alike d'Ci-r. mg and deceived, has liceii oil n
' ii I We v\ ere hut weak and 111o g e I eaten • 's ,
at Ii ligth caution slept , M irV ceased tu 1 e iii
1 , and the iepiuuches ul my own huuittold
me 1 >Ui a seducer.
<111 tin: melii |(,l! living I was again at the
tower, but the hour «»l try s'c |>assed. and .Mary
came nut It m is a mmud-ss summer s night,
'and the air was sultry and uppr-ssne For
1 u.g hours did I sji watching 1 ■ >r the sound ul
b l toot, ti !*, in tin path tii it wound aim g the
l.til'lde, and start at tnrtv rust ling of tia h ;ui s
made I V tie- lux. a- lu' «t- lit tin augli the hu-h. s
towards In- luiute fnirr — hut >m;y (Mill i.,;t,
and the night passed in s .litade and sad: • ss. I
lingered till the day d ime d, and til- s ng of
the birds that eaui- tilth tu car I tin, -ueet
matins in the s itin-c, warned n.c that my h-pcs
e re vain, and I sought my | l ow with worn
spirits and an anxious hosotu My dp ju,s w, re
■ul l and drtaiy, and I woke o:.h to encounter
tin-fierce uplu aulings of cO'er led ron*tuenre.
\ lovely, irieudli-ss, u.nuei lit, and d fence!
creature had trusted il in my hunoi and
protection, and i h id plunged Lei m irrclrc v:t
i le rum What need was lli-re to add m vv and
mure II,( !• labi ' anguish to th-yi f, ( f e
already ih . ul it- and nppi es-ed \\ hv • ; t
a victim, th'' in 1st uuioci iit, the n si n j y,|
mg, the most uni ip;*y ofln r sex ' In vain did
i all’ nijit to 'hdi ll. - id. sin .11 v uici , hv pi* ad
»’: „ i r *1 i l.>{j L i i i • 11 u;j ai n\ iiu:i 111»• v. i ri
iic i' t’ i!l v. ;i* i; 1 «:u*r in my p ttli - -I ii•!
ought il -! had i ohlot a i i! v courts'll l!j«- t n j.”.i
.on undor « hieh I I ii H it) | ir. t sworn, a d
i .ill' ii un lilt; I Vity to v. itncs.-, u.\ truth, to 1<>•. .
Lor hut with n In -tinr's | ,10, am! t 1 guard I, r
honour stainless am] immaculate ’ Mie 1. id
trustee! me 1 <> her intii.oi :.t anil uri-;i^j■ s-a?• r
t art, toy promises Lai! hto n ;a those of gospel
t: mil Mm li:nl clung to thorn into woman -
faith. In tiiem she had rmhai k< d . 1 !1 t!. it hi
Ion- d to her in turn world, her mnocenee— am!
tin' had hern betiayrd \\ hat uas it non to
say, that 1 have our rate*! my strength. ir
to deplore the lata! eonseupiences of mv mgji
■ mod passions J Are n >t the cuii-i 0,0011 -oof
his guilt Ijiih i'.;« d n. ii hi the most s> If-li and
hardened slum r. v. lion tin- 1 rjn meats i; ufloi il
id him are / liut « h it (■•.•uld regret,
however bitter .’ The \ ii t in had 1 ;.!!** 11 — the
altar had been lies: .■ r 1 ted Li tin saeiifice, ami
tin* iintnid itioti nd ii ii'.irenre hail I eon comple
ted ' \ i!e smh'ii ' r! m.piimiph'd hctiavor i i
confiding h He !' ! .the ( .nil. shalt IllOU ho I rand
i d among no n, and go i!ou 11 to the g rai e 11.tii
the u 'nil of pi 1) ui \ up alt thy soul.’ N v>r till
mm i !• f too hitter ness of un upbraiding
( nusci nee, a: d it t" aded me to the ijifuk: —
'i heie is no • \t. oii.ity id I: ; ’ ,!\ snth ring;! v- mild
Hot ha'. e ]'i 1 loi ; d to the lot 1 tal agonies j thm
endured I stioiie to o~c. po from lov ov\n re
llei tmos. hut1 could i .t — like tin v. 1 etrh. 11 ha
took in his iptii e 1 top IL nil tho 1!.»111 >■ > I 1 iii.ieh
ho h Mirram dun, a.,d attempt? escape1 in lam,
lor he is ell.1 im d la tho slake.
And Mary to 1. "here 1:as she!' Mi, ft she
o | , . l . } . I 11; ! \ e ii to ' a to a; t O i d< Spol
ami no, lit notei eu the pruilt el niurdoi be add
edti my alieady tlaik catalogue of crinv - 1
\V;a I i.uf iMiee more to see, and enmfo.: h-r.
to loin mv teals with hers, t • toil her hen o . h
h-r ion wiakuess had endeaied iier to n
heart 1 i n,i« indeed lull of anxiotv on her
aeeom.t, hut ! feared to venture to the 1 .•‘lege,
foi l kneriv 11 v li-its there note watched. and
■ ill is nd of many fears. M\ ?(« p. ■
iliree'ed. theielate, to a part o! ti:i paik.ti ui
!, ■ I, it v.' ts o’, el1, . hod. ve gfsoo o j [ m 1 -
11■'ui s gazing c i) its thatched roof, ami the little
ti ir.i. n that i.iy brtuu it an*i t!c•_ roail, n«‘gh-et
I'd ami lull id weeds i be sun had gone Ouvui
ere I fj'iitt; my stall n. No liv ing being iiad
: aj I'to.K !. d tin- hou-c, no smoke arose lion) it»
cliimioy t ji—ii seemed temitidess and desert
ed Nek ol soul, did 1 re tit mi to 1 hornlnll; !
delink 11 otli s,i'ii ty — the ear ess -s e\ en o! little
laiey uere h* cunm h.itetul and distressing. 1
I i;died 1. i r nh lv t: m me, and wbile the tears
s :.i; ted i c; < i: 11 o hi luge and I ill" ey es at my
in. , :: ho --,1 r*:til 1 t , s h'u h a id suflcring,
1:1 toy e ' •> aparte. ;:!. JNigiit ranie, and the
stills again sail rm at my u..lei; toner on the
hd! top Tin y r - a: d disappeared ; hut M i
'> s | lotsf. p had riyd gladdened my ear,nor her
tad and slender lor ni delighted my cvi*. J leai dv
| did the sun appear t u morn to raise his di-k
1 above lli ■ (ink rurt.tin oh the c! mils, and less
than *t 11 illy j eund, riu thought, the jubilee
, c l In big nature in his return. I did not return
h .me, hut i ■ rued onward through the woods,
and s -leetiiig tie' path that 1-d tj uhere the
shad.hi ol the daik green pines was deepest and
h as perilous, 1 cast niy si li on the ground, and
timed to the lie lam-holy sound ul the water
i ;li, that ascended irom the glen. Ii v\as noon
ere 1 reac la d 1 hotuhill , a i'dl. rliad Colne for
me In tin- j“t, and 1 knew it was from Miry
1 tlii is! it hastily into my bos in. rushed up stairs
t . ii.v a pa 11 me nt. and hating secured rriy t ham
t-er u . r ir->ru tne |-»^vsitalitv ul intrusion. I
<■(•• : ■ d it v.i'.li a trembling |)r»n. It was i:i
1 h 1 • It m .'I ii v. and gave iiit-1 evidence
l.i P her spiiit, w inch now had burnt up agairi-t
surion and misfortune, was at length t*roker:
I: ront.tioe 1 no i f p: uavh’m, “-lie upbraided me
ii it m !i m_x bruit-ii faith. She hid id.,!>!i!v,
sin* xaid almost wickedly loved, where dreadful
; iRishmenl had followed h<*r She said
th.'.i all thought- ' f happiness hid fled forever,
and she now kncv; I,- i-eli’ to he a ereature alike
alienated from Had, and despised hv man. She
t 'Id me, tun, that her talln r now treated her
v. id. mere harshness and cruelty than ever, that
he i veil threatened her lifr.ii'Jn refused to pay
tin- price ol his sab *y hv marrying i’ierce, and
what mull she d i J lier lit art was broken, and
si c knew rot She concluded h\ wishing me
faiewil! forever We cot.dd never meet again
die hid been t uillv , but her nature would not
suiter her to per-: t in guilt Her love would
l ow- iily in t!.- giavc, it was unalienably, i;f
deieasibly miiiC-—Vit she dimmed me to forget
in i' Sin was, she said I ;:t a guilty, mi'Crabl",
ai d wni'hhms t' .eg, unwurd.v ( , a thought, a
weed ! ' ml up -n the v-aters. wii .i and waves
The h .'P r was written with tiemt.hegfi.ger-,
a: i : I! tied with s. Sl.-I! I atti mpt to ties
rnbi the » fleet it (• ’duel d on tin N-. ’1 lie
i. • !,; g - ol sufiei in g that 1> t!t r e o-t me shah s' ill
rest undisturbed i i tl. it sep ;!• !tre, nor shall
'! grave be calk d on m i ecessaiiU to open its
;> dt rolls and muiMe ; iws, and cast them up
| I so.hi it- r v. cm corep In d In leave Thorn
t !:i.l; i . Mm 15' uk. s. i s ,v., | imaid ito more;
■ Io;t I navi -m . ,vtied that she died s ion alter
: my JejMimte. W Iwn I returned to Thornhill
! -ev to ,i!\ eats afierw ards, 1 w i-led to shr d a tear
; on le t gi a v e !>nt tiicre was no stone to mark
'5s silt . — pie s-x'vti knew it rot—Mary and
he: grave were alike forgotten.
U*-ti t; .ere - ere hkv guc-sfs and apparitions,
mu -I: r. i. sc-I .tn s,.,.r.
o/ this vrAun: wilt be fur
i'. "
from JM.-nirul CoUi:igweod's Memoirs.
i.fcTTf:;: to ins i-.n ghteu.
| I received your Idler, dearest child, and it
! niadc me very happy to find yon and dear
Mary were well, and taking pains with your
education, i In* greatest pleasure I have in the
midst of my toils and troubles, is the expeeta
(Mu whieh I entertain of finding you improved
m knowledge; and the understanding whieh it
h I- pleased God to giro you both, lias been
cultivated with rare and assiduity. Your future
happiness and respectability in the world de
pend mi the diligence with whieh you apply
yourself to tii ■ attainment of knowledge at this
period ol your life ; and I hoffe that no negli
C' ltce ol your own, will he a bar to your pro
gross \\ hen I w i ite to ymu, my beloved child,
so much interested am I, that you should be
serviceable and worthy ol the friendship and
esteem of good and wise people, that I car,not
forbear to second and enforce the instruction
which you receive by admonition of my own —
pointing out to you tiie great advantages that
will r> suit from a temperance and sweetness oi
Conduct to all people. r,n all occasions It dues
not billow that you arc to coincide and agree an
opinion with every ill judging person; but after
showing ihem your reason fur dissenting from
their opinion, your argument anil opposition to
il should nut lie tinctured by any thing otien
Sive. .Nr-ver forget formic III lie tit that v m are
.i gci-.tlcvvoma i, and all j air «unl> and actions
-li.mid mark yon gen lie. 1 never knew vout
mother—your dear, good mother—say a liaish
or a hasty thing to any person in 1;' \ life. Kn
d- avor to imitate lier. I am quick and hastv in
my temper—my sensibihty is touch* d some
tunes by a trifle, and my expression el it sodden
as gun ponder: but. my d.tiling, it is a misfor
tune u liicli. not having I ten suiiieiriiily re
strained in h.y youth. has caused me mu.di
pain It has, indeed, given me mote Jiotjli* to
subdue this natural impetuosity. than any thing
I ever undertook 1 believe that you are both
mild but if ever you feel in \ our little breasts
that you inherit a particle of vour father's in
firmity , ri sir .In it. and quit the subject that has
caused it. until youi serenitv be recovered Iho
muc h for mind and m .oners Next fur accorn
|ihshti.ents : No spoilsman ever hits a!iidgr
uabout aiming at it ; and shill is acquired hv
repeated attempts It is tin same thing in i u it
art, unless you aim al perfection, you lull neves
attain it. Hut frequent attempts v.ill m .kci:
easy Never, therefore, do any thing with in
difference. Whither it be to men! a r. nt i'
y in gaum tit, or finish the most delicate piece
<■! art, endravor to do it as perfectly as possible
W hen Mm mite a letter.giie itvourgnat
e-t '-are, that it may be a~ perfect in all its part
as you ran make it. lo t the subject b. Mse.
; i xpr. s-ed in the n.ost plain, intelligil.h and
: eh m inner th it you are cap ! 1,• , f ||, ,n
a familiar n.n -.'. ioii he p! ilnl and j-•* ular,
j gmud i :u.dolly that \ our y d he not so si . • p as
! ■ -me j'uo t. etij person; and brlore i u
1 wide a rentence, i viimnc tier the Merits of
v.h i h it is con.pnsed. that ilicie L< rmtl ing
vulgar fe.r n.rdrp nt m Ih'-rii. Hememh.-r, n v
, d. a;, that v cur letter u a pir I me of youi brail,-,
an ! those v leise brains are am mpuund of f dv.
j m.n-i'i.s" and imperii..once, ate to hlarue to
j i xlubit to the contempt ol the world, or
! the pity id tin ii fnend To write a leltei with
; negligence, v, iti.ont proper and < rc-oke.i
j lines end go at flourishing dashes, i' im b g.nit.
I It argue- < ,tli. r great ignorant i id wlial is pro
per, wi gie-it indifference 'ouards ibr p'lsm
■ 19 w ho in it is addressed, ami is consequent!"