Newspaper Page Text
12 WEDNESDAY, Want Ad Rates IN THE San Antonio Light 1 insertion per word la 4 consecutive Insertions per word. 8c T consecutive Insertions per word. 4a Ten or more consecutive insertions % cent per word iwh InMTtlon. Metter set in ceps charged 1-1 ex tra. » Pancrapha rules, white space, etc.. f cents per line * The above rates apply to advertise nenta running without change only. No ad accepted for lese than fifteen cents Ads run at Intervals are charged the one time rate. No extra charge for the Sunday issue. Monthly Rates Rates by me month: ISc per word. Minimum charge $1.26 per month for ad of fifteen words a The publishers reserve the right to reject or revise any copy deemed ob jectionable. Want Ads Taken Over the Telephone FOR TOUR CONVENIKNCE YOU MAY TELEPHONE YOUR WANT ADS. BILLS SENT AFTER THE AD IS PRINTED. Both Phones 176 Ads taken up to 11 a. m. for the dally, and up to 10 p. m. for the Sun day Light WOODMEN, ATTNNTIONI Regular meeting of San An tonio camp No. 529. Wood men of the World, tonight at 8 o'clock at the Wood men Forest Hall. Visiting Woodmen welcome. AUG. A. ZJZIK. Secretary. HELP WANTED male WANTED—TWO GOOD SHOEMAKERS. Apply at once, 110% South Alaino. WANTED—PARTY TO TRAVEL FOR eld esubllaheo firm, salary and ex penses paid. Call The Edwards, 208 Avenue D. WE WANT THREE GOOD LIVE HWT ling real estate salesmen to handle San Antonio business. A good hustling salesman can easily make Horn 4avo to llOuc per month selling our lots. Ter rell Well Co.. 107 Avenue D. TO TAKE THIRTY day practical course in our machine shops, learn the automobile business and accept good positions. New Or leans Auto School, New Orleans, La. WANTED—MEN TO PREPARE FOR positions now waiting at top wages. Learn the barber trade Few weeks qual ifies. Clean, inside work; no dull sea son; no strikes, cash every Saturday night Commission and tips in addition to wages amount to more than most me chanics earn. Tools given, diplomas granted. Apply personally or from coun try by mail. Moler Barber College, 220 West Commerce street. BUSINESS MEN — PHONE US FOR stenographers. Geo. Potchernlck, dealer L. C. typewriter. WANTED —A BOY 16 TO 20 YEARS to work In a general merchandise store. German and Spanish must be spoken. O. W. Retzlotf, Orange Grove, Tex. WANTED—INTELLIGENT, STRONG, reliable, active young man to take charge of warehouse stock, state salary and experience In own handwriting; mention reference. Address 612, care Light SALESMEN WANTED—WE ARE PRE pared to offer the highest commis sions to a few high grade real estate salesmen. Our proposition is away ahead of any on the market. For proof call upon the J. H. Maulding Land Com pany, New’ Frost Bldg., San Antonio. WANTED — SEVENTY-FIVE SALES men.and ladles for a grand sweeping sale Address 613, care Light. WANTED—PHOTOGRAPHER. YOUNG man'to operate. 210 W’ilson street. AGENTS WANTED—ACTIVE AGENTS TO SELL popular monthly payments health and accident insurance. Roving agents make Vig money. Opportunity for advance ment for men who make good. Call at once, room No. 216. Frost building. F. E. Burbanks, manager. AGENTS—BIG MONEY IN SELLING Sea Drift lots at Sea Drift (on the gulf), easily sold. Town lot free with each tract; best proposition yet offered to agents. T. F. Ford, general agent, 109 Avenue D. FEMALE. ANY GIRL IN NEED OF A FRIEND is invltd to call at the Salvation Army Rescue Home. 3019 River avenue, at any time. Old phone 2872. WANTED—GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework; no washing or ironing; give references. Address Ira T. Jones, 716 Third street. Corpus Christi, Tex. WANTED—A FIRST CLASS COOK BY Ist of July. Mrs. Wm. Pryor, 308 Augusta. SALESWOMEN WANTED—TO A FEW ladies possessed with the right quali flcatlopr we are prepared to offer a neat, lucrative position; our proposition Is unique, liberal and appeals to every one; higher commissions paid to agents than by any other hig-h class firm in the city. Call upon the J. H. Maulding Land Company. New Frost building, San An tonio. WANTED—A GIRL FOP. GENERAL housework, four In family, good Wages; German preferred. 2303 Monte rey street. ONE SHARE ■OF TWO THOUSAND dollars: I will give to every boy who sells to ted* of his friends a standard, five-cent article each week this sum mer. In addition to the big prize a REGULAR INCOME is assured. I’ll tell you how. Make a list of the ten names and addresses. Bring it with you. You needn't miss ball game or fishing trip. Hrlng vour parents, if you choose. Come early. Chas. J. Rossy, 113 Losoya St. WANTED—WHITE GIRL ABOUT u years old to assist doing housework. Apply 731 Montana street New phone 3086. WANTED—A GOOD COLORED COOK, with references. Call 807 San Pedro avenue. WANTED—WASHWOMAN AT 330 Kansas City boulevard at onee. Hot Wells car. Mrs. A. Surtees. WANTED—GIRL OR WOMAN TO DO housework; two In family; must have references. Apply at once. 516% East Houston situations Wanted MALE. WORK AT |5O PER MONTH, PERMA nent or temporary, by marled man, who has been drawing more than twice that amount i>er year for ten yeara; stranger in city and can locate nothing. References from former employers, Ad dress 700, Light HAVE RECENTLY BOUGHT A HOME here and would like a position as bookkeeper or cashier; am a good pen man and quick and accurate and will work reasonable. Address OS, Light. FEMALE A NICE LADY WANTS POSITION IN email rooming houee, Juet for room and board. 616% Fast Commerce street A LADY WITH EXPERIENCE WANTS position as housekeeper or to take charge of a rooming houee. Address M. NoUn. 918 Crosby street SITUATION WANTED BY A FlRBT closa stenographer and office assist ant; good 617. Light for rent FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED CLOSE-IN AND thoroughly modern rooma. electric light, phone, bath, etc. 414 Sixth street Old phono 1887. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A YOUNG man or two young men. Nicely fur nished southeast room, bath connecting. In home of private family; no children. Phone old 001. FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM, nice kitchen, bedroom, on second floor; rent very reasonable. 206 Fourth Street NICELY FURNISHED COOL ROOMS in modern brick home. 4 blocks from St. Anthony. Old phone 3943. 147 Au tuiU St FOR RENT — UPSTAIRS ROOM, eouthern exposure; all conveniences; to one or two gentlemen. 501 W. El mira St ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, all conveniences, faces south east; with private family. 519 Jackson. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS, running water, block from Houston street; summer rates. 4(-3 St. Mary's. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR GENTLEMEN only, 41.50 a week. 503 North Flores. FOR RENT —WELL FURNISHED southeast room, strictly modern, lo cated on crest of Beaeon Hill; hull block from car, twenty minutes from city. Get away from city and be comfortable. Use of whole hoiise, large gallery, for one or two gentlemen. 1214 Blanco road. FOR RENT, UNTIL OCTOBER 1. FOUR rooms, modern, completely furnished. 316 month. Chas. E. Jackson. Phones 1128. HOUSEKEEPING LOOMS UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; everything furnished; lights gas. hot and cold water. 216 Nueva. TWO OR THREE NEATLY FURMSH ed housekeeping rooms in home with elderly lad>, alone; cool, quiet place. 1111 Crockett, trices reasonable. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UP-TO date; everything furnished, lights, gas. hot and cold water. 430 St. Mary s. NEW. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN room for light housekeeping. 307 B. Cherry, near S P. depot. MCE COOL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close in; all conveniences; gu, bath, telephone, etc.; summer rates. 424 Main avenue. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. 208 Fifth street. LARGE, CONNECTING HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms. All modern conveniences. 616 North Flores Street. MO D ERN FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; near Jeske's; coolest place In city. Ripps Apartments, 235 Rusk St NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP 1 ing rooms; modern conveniences; close In; terms to permanent or desirable par ties. In prlfate home. 322 Nolan st. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, modern con veniences, gas ranger cool, eletcrlc fan, boarders wanted, 845 ocuple. Phone No. 3833. 907 Avenue C. TWO OR THREE ROOMS FURNISHED for light housekeeping, modern con veniences. 309 Idaho street. Phone 1214. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT—BEAUTIFUL HOME IN Laurel Heights, completely furnished, screened porches and every convenience, low rent for summer to responsible per son only. For Information rlns old phone 4672. DELIGHTFUL UPSTAIRS EAST room. Tobin Hill; all modern conven iences. privilege of sleeping porch. Old phone 2149. LARGE, COOL ROOMS. SOUTHEAST exposure, newly furnished, hot and cold baths. 230 East Commerce. FOR RENT REASONABLE. FURNISH ed. New, cool, screened five-room house; bath, lights, phone old 5091; the finest locality, near car, board desirable. Herzog, South Park Nursery. WILL RENT THOROUGHLY MODERN completely furnished two-story home on Tobin Hill for two or three months very cheap to party who will take good care of same. Possession about July 1. Old phone 4171. FOR RENT—SIX ROOMS FURNISHED for housekeeping; entire second floor of private home; new. light and airy; all modern conveniences; very desir able. 310 Carson St. old phone 3139. FOR RENT — FURNISHED HOME with every modern convenience to desirable tenant. Phone 716 R 1. Call 119 S. Olive st. ROOMS AAD BOARD FOR RENT — WELL FURNISHED rooms with board. 51 Avenue "A"; close in, end of 16th street. Old phone 2818. IDEAL SUMMER ROOMS CENTRAL- Iy located; every convenience; on car line. 817 Nolan. ROOM AND BOARD IN OUR NEW home, 416 East Dewey place; block Tobin Hill car. THE ARDMORE—NICE LARGE COOL rooms and good meals. 208 Fourth St. Old phone 2599. FIRST-CLASS ROOM, EXCELLENT board, modern conveniences, private residence. 628 Avenue B. Old phone No. 3064. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED. WANTED—BOARD AND ROOM ON either Laurel Heights, Beacon Hill or Alamo Heights, by refined young man. Address 621. care Light. WANTED—BY PERMANENT ADULTS, four or five-room house, close in with modern conveniences; must be close In and desirable. 618, care Light FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT—DESK ROOM FOR MKR chandiaa broker. Insurance agency er stenographer. 180 Mackay building. WAREHOUSE FOR RENT—TWO NEW warehouses on 8. A A A P. track, corner El Paso an If Comal: ftrat-clasa facilities; also suitable as business lo cation. J. C. Tips. FOR RENT. WAREHOUSES ON TRACK on 8. P. track and South Flores street J. COURAND, City. FOR RENT—FIRST-CLASS STORE room 3 blocks from Clower building. 410 Main avenue, first month's rsnt free. F. R. Weflng, 106 W. Houston St Room 202. . 9 FOR RENT—GROCERY STORE AND msrket; fine location, 404 Bowls, cor ner Houston.. 340 per month. Apply to the San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. FOR RENT—THREE LARGE OFFICES -en Alamo plaza, south exposure, each 315. Apply btoln'e Studio, Alt Alamo plaza. UNFURNISHED R4MIMS THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMB, 3« per month, four blocks 8. P. depot 609 Wyoming street Bath, sewers. HOUSES. FURNITURE. and house furnlsuings. We can rent you furniture from kitchen to parlor by the month or yeur; also rent special outfits for restaurant MAX KAROTKIN, 318 West Commerce St New Phone 616. Old Phone 443. FOR RENT—BRAND NEW 4-ROOM bungalow; hall. bath, electric lights. 510 North Pina Inquire next do« or 811 Nolan street FOR RENT—B-ROOM COTTAGE ON car Une. Lath, electric light gaa 2410 N. Florea Call 111 Gibbs Eldg., old phone 1104. FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AT 318 Burnet street, with all modern conveniences; only ten minutes' walk from postoffice. Apply at 501 S. Pine street FOR RENT—MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage, 405 West Marshall. Apply 116 Lavaca. FOR RENT—NEAT COT tage, 919 Avenue B. FOR RENT—ONE FIVE-ROOM MOD ern cottage with big hall, on Erle avenue. Inquire 823 Camden street Old phone 3033. FOR RENT Modern cottage, close In. See San An tonio Loan & Trust Co. FOR RENT—THREE ROOM BRICK cottage, large shade and fruit trees, one block from car line; will rent cheap to good tenant F. R. Weflng, room 292 Book Bldg. FOR RENT—MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage near Sap Depot Halt a block from two car lines. Apply 114 Sweet St FOR RENT—COMFORTABLE REBI- dence with 8 rooms, at 416 South Laredo street, block and a half from City Hall. Apply to Dr. Withers, at F. Kalteyer & Sons' drug store, north side city hall. FOR RENT—A VERY COMFORTABLE and beautifully finished bungalow on Beacon Hill. 6 rooms, pantry, bath and servants' house, for 330 per month. Ap ply at 1111 W. Magnolia avenue or 4596 old phone. FOUR AND EIGHT-ROOM MODERN houses; all conveniences; best neigh borhood, walking distance. 316 and 340. J. L. Strohm, Mackay building. WHOSE HOME ARE YOU PAYING FOR? Every family that keeps house pays for a home. If you pay rent you aro paying tor a home foi some one else. In a tew years you will have a nice bunch of rent receipts and the other tellow will hold the deed. Why not hold the deed yourself? Talk to us about our monthly pay ment plan. _ _ KUNTZ-ALBAUGH LUMBER CO. Old Phone 1716. New Phone 2337. FOR RENT—SIX-ROOM MODERN MA son street, between Olive and Pine streets. Five rooms, modern. Olive St., between Mason and Carson streets. Sev en rooms, modern, Encino Ave., Alamo Heights. P. T. Shields, 1712 North Olive or 743 East Houston street. FOR RENT. 4-room house, screened. stable, south front, Chicago Blvd 310.00 4-room house, kitchen, hall, stable south front, Monterey street ... 10.00 3-rooms and bath, 615 North Medina 17.60 A. J. GREINER, 240 Moore IBdg., New Phone 1469. Old 2555. Do You Want to Rent a House? If so, ring 3439 old phone, 340 new, make appointment to call. If I have not on my list Just what you desire I'll take pleasure In finding it for you. Formerly 213 Frost Bldg., now located in new quarters, 201-204 Gunter Bldg. WHOSE HOME ARE YOU PAYING FOR? Every family that keeps house pays for a home. If Jou pay rent you are paying for a home for some one else, in a tew years you will have a nice bunch of rent receipts and the other fellow will hold the deed. \\ hy not bold the deed yourself? Talk to us about our monthly pay ment plan. KUNTZ-ALBAUGH LI MBER CO. Old Phone 1746. New Phone 2337. FOR RENT—6 ROOM HALL AND bath; all screened: modern cottage, 909 E. Houston St. 335 per month. Ap ply to the San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED 4- room house, centrally located, sum- mer rates, 330 monthly. 323 North St. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, close in, 330. 5-room cottage, 917 Plum St., $l5. 4-room cottage, Lexington, 315. SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRUST CO. FOR RENT—A COTTAGE. CHEAP, AT 510 Essex street. South Heights. FOR RENT CHEAP. FIVE-ROOM COT tage on car line. Old phone 2919. MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT—COTTAGE HOTEL IN Sabinal: water, electric lights and bath. Apply to Louis M. Peters. Sabi nal. Tex. WANTED TO RENT WANTED—STORE SUITABLE FOR clgai store, between Gunter Hotel and post office, on Houston street. P. o. Box 141. THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC- Ing a want ad In the Light !s to tele phone It A skilled operator is ready to take it from your dictation. Your credit is good. Both phones 176. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT FOR SALE , MISCELLANEOUS DON'T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD casing; Ist ua put Protectors on and reduce your tiro expense 50 tier cent; 400 now uso In Sun Antonio. Ask anybody using them. Phone 1580. Auto Tire Protector Co., 812 Gibbs building. FULL CORD WOOD YARD. Sells only the beat poet oak and mes quite wood. Delivered in full cord wag one. Pbonea 1107. Frank Bnsala. I*OR SALE—3 COMPLETE FONTS OF l-letter 8-polnt mate, 1 complete font of 2-letter 10-polnt mate for Mergen thaler linotype; mate are in perfect con dition; samples of printing from same will be furnlabed prospective buyers; were discarded by ua only to make change for 7-point mats. Ban Antonio Light. FOR BALE—ONE 41 HORSEPOWER steam engine and one No. 5 centrifu gal pump. Fuller Machine Shops, 510 South Alamo street SAND AND GHAVEL FOR BALE FOR aldewalka and building purposea; all orders guaranteed A. Kohutek, Thosnas ton, Tex. UNREDEEMED TRUNKS AND leather ault cases; also aamplea of beat made trunks, ault cases at half price. Ban Pedro Loan Co.. 725-737 West Commerce. UNCALLED FOR SHIRTS at half price, see these bargains be fore buying elsewhere. Johnson’s Shirt Factory, 216 E. Commerce St, upstairs. DIAMONDS FOR BALE AT BACRl tice, one 4-karat, two 2-karat stones 419 Waaher building. BUGGY TIRES, ANY BRAND, CHEAP eat place In town. Standard Cycle Co., 238 South Alamo atreet. BOXES, BARRELSAND . KINDLING WOOD Phone Keael Supply Co., 2249-blue. WANTED—TO SELL a .88 WINCHEB - rifle for 35. Old phone 1031. 949 Denver Blvd., South Heights. LUMBER LUMBER. QUICK DELIVERY. If It'a anything In the way of lumber .you need, get in touch with me at once. My prices consistent with QUALITY, are right Everything in the building line. Call 3104 old phone any time and talk It over. BROWN-HORGER LUMBER CO, Cor. Florida and Walnut Sts., S. P. Track WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD BECOND hand gasoline range. Ring old phone 500 7. TEXAS RICE CO. We make a Specialty of Rice. We make the Unpolished Rice, which has no coating of Glucose or Talc. Our prices are the lowest. Our goods are the Best. We also carry a Special Line of Cof fees, Teas, Sugar, Syrups, Flour. All kinds of Chicken Feeds, horse and cow feed, bran and rice bran. Both Phones 435. W. Xouston St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI - bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117-119 Soledad St. New phone 288. MANTON FURNITURE CO. BEST PLACE TO TRADE. ■pedal Attention to Small Accounts 124 SOLEDAD STREET. FOR SALE — ABOUT 20 PAIRS OF second-hand inside blinds; cheap if sold at once. 1111 North Olive St. FOR SALE—FURNITURE OF FOUR room cottage, including rugs, curtains shades, gas range, utensils, accessories. Call 394 Pierce Ave. PIANOS—MUSICAL GOODS. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING — pianos tuned, repaired, refinished and rebuilt. Pianos, electric pianos and player pianos; work done by factory ex perts. Phone your order. 8. A. Music Co.. 107 East Houston street. FOR SALE—ELECTRIC SELF PLAY ing piano, bargain. 818 West Com met ce street. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE CHEAP—GOOD BAY horse, 16 hands high; good for saddle or driving. 426 Schley ave. FUR SALE—SADDLE AND DRIVING horses. 936 East Commerce. FOR SALE — TWO GOOD YOUNG milch cows. 217 South Pine street. Old phone 4047. FOR SALE—TWO HEIFERS, ONE cream separator and one Shetland pony. W. 11. Hume, Alamo Heights. FOR SALE—FINE JERSEY HEIFER, 15 months old, bred, fawn color, black points. A beauty at a bargain. Apply 511 Lewis St FOR SALE—YOUNG HORSE. GENTLE and well broke; will make fine family horse. No. 423 Avenue D. between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. FOR SALE—HORSE AND NICE RUN about buggy at a bargain. Apply 1026 Paso Hondo. FOR SALE — TWO WORSES, ONE black mare, fast trotter, winner of silver cup of S. A. Driving club; one five years old and other yearling; also racing bicycle and outfit. 123 Stafford street. FOR BALES—HORSE AND BUGGY 360. with harness. 1011 Sun Pedro avenue. Party leaving town. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES ONE NEW 12 -PASSENGER BTUDE baker bus. practically new. for sale cheap for cash. Apply to Beckmann 4 Peterson, Kerrville, Tex. FOR SALE OR TRADE—ONE WHITE Steamer, five-passenger touring car. Has been used by private family and Ie in first class condition. Call at 112 Soledad street. ONE EXCELLENT WIDE SEATED auto seat, three persons, first-class condition; best bargain ever offered in San Antonio, If taken at once. F. O. box 429. 309 I’eterson avenue. POULTRY AND PET STOCK SORE-HEAD CURE- WE GUARAN tee our remedy to cure any case of sore-head, warts or pox on chickens and turkeys. 25c and 60c sizes postpaid. Re liance Manufacturing Co., box 279, Al vin. Tex. FOR SALE—THREE HUNDRED PIG- eons or more. Corner Tampico and Chupederas streets. Bonnematson. TWENTY-FIVE VARIETIES THOR oughbred poultry; choice stock, heavy laying strains; eggs for hatching. Ad dress Ideal Poultry Farm, Alvin, Tex. Established 1905. FOR SALE—BABY CHICKS. BROIL ers and young laying hens. Ellas Ed monds, 419 Kins XX illiam St. FOR SALE —ABOUT 30 RHODE is land Red hens at a bargain. 1225 N. Pine. FOR SALE VEHICLES AND HARNESS FOR BALK—HECOND-HAND CANOPY lop buggy; cheap. Alling Paper COh 281 Loaoya. COMPARATIVELY NEW ' SURREY. Very cheap. Dr. 3. G. Baldwin, <l2 Gibbs Bldg. Both pbonea. BICYCLES AND MOTOCYCLES GUARANTEE CYCLE,CO, NOW rated at 417 Eaat Commerce. Moto cyclea. bicyclea, sundries ana repairing Indian agency. EXPERT MOTOCYCLE, BICYCLE AND phonograph repairing, agent Cleveland hlcyclog; aeoond-hand wheels 310 to 3H- Diamond .-notocycle tires. Reliance Cy clo Co., 605 West Houston atreet personal UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Manufactured. Repairing and covering. 210 E. Houston St. Matfl 4k Co. MRB. DR. NORTON, SPECIALIST diseases and irregularities of women. 610 West Laurel. HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND during confinement Good doctors and nurses; intanta adopted; confidential. P. O. box 274. SCREENS. SCREENS. Maue to uiuei, any size or atyle, at lowest prices. New phone 1113, old 3663. M. Beck. 001 Avenue G LADIES—MRS. BLACK’S COMPOUND Regulator never falla; price <2. 201 Bowie, tian Antonio. Texas. CONSULT MRS. M. DUFFEE, PBY chologist; strictly confidential. <O7 East Commerce. Tropical Weight Woolens Two-piece »ulta special trousers sale. True Mt Tailors, 109 South Alamo sueet a. Quasao, cutter. ALAMO SECRET SERVICE AGENCY. Private. The inoat reliable agency of its kind In the south. 517 Frost build ing. New phone 1102. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC, permanently removed with electric neeuie without scare at Snetrem Beauty Parlor. Mork guaranteed. New pbone 1658, old 4981. Mta Gallagher, 918 Car son atreet. Army Post car. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE CURES whiskey, morphine and tobacco; six teen yea>s in Dallas. Write for particu lars. 133 Hughes Circle. Dallas, Texas. MUTT AND JEFF STATUES FOR sale at Burns' drug store, corner Houston and Navarro, one dollar the pair, supply limited. They’re groucn Killers. UMBRELLAS MADE TO ORDER, RE pairlng and recovering; our leader linen covers recommended • for good wear. Drop us a postal; all work called for and *lelivered. J. Abelman & tion, 209% South Alamo. UNCALLED FOR SHIRTS at half price. See these bargains be fore buying elsewhere. Johnson's Shirt Factory, 216 E. Commerce St, upstairs. REMEMBER. WE CALL FOR AND DE- Uver prescriptions to all parts of Government HilL Old phone 5113. Army Post Drug Store. Gallagher, proprietor. OUR “CHIGGER MEDICINE’’ DID THE work nt Leon Springs. It keepa off mosquitoes and all other Insects. Made and guaranteed by Lebeuf Scientific Laboratory, 417* Avenue D. 15c and 25c. H. BUDOW IS NOW OPEN FOR Business with a large assortment of post cards, novelties and stationery of all kinds. Call and see them; mail or der. Special attention given. Your patronage solicited, 516 1-2 E. Houston. HATS CLEANED AND BLOCKED 91.00. For 30 days I will make your old hat young at this price. DV PUY. THE HATTER. 103 E. Houston St. LOST, FOUND, STRAYED FOUND—PROF. MILBOURNE. DANC- Ing master, teaches waltz and two step, two lessons. 710 Avenue C. New phono 3021. LOST — WHITE POINTER DOG. brown spots; collar and license; sore ear: good reward. M. F. Schuler,' 906 E. Commerce street. Phone 2434. LOST—PURE WHITE SPITZ DOG. Just been clipped, bush left on tail. Collar with nlckle trimmings and little sleigh bells, one pink eye, raw spot on edge of right ear. Answers to name of Blister. Reward offered. Inform or return to 642 River Avenue. LOST—A GOLD WALTHAM WATCH, with leather chain having gold bit. Reward for return to office of St. An thony hotel. ONE BAY MARE ABOUT 14 HANDS. branded cross S, lower part of S ob literated. on the left shoulder, about seven years old, found on eleventh of June on West Nineteenth street. Write W. D. Shattuck, route 4, box 75, Sun Antonio. LOST—SUNDAY NIGHT, SMALL LEA ther purse containing K. C. button, beads, three breast plhs. money and key with Steves chain ring. Reward for re turn to J. H. Potonowltz, 318 Mackay building. FOUND—ONE BULL TERRIER FE rnale pup. See E. 8. Tatum, assistant city ticket agent Sap, at Wagner’s drug store. —' LOST—NECKLACE WITH engraved O. K. Liberal reward for return. 219 South Pine street. LOST—WATCH CHAIN. MONOGRAM A M. L. and Swastika. Return to Shel ley-Lorlng Co. for reward. auction sales AUCTION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 19 a m . 802 S PresS St.-Flve-passen per touring car. open buggy and a ot of householl goods. 2 r >"3- Auctloneers, old phone 2864, new blue. AUCTION AT QUARTERMASTER’S storehouse, Fort Sam Houston, Tex as Friday. June 23. 10 a. m. The roi lowing condemned public and quartermaster’s stores: Three mulesani one horse, axes, bedsteads, bridle bits, carpets, water coolers. mat tinK elevator, rubber hose, linoleum, matting. Pick axes, rakes, scoops, "hears »hot els. lawn chairs, harness. ran«e other miscellaneous stores. T In U. 8. currency on day of saje. L Clem, assistant quartermaster u. . army, chief quartermaster. rooie Fellie, auctioneers. auction sale-thursda y. junk 22. 10 a. m., 411 North ( ] Ft avenue. Articles were advertised Sunday paper. Sommers, auction®; THE CONVENIENT WAY OF ing a want ad in the Light readv phone it. A skilled operator read to take It from, your dictation. credit is good. Both phones a' B - MONEY TO LOAN—Wanted MONET LOANED ON ALL ARTICLES ot value. Bargains tn unredeemed pledges. Emerson A Co., pawnbrokers 221 IVest Commerce Bl MONEY LOANED AT % THE RATE usually chai ged by other loan com panies. Losns from <lO and upward on pianos, furniture, live stock, city lots salary, automobiles, stc. Rapsy In wsskly or monthly payments. All busi ness strictly oonfidealial. We make a specialty in paying otf loans with high rsts loan companies LalL write or phone for particulars. LIBERAL LOAN CO, 407 Waaher bldg. New phons 2. MONEY TO LOAN On all valuables; sxplrsd pledges for sals Alamo UoUaterid Bank, 112 Eaat Houston BL MONEY TO LOAN ON WELL BECLK sd rest estate in amounts <lOOO up. Apply Cloud J. Carter, attorney, third Uuur Oppenheimer Bank building. MONEY TO LOAN IN LARGE OR smalt amounts on real estate security. C. K. a IL K. lireuemsn. lawyers, Kamp munn building. MONEY TO LOAN WHEN YOU NEED IL Phone 5243. ’ WANTED—Miscellaneous WANTED —DIAMONDB. OLD GOLD and stiver. William N. Capurro, Jew eNr, 592 1-3 East Houston BL, tup stairs), room L WANTED—TO FIGURE ON YOUR painting and pspurnauguig; all work guaiaulesd. Old phons 927. WANTED, HOUSES TO KAISE, LEVEL and repair; all kinds ot carpenter work aous on snort nolle*. Old pneue 927. WANTED — YOUB UPHOLSTERING and drapery work at the Household Furniture Co, 214 and 216 West com marcs!' CASH PAID FOK DIAMONDS, OLD gold and silver. 597 Last commereo sueeL FOR ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER work see F. Pope, 518 Ave. G UNCALLED FOR SHIRTS at luut pi ice. oee tnese uai gains be tore buying elsewnere. Johnsons tihirt Eaclory, 2X6 E. Commerce BL, upstairs PAPERHANGING GUARANTEED BY J. T. A. Bowman; quality counts. No. 3409 South Mores tit Old pnone 3467. D. 8. HOOPER PAINTS YOUR OLD house like new; awful cheap. Old phone 1031. 949 Denver Blvd, a WANTED —TO BUILD, LEVEL AND repair, paint and paper your house; will take a good buggy as part pay ment. Old pnone 3871. WANTED—ONE TEN-FOOT FLOOR showcase; must be In good oncdltlon and cheap. Address M. A., LighL BUSINESS CHANCES R. G SHANE, CONTRACTOR AND bulldsr; plans snd specifications fur nished. 739 Marshall sueeL Old phons 4402. BOARD AND ROOMING HOUSE FOR rent, furnished; 15 rooms; fine loca tion. 214 San Pedro avenue. Old phone 2667. FOR SALE—RESTAURANT DOINGiA good business. Apply Wm. Ball, Mor gan City Market, 107 Trevino streeL POOL ROOM FOR BALE, FIVE TA bles and the building. 321 Tilden St. New army posL FOR SALE — A WOOD WORKING plant; good proposition to one Inter- ested. Address 994, core LighL A FINE DAIRY FOR BALE AND A good paying route. Inquire at first mission, between 12 and 2. FOR SALE — ESTABLISHED BLACK smttn shop In heart of city. No. 610, Light. FOR SALE—ESTABLISHED GRAIN business in this city. Track ware houses for rent on reasonable terms. No. 614, Light. GET THIS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. BEST LOCATED CAFE, BIG PAT RONAGE ESTABLISHED. If you want this, get It quick. „ STAATS A BROOKS, Both Phones. 239 East Houston St. A SNAP BEST TWO-CHAIR BARBER shop in city; Cheap rent; splendid business; make offer and terms. 622 Main avenue. FOR SALE—HALF INTEREST IN THE best paving proposition In city; party leaving city, so wants Quick action. $1250 cash. Address No. 616, Light. WANTED—BAKERY TO RENT W ITH brick oven, about center of city. An dress Baker, Berlin restauranL South Alamo street. BUSINESS CHANCES —TOWN LOT free, with five acres In fastest grow - ing town in Texas, Sea Drift (on the gulf) Great opening for any line or business. Easy terms. Will pay Investigation. Call T. F. Ford. 109 Ave nue D. SPECIAL NOTICES WE MAKE OUR OWN bags. epslr work a specialty. a-xc« slor Trunk and Fag LO.. 213 Ala plaza. Both phones . WE DO WATCH RE pAlRl £ Q ,.J'r«£ pastime; two watchmakers in , Fkst-class • work at very moderate prices. O’Connell Loan Co., rear Trust building, Navarro street. CEMENT SIDEWALKS AND CURBING 123 Alazan street. DAVE Phone 2431. Let us figure with >ou. Our prices are right. _ UNCALLED FOR SHIRTS at hair price. See these bargains lore buying elsewhere. Johnson s till Factory. <l6 E. Commeice St, upstairs. BlLL'i CHENEY GRCHESTRA, THE best dance music in San Antonio- 534 South Laredo. New phone 3026. ARSENAL MEAT MARKET. 2814 S. i’resa street. Both phones, old phone i 6571, new phone 716. Free delivery. PROFESSIONAL PHYSICIANS DR. JABY G. BALDWIN, 612 GIBBS building. Both phones. DR SAUNDERS, SURGEON AND PHY slclan; office Swearingen-McCraw building, over King-Fattison Drug Co. JUNE 21, mi. SWAPS TO TRADE A MAyOGANY PLATER Angelus Symphony, cost 3MO. with $5O roll music and a lot In Aransas Pass for an auto valued about 3500. Address 393. Light LISTEN—CLOSE IN ACREAGE TO trsde for electric car. Maverick hotel thia week. John Windsor. I HAVE SOME FINE THREE-STORY brick properties to exehanse for Southwest Tfxaa land. Worth the money. G. L. BPURLOCK. Sulphur, Okla. THE CONVENIENT WAY OF PLAC • ing a want ad in the Light Ie to tele phone it A ekilled operator Is ready to take It from your dictation. Tour credit le rood. Both phone. 176 WANTED—REAL ESTATE BARGAIN—A FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE on Woodlawn avenue, Laurel Heights, for 82400, only <4OO cash, balance easy tetms; lot alone te worth <l5OO and Improvem.nte could not be duplicated for leae than <1400; got it tn trade, don’t need it; it's cheap at 32400. P. B. Dunn Jr., Owner, 411 Gibbs Bldg. WANTED TO BUT—THE CHEAPEST 2 or 3 room house in city on the easy payment plan. D. 8. Hooper, general delivery. WANTED—TO BUY LARGE COLONl xatlon tract. 8. G. Winter. 319 Gunter building. TO TRADE—REAL ESTATE TRADERS. We can match any kind ot trade or exchange proposition. Stocks, city and country property, automobllee or any tbing of value. W. make exchange a spe cialty. J. N. GROESBEECK A CO., Old Phone It 208 Moore Bldg. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE JOHN H. BOLTON, REAL ESTATE— Peneton Claim Agtnt. Notary Public. 8L James Hotei. Houston streeL FOK SALE OK TRADE—BARGAINS in the Carrizo Springs, Crystal City and Asherton country. Dimmit County Land Co., 321 Mackay building. FOR SALE—CORNER LOT ON SOUTH Press street car line for 3600, 3150 cash, balance to suit, good bargain. 977, Light FOR BALE OR TRADE. Eight-room dwelling, all modern con veniences. on good lot. Located In good neighborhood, southern part of city. Easy terms. What have you to trade? CONROY & RICE. FIVE ROOMS AND HALL, EAST COM merce, 81600, 3250 cash, balance 390 every six months and interest. Whita ker and Pittman, 607 West Houston. CLOSE IN REAL ESTATE BARGAIN. Those meaning business apply 816 E. Houston. AM LEAVING CITY; WILL SELL A nice lot on South Heights, 50x160, for 3150. Apply 817 Avenue D. FOR SALE—PRETTY NEW MODERN 3-room cottage on 50-foot lot, south front, high up on hill at Essex street and New Braunfels avenue. Only two blocks to South Heights car and easy walking distance to Highland Park car. Price 81250, and terms very easy. Biggest bargain in town. Charles O. Austin, 411 Gibbs bldg. WHOSE HOME ARE YOU PAYING FOR? Every family that keeps house pays for a home. If -you pay rent you are paying for a home for some one else. In a few years you will have a nice bunch of rent receipts and the other fellow will hdld the deed. Why not hold the deed yourself? - Talk to us about our monthly pay ment plan. KUNTZ-ALBAUGH LUMBER CO. Old Phone 1746. New Phone 2337. WOULD YOU QUIT PAYING RENT IF yo-i could? Well, you pan. We will furnish you a lot and build you a house to live in for only 325 down, and 820 per month; no interest and no taxes. You must furnish us with good refer ences though, because we want first clans people only, at Mornadale. If you are tired throwing away money In rent, cone In, and see us. We are prepared to build you a house at Mornadale in two days. We practice what we preach and aro building at Mornadale and sav ing rent money. See us at once. POWERS & SIMMS. Gibbs Bldg., 109 Ave. D., old phone 3487. HOW MUCH RENT ARE YOU PAYING Let us show you our beautiful 6-room house with two halls, bath, large clos ets, sleeping porch, wide upper and lower galleries, and you will become your own landlord. This house built to provide comfort and convenience. Close to car line, cement walks, good school, delightful neighborl ood. where the gulf breezes constantly blow. Not much cash required to buy this and balance easy monthly payments. H. J. Benson, Grand Opera House building. Crockett street side. Either phone 2476. FOR SALE—ATTRACTIVE 8-ROOM cottage Bath, hot and cold water, neat electric Ught fixtures, screened through out, including back porch. Rooms of comfortable size with plenty closet room. House now under construction; will be completed in short time; neigh borhood restricted: cement walk to car; good streets. Small cas|i payment and valance easy monthly payments. H J. Benson. Grand Opera House building, Ciockett street side. Either phone 2476. 319:) CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY SE cures modern six-room house, porce lain bath, lavatory and sink, gas range, eleetrlc 'lghts, hot water; right on the Army Post car Ine, top of Government Hill; east front; good location; quick action necessary. 1833 North Palmetto. EELMONT STREET COTTAGE. FOUR rooms and bath. Price 31800, 3250 cash, balance 315 a month and IntereaL Whitaker and Pittman, 607 West Hous* ton street COTTAGE BARGAIN Opposite Brackenridge Park; six pleasant rooms, besides front and rear galleries; screened through out; windows fitted with blinds; porcelain plumbing; electric lights and telephone; pretty lawn and shade trees; direct car service. Only 32500 and a bargain. 3500 down. _ J. HERBERT COMPTON CO. Now 446. 108 Ave. C. Old 670. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Almost new 5-room cottage, all mod ern conveniences, cn lot 50x130, In first class repair, good neighborhood, on car line, Iwo blocks east San Pedre Park. Call old phone 720 or 1568, or at office, 211 Washer Bldg. FOR SALE—7-ROOM HOUSE AND lot at 1228 Avenue D. Apply at 1233 Avenue D. FOR SALE—FOUR ROOMS. HALL, bath, plumbing. electricity, close school. Zay Smith, new phone 2602. FOR SALE—FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 201 Vine street; price 3300. Inquire at 616 Indiana street. 1 HAVE THE BIGGEST BARGAIN TO offer in a Laurel Heights lot. close to car; has water and sewers: 3400 takes this if bought in next ten days; no Incumbrance on this place; will give terms. Address 987, Dally LighL