Newspaper Page Text
14 THURSDAY, WANT ADS la The San Antonio Light 1 inaerUon. par word la 4 oonaecutive iaaerUona. par wort.. 3c T ooaaacaUva inaertiona. par wort.. 4c M or a»ora coaeecmlve inaertlone OMK ■ALT curr na WOBB each InesrUon Mo ms accepted for Ism Um ISa. rar your oonveaieaoe waat Me will •a accepted over ths telephone at ao Mtra eoet, or U preferred a maaaancar •“ bo coat for your ad without astra charge. BOTH PHONES 176 MABOVXC ITOTICB. a A called assembly of Ran An tonio council No. 14, K. and 8 M - wll> l * held ,hl " < Thursday) evening at 7 .30 o'clock, for work. Rejourning cviuju ns are fraternally Invited. W. H. WAT. T. I. M. mabomc ironca. a A called communication of Anchor Lodge No. 424, A. F. and A. M.. will be . held tomorrow night. 7:30 o'clock. Work in F. C. degree. Mem be<a u> Alamo Lodge No. 4t. A. F. and A. M„ and visiting brethren are frater nally invited. All F. C.'s are requested to attend. R. O. CALLAHAN. W. M. ATTBMTXOIT, K. O. T. M. Regular meeting at our hall. Odd Fel lows building. Thursday. May It. Re ports of auditing and hall committees. Very important for you to be present Visiting knights welcome. JOSEPH FRIED. R. K. rviraMAX) aonca. J. ». Lund. Died in San Antonio. Texas, at 7:15 o'clock p. tn.. May 17. 1911, J. P. Lund. acM 49 years, 2 months and 12 days. asHeral will take place from the family msidence. 323 North Concho street. Fri day, May 19, 1911. at 4 o'clock p. m. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. Interment New Hermann Sons cemetery. NOTICE THE TEXAS STATE HUMANE SO CIETY (San Antonio branch) desires to Inform our citizens that all soliciting and collecting for its local work Is done solely by a committee of ladles bearing credentials signed by the president. Vol untary contributions are earnestly so licited, sent to P. O. box 179, or to Mrs. R. I. McCalla, secretary, room 211 Mackay building, old phone 2409 (day), 638-lr (night). B. F. Kingsley, presi dent. Mounted humane officer, E. M. Collins. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED—MEN TO TAKE THIRTY - day practical course in cur machine shops, learn the automobile and accept good positions. New - Q r . leans Auto School. New Orlesn£ j YOU ARE WANTED \ GOVERN 5 Rations open. Franklin 2 2, Rochester, N. T. TP Jf THE B. B. B. MESSENGER SER ” vice, phones 187, for reliable help or position. 208 Navarro. RESPONSIBLE TO TRAVEL, either sex; salaty and expenses; ref erences required. Savoy hotel, room 27. WANTED —TWO GOOD SHOEMAKERS. Apply at once, 11014 South Alamo. WANTED —A GOOD ALL ROUND blacksmith. New phone 3077-black. WANTED —MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade. We have hundreds of graduates running shops depending up on us for help. Positions now waiting. Great scarcity of barbers this season. Top wages paid. Few weeks completes. Tools given, diplomas granted, board if desired, wages Saturdays. Only place in the world that can save years of ap prenticeship by Instructions with charts, diagrams and free practice. Get particulars today. Moler Barber College, 320 West Commerce street. SALESMEN — ROCKPORT, UNCLE Sam's new deep water harbor. Lots 8100, easy payments. BEST Investment ever put on the market. See us at once. Sartain & Montgomery, 445 Moore build ing. WANTED — EXPERIENCED CHAUF feur. Apply Mrs. John A. Fraser, 1501 Main avenue. WANTED —TEN MEN, EXPERIENCE unnecessary; will pay 10 per cent on real estate sales. Best selling townsite and acreage property on the market Fine black land, five-acre tracts and bay front lots, seventy-five feet wide, for 8300 a pair. 310 monthly payments. Jack H. Powers, 109 Avenue D. TALK your ad to The Light. Both phones 176. WANTED —ONE FIRST-CLASS COAT maker and one bushelman. Apply at True Fit Tailors, 109 South Alamo. MEN TO SOLICIT ORDERS FROM house to house, commission basis. Le beuf Scientific Laboratory, 417 Avenue D. WANTED —PARTY TO TRAVEL FOR old established firm; salary and ex penses paid. Call The Edwards, 208 Avenue D. WANTED — DISTRICT MANAGERS for every town to handle real estate and place loans on property. For full particulars address at once A. C. Wil liams, 912 Realty building, Charlotte, N. C. WANTED—BLACK HUSKY NEGRO TO work on African dip. Twelve dollars per week. H. L. Watkins, Exposition park. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO RUN ON trains; cash security required. Gulf Coast News Co., 1408 H West Commerce street. WANTED—CITY SALESMAN TO CALL on grocery and butcher trade. Main Ave. Poultry Depot. WANTED — ALL ROUND MAN TO in grocery store. Apply 1143 N WANTED— a BARBER FOR COMPANY D signal corps; everything furnished; n rood opening for the right man. In "uh-e for A. F. Bryant, corporal com pany D, signal corps. MAN WANTED TO DO YARD AND housework 403 West Park avenue WANTED '— A COLORED SALOON porter. Apply 125 Avenue C. HELP WANTED Aueuta. AGENTS MONEY-MAD. STRANGE IN ventlo* startle* nation. Zimmerman, farmer, gets 813.245 in 110 days; Kor siad, 82,312.00 In two weeks, selling our modern bath equipment with hot and cold running water facilities for 88.50. Abolishes plumbing, waterworks. Hart sold 16 In three hours. Free sample; credit. Allen Mfg. Co.. 3368 Allen Bldg.. Toledo, Ohio. FEMALE WANTED—WHITE WOMAN TO COOK and assist with housework. Apply 602 Avenue B. WANTED—EXPERIENCED PANTRY apply steward. St. Anthony ho-. WANTED — EXPf RIENCED WOMAN pressers. Apply at once. New York D>e IV orka ANY GIRL IN NEED OF A FRIEND Is invltd to cal) at the Salvation Anny Rescue Home, 3019 River avenue, atani time Old phone 3873. WANTED — EXPERIENCED SHIRT o;*erators and buttonhole makers on fine custom work. Apply Johnson & Son, Custom Shirt Makers, 216 East Com merce street. WANTED—SETTLED WHITE WOM «n: cooking and general house work; small family; no children; no washing. Apply 429 West Woodlawn avenue. WANTED—A WOMAN TO DO GENER aI house work In family of three; will pay good wages and furnish nice serv ant house. Mrs. L. T. Powell, 821 Texas avenue, West End. WANTED — GERMAN GIRL FOR cooking and housekeeping, only two in family. 419 San Pedro avenue. FIVE TRAVELING SALESLADIES OF neat appearance. High-class proposi tion with good salary. Apply from 6 to 8. Bexar hotel, room 201. WANTED—LADY AS COMPANION OR nurse. 203, care Light. WANTED—A GERMAN NURSE GIRL. 18 years or over; none other need ap ply. Call 501 West Magnolia avenue. WANTED—FIRST-CLASS COOK AP- Brooklyn avenue. Old phone SITUATIONS WANTED MALE SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERl enced tinner; anything in sheet metal line. Address 9509, care Light. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED CHAL'F teur, position as driver In private family; best of references. 9989, core Light. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED* CHAUF feur, position AO accompany party overland summer; best of refer ences. care Light. CHAUFFEUR WANTS POSITION; satisfaction guaranteed. Salary no object. Address L. P. 8., care Light. YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION IN light lunch room as waiter or as clerk in store. Al references. Address H. S. 8.. care Light. STENOGRAPHER TYPEWRITER wants work. All or part day. substi tute or home work. References. New phone 1374. SITUATION WANTED AS NIGHT watchman by competent man; can fur nish good references. Address Wm. Hl ley. 218 Austin street FEMALE EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DE slres position in office, preferably a stenographer. New phone 3006-blue. WANTED—POSITION BY EXPERl enced and capable stenographer. New phone 1667. EXPERIENCED NURSE WISHES Po sition for confinement case. New phone 3054-blue. LOST, FOUND, STRAYED FOUND—PROF. MILBOURNE. DANC ing master, teaches waltz and two step, two lessons. 710 Avenue C. New phone 3021. LOST—SOLID GOLD BRACELET EN graved on top and set with three diamonds. tin Hot Wells car Une. Re ward for return to 226 South Cherry. LOST — WHITE POINTER DOG. brown spots; collar and license: sore ear; good reward. M. F. Schuler, 906 E. Commerce street. Phone 2434. LOST—GOLD BROOCH ATTACHED to black bow; liberal reward if re turned to Light office. LOST —A gentleman's open faced gold watch, probably on the north side of Third street, between 31 4 Third street and the corner of Ave. C. Reward will be paid for its return to 314 Third street. LOST—SPOTTED JERSEY HEIFER from pasture back of Laurel Heights: 14 months old; branded "T. Y." Reward for return. Old phone 434. LOST—RING WITH SEVEN KEYS. Return to Light for reward. LOST—WHITE BULL PUP, BRINDLE spots on rump; blue eye; answers to name of Beauty. Call 1118 West Com merce. New phone 1672. TWO BAY HORSES LEFT ALAMO Heights Tuesday night. Reward to finder. 1234, care Light. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS THE ST. BERNARD, 304 H S. Alamo street. Coolest rooms and best beds tn city. New building; neatly furnished. New phone 1643. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH connecting, thoroughly modern, close In. The Cactus, 450 Main Ave. NICE CLEAN SOUTHEAST ROOM adjoining bath. 328 Lafitte St.. One block S. P. depot. . FOR RENT—NICE LARGE SOUTH east furnished room with private fam ily; close in. Address No. 100, care Light. FOR BENT—NICELY FURNISHED rooms, all modern conveniences, close in, summer rates. 414 Sixth street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ALL outside, with hot and cold bath, close in. • 230 East Commerce street. NICELY FURNISHED COOL ROOM — all conveniences; one block ' from Joske's. Apply 141 North street. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentlemen only, breakfast optional. 2403 South Presa. FOR RENT l urulshed Rooma TWO NICELY FURNISHED COOL rooms, private home, desirable and convenient locution, for rant to gentle men. Address. with reference. 186, car* Light. FOR RENT—THREE NICE CONNECT ing rooms, furnished or unfurnished; nice neighborhood, half block from 8 I*, car line, three blocks east 8. P. do pot. Call 406 Idaho. A NICE CLEAN SOUTHEAST FURN lahed room adjoining bath. 138 East Cavallos street, half block from ear Une, two blocks from Sap depot, in private family. FOR RHKT—2 NEATLY FURNISH rooms for rent. 119 South street I'XFI RMSHED ROOMS THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC ing a want ad in the Light is to tela phone it. A skilled operator Is ready to take ft from your dictation. Your credit la good. Both phones 178. TWO LARGE SOUTHEAST ROOMS unfurnished, in quiet horns, high, cool location, one block 8. P. car, Eaat End. Six dollars per month. 351 Belmont St TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, SOUTH eastern exposure. 617 Avenue B. Old phone 4315. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; everything furnished; Ughts gas. hot and cold water. 315 Nueva. THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC- Ing a want ad in the Light is to tele phone It. A skilled operator is ready to take it from your dictation. Your credit Is good. Both phones 176. CLEAN, QUIET. CLOSE IN ROOMS; nicely furnished; housekeeping if de sired. 321 Third street and Avenue E. TWO LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, in nice home and select neighborhood. 522 Augusta. FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping, two lower connecting rooms. Gas, bath, electric lights, 812 per month. 637 South Presa. WANTED—A COUPLE TO RENT TWO or three light housekeeping rooms In private family; all conveniences. New Phone 2705. 633 Van Ness, Government Hill. HOUSEKEEPING K<X)MS ONE OR TWO ROOMS FURNISHED for light housekeeping. 1107 Wesatche avenue. Beacon Hill. One block car line. VERY REASONABLE AIRY keeping rooms, nicely furnlshr'; ,** conveniences, two blocks VP stairs; references required* sick. 903 East Houston. CLOSE-IN MODERN FURNISHED room- -i»o light housekeeping room. 4'9 bth St. Old phone 6264. 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, furnished or unfurnished to couple without children. Hot Wells line. Old phone 43. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UP-TO date; everything furnished; lights, gas, hot and cold water. 420 St. Mary's. FOR RENT — FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. New phone 1133-red. 503 North Flores. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED room, suitable for light housekeeping or single people, cheap prices. 406 South street FOR RENT— NICELY FURNISHED rooms for house keeping, also rooms for gentlemen. Terms very reasonable. 815 Avenue D. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR RENT — WELL FURNISHED rooms with board. 51 Avenue “A”; close In, end of Fifth street Old phone 2813. A LIGHT WANT AD FINDS ITS WAY in nearly every home in San Antonio and more than 5000 homes in southwest Texas. They are welcome visitors, too. judging from results. Use Light want ads for what you want and use them to sell what you don’t want. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, all modern conven iences; table board solicited. 828 Ave. C. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, beautiful home, elegant neighborhood, near San Pedro car. New phone 1481. FOR RENT—ROOMS AND BOARD with or without private bath. Refer ences exchanged. 412 Martin street. ROOM AND BOARD; HOME COOKING, two blocks from postoffice. New phone 2452. COOL ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. 817 Nolan street, Dignowlty Hill. HOUSES FOR RENT OR SALE—A FOUR-ROOM house, suitable for a store, in a very good locality. 235 Barrera street, two blocks from Mission drug store on S. Alamo. FOR RENT—FINE 7-ROOM COTTAGE, every convenience, east front, near car, top of hill, vacant after 23d, Something fine. 1107 North Olive. FOR RENT—B-ROOM. 2-STORY, Ev ery convenience; fine southeast corner, top of hill. Party will keep part of house If satisfactory. 1103 North Olive. Choice location, 1 block to car. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM HOUSE at 125 Hess St. FOR RENT. Eight-room house. 213 Ditmar street, all modern conveniences, new, has never been occupied. HAUSMAN & FREED. Waster Bldg. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM COTTAGE nicely furnished. 602 Victoria. FOR RENT—NICE FIVE-ROOM COT tage, excellent repairs, all conven iences; close in. Dr T. T. Jackson. FOR RENT—ONE NICE AND VERY convenient six-room house; bath and electricity; only four blocks from Joske's store. 322 per month; will not be vacant till May 18. 328 North St. FOR RENT—BRAND NEW 4-ROOM bungalow; hall, bath, electric lights. 510 Not th Pine. Inquire next door or 815 Nolan street. ATTRACTIVE. If you have a house to rent or want to rent one, let vs help you. Have sev eral parties who want to rent a home at once. GANAHL WALKER. 427 Navarro St., Old phone 1387. FOR RENT—S-ROOM COTTAGE ON car Une, bath, electric light, sewer, gas. 2410 N. Flores. Call 611 Gibbs bldg., old phono 1104. LIST YOUR PROPERTY with us, we will rent it for you. HAUSMAN * FREED, Washer Bldg. SEE HAUSMAN & FREED IF YOU wish to ri nt a home. Washer Bldg. FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE at 119 Nolan street. Inquire 117 No lar street FOR RENT HOUBEB Do You Want to Rent a House? If »o. rlnu 3439 old ph<»nt. new, make appointment to cull H • have not on my Het just what you denire i’ll take pleasure in finding It tor yv’i I’ormerly 318 Fro it building, now loc it* ’! In new quarters. 201-304 Gunter buikhno* FURNITURE •nd hous« furnishings We czu r« n t you furnHur, from kitchen to izrlur by th, month or year, also rent special outfit, for restaurant. MAX KAROTKIN. 318 W„t Commerce St. New phune 614. old phone 449. ASK HIM—WHO? J. M. NIX, about renting furnished •nd unfurnished houses and apartments. BEA! TIFULLY LOCATED In the CLASSIEST NEIGHBORHOOD, facing Msd I son Square, right on the car line and only a few blocks from the St. An thony. Renta reasonable. Seo „ J. M. NIX, Old Phone 450. 220 E. Houston St. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE ON COOPER, near car line. Phone 838-lr. 1330 new phon,. FOR RENT. 8-room 2-story at 216 Dallas 81., facing park 137.50 6-room modern cottage at 412 N. Colorado street 15.00 5-room cotuge at 119 Mulberry avenue 15 00 Old Phone 706 or 1445-lr. FOR RENT—NEW 4-ROOM HOUSE with bath, one block from car Une; hot and cold water, electric lights, screened back porch. H. J. Benson. Grand Opera House building, Crockett ■treet side. Either phone 2476. A NEAT MODERN 4-ROOM COTTAGE, bath, light and gas. Call at 110 San Juan. FOR RENT—THREE-ROOM HOUSE. 712 North Mesquite street. Apply 629 Burnet street. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. HALL AND bath. 612 Virginia. Apply 809 South Hackberry. FOR RENT—MODERN 5-ROOM COT tage at 305 Callaghan avenue. Apply D. Haye, 111 West Commerce street FURNISHED HOUSES MODERN HOME, PERMANENT TO responsible party. For particulars call at 119 South Olive Old phone 716-lr. FOR JPEslKat¥'For aumme'r.' Mangold's store, 1037 N. Flores St . NICELY FURNISHED COTTAGE; cool, close In and convenient to car, or would rent one or two rooms cheap to desirable parties. Call old phone 2543 mornings only. FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE; new and modern; high elevation, near car line; good terms to right people. Address 189, Light. STORES AND OFFICES DESK ROOM FOR RENT—GROUND floor, next Gunter hotel. John Richey & Co. FOR RENT—DESK ROOM FOR MER chandtae broker. Insurance agency or atenographer. 120 Mackay building. FOR RENT—2-ROOM OFFICE SUITE at bargain rates. Apply W. M. Carter, 309 Frost building. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT—TWO NEW warehouses on S. A. & A. P. track, corner El Paso and Comal; first-class facilities; also suitable as business lo cation. J. C. Tips. STORE HOUSES FOR RENT CHEAP. Nice new brick stores with glass front on West Commerce street, south side Hay market, fronting Market plaza, liv ing rooms in rear. J. P. Lovelady, at store, old phone 2667. $65.00 PER MONTH. Large store. 309 W. Commerce street. Cheapest rent property in the busiest block on W. Commerce street. , Will tlx to suit tenant. FOWLER BROS. LAND COMPANY. See W. P. Phillips. Manager Rental Department, Frost building. FOR RENT—A COMPLETELY FUR nlshed butcher shop In connection with my grocery; one of the best loca tions In the city. Corner Sherman and Hackberry streets. FOR RENT CHEAP, A COMPLETE meat market on a good business cor ner; all modern improvements, includ ing telephone. Ring 3024-blue new phone. APARTMENTS AND FLATS TRE CONVENIENT WAY’ OF PLAC- Ing a want ad in the Light is to tele phone it. A skilled operator is ready to take It from your dictation. Your credit is good Both phones 176. FOR RENT—FLAT APARTMENT. Entire upper floor, 7 rooms, cool, new, very stylish and convenient. Bath and kitchen are furnished; also has curtains, bookcases, stained floors. $4O for sum mer. No. 319 East Laurel street. LOVELY COMPLETELY FURNISHED flat with private bath, entrance gal lery; references; private home. Old phone 3098. FOR lIKNT - HOUSEKEEPING apartments, completely furnished, at St. George Apartments, Avenue E and Seventh street. Summer rates. Apply Crockett hotel. , SIX-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, SEC ond floor of private home: new, clean and airy; all modern conveniences; summer rates. Old phone 3139, new phone 39. IDEAL APARTMENTS, GROUND floor, completely furnished, private bath; new. cool, close in. Old phone 3828. WANTED TO RENT FAMILY WITH CHILDREN WANT TO rent modern 6 loom cottage on or close to car line. AuJrest W. W.. care Light. HAVE YOU A HOUoE FOR RENT? 1 have many calls for furnished, also unfurnished homes. Will give time and care to the placing of good tenants. Ring me, old 3439, new 810. Formerly 213 Frost building, now located tn new quarters, 201-204 Gunter building. FOR SALE MISCELLAXEOI S A LIGHT WANT AD FINDS ITS WAY in nearly every hiyie in San Antonio and more than 5000 homes in southwest Texas. They are welcome visitor* too. judging frym remits. Use Light want ads for .vhat you want and use them to sell wliat you don't want. DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD casing, let us put Protectors on and reduce your Ure expense 50 per cent: 400 now in use in San Antonio. Ask anybody using them. Phone 1580. Auto Tire Protector Co., 312 Gibbs building. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT FOR BALE— BUTCHERS ICE BOX, saw, scales, block, etc. A bargain for 8100. Apply E. Smith, 423 Houth Florea. FOR SALE—ONE KEYSTONE NO. 4 traction, one Star No. 34 traction, fully equipped, one email road traction angina, ten horatpower; also second hand drilling tools of all kinds; two St. Louis camp and trader outflta. Allen Burnam, 913 Colorado avenue, Han An tonio, Tex. FOR SALE—FINE LOT OF SHOW cases, safe, desk, linoleum, platform acalea Corner Presa and Market. Alamo Safe and Lock Co. FOR BALE—3O.OOO FEET OF SECOND hand pipe from 1 to 4 Inchea, one boiler 40-horaa, high pressure. Inquire 217 Sycamore St. | LARGE ELABORATE SODA FOUN tuln: also one Hall'a fireproof aafe, I five foot high and four ice boxes, suit able for grocery and houaehold usa. All practically new and at • sacrifice. Ad dresa Ed. Friedrich, 803 E. Commerce ‘ St., San Antonio, Teg. ' !i on SALE—OLD NEWSPAPERS IN GOOD-SIZED BUNDLES at 5C PER BUNDLE, GOOD FOR WRAPPING OR TO LAY UNDER CAR PETS. INQUIRE LIGHT BUSINESS OFFICE. * FOR SALE—EMPTY CLEAN INK BAR RELS. GOOD FOR BRICKLAYER OR PLASTERERS. CHEAP. CALL LIGHT OFFICE. KILL BEDBUGS. ANTS, ROACHES with Mierobine. Nonpolsonoua. 25c, at firat-class druggists only. bargains’ IN UNREDEEMED TRUNKS & BAGS $15.00 Trunks 3 8.75 817.50 Trunks 11.00 820.00 Trunks ..J 13.60 325.00 Trunks 14.25 8 3.50 Suit Cases 2.05 3 5.00 Leather Suit Case 3.98 $ 7.50 Leather Sult Case 4.95 3t0.00 Leather Suit Case 5.98 812.50 Leather Suit Case 7.35 810.00 Alligator Hand Bags 4.90 8 8.00 Leather Hand Bags 3.98 820.00 Club Bags 8.75 SAN PEDRO LOAN cn.. PawnN ' .. T’J.TIT We " ■ SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE, rented, repaired by a practical ma chinist, 28 years with the Singer Mfg. Co. Both phonea. H. T. Reuterman. 110 Casino street. FUR SALE—3 COMPLETE FONTS OF 2-letter 3-polnt mats, 1 complete font Of 2-letter 10-oolnt mats for Mereen thaler linotype; mats are tn perfect con dition; samples of printing from same will be furnished prospect Buyers; were discarded by us only to make change tor 7-polnt mats. San Antonio Light FOR SALE—ONE 40 HOnSEPOWER •team engine and one No. 5 centrifu gal pump. Fuller Machine Shope. 510 South Alamo street. FULL CORD WOOD YARD. Sells only the best poet oak and mes quite wood. Delivered in full cord wag ons. Phones 1107. Frank Basala. FOR SALE—FIVE STEEL VAULT doors, combination locks. In excellent condition; also several tons of fifty-four pound steel railroad rails. Agply Leo Mandry, 222 West Cevallos street. BOXES FOR SALE—HANDY SIZES for merchandise or household goods. Prices low. H. A. Moos. 334 East Hous ton street. HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED Panamas bleached by evaporation, without acids. Each hat has individual attention. Dupuy, the Hatter, 103 East Houston. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNl ture bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117-119 Soledad St. New phone 288. A LIGHT WANT AD FINDS ITS WAY in nearly every home in San Antonio and more than 6000 homes in southwest Texas. They are welcome visitors, too. judging from results. Use Light want nds for what you want and use them to sell what you don't want. TENTS, COTS. REFRIGERATORS, stoves, etc. Wo always have bargains in anything. 218 South Flores. FOR SALE — COMBINATION GAS range and water heater, also house hold goods, leaving city. Call at No. 826 Dawson street. VEHICLES and harness THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC ing a want ad in the Light is to tele phone it. A skilled operator is ready to take it from your dictation. Your credit is good. Both phones 176. . ,D. HEYE. CARRIAGE AND AUTOMOBILE TRIMMER. HARNESS AND SADDLERY. BOTH PHONES. 11l W. COMMERCE. WANT TO SAVE MONEY? New end second hand vehicles, har ness. saddles of every description; very low prices. Good horses, Jersey milch cows cheap. Jersey bull for service. F. A. COCKE. 321 W. Nueva. Both phones. FOR SALE—ONE BUGGY AND CAR riage. Inquire 128 Adams street. STOCK TO PASTURE: GOOD GRASS; seven miles from San Antonio. C. Stolte. old phone 1520-lr. PASTURAGE For a limited number of cattle at Grand View Ranch, just outside city limits, on Bandera road;Vno stock on this 1500 acres for three years; splendid grass. Inquire at premises. FOR SALE—YOUNG JEI SET COW. 3 gallons milk dally, $65. Inquire 332 Lovers lane. WANTED —GOOD f ENTLE YOUNG horse for delivery purposes. Address 207 Avenue C. FOR SALE—ONE SPAN GOOD MULES, alsd one good surrey. Apply 514 River avenue. • FOK SALE—YOUNG FRESH THREE and one-half gallon milch cow Kna pick, 2202 S. Flores street, both phones. FOR SALE—A GOOD BUGGY HORSE seven years old; dark bay. Apply ft 223 North Elm street. PIANOS AND MI SK AL GOODS UPRIGHT PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS condition. $75 if taken this week. 820 Victoria street FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOUSEHOLD GOODS LIVE STOCK FOR SALE POULTRY AND PET STOCK SORE-HEAD CURE—WB GUABAN tee our remedy to cure any case of sore-head, warts or pox on chickens and turkeys, 25c snd 50c sites postpaid. Re liance Manufacturing Co., box 379, Al vin, Tex. THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC ing a want ad in the Light la to tele phone it. A skilled operator la ready to take It from your dictation. Your credit la good. Both phones 176. KILL CHICKEN LICE ON POULTRY and In poultry houses with Microbine. Nnnpolaonous. 25c, at flrat-class drug gists only. BARRED ROCK AND RHODE ISLAND Rod eggs; one pen Reds, one Barred cock. 209 Dashiell street. FOR SALE. THOROUGHBRED WHITE Leghorn eggs, 50c per 15. 202 Ca margo street. 2* RHODE ISLAND RED HENB, Brown and White Leghorns for sale, at once. 2106 new, 4384 old. W. N. Clark, 639 East Commerce. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES FOR SALE—ONE 1910 OVERLAND 25 horsepower four-passenger car. full equipments; mobair top and top boot, seat covers; car has been run 3000 miles, in excellent condition; can be bought for $775 cash. P. O. box 1042. PAHKIGIN AUTO CO II II"* Cor. Huustou A Boh du 4 w w I S«w , • QI4 EXCLUSIVE HOUSE—SECOND-HAND automobiles, late models, slightly used at bargain piices. Everything uv. a light runabout to touring cars carried In stock. Parrigan Auto Co., A. Hazlet. manager, 628 Main avenue. FOR SALE OR PART TRADE FlVE passenger touring car, $5OO. Old phone 4128. CAR WANTED TO RUN IN LIVERY on commission; established trade; reference furnished. Address 9454, Light. PRACTICALLY NEW METZ RUNA bout; lamps, top and tools, bargain, at $350. Old phone 2009. BICYCLES AND MOTOCYCLES Indian agency. ce * EXPERT MOTOCYCLE, BICYCLE AND phonograph repairing: agent Cleveland bicycles; second-hand wheels $lO to $l5. Diamond motocycle tires. Reliance Cy cle Co., 605 West Houston street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED —DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD and silver. William N. Capurro, Jew eler, 502 li2 East Houston SU, (up stairs), room 1. WANTED —TO FIGURE OK YOUR painting and paperhanging; al) work guaranteed. phone 927. WANTED, HOUSES TO RAISE, LEVEL and repair; all kinds of carpenter work done on short notice. Old phone 927. WANTED — YOUR UPHOLSTERING and drapery work at the Household Furniture Co.. 214 and 216 West Com merce. THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC ing a want ad In the Light is to tele phone It. A skilled operator is ready to take it from your dictation. Your credit Is good. Both phones 176. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, OLD gold and silver. 507 East Comnwrce streeu RAGS~WANTED THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT WILL PAY 3 CENTS PER POUND, DELIV ERED. FOR LARGE. CLEAN, SOFT COTTON RAGS, IN ANY QUANTITY. COINS WANTED—WILL PAY $2 each for $1 gold pieces. We buy old gold, silver and foreign coins. Best coin book published. 25 cents. Alamo Jewelry Co., 315 Alamo plaza. WANTED—A BOOKKEEPING BYB - must be a bargain. Old phone 1221-2 r. Pfannkuche Grocery Co. KILL PLANT LICE. WHITE FLIES, green bugs or other plant insects with Microbine. Nonpoisonous. 25c, at first class druggists only. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED — THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, upstairs; all conveniences. Pri vate bath. Old phone 3953. WANT TO EITHER BORROW ON OR se.l a first class vendor's lien note tor $620, 8 per cent Interest; well se cured; will discount. Old phone 3750. owner. SWAPS THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC ing a want ad in the Light is to tele phone it. A skilled operator is ready to take It from your dictation. Your credit is good. Both phones 176. COUNTY PROPERTY TO TRADE FOR first-class automobile. C. W. Newton, new phone 273. WANTED—HOUSE PAINTED IN Ex change for groceries. New phone 1469. TRADE—ONE ACRE RICH IRRIGAT ed land, one mile city limits, $650. One first vendor's Hen note $620. One elec tric automobile $650; three good lots, Mission View addition $450: no incum brance; will trade for good cottage with no Incumbrance. Old phone 3750, owner. TRADE—ELECTRIC AUTO FOR GOOD In vacant lot. with no incum brance. Old phone 3750, owner. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. lABY G. BALDWIN, 612 GIBBS building. Both phones. MOVING, STORAGE, ETC. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shipping. New phone 809. Residence 1071 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE. PIANOS, buggies Separate stalls. $1.50 month. Moving, packing, shipping. L. W. Culver. 120 Fannin. Phones 2180. 7 — . STORAGE—I HAVE THE BEST AND largest warehouse In the city. Mov ing, packing, carpet cleaning. Henry C. Rips, Both phones. SAN ANTONIO EXPRESSMEN AND moving vans. Old phone 382. New nhone 1091. Prompt delivery MAY 18, 1911. BUSINESS CHANCES $2OOO STOCK OF GROCERIES AND •ume amount in hardware; will Mil one or both. W. B. Whitaker, 101 Bel mont. A GOOD VEGETABLE ROUTE. HORSE snd wagon, clearing about $5 a day, for sale cheap. Call at 1097 Luxe View avenue, 7 p. m. FOR SALE—SMALL STOCK OF GRO cerlee and fixtures at Invoice; good location. 510 Camaron street. R. C SHANK CONTRACTOR AND builder; plans and speculations fur nished. 739 Marshall lUHI Old phone 4402. market for sale—good loca tion, 2926 W. Commerce. FOR SALE—COLD DRINK. FRUIT and confectionery stand. Cheap. Ad dress Box 82, Sutherland Springs, Tex. FOR SALE—POOL ROOM: 6-TABLEB and the building New army camp. 321 Tilden. 50-ROOM HOTEL $6250 BUYS THE FIXTURES AND FURNISHINGS OF A MODERN FIFTY room hotel in the heart of THE CITY. RENT REASONABLE!, WILL TAKE PROPERTY FOR PART OF PURCHASE PRICE, BALANCE CAHH. W. C SULLIVAN INVESTMENT CO. 501 NAVARRO ST. FOR SALE—ONE OF THE BEST PAY- Ing cleaning and dyeing establish ments In Sun Antonio. Owner leaving city. Call 406 South Alamo street. FOR SALE—GROCERY AND MEAT business at sacrifice; see this at once, corner of Labor and Sadie streets. FOR SALE—THE BEST EBTABLIBH ed grocery and delicatessen' store in San Antonio; superb location; cash trade only; daily receipts average $100; fix tures at cost; stock at Invoice prices; no charge for good will; owner forced tu sell account ill health. H. J. Benson, Grand Opera House building, Crockett street side. MONEY TO LOAN—Wanted MONEY LOANED ON ALL ARTICLES of value. Bargains In unredeemed pledges. Emerson A Co., pawnbrokers, 321 West Commerce St. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY REAL ES tate. Claud J. Carter, Attorney, Op penheimer Bank Bldg. Both phones ss. WANTED—SSSOO ON farm with good improvements, near t city. H. C. Feldman, 423 Navarro. In any amou,.TQXAiTf . ' ' * W. C. SULLIVAN INVESTMENT CO. 501 Navarro. MONEY LOANED AT H ™E RATE usually charged by other loan com panies. Loans from $lO and upward on pianos, furniture, live stock, city lots, salary, automobiles, etc. Repay in weekly or monthly payments. All busi ness strictly confidential. We make a specialty in paying off loans with high rate loan companies. Call, write or phone for particulars. LIBERAL LOAN CO., 407 Washer bldg. New phone I. MONEY TO LEND ON FIRST-CLASS improved city property. Kenneth Wi mer A Co., Gibbs building. EASIEST AND CHEAPEST MONEY IN the city. F. H. Kingsbury, new phone 775, 518 Gunter building. SPECIAL RATES ON LARGE LOANS. O'Connell Loan Co., rear Central Trust building, Navarro street. PERSONAL UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Manufactured. Repairing ana cover ing. 210 E. Houston et, Maffi A Co. MRS. DR. NORTON, SPECIALIST uiseauea and Irregularities ox women. 610 Weal Laurel. ALAMO SECRET SERVICE AGENCY— The only reliauie secret service agency in the city. Evidence secured in civil and criminal cases, helis located, claims adjusted. King us ana a competent maa will call. New phone X 192. ei7 Frost / uU.lumg. 3 I Ml THE KEELEY INSTITUTE CURES whiskey, morphine and tobacco; six teen years in Dallas. Write for partic ular*. 193 Hughes Circle, Dalias, Tex. home for ladies before and during confinement. Good doctors and , nuises. Infants adopted. Confidential. '(• P. O. box 2/4. " LADIEb —MRS. BLACKS COMPOUND Regulator never fails, price $2. 291 Bowie, San Antonio. Texas. GLAZE AND HINXTON Scientific magnetic healers. Special ists in neuralgia, rheumatism, paraly sis, locomotor ataxia, nervous, stomach, liver and female troubles. Ground floor Losoya hotel, 125 Losoya street, Suu Antonio. Both phones 1395. SAN ANTONIO MANUFACTURING Co. Pattern and model making, me chanical drawing, patents perfected, of fice and works, 323 Austin street. Old phone 1499. IMPERIAL TURKISH BATH HOUSE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Tub, show er and pool baths at all hours. THE ONLY BATH HOUSE IN THE CITY. THE FINEST IN THE SOUTH. Impe rial Turkish Bath Co., 505 E. HOUS TON ST MADAME ANITA, PSYCHOLOGIST; all her work Is secretly confidential. 214 Avenue E. room 1, opposite post office; permanent. FOR KILLING MOSQUITOES FUMl gate your house with “Cullcide." Di rections for making and using 25 cents. Anna R. Pringle, Globe, Arlz. UMBRELLAS MADE TO ORDER, RE pairing and recovering: our leader lin en covers recommend for good wear. Drop us a postal, all work called for , and delivered. J. Abelman & Son, 209 Hy South Alamo. “LONE STAR" STRAW HAT CLEAN er; cleans two hats ten cents. Ask for it at drug or grocery stores. Lebeuf Scientific Laboratory. WHY BE LEAN OR IN POOR HEALTH when Milam's Medicinal Water will restore you to health and make you fat as a pig? $1 bottles three weeks’ treat ment; Increases v eight three to ten pounds or money baqk. Sold by W. C. Burns & Co. (druggist), or delivered if you telephone them. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS. BOTH PHONES—BICYCLES ON EASY payments: key and lock work: lawn mowers sharpened. Emerson, the Bi cycle Doctor. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR. CHAS. K. GARRING. SPECIAL attention to Rheumatism, Paralysis Stomach and Liver. No. 294 Gunter blds O. P. 3414