectitude and
serenity o! a \v a 1! spent life, that soars ahu\ o the
transient vanities of this world. And when thv
tiav > are ended here upon earth, thy happy spj
- t s|,all l.\:ft it to t he legions of e t rrsal hi is
t ROM Mills’ ms r«»it v or i m r \ i ;; y.
< in\ Aim
I 11•-* lint: kni"i,t, lif nlii.M’ mind was fuim I
in tli** best moul i uf rhivahic |*rinci,.|. was a
III"!perfect I ii rsornlicati, [i uC 1. i \ f. tli:in poets
and romances i ver dreamt il. The. lair oi'jecl
ol Ins passion was truly an.I i-ui|ilmtici,I'y the
na-tress nl his heart. She ruiatieil there with
absolute (iuniinii.n. Ills Imc was—
" All a in: a'. ' ai, i!:i' \, and ; van a ."
'llie knight, wini.-e lieait w as warmed witli
■'ie true lif lit u! eh, valry, new r r wished that the
(ll'IlUlllOll el Ids mistress should he less lh,m ab
solute. and t h ■ e i n fee ,n of her perfect \irtue
which this ha lief ii -jar. .I, made him preserve
his own j'ailii pure and without a stain, la ve
was as marked a I. ature in the rhii ah'ie charac
ter as i.alnr, and, in the phrase of the time, he
who understood how to break a lance, and did
not understand how to win a ladv. was hut half
a knio lit. lie fought to w in her smiles, for love
in brute and gentle knights kindled aspirations
. a lug'll d - it and I■■■:■ >r.
■ Oil I that niv lady saw me." was the excla
im ation of a knight in the pride of successful
valor as he mounted a eilv's wall, und with his
•rood sum'll was prm ini; the worth iit his chivaI
rv. I le wore her colours, and the favor of his
lady I hi o!»t was (tie ehnf ornament of his bar
ness. vhe judged the prize at tie- tournament,
assisted him to arm. and was the first am! the
must j ,yens to h iil his retm n from the perils of
w ar.
\ s ddirr ol elm ulrv would mi to hut tie, proud
ol I he fi’li- uf a pursuivant of low, ami in tlm
contests of ehiv.dne skill, whieli. like the hat
ties ot limner s heroes, wave hnlltanev :i1111
•jilen-l r to war. a knight challettired another to
joust with a lance fit love ot the In lies ; and I, e
Commemh d himself to the mistress of | is heart
In- protection and assistance. In In- mind, wo
two w ,,s a hein" of toys'i" power ; i:i tic f .rests
ol 11-■ i army, tier voice had hern listened to like
that of the spirit of the woods; mi l ulions, M)
lemn. and oracolar; and when elmalrv was
formed into a system, tin' same id. a of some
thins; supernatural in her character threw a
•h.ul iur and serious interest over softer f. . I
i'ws. and she was rewred as well as lewd.
\\ h ie 'his de< 't alness ot si.ol t i worn:'': .
rl.a11a- appeared in his e n o d intercoms w id,
the Si\ . i" a denie alior ol hviie.^e, in a ;■ w
and stately politeness, ltts lady-love lie rewarded
«illi religious constancy I’nkleness would I
have linen :t species of* impiety. Cor she w as not j
a toy that he played with, hut a divinity wlioni '
In* worshipped. Ills a do rat ion ot her sustained r
him turnneh all the perils that lay before his !
it*a<-hi 11 vr his heart s desire, and loyally ; a word j
that lias hist its pristine and nohle meaning
w as tin'* idioiee-.t ipudity in the character of the !
pceux elii i alier. j
No woiidei that in those ages of violence, I
''l ively was the manly ipudilv ; dear, ahove ail j
,:1hers. m woman s eves. Its possession atoned
ho the want o.l every personal grace; and the
damsi I vvlio, on being reproaidied tor loving an
ugly man. I eplied, *■ he is sf( valiant I have nev i r
looked m his iaee,” apologised tor her passion
in a manner that eva i v woman of her time r odd
sympathise with \ prolieit nev m ehivalric e\
crciscs was the only vlistinetion of the age; it
would have been contrary to its spit it and laws '
h'i' a gentle m idea to have loved any otln r !
than a knight who had achieved high deeds of !
arms. The advancement oflns fame was, there- |
hu e. among the dearest w ishes of her heart. and ;
she tanned Ins love ol nohle enterprise, in orvit r
to speed the hour ol their union. I he poets and
romance writers of the days of cliiv alt v, hear '
ample testimony to the existence of this state of
lei. hit . and to tlm perils which brave men on
derwent to gain lair holies' snides ; but all tin ir
t.ih s must yield in pathos to the following sim
pie lnstorie.il fact' \\ ben the Scots were en
deavoring to throw oil the yoke vvliich F.dwaid
I had imposed on them, the recovery of the cas
tic ol Douglas was (lie t;..veawng effort of its
good lord Jatru > It was often lost and won, for
it the v igilanee ol the Iguglisli ganison relaxed
h*r a monu . (lie Scots w ho livi d in the neigh
Mifiiin.sd' :iii<l wciv t-\« r on the watch, anli »1
their ieudal Ini'.I in i eg;ni;iii.g the fortress, u!i,cli.
how ryer. he culild imt retain lung; against (lie
numerous chivalry of I’.ngland. The posses
sinn ,,f tinvravtje .seemed to he held hy so pen 1
oils a ti nilt'e, tlnit it e\eitrd the noblest tispirn
turns tor lame in the hreii't el' the !•'niiIjs11 ; and
a lair maiden, perplexed hy the nnmher of
kni”lits who mere in suit of her, vowed she
would bestow her hand upon lorn who preserr
ed the adventurous or hazardous castle o| Don
t-das for a year and a day. Sir John Walton !
ho! l!\ and gladly undertook the enterprise, and
i fght gallantly he held possession of the fortress
fir some months. At length he was slain in a
sally " lii 'li 1 tain 1 is proi oked him to make.
1 hi his person was found a . tier, w lueli he lap p
r *■,-'■ i\ tm 1 Iroin his lady love, cnnunending; his
nidile (diet isonee. deelarina that her heart w as
now Ins; and praying: him to return forthwith,
with ait exposing: himself to further peiil Tin
ge> I lar i James of Douglas grieved when lie
read tins let ‘er, a let it w:s game rolls and gall . nl
of him tn l.anent that a hrothei knight should
f: -lain, w lien Ins faii'st hopes of happiness
seemed > n the point of being realized.
^ ears tush I * v us like the wind. We «,rc i. 1
whence the eddy comcs, or whither it is tendin'.';
in..: w e see'.) outm Ives to witness their flight w ith
out ,i ser-c that we are changed an i vtt time
hegu-.u'g riianoi h.$ strength, u«, the winds rob thr
v. <>t..U oi their fnh: -e.
i * hardest grapj !e on <;.;th !s*that which oi
tain, .a tween and ftu-'trii.. and the man wh •
Iri' In come the disputed [-1 o\. 11 <•» ot these two u■■ '
/ » IS •’» %'tran;;« , to :• jrva and happiness.
1 r no* ' on: >< f of v our faith to (iod, it' veu
want • 1 iat U tor \ our ne'.ghix.r.
D-fruUij :■/ t 'h iising all. —Those who haw
ir.O't l) give, an* uio**l 11 k * * 1 y to complain oi
tnari s ingrat dude lor this reason, a king oh
served, •• that Ins power ol dispensing favours
was tin* most dithe 1 jit task oi royal!y —since h*
i)e\er gave a place away hut he made ninety
mm* ilist'ontt ntnl and untirai' fid subjects ' \. r»i
ly to the same purpose was lord l» \ answer,
hemg ashed why he discontinued annual halls ;
l!e saul ** his rooms wen- not large enough to
contain more than two hundred persons, and he
feared making all aho\ <; tli.it number, who wc.m
his I; tends. Ins enemies; for lie had observed,
that those ladle* who were invited, forgot it lie
fore, the next year; hut those who were not
inv ited, m rer forgot it dm mg their hie*
M i > I' | v 1 i'S.
I ) a ymm^ tr» n(N*m:ni lolling ungraceful
ly nn a chair, with his lc« t uvrr one arm of it,
and hi* head and ednm leaning on the other-—it
makes (nr think h» j ' .ilid top .!/ • •? j
At a hall to he teased to dance with a person
w e dis]ihr*, and propriety and politeness make u%
aeeeilc to Ins request, although our feelir>rr>
sav no.
To he accompanied home I f a e ides* ],rao
horn a party, ami lor politeness - .<■ ;tsl; ]t».,t
in—“thank yon. .Miss," and the /? ! -talks t•,t,,
the room, although the family h - e t> h.ed.and
the watchmen are cr\ inu past t-n <» . ! • k.
I o iw toi incnt*‘(l with flu* < >< spirillc^
1.1M I-, l)t'Cn!».->«' Ill- |i]i';iM > I’,I ;ui(| M l. ;:I:• I oho
lias mil scnsi- rnou^h In -it ili,,| In- |S ndienli-tl
(nr hem;: :m < iir<-uii>us Ibid, or nn.nlt f, rdm”
MiHirii’til In sinv ;mny, whi n he has had bin's
/i/nin and ji'tljmhle—\l\irthi in.rt.
Ilni'k hf-itif' lulil of the liian-hipe of n poli'iril
(||||)|||||-||*, I v I linn <1, - | an t,d id to lie ar ' ’ in n
sudd- nix a all h v, 11h :t ha h;.1^ of r ■ntna- /■matp
Id' |X t nil ss, 1 and \ I I I Iloii’t see v. In | nil',id,1 /
jaii-or 1'elhnv, iui he m ver d d mui.lt harm.’
Id Z/.l f,
Oh r all du- woi! ) rot imp he I r v* ! .
A ■ 11 v, 1 a It lit 11 Isf in, rt i '. r, i ,1,(1 f| i
I ll ifll l all, mill ah’.,ot all d, , i ,
Ail when I |ila,‘iv in , I h- > s’ ,ll I ir ^ -
I n hi a, ’ , I I, a l,i;l iv,isi n ' i nit v there
I a I" ll I c ti,not ; i a 11, a rut npln , e.
[I s i! in t a il t • mi po - V I**' my iiaoi. ,
Scan-h ynur own feretn’, fa I -mi-. H ,m_
r/'. d- . /.