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Zi)t ©JarlsittSi* VOSi. -S. SZAZCFEitS-S'Sj&IErc, ViatGmSA, i^FHSE. 5,1323. P?Q, rt'CLlSHUl K V K n Y * \Tl2lilK\l BY JOHN S (; \U,.\Hi.U. TEH MS —One dollar .»n,l fifty e< u r ..r.r.'in , payable It tin- > xpiratinn •.)' tin- rr»t or '*"c Nllir and tw.-sit\ -five resits, • > bo paid tin . :’t of -‘11'm advine . tr a , t -'ant mi isf r. u r ■ v. till are not known to ’lie pub i-h-r, will invariably be expect.-1 sln-idd p-.y ’..e it lie deieifciJ t<; tin: eiui ut tlit* year, $2 will tie ri.qie., ,1 l’ostaffc on all letters MI’ST lie paid. °™*r-ac "***«• — wraaragww ’'.^rrrTgCTWPuni^jBv^awr—p THE EtrCSIlOEY. THE 3VICTKER. i fjn N■ \\ \ - ik Juuin;il uf ( omnifrpf*. in n" nr. ,g 'In* pi ..crrdings of the police court of that ■ i:v. civ- : _ “ A dis'ip itcl kind of fellow. by the turnip of Or.iCcy, i' nunitted ttj on su:m- 11if!;t,^ a< cu-; (Ion, ami his mother. anxious to w-it lo r son. addressi d the following letter to Aim mi m Valentine; *' ‘ March the 23 dear -ir i haf {rote a ‘• an in briicl and wauht he is in f, at. i dont no In* has rote to no' to coin and '• him and In n yon will he ciml to let rne so hum t *re i ani hi> mo *h'r 11 itliry (tracer T'> die oneraba! Mirant \\ alcoiin, V s.j*> re ’» • ■rtmn of cmr readers c dl stmlt Douhtle-s a at this ■■ainple o| lirtrag i ,: > I * \ of p or ' Rod, rv (irac'-y. \\ e were di'poscd to indulge ni a similar feeling; butwli-iiwe recollected the ur gent cause, ol the poor womans epistle, we thought there was enough in her ft elmgs to saredfy the unlucky scroll, and save it (mm n tlicule I In (mil nt nultne has planted deeph >'• a woman's heart, the seeds of afleetinn. which spring up and bring forth towards kins men and friends, some ten. >, me forty, am! fifty; but toward*- a Sou. an hundred fold. It t• not ditiieidt to imagine the -> n-ati ins which crowd ed to the heart o| poor Rulhry. when the. Irtti r of her son. written, perhaps' little better than tier own, was placed in leu hand. She remem one moment, the errors of his child P'-od, the growing disobedience of his years, and saw that these had ripened into crimes which might jeopard his life, arid bring shame tpon his grey hairs . they were 'ins and follies ag iinst which she had warned him with cornu mtions and tears, hut which he had persevered in with the obstinacy of confirmed wickedness, he was tasting tin bitterness nf that chalice which he had drugged himself The v'oruuu would hate stood up against the feelings which hi' '"fTeiings might have caused, a sense id' b-r ii ability to address high authority might h- - quelled the n solution of looking in upon, to mitigate the misery oi, prison solitude—hut tie mother .5 feelings oversteps these harriers ; disclaiming all knowledge of the enme of her Sun. and divesting hersi It of every feeling of retarding delicacy . Rulhry claims admittance to ‘he culprit with the all potent charm—“ for i AM ms MOTHER " From m ancy to age. the mother's feelings the fang - t' \ ■ ' 1 et i . ml 114-i (Irau n 11. t .uln s! hreatl), A llai'i.d’s Ini. begins—i» glows till death: i ! . ci lu-t‘ !; aft-— u ‘ li (lcutli lit -t tin. s: !mt seem.' I he V- :\ suaviaiH'c ot immoital ilrcaiitis. Pcispi i:ty hath nut <ti11■ n.. ii the lustre of a m lie • ' I.-i> . i. or a-lvt i\ blunted its edge l i pam A mitigate'. ia 'hatin’ i! conceal', m j"V i‘ i- 1 ' ■ i'' •’ — if; do.-pail it south'*; in elevation “I ' c c:a cs, amt - the grave ” '! ii.- ;Ii hied i:n ther h mii against hope, and planned, a irm.■ t in the min' el delta!, against lie cruel up. ratii.ii' oh the I’’; \ ptian edn t •• I i■1. tvs'lie I i lo r aching In ait, -| Mill o- ateh tin .-*hmil i • in k’ at a (li'laace. t<i m i my hild iuitlefl in the 'htiji an j anioiio't the rn *u ol th Nile 1 will share in, that I m:n h ii hi' dangers. I ujll ; o up into tin- p ikon s ot out i...t • 11 ' t * -U noi'leis. and rick uiv hie to save nu youngest horn—‘for. i am lie- mo I TM 1.1!.' Wiien all had (or'ah- ii Him and fled; when ft - .lews i. d 'I'otlcd ,iini tin H .iitin- hail cm rifl'd, when d.,i line's rested up on the mp's. as W'dl a' ' ii the land, tin* weeping mutlur 'tend liis’ll. while lde was apparent, endunng and en dealing, “pierced ttii• with ti e swot |“ of the C damily ; hut her I.cart wlii* pel ing 1 will no1 *. In nee—*‘ nut i o; m*. mi.tiii 1 Through lile and in d. alh. ii is the -aun*— hnii"ii: s g a rl arid and shame ' hr a ml-—in tin pa iace’s ero'd, and the prisons ' • 111 u <1 <• — the mother i' known in ell Returned adeetini. can* ot increase her love, nor ingratitude dn up the I'lI*|nt:tin ot In I heart. * • n in'.', km I.. d ,.:. ' v * ■; ti. ’ ns 1 . ■ . galliot rmiiid tin* In d oi " . lint ttie mo 11 n1 r sitin'!.s 11s u a’rhings and it' pains— -he s;,\ s to all. weep on, m input lose. un.ui n your depart inn pleasures, and your p.vpiiing |. .pi-lint let me draw near: let my ho'oni pillow hi' aeh ins head ; let rnv arm he uinh r him as a sup port, let my hand ptv" down tin* dimming eve', h ! niy ear drink in hi' last eailliH breathing; let my lip' ki" troni his lln* settling loam ol' death—’• kop. l am in' mutiik " THE TOILET. THl. \V A U!) |{( )U I. ()l IJli. ,\ \ 1 IONS. “ And you shall n silk attire ” [; )id Scotch UaUnd f was admirin'; the soilness of this silk.— Hit v art’ indeed ninir to wonderful perfection in all manufactures; how aomh rfui i- imiiian ail 1 Here it disputes tin- prize with nature.— 1 hat all this suit and gaudy lustre should he brought from the labours of a poor wont;.'’ f The I hi! ■ < ■ t We. proceed to the notice of ladies'pockets. I hese an* important ar’ii Jes, and merit urine consideration Pockets have given rise to the most serious dissenlinns. Twenty years ago there were parties on the impi rtant question ; all the female world wete divided into Pocket isN and anti I’ocketists Svvilt s (Ireat and tle Indians were not more earnest in their war fare. In the present age, however, we are in dined to think the question has almost wholly subsided, the triumph being evidently on the side of the Ant' poeketists To he sure, the Nentch ladies, hv their eontemp! ol m rn e\ . hy tlieir wearing the pocket, curiously worked tu • tin* lari* ut tin* worli!, ma»!t it «n :i(!*>rnir“Mt r • tlnT 111•»ti a r» [vroaf!i; but whan a « o li'-hion ili’iinmlci) that tfi*• j»wt*k• ! !i» L. ! , • ti*«*m aro«m the «!» !• t!• f » (},♦• ralmif;' n! \\ !. . j th' mm.!* in iftirul*- m .v i laim ail honor » h i M m ji> 11)a|,s, an itu[T.-\< i;w nt ; a!b< ! » soiiM tiliH N M-ks the apju lamat* i I it" fair uu tn-r a* |>1 :>in11tl in a charge* of ‘-tiTvf rohhmi i In Araa.lia tin* retiruh; w uhl n rta.inlv I * nnob jrri: r 14' W InNt f »f» ? 11 »* Mibjrrt. \w* l; i;« \ 'j!i t< , a- in iii'tanet ut tin •„ tv. t i ({••rrM iln j• *11»1 it* to/k in 11n* r>• »cU♦ f fj'if••ti.'ji. a m;r^ at t!iaf i J. at the in* *i }i iit.-ii tlieafr*-* ) in* mtmsfs srt ''i.t v\itli sat • ntma! prai'inr> tin ll 1 >Um* of pocknts,— M tlitr Kaf, s\ ho u.i^ a*- li-v ■ .. -,s <1 si. i rr.< kefs, 1 .r>.! invt nft .! the I . Inon of w ea: m; no r»oc!\t > An !, ending with. we think, laches pr> > (!■••!, ami d' l.’i ‘■a,v a «} iinti r !' i an vn •!(. ! I\ w ml, nr a cold, fro>' \ v. rtrr ; ■ W h j)tllirM»<> tc» nt* t ! ala) < i» . • r— » b i flannels he kaniri d, am! a n*, ai i Irva: I In1 Mil; stoi Kinjr. slaMird nr worked .ii i colil. must hate been in Inch accm dance ml!, j III'- lii-aiy richness i■ I tin rc-t uf (he dress - - Scutland, nt a w iv early period. participated 11 111 <- luxury < 11 hi Ik. Tin u arriace ot Alexandra III uf Scotland, to Martian t tin- daughter o : Henry III both infants oi ten years uf ac*-, oi rasiom-il a t!i^[>I iy id n;:t*jnilii‘»-m-e, ubii-b j -eerns tu have exceeded ituv p\«r sn-n ir; i Knclanil before. On the maniace dry Direrr* . bi*i Jti, ITt 1, a thousand Ki'chsh l»111tc 11;- 'ppm. | rd in riuntises of silk, and next day every one of j them Has dressed in a new luui <>l U.i -. ; ,i kiln). UtH-i-n ITizabclIi. llu tliiul Vi ar ol hr rii'tn. received ns a present a pair ul blai k *i!k -I ii kiiiC'. am! Doctor Hoiwll rt-|n rls that situ never wore1:Intli iiose any :in• 11■ .lainfs 1 u as a great ftin inat;fi uf silk m.iiiiilacliirf, but ua I nut at all :«urn v-fui in his lauilatili- zeal I, i tin* propagation uf silk in F.ncland, in unita i ti in "I ] it iny l\ uf France. .Ian..-.-, in iniis j m-iiI i-iiy.11l-ii 11■ 11«■ r ■ min all llio ruuiitir.s "I Frig 1 land fur planting; mulberry 11■ -. for uiiicli i mi In- caitn I prinli-il instrin-ln m I" I" published, as aNu fi r i-ri'i'ilmc and li-edmc 'ilk worms - ; -• Hai inn seen," say s .lame-, •• in a few w ars ; sp..ce. that our lirutiipr I hr French Kmc. ball). , since l-.i' coniine to that i-rtiitn, butli begun am. bronchi tu ju rfer'inn llu- making uf -ilk in hi. country, ixIk it-by In- hath wen lu himself hun or, ami to bis subjects a marvellous increase <. Wealth' ! lav .ng y'vidi nlolly tom !,ed on silk, a fair: notice uf tin first discovery and tisr i f that ar | tm!--. a:t articb- so essential t i *• tin- wardrot c I nt till'; 'IIS.' mil ai'cu.ils u i'll tin | oi p. £ uf mi r pa pi r. ami in tli u u r in-ni-- tu h i ib i i' a perli cl work ol amusement ami n t- n n.-t - \\ t- nnav trace 'll" u-r ul’silk altno-t til li..- I ,.,r best aces. Iii ( l:ii a the cultivation of tin raw materia! and lb fabrication of silk -a cm t. i have la-en. as it were contemporary v.itli tb l origin of llu- people It is n .-am u .1 in (lout ! earliest written document--- An tufle sp> ;»U - j of tin- silk iinrni, under tin' name of b< ml y-e I and sa\ that botubikia is produced I; n; it. ! adding that I’amplnl". a 11 uf f ua j s:,ii| tu have fn-t practised that kindo: "- a ng > crrtU’H 1! 1 • C*Ta* 1