Nation's Capitol (Ooutinu^d ^ from Page Five) lecture was replete with eloquent flights, homely philosophy, bright bits of humor and a budget of side-split ting stories, told In the characteristic Davis style, aiul those who have heard .the Richmond divine often, declare they have never enjoyed any offering more than they did on this occasion. The speaker was felicitously intro duced by Counsellor Thomas 1*. Jones, of the district bar. Following the ex ercises at the church, Dr. Davis, ac- ; ^ompaniert by Mr. F. D. Lee, was es corted to the Mu-So-Lit Club by Sec retary R. W. Thompson, where they were handsomely entertained. Dr. , -Davis spoke cm "Influence," and point ed out the weight that each of the varied elements of the club pulled in the scheme of things worth while. Mr, ' liee and Mr. Fred R. Moore, editor of ; the New York Age, also talked inter estingly. Fine ? musical selections' were contributed by Prof. Harry A. 1 AVUlltams and Dr. C. Sumner Worm ley Mr. Robert A. Pelham presided, i Odd Fellows (ief ting Hearty For The ?. M. C. The thirty lodges of the Grand United Order *of Odd Fellows of the' District are engaged in electing their' delegates to the l.r>th session of the B. M. C., which meets in September at Atlanta. The delegates are in dead earnest. A big crowd will-be' there. Freedmen's Hospital Nurses Grrnl ate. - One of the most important adjuncts, to the $750,000 Freedmen's Hospital is the Training School for Nurses, where ?expert instruction is given year after year in the art of caring for the sick and looking after the sanitation of homes and institutions of various types. Last Friday evening the grad uates of the Class of '12 received their diplomas in Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel of Howard University, in the presence of a large audience. Dr. W. P. Thirkield, president of the Univer sity, delivered a sympathetic address, and Dr. VV. A. Warfield, surgeon-in chief of Freedmen's Hospital, present ed the diplomas. I,)r. Warfield has ? been at the head of this magnificent institution since 1902, and is regarded as one of the very best- business ad ministrators of hospitals in the coun try, as well as one of its most su perbly qualified physicians and sur geomh ? He has performed -a. -number of operations in major surgery that have attracted ;Uie attention of tlie medical fraternity everywhere. No Candidate Kndorsed by Zion Conference. j According to a telegram sent by Rev. S. Iv. Corrothers to W. Calvin Chase, editor of the Washington Bee, no 'can didate for the presidency was en dorsed by the General Conference of the A. M. E. Zion Church, now in session at Charlotte, N. C. Dr. Cor rothers states that both President Taft and Former President Roosevelt have ??? ? r- ? ? friends in the body anul each element i may have signed a p^per expressive of their preferences, but no formal ac tion has been taken by the conference as such, and he adds that any news circulated to the contrary should be contradicted. Dr. Corrothers is pastor of tne Galbraith'A. i?l. E. Zion Church, of this city, and recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of his incum bency. .Tetftimoniiil In Honor of Capt. Oyster The colored citizens are arranging to givo a grand testimonial in honor of Capt. James F. Oyster, president of the Board of Education, as a mark of their appreciation of the broad gauged, generous' and just treatment of the colored people in the adminis tration of their schools. He has begn thpir "friend at court," and this op portunity is being grasped for the purpose of having him know how deeply grateful the race is for the many acts of kindness he has perform ed and for the material benefits he has so constantly conferred. A pub lic demonstration will be held at 19th Street Baptist Church next Wednes day evening. Hon. J. C. Napier, Reg-j ister of the Treasury, will preside a?nd* addresses will be made by two or three citizens of national repute. Mr.) Harry A. Williams, of Cleveland, and Miss Charlotte M. Wallace will sing, and Miss Mary Powell Burrill will read a dramatic selection. The gen-' eral committee is made up of about one hundred of the substantial fac tors in Washington's civic develop ment, with Mr. N. C. Tyson as chair man, and Dr. George W. Cabaiiiss as secretary. Dr. Walter H. Brooks and congregation have donated (he usje of the church for this affair. It prom ises to be one of the most notable ob-r servances ever held in the district, as everybody is eager to testify in some manner to their heartfelt apprecia tion of the great work Capt. Oyster has done for the advancement of Washington's 100,000 Negroes. Betliej Ijit entry Klects Officers. The Bethel Literary and Historical' Association, organized thirty years ago by Bishop Daniel A, Payne, has' elected as president Mr. S. M. Dudley, a young lawyer of this city, a native of Mobile, Ala., and who is also con nected with the departmental service' here. Mr. James C. Waters, Jr., re elected assistant secretary, is detailed as "press agent," of the organization. The other officers, all re-elected, are: i Vice President, E. G. Evans; corre sponding secretary, Edward L. Scott;: recording secretary, Miss Mary Cur tis*; treasurer, Miss Mattie II. Bo'weni; librarian, Mis. Marie A. D. Madre;1 lecturer and counsel, Prof. W. II. i Richards; chaplain, Rev. I. N. Ross. Tlie News in a Nut-Shell. Two prominent. New Yorkprs, for mer Covernor P. B. S. Pinchback anil A. C. HowarrJ, were in town last week. J. Leubrie Hill's company, which has just closed "My Friend From Dix ie," are rehearsing "The Black ville Corporation," for presentation next week at the Howard. Miss Henrietta Vintcm Davis, the tragedy queen, continues to prosper in Jamaica. Crumbley, Davis and Ray Bailey "went big" at the Howard last week. S. IT. Dudley will be here in person to open his new theater. Lew W. Henry, as acting manager, is getting the bookings in line. Hudnell's, the Hiawatha, the Fora ker, Kearney's Fairyland and the Blue Mouse, are all doing finely, and stand ing room is at a premium nighlly. T. Spencer Finley, the premier com edian, is filling an engagement in Nor folk, Va. The Y. M. C. A. will have a prelim inary opening this month, but the formal dedication will await the con venience of thjv President of the United States, who is to deliver the dedicatory address. Mrs. J. P. H. Coleman, president of the Hair-Vim Chemical Company, *.s planning to enlarge her business. A plant is to be erected in a nearby su burb and her preparations can be man ufactured on a scale that will enable her to keep up with the orders that are coming in too rapidly to be satis factorily handled wilh her present limited facilities. Mrs. Coleman is one of the raco's cleverest business women, and is sure' to succeed in her new venture. William Pannell, of the NVJiite House staft, accompanied the President 011 his strenuous Ohio itinerary. President Taf^ has now 450 dele gates, culy 90 short of a majority. J lis friends are confident that these will be forthcoming* during the pres ent week. KKPUIU/IOAN PAItTV LoscIh Its Franchise in Louisiana When Returns Are Head. j Baton Rouge, La., May 1C. ? As an {organization the Republican party no ? longer exists iu Louisiana. Its fran chise was loH-t today when official re turns of the April election were read in the joint session of the General As sembly and the result formally pro I mitigated. Only 4,961 votes were cast for the Republican candidates, and as this is ? le-s thau the 10 per cent required by j state law, the organization no longer exists. The only way that the 'names of the ' m~ ..I .1 I I III. II U li III ^ir? t if ? ? nominees can be placed o"ti the tickets in the future Ik by petition, as lias been the case with independent candi dates. The forfeit of the franchise also prevents the party from availing: itself of the provisions of the state primary law. PLICIXjIKD to koosk V KLT Raleigh, N. C., May . IjB. ? Republi cans who bolted .the Fourth North Car olina Congressional District Conven tion last Tuesday, oiganized today and elected J. C. T. Harris and J. C. Mat thews as delegates to the Chicago Convention. While these delegates were uninstructed they are pledged to Colonel Roosevelt. HOLD S10PARATF, CONVENTIONS Little Rock, Ark., May 16. ? Separate conventions were held by the sup porters of President Taft and former President Roosevelt in the Second and Fourth Arkansas Congressional Dis tricts today, and contesting delega tions were named to the Chicago con vention instructed for Taft. McFarland Holsteinj 243 CAPITOL STREET ' There is every reason why you should patronize us, (or every ? GARMENT IS TAILORED AND GUARANTEED \ lo stand the test ot wear without iosiog any oi the original lines, it is the rule wi h us and not the exceptlou that each garment must be oi J Character , Class and Thoroughly Dependable j Lois and lots ol prelly weaves from which lo select. Straw Hats $2.00 and $3.00. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WE CAN ALWAYS SAVE YOU MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS WF. EXCHANGE NEW FDR OLD GLOXTON'S STORE 601 Kanawha St. - - Charleston, W. Va. Mutual Loan & Jewelry Co. H. GALPERIN. Prop. MONEY ADVANCED ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, BICYCLES AND ON ALL GOODS OF VALUE GREAT "BARGAINS iN UNREDEEMED PLEDGES 720 Kanawha St. - - ChRrleston, W. Va, IN THE KANAWHA VALLEY BANK BUILOING fir f The opportunity to make an otter on what yon " amea * have to sell ill Furniture and Household Goods. Will Pay Highest Cash Price Always in the market. Never over-sloeked as we make it move, either tor Cash or Credit. THE KANAWHA FURNITURE CO. Phone 2185. - - 417-421-423 Kanawha St. OFFICIAL CAIJi FOH REPUBLI CAN PJRLHAHY KLKCTION IN TUB COUNTY OF KANAWHA, AND STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA TO MAUCW NOMINATIONS OF RE PUBLICAN CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY AND DISTRICT OFFI CES, AND FOR THE ELECTION OF ONE MEMBER FROM EACH MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT OF SAID COUNTY OF THE .REPUBLICAN COUNTY EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE. At a meeting o? the Republican County Ececutlve Committee or Ka nawha county held in the City of Charlcson 011 Saturday, the 20th. day of April, -1912, pursuant to a call made by the chairman thereof, of which said meeting notice was duly given to all the members of said Committee, the following reso lution was offered and duly adopted: BE IT RESOLVED: That all Re publican candidates for County ana District otllces, to be voted for at the general election, and all Re publican candidates for vUfancies to 11 1 1 County and District offices in Kanawha County, to be voted for at the general election, be made; and one member of the Republican County ExJecutivo ?'Commiteo from each magisterial district of Kana wha County be elected in the state wide primary election called by the Republican Slate Central Commit tee, to bo held throughout said Ka nawha County and State of West Virginia on the 4th day of June, 10 12, which said primary election is to be held in accordance with the provisions of Chapter G7 of the Acts of the Legislature of West Virginia, Session A. D. 185)1, and Chapter 3 of .t'<*e Co-Jo of West Vir ginia, and the rules and regulations prescribed by the Republican Stato Central Committee for conducting said primary election. The candidate for any County of filce receiving the highest number of votes in said primary election, throughout said County, or, if he b? a candidate for District office, the candidate receiving the highest num ber of votes in said primary elec tion throughout said District, shall be declared the nomnee of the Re publican party for the office for which such person is a candidate; and the candidate for membership of the Republican County Executive Committee, receiving the highest number of votes in his said District at said primary election, shall be de jclared to the member ship oL' said committee. Each candidate for nomination and each candidate for election to membership to the Republican County Executive Committee shall, as a requisite to becoming a candi date, sign the call, which shall be prepared by the secretary of this Committee, and shall pay the assssar ment provided by this Committee not later than the 4th day of May, 1912. Said call will be left at the bank ing house of the Kanawha Banking & Trust Company for signature l>y those who desiro to become candi dates in said primary election and all candidates are likewise authoriz ed to pay to the Kanawha Banking & Trust Company, at the time of signing said' call, the amount of ass essment fixed by this Committee for becoming such candidate, which amount shall be places! to the credit of the treasurer of this Committee. 13 y order of thf Republican Coun ty Executive Committee of Kana wha County, West Virginia. The folliwing list contains the voting placrs, together with names of the persons who are to conduct Mi" primary provided for in the pre ceding call: Bia SANDY DISTRICT No. 1 ? Cleudennln ? Ezra Young, Dock Ri ley, George Lynch, Dennis Stump, Mark Young. No. 2? C. & O. Depot? Dob Young, Sr., I. C. Trout, O. D. Matheny ; ?Wm, Camp, John Parr is. No. Rarren Creek ? William Cox, D. K. Smith. J. W. Tsiwnpy ; Walter Kennedy, [Geo. White. / CABIN C RE Eii DISTRICT No. 1 ? Diamond ? S. R. Hardman, Sam Moore, Dock llolatein ; Sam Hammonds, Robert White. No. 2? Cedar Grove? C.eorge Young. John .Crlnsf^ad, WaTlef" Whaley ; C7 II. "TOfflCdlDl, M. P. ThomklnH. No. Cannelton? L. V. Thomas, W. W. Taylor, Joh Ilanna; Carl Ilenson, G. 13. Rlankenship. No. I? Union Mines? Floyd Gay, Reeoe High. Harry Campbell; Thomas Griffith, Sim Johnson. No. r> ? Handley ? Joe Robson, Wm. Ralth, Rerr.v Combs ; A. W. Wagner, W. D. I>ewiH. No. (5-^-Pratt-Dego? Mell Moore, Win. Thompson, Ren Karley ; Robt, Moore, Chas. Coleman. No. ? 1-2 Crown Hifl ? J. A. Johnson, V. Tf. Lorkman, ICd. Toler ; M. K. Malcolm, Ed. Rrewer. No. 7? East Rank-R. G. Tulley, A. Ueecber, A. G. Montague; A. C. Shaver, Sent/, Bannister. No. 8? Coalburg? WMson Ralard, R. 1>. Hall. J. A. Hall : II. L. Curry, Wnj. Rollins. No. 9? Pry Branch? C. E. Lawrence, Ed. Hudtton, Dan Brwln ; A. C. Crawford. W. R. Ballard. No. 10? Falrfteld? Edward Shonk, Ira Kldd, R. H. Epperly ; W. F. Stone, A. W. Lalng. No. 17 ? Kane Fork? Eskdale Charley Wll llanid, A. J. Wlllams, Ed. Pack ; E. R. Nichols, P. L. Burke. No. 12? L/ewlston? Henry Pettry, M. P. CHARLESTON DISTRICT No. 1 Martin S. H. ? Norrls Smith, Will Nutter, A. J. Llnvllle; Robert Clay, Sam B. Wlntz. No. 2? Pflffers S. H.? John Moore, Stephen Scraggs.. John Saunders ; Perry Harmon, Wm. Scruggs. No. 3 ? Sugar reck? George Cleet, Oeorge Spradling, Wm. McCracken; George Harri son, Berl Harkins. CHARLESTON CITY DISTRICT No. 1 ? Patrick? Win. Mathes, J. O. CaH dorph, D. M. Shlrkey ; Oeorge B. Gllllsple, B. A. Wise. No. 2? Humphreys Store ? C. Summers, S. P. Richmond, Tom H. Glllsple ; I. II. Mot tesheard, H. M. Carson. No. 3 ? Car Barn? E. C. Hlgginbotham, J. C. Wilson, L?em Jarrett; W. E. Marlanl, Dr. W. J. Thomas. No. 4? Blgtey? Bob Young, Ed Amos, Frank Wllcher ; Dick Jenkins, Sim Irons. No. 5 ? Elk S. H.? Clark Todd, U. B. At kinson, Mark Jarrett; Mansfield Bonham, Ohas. Jones. No. G? Court House ? George Minskcr. W. C. Walker, Sol. Cohen ; Charles Young, 0. J. Wise. No. 7 ? Rust Bldg.? Dr. Atlee Malrs, Har ry Bonham, J. H. Faudree; Duncan Mac rae, Harry Noel. No. 8? City Hall? T. R. Farley, Chas. Zimmerman, John C. Spurr ; C. A. Wood, Cal. F. Young. No. 9 ? Neainans Store ? John Y. Jarrett, Hiram Young, Wm. Jarrett; Philip Near man, J. M. Jones. Adkins, Chas. Green; Jas. Coleman, Samuel F. Wills. No. 13 ? Winlfrede? Ream Toney, John Green, E. M. Stevens ; Jas. Greathouse, I. L?. Vealey. No. 14 ? Mammoth ? TI. A. Wise, Jas. Rupe, A. I j. Owens; Robt. Dunlap, C. M. Crist. No. 1 5? Shrewsbury ? Ben Dickens, C. C. Selbe, Q. D. Stanley ; Joe Sclbe, Wm. Ste vens. No. tG? l^eewood? John Dolan, II. W. Wil son, Arch Wiggins; Jas. Foster, M. J. Fisher. No. 17 ? Acme? George Ryan. Van Foster, Ed. Peters; E. H. Watklns, Mark Foster. No. 1H ? Kayford? Jesse Howell, Thomas Stover. O. M. Ash ; Happy Sibert, C. P. M iirrni? No. 10 ? Wake Forest ? Prank Thomas, Win. Pettlt, W. H. Woodall ; Jesse Gardner, A. M. Kramer. No. 20 ? Deoota? Tom Geary, Joseph Page, cHias. Ilarnes ; George Uuekley, Tom Dew. No. 21 ? West Virginia? E. S. Barker, A. J. Stover, A. F. Dickens; S. II. Legg, Win. Coiner. No. 22? Carbon ? Matt Spurlock, Chap Carter, L?. L?. Greybill ; M. W. Murphy, Mark II anna. No. 23? Burnwell ? O. A. Kineaid, W. T. Price. B. F. Jarrett; Joe Vealey, A. E. No. 24? Toinsburg ? John Moore, Robt. Hudson. Scott, Ed. Morris; A. P. Light, Ed. Griffith. No. 25? Standard? Ilomer Remley, Clyde Johnson, Frank Royal ; Oscar Forrell, Alex Neal. No. 20 ? Mncklow ? Joseph Mllburn, Oeo. ] Weaver, Ed. Buckley; Philip Kernes, J. R. Davis. No. 27 ? Ilugheston ? W. JI. Bowers, Flem Anderson, Joe I^eftwich ; Andy Patterson, Ben Moore. No. 28' ? Ward? George W. Crowder, IjflJt- 1 ter"Ridenour, J. G. Hackney; C. B. Bates, D. F. McMillian. No. 10? Simpsons Stable ? H. B. Buster, John H.- Goshorn, P. A. Simpson ; Leroy Allebacli, O. A. Deviney. No. 11? Elk Hotel? W. B. Wilkinson, Wm, lloferer, Jr., D. L. Salisbury, Freeman Cart. V. D. Black. No. 12? Mercer? S. II.? C. E. Rudcsill, Tj. M. laFollette; F. M. LonganeckerT F. Rudesill, J. V. Sullivan. No. 13? Gardeners Store? C. W. Boyd, G. A. Bolden. Frank Tyree ; Wade H. Guthrie, D. D. V inkers. No. 14 ? Morris Sforo in. McWhorter, Dr. .T. 10. Robins. W. J. Greenlee ; John C. Bond, R. II. Richardson No. 3 5? Garnet, S. H. ? Friend Cochrane, Lewis, Steinbeck, Allen Debonney, Sr. ; Walter Fisher, Dr. M. V. Godby. No. 16? Old School Bldg. ? Geo. Issac, Geo.' Grishnber. J. M. Miller, Frank Imboden, Mrfhu R;" Foster.! JJIHTKIUT No. 1?Bl?keley? Oakley Dunbar, M. S. Burford, C. S. Carr, W. L. Carr, John Crist. No. 2? Kendalla? Henry TTaid, I). E. llald, J. A. King ; John Warner, Chas. P. Huff man. No. 3? Quick? W. R. Wiseman, A. L. Kinder, Chas. Odell ; Geo. W. Quick, John Odell. No. 4 ? Upper Three Mile ? W. S. McAfee, George Belcher, J. C. Ross; Nat Cart, Jas. Welch. No. 5? Pinch? Will Morris, Henry Abbott, J. A. Darby ; Andy Woody, Rev. II. D. Kingeley. No. G? Mill Creek? David O'Danlels, Jag. Pritt, N. P. Sullivan ; James Hunter, W. W. Graham. No. 7? Fairview ? Jesse Smith, Perry Moles, L?. V. Huffman ; John L Ramsey, Peter T. Ilammack. No. 8? Big Chimney ? W. T. Copen, Ed Slack, Jabe Hall; Dr. M. Welirle, R. L.' Masey. No. 9? Mink? Jas. Guthrie, Sylvester Wheeler, George Whipple ; E. Surface, J. W. Burgess. No. 10? Poca Fork? Henry Vickers, Grant Strickland, Fred Rader ; Webb Hal.stead, Farmer Patterson. No. 11 ? Aaron ? Herbert II anna, (L ?. D. Elk ins, W. D. Fogerty ; John Hammack, Forest Copenluiver. ./ E FFbjRSO N DJSTR ICT No. 1? Fairview ? Sam Summerfleld, John White, Buck Dunlap ; R. L. Mackey, Sam Barker. No. 2? St. Albans ? A. W. Wheaton, Jas. Weimer. S. C. Blair ; J. B. McGrew, E. C. Colcord, Jr. No. 3? Spring Hill ? Brooks Thomas, C. O. Scarberry, J. P. Chittum, Jr.; Dave Web ster, Arthus Cobbs. No. 1 ? Upper Falls? W. L. Miles, A. W. Bryan, G. U. Bryant; John Jarrett, Ralph St ut ler. M A J, I) EN DISTRICT No. I? Snow Hill ? Oliver Vernatta, Addlo Walker, Harry Nuuley ; J. B. Walker, Press Terry. - No. 2 ? Danaville ? Jas. Armstrong, Dr. L. W. Leonard, (lord Nelson ; Jeff Adkiin>, An drew Cauterberry. No. 3 ? Maiden? Mackey Keeney, James Kuhn, A. Krant/, ; Ernest Cochran, W. II. Canterbury. No. 4 ? Valley Grove? Jan. Martin, A. IT. Pierce, Thomas Dangerfleld ; Harvey Han son, Rev. J. M. Kider. No. .r>? Pnley? Geo. Krantz, Wilbur Jar rett, Jas. Blount, Sr. ; Chas. Leftwlch, Dr. U. G. McClure. LOUDON DISTRICT 1? South Charleston? V. B. Angel. Dr. Backus, L. 1). Smith; Chas. 10. San Thomas 10. Martin. 2? -Fern Hank ? Voss Thomas, Jas, L C. J. Turley ; E. L. Whitney, J. W. No. 3-Harmoa?~~ Cfcfta. r. v Stuart Halt, Phil PauUy ; R. % TwltC, ft, *. W. Ownby.V . , *< t < ? If itt ** No. 4? Kanawha city ? Job. It. xlMKr. N*t* Gay. Qua Hastiuga ; tteo< L? Keeley. . ? No. 5-~Marmet? Oaorg# R. Hugbty, t**f? L. Berry, W. H. Spurlock ; li. C. Cochran, . *i 11. D. Matthews. POCA DISTRICT No. 1-Krama Bell?? Frank Wipes, John ? Crowder. John Monk ; Aahby Robinson, VAu - Jones. ' ? .* ST i n No. 2? Slssonvllle? ' Thaw Tolley, E. M. Derrick, John Good ; Dr. W. J. Glass, E. C. Fisher. , ...... No. 5 ? Legg? Green Samuels Jr.. jqhft Legg, Dud Spencer ; Chas. High, W.1 H. BUN 4 ' dette. j ,| , No. 4? Malrs? Walt Bailey, Wm. H. Har per, Geo. Kamsom ; Chris Archibald, Hahrl son Miller .Jr. No. 5? Cawley Store ? M. V. Fisher, Toifatt Asbury, Warren Hunt; 8. P, Hlgglnboth?rt>>; < Tom Harris. UNION DISTRICT " No. 1 ? Tyler ? H. F. 8t. Clair, Israel Fag- , , ert, Will Richardson; Chas. Johnson, W. R.' ?*Vlthrow. ' No. 2 ? Thftxton 8. H. ?Joe Good. Jiude Haynfes, R. S. Aultz ; Gordon Young, Lawr , rence Payne. * No. 3 ? Kellys Creek?' Wra. Santrock, Geo. Higginbotham. John Hamilton; Heq*y Wil liams, Sain Mad^ox. ? ' " No. 4 ? Cross Lanes? Geo. Harris, Jr., Nathan Bryant, Fred Lanham ; Robt. M. ' High, Jos. Gllllsple. No. 5? Guthrie? T. G. Bonhara, Delaney. Casdorph, VV. A. Tate; G. W. Jenkins, Jr., Ira Casdorph. No. H? Lock Seven? E. O. Rhodes, C. C. Kid, Ben Moses ; Herbert Davis, John Lee. ..." WASHINGTON DISTRICT No. 1 ? Smith Creek ? Cal. Holsteln, J. M. Bays, W. I. Hall; C. A. Smith, Z. ^ Trow bridge. No. 2? Allen Creek? Willie Childers, Andy Allen. Watson Gllllsple; S. E. Childers, El mer McClure. No. 3 ? Briar Creek, Olcott ? Peter C. Dun lap. K. F. Griffith, B. F. Pauley; S. R. Johnson, Sherman Shlrkley. The llrst three persons named in foregoing list, at their respective voting precincts ?in> to not as commissioners and the last two an clerks. W. F. SIIIRKEY, J. K. SHEPHERD, Chairman. Secretary. 2t a week till tlaUs The Final Vote on the Judgeship Much interest, especially among the Republicans of the State has , be^n shown with reference to the final ballot at the Huntington con-, vention which selected tlfi nominees of the party for the two vacancies on the supreme bench which will be made the first of next year. Mc-1' Dow-ell, Webster and Raleigh stuck solidly by Mr. Ogden, as did Clay, Fayette and Jackson. The last bal? ? lot taken was as follows: I o S ?3 fi -a Q m o Barbour I4 7 7 Berkeley IK 1** Boone 7 T ,?.??? Braxton 16 ? ? Brooke 9 & 3 Cabell 3 "J 17 Calhoun 7 Clay 9 ? ? l) Poddr*dge 12 r> 2 Fayette 39 . . 39 Gilmer 7 7 . . Grant *> 4 4 Greenbrier 16 7 -9 Hampshire ? ,r> Hancock ? 8 3 5 Hary 4 Harrison 33 Jackson '17 1& Jefferson 8 8 kanawha .' ? ? 6 1 G4 f. Lewis IS IS Lincoln 15 ? 8 Logan & 5 Marion 29 17 12 Ma-shall 2 5 19 6 Mason . . 21 31 Mercer 2? . . 28 Mineral 13 13 Mingo I4 ?? 14 Monongalia ~. 21 21 ?. ?. Monroe ?* ^ Morgan . _ S McDowell 41 .. 41 Nicholas 12 .. 12 Ohio 4 ^ 24 24 1 Pendleton 6 ?? -? Pieasant 7 7 ocahontas -H H preston 2 6 26 Putnam I4 I4 Raleigh 17 Randolph 16 16 Ritchie 15 ,15 Roane 16 16 Summers 13 9 Taylor I4 Tucker 13 13 Tyler I4 14 Upshur 17 3 Wayne 16 16 Webster 6 6 Wetzel 1"> 15 Wirt 7 ?? Wood 31' 1 SO Wyoming ? 8 ? ?? ? i, C> ? Total 923 576 372 BIG FREE C A R N I V A L At The OLD SHOW GROUNDS Auspices: CHARLESTON BASE BALL CLUB ALL WEEK _ .AY 20tb to 2 5 til MOSS BROTHERS GREATER SHOWS ATTRACTIONS