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BASEBALL BOWLING The Defeat of the Racing Bill Certainly Gave Mutt d Grouch BRONCHOS GET W VARIETY INCATEGORY Annihilate Scpjthpaw Evans and Pound Hardie Equally as Hard for Assortment. MALLACE IS INJURED Broncho Shortstop Is Spiked and Wi 11 Be Out of the Game Many Days. Heinze's famous fifty-seven varieties were put to shame yesterday by Ijeldy’s man-eating Bronchos who beat the cover off the ball and mauled Rube Evans until be was taken out by Maloney to prevent complete an nihilation and Hardie sent in to ap pease the hunger of the Nags until they got their fill. The carnage was appalling and i much destruction was wrought before 1 the Nags laid down their war clubs, and received the "Well done, my husky warriors,’’ from the exultant fans. There was a feature in the game, however, that comes at a time most vital and weakens the efficiency of that infield machine that is without a peer in the league. This is the Injury to Bobby Wal lace. the fast little Broncho short •top, who was spiked on the left leg when Corbin slid Into the second bag trying to steal in the second inning, and opened a gash on the front of Wallace’s ankle three Inches long. ■. B I Wallace had to be carried to the S. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 125 % W. Commerce St. Day course opens Monday, 9a. m. to sp. m. Special rates toschool boys during summer course. Night Classes 8 to 10 P. M. Practical Course in Driv ing and Repairing Automobiles B. E. Hildebrand Pres,, Jno M. Roberts, M<r. Motor Cars for Hire By the Hour, Day or Week All Phones 1-2-3 Carter-Mullaly Transfer Co ?0 E WELDING I Ot Cut Iron, Steel, Brae*, Copper and 111 Alnmlnnm IFO. ENDER. 310 E. Commerce St To $l6OO j 09-15 5 TUESDAY, club house and it is expected that he will be out of the game at least a week. The spiking was Unintentional on Corbin’s part, and he was the first to pick Wallace up after the plucky little Broncho had put the ball on him and dropped to the ground writh ing in pain. Deringer was shifted from second to short and Stanley Gray placed on sec ond. This accident seemed to put firo into the Nags for they soon pounced on Evans and gave the star south paw of the Giants what is probably the severest drubbing he ever re ceived. For the last three of the first five innings they smashed out every con ceivable hit In the catagory and when the entire battjng order faced him In the fifth and he was on the verge of being pounded into oblivion. Maloney yanked him and offered Hardie to toss the slings for the Ponies to fatten I their batting averages on the remaind-1 er of the way. The Brones apparently never took ’ any cognizance of the change tn twirl- | ers. for in the sixth they repeated their performance of the inning that will linger so long but not fondly in Evans’ craw and scored four runs on as many hits. And they were hlft. Real, regular, grown ones. During the intermission when the Bromes were not at bat, "Hunk” Goodwin kept the visitors busy trying to locate his side arm delivery. Inter mitently some Giant would bump into the ball but Goodwin stood for no two bumps following each other except in the sixth. In this inning Kellerman was safe on a scratch and scored when Corbin poled the ball to far left for a triple. This form of swat was so common that the incident was hardly | noticed, except by the scorers who out of necessity had to make a note of it. Goodwin at bat was as good as Goodwin on the mound and broke the ice for the rest of the team when he led off the thlrg with a lift over the boards for a home run that evidently got Evans' goat. He followed this with a two-bagger the next time up that scored a run. Daringer, Brewer and Goodwin each poled out a homer. Gray got two sin gles and a triple which Had he been a faster man on the bags was hit far । enough for a homer. Metz had an as i sortment in a triple, two-bagger and a single. Lemon contented himself with the same arry. Brewer followed his four-time wallop with a triple, and Johnson got a pair of singles and a two-bagger out of the fest. Mr. Bruns chased McDonald out of the game for disputing a decision at the plate and stuck a $lO fine on Alexander for giving his testimony on what he knew about the matter. He has set a record for eliminating gabby players since working here. San Antonio— AB. R. H. O. A. E. Spencer, cf 3 2 1 2 0 0 Daringer, 2b-ss 4 1 i 3 « 0 Wallace, ss I 0 1 1 0 0 Gray, 2b .. 3 2 3 3 1 1 Metz, lb ... 5 3 3 4 J 0 Lemon, c 6 3 3 5 1 0 Leldy, rf 1 1 0 0 o 0 Thrallkill, 3b. .. „. 4 0 1 3 2 0 Johnston, If. 4 0 3 2 0 0 Goodwin, p 4 1 2 1 1 0 Brewer, rf ........ 2 1 2 3 0 0 Totals .. 36 14 20 27 12 1 Dallas— AB. R. H. O. A. E. Kellerman. 3b-ss .... 4 0 1 2 3 n Osteen, 2b ..4 0 0 3 3 1 Tullos, cf ........ 4 1 0 1 0 0 Corbin. If 4 0 3 0 0 0] Forsythe, lb . 3 0 0 9 2 0 McDonald, ss 2 0 1 0 1 0 Ens, rf-3b 4 0 0 0 4 0 Murphy, c .. ...... 3 0 1 8 3 2 Evans, p.. ........ 2 0 0 1 3 0 Hillox, rf . 2 0 1 0 0 0 Hardie, p.. ...... 1 0 0 0 4 0 Totals 88 1 7 24 23 3 Dy Tnwlwy. San Antonio 002 244 02x—14 Dallas 000 001 000— 1 Summary. Innings pitched, by Evans 5, by Hardie 3; runs made, off Evans 8. off Harms 6; hits apportioned, off Evans 12. off Hardie 8; two-base hits. Murphy. Spen- Live News and Gossip of All Sports Dors e HI Arrow COLLAR New, smart and comfortable, with ample cravat space 15c. each—2 for 25c. Clnett, Peabody A Company, Troy, New Tort. STANDING OF CLUBS TEXAS LEAGUE. ■taadiag of tha Clubs. Plyd. Won. Lost. P. C SAN ANTONIO.... 104 57 47 .548 Waco .. .. .. ..:.10l 55 46 . 15 Fort Worth .... ..101 54 47 .535 Austin - ...101 52 49 .515 Houston — 102 51 51 .500 Dallas 104 51 53 .490 Oklahoma City ...104 50 54 .581 Galveston 105 40 63 .381 Games Today. Dallas in San Antonio. Fort Worth in Houston. Waco in Galveston. Oklahoma City in Austin. SOUTHWEST TEXAS LEAGUE ■landing of the Clubs. Plyd. Won. Lost. r C Bay City 33 21 12 .638 Brownsville 31 18 13 .581 BeevllU 32 18 14 .563 Victoria 34 17 17 .500 lAredo 31 12 19 .387 Corpus Christi .... 33 11 22 .333 Games Today. Bay City in Beeville. Brownsville in Victoria. Corpus Christi in Laredo. AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results. No games were scheduled. ■landing of ths Clubs. Plyd. Won. Lost. P. C Detroit .. 87 59 28 .678 Philadelphia 85 54 31 .635 Chicago 84 44 40 .624 New York 86 45 41 .523 Cleveland 91 47 44 .516 Boston 89 44 45 .494 Washington .... 88 30 68 .341 St. Louis 86 25 61 .281 Gamas Today. Cleveland in Philadelphia. St. Louis in New York. Detroit in Washington. Chicago in Boston. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. St. Louis, 10; Philadelphia, 2. New York, 8; Cincinnati, 3. Pittsburg, 8; Brooklyn, 2. Boston-Chicago; wet grounds. Standing of ths Clubs. Plyd. Wor. Lost. P C Chicago 82 61 31 .622 Now York 85 52 33 .612 Philadelphia 86 52 34 .605 St. Louis ........ 86 60 36 .581 Pittsburg 85 48 37 .565 Cincinnati - 84 35 49 .417 Brooklyn 8 4 31 53 .369 Boston 86 20 66 .233 Games Today. Boston in Chicago. New York in Cincinnati. Brooklyn in Pittsburg. Philadelphia in St. Louis. SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Results. Nashville. 6; Mobile, 3. Montgomery-Chattanooga, rain. New Orleans-Atlanta, rain. Standing of the Clubs. Played. Won. Lost. I’ct. New Orleans 84 54 39 .643 Montgomery 85 ■ 45 40 .629 Nashville 90 47 43 .522 Birmingham 87 45 42 .517 Memphis . 88 45 43 .611 Chattanopga 87 42 45 .483 Mobile ....1.... 89 38 61 .421 Atlanta 86 32 54 .372 Games Today. New Orleans in Atlanta. Montgomery in Chattanooga. Mobile in Nashville. Birmingham in Memphis. cer, Goodwin, Lemon. Metz. Johnston; 3-buse hits. Lemon. Gray. Metz. Corbin. Brewer; home runs. Goodwin, Daringer. Brewer: stolen bases, Spencer, Leldy; sacrifice hits, ■ Daringer, Thrailkill; struck out by Evans 5, by Goodwin 2, by Hardie 1; base nn balls, off Evans 3. off Hurdle 8, off Goodwin 1; batter hit, by Evans; left on bases, San Antonio 6, Dallas 4: double play, Daringer to Gray to Metz to Lemon; wild pitch. Hardie; passed ball. Lemon; time of game 2.05; umpire. Bruns. AMERICAN* ASSOCIATION. At St. Paul: St. Paul, 0-3: Toledo, 2-1 At Kansas City: Kansas City, 15; Co lumbus, 7. At Minneapolis: Minneapolis. 4; Indi anapolis. 5. At Milwaukee: Milwaukee, 2-3; Lou isville. 6-2. * e- SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. At Augusta: Augusta, 7; Savannah, 1 At Jacksonville: Jacksonville, 5: Ma con, 4. At Columbia: Columbia. 4; Charles ton, 2. At Columbus: Columbus. 0; Albany, 0. (Called end of thirteenth Inning on ac count of darkneaa) LED CARDS INTO FIRST DIVISION Ix'adcr of the climbing Cardinals of st. Louis, who was the hero of the re-ent railroad wreck at Bridgeport, Conn., heading the members of his team In the rescue work. The vuliaut deeds of the .Mound City chieftain earned hint the reverence of basebull fans in all |uirts of the country. When his team appeared ut Boston a day late for the In-ginning of the series there, he was given a greet ovation, and the Cardinals received more favors at the hands of Ute rooters than the home leant. SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE Clark Wins for Rose Buds. VICTORIA, Tex., July 25.—Clark, a Bud recruit, held the Brownies to four hits yesterday and shut them out I 2 to 0. He worked behind perfect sup [ port and the Buds had little trouble hitting Taylor for enough to win eas ily. Burke featured both at bat and । on the bases. Score— R- H. E. Victoria .. .100 000 01*— 2 4 0 •Brownsville ...000 000 000—- 0 4 1 Batteries: Clarke and Wakefield; Taylor and Gerhardt. Umpires, Lape and Galm. Bay City Captures a Slug Fest. BEEVILLE, Tex., Tex.. July 25.— Bay City took a siuj; test in from tin* Orange Growers yesterday by a I score of 3 to 1. The game was in ,l doubt until the last man was out in the ninth. Sweet featured with a home J run drive over the right center fence. Score— R. H. E. I Beeville 010 000 000— 1 9 0 Bay City 010 110 000 — 3 14 4 I Batteries: Colgrove. Newmeyer, 1 Hornback and Street; Fulton, McDow j ell and Brownie. Bermudas Take Gamo From Pelican LAREDO, Tex., July 25. —The Ber . imudas won a slow game from the Pelicans by a score of 6 to 2 yesterday in which both teams hit the ball hard The Pelicans’ errors were costly, a : passed Gall by Merritt allowing twe | runs to score. Score — IL H. E < Laredo 021 010 11*— 6 8 1 Corpus 002 000 000 — 2 8 1 Batteries: Ramos and Francis: Wal ters and Merritt. Umpire, Maury. • Blebs Undertaking Co. auto ambul ance service. 221 K- Com. Phone 34 THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT ROGER BREs.X \II AN. FRAZER GOES BACK TO Former Cub Twirler Who Was Re leased By New Orleans Will Pitch for Chicago Semi-Pro Team. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO, July 25. —"Chick" Fra zer former Chicago National player, r- ecntly released by New Orleans, has sign, d to play with the "West Ends." th- team he pitched Into the city 'hatnplonship last year, and will filay his first game with them Sunday. Fra zer pitched all spring for the South •rn leaguers but was given his tin conditional release last week. This will enable him to work for the lo cals \Rthout coming under the ban " r the national commission as he was last year., , Motor Boat Finishes Long Race. (by the AsaocyfED press? HALIFAX, N. 8„ July 25. —Shortly after last midnight the motorboat Caroline, one tho contestants™ the r ' ciproclty race of the National Yacht club from Now York to Halifax, was se<a, coming into the harbor. The • irolinc Is owned by M. F. Dennis of New York and has a time allowance of 16 hours 1 minute 20 seconds. a-a —• COTTON STATES LEAGUE. At Jackson: Jackson, 6; Meridian. 8. At Vicksburg: Vicksburg, 6; Hatties- I burg, 4. * -At Yazoo City; Yazoo City, 4; Green- U Wood, 2, CHICAGO WEST ENDS TEXAS LEAGUE RED SKINS DEFEAT SENATORS. Hit a Recruit Twirler Hard and Often and Sew Up Game in Fifth. AUSTIN. Tex.. July 25.—The In dians hit Anderson hard and often yesterday and he experienced a land slide in the seventh when a su<Btes sion of hits off him resulted in five runs scoring in that Inning. Austin rallied, but the Indians’ lead was too great and they wuit down by a score of 8 to 6. Cowan crove out a home run. Score — R. H. E. Austin 002 000 022 — 6 10 1 Oklahoma . ..010 100 501— 8 18 1 Batteries: Anderson and Schmidt; Geist and Garvin. Umpire Donnelly. WACO WINS GAME IN THIRD. Sand Crabs Errors, Mixed With Hits, Scores Only Runs of Game. GALVESTON. Tex., July 25.—The Sand Crabs mixed In errors with hits of Dodd and Meek in the third Inning and allowed the Navigators to score the only four runs of the game. Ogles allowed the Sand Crabs but three hits and he was saved a shut out by a brilliant one-handed catch lw Ren nard in right in the last inning with two men on bases. Malloy pitched as well as Ogles In every Inning except one. Score — R. H. E. Waco 004 000 000— 0 1 1 Galveston .. ..000 000 000— 0 3 2 Batteries; Ogles and Meek: Malloy and Erloff. Umpires, Matthews and Bush. 4 HOUSTON WINS FROM BEHIND. Overcome Panther Lead and Then Nose Out in Front. HOUSTON. Tex., July 25. —The Bisons came up from behind and overcame the Panthers lead with one run in the seventh yesterday, winning the game by a score of 4 to 3. Mc- Kay could not be found by his former team-mates after the third, while Robinson, who relieved Deardorff. was located for enough to tie the score in the sixth and an additional run in the seventh that took the game. Score — R. H. E. Houston 001 002 10*— 4 9 2 Ft. Worth ... 021 000 000— 3 6 1 Batteries: McKay and Allen; Dear dorff. Robinson and E. Green. Um pire, Jacobs. FOUL TIP INJURES UMPIRE Has Bone In Right I<cg Fractured, Preventing Him From Working. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) KANSAS CITY. Mo., July 25.—Um pire Clarence Owen of the American association, who was hit by a foul tip from the bat of Congalton of the Co lumbus team here yesterday, had a bone ot his right leg fractured and will be unable to officiate again for several weeks. Junior Game in Y. M. C. A. League. Gaining a lead by scoring eight runs in the first inning, team No, l of Ju nior B department of the Y. M. C. A. defeated team No. 3 of the same de partment yesterday morning on the Y field. The feature of the game was a three-sack hit by Longono. Team Pgl NGqW ALWAYS c I G A pfir J.OPPENHIEMER 4. Co., Distributors ? •» I JULY 25, 1911. BOXING TRACK By “Bud* Fisher r ■ ■ ■■ ■ a WuhOßv ••** WILL ENJOIN POLICE FROM INTERFERIN I'ight Club In Indiana Will Apply Court to Prevent Officers From Stopping Bouts. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) HAMMOND. Ind., July 26.—W has been declared between the Hai mond Athletic club and the Hamino authorities because Mayor J. D. Smi ley and Chief of Police Austgen i fused to sanction any more boxl bouts in the’ newly built club aret After the club staged the Clabt "Knockout” Brown fight, in whl patrons were robbed of thousand* dollars by pickpockets, the police r the ban on fights. The club officii then decided to put on bouts and h Chicago people, and Mayor Small put the ban on this proposition y< terday. The club now proposes test the Indiana prize fight law in t courts, holding that if other India cities have the right to hold Cgi Hammond has. Application for a w enjoining the police from interferi with fights will be asked in the La county superior court. jwms Mulch Game Is Postponed. The match game to have been rd ed last night by the Bob Smarts aj Frank Bros, teams on the Grand ( leys, was postponed until Frld night on account of the absence members of the Frank Bros. team. Two High Scores on flrand Alle The Grand alleys have been scene of several creditable games d’ ing the last week. In a private ga with Martin Irwin yesterday aftq noon, Captain Thomas of the SmaJ rolled a 278 score, Irwin rolling 2* in the same game. It is unusual trf two scores as high as these are rolr in the same game. In a later mat played during the afternoon with * B. Wagener. Irwin rolled 288.. CONLEY TO MEET KUNE Two Little Fellows Sign Articles Twenty Round on Coast. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO, July 25.—Harry GilmiJJ Jr., received word last night from Tc*’ McCarey of Los Angeles, that FranF Conley could have the next mont’*' card with Patsy Kline of New YoF as opponent. An agreement reached and articles drawn calling » a twenty round affair at 122 poun* three hours before the fight, whlchb l to take place August 29. f. No. 1 chalked up seven singles i one three-bagger. Score — R. H. Team Three ...040 030 0— 7 ( Team One 810 203 *—l4 • Batteries: Griner and Mttchi Schofield and Longono. Umpl Chessum.