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Zi)t EaUirsi' C5mi«n»3>* HARFERS-FERSY, VIROZNZA, MARCH 1,1823. VOX,. 4. NO. 38 HJHLISUKII tvsni S*TI'RI).1T tVKNINU, HY JOHN H 1; TKK '!S - -One dollar an ! fifty cents ;.er annum, naya:b. at the expiration of the first quarter, or ' nt d.'rlar and ‘a. n!\ the ecu!?, to he paid at the of su..-.c.i'i , f* i\ nient in advance, from distant suits. r:bi r a ho art not known to the pub :ih<-r, will invariably be expected. Should pay ment he deferred to the end of the t ear, $>2 will j :ie required. 1’ostag‘e on all letters Ml ST be paid. TII3C EEPOSITOKY THE FORSAKEN. .•] T.II.E OF ITJL1.1.V HISTORY. By MISS EMMA ROBERTS. Amid the numberless memorials which the 1 air and stately city of Florence contains in its j indent feuds, the tierce and cruel struggle of j Is nobles for power, and the personal quarrels j whence sprang its most furious civil wars—one | tjnely grave stone, lost amid the surrounding splendours of art, exists, though seldom noticed by the traveller, putting forth its silent and dis- ! regarded claim to the attention lavished upon j monuments, unpossessed of half the interests at ■ inched to this frail tablet. The unsculptured ! marble covers ttie allies oi one whose sorrows and wrongs first kindled the flame of deadly warfare between the Ghibeiline and Guelph fac tions, which rendered the chief of the Tuscan i states a scene ol hatred and disserition. While all Italy was distracted by the contest between the Emperor and the Pope, Florence, though joining thp league against the former, was bless ed with comparative tranquility; the supporters of either parly lived within their walls at peace with each other; but an insult offered to the daughter of a noble family, plunged the whole population into strife and bloodshed The moul dering grave of Altea Uherti. half hidden m the long rank grass which overshadows it—black emr.g under the influence of time with its scarce ly legible inscription, yet inspires mingled feel mgs of tenderness and melancholy to those who derive a pensive pleasure in dwelling upon the recollection of the storied dead Once the fair est, the proudest beauty ol Florence, all eyes paid homage to the charms of its loveliest daughter : every lip was loud in its tribute of ad miration, and many fond and faithful hearts were laid in lowly offering at her feet The young, the gay, and the gallant, crowded in A! tea s tram, standing behind the lattice-work of the rich v carved balcony. The troop of cava hers who daily passed along on their route to f ht tdtyard. made a linger pause, and bent with J>ore couMeous before tfc* front of I lie L'berti palace than they deigned to bestow upon any other of the splendid residences of the j Florence nobility, though many were the dark eyes, and many the fair forms which the crowd ed windows boasted , and, conscious oi her beauty, vain of the flattering distinctions which she continually received, and buoyant with youthful hope, the happiest auguries of the fu ture destiny of one, so favored bv nature and bv ioilune, blessed lie ; waking creams' Sought in marriage by the noblest families in the city, Altea exercised the privilege accorded to beau ty, and became, somewhat fastidious in her choice ; but if she vacillated between the merits of the chief of the Cornari, or the heir of Delie Torre, she hesitated no longer when Guido Du ondelmonti professed himself her admirer Gay and graceful in the dance, ever the victor in the lists and at the ring, and hearing on hi- brow a wreath won in bloodly strife upon the plains t f Lombardy, he was exalted by general acclama tion above all his youthful rotemporaries, and, like Altea, became the idol of one sex, and the envy of the other. How gaily and how tapid ly flew the hours, when, seated side by side, the lovers whispered tender tales into each other's rapttired ears, striking the minstrel stung in praise ui those charms anil accomplishments which termed the universal tn.unc Ail mdi . -i "ilh smiles, happiness beamed round the an gelic countenance of Altea, like a halo; the half-starved beggar in the street!, blessed the clad beauty as she passed along, his sunken eye beaming with an unwonted ray at the sight of so much happy loveliness. The whole city re joiced in her felicity ; fur if some taint of earth had marred the brightness of her perfections, before she had learned to live foi the sole pur pose of pleasing one treasured object, the ex ccss ol her affection lor Buondehnenti had pu rified her character ft om its dross; she grew meek and gentle, cultivating each feminine grace with all the ardor prompted by a pure at tachment : the charms too proudly displayed to attract the wondering multitude, were now on ly prized as the chain which hound her love.— I he sun-lit eyes ot Alloa were suddenly over cluuded; and tears coursed each other down those pale cheeks, so lately dimpled with de light Buondelmonti, the spoiled child of for tune, no longer checked his caracoling steed at the gate of the Uberti palace—but, fascinated by the charms of some new beauty, rode on, tossing his white plume on high, and laughing scornfully as he passed the residence of the wo man he had abandoned. Altea’s tears fell un heeded; she possessed kinsmen who surveyed her altered countenance with looks in which pity contended with anger. Tho unhappy girl road the feeling which those around strove t repress in her presence ; and drying In r etc and struggling to obtain the command of lea fares convulsed with internal agony, appeared again at the open lattice : hut she could not de ceive the penetrating eyes of those who him; upon every look, by the outward show of tran quillity ; and her brothers prepared to avenge the injury she had sustained; they watched (Yu 'lie u !,'t>- palfrey of the perjured lover, as In rode through the city, unarmed, and in his gala dress to the bridal least, and rushing from be hind the portal where they had so often stood to welcome him as their guest, they dragged their enemy from his horse, and plunging thee daggers in his body, deluged the pavement with bis life blood. Altea, from the balcony above* saw the commencement cf the savage scene ; she rushed to the street too late to prevent the outrage : but her fate was linked with that ol Ibiouih Imunti—and throwing herself upon hi:, yet warm corpse, she breathed cut the last sigh of a broken heart, arid lived not to witness the calamities her kinsmen s we —ins entailed upon Florence. The Guelph rok up arms to revenge the murder of J inti; the til,, bellincs, headed by Ihe L'berti, retaliated by flesh aggressions; and, during the space of fKr- • : ! !'■ trty v'' ir- the r> lcntb'ss stele cm tinned in th- massacre of both patties. The Ghibellinr.s at length prevailing, drove the oj posite taction from the city ; tint were in turn expelled by the triumphant Giiclphs and weri never afterwards able to regain their ancicu'. power and influence. THE M lilli'S SI’KLL. Ci.utv was a wi ll educated and intelligent girl, but romantic to an extreme. In her ideas of honour, of friendship, of love, she was an en thu-iast. but in her observance of them she was faithful and sincere. Sin: was one of sen sitive creatures that seem born like, sweet but transient llowcrs, which shed their fragrance and perish in their youth ; To a heart like Clara \ love could not long ho a stranger, nor could it he a passive inmate in her breast Her whole soul wits fixed on one object Her wishes, thoughts, and actions, seemed to have but on origin; but her lover died, and her happiness died with him. Hv degrees she grew more calm, bill a settled melancholy hong upon her heart, and her spirit was utterly broken. Col. M-, when on the point of leaving Spain, suggested to her father that change of scene might in some degree diveit her thoughts from the dangerous channel which they had taken and proposed that she should accompany his own family, to all of whom she was very mud. attached. The offer was accepted, and she came to England. The noise and gaiety o; London, however, ill accorded with her wound ed feelings, and she felt gratified at accompa nying her friends into Lincolnshire As the av