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WEDNESDAY, * Educational JUNK KO-AUGUST IS Austin Academy Summer Camp ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■l MARBLE FALLS. TEXAS A wnnw school in on tha short of bsautlful Marbl* Falls Ixks. Rsgular college preparatory subject* University entrance cred it* Faculty of experienced unlvsrslty men. Pleaaurabla and profitable summer outing- ... .... SAN ANTONIO FEMALE COLLEGE A flrat-claaa school for girl* and ycung ladle* The beat advantage* la the academic course* Music, Art and Expressive* Wholesome discipline. Two hundred happy contented and enthusiastic girl*. Write for catalogue. J. E. HARRISON, President. San Antonio, Texas. 3. T. CTTRRT, Associate. President. The Mulholland School A Select Home and Day School for Girls tlO-MS Augusta SU San Antonio. Tex. ll THE P. J. OWENS LUMBER 00. two va an* fealMt a Share of Your LUMBER. BUSINESS < Flmrwß Stf id “QUALITY" THE BEST NiteUiistr.A.CM. PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT EsßOßYsit Ays Pbsass 3252 V* Abo Carry a Ml Line of Builders* Hardware CARLSBAD OF AMERICA MARLIN, Texas The great all-the-year-round resort for those who seek health or pleasure. Marlin is world-famous for it* deep, hot artesian well* These w*ters have made truly miraculous cure* Thou sands have been permanently cured of Rheumatism. Catarrh. Constipation. Constitutional disorder*. Sciatica. Ecs e m a and Blood and Skin disease* by a short stay In Marlin. Marlin water is even stronger than the famous water* of Carlsbad. Germany. Marlin ha* large and modern hotel* and complete equipment for bathing. Get well In Marlin and enjoy It* many attractions at tbe«“» e time. Write for booklet. MARLIN CO: Top o' the Town 6:30 v. m. to Midnight Something Good to Eat Something Good to Drink Concert Throughout Evening St. Anthony Hotel W* Gunter | | EUROPEAN PLAN W. 50 AND VP 550 ROOMS -i- m. 125 WITH BATM Largent ead moot oommodloa* rotunda la th* geutb. la additioa to ala carte eerrloo wo ipeclollxs LUNORBON, 18 to 8 p. M onto TARUI D’HOTE DDOTHB. • to I R a, «LW \Orchsrtral Oonoorta ns GUNTUR HOTEL COMPANY . HOT WELLS HOTEL The Thirteenth Infantry Band will give a concert tonight at 7:80. Tables may be reserved by telephone Service a la carte. Old Phone 784. New Phone 1889. - BEXAR Traveling Men’s Headquarters ALFRED SANNER. Prop. SAN ANTONIO. - - TEXAS The American Bank&Trusf Co. Sella Travelers’ Cheeks Available Throughout the World. Issues Foreign Drafts. Collections Made on All Points. Telegraphic Transfers. Cables. Unexcelled Service and Facilities call on SAN ANTONIO PRINTING CO. W W WW • AB. OLEGG, President u< Treasurer. CONNELLY ■ THE ELEVATOR MAN ISO SOLEDAD ST. BOTH PHOMBS. Eighteenth year begins September 11. 1111. Diploma admits to Vassar. Wellesley sad the Unlverelty ot Tex aa without entrance examination* For catalogue address ■aa. 3. TOM WILUAMB. Friacipal CLUB. Marlin. Texas. HOTELS EVERY NIGHT Elevators in Annex of The Meng er H W. WILLS, Mgr. ' San Antonio, >: Texas Travelers 1 Cheques for Commercial Accounts. Station X HAIL AND WIND PLAY ■HOMI Tobacco Crop and Orchards Badly Damaged by Stones of Record Size. <BT THE ASSOCIATED PRFMY NEW MILFORD. Conn., Juns 81.— Thia section of Connecticut presents a seen* of desolation today a* th* re sult of a hailstorm whleh swept aoroa* the stats laat night. The heaviest dam age waa to the tobacco farm*, whers many thouaand young plant* war* out to piece* At Gaylordsvllle every trss in th* apple orchard owned by Edward Hun gerford waa uprooted by th* wind. At Long Mountain the hall broke win dow* in every house In th* village, aa average of twenty pane* each being smashed. Sixty-flvs pane* the highest number, waa the loss at the home ot Edwin Hill. In Milford the hallatonea reached a record else and many of them wer* strangel}* colored. Fifteen of the larg est atones were picked up by a con stable and put on the scale* of th* nearest jeweler* They weighed mor* than an ounce a piece and one ot them. Irregular In shape and beauti fully colored, wa* a full two ounce* or 800 carats. LESS WATER IS USED. Economy I* Urged Upon OonanmOrs Im New York City. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) NEW TORR. June 11.—By th* economy which has been forced upon some customers and urged upon oth ers, the people of New York City are saving 88,000.000 gallons of water every day toward avoiding a water famine. In June last year, when there was no curb on water consump tion, th* borough* of Manhattan and the Bronx uaed 327,000,000 gallons a day. but during the first three weeha of thia month the daily conaumptlon haa been 880.000.000 gallona DOCTORS GET INCREASE. Surgeons in Marine Hospital Service on Same Footing as Army. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) WASHINGTON, D. C„ June 81.— Increases of salaries of surgeons In the public health and marine hospital service, were provided for In a bin passed by the senate yesterday. Tha rates of pay are to correspond to those in the army and naval medical corp*. The bill carrie* a total annual ln crese of 873,000. WOMAN GETS DAMAGES. Recovers 822,590 From Chicago Mil lionaire for Malicious Persecution. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO. HL. June 21.—MrS Au gustus Dahlberg, who waa aentenced to the penitentiary In 1801 for throw ing red pepper in the eyes of William Grace, a millionaire contractor, wa* awarded 822,500 damages by a jury before Judge McNutt in the superior court yetserday In a suit brought against Grace for alleged malicious prosecution. A Collman. plumber. Both phone* DIES AFTER OPERATION. Railroad President in Chicago Suc cumbs to Appendicitis. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO? Hi.. June 21.—Clarence X Knight, president of the Chioago A Oak Park railroad, died early today at a hospital, where he was operated on Monday for appendicltl* Mr. Knight was general counsel for numerous corporations. He has been engaged in much of the important litigation affecting cor porations and real estate interests that have been before the federal and state courts in Chicago. detect IfouMetyi Get the Original and Genulna HORLICK’S MALTED MILK The Food-drink for AH Agee. 'or Infants, Invalids, and Growing children, ure Nutrition, up building the whole body, nvigorate* the nursing mother and the aged. Rich milk, malted gram, in powder form, k quick hutch prepared in a Bust*, lake no substitute. Ask for HORLICK’S, •n No Combine or Trust JO ROOM ANO BATH 1,50 " HOTEL " : ALBERT : A 11th St & University Place A K One Block from Brnedw.y p Two Blocks from Wanamaker*. NEW YORK CITY * Situated dote to the Whole* * j Balo and Retail Districts, In the Heart nt thwCUy and In a H quiet realdaddal neighborhood. H 8 Minute® from Chelsea Dncka. Mlnuua from Penna. Rution. < ss _ Mln. from Grand Central Sta. 5 Minutes from McAdoo Tunnel R * S(al,on g* This hotel ‘has been redreo- O rated, refurnished through- O nut. end can be compared Q favorably with any *lm town. O M Accessible to the docks of al! Im- M portant steamship lines, railroad stations, theatres, shops, etc., as A well as the business districts, a J 300 Rooms, 200 Baths J Rates $l.OO Per Day ° * Th. reatanrant I. notable tor It. * A excellence and very moderate A prices. T Send 1 cot. tor On Ido and Map T H ot Now York City. H 1M ROOM AND BATH IU THE SAN ANTONIO LT' IS II SEARCH OF Bill Thomas Fortune Ryan, the New York traction magnate, who has sailed for Europe. The photograph was tak en as he was about to sail. He is in hope that a three months' rest mid ab sence front ids countless business In terests will effedt the cure that he ha* been unable to secure at home. ESTRADA WILL MAKE NO NICARAGUA TROUBLE Former President Emphatically States He Has No Desire to Start a Revolution. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS' NEW YORK, June 21.—General Juan J. Estrada, the recent revolu tionary president ot Nicaragua, made his emphatic assertion that he had not the slightest Idea of stirring up another revolution in Nicaragua. “Ridiculous," he characterizes the reports that he and that General Mon cada, one time his minister of the interior, who also Is in New York, and negotiating with bankers for funds with which to start another revolt against Diaz, the incumbent of the president chair of Nicaragua. Genera! Estrada. General Moncada and Senor Cabrera, a third Nicara guan. had met here by accident, he Bald. Senor Cabrera Is a rich coffee planter. The reports of a revolutionary out break In Nicaragua he characterized an being given by his enemies. "Should there be any movement against the government ot President Diaz.” said Senor Estrada, "we would be the first with him to fight those who pretend to disturb the peace of Nicaragua and more so If tho revolu tionary movement referred to should be Zelayalsts." Gus G. and wife of Clower's White Furniture ralace, is taking a month’s vacation rt Corpus Christi. NO DRINKERS ADMITTED. New Hospital Service of Illinois Cen tral Not for This Class. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS! CHICAGO, 111., June 21.—Tipplers and brawlers will be barred from ben efit* In the now hospital department to be established by the Illinois Cen tral railroad, according to an an nouncement made yesterday by the management of the road. Employes inclined to the drink habit are warned that they need not look for treatment in hospitals pro vided by the company Ln the event they suffer from ailments due to such conduct. Officials of tho road declare that the provision will servo as an excellent disciplinary measure throughout all branches of the system. TO START THE WORK. Oglebration Arranged on Canadian Border for Now Highway. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PLATTSBURG, n. Y.. June 21.— Prominent officials of this country and Canada will take port in the meeting at Rouse s Point. N. Y.. on the Canadian boundary, July 20. to ce’ebrate the beginning of work on the international highway connecting Montreal with Now York City and forming a part of the proposed high way southward to Florida. It is proposed to name the Canadian end of the road from Rouse's Point to Montreal "King Edward's road." The suggestion has the sanction of Kin* George. ■"- « » REST AID HEALTH 10 KCTK U \ AHO phild MM.WIKUOWI SoOTIIINO Syr... n«d tor over SIXTY BARS by MILLIONS S 3 MOTHBRS for iuelr CHttA, Y wmin TRUTHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS L ? •OOTHBS the CHILD. SOI'TENB the ALLAYS Ml PAIN .CURES WIND U the best remedy for Dlarrh(F.A. Ui, .h. •olutely harmless Be sure and ask f * Winslow’s Soothing Syrup,* and take no ouAS kind. Twenty-live seat* atom* BANISH THOSE (GRAY HAIRS! Kill ths Dandruff Germs—Stop Hair Falling **loll—B- st nothors are looking youngor.-Tho!r gray hairs are gone. Tho natural color haa come back, and with it a new growth ot coil, -gloeay. luxuriant hair. Why ahould yw leek oM before your Uma. when jm oaa look years ynaww t>r H other ••00-called” Restorers have foiled, don't give up hope. but^HS'WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR .REMEDY a. trial. Yea raa no slok._lL&Jo not exactly as represented, year mmsjr will be retanded. PRorrr by others* experience Ky Salt was getting qnits gray and falling out ftplfly and X was troubled with a terribl* itching of th* scalp. My head was full of dandrut, which fell upon my clothea and hept me continually bniahing it m. While on a visit to Rochester I heard of your Sage and Sulphur for the hair. I got a bottle and used it A few appli cations relieved tho itching, my hair stopped fall ing out and gradually came back to ita natural color. It is now a nice dark brown color, aoft, glossy and pliable. Several of my frienda want to uae it, and I want td baox Jfhat you will charge mo for six bottles of it * MISS E. A. BOSS, Sharon, Mercer Co., Pa. H Your Drvsiist Dou Mot Keep It, Send Vs the Price tai Stamps, and Wo Win Send You a Large Bottle, Express Prepaid Wyeth Chemical Company ” FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY W. C. KALTEYER ST. MARY'S GRADUATES ENJOY UNIQUE BANQUET Animal Reunion Held on Campus Last Night Was Best Attended in Many Years. Old men with gray hair mingled w'th graduates of the class of 1911 Tuesday night and romped over the campus at BL Mary's college, recalling pleasant memories of more than fifty years ago, when they were preparing to '*o out In the t,orld as graduates of the school. Tho occasion was tho fifty-second annual banquet of St. Mary’s Alumni association given in ho.ior of the class of 1911. In years past it has been the cus tom of the association to hold these annual affairs indoors, but this year the members hit upon the happy in novation of holding tho reunion on the campus. Illumination for the grounds consisted of a thousand elec tric light strung through the trees and the 200 former students of the insti tution, with tho faculty of the col lege, had an enjoyable time. A long table in the center of the campus was laden with good things to eat and drink and when the school bell rang there waa a rush to the table. Following the feast, old and new members of the association were called on for short addresses. Tom mie Paschal of the class of 1856 and Adolph Huffmeyer of the class of 1870 told the assemblage of the days when they were youths and attending the school. Each paid * tribute to the brothers of the college for their un tiring efforts in educating the boy* of this city *nd section of the . Judge Edward Dwyer. * graduate of ’77. was master of ceremonie* Utn ers called on for addresses were May or Bryan Callaghan. J. Hugh Rice. C. H. Bertran, Eddie Bra den. '69; Tommie C. ”'lson. At Steves, '73: Frank Bowen, 7 6, Joey Courand, ’72; A. A. z, «!** Florian. ’75; George Wlllerich. 77, 'd Graebner, Murt McCarthy. F. Gi annotl, class 1911: Bill Tate ot Co 1 "™- bus. Ed Lyons. Pete and Paul O Brien Ed Tynan. Jack Buterfield. Arthur Wynne. Roy Beitel. Will M ®. n . K ® r ; Brother William J. Ernest. P r ® B ‘J®" t of St. Mary's college: Brother Ber tran. president of the St. lege; Brother Kolzem, vice president of the St. Louts college and " th ?rs. In the closing address Judge Ed ward Dwyer spoke of the time when he was a student of the college, when Brother Francis wns 1n charge. At midnight the jolliflcaUon ® ai P to an end and by a rising vote the graduates declared the event of 1. - as the banner one In the history of the organization and that it should be continued from year to year. Brain Parasites? , Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Philadelphia s famous author and no neurologist, has no sympathy" >th that type of writer who continually accuses the publisher of cheating him Dr. Weir Mitchell, condetnn’ng this type of writer, said some time ago at the Franklin inn: . "One of these fellows proposed, at a nubllshers' banquet in New York, the tO " R 'To the publisher, who »!w«vr drinks hfs wine out of the authors skull.’ ” —Washington Star- IP YUU ADEL GROWINGS ’SODNGEPj mMCHHEbd yy YEth'S HAIR REMEDY It Is Positively Guaranteed to Rectors Faded and Gray Hair to Natural Color Gray Hair Restored 50c. and $l.OO a Bottle—At all Druggists (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) AUSTIN, Tex.. June 21.—The Texas Central railroad today hud registered in the state department 8788,000 of its first mortgage bonds on the recently completed extent,-lon of forty miles from Delon to Cross Plains and also on certain improvement* Professor Kills Himself. PALESTINE. Tex.. June 21.—Pro fessor Martin A. Moss, * German in structor at Southwestern university *t Georgetown, killed himself by taking poison In the presence of hi* wife, who la visiting her parent* Released on Bail. SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 21. — E. J. Moore, alleged to be one of the Maybray gang of swindlers arrested by federal officers In October, 1909, has been released on 88000 bail. Boat* in Collision. SAN DIEGO. Cal. June 21.—The submarine Grampus, Lieutenant J. P. Olding, in command, rummed the tor pedo boat Rowan and itself had a narrow escape from being sent to the bottom with all on board. Photographers in Session. ATLANTA Ga., June 21. —The Southern Photographers show and convention has opened here with be tween 400 and 500 petisona In attend ance. Freight Agents Meet. KANSAS CITY, Mo„ June 21.—The twenty-fourth annual -convention of the American Association of Freight Agents met here today for a four days session. Five hundred delegate* attended. Discuss Home Mission*. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. June 21.— Home missions was the subject that engrossed the thousands of delegates A Poor Weak Woman A* aha is termad, will endur* bravely and patiently egonie* which e etronf men would give way under. The feet it women are more patient then they ought to be under such troubles. Every women ought to know thet she mey obtain the most experienced medical advioe fret of chargt end in aholute confidence end privecy by writing to the World’a Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce haa been chief consulting physician of the Invalids’ Hotel end Surgical Institute, of Buffalo, N. Y., for many veera and haa had a wider practical experience uixuy ycura buu hbb irau a wsuwi **.a*w in the treatment of women’a diseaaea than any other phyaioien in thia country. Hia medicinea are world-famoua for their eatoniahing efficacy. The moat perfect remedy ever devieed for weak end deli« oete women la Dr. Pieroe’e Favorite Preacription. IT MAKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG, SICK WOMEN WELL. The many end varied aymptoma of woman’s peculiar ailmenta are fully set forth in Plein Engliah in the People’a Medical Adviaer (1008 pagea), a newly reviaed end up-to-date Edition of which, cloth-bound, will be mailed free on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps to pey coot of meiling only. Addreaa es above. fUNE 21, 19H. Dandruff Cora£ tone application removed an the dandruff nod left my I goalp doaA white anK amooth. Vm. Creak, Bteheatet R, T.i Grew Hair on a Bald Head For two or throe yean ay hair had bees falling out and getting quite thin until th* top of my head waa entirely bald. About four months ago I commenced using Sage and Sul phur. The first bottle seemed to do some good and I kept using It regularly until now I have used four bottles. The whole top of my head is fairly covered and keeps coming In thicker. I shall keep on using it a while longer, aa I notice a constant improvement. ■IXPHEir BACON, W V to the thirteenth convention of tho International Sunday School associa tion of North America in convention here. Drouth Is Broken. SHREVEPORT. La., June 21.— A heavy mln has fallen breaking the drouth. To Elect Directors. NEW ORLEANS. La.. June 21.— Stockholders of the Blueflelds Steam ship company held a meeting in the United States court room today to elect a board of directors, following the application of Frederic Steel of Chicago, to the federal court for a re ceiver. Funeral Is Held. LEBANON, Ky.. June 21.—The funeral of former Governor J. Proctor Knott took place yesterday. The Knights Templar burial service was used. Telegrams of sympathy con tinue to pour into the Knott hom* from every section of tha country. Jacksonville Next. ROCHESTER, N. Y., June 21.— Sovereign camp, Woodmen of the World, in biennial session here today, selected Jacksonville, Fla., for the 1918 convention after a spirited con test. -— ■■ e■ s Rlebe Undertaking Co. auto ambul ance service. 221 E. Com. Phone 34L ROBBED AND WOUNDED. Treasurer of Lodge Attacked and Mom telly Wounded. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) JERSEY CITY. N. J., June 21.— Walter Riley, treasurer of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics, was found shot through the body and mortally Injured under a canal bridge here early today. ■P* attend *d • meeting of his lodge during the evening and collected 830 in due* Riley told the polios that he wa* on hie way home when he waa joined by a tall stranger. The man suddenly closed on him. and, after a fight, drew a revolver, shot him and took his money and valuables. Theo. Artzt's orchestra. Both phone*