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MPinii m 4Tl W|j .QfflCBJIttXrEiKiF.' jPtlBllHQ A-t<ti OR18P NEWS NOTHN FROM AI'L SBCTIONH. THK ADVOQAX ADTERTUOaUDfTO PI OUR OOLDMN8 BMHQ THY IT. - , ,v> .C WM CHARLESTON, WEST VlJUxINIA,. ?JiXJfiSl)AY, AUGUST 29, 1912 ? ... ' ' ' ? . ,v ?' ? 1 - - UNDER WEST VIRGINIA HTATU . flPB? ? OWiY TWO DOMINANT PARIES ARE RECOGNIZED ? |*f 1 Committee of Fifteen Request State Chairman Lftldn to j ? Place Only Electors Favoring 'I Taft on Republican Ticket. 'i As the more serious aspects of the {political situation are presented to the Republican leaders in West Vir ginia, it Is more fully realized that the trl-?cornered contest between the Dem * ocrats, Republican and Progressive j j;^rti?s is really a light for the prc ' > sfcryation Of the Republican party and Its identification under that name, as ? ? itell as a notable battle for the re ?? election of President Taft. Under the West Virginia statutes ' tonly the two dominant i; parties are recognized, and the (Republican lead : , er? l*ho remain toy&j} j.p ^e abmlnees I 1 ot ;tbe old parrty now* Understand that! in .tfoip event of the new political or ganisation Jed by Theodore Roosevelt securing more votes i?a the state than President Taft, that hereafter the Progressive organization and not the (Republican parity will receive recogni tion under -the statutes. ?With this understanding impressed upon them there is a movement under way which had tits inception at a meeting of Republican business men at Charleston, who favor the; re-elec tion of President Taft, to provide sep arate eets of electors for the Repub lican and Bull Moose tickets, and at a meeting during the present week a committee of 15, 1 at the head of Wfajch is former Congressman Joseph ?H. Gaines, w*s appointed to wait upon Chairman James S. Lakin, of the Re publican State Central Committee, and request an arrangement for the selec tion of ele^tore on the ticket who will favor the election of ^llli&bi H. Taft and who will cast their VoteS in the Electoral College for ttfe regular nominee of the Re publican party. Of the present eight Presidential ?lectors only# three have given assur ance that they intend to support ?President Taft in the Electoral Col lege ?in the event of their election. They are James S. Webb, of Wayno county; M. Stanley Hodges, of Pendleton county, and J. WflHiam Harman, of Tucker county. These three have sig nified their intention to remain loyal to the regular nominee. "With it'hlg condition staring them In the ffcce .tbe regular Republicans in the state realise that it would be fu tile for them to attempt to vote for (President -Tatt> and for this reason j they desire a new set of electors in whom they have confidence. They do not take kfcidly to the suggestion that the same set of electors remain on both the Republican and the Progres sive tickets, and permit the candidate receiving the largest number of votes to ! receive the support of the electors > in the Electoral College. It is argued by the supporters of President Taft that they have a right to cast their ballots for their choice and be assured trfat their votes will /be counted providing tho electors are successful at -the election. They do not desire to cast a ballot for their fa- 1 vorite presidential nominee with any , stri'.ig attached to the same, and some even assert that If they are unsuc cessful in returning the President a winner that they prefer the election of Governor Wilson rather than the success of those who bolted from thetr own party. On the other hand, the Progressives are fall'lng In lino with the idea which originated in the Taft camp. While the Pull Moosers tei the early part of the campaign desired the same set of olectors on both tickets with tho understanding that the election would merely serve as a preferential primary between Taft and Roosevelt, and the electors would be guided by the re sult of the vote, they now admit that there is Justice in the demand of the Taft supporters and are entirely will ing, or at least a great many of tho j leaders ace, for two sets of elector? to be chosen. The willingness of the Roosevelt, leaders to put out a mew set of Pres idential Electors on their ticket, how ever, is based upon the confidence of the Progressive leaders that Colonel Roosevelt will poll more votes in We3t Virginia than President Taft, and they are anxious to have the new party recognized under the state laws, thus usurping the place formerly held by tb'e Republican party. I v Those who have studied the election laws of the stat^ say that it Is doubt-! ful, wer? the same electors placed on both the Republican and Progressive tickets, if It could be determined which of the two parties were in the ascendancy. Heretofore it has not been customary to record the votes cpst for President .and Vice President on the different tickets, and, wh'ile ?there are some who contend that the ballot law of 1908 requires this record to be kept, no official opinion has ever been rendered. Both the Republican and Progres sive leaders understand this situation, and for that reason the demand for / separate electoral tickets is growing, it is <the next question to be dealt with by the rival party organifcations. Chairman James B. I/akin, of the Re publican State Central Committee, has not made any effort to solve the prob lem, but Chairman "William M. O. Dawson, of the Progressives, has said that he may call a meeting of the Executive Committee of his party to solve the riddle. * Whether the present electors, if they are unwUling, can be removed or not remains a perplexing question. The effort to oust the Roosevelt Elec tors in Kansas still fcangs in the bal ance, and while National Chairman Charles D. Hilles is making an effort to settle the vexatious problem the so lution is not yet apparent. There are some of the Roosevelt electors in the state who ar? willing to retire from the Republican ticket and place their names on the Pro gressive ticket if the leaders of the new party give their assent, but there are others who would remain station ary on the Republican ballot, while one or two of the others are willing to abide by the choice of the voters be tween Taft and Roosevelt if that choice can be determined. One of the latter variety is L. D. .Victors, of Charleston, an elector at large, who made a public statement -to that effect during the week. * * * After leaving the head of the t'lckat the bull moose and the elephant wilt , eat from the same manager. To sat isfy some of v the restless brethren throughout the several counties of the from the ticket unless they secured the indbrsement of the bull moose the Progressives held a meeting at the capital and let it be understood -that the candidates nominated in the Re publican primaries and conventions and 'in which the Roosevelt support ers participated would be placed on the Progressive; ticket by petition. Within the next two weeks the Pro gressive leaders expect to have thoa sands of petitions out in each magis terial district of the state, but this action cannot be taken until the elec tor problem has been finally disposed nf In the indorsement of the Republi can state ticket th? West Virginia herd of Ruir Moose showed they were of a different breed from their an tier ed brethren in Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois, where separate tickets were ?amed, and Chairman James S. I^a kin, of the regular Republican Com mittee, did not display the same hand and use the tactics employed by Chair man Daugherty in Ohio, when he de clared that it was unlikely that the proffered indorsement would be spurn ed by any of the candidates. And it is very improbable that any of the candidates receiving such indorse ments will be subjected to any rigor ous cross-examination. There were some who believed that Chairman La kin might be Inclined to criticise the Progressives jn their in dorsement of the Republican state ticket. Many of the more ardent sup porters of the President have inveigh ed against the candidates accepting a nomination from the Bull Moose par ty, but Chairman Lakin holds that tho Indorsement given the Republicans does not alter their allegiance to the Republican ticket or affect their standing as Republican candidates. In the adoption of the resolution recommending the 'indorsement of the county candidates it is not certain that the Progressive leaders have escaped without some complications. In Ty ler and Fayette counties contests are being waged between local factions for -the support of the new party and it )s probable that the regular Republican tickets in these two counties will not get cn the ticket under the Progres sive emblem. (X)IX>KKI> HOSPITAIi Commissioners Make Dr. Harnett' a Hospital Official One for Ne^roeH Huntington, August 28.? Tho board of commissioners designated the hos pital of I)r. C. C, Harnett as thie cily Negro hospital, at a meeting this af ternoon. No other business was tran sacted by the board. ? ? > ? ? ? i ^" w;1 <i 1 1 j 7 ?' * ?? '*?" 4 "Mfcpii ?"*"??? . *v - I . . W. E. MOLLISON i Mississippi lawyer and banker who endorses tho attitude of the Progressive party toward the\l|egro. r ? ?*; 'tfc T. R. Electors WILL APPEAR ON REPUBLICAN BALLCWtS IN KANSAS UNLESS SUPREME COURT DECIDES OQTOJ&tWlfeE. ' ? Topeka, Kan., August 27. ? By a voce of 80 to G2 the Republican party coun cil late tonight ? defeated a resolution to force the RooseVelt Electors on an independent ticket. tfhte result of the- vote means tha' the Roosevelt Presidential Electors choseh ?ih the recent state primary will appear Upon the Republican bal lots in t'he fall election unless the Su preme Court of the .United States, which is considering the case, rules against them. The defeated resolution was intro duced Robert Stone, of Topeka. It requested that ,the Roosevelt Presi dential Electors get off the Republi can ticket a?ad get into the independent column. The Taft forces insisted that ..the Roosevelt men should leave the ticket while the Roosevelt men were equally hrm in their determina tion- to .'hold the Roosevelt Electors on. Full discussion was allowed in a de sire for; party harmony. Today was. a busy day politically In Topeka^ Conferences of the Republi can, Democratic and Socialist nomi nees were held and platforms were adopted by all. The adieu of the Republican coun cil, which is made up of lieading Re publicans of the state, including United States Senator Briatow, Congressman Victor Murdock and Governor Stubbs, followed the adoption of a resolution by the state committee today asking the Roosevelt Electors to resign. The action of the committee was merely a suggestion to the council. In. the council tonight mamy Pro gressives voted to have the Roosevelt E'fctors resign because they said they wanted to see a third party placed lu ??he field In Kansas. As iiie maH?\r stands tonight, there will be no tti'pl party. " Charles Sessions, Secretary of State, made a statement to the Ooy.ncil thaf. j he believed that the law pro/ided tha he should put the name of W. H. TaTt at the head of. the Republican' tick n. Uuosevelt leaders declared mandamui action will be brought in Court against Secretary of State to compel hip". to ^ave off /Fivft's mame. - '*<? ? * ^ ? ?' ? MULATTOES INCREASE IN WEST v VIRGINIA Washington,.' August 27.? ^Tha per centage of mulattoes among the Ne- j gro population of West Virginia . is in I N ? ' creasing rapidly, according to figures given out today by the Census Bu reau and is higher than the percentage in the; country at large. Out of a to tal of 64,173 Negroes in West Virginia in 1910 there were 20,879 mulattoes. The percentage .of mulattoes in 1910 was 2.5 compared with 28.3 i4i 1890 and 24.1 in 1870. The Census Bureau in a statement, issued today pays: "it | may be noted, however, that "an In crease in the mulattoe element does [not necessarily imply increasing in termixture witn the whites, since the children born of marriages between blacks and mul&ttoes would he mulat toes accord >.ig to the Census defini tion. 7-, L; > ? ? ? '? RIFLES ARK SE1ZKJ) By Custom Ofllcials? -Thought t* Have Been For Haytian Revo lutionists* Kingston, Jamaica, August 24. ? A shipment of rifles, believed, to have been intended for Haiti, was seized today by the customs authorities here on board the British schooner Barth oldi, which was clearing for a gulf port. Considerable activity prevails among the Haitian exiles here, indl | eating that an attempt probably will be made by followers of Antoine Si mon to foster a resolution. Mollison ? Approves TJHK PROCEEDINGS OF THE PRO* I GRESSIVK CONVENTION CHICAGO. Makes Statement To The Vickersburg Evening Tost in Which Ho clearly Explains His Views op. the Political Situation. I ~ j Shortly after his return to his home at Vicksburg, Mr. W. E. Mol lison, a widely known colored law yer who had been in attendance upon the Progressive National con vention at Chicago, had the fol: lowing to say in the Evening Post of that city: j "Many inquiries have been made and statements ventured that the men who were not seated in the late Progressive convention are like Mohammed's cpttin, suspended twixt heaven and earth, not want-j ed by the Democrats, read out by I the Republican bosses and kicked out by the Bull Moose. That state ment is true only of the first and j second of the two propositions. Conditons have made the Negro unnecessary to the Democratic par ty in all the gulf states. The pri mary has eliminated the-'black bro ther tho' the day when Lem Moore as a Democratic member of the Mississippi Legislature was a wel come member of the caucus in which a Barksdale and Walthall were candidates, and when his vote came near being decisive of the nominee of the party. The Repub lican party of Mississippi, purpose ly kept of the baby size so that the men in control may never have trouble in managing it, does not want any more than it has, aiid in faet was .glad iwhen the embryo, king bees left the hive. As to the kicking out by the Bull Moose,' there is nothing on which to base any such statement as the papers have featured. "The truth is that Mississippi is the only state in which there was any question except Florida. That state had both white and mix ed thrown out. Mississippi was the lone bone of contention. Vir ginia and Georgia had not sent other representatives than those who wore selected by the "provis ional" committeemen. Mississippi had not behaved well in the Taft convention. One of its colored leaders had drawn the. unenviable light of publicity about his head, and it was covered with the sign of the dollar. And these dollars had on them neither eagles to soar, nor nightingales to sing, but the croaking raven of bribery. And al so the man had misunderstood the situation and boasted of the un happy handling of the Taft dol lars, and forgot that Roosevelt's name was untactfully connected with the stick of tar, and without that statesman's fault or knowled ge. And affidavits of Mississip pians that money had been offered and refused, and the ugly boast of thick-skinned ones that both sides had been liberal, made Mississip pians persona non grata to a cam paign whieh had for its watch word blazoned on every banner the com mand from Sinai's craggy heights: 'Thou shalt not steal. ' Another col ored man in Mississippi brought the name into the limelight by de claring himself the National com mitteeman of a party not even in embryo; not thoroughly shaped in the womb of coming events. So all in nil. the high priests of the new cult did not want these men who were so much in unenviable evi dence in the Taft convention with the smell of fire upon some an<: the brand of mendacity and boast ing corruption upon others. "Mississippi was not wanted ii the convention which met last Mon day on the very scene of the bat tie of a month ago. If it must b< represented then Senator Dixo? decided to have a brand new deal and better have Mr. Eridge thougl his son made haste to disclaim an; allegiance to the movement whicl his distinguished father led. "And then before the Provision al Committee when the question o Mississippi's political life wa hanging by a slender thread, on of the advocates of the white an black delegation made threat of what the black man in the north and east would do. lie did not know the temper of the Saxon. It was untactful. The colored broth er was too proud of the seats which he held and the committee places he filled, from aristocratic Rhode Island and Narraganset Bay and from New Jersey which had known no black man in all the years from Grant to Taft, to take any stock in a state whose colored men had by their own hands pulled down the pillars of the temple. They would not risk their political salvation by adopting any slogan such as our untactful representa tive advised: 'seat all or none.' "The committee on credentials, was told that no regularity was claimed. It was also told by the same speaker for the mixed delega tion that no threat was needed; that southern men who do not be lieve in the participation in pub lic affairs of negroes would despise Col. Roosevelt, where they had either hated or admired, if he should strike down the men upon whom he had leaned so heavily a month ago. The committee took three ballots to get untied and fin al lv seated the Fridge delegation 17 * to 16. I "The convention eliminated or disavowed the word white in the Fridge call and so no one could claim to have been hurt by the fin al outcome. The convention had little time to stop to consider the claims of any one small element of the popu lation. It expressed itself for wo men, for the laborer and artisan and all who toil with brain and brawn. It included in its great promises the black man and the red. ' It was a grand gathering the most wonderful in some respects that ever was convened. / '? "In another article I shall at tempt to describe the marvelous many sided, peculiar genius whose word was its law, though he claim ed only to be advising and the gathering of the men of money and brains who follow his brilliant but erratic course to victory or obliv ion.' 1 - 'V *r*T'.**V " Tyt ? ?'V<? REI'UBMOSJ ARK F1UENBLY llayti and San l>omingo on Best of Terms, Says Commission. Sau Domingo, August 24. ? The rela tions between the Dominican Repub lic and Haiti havg been placed on. a much more friendly footing by the visit of a Dominican Government Com mission to Haiti. Tho Commissioners returned here yesterday and reported they had been received with the ut most cordial'ity by the Haitian Gov ernment officials and that any idea of hostility between -tho two republics was baseless. LINCOLN'S FORMER SERVANT Joli.ct , 111., August 27. ? Eliza Early, 90 years old, colored, servant for 10 years in the family of President Abra ham Licicoln and the nurse of Robert Todd Lincoln, was adjudged Incurably insane today by a Will County med ical commission and ordered sent to the asylum $t Kankakee. Born in slavery in North Carolina, she was purchased by a brother of Mrs. Lincoln and acted as h >r maid at 'the marriage to the martyred Presi dent. T-lie aged woman left the Lln co'/ns after the assassination of the President and came west with h?'.r h usband. Her lease of life, :the exam'ning phy sicians say, is brief, and h3r journev through life, which has included th?, White House and the almhouse, win. undoubtedly end in an asylum. OFFICIAL FLAG Cleveland, Ohio, August 23. ? Aftei hearing a vocalist in a moving-pictim i how sing "Every Hare Has a Flap Hut the Coon" Rev. J. Lennox, of this city, a Bishop of tho Zion Africar Evangelical Church, determined thai tho colored people should have a flag Today he publicly exhibitd the resuii of weeks of work of designing an offl clal emblem as striking as it is orig inal. The flag, religious in its slgnifl cance, is of red, white, blu* and pur pie. It carries 12 stars in a field o purple and has 12 bars of red, whit< and blue. Tho purple represents the robi* wort by Christ just, before the crucifixion the red that ^K^pugh our sins be scarlet, they shall be made white aj snow," the white the purity of thi saints, and the blue the Negro's loyal fj 1 1 y to thp United States. ' The 12 bars represent the Apostle and the minor prophets. PRESIDENT OF THE NATjKONAIi NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE *1* ACCLAMATION. Tit IR TEENTH HIM3G, ? ? ? ' '' " \f'M ? . . - 'v1 .Al ?.??< *: ?*"' '.*L SI ? ? ?. Chicago Filled With Immense CroWd ???, of Thrifty and Ppogp?Wve groes. Nexfl Meeting in1 ; deiphia. , ,J+T-?*S Great Meeting Chicago, August Z' a gala week in y City." The thl of the Nation' ^ has been i' v .? .nier / ? %> n>N haB drav v1 Jffi hq* beeJa:^ ,oric ""Wllndy annual session j Busine&s'Lfeagwe er. attraction- t^atr^l e West's greatest ; nlclpality v largest crowd of and progressive Negroes that it !wrt? ever before had the good fortune t<K entertain. Prom practically jerelfe:^ state , in the Unicm they came, and stories told by merchant, * farmer, pro- j fessional man and Industrial'; .wortjiw^" have not only possessed a strong de gree of "human Interest/' but they have been inspirational In thelf ^tfeqti M . ? I j ' ' ? 1 upon their brethren and out ojf them will grow larger and far-reaching suits in the varied activities in which the Negro race is engaged. The central figure of the session?, (b? course, has been Dr. Bookei4 T. Waaui'ffj Ington. Applauded to the gcho at' ew- H Y '* -v ry appearance, his magnetic personal ity and intensely practical utterances set the pace for the great gathering. All agree that the Chicago meeting 1912 has been, hi many respects, t3K$% most effective and really product lv^ of the series of commercial ? ? 1 ! ? f ,j[: f- V ffl'jj ience meetings" of the race that ,ha<$.|V' their beginning so auspiciously, at ton twelve yekrs ago. The cotnparUj^ of notes, showing the* rapid advah^Hw. ment of the Negro in tb& buM nesS world since the formation of league, proves its best Justification "W continued existence ?*d an tn~\ \-< creasiagly enthusiastic imppcrtft* *tfc? attendance year by year tufa both in poi?it of quality and ^iiattiJujr^ ^ and the registration of 1912/ was laottf^ far from five hundred pa(d-ut> berships, seventeen of which w;ere Ufa'jX'J memberships at $25, the h igh- water ^ mark so far iin each record 1 '?r ' ? i-jj / . I ' I . ? \ " uSSSj Sessions at Institutional "Church* The sessions were held day and . evening at the famous Institutional^ Church, Dearborn street, near Thirty^; ninth, and the spacious double attdl-jj||j torium was packed by aa eager |!$f throng every time the doors were^|| opened to the public. A cordial weK|y& ? *. ?' 1 ?? come was extended at all times by ; the genial pastor, Rev. A.- J.-Gar*: his capable corps of officers. A com-*: mittee of ladies served luncheon efctiil day, and the ushers in charge of MrU,?j Evans did their duty dn Ape ' fasljt'io^ri The opening address was delivered 'Vj by Dr. George C. Hall, chairman ot%.> the local committee on arratigement^M fAid a cordial welcome was exteh$^:/J|jj by Counsellor S. Laing Williams, agKf?> sistant United States District attorney, of Chicago. A felicitioug response ' was made by Prof. Harry T. Pratt of the Baltimore public schools, owqk;y$$ er of the Baltimore Times. The program, prepared with unus- $5? ual care by Correspond^# Secretary Emmett J. Scott, embraced every form y| of business and professional activity in which thg Negroes of the CQtt*ti&i|P are engaged, and the speakers, ^rlth>;^ out exception, represented the highe^;^:^ type of the men and women engage^; ^ in the commercial work of* th6 natlott,i.L^ The printed program, which has had 0jj wide circulation ?in the race press, familiar to all, and a study of its pe*y?.?!P sonn^l and line of discussion will bear out the statement just made. ,*M The annual addresa of Dr. Booker T. Washington, draw|i from the Un-* mortal Bard of Avon, "There's a tide ?) in the affairs of men which taken at j> its flood leads on to fortune/' empha~ \i sized the necessity for th? Negro to ' * take advantage of h>is manifold op~ portunities in the world of labor, and v ^ to do his share of the world's wt^rk^ 4 with a guarantee of reaping his pro- ;'*j portionate share of the irewards Chat .ifJ follow faithful service. As has been said In all previous years, this was th^ ?; keynote of the entire session and em-4 ^ bodies In a nutshell the purposes and ; | policies of the National Negro Bus!-* ,.v ness -Iveague. It. was "the speech Dr. Washington's career," and estab*. lished him anew as tho veritable "Moses of his race." The addresfe baa been printed in pamphlet form and f ? v.'* -^SrJ 'j. j (Continual on P>(? Two)