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advoqath. WW PCBLIHtt NOTES FROM CRISP OUR C* tox m mm VOLUME XIII CHAtURxTOK. WKST >" '? t V , ???????? - ? , ??^??caaBgHBcaMWBeeMgaaeMMi i 1 i meg OCTOBER 31, 1912 '[?' ?" ' ' "?" ' inn m in ROOSEVELT, MORGAN AND i.n*- ? ? " M it/ ?A,'! v \ AS SEEN BY C. P. CONNOLLY ;? i L. v - y . . . 7 ? 1 , C .-Tf* ?r.^ / . . ? T~ ? m '?'/ * .* **4Mtv Roosevelt ha* bfeen'. ?" charged with jmrtiaLUy to ga*u * *Msr. Koosovettj t practAcaJly the jllrst proMjc^itiJh under the Hhernwui law during his a . dmi nistration again vt Mr, Morgan's No thorn Seenrltles Company which sought the consolidation o f the Or? at Nothehi, tlie Nothern Pacific aiul the Burlington railroad** ; M)r. Roo sevelt also brought during tlio last years of his administration the sui t against Mr. Morgan's New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad an ? d -steamship tru*W Which Mr, \Vick~ ersham promptly dismissed during t he tirst month of Mr. Taft's admits ietration^*? ?Extract from tlie follow ing article by >lr. Connolly; By O, P. CONNOLLY Author of "Big Business and the Bench," etc. v Out of all the things that Theo dore Roosevelt dkl during: his seven years in the White House, his poli tical opponents have picked out the one charge, as the only one they can irfake stick, that Rcosevelt allowed the Steel Trust, .in defiance of the law, to acquire the Tennessee -Coal and Iron Company. Wo come now to the question, was Roosevelt a tool of the Steel Trust in this? Was he -deceived? Or did he act the part of a patriot or a- pigmy? Let ub forget on the one side that he has been charged with partiality to Mr. Morgan, and let us forget al so that in the face of this charge Mr. Roosevelt brought practically the first prosecution under the Sherman law,v 'during his administration against Mr. Morgan's Northern k Se curities Company, which sought the consolidation of the Great Nothern, the Northern Pacific and the Burlington railroads; and let us also forget that he brought during the last years of his administration the suit against Mr. Morgan's New Yor, New Haven & Hartford Rail road and steamship trust, whitfh Mr. Wfckersham promptly dismissed during the first month of Mr. Taft's administration. v' I say, let us for get the$e things because we want to consider this transaction solely and dispassionately on its merits. Tfoere iwas a -panic, in Wall Street. Banks were suspended. Long lines of excited citizens stretched uj>,a?d down the streets in the banking dis trict. Wall Street Was a powder ?magaeine. Every bank that failed added to the; flame Of public excite ment. Throughout the country at large, bankers were so panicstricken that they refused to pay out cash. They gave you cashier's certificates saying you had so much money in the bank, and on that you traded for the necessities of life with such merchants as were willing to accept it.- ;No one had any cash, and- no anawaa willing tO -biiy anything .but the actual necessities of life. ??It- makes no difference now who or what started that panic ? the un disputed fact was that it iwas upon us, threatening wide havoc and des truction. Two Wall Street banks owned the stock of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company. They were on the brink of dissolution. There is no question about that. It. is admitted. The Steel Trust, wanted that stock. No one else did. No one else was willing to buy. Agents of the Steel Trufet-went to Mr._ Roosevelt^. laid the facts before him; told him, as he knew, that it was a violation of tho law, but under the circumstances would he consent? It makes no difference now rwhat their motive was ? their i>lea was unanswerable, and Mt. Roosevelt answered it. Ho said that under the circumstances, if the sale would help stay the fright and panic of the people, and 'prevent the further .destruction of property and values, he would not object, if his Attorney-general did not. Was it the act of a faithless ser vant? When San Francisco was ?burning down, the first thing the firemen, did was to get together all the dynamite in San Francisco and telegraph to nearby cities for more. They blew up the buildings in the ?path of the flames which had not yet caught fire. Why? Because they wanted to stop the feed of the flames and save that part of the city that lay beyond. Were they patriots or criminals, And yet the very act they did during the fire, for 'which they were praised, done when there was no fire, would have branded, them as criminals and ma/de them liabl'-i to a term in the penitentiary. Mr. Roosevelt did what a'hy man of saneness and sense would have done under the circumstances. No one at the time thought of criticis ing him for it. It was only four years later, when the panic l?ad been forgotten, and he was again a can didate for office, that the transac tion was brought out from the clos et," dressed In nfcw habilamnntH and made to do service as a political ar gument. The flame and fire, the smoke and grime of the time, were gone ? and here stood a deed that convicted Roosevelt of inconsistency and insincerity. Apply the light of reason to it, and it vanishes like a hogy of the night. The^ men who to-day find fault with Mr. Roosevelt for this might just as consistently beg the physician to save their lives, and then refuse tp pay his bill. The bullet of the assassivi proved that Theodore Roosevelt did not drink intoxicating liquors and did not smoke cigarettes.* It required just some such . miracle to make tfofipe people believe tbls fact. A preju If ? ? V ? ? fr'dice^ ts the strongest vice of the i Krupp or Miaxim never in jtya'oie'd a bullet or .a weapon that penetrate through It. The $ prejudices of the average -man will kill the best grass seed that was ever sown. Will these people never realize that Roosevelt is as incor ? ruptibla as it is humanly possible for a mortal to be? Death Claims Vice President Sherman ? Kiut Ooiuoh Peacefullyy After a Iiiri Kerintf Illness of Month h l>iie to Bright^ Disease, Heart . l>isen?e ami Hardening of the Arteries. i Utica, N. Y., Oct. 30. ? After a long j illnicBs, Vice President of tiiie United i States, James Schoolcraft Sherman (lied at his home in 'this city at 9:45 o'clock tonight, of uremic poison, caused by Bright's disease. * He had been sinking since early in the morning, and it \yas realize^ that death was a matter of a few hours. Slight relief came after 7. o'clock, but did not prove real or lasting, and at last gave only temporary hope. At 9 o^clock the patient's tempera ture rose to 100, and' from that time ?his ccwdition rapidly became worse He was unconscious wh?in the end came, and had been in that condition for hours. All of the members of the family | were present. In addition to ? Mrs ! Sherman there were the three sons Sherrill, Richard U., and Thomas M. i 1 ' ? Sherman, with their respective wives. R. M. and Sanford Sfrermaai, brothers; and Mrs. L?. B. Moore, and Mrs. H. J. Cookinham, sisters. Soon after Mr. Sherman's death Dr. Payette H. Peck, the attending physician,; issued the following article "The. Vice President died at 9:48 p. ml, without regaining consciousness for a moment. Hie died in the pres ence of his wife, her brother and sifter, his two brothers and three sons and their wives. He had been entirely conscious since 7 o'clock when lie hatf a period of partial con sciousness lasting 15 minutes. He died in uremic coma, as a result of Bright's disease, heart disease, and arterio-sclerosis." Ball Moose Numerous | In Tennessee State i . . * O I Taft Policies Do Not Appeal to Great Majority of Negroes and They Are Standing for Roosevelt an<l Pro | gressivo Party. Nashville, Tenn., Oct 2 6. ? There ?has never been a new party intro duced in Tennessee that thas so com pletely captured the Negroes as has !the National Progressive Party famil [iarly known as the "Bull Moose" | party. i This was the first thought to be a , spasmodic move that would soon die out. It was said that when the friends of President Taft got all of his men and made a few speeches to the Negroes throughout Tennes see, they would all forget Mr. Roose velt and his now <party; but despite j the fact that t;he Progressive cam ! paign managers in Tennessee have i been as slow and have managed the ' campaign as awkwardly as it is pos ! sible for men to do, and have ap parently shown no interest in the matter, nevertheless every day brings j new evidences of new recruits to the ! Progressive ranks. It is said by some | V 1 % , that tjhe quiet manner in which things are being conducted had ap pealed to the Negro more than any S thing elsfc and thai the thinking men j don't require great speeches and masameetings to convince them of the wisdom of the course mapped out by ex-President Iloosevelt. and the Progressive Party; hut that these men were able to judge for them selves and understand the princi ples of the party, and are not waiting ; to be aroucsti or excited to make ur I their opinions. j Mr. T. Clay Moore, who is in (charge of the Colored Progressive I headquarters in t-his city, says the ! outlook is most encouraging; that ; every day news 's received from dif I ferent 'parts of the state that makes jhim feel very optimistic as to the showing the Progressive party will make in -Tennessee in November, 1912, ? -Nashville Globe, * 7 * i ' ? ' : A g president! ill ill# mm mm. ' VlCfc -PRESIDENT.] f/JIIJl/JlIllJHUh lKftlflK III IllJIrf^ Cheer T. R. For Forty Minutes Colonel's First Appearance Since At ? tempted As?as&in?tion- i*? <>} rooted WithjQreat Enthusiasm by Thous ands of Followers. New York,' Oct. 30 ? Showing no ! physical , evidence of <the shot of the | attempted assassin in Milwaukee, Oct. I 14, Col. Theodore Roosevelt tonight j spoke for an hour and twenty minutes I before a progressive political rally. ! Twemty thousand fellow New Yorkers were present -to accord him an up roarious wed come that lasted forty-' two minutes after his entrance into Madison Square Garden. Col. Roosevelt stood at, the edge of the speakers platform, and could not make himself heard above the din. ol chteers. In^part he said: "Friends, perhaps once in a genera tion, not^raore ofteni, there conies a chance for the people of a country tc ! play their part wisely and fearlessly | in some great battle of the age-long j | warfare for human rights. To our j, j fathers the chance came in the mighty ! days of Abraham Lincoln, the man, | who thought and tolled and suffered for the people with sad, patient, and ! kindly endeavor. To our forefathers! that stretched from the time when the first Continental congress gathered tc the time when Washington was inaug- ; | urated as first president of the re- j ?public. To us im turn tiro chance hasj | now come to stand for liberty and i I righteousness as fai their day thes1: jdead'trien stood for liberty and right eousness. Our task is not as grea* |as theirs. Yet it is well nigh as im portant. Our task is to profit by the j ! lessons of the past,, and to cneck in ! (?time the evils that grow around us;' \ lerrt our failure to do so may cause j j dreadful disaster to the people. Wei (must not sit supine and helpless. Wei of arrogance and the brutal selfish ness of envy each to rmi unchecked \ '< its evil course, if w';i do do so then! some days mouldering hatred will sud- j j denly kindle info a consuming flame ; and either we or our children will be called on to face a crisis as grim as any wtileb this republic* has' over seeti.' f'.-j ? ^ '4 ' < i . I Political Forecast OP WEST VIRGINIA BY J. V. HUh I/I VAX IN THK IUNMWHA CITIZEN Hatfield a Winner And at lieast Three of Five Congress men Will be Republicans is the lie- j lief of the Citizen's Correspondent J After Careful Purvey. ? Oil- state matters, Dr. H. D. Hat field,, the Republican nominee toi Governor, will win over William R. ! Thompson by the biggest majority ever 'accorded a Republican guber natorial candidate in this stafc:\ On i a conservative estimate, I place his t pHirfclity at 20,000. I have arrived ; at this view of the political situation 1 .after talking with both Republican ! .and Democratic leaders, and 1 only | wifiin to qualify it by asserting that j it is contingent only on the continu- i ation of the alliance btween the Re publicans and Progressives, which 1 j believe is Stronger today than it has ever been since the beginning of the campaign. Dr. Hatfield has been viciously as- ! sailed in this campaign, but he has ? force behind him and when he an- ; nounced at the meeting here last 1 Thursday night that he would keep a legislature in special session until it did repeal the present obnoxious j guard law there was no one who heard him but who believed that j ' Hatfield would and could do that j very thing. Hatfield has shown that j many of the scurrilous charges made j against him are untrue. For in stance. it wacb charged that he has ! refused to appoint Democtfktic chal- j lengers in McDowell county. He ; shows that under the law he did not ! have the authority. He was charged { with seeking a pardon for A. 1 >. ! Calhoun, a wealthy Negro ccavicted \ of illicit selling. He hat- proved by i Governor Glasscock that he made no effort to free Calhoun and never J discussed the matter with the state executive. He was charged with favoring the retention of the guard system. He said publicly that it j must go. Chairman Stuart Walker of the Democratic state committee, j has declared him to be a most ob- . noxious candidate for the governor ship, but the fifteen Democratic ; state senators selected Hatfield as the only Republican senator they would accept for the presidency of , (Continued on Page T2U?M-> i . . " v1 ? . S Dixon Predicts Roosevelt Sweep # >* ? . - ...... c. ^ "Unless Our Managers are Crazy He'll Win in a Landslide," Says Chairman of tlie Progressive Na tional Committee. New York, Get}, ^30 ? ''RoosovMtfs strength will surprise the .-nation; in ?numerous states there will be land slides for him." This was iihe answer last night of Senator Joseph M. Dixon, Progressive national chairman, to the cries of op posing campaign, chieftains that he had pnevaricated in predicting a Roose velt victory. In til)!-iir replies Repub lican and Democratic managers refus ed to consider the Colonel as a ser ious- cca'.eudtr. "Without getting excited," averred Senator Dixon, "this thing looks like a 'landslide every whl?Te. Talking over the long distance telephone during the aftcrnon, I was informed that Frank Dingley says a Roosevelt' victory is certain in Maine. New York political writers admitted confidently that our chances in th"' empire state looked bet ter than ever. The New York Herald conceded Buffalo to its 'this morning, and 1 am sure from our reports that | we will carry Brooklyn. "There is something on. and our! strength is uot bounded by state lines,; either, "Of court?:- we will carry Illinois. "Why. I walked three blocks from' the hotel this afternoon for a little airiug. In th? six squares I covered ! 1 counted forty-six Bull Moose pins, j three Wilson emblem#, and two of the Socialist party. Does that mean any* tning?" Senator Dixon assorted that his pre diction of a sweeping victory folr the Progressive cause was not mere specu lation, bill based on "cold blooded" ? fa<ts from every state in the union. j "Wither the Progressive leaders throughout the country are crazy or; we have the battle won," he said. "I have not permitted myself to get the lea l bit excited, but T believe I can j read the handwriting on the wall, and it spells a Roosevelt. landslide unless 1 am greatly mistaken." KRDKKALS Are Repulsed l?y Rebels in Santo JDo miugo, and Insurgent** May Cai>~ turc Monte Crietl. Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo, Oc- . toiler 30. ? in a battle at Monte i Cristi last Sunday the government , forces were repulsed twice. Tho in ? 1 - \ ' X* A man entered into a coutract ' iwith a railroad to furnish wood and i ties to tiie company, to bo takeij [ from the timber lanus in the Missis- j aippi river bottom, in this bottom, j perched upon stilts, he built a log cabin, and with his wue and an oiu j Negro man who assisted him, lived | there and worked tor live long years. '? The railroad company was impecu- j nious and had paid him on account j barely Lutlicient to buy meal and , bacon for subsistence, when it wont j into the hands of a receiver. , The \ woodman went in person to the Fed- i erai CouTt with his claimr He wore -( a coonskin cap. He was long past 1 the meridiau of life and too poor to hire a lawyer. He told tne federal judge the company, owed him over seven hundred dollars, all his littt^ < fortune. The last item in his uc- . count was eleven months old,' when I the railroad ' deiaulted. Aocordlng : to the decisions, the payment ol such claims wa- restricted to those j which had accri^ed with la six I months, and the judge decided ! against the man's claim. Thb wood- ' man reached for his coonskin cap, 1 and, almost tottering, left the court j room, fjo was found later at his home, hanging to the limb of a tree, ; dead. The coonskin cap was found ! lying at the foot of the iree. | That judge was United States \ Circuit Judge Henry Clay Caldwell, i of the Eastern District of Arkansas, j appointed by Abraham Lincoln, I himself of the coonskin-cap tribe, j Judge Caldwell is now living in hon orable retirements after forty years [ of continuous service on the Federal } bench. He never forgot the case of ; the man with the coonskin cap. He j reflected that much of our law was I judge-made law; that there was Just 1 as much law and just as much rea- i eon and common sense for saying j that claims against railroad proper ties in tho hands of receivers were valid if they accrued within six years, as there was for saying that they must have accrued within six months. He then and there decided to make some law 'himself. There after he made it a rule of his court; that no railroad receiver' -would he appointed by- him- save upon . the condition that all cUlma-for labor,, supplies an,d material necessary, to keep the roajci in operation, and all claims for damages, not barred by the statute of limitations,, should have preferences over mortgages. It was a new rule of law, but that was many years ago; and now, through legislation in some of the states, and by judicial decisions in others, that surgents now occupy St. Pierre, and it is believed that Monte Cristi must surrender. General Borrias, wifflTKOO Insur gents. is near Puer to ...Plata ...The. government forces here are barricad ing the streets. ? Communication with Santo Domin go City is cut off, as the insurgents do not permit the telegraph lines to work and the government cannot pro tect them. The insurgent forces at Monte Cristi number l,_00. They have re ceived 300,000 rounds of cartridges and $110,000 in gold. ?The inhabi tants are sufforiu-f; from lack of food. The capture < f the city would hasten the fall of the Victoria gov ernment, as it vo lid relieve a thous and men from di:rv in the province of Monte Cristi, and this army would then move on Puerto Plata and San- : tiago and thus ond the war in the north of the republic. Apparently - a 1 governor of Puerto Plata suspects \het General Bmilio Garden i? ma!u 1/ preparations to capture Puerto tn and he is taking j all precautions to guard thecitv. Negro Waiters j to the Front! i - -- . 1 -- i I Taken on to Bt^k a of Whites in Hostel Hen of National Capitol, They Will ?>e Hotaitietl I Permanently, Say Managers. Washington, D. C., Oct. 30. ? "It's ! an ill wind that blows nobody good." t By virtue of a foolish and unreason- ! able si ike on the part of between ! 300 and <00 whito waiters in several of the leading hotels and cafes of ! this city, a lar^e, number of Negro ! waiters taken on at first as strike- j breakers, have >eon given permanent j places in the dining rooms of said ? hotels and cafes. The Haleigh, New Willard an j Cafe UcpublUjue, within whose walls a blackface was a strang er, are now fully equipped with col- [ ored waiters, and the managers say i they have the experience and relia bility to hold dottn the jobs for all j time. The strikers -have attempted violence, but have been pretty well . thinned out by Major Sylvester's j ? ? ? '*? ? -w-, law; ?nd lt? manifest Justice . lyre bofK'.marBWng oji. : " . f^v .. these, whtct* fere Justice... out ot%e conditions now, tfc^e Fro- ' t" greBsive party seeks to remedy-~-*i<>t . ' ; because of misfortune in individual - ^ cases, and &?nsk. of a judge herty and'^C there ? but as a universal practijq$% V of the golden rule and the square 4 * ;> deal in the administration ojt . Other ' ;*i tries are far> atye&ii<jr uo in s' oforins. In Australia* for ins v' when, an. employee has a gri ^ j, he presents it ib th0 arbi' ji court. The employer i? .< jk ^ cy to answer. There is a v, % and when the case is Avoided, ? lecision stands tot three years. ^ , judge in Melbourne^ after care- r; ' ; ^ . investigation, gave a goldrbinlug company the option of paying Uving wages or closing down his property* We seek to find some wriy\ by which the reforms relating to the employment of women, their scant and insufficient wage and tjieir ertV ?ployment in nightly occupattpnai-r^'" shall, be brought to pass '&)? shall be brought to pass withoutviut^r-' ; fcrence from judicial tribiunals ??(l on accepted justice. We sefcij*, \n \;;V short, the right to pass our owi^ays, based on the will of the makoxfity, with due regard" to 7iuittan , Tights-.1 and with proper protection for;pr'o> orty rights; but we place ' human.*! vYv' rights first, as did Lincoln an<J\ the ' ^ Republican party of 1860. Hut we stand for still further \re forms in the law ? for ex?fi$ii$9fc, ... ? \ lfor simplicity of procedure. .fQ^'lesH expensive trials for the citizen and . ; for the state not only as a help to . , the individual citizen, but aq a les- / sening of the burden of taxation. We insist that the trial of the aver- . age law suit is a battle of wits and > ? a splitting of judicial hairs, in which the fundamental justice of the ques tion at issue is lost sight of. This we seek to remedy. We also Week to remedy by legislation some; of the things which have been left staridi&g , from former days and whicli tailed ? attention in 'the rush of mAterlil growth and in the accumulation o? ;j I precedents, it will sur prise^ijijaan^i American citizens, ,perJiap^-^e^n<wffA^;.v that a citizen of <?ne M&Wl: mdy ? ? , employ another to go. into an adjoin ing etttte and commit a capital crime, and yet if he himself , regains out of the state where the crinie is committed he cannot be ' j>unislie(r for his offense in either state. This is but a sample of the chaotic condi tion of our laws. ')/:**? . . V ?' I ?? . Ill I ? F ^ *$u i t ? i4?n i? ? i f ?y? ? >? m . r J "strong-arm squad" of bluecoafs, who gave the coloied men ample pro- y: tectiou, escorting many of them to -?heir- - ho -^?Uii .-.iioimi at night. The guests at the hostelrles named : are delighted with the dhange; Said a well-known southerner who always stops at the Haleigh: . ' -i/l "Negroes should havo the first chance at this profession of \vaitlng ? -for, when properly learned it is a '?? profession. Their opportunities for employment in business and other avenues are so limited that they are ? . v1 entitled to a practical monopoly at / callings like this, in which they seVve to better advantage than white men. T*} The white waiter ubqs his job as a - means to an end. He is independent, often superclioua and finds no satis faction in his work. Ho feels above \ it, and goes into something else 'as ^ soon as he gets in shape to db so. '.' "Tihe Negro, on .the Other hantj/ y, makes waiting a life calling. He is v naturally polite and obliging and is never happier, than when doing something to pleiise a gentleman or lady of what he terms 'class.' He Is proud to be known as a flrst-clasa ^ waiter, and grows better an be goes. '? ,v along. Besides, he 'looks the part/ and we southerners feel perfectly at home when we have him about ns. ? This foreign waiter fad is" blowing V.,.' over, and wo are gltd to see the Ne- \ gro returning to the old field in which he is both useful and orna mental. Give me colored waiters ev-* . ery day in the week." ... in putting colored waiters hi their dining rooms permanently, Manager Itillnmn, Weston and others have > scored a big hit with their "sWellV :! pfttrens. They assert tiiat, under no consideration, will any of the white strikers be taken back. , ' , MONSTER Blfifv. AT T HM HOWAttD. Packed houses have again been the rule this week at the Howard Theatre and the "standing room only" tegeii^ is displayed nigHly long before the first curtain goes up. The monster f t / % 1 bill is headed by that sterling team, Hodges and Launch mere, whose act has a distinct flavor of Broadway and Hammerstein's. Leona Marshal), n greatj favorite here, 'Joes a noat fcja* gie turn, and McI^lSflV^k anil Shad&4gr j win favor in a *lnfelng< and (Continued tm p?& three.) ' v, y% a ?, , ;fc