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SUNDAY, . The W. M. June Realization Sale The good storekeeper like the good housekeeper, believes in a general house-cleaning at certain times of the year. Being good storekeepers we go about it in a thorough, businesslike and systematic manner. In this June Realization Sale we have loosened up on the regular or standard prices for first-class merchandise, for the sole object of this sale is to “realize” on surplus stocks of summer goods and convert them into cash. . . The June Realization Sale, while to a certain extent general and sweeping does not affect everything, that would be untrue, ruinous and not good business, for ligit imate profits must be made on some lines to keep the wheels of trade revolving smoothly. But, it does concern merchandise of many kinds, the odds and ends of lines, parts of lines, the lines that would be made smaller and the kinds and varieties that need pruning. ... . . . . Plenty of these articles will agree with your plans for the vacation and for city and country wear—things of every description that the season and temperature makes necessary. These offers are certainly great incentives to thrift. Every item on this page tells of economy. These pave the way to others that will greet you at every turn around the store. Be here early tomorrow. 25c and 35c Initial Handkerchiefs for 15c 100 dozen odd Initial handkerchief*; fine linen and Shamrock lawn. Plain and crest initial, hand-embroidered Initials, 20c and values are both in this lot at the Realisation Salo price of 15c each. 100 dosen all-linen initial handkerchiefs, also cross-barred and p am linen lawn, hemstitched borders, three Styles initials, 15c to 25c value. In ths June Realisation Sale for 10c each. Realization Sale of Hand Bags Leather ban black, brown and tan. nickel frame* moire lined, strap handia 750 value, 35c. Black bam assorted leathers, leather lined, strap handle* coin purse enclosed. *4 values, 83.38. Black seal bam covered from* gflt trimming; leather lined, strap hand!* ooin purse enclosed, 25 and ft values, 83.38. About two dosen odd bam M* sorted leathers and oolora values from 24 to 00-50, choice 82. Realization Sale of Toilet Articles Ammonia, largo elz* 7c. Lambert's Listerin* 50c size, 38c. Peroxide of Hydrogen, 25c size, for 15c. 1-pound can Talcum Powder, 25c size. 10c. Absorbent Cotton. 1-ox size. Bc. Absorbent Cotton. 2-oz. size, Bc. Borax, 1-pound pkg, 12c. 1-ounce bottle Sachet Powder, 250 size. 15c. Perfect Nall Polish, 15e size, 8c Sanltol Cream. 25c size, 18c. Hot Water Bottles, 11 size, «3c. Sozodont Dentifrice. 25c size, 10c. Colgate’s Tooth Paste, 25c size, for 20c. Arnica Tooth Soap. 25c size, 15c. Williams’ Shaving Soap, Sc cake. Wild Rose Toilet Soap, 5c cake. Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream, 40c. Sanltol Face Powder, 250 stm for 10c. Corydopin's Rice Powder, 25c size, 10c. Laßlancho Pace Powder, 50c size, 35c. $3.95 Silk Petticoats, Realization $1.95 A lot of one hundred chiffon taffeta petticoats, with tailored flounces and In al) colors; 28.95 valuea Realization Sale price, 81.05. $4.50 Messaline and Taffeta Silk Petticoats $2.95 Made of good quality of silk, in all shades, including black; ten-inhc tucked flounces; values to »4.50, at the Realisation Sale price of 82-05. $6.50 Messaline and Taffeta Silk Petticoats $3.95 Made with Jersey tope and flounces of tucklngs and plaitings, both street and evening shades; 20.50 valuea in the Realization Sale for 83-05. All 3.50 Corsets, Realization Sale 2.95 All well-known brands, such as Kabo. Justrite, Gossard* Royal Wor cester. Merit and Warner’s. Late spring models for stout and slender women. 75c Corsets, Realization Sale Price 45c 100 cornet* In summer weight Long and medium model* with sup. porters. Exceptionally good-fitting styles. 50c Ferris Waists, Realization Sale Price 25c A lot of about fifty slightly-mussed and soiled—assorted sizes. A close-out price of 25c. 39c Brassieres, Realization Sale Price 29c A lot of Brassieres of large sizes only. Well made of strong muslin and neatly trimmed and edged. Undermuslins in the Realization Sale Corset covers made of fine, soft longcloth, trimmed with coarse linen or cotton torchon lace and beading and ribbon. Good-fitting garments. 35c values in the June Realization Sale for 18c. Gowns and Corset Covers —Gowns made of fine, soft longcloth. These are plain styles, trimmed only in tiny tucks, but good, full garments. Good fitting corset covers made in plain styles finished with tiny lace edges, ribbon and beading. 60c values in the June Realization Sale, 38c. A good assortment of gowns, corset covers, chemise, drawers and skirt* These are made of fine quality cambric or longcloth, trimmed in pretty designs of lace embroideries and tucks. Regular 79c and 89c values in the Realization Sale for 69c. Women’s undergarments, made of fine materials, with fine lace and embroidery trimmings. This lot consists of drawers, corset covers, chemise, skirts and gowns. Some gowns are high-neck, but specially goo.d values. Regular 21 garments in the June Realization Sale for 88c, Gowns, corset covers, skirts, drawers, chemise and combination made of longcloth, cambric or nainsook, trimmed with fine, soft embroidery, dainty lace, wide beading and ribbon. Regular 21*25 and 21.50 values in the June Realization Sale for 85c. Muslin underwear, made of extra fine, soft nainsook, longcloth or cambric, trimmed with fine, soft laces, and medallions or beautiful, dainty embroidery. Gowns made high neck or low neck, with butterfly sleeves. Towers made with fluffy flounces; corset covers In pretty fancy chemise trimmed with fluffy laces and medallions, and skirts with fine embroidery or lacy flounces. These are worth 81-75 and 22. A garment, in the Realization Sale, for 81-38. Hair Brushes Bristle hair brushes, rubber air cushions, mahogany back, white and black bristles — 50c size Realization Price 40c 65c size Realization Price 50c J 1.00 size Realization Price 75c 8L25 size Realization Price 81.00 Mirrors 25c mirrors, 3 44 x 4 44, square and oval, metal frames, easel back. 25c values. In the June Realization Sale 10c. 40c oval mirrors, 644 x 7 44. metal frame, easel back. 40c values. In the June Realization Sale 19c. Realization Sale of Jewelry Shirt waist ring* sterling sil ver and gold Plate, cameo and oth er stone setting, 81 values, 15c. Jabot plna rose and green gold finish, turquoise and other stone set, |1 and 81-88 values, 50c. Bar pins, gold plate, Roman fin ish. plain and stone set, 25c val ues, 10c. Cuff buttons and scarf pins, heavy gold plate, 25c and 50c val ues, 15c. Lockets, gold filled and gold plate, plain and stone set, values to 84, 81. Lavalllers and necklaces, silver and gold filled, assorted pendants, values to 84.50, 81.50. Black and white neck beads, gold clasp, 25c value, 10c. Hat pins, peart and metal heads, big assortment, 25c to 50c valuea in this sale ait 10c. Lace Veils Lace veil* black, white, brown and navy, deep border. 75c val uea 50c. Lace vella fine Chantilly laca black, white, brown and navy, 144 yards long, 21.50 valua 81. Lace veil* black, brown, navy and white, 144 -yard length, deep borders fine Chantilly lace, 82 values 81.50. Hair Nets 80 gross silk heir nets large else, aR shades Regular price 10c, In the June Realisation Sale 5c each, or 50c a dozen. 75c Belts for 10c Patent leather and leather belts gilt buckles, also covered buckles green, red, black, blu* gilt and sil ver. Values to 75c will be found in this lot. At the June Realization Sale priced at 10c each. Elastic, velvet, suede, gilt and patent leather belts, assorted buck les and colors. Values to 21.50. In the June Realization Sale for 25c. $l5 Hat Trunks $l2 26-lnch hat trunks—one tray, holds six hats painted canvas cov ered, leather bound brass bumpers and dowels, brass lock and clasp, slated top and sides. 216 value, 813. A Notable Purchase Brings $4 Untrimmed Shapes to the Realization Sale fofr 33c Not a thousand— not half enough—but a toploftical bargain while they hold out. Untrimmed shapes of Milan and fancy rough straws, peroxiline, chip and hemp, in cream, white, burnt and black, with a few good shapes of brown, blue, red and green, in all of the approved large, small and medium shapes. This is the biggest bargain ■ in millinery we have ever offered. Values up to $3.50 —yes up to s4—go at only.. All Children’s Hats Go on Sale in the June Realization Sale at the Remarkable Offer of HALF PRICE Flowers Up to $1.50 Values 10c Feathers Up to $2.00 Values 59c $12.50 Trimmed Hats for $3.45 Sweet pea* geranium* delate* Fancy feathers, wings and erna- Variously tailored and flower hydranga* buttercup* lilacs and ments of various kind* Some that trimmed hats; among them valuea roses that sold up to 81-50; in the sold up to 82, are In the June. Rea- up to 812.88, In the June Realiza- Reallzation Sale for 20p. Isatlon Sale for 58c. Uon Sale reduced to 88.43. $l5 to $25 Dresses, Suits, Coats and Skirts in the June Realization Sale at $10.50 Only 250 of these specially-priced garments left which will be closed out Monday. This lot in cludes all linen, silk lingerie, marquisette, challie and china silk Dresses; also all of our wool Coat Suits, made of Sicilian, French serge, Panama and novelty weaves in cream and other new spring and summer shades. These $l5, $17.50, $2O $22.50 and $25 suits and dresses are all in the June Realization Sale at the one price of $10.50. $3O to $37.50 Traveling Suits in the Realization Sale $26.59 All spring and midsummer Coat Suits made of French serge, shark skin and novelties, in checks and stripes, short natty coats lined in peau de cygne, some plain tailored, others trimmed in shawl and sailor collars. Skirts of plain, narrow models, with front and back panel; colors black, navy, Copenhagen, champagne, gray and tan. Ladies and misses’ sizes in $3O, $32.50, $35 and $37.50 suits are in the June Realization Sale for $26.59. $7.50 and $7.95 One-piece Dresses in the Realization Sale $4.89 This lot consists of lingerie, linen, rep and figured lawns, dressy and plain tailored models, trim med in Vai laces, medallions, embroidery and pin tucks; others plain tailored, strapped and stitched. Colors, solid white, pink, lavender, blue and tan; alsosome figured lawns in assorted colors. Wom en’s and misses’ sizes. • $6.50 One-piece Tub Dresses in the Realization Sale $3.69 Gingham, chambray and lawn dresses, some with an all-over embroidery waist, others trimmed in Vai. and linen lace, pin tucks and tailored strap. These come in pink, blue, lavender, black, white and gray and white. Women’s and misses’ sizes. $12.50 and $10.95 One-piece Dresses in the Realization Sale $7.59 These are made of linen, dimity and marqquisette, in solid color combinations, white with blue, pink or lavender; others in white and natural linen tailored models, with combination cuffs and col lars; dimities in pink and white, black and white and blue and white. Women’s and misses’ sizes. Very specal in the Realization Sale $7.59. Traveling and Motor Coats in the Realization Sale 3.79 Full length semi-fitted coat, made of natural-colored linen, plain tailored garment, with large pocket and turnback cuff, self-covered and brass and bone buttons. Special in the June Realiza tion Sale at $3.79. $1.25 Lingerie and Tailored Waists 59c This Is a lot of about twenty different styles of lin gerie and tailored waists variously trimmed with Vai. and Cluny laces, embroideries and tucklngs. as well as plain-tailored styles. Regular 21.25 waists in the June Realization Sale for 58c each. $5 Lingerie Waists Priced at $3.79 Waists of French lawn and lingerie cloth, variously trimmed with dainty laces, in new effects. Some have touches of hand embroidery and some have peasant sleeves. All sizes among them—2s waists In the June Realization Sale priced at 83.79 each. 75c to $l.OO French Novelties in the Realization Sale 59c Seventy-five pieces French novelties, all exclusive styles, in combinations of pastel tintings. All sheer summer weaves. 25 styles woven satin striped French Marquisettes. All white ground—with assorted combination colored satin stripes ••• • • •••• ••• map 15 styles woven satin checked French Marquisette. All new combination shades, French ■ ■ __ tones for street wear • ••• I 25 styles satin checked French Organdies, in all new conventional styles and floral el- r feet patterns—light spring shades •• • 10 styles imported French printed Voile. A very crisp finish in organdy patterns. New combination colorings 50c and 65c French Novelties in the Realization Sale 39c 250 pieces fancy imported French novelty wash fabrics, all rich in combination colorings. Some embroidered, some in woven designs and some in printed effects. / 50 styles fancy printed French Organdies, rich combination colorings -. ’ 25 styles fancy printed Dress Nets, in rich floral effects S5-inch French embroidered Novelty Tissues, assorted colorings * ■ ■ ■ 48-inch wide colored French Linens, in assorted street wear shades I B 25 styles fancy printed Marquisette, all new designing and colors r 25 styles novelty printed Silk. Mulls, in floral and organdy patterns 1 36-inch width solid color Silk Mulls, mostly in street wear shades ' 36-lnch solid Blay Linen, the natural tints 25c and 35c Novelty Wash Fabrics in the Realization Sale 19c 200 pieces—all of this season’s nqw and creations in the summer fabrics. 30 pieces solid color Linen* warranted all. pure flax, for suits and skirts - •150 styles embroidered Tissue de Nile, in Jacquard stripes or checks — 130 styles printed and woven Marquisette and Voile, all colorings 20 styles self-striped Cotton Marquisette, light, medium and dark shades ■ ■ ■ 60 styles printed floral Cotton Marquisette—all new organdy patterns > ■ * 60 styles sheer printed Organdy—all new combination shades ■ J 76 styles printed cotton Foulards—all new French combinations 50 styles printed Ylnalre, the new linen finish crisp weave 50 styles frost finish Tissues—in al! small, neat patterns 15c Novelty Wash Fabrics in the Realization Sale 11c 1200 pieces—all new, fresh, neat, clean and crispjnaterials. 50 styles printed Cotton Marquisette, in all small neat designs and strip-’ 0 A 15 styles solid color Cotton Marquisette, in light, medium and dark shades M M 50 styles fancy printed Cotton Foulards, in all new spring colorings I ■ ■ — 50 styles novelty printed Batiste, new designs and colorings > ■ ■ M * mercerized cotton Reps, evening colors and street wear shades ■ ■ ko Xies fancy printed Lawns—neat figures, stripes and dots A 27-lnch wide brown Blay Linen, for tailored skirts and suits y Wolff & Marx Co. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT* $2.50 Lingerie and Tailored Waists $1.95 Variously made of French lawns, batiste and lingerie cloth. Variously trimmed with Vai. and Cluny laces, embroideries and tucklngs, also in plain-tailored styles. Our regular Unes of 22.50 waists in the June Realization Sale for 81-85. $8.50 Silk Waists Priced at $3.79 A lot of one hundred and fifty go in the Realization Sale. Variously of taffetas, messallnes and chiffons. Some in plain effects, others are trimmed in various ways. All color* as well as black, 26-50 to 28.50 values for 83.78. SPECIALS FOR MONDAY ONLY 10c &nd WKsh Goods. and Batistes 7c This lot of 5000 yards of 10c and 12 44c fancy printed lawns and batistes at 7c a yard is merely one of the big W. A M. bargains In the June Real ization Sale—and such a bargain. Better by a great deal than you would have thought possible at the very beginning of the season. Lawns and batiste* in neat, small figure* conventional designs, floral effects, stripes, dots and kimono pattern* in all of the season’s new shades. Exigencies of business, which, like necessity, knows now law, have made pos- — slble this great saving • * 7 44c White Cliecked Nainsook, Monday 4c. 1344 c White Hque. 2<MM) Yard* Monday, a yard. Bc. 33c White Walsting Linen, 40-lnch. Monday 21c. Staples in the Realization Sale ON SALE MONDAV ONLY 5c Apron Check Gingham, Realization Price 3c 7c Fancy Printed Lawn* Realization Price 3 44c. 15c Madras Shirting 32-inch—Realization Price 11c. 10c Blenched Muslin—3o-lnch—Realization Price 7c. Fancy Parasols { Umbrellas Reduced The season's newest and most stylish effects, in solid colors, stripe* check* plain pongee* fancy borders and Persian centers, long handle* steel frames, cords and tassels. 29 fancy parasols, stripes, with plain border, also plain taffeta silk; 22.50 and 23 values, June Realiza tion Sale price, 82.18. 15 children's solid color parasols, pink, blue and red. 50c values. In the June Realization Sale reduced to 35c. Fifty-nine plain taffeta parasols, all color* long handles. 22 and 22.25 values, are in the June Real ization Sale for 81.08. * White Wash Fabrics in the June Fealization Sale 25 pieces white embroidered Swisses, in checks and stripe* with embroidered figures and dots. Regular 20c quality. Realization price 12c. 50 pieces sheer corded dimity checks, for children’s wear, shirtwaist and ladies' wear. Regular 18c quality. Realization Sale price 12c. 36-lnch soft-finish nainsook check* corded effect* chamois finish; assorted size check* for fine underwear. Regular 18c quality. Realiza tion Sale price 12c. 50 pieces white lawn check.* in assorted style of broken checks, sheer weave and crisp finish. Regular 25c quality. Realization Sale price 18c. 40-inch white mercerized chiffonette, very silky weave and soft tex ture. Regular 25c quality. June Realization Sale price 18c. 40-inch white India batiste, extra fine weave—a most perfect wash fabric for service. Regular 20c quality. June Realization Sale price 15c. 36-lnch wide white handkerchief linen, warranted all pure flax for handkerchiefs, shirtwaists and dresses. Regular 40c quality. June Real ilzatlon Sale price 27c. 90-inch wide white suiting linen, warranted all pure flax, for dresses separate skirts or bedding. Regular 21-25 quality. June Realization Sale price 85c. 36-lnch wide soft-finish French nainsook, extra fine grad* 12 yards to the piece. Regularly 20c a yard, in the June Realization Sale for 81.59 a piece. 40-inch wide soft-finish English nainsook, satin finish, in 12-yard pieces. Regular 26c a yard, in the June Realization Sale 31.89 a ptec* Women s fast black lisle hose, with a garter hemfi double sole and toes and reinforced high-spliced heels, in both medium and heavy weights. These are our regular 35c values. In the June Realization Sale they have been reduced to 21c a pair. Ladles’ gauze and medium weight lisle hose, mercerized and plain lisle, made with a deep garter hem, and high-spliced heel. These come in blacks only. These are our regular 50c values. In the June Realiza tion Sale at the reduced price of 37 44c a pair. This is a lot of Infants’ allover lace hose, in only a few sizes, or even in a June Realization Sale the price would not be 5c a pair. Colors black, white, pink and sky blue, and in sizes 4*4, 5,5 h and 6. $1 and $1.25 Chamois Gloves 89c Women’s short chamois glove* wrist length, with one patent clasp, in both white and the natural color of the chamois skin. The same glove that you usually pay 21 and 81.25 for Is in the June Realization Sale for 89c a pair. 75c up to $1.50 Lisle Gloves 69c Two-clasp lisle silk gloves, in old rose, navy, tan and brown, also two-clasp chamoisette gloves, white and natural, all wrist length. Not all sizes; 76c up to $1.60 talues. In the June Realization Sale at 89c u pair. 35c up to 50c Lisle Gloves 19c Two-clasp lisle gloves, in white, tan, brown and black, and 18-button lisle gloves, in black only, also a lot of women s two-clasp chamoisette glov sin natural color. 36c up to 60c value* AU go In the June Realiza-’ tion Sale for quick clearance at 19c a pair. Notions in the June Realization Sale Notions—sc to 8c Values, Realization Price Hair pins in cabinets ' Safety pins in all sizes Pins in all sizes Jet pins In cubes Collar supporters > Hooks and eyes in all sizes i Darning cotton, black and colon Kid curlero for the hair Peart buttons of all sizes . Notions—loc to 15c Values, Realization Price Finishing braids in white and colors Cube pins with assorted heads Corset Iwe* 5-yard lengths wF I’cnrl buttons of all sizes > Wiiisk brooms Darners -■ foot form Dust caps J Steel Scissors—Nickel plate—6 *4 to 8 inches long. $1 values, in the June Realization Sale at, O Q 25c Dusters —H o war <1 dustless dusters, for dusting and cleaning furniture. 25c size in the 1 Q f. Realization Sate for 1 U C. .fTTNE 4, 1911. Seventy fancy parasols, stripes, checks and plain, all new effects. 84. 84.60 and 85 value* in the June Realization Sale for 83.78. 100 ladies’ umbrellas, cotton tef feta canopy, steel frame and rod, fancy handles, water proof and sun proof, 81-50 values. June Realiza tion Sale from 81. 100 men’s umbrella* 28-Inch size, cotton taffeta top. steel frame and rod. natural wood handle* Regular 21.25 and 21 value* 88c. 35c Black Lisle Hose at 21c Infants’ 25c Lace Hose 5c Alcohol Camp—For heating curl ing irons—nickel plate. SOc value. In tho June Realization « J Skeleton Waists —Sizes 4 to 14— for boys or girls. Specially prtoed for the June Realization Off* — Sale at MdC 13