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W'c cl no hesitation ,n ha.:.tiding the opiuum, Unit of all human b« mgs, tin- t’i sex might to be (lie b •! educated. This would secure (lie mo rals of society, aid ensure a race of.enlightened and virtuous citizens. The first years of children are spent under the eve and in t lie company of their mother. Hoys, un til 'hey are ten or twelve years old, and girls until they marry, may be said to he tinder the manage, men*, of their mother. I low necessary is it, there fore, that the minds of women should be well culti vated j especially when we recollect that early im pression- and habits, whether moral or intellectual, are hardly ever effaced ! If mothers are wise and prudent, their children will in general he the same. It lias been remarked by persons of the greatest ob servation, that m ist men who have been eminent for 1 > anting and piety have owed the germs of that eminence to their mothers. Men are but rhiblmi ijra larger groirth ; and our dispositions and habits in after life are nothing more than the develope ment of those principles which w ere imbibed dur ing our tender years. PAR I IIQI AKKS. “ Pome years ago, immediately after a shock of a tremendous earthquake had alarmed the inhabi tants (if Grenada, the conversation at the Governor’s table turned upon the latent cause of such an awful phenomenon. After every one of the company had assigned to it a different cause, an old domestic was asked her ideas upon the subject. She replied that she thought the Great God was passing by, and that the earth made him obeisance ! “ This reply a as striking, and discovered a bright spark of intellect in an untutored mind. It reminds us of that sublime passage in the Psalms, ' lie look eth on the earth, and it trcmbleth; he touclieth the hills, and they smoke.’ “ Montgomery, in his poem, entitled the Thun der Storm, has a similar thought. ‘ Hear ye not his chariot wheels, As tlie mighty thunder rolls? Nature, startled Nu'lire reels, Prom the centre to the poles; Tremble!—Ocean, Karth, and Skv! Tremble!— Hod is {Hissing hr.” 1 While earthquakes have doubtless some impor tant use in the natural world, they may also stand committed with the moral system of divine provi dence and mercy. “ A merchant in Tennessee observed, during the earthquakes in 1 fd 11 and 1810, that before these took place he used In ■•sell ten par/.•? r,f curds where he sold one Bible, nerw be t til ten Bilks -where he sold oui n e'b of curds!” Genius, in due respect, is Ike gold; numbers of persons are constantly writing' about both, who h ire neither I'he no ftificalions of nit tapliv>ics, anil tlie quackeries ot craniology, maybe c.,unbilled still conglomerated without end, and without limit, in a vain attempt to enable common sense to grasp am! to comprehend the causes of genius, or the modes of their operation.—[Lacom. How can we expect tout another should keep cur 1/.>, when it is more than w. can do otusi.H t 11 s a common fault to be never satisfied With our fortune, not dissatisfied with Q\ir understanding. 3?5IE S^OWETOK. fffkcts of fkkhit. A\ e arc indebted to the Boston Spectator for (lie extract below. The writer observes, ‘‘the following circumstance I know to lie a fact, it was related hv a |:ulv of undoubted veracitv> who was on the spot when the atiair occurred, ami may serve as a w arning to those who are fond of a comedv. which too often turns out a tragedv ’’ In the town of 1 lampion, in Middlesex. Eng land. a spot ctdel rated on account of the state Iv palace erected there hv the magnificent Far diual Wolscv. was kept, same \ears since, a yoituif 1 «dies‘ hoarding school A Miss Courte nay. the only child of iimneiix !y w ealthy parents, in the county id Hampshire, was one of the scholars. To prevent h r suIFering through life, from the morbid cowardice to which, from nature and education, the softer sex are much prone, her parents and teachers had taken un wearied pains, nut otiiy tc» brace her mind against the terrors of imagination, but of those : terrifying realities that flesh is Imir to. Titov succeeded effectually, little dreaming. poor weak-sighted mortals as we are, that this very ; acquirement would one day prove fatal to her. M Courtenay was about sixteen, amiable, accomplished, and as lovely in h r person as the fabled Houri Her disposition was gay as that : of the lark—till huoyanry and life. It was not : long ere the \ ouug ladies in the school diseover cd this trait of fearlessness in her character, for Matilda bad been so praised by lmr doting pa rents for its possession, that she. lost-nq opportu nity of displaying it on every possible Occasion. Many were the tricks resorted to by her compa nions with the idea of frightening lmr, such as starting upon her Irurn a place of concealment ; making figures with lile physiognomies painted upon them, and placing them upon lmr bed— perhaps a mischievous one, conn: a led beneath the bed-lead, would seize her foot as she uas stepping into it. At other limes. Dolly the maid would he hired to get upon the roof ai d throw brick hats down the chimney of her apartment. But all was in vain—her listening tormentors heard no sound save that of a chuckle or a hurst of joyous laughter. Almost wearied with the i continued failure of their experiments, ihcv at ; length hit upon an expedient t i frighten the in nocent girl by a coiij) dc. nnitii. Miss Courtenay 1 had been to visit her parents. Imt was expected 1 ai Hampton that night. A student of medicine m the neiiili1':>rii'joM was prciailed upon to bine secretly hi tlir evening .1 skeleton to the -rhool. Tile hope of at h ielb 11:e'bb-liiie Mi". ! (. uortenay weakened (heir own ieyrs in hand ' lint: this otherwise appaliin/ subject. They hastened it with thetester within tin- enrttins, at the font of the bed. so as to conceal ii cifectu ! ally I'roru her obsen ati.m ; tint with the nmvic | tion, that the moment the bed should be shaken j liy lirr getting into it, the fillin' would lull upon j lu r. Matilda did not much Hampton till lied , tune, hut in more than usually gay spirits retir ; ed to her apartment, saying to her loved, hut : mischievous companions. “ good night, dear | girls, good night; I have got hack and to-mor ! row we. shall have a fine game of romps—good night;” and with a bound was out of sight. j There was a cause, nav two of them, for Matii da\ heightened spirits. Henry Melmoth, the companion of her childhood, and her bn;u iileal ! of all that was perfect in mankind, had brought her to Hampton in his curricle and four, and ; had whispered something agreeable in her ear, I and more— had “ looked unutterable things.”— Besides, Matilda was by nature benevolent, and her parents, aware that she would make no 1 ill ime of it, hud given her a plentiful supply of pocket money—and she might build castles . in the moon, think of Henry undisturbed, and in her «• mind's eye” dispose of her wealth on the morrow. \\ ith this sweetest anil most delight ful feeling of humanity, tin desire of performing j kind actions, Matilda, after praying as fervently 1 as a girl of sixteen could be expected to pray, ! jumped into bed, where we will leave her for ; the night. Ivu-ly nn the following morning, those who had been particularly busy in this cruel affair were aslir in see its etleets. arid repaired in a. body to Miss Courtenay's apartmr nt, with the expectation of lie at mg t!ie joyous bin sts of liter lament, but imagine their surprise and horror on liudiug the sue t girl, doubtless in the verv position she had laid down, with her eves fixed and rolled up in their sockets; the white froth framing from her pale mouth, her nostrils fearfully distended, and showing everv appear aner of approaching dissolution -the furelingei and tlimub oi lier right hand held a shred or f lire which adhered to the skeleton, whose flesh less arm had fallen across her, arid its eyeless skull rested on the same pillow with that of the blooming girl. Medical assistance was called, but alas ! too late - her extremities were cold.— The physician pron mncod that siie had fallen into repeated convulsions from affright, and there was no remedy. In a feu moments “life ebbed pulse hy pulse away, ' and the angel spi rit of the lovely hut ill fated Matilda fled for ever ! “ 1 .a\ her er the earth, a! unpolluted flesh S. II S. “ And from her for :eal " May a inlets s[i; lug ’ I i.rmtrn Despotism—*■ I lie lady of JJi Mac ! noil, llie jiliV'i iau l j She uus-i .11, iv:i« out: day iu lh*-‘ Zenanah. 1 in 1‘ersia. !eo she obsei v ei} one of the prince-, a boy of 1 "11 years of a tee, nith a handkerchief tied ov<-r id* eyes, gropin'' about t!i 1 apartment I fain liupiuing nhat lie nsis doing, he said that as he knew that vs hen the Shah, hi* father died, he should have hi* eyes put out. he was now tiling h'*u he could do without them.”-1 'Jlltxatidpr's Travels.