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DROUTH REPORT IN TEXAS GIVES BULLS CONTROL OF COTTON AND' GRAIN MARKETS CHYES AGAIN TOUCH (5 HARK Local Cattleman Consigns Lib erally and Market Bids Well for Good Week's Run, UNION STOCK YARDS, Jun* s.—Th* ln th* San Antonio territory ’Keems to hav* looked favorably on th* doing* of thia market last week and th* good showing that the closing mad* in comparison with th* larger .con tern Lo cal receipt* today amounted to some thlng over 200 head. This amount in ,Xluded aome of the beat conditioned on the market. Rall shipments Included only two carloads; a car of Jersey cows from Luling and a car of Mexican beef grades from the Browns ville port. Neither of these consign ments were anything unusual tn quality. The trad* showed tHe local consign ment* th* preference. It was not until these had been disposed of that the other were bld upon. The run towarda the scales began with a brisk movemtgit at the very opening of the market. Cows and calves were both in tho game and at th* noon hour on* of the most satisfactory morning sessions for several weeks had devel oped. Cows had sold as high as to th* extent oY a carload. Calve* at *t were common. Generally th* mar ket was considered • full half dollar higher all around than last week. Prospect* looked bright for an active WMk* By 2 o'clock practically everything offered had changed hand*. The official report of the day was given a*: Cows: Market active and 25 cent* higher; receipts 225 heed. Choice fed., 22.50 to 24; good to medium, >2 to 23.50: medium to fair, including stockera and feeders, 22.75 to 22. Top sale 24. Bulk |2.50. Caives; Market strong and 50 cents higher; receipts 37 head. Choice lights, 24.50 to 25; good to medium, 24-00 to 24.50; medium to fair, 23.75 to 24. Top sale 25; bulk 24.40. Hog*: Market strong and active; re - jeeipts 6 head. Choice corn fed, 25.85 ;/to 20.10; good mediums. 86.25 to 25.50. Mgs and light weights. 25.00 to 20-00. , Top sale, 20.10; bulk 20. FORT WORTH SLOW, LOWER Market Offering 4500 Drops to Low rdf Level —Hogs About Steady. FORT WORTH. Tex.. June s.—With something over 4500 head of live stock in the pens agd only a moderate supply of meat purchases on th* trade, the market in the cattle pens here today was slow and lower. Choice fed steers brought highest at 25.20 and generally 24 and 24.45; stock •rs and feeders, 28.50; cow*, 23.50 and 23.75, canner* 22-55 to 22.85.. Calve* of a desirable grade brought 2*. extra choice vealers 8615 and 28.25 with heavies bringing 24 50 and 24.35. Hogs were represented by 600 head. Wagon hogs brought 86.25 and rail con signments 86.10. The bulk of porker sales was close around 25.80. Chicago z>m stock. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO, June s.—Receipt* and quo tations here today were as follow*: Cattle. Receipt* estimated at 19.090, market slow, eteady; beeves, 85.1504.40 Texas steer*. 24.5005.60; western steers 34.7505.50; Stockers and feeders 83.80® 5.60; cows and heifers 82.4005.80; calyes 85 2507.75. Hogs. Receipts estimated at 85.000. market 5c higher, light 16.8006.15; mixed 84.750 6.10; heavy rough 85.6005.80; good to choice heavy 25.8006.05; pigs 25.500>6.05; bulk of malam 15 Sheep. Receipts estimated at *0.000; market steady to strong; native, 23.000 4.50; western 23.0004.55; yearlings 24.85 05.35; lambs, native, 2<-25@6.95; west •rn, 24.2507.20. wawaß citt live stock. 0 (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) KANSAS CITY, June 5. —Cattle re ceipts 8000. Including 3000 Southerns. Staeady. Native steers, 25.20® 6.35, southern steers 24.0041'5.60. southern cows and heifers 23.0004.50, native eows and heifers 23.0006.00 Stockers .and feeders 24.2505.50, bulls 2®-B®® J >OO, calves 25.000'7.50. W***™ ■ t " r ’ '’B4 7506.10, western cows 23.0004.75. Hogs. Receipts 11.000, 6c higher. Bulk of sales 25.8505.95, heavy 85.85<l 5.90, packers and butchers 25.8505.95, lights 00 Receipts 17.000. lower. Muttons 23.500J.25, lambs 26-50 0 7.00, fed wethers and yearlings 23.65 ' ©LOO. fed ewes 23.5003.90. ST LOUIS LIVE BTOCK- (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) ST LOUIS, June s.—Cattle receipts 2800 Including 100 Texans, steady. Na tive beef steers 25.500 6.25, cows and heifers 23.500 6.25. Stockers and feeders 63 0005.55. Texas “nd !ndian steers 24.250 6.00. cows and heifers 24.5006.00, “Ito.’ 5 Receipts 12 000, steady Pigs ind* lights 85.950 6.10, packers 85.400 8.05. butchers and best heavy* L.M M *heer>. Receipts 8000, steady. Native muttons 83.750' 4.25. lambs 85.000 6.00. financial NEW YORK. June L—Close prirte mercantile paper 3 ft# 4c Sterling exchange steady with actual business in bankers’ bills at 1484.10 tor bills and at 3485.8* 090 for merci al bills, 34.83 H. la Bar silver, 53%c. g ■ Mexican dollars, 45c. ” \ Government bonds steady, railroad b °Money r on U l*R steady 2%®%c, ruling rate 2%c? closing hid 202\c; offered loans firmer and dull, sixty days 2 %®%. ninety days 2%®3, six months 2 % 0 % «• Return From Galveston. ’ Mrs E. I- Campbell and little son, who reside at 1421 Avenue D, returned from Galveston yesterday, where they have been visiting relatives and friend* during the past two weeks. GEO. SGITCOVICH 4 CO. WHOTESAIE FRUIT ANO PRODUCE 117 N. Flores Street. Old Phon* 3969. »*w Phon* 150 g. Now is ths time to PRESERVE BLACKBERRIES ClfcAP This week. Remember no cheap strawberries or peaches this season. PRUITT COMMISSION CO. The Peopl| With tbe Good*. MONDAY, San Antonio, T*x., Jun* 5, 7 a. m. I'orecMt till f p. m., Tuesday: For Ban Antonio and vicinity, tonight and Tuesday, fair. East Texas, tonight and Tuesday gen erally fair. Air pressure irregularly distributed: weather unsettled; principal storm area extend* from Mexico to Manitoba: some rain in th* East Gulf and South At lantic state*; high temperature in tho southwest. I POTATOES AND CABBAGE HIGHER Market Firms to Higher Levels on Heavy Demand and Light Consignments—Cheese Up. Business opened up rather briskly in the local market* this morning with the demand for green stuff and gen eral vegetable* allowing a market im provement over last week. In foot, the market wa* a little abort on supplies tn this department. This time the trad* got a little past the hay market plaza. Cabbage and new potatoes were •trictly on the short list and from all indication* this week is to feature a shortage in that department. The cab bage shipper ha* about disposed of his superfluous stocks and is now tn a condition to make th* market yield th* desirable price or hold up consign ments. From the looks of the stocks being offered In San Antonio this morn ing, ne is doing the latter. The market ts strong at 21.50 to 22.00 per hundred pounds. Potatoes of desirable sizes ere bringing 21.60. Tomatoes are now coming down a fta cents In price. Th* market quota tion this morning was a full nickle low er than Saturday. Stocks that are being offered are almost heavy. The quality of the supply Is desirable. Only on* fault Is being found, they ar* ar riving a lltt’j too ripe to make them good keeper*. They are in fine shape, however, for immediate consumption. The New York courts are trying the alleged chicken trust and an effort Is being made to indict several well known and extensive produce concerns, for try ing to control the trade. At this sea son of the year, according to i local brokers, it is Strang* Why any one would chose to hold up anything In the coultry line. Hens are a drag on the market in San Antonio. The housewife is turn ing to the young springs as more de sirable this kind of weather. Eggs are in abundance at 14 cents the dozen, but the marwet Is expected to show a slight firming up during th* course of this week. Reports are coming from the country that the hens which began lay ing unusually early this year are about played out and that for a week or so now. the market may be a little short on supplies. This accounts for th* lib eral consignments of old hens on the market at present. When a hen stops laying the fanner uually ships h«r to market. Th* cheese market Ihas today, ac cording to telegraph advices from New York, taken a firmer stand. Full cream is quoted a cent higher than Saturday. All varieties of berries ar* very scarce in San Antonio today. Shippers have advanced the prices on carlot con signment* to practically 21-60 per crat* at the loading stations, maklngthe quo tation on the local market* not less than 22 per crate. Local conuniaaton m*n do not consider that the trad* will pay this price and some doubt Is being ex pressed whether or not San Antonio will see many more berries this season. The northern ’ market ar* at presnt making a havy call for berries for with peaches practically off the list th* betng turned almost entirely to these commodities. The coffee market Is taking a firm stand and it Is the opinion of local brokers that the market thia year is to go no lower than its present quotation. The markat on all varieties of green coffee Is 3-4 cent higher. A leading Importer advises the trad* that after careful survey of the United States and Brazil he finds nothing that leads to th* belief that coffee Is to be any low er during the next yegr. He bases his conclusion on the amount In sight and on the average consumption. Texas Is more and more 'being look ed upon as a rice producing state and I this cereal Is yearly becoming In moro genera) use with tne people of th* 1 south. Bv way of recommending It to I'the people, a bulletin Issued by th* d*- । partment of agriculture at Washington partment of agriculture recently said: Rice forms th* principal food of one half the population of the earth. It Is | more widely and generally used as a food material than any other cereal . It possesses healing and curative proper ties to a greater degree than any other cereal, owing chiefly to It* digestibility and nerve-building qualities, rice diet being known to be one of the greatest convelvable assistants to nature, restor ing the system from the ravages of dyspepsia, indigestion and their various attendant evils.’ The retail grocery trade is said to be considerably better than it wa* at the beginning of June last year. June, July Here's tbe Illustrated Story of Today's Weather Conditions U. 8, Department of Agriculture, * WEATHER 'BUREAU ’ WLLIS L MOORS* . OM and Auguvt are the dullest month* In the year with the retail grocer, but so far there la no evidence of falling off. The demand is as good a* It wa* in April and May. — Th* hot weather I* cutting *hort the blackberry crop in thl* *tate and It I* said that the quantity which will be canned will be tho ■malleat in **veral year*. In view of thl* fact, eastern can ners Saturday advanced th* price of No. 2 cans 10 cent* the dozen. SAN ANTONSO FBOBVCB. Price to ■blpper mm oommleeloa. Price to retailer: BUTTER—Creamery per pound. He; country butter 15c. EGGS— Country, eesen lie. CHEESE—Fancy cream It He: fanay brick 20c; American Swim 34c; Import ad Swtos tie: Limburpar 3Oo; Badger State l»c. POULTRY—Broiler* 22460240; fry er* 2*0006.50; hen* 26.00 0 (46; gula eas. dozen 23.250340; duck*, (seen ft • 7.00; equabe, dozen (1.2501.60; geeae, dozen 21*000 15.00; turkeya. pouM 16 017 a w ~ ciicioo nwDvci. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO, June s.—Quotation* today were as follows: Butter, steady. Creameries. 17081 c; dairies. 15%01»c. .Eggs, steady. Receipt*, 20.861 cases; at mark, cases included. 11011%c; first*. 13c; prime firat*. 14c. Cbeese. steady. Daisies, ll%Oll%c; Twins, 10% 011 c; Young Americas, ll%011%c; Long Horns, 11%0U%0. Potatoes, strong. Choice to fancy, new. 21-1501.26; old 430 48c. Poultry, live, steady. Turkey*, 12c; chicken*. 13%5; *prtngs, 24 0 26c. Veel, atoady. 50 to 60 lb. wta. 808%c, 60 to 85 lb. wta, 8% %c, 85 to 110 lb. wta 1O01OH& KANSAS CITT FBODUCB. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) KANSAS CITY, June 5. — Quotations today were as follows: S jitter, creary. 22c; firsts, 15c; sec s, 17c; packing stock, jsc. Egg*, extra. 18%c; first*. 18e; sec ond*, Bc. VBW YORK PRODUCE. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW YORK. June s.—Egg* *teadl*r. Receipt* 17.656. Fre*h gathered extras. 18020 c; extra flr*t*. 46017 c; first*. 14U015c; second*. 13h®14c; fresh gathered dirtie* No. 1,11 c; No. 2. 9® 10c; *tate. Pennsylvania and nearby hennery whlft. 19022 c. state. vanla and nearby hennery gathered v'hit*. 19®30c; reme hennery brown. 19 020 c; «ame gathered bro "" 16018 c; western gathered whit*». 1«W 19c. ST. LOUIS PRODUCE. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) ST. LOUIS. June s.—Chickens. 10%c; springs 20® 24c; turkey* 12®10%0. ducks 9015V.C; geese Butter steady; creamery 1.026 c, Eggs steady, 12c. TO pSrchasecattle. Emil Schuman of Guatemala Here for That IhtrpoM-. Emil Schuman, owner of extensive coffee plantations and cattle interert* in Guatemala, fentral America, 1* in Ban Antonio with the end in 'lew o purchasing blooded cattle for the stocking of one of his ranches. Mr Schuman states Guatemala are peaceful and that the country is prospering. °' er ’’ ' d bunches of bananas are being shipped from the country weekly. He say* the revolution In Mexico had no apprecia ble effect on the situation In hls adopt ed country. . Although Mr. Schuman has resided In Guatemala for eighteen years this 1* hi* fir*t to Texas. He Is ac companied by Mrs. Schuman and their daughter and all are delighted with the Alamo City. Speaking of the cli mate of Guatemala Mr. Schuman aaid that the year was divided Into two seasons, the rainy and the dry. °n May 1 the rainy season begins and continues until October 15. and the average rainfall for that time is 255 inches. Then for the remainder of the year even showers are extremely Infreequent. , John Hays Hammond (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESSt LONDON. June s.—John Hays Hammond, the special ambassador to represent the United States at the coronation of King George, accom panied by hls family, arrived in Lon don last night 1 THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT STOCKS LICKING IN ACTIVITY Traders Find Some Disappoint ment Over Action of Market and Many Sell. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) NEW YORK, Jun* Ther* w.r* few mara*d change* In th* opening transaction* today on the atoek ex change. U. 8. Steel and Erl* wer* the most active issue*, the former varying from 1-4 above to 1-4 below Saturday'* close in the firat. few minute* on th* ■ale of 6600 ahar**. l Th* demand of Erl* wm unuaually keen and tho price wa* forced up 5-8. Canadian Pacific, Conaolldated Ga* and North Ani*rioen alao gained 5-8. while Union Pacific declined th* aam* amount. Bom* diMPpointment wm ehown ov*r th* action of t(j* market after Satur day'* display of strength and there wm considerable MlUng for both account* after bualnea* got well und*r way. St. Paul, Northwestern, American Smelting and international Harvester were driven a point under last week’s close and other stocks a substantial fraction. Subsequently Atchison wa* marked briskly to 116 6-8 and the rest of the market hardened slightly. The demand for stocks wa* lessened today and tho market *xhlblt*d a ■lightly reactionary tendency. It wa* evident at the opening that the volume of order* which had accumulated over the week end wa* not a* large a* ha* been expected and bear trader* seized the opportunity to sell. Th* market withstood th* selling af ter the first setback and mad* som* recovery. The action of consolidated gu*. which went up f%. was responsible In large part for the revival of pool *c tlvltle* in other Issues. Electric stock* and some of the minor low priced shares were taken at rising figures. Brook lyn Union Gas, Westtnghouss Electric and General Etectric gained 3 each. At noon railroad stocks wsre improving under tbe lead of the Hlll iMues, which were selling a point above Saturday's finals. Bonds steady. After important railruad and Indus trial stock* had been pulled to about a parity with last week’s closing figure* the demand abated and speculation b*» came dull. Special movements occurred in a few industrial stocks but the speculative favorites were without essential change during th* mtd-afternoon trading. Un derwood Typewriter jumped 6 points to 90. The market closed firm. Yes- Today terday Amalgamated Copper 67% 87% American Beet Sugar 68% 53% American Car and Foundry 86% 57 American Cotton Oil S 3 % 52% Amgrlcan Ljooraotive .... 41% 42 Am. Smelt, and Refining.. 80 80% do preferred 106% 107 American Sugar Refining. .119 120 Anaconda Mining Co. .... 39% 39% Atchison 116% 116 Atlantic Coast Line IU% 132% Baltimore and Ohio 102 108% Brooklyn Rapid Transit... 80% 80% Canadian Pacific 387% 236% Cheaspeake and Ohio 86% 85% Chicago and Northwsstern.l4B 149 Chicago. Mil. and Bt. Pau1.137 317 Colorado Fuel and 1r0n.... 34% 34% Colorado and Southern .... 56 55 Delaware and Hudson .. ..178% 172% Denver and Rto Grande... 32 31 % do preferred 107 70% Erie 35 35 Great Northern pf<L 136% 135 Great Northern Ore Ctfs... 62% 62% Illinois Central 140 141 Interborough-Met 19% 19 do preferred 53% 52% Louisville and Nashville.. 150% 150% Missouri Pacific 60% 51 Missouri, Kansas and Texas 36% ,36% National Biscuit 130 184 Nationsl Lead 56% '56% New York Central 109% 109% Norfolk and western ....109 107% Northern Pacific 134% 134% Pacific Mall 27 27% Pennsylvania 184% 124>« People’s Gas 106% 106% Pullman Palace Car .. ..162 161% Reading 140% 161 Rock Island Co 34% 38% do preferred 66% 65 Southern Pacific 121 120% Southern Railway .. .. 30% 30% Union Pacific 186% 186% United State* Steel 77% 78% do preferred .. .. i 119 119 Wabash 17 38% do preferred 38 .... Western Union 81% 6t% Standard Oil 652 652 Lehigh Valley 179% 179% T*xa» Co 128 128% NEW TORR BWOTS- NEW YORK, Jun* 5. —Cotton spot closed quiet 10 pointe higher, middling uplands 1590 c; middling gulf 16.15 c. Sales 400 bale* COTTON FORCES WAY UPWNID Weather Reports and Heavy Bull Support Gives Market New High Records, AT THE CLOSE: Now York, • to II up. Naw OrIMM, 13 to IS up. Liverpool, b*lM*y. SPOTS: New York IS up. New OrleaM. uMhMged. Houston. 1-1* up. UalvMten, unchanged. NEW YORK, J«m”6.—Tb* cotton markat opened atMdy nt an advene* of 3 06 pointe on a r*n«wal of Saturday** buying movwwnt, but th* Initial ad vanc*. which oarrl*d October up to 13.41. or into new hick ground, attracted heavy raallslng, MK there wa* local •ailing baaed on pro*p*ct* for rains or •hewers la th* Matora bait. Price* •Med oft la MMHtMMe Mtlv* naw crop month! e*M a coupl* of point* un der tho olo*la« ftourM of Saturday dur ing the early trading, but aftering* wer* wall abe*rbud and th* mnrk*t later wm steady with prtoM about uaohana*d to 3 point* highar. Th* early w*ather map *how*d light precipitation at three er four potato in tbe belt, but n* rain of coM*quono* and tbe naly tarty re port* of retae ta tbe CaroUaaa oame ever private wirea. . _ intortat ta tbe eanteai election ef th* exchange, the poll* opening at U n. m-. undoubtedly reetrtotod trading Into in the forenoon, bet tbe market ruled ■teady to firm and aew crop position* •old into new high ground toward mid day on bull aupport and covering In ■ ired by dry weather naw» from Can tial Texas and indications that »s •howers ta ths wstorn belt had been too light to ailmisato drouth oomptotats. Prices at midday were about 8 to 7 points nst higher. Bpets, quiet; mid dling uplands, ISSSc nominal. The failure of the etatorn bolt fore ctat to hold out any definite P«>mlM of r»ln probably helped the merket dur ing the early afternoon and with con tinued bull eupport of old enp post tion* price* were 6 to 80 net htahar. Balling became heavier above 13.4# of or October and the market MMd oft a •hade from the boot Hayward A Clark, Now Orleans shorts' new crop nervou* oyer govern ment foreoaat. Generally fair, except thunder ahowar* taotarn «tate». Nervous covering causing advance. ■RW TORK FUTVREB. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW YORK, June S-JJotton opened steady. Ju */ Au F, u Jj 1 Sept. 18.78, Oct 13.41, Dec. 13.31. Jen. 11. IQ, March 18.3704*. May 13.4505*. Cotton futures closed steady. Open. High. Low. Close. Jan 18.2* 18.36 13.35 18-86031 Mar. .. ~18.87 13.40 18.34 ilinA a ■ a a •so • see • • oeo a ?. uly .. ..15.75 15.87 15.4* 168*087 w Im! Itg B. V. ::kil l«? IM IM.*. NEW ORLEANS COTTON. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW ORLEANS. June l.—Cotton fu tures opened •toady at an advanos of I to It points on ths old crop months snd an advenes of II to 16 on the asw. The weather map wm called unfavorable as it showsd prsctlmlly no «**"*“ * h * cotton country and vats reporte stat •d that the drouth wm beooming sari ous over a large area. In Jha early trading buying wm general for counts with offerings comtag “J nrofit taking longs. At the end the first half hour of business the list WM A to H poloti over Friday’s "oL Ths advsno/wM tartly tn sym pathy with New York Saturday. *The market was dull but “ttady throughout the morning s session The demand was moderate but insistent and h was hard for the ring to find the ILTmcts to HU H. * llorU w s re tarn "Vtho M.t‘snd th thte r u*id to n ?he ■taad'lnes.. «hl n 10 to y is points up. In'the afternoon o*«slon tho tone was V Vhe'»t clomd eteody at a net *4- vanoo of 18 to 23 points. yaw ORLRAMb FUTURES. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW ORLEANS. Juns 5. —Cotton fu ture"on*ned *te«dy. June & Jan 13.26 asked. March 13.41. LEADING SPOT MARKETS Middling, bale". New Orleans, quiet 16 701 70* Houston, steady ‘ Galveston, steady I*n 1 *n • NS WORLBANS RFOTg. Jal good n ordinMy“ll l-4ft !!?Hinarv 14 5-Bc. low middling 14 11-llc, 1 lAAiui yr 7-8 c strict good middling n < i <n i6<f middling fair 1* 5-16, middling lir i» faS 1« ll'«®. fa,r 77 n ° m ' ’"Receipts 385. stock 8050*. KOVBTON BPOTb. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS' „„ HOUSTON. Tex.. Juno 5. — Cotton spots eteady, unchanged; middling 15 5-16- gnMFHM BPOTB. MEMPHIS. Juno s.—Spot cotton ua changed. Middling. 16 51-4. New Material la Here. The structural stesl for the changes In the power plant of the electric light company ha* arrived In the city H nd work toward* putting it In place will be started In the next ten days. The ten new street car* which were ordered this spring will arrive about the latter part of July or the first of August. W. E. Douglass of El Faso and R. W. Nowlin of Victoria, claim agents of the Southern Pacific, are In the city today for a conference with J. H. Means, local claim agent of the same company. L. Hunt of Houston is stopping at the Gunter. COTTON GOSSIP. Th* w*ath*r map *v*r Bunday wa* dry and hot Th* foroeaat promlaca nothing batter. A aprinkllng rain fall over parta of Oklahoma but not enough to do any good. Tho cry f*r rata la now going up from all swtioaa tt tbe b*lL Englieh tradtra are beginning to look forward to a aeaaon »of plenty. They cannot bring thema«lvM to behove that there 1* anything wrong with th* new crop. Th* Am*rloaa markat* will probably ndvnaon atom oa aay bad crop a*w& A f*w day* mor* of pr***nt condition* sad th* market will hav* t* tab* on a •Ulf advaac* to di*o*uat to* daamg* to ing crop. m «'k*t lotoad (lightly buliiah thia morning. New Orleana apaaM up ,tron <- It wa* the opinion of local oaarntora that tola wm futoot 1 haqaya, V toe Saturday advaaoe at N*w York. A holiday alway* Mto a markat back. Uvarpool to ta for a bunch of lay-offa thia month. Thnt markat la oleaad to day beoaua* ef tho Whitouatlda holiday. There ae«me to be no let-up on the crop and acreage dope- The government regent daaan’t aaem to have filled toe COTTON STATISTICS *•• RBI IBU 18. Today Imat Year OalvMton .. .. *..„.r<7 78* New Orleaae 6*B **2 Mobile * • Savannah ~.<M 48* Chsrleetoa „ .. ...... M I*B Wilmlagtea T Norfolk IM *3* New York 45 Boaton |« Other Porto (• Total* 1,743 2443 ■fadey. LMtyear Houaton in 74* Memphta *** 320 Ausaata 12* 30 Cincinnati 488 3*B Little Reck 3* 41 COTTON SEED PRODUCTS (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) MEMPHIS, June *.—Catton MM oil. prime bMla, 573 0 574 c, meal 234.90, lin ters, 8%04%a COTTON BSRD OIL. NEW YORK, June Cottonaead oil quotationa today were M followa: Open. Close. June .. MHbM l*,*lo«* July 8*.5406* 26.59 0 60 August 24.51068 24 64046 Sept. |«.57A6* 24.42063 Oct .. .. 26.15030 26.2*024 COTTON BULLETIN SAN ANTONIO, Tan, June L—Tam- Mrature, rainfall and atat* of weather tor tho station* ot the Houston district for th* 34 hour* andlna at * o'cloak tola morning, 76th meridian time: _ —Temp,— Rain-Stat* at Station*— Max. Mln. fall. Weather xAbllen* *4 72 .00 PtCldy xAmarillo — *• .60 PtCldy Ballinger 18 70 .00 Clear Beeville SO 66 .00 Clear Brenham 90 72 .00 Clear xßrownsvllle .. .90 — .00 Brownwood .. .. 98 70 .00 Clear Clarendon 88 60 .00 Clear xCorpua Christi .86 7* .0* Clear Corsicana *2 70 .00 Clear Cuero 94 73 .00 Clear Dallas 98 73 .M Clear xDel Rto — 74 .*0 PtCldy Dublin 94 68 .«• PtCldy Eastland 98 *8 .00 PtCldy xFt. Worth .. — 73 .00 PtCldy xGalveaton 84 8* ,M Clear Greenville 91 72 .00 Clear Henrietta 100 76 .00 Clear xHouaton — 74 .00 Clear Huntsville 84 74 .00 Clear Kerrville »3 88 .00 Clear Llano 94 7| .00 Clear Longview 100 72 40 Clear Luling *3 74 .M PtCldy Mexta 92 66 .00 Clear NacoMdoehee .... 90 66 .00 Clear xFalcsuno 90 70 .00 Cloudy Faria 38 •» ®® > ®“ r Quannb 84 70 .00 Clear XBAN ANTONIO-. 92' 78 .00 Cloudy Ban Marcoa ~ ■• *0 76 40 Clear Sherman ...... *1 74 .00 Clear xTbylor — 72 .00 PtCldy Timpte »< U ®« Clear Waco »« •« -®® r,ear Waxahachie .. .9* 70 .00 Clear we“ h.rford »8 78 .00 C ear Wharton »® 7 ® ”® c ™ Austin — — MVnr Columbus ®« Cte«r KAnnarl — — PtCldy Lampasas »6 68 .00 Cloudy Marble Falls .... — — .«0 \}ear Riveraid* .. .... — — ®® LUar Valley Junction.. — — .9® Clear xMlnlmum temperatur* I* for the la*: ’“•Not ueed In computing the average* for the Houaton dlrtrtct. The weather tn the belt Is fair. The temperature In the western part of belt 1* *bov* normal- DISTRICT ATRBAOR*. —T*mp.— Rain- Max. Mln. fall. Wilmington, N. C JJ 70 .10 Craleaton, 8. 72 .00 lo® « Montgomery, Al*. ... x ... »« 72 40 Mobil*. Ala. »« J® •” MMnphla, T*nn. »« •« •” Vtekaburg. Mise. 96 70 .30 Nw Orltan*,La »« •’ ®® tUtte Rock. Ark. »« JO 40 Houston, T*x. .. .. aj. -. Ji ” S Oklahoma. Okla. 98 74 .vo REMARKS. ALLEN BUELL. Local Forecaater Wtato*r Burtaq. They AU Look. On the tabi* tn th* waiting room of a specialist is an Inlaid box. When one open* it, and m«rt visitor* to th* specialist do. a smaller box ia found, and not on* So lar»e inside that, th* New York Bu\ says. This continues until finally th* last is reached, a tiny thing with a slip of paper inside it. On the paper is a single word. “Cur iosity.” “I keep It there to amuse waitln| patients," the specialist explained. "If there was only one who went through the scale of boxes he might feel sore about it. but he or she leaves the box closed for the next comer, and when there are quite a few in the waiting room It gets to be a pretty good joke and I can hear laughter aa the latest arrival gets stung. I picked th* box up on a trip to India and happened to leave it tn th* waiting room one day. Now it stays there all th* tlm*.” JUNE 5. 191 T. GRMII MH - SHOWS STRENGTH Hot Weather Over Belt Gives Bulls Leading Hand—Mar ket Makes Light Gains. j CHICAGO, Jun* *.—Unreasonably hot and dry conditions ov*r almMt th* *n tlr* winter wheat bait gav* prices te aay aa upward swtaa. OffMaJ fcriaast .of a warm weak added Impetus to the feeling ta favor of lifting tho market level. Besides, there was at hand a ■eml-officlal report which told ef an un satisfactory crop outlook throughout the southern portion of Russia. Cash demand hare, toe, wm reported to be etroag, even aa compared with future*, opening figure* war* % to 1c up. Com mislon buying wm on such a b(g scale that individual houoM were loot eight of. tot the bulge heavy Miltag took place and calmed the market down. July started at 98%0%. a gain ef % to % aad reacted to 93%. Corn ohowed strength on account of, ■mall receipts and because farmers war* not Mlltag frwly. July opanta %0% higher at 64H 055 and rota to Trade in oats was excited and th« market ecored the boat advance ot any cereal* An official statement that the Miaou ri crop had fallen 27 potato un der last month and 29 behind tost year, formed the chief roMon. July started % 01c up at 37% 018 and finally •toad ied at 37%. I’reviaiona, though rather alow, climbed higher with grata and hogs- Flrat aalea were 5015 c up. with Sep tember pork *14.35. lard 2*43% aad riba •T.H. CXXOAOO BRAIN MARXRT. Open. High. Lew. Oota W J3y“;. .. 98% »< »»% MW Sept .. .. *9% 92 99% 91 Doc >8 »3% *3% *3% •• .. 55 55% 64% 54% Sept. .. ..65% 64% 55% 56% Doc. .. .. 54% 65 64 64% °“jGi7 .. ..38 38 37% 87% Sept. .. .. 38% 88% 37% 37% Die .. .. 89% 3»% 88% 38% Frovla6eaa.' . Open. High. Low. cieoß M 14.75 14.73% 14.7» Bept. ..14.35 14.49 14.25 14.49 Latu —** July .. 8.12% 8.15 8.10 1.15 Sept. .. 8.33% 846 849 8.38% Short Ribo— _ . „ July .. 7.95 8.09 7.96 8.00 Sept. .. 749 745 747% 7.9* DAILY MOVEMENT OF GRAIN AT CHICAGO (BY THE ASSOCIATED PROS) CHICAGO, June s.—Receipts aad shipments today were ae followa; Articles Receipts Shipment* Flour, bbls 11400 15,800 WhtaL bu. 93.909 1,3 M Corn, bu. 504.100 458.200 Oats, bu 478.80* ISl,*** Rye, bu t,** Harley, bu. ■ • • • 40,500 4,30* CAR MT WOBIFTB. Wheat 21 car* with 8 of contract grade, a»Fn 408 car* with 182 of con tract gra-Je; oat* 213 car*. Total re ceipts of wheat at Chicago, Minneapolis and Duluth today were 356 cars, com pared with 478 cars lost week and 318 oars the corresponding day a year ac* CXMIOO GRAIN. (RY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO. June 6.—Cash wheat. Ne. 8 red. *5% 0 960; No 8. hard. *«%0»7o; No. 1 northern. *1.**0143: No. • mrthem, 9*c©2141; No. 3 spring, 9(0 Corn. No. 3. 54%055%c; No. 3 whit* 55065%c; No. 2 yellow. 55©55%c. Oat*. No. 2, 35%©3*c; No. 2 whlt«.x 8038%o; standard. 37%038%c. BT. ROOTS GRAIN. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) HT. LOUIS. Jun« s.—Cash wheat was quiet; No. 3 track red 90©93%c, No. 3 hard. *3«99c. . Corn, higher; No. 2 track, 55055%c, No. 3 white, 55%0 Oats, higher. No. 3 track. 3<037%c. No. 2 white. 39c ST. LOUIS, June 5. —Close wheat higher. July 83%08»c, Sept. 89%c. Corn higher. July 53%c. Sept. as%c. Oats higher, July and September, 87 %c. PERSONAL MENTION Charles H. Platter, a prominent to bacco man of Dallas, and Mrs. Plat ter are gueats at the Menger today. L. C. Mcßride of Dallas is regis tered at the Gunter. F. M. Todd and wife of M«e*e City are guests at the Maverick. J. O. Chandler, one of Nixon’s bust* Less men, ts at the Bexar. Lekay Lightfoot of Dallas ts stop ping at the Crockett. H. H. Moseley of Houston to a guest at the Maverick. W. W. Taxis of Dallas is registered at the Menger. H. P. Wtllla of Fort Worth is a guest at the Monger. • F. S. Brian, one of Uvalde's bustneag men. Is tn the city. He la stopping at the Gunter. yi. K. Meyer of Delia* ts regiateiw at the Menger today. F. Pierce of Stockdale ta ene of to* Maverick's guests. H. D. Heffmaet*r of Delta* ta a guest at the Crockett. L. J. Goble ts registered at th* Bexar. J. M. Daniel of Laredo in stopping at the Maverick- Scary E. Ballard of El Pam 1a reg istered at the Gunter. Wm. A. Nickson of Dallas arrived In the city yesterday. He Is a guort at the Menger. E. H. Lake and family of Brown wood are registered at the Monger. Geo. M. Thompson, D. Newton aad F. C. Blain*, all prominent business mon of D«1 Rio. *re guoste at the Gunter today. Sheriff John W. Tobin and Carlos Bee left yesterday to attend the anti prohibition meeting In Fort Worth- Mr. Bee is on tho program for • •p«*ch there today. Toxm City is to have a 2*9.99® hotel. Work was begun on the etruoture lag* wook. 11