OCR Interpretation

The ladies' garland. [volume] (Harpers-Ferry, Va. [W. Va.]) 1824-1828, April 05, 1828, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85059803/1828-04-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 " ■ ui.T.’ ual tin' v.mig nun, ‘ uc. pi my
' i •!, .mi revcr ui.ma-.li t > _r.v • it th<•><•< c\
mr tel 1,11 ■ i ’
4 t ■ 1 n* ■ i ! . ! -br , ‘ . at ren.r.o |
■ dl «t>t S!it >.v</ tue pt j. . . v it .,it, .. . I:s
fpi-', ;i.. i pi: Up* cviVmj-.i, \i-» may lu I .ft. t

‘I ' • r.. t k ■ nilu'j >r,f, •? i, your heart,
I 1 '.t •• u : tin , I lovt- ’
‘ * : ■ ■’ ii; ij i \ - Muil tin* ] ' , ‘ . hi dull he sa
: ,-'j, : ’
I v prejun cl f .r u\r m ii ri.iL,i-. and, notvi ith
'•*.tn g me tvf i - it <>t tilt- jit iinr-ms veur.g matt to
a.-.-i pt a m.:!!."U iii b:uk bills, silt- srtrlcd .ill !i. r
; r .j.iT't upnu i i n
* H \ I luU liOi r ■ • r j • jgr* fMOUg'l tO M f] t ‘‘ .>'1 a 1
‘!’«r v ‘Mir :j, I dull t \r r-\ hr Tin
-f)'' d v Hl-c u (!' *. 1 , that I h.iVf t ini, in ,1 h,:n
'.vii > i i i i love*, ami he u.'.l pt rhups th i p a tear to tn\
’.U-ii i: \ ’
Ht-turn;;;,: from the altar, ^he thrive hi r^_!t' on
er km ; s .hi i.iiv her -pouse, and plaf.t d her hand
'•pm ti« r m.»>k — nut a sitti.it: >a h>r the iiud'and1
- iiistnart palpitated—Ins face turned pair—-the
m.»sk ! 11 — lu- lo hi id an angel <d beauty' — silt
‘hen • \ela.Mit ! aflia" innateIv —
* \ «u have not deserved defunn.t)—v.ti mu it
*!»e l< »v<■ ut ueantv ”
l he happv couple lc-ft Paris the nrx* ch\ f,.; J.,
votua. Where the great property of the lad) was
Misnomer of the (jinm in Chest;.—Chess
pl;i\ oi s arc not. «r»-n<-r.iiI v aware that the
piece called the Q lei-n originally bore all
ot tier title, ;ili(l that. bv a corru|>tion n!
terms. 11s >e\ lias been changed (nun male
(<> female. 1 lie game of the.-' is of Kastt rn
origin, and it will readily be supposed, tb.ii
in j.eiiiiit the representation id a woman to
'note about m uninterrupted lieedom, even
mi a chess board, would Ik; repugnant to
hiental notions of propriety. In the rer
an language, the word Ker/. or Fer/.in, >ig
i.ilios an niftier of state—a vi/.iet. This
a ord was, by the French, converted into
l'liige and \ icrge, and the piece so named
was subsequently called lady or queen.
A l'\\ ICK I Ul.l) I U.K
Nay, that's a ;>r<*tl v lip — tun pretty far
1 ! i u a to he ap lint with punting ;—tlicr'"*—tint's
«i'll !
That sp.iitlive little smile hath gained the das
•And UI iis Its trnimpli like a cumpn ror
t i1 ill' sit beside mk il nest , — miss llis ham!—
\\ li.it, must I take it then by stiatageni
A., is hist t,.sias won * t, .. t'.si si., !|. jr
1 lie suiry—ail. indeed I know tlmu do’st !
And, ms T is i , I'll tell it to thee noss,
i liniigii tisxte the hundredth time, I'll tell time
When ’tis all over
•'iv is in a night in June—
And just at that enchanting moment, when
Mu sun sinks to Ins slumbers—hut not s et
Hatls g«thcied muml him all his r .bes • r light—
An i the lair moon, half veiled, a9 though she fear
To meet his parting gane—came, slowly up,
hist tike yon moon, and we were s;"ing, love.
I ; 'her—in tins in mi—k\ even her
tins v'-ry mod: . — rm arm was rained
A tm>t»j• 1 »1,r > •— tints ; — Mini t/imt; around iii\ m-ck
I i* «»!-• , — I had Seen whisp. ; \ g to thee
(>t r|,,- f rii sot srs t)f —».Ih* g< Llt-n d.ivs
^ li'ii u dk< 1 on c.ii'li ; — aid U the clones
1 t • 1 Ic spot'aii s, m i far oiK I'-lc.s
\'lid ?!.* l’ i( , win-re the Heavens
\ t* in. gi l with t;,r earl!) ;—aii:| lim), ! wo vmls
!• • ‘hug m unison ir ■ • • wander there
In! - -Ugh ,4 1 >||g Mimii - V hd, a'. i ..ever (Iff l!I)
‘ >t cli.mgr, \s lien |ir, { j;i ha ud »<• t her
M .-d*1 ()-*ss lrv)iii ca: ’ *o luaven .—-tinne e\ei? t.new
I *» iw.mg min--—arid then th\ lid 1
, Se h gentl\ nn h■ >som—-j\, even so —
\n»! then tii\ hps a .1*' opem d—and tn«• i
ran —
T‘i :■ .•/' 'i-\T—th n ton can-a icm-m'o r ,t
'» i ’ ;i manning story—an 1 a t il a.Id,
An i very tit »r ii tru h too } — ne.u I mu .»ii
The ti utli, as . .Mjid })• .a • ■’,/ ./—i!i p ’.! • if
—I he the 1 number of tins
! dr-. r\i il\ i• • • j•«ifur p riHi!iCa 1 has come t • n the
prevv, w»th the sane- good taut* to ciui.inmd ;t,
i winch actt rist d die preceding ruiir.be: s It
g:ves Us pleasure to learn from a ii.-te t r. ail-is
that *!.• Slug »z;ne Ins n d \ed the best nn i d of
apjj!(i.)atn n horn the public, a rapniU men a-mg !
, pat > moigr, m ails two hundred names having been
I add'd siiht the publication of the second number
W e st let l from its poetic department the follow
| mg » fusion from the pen of Mrs lid-.
One can.i —with 1 ght and laugt '•£ air,
\■ 1 oh<i< k bke opening blosvun,
lb -,rhr gmns weiv twimvi .im; i tier hair,
\ii.l ghttered n h- r bosun,
Atul j)(*ui l> and Cos’d) brae* lets deck
Her round white arms ami love!) net k.
Like Mitr.nii r’s sky, with stars be light,
TIk jew ••lh d rube around her,
Atul dazzled us the* (noontide I gh?
l he radiant z« tie that hound her ;
And pride and j ; w ere m her eve,
And mortals bowed as she passed by.
Another came- her her mild face
\ p' Osive s'. * u as stealing,
\ c t there no jo { of earth w e trace,
Hut that dee p Pely feeling,
W inch niouin> Pie heart should ever stuv
jfrom the pure Lunt of truth away.
Around her brov , as snow drop lair,
l lie glossy (lews cluster,
Nor p- arJ n r nri Inu-n? was there,
Save tile >. :/oi/' lustre —
Aud faith and m-ne beamed from her eve,
And ang<. Is bov. e l as she parsed he
I lie follow injr charming lines, addressed to his
wife, u ere written by the late Bishop lb b< r, dur
n;£ le.s aoM-uce !:• *;n her, on his long and arduous
\ i sit at ion ot the Upper Provinces m india, not long
i before his death
ll ttiou wert by : side love !
I low t.»st would evening full,
In green Penguin's palmy grove
Listening the nightingale.
If then, my love ! wert !>\ my side
| My ba'ues at my knee,
IIow gay lv would our pinne. . gT.d
O’er (.unga .s mimic sea !
i truss thee at the dawning gnrp
V> turn, on our sleek itrei ,’d,
I’» c*»; • !<■*»•. s-ase my limbs | J^v.
Anh won the co» 1w ’D 1
i Uitss * liee wti«n hv Ijtiiiij'i’s aJit »m
M> w iii ■ sit-{).*. I guide,
Hiii nri"st ;itt!i 11 *< lamp's j> .If .at. urr
I niivs tl.ec t.om m\ side
I sprr .td my bonks, *j]\ pencil t: \,
I iie Inga ring noon to el. t ,
l>u* m»as tii) k, id :*;;;>rir* mg vw,
I hv meek alter,’ \ e ear.
Hut when of morn and the s*ar
H'm Ms me on mv k«>e* ,
I ft * !, though liio»* art distant far,
i !»\ ]>:a\eis ascend tor me
I h'*n o;. ! then on 1 where ri•;r\ 1 <-rie!^
M \ C-OUTse !>o i,|)H d <• il ;
1 r . M i• • i ; tasik sub! \ flu ;eJs,
Ok j- !,!< A Ail,,, raids h ii.'
I hat course, not ») in k ngls g Vc.
N r u I I M Jw ill dt t„'
I ■)• sweet l *. .i-s «is • < i:, a waits
H\ v oi, kr western mam
1 !u tout's, Hoinha), gleam blight thev s.V.
Across liie dark blue sea,
I5ut ne’er were h. arts so light aiul gay
As then sliiill meet :n thee 1
l wn.v r or pi'ui( rj;s.
[Pericles who b it proud »o bust of Imving lost
h-s Heart sf relations wide ut helms in,* a: \ outward
s'^ns of gi ief, y ie!tieci .t leng*h to its I'^pulsr, u hen
cioonj required hint to crown his dead son ihi
iast of Ins race) with a wreath of flowers.]
My son, my son, and must I twine
rin se flow, is around thv !>. ow ?
Oh, fate, thou dost a ta*»k assign,
Of mournful import now ,
He, who w.»s pi oud a tearless c\e
In every ill t«» keep,
Had rarely given to grief a sigh—
Is doom'd at length to weep.
I've seen the friends of early vears,
I iioiig'h tell d'-ease, grow pule ;
1*ve mark'd around me others’ P ais
IV11 death’s unwelcome tale ,
These have I steel’d rny wariior heart
To meet unbent, unbroke,
And de, ndd it mark’d a Grecian's part
'l*o hear affliction's y oke.
Alas 1 my son, of by gone bliss
F.ach flower tells jar too much ,
That once allur’d thy infant kiss,
And this thy fairy touch ;
Ah*, ftil^lyhoped my boy would weave
T$|jptiieral wreath for UK",
And little deem’d a d..y l.ke this
1 e’er should live to see.
Oh. thou the last of a lov’d race,
Which awoke a fat tier’s f. ars,
In giving thee this sad embrace,
1 ft-el the griefs of \ ears;
Ah, where is now the boasted pride
\1\ heart was wont to shrine f
It fled, when thou, rny best hope died,.
And shall no more be mine
r.KAl I Y.
What is the blooming tincture of a skin
1*0 peace ot niiinl, to harmony witlun f
\\ t;at the bright sparkling nt the finest eye,
I o the soft southing ot a calm reply J
(Jan comeliness of form, or shape, or air,
\V nil mnic I mess of words or deeds compare *
No* thoc at first the unwary heart may gain,
1Jut these they only can that bean retain
[Rinch's Art of Charming
O how she rolls her charming ey es in spite,
And looks delightfully with all her might!
Hu* like our heroes, much more brave than wise*
She conquers fcjr the triumph, not the pnre

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