OCR Interpretation

The ladies' garland. [volume] (Harpers-Ferry, Va. [W. Va.]) 1824-1828, January 06, 1827, Image 3

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85059803/1827-01-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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lie h it you wish them to Income. Will a
daughter learn to hi- industrious friim tin idle,
iiiii.ili'iit mi it her \\ ill sin- I.;mi In hi- sober
minded. by set-ins; you habhiiallv carried awav
by til*- pride ot lit*- P U ill she cab-li the spirit
ol piety trom one whose it r\ Saljhnths are ilt
vot'd to dissipation and plrasiifc ? I will net
ills Jt i .,u h\ supposing that a pnsitivclv had
example has been set. or that your darlin/
choree may hat - griissh deviated from the
paths of Virtue t lint let nn-suppose fir a tno
ment, a ease that may. and does, happen everv
day; that your dait/hler has crown up with a
vain, li^lit, and worldly mind ; has acquired a
taste h,r dress and amusement ; has become a
perfect mistress of the usual accomplishments
ot tlie day and place in w hi* h ue live ; has In
come an object of a'tention and admiralion
f-et me suppose her attacked with disease, and
that disease, perhaps, the effect id' lev itv and
di"ipati m. Sim1 , the roses lire lading upon her
ch 'i k. |n r •' beauty i' wasting like ,i nn>1 It
(i!i 11■ ■ r vivacity i5 reduced to tho suiiilen glow
of the hi'i'tic, wInch is gone, before it is well
ci»nm- ; -'ll*' t*'ois the witness of death at her
tw irt. 'in' h.'iks iij> to you u ith clouded, wistful
eyes, mid says, Ah, my mother. you wore too
indulgent to me. \ uu assisted the tonkin of
the flatterer. ami (aught . to forget mi self. |
w as nmih' to hrh vr mys. if an angel, anil now
In i that I am a iviirm. Seeking to shine in the
eyes ol man. I have neglected the means of
fimiintr l.iiiir in the sigh of G iil. 1 now wish I
hail frequented the h ui'f of prayer mere ; I w i'll
I hail not frequented tin- Company of the giddy,
tin- thiv.iyhih", ami the profane. I do nut ae
'*nse my ih-ar mother of designedly misleading
ne ; hot would to (hid she had better under
stood Iter own duty and my real interest Life
had hern more respectable, and death less
frightful than I find it to he. () my (i,u|, have
merry, have merry upon me ”
It had been easy t > It.i re added to tie- -treiigtli
of this address; hut own fr-on this, tin- m.i'ei
nal heart recoil'. and d'-pn c ,tes i ith hor.-.ir an
Ilnur so dreadful. Well, tih-'se.l he (d i.|, it i'
vet a great way off; and what ts mure, tt is m
yiin power to prevent it; I do not im-an die
stroke of de ith ; 'out the arrow of death dipt in
she poison of n morse, (mil grant that um
•nay never feel it.— tll/intir.
hnbt rt l> ■■'‘insoil 5.'I'lvtcc toct } ttHiH? Prt iiclur
i.i't me remind you. sir. that when wm e.ime
!iito tlii-; place. and address thi- pi .. y,,u ;,|v
vif'v.-r to hring youi little \vit!» you [ repeal
till4' attain, sir. tii.it if rna\ mure dr* ply impress
your memory. I say that you are never to hi id
your little self n i'll you: No. sir. when you -ta- d
.n tliis saered place, your duty is to h ; I up youi
;reat Master to your people, in Ids character, in
hi'offices, in hi' precepts, ir. hi- pr mi-i s ;,nd
in Ids gl.,rv This picture yon -.rc In I,..Id mi t.
■the view of your hearers, while you are to Mind
behind it. ;iml not so tuudi us your little linger
must lie seen.
liKKI.t i I IONS.
“ K’cn w hilst u\ speak, envious time
1>"lli maki swill liasti .nv.ti ;
I ot n s''i/e tin* present, list- illy prime
\ f n ust ane.t her dar
loo ry tiling uliicli we see around us, carries
"iili it the marks tlecay. The seeds of dis
solution are sunn in r\. ry object that meets the
eye. 1 n liny the. grass springs forth in rich
hiviiiianee ; giecntiess is on every tree ; heanty
la M i ry thus or—all arrayed in the loveliness of
Spring. To morion the Hinds and frosts of
Autumn take from the grass its iordure, from
the tree its greenness, from the iloiver its heau
ty, and Ironi the Spring its loveliness. All is
now rind in m- habiliments of tiralli.
1 tic scene i* striking; for it is ;m cnililrm of
till' ill'.' of man To-dav Ilf stands forth in tiif
lil<>>jin ol youth, or tho strength of manhood —
To morrow some fatal disease steals from his
cheek its In-only, and from his hotly its strength
\ll his great plans of profit, or honour, or plea
sure. are non fled forever. A poor lifeless lump
ol el.ty is now all that remains of him, who was
onec so lovely and engaging. Around his pale,
arid emanated body, stand the surviving
••■tends. Every heart is big with anguish, and
evi ry eye is filled with tears. There is not an
individual present, vv ho does not feel that there
is an image of himself; that after a few more
sons have sped their conr -e. be too front he
consigned to the mansions ol the dead.
All are ol the dii»t, and to dust we must turn
again ; and though our lives should he lengthen
ed out to three score years and ten, still they
will soon have passed away Hut of this we
cannot be assured. We are now pursuing the
journey ot lite. and across our path a grave is
sunk. W e may see it as we approach, hut
backward we cannot turn, on either side we
cannot pass by it, hut into it we must enter._
Perhaps it will he in the. darkness of midnight
I hen it will he hid li nn our view : we shall
sink, and tune with us be no longer
When this life w,11 end, we cannot tell; hut
he it sooner or later, still, in the language of
senpture, it is a shadow, which paswtli away;
, ;l bower, vv lueh larlcth ; grass, vv hie h vv it he ret h ;
a vapour, which dissolves in air; a transient
thought, a torgolteu dream a nothing in the
: '•gut ol (* al Much tor shortness are our dav s
leu them then he improved to the best ,,d
'•■‘n'i'iic. II "o niu-t .Soon il. J.,111 In I),; In re mi
"•'-'i'1'; I*' «f‘ were sent into this world to
|>r< [wir<‘ for anotln r; if tins is tl,c gnat [him
ness lor Hindi this hfc was given n.—-is it wise,
is it pm lent, to defer tins great Concern till the
l ist Inill h nr of our existence Is it then the
lune to impure for the great change whi'li
awaits us, when our hudics are filled with in
s 'pportahle and pirrenvr pains, n hen our minds
ar li -traded with madness and tilled with re
' •> is it then the time '.o csamine religion. to
repent of sill. t<> lefiirin tin' In .tit, to |>n part:
(or death ’ Anil besides we know not lli.it vm
>11:111 li ne, tlw least naming that mil' mi I is up
profilin'!,' ; it may cnine as a thief in the ni^lit
—therefore, whatsoever thy liarni linileth to 1I0
ilo it with thy ininht. lor there 1- no work, n o
ileiieo, nor know ledi;i'. nor wisdom, in tin
Hi ale, w hither tli.u goes).
SA I TUD W Kvr.NiNi;, j wr.vuv «, isj;\
I I"' follow iii£ neat appeal ram lodes the adder
of a committee appointed b\ die cut; uuis .f I1!"!.;
dclplra, in lit-li.ill' of 'll.' si!fV. ! ImlT • . !;•, .
“Anil shall no appeal in vain fir what i
K»od. t<> that sanctnai v. whi rr all that i- "no,I
lias it- proper homo—thr female host,in/ The
darkest clay ol our revolutionary stiu^k \va
cheered by thr brains oi woman s honov.iloiu’c
In this oily thr 1 idles trere for theii
actiie beneficence ; and it is a part ot our an
rials. o| which wo an most proud Thr lab
ol that day did not shrink with Ilistidious deli
cary from thr pvrforma.ee f th.rir duties -
llavr the dauirhtrrs ol that illustiinus race dr
generated.’ I’hrrr is no u-ihlr indication Ut
such a change They arc s(;|| Ulc . ail.r.
lovely , as purr, as .a nth’. ( oruc forth, thrr,
ye who ran mould tin: ferliri^s and direct lli
will of natures thr most rugged. chaste
wivr- and tender mothers, yr dutiful daughter
and affectionate sisters,—come forth and exrr
rise your well deserved iniluenee out those
whom you only rati move, .loin us m the holy
cause of huuia • ity \mt do not ferbid tout
tears to flow at /uncial lenrs ; do not he asham
ed to grieve at rial misery. The respect, the
humane of man. in whatever r. latum he stands
towards you. will not he the h 'S sinio re or ar
dent, because you prove that y ou possess a I. el
■ ng heart, nor, h* he\ e us, u ill your step be less
huoy ant, your cln** k h*ss ra*hant, or vu'ir eyes
less bright, from the rultscioiisnrss of hanntr
saied from famine the widow and orphan of
It seeniK-by tire foil*.wing- that the Tonne-.see
I) Ii(dors have lud a n »r'ow escape. Tin S, rnlo
tIth;I» s> conta.'..od ;* ipxully number of these Mr:«r.
| £t*rs to comiub.d Miss. We approve tin* tit c'sion,
Imu t ver, ;,|iho.jL,'li v. e <iu i ot h« lon£ 10 tin un.*'>
c.a! fr.v‘er»iity , tor ii the coni'Tejjpitrd churns i •
thefVirdo not overpower them, tbr\ *re he\*a;.|
'••(lomp* :on
f>/'/ Bachelors—Mr. I{<*rn;i!i introduced a
bill Mil the le-iduMrc of 'IVnrr'^o-) by whirl
it vmis made the duty o| the sherd) it earii c -jiin
ty to make an annual leturn of rr ery man v.ho
diali have attained the a^e ot ibnlv widio^:
man yin"; and also ol a!! his property. f»:*
^hieh a tax of -25 per rent is to he laid, and
the fund hereby created, by the provisions of
the bill i«. to be divided urn-*n^ such unmarried
ladies ns have reaM.-M the a-e 0f twenty f: ■

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