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TUESDAY, BLOOD WAS IN POORCONDITION That Is the Story of AU Sufferers from Nervous Troubles. The Cure of This Women Show* Why e Tonic for the Blood It the Bett Medicine for the Nerves. Mrs. J. D. Smith, whose address is P. O. Box 1?-’, Albany, Mo., was re ■tored to health by the tonic treaunertt with Dr. Williams' Fink Pills. She cays: "A few years ago I was suffering from • general breakdown in health owing to an attack of the grip and a nervous shock. For nearly three months 1 was confined to my l*<f. i tyas subject to fainting spells when it seemed that my lieart failed me. I wa« also troubled with numbness, principally on my left aide. I could not step on my left foot for a long time and had to ik* pushed around in a chair. My tongue would get thick and I could pinch myself with out feeling pain., My blood was in a very poor condition, I had no color and became thin and weak. I had no desire to eat anything and my people thought I would never get well. I was kept alive on stimulants. “The doctors did not seem to know what, my trouble was None of them helped me in the least. After we had spent a great, deal of money and had tried everything that seemed to offer a cure, a friend advised us to try Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills. My husband bought some for meand I recon i dstrength from them from the start. My improvement was rapid and I was finally aide to get around. I took the pills until cured and have been doing all of my house work si mV. I always keep Dr. Wil liams’ Pink Pills in the house and would not I* without them ' ’ Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills have cured anemia, rheumatism, sciatica, nervous ness, after-effects of the grip and fevers, and neuralgia, owing to their blood building property. These pills were originally a prescription used in the doctor’s private practice and their bene fit to mankind ha® been increased many thousand-fold by their being placed on general sale with the doctor’sown direc tions for use. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold only In package*, never by the dozen or hundred. The genuine are sold by all druggists or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box; six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenec tady. N. Y. Send for our free Ixwklet, “Nervous Disorders ” [Electroliers ■ We have ■ them in ■ all styles B at all ■ Prices, ■ You should ■ see OURS ■ Before you buy I MARTIN WRIGHT ■ Bedell Building, H Ave C. Builders Hardware “SPECIALISTS.” A full line of carpenters’ tools. MOODY & HORMANN, 120 Ave. C„ Bedell Bldg. A Glass of TERRELL WELL WATER Taken before breakfast will permanent ly cure CONSTIPATION FOR TREATMENT OF Indigestion, Ulcerated or Sour Stomach, Diabetes, Bright's Disease. Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles. Blood or Skin Diseases take a tumblerful or more M to 1 hour before meals and at bedtime. For Skin Diseases it may be applied to afflicted parts on cotton in addition to taking in- ternally. All San Antonio druggists handle this water, or you can order direct from the TERRELL WELL WATER CO. 107 Ave. D. Old Phone 4246. New 464. GLOBE FIRE INSURANCE CO. A Home Institution 811 Gibbs Bldg. YOIJNG MEN Pabsts Okiy Specific Dobs the work, You nn mow it by reputation. Foe Solo .< v ** \ Pfeiffer’s 20th Century PHnnacles , [ADIES (’ARMENTS -'MENS tuiTS DYEINgQa CLEANING CO,, 113 Ave C. v both PHOMES* VOTE OF THE GOVERNOR 10 CHALLENGED When He Went to Polls It Was Discovered He H a d Not Paid Local Poll Tax, THE BALLOT IS LEGAL Governor Was Informed That No City Tax Had Been Imposed, (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) AUSTIN. Tex.. July 25.—50 vigilant were the election judges of Kaufman county at the election last Saturday that Governor Colquitt's vote was not only challenged, but it came very near being held Illegal, according to Com missioner of Insurance and Banking Gill, who has just returned from his home at Terrell, where he voted at the election. Commissioner Gill says that Kauf man county is a decidedly pro county, and so pronounced are the views of the average pro in that county that it af fects the business standing of an anti whenever prohibition Is being voted on. Mr. Gill, who is him self a strong local optionist. de clares that there are instances where the anti merchants have been given to understand they must change their views or possibly lose some trade as a result. As to the governor's vote, it appears that last December the governor sent a check to b local banker at Terrell for $2.75 with which to pay his (the governor’s) poll tax and also a city poll tax of $l. which is sometimes levied. This banker paid the gover nor's poll tax of the state for $1.75 and returned the remaining dollar to the governor, advising that there was no city poll tax being collected at that time. In this, however, the banker was in error as it proved that there was a local of city poll tax of $l. Ills Vote Is Challenged. Consequently when Governor Col quitt approached the voting place and presented his poll tax receipt and cast ballot, he was asked for his city •oil tax. Of course, he had none. His •ight to vote was then challenged, and xplanations, apparently were of no ivail. Finally the attorney general's department was communicated with over the long distance phone, and a ruling was forthcoming to the effect that the governor having cast his bal lot, the vote was a legal one. The gov ernor, knowing the local conditions in his home town, has taken all the nec essary precautions to obtain the city as well as state poll tax receipt, but upon being advised that no city poll tax had been levied for 1910. he paid no further attention to the matter. Honest Medicines Versus Fakes President Taft’s recent message sug gesting an amendment to the Pure Food and Drugs law In its relation to Prepared Medicines, does not refer to , such standard medicines as Foley’s; Honey and Tar Compaund and Foley Kidney Pills, both of which are true medicines carefully compounded of ingredients whose medicinal qualities I are recognized by the medical profes- i slon itself as the best known remedial agents for the diseases they are in tended to counteract. For over three decades Foley's Honey and Tar Com | pound has been a standard remedy for coughs, colds and affections of the throat, chest and lungs for children and for grown persons, and it retains today its pre-eminence above all other | preparations of its kind. Foley Kid ney Pills are equally effective and meritorious. NAVY NEEDS DBY DOCKS OF MUCH UK SIZE Battleships Grow Larger Year by Year and Docks Will Not Hold the Big Boats. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) WASHINGTON. D. C., July 25.— As battleships are built larger year by year, the navy department may , recommend’to congress the construe-1 tion of a mammoth dry dock at New York or Norfolk, exceeding in size any naval dock in this country. Tentative plans for the dock con template a length of 1000 feet, near ly 200 feet greater than any Ameri can dock built or building, a beam of 110 feet, the width of the Panama canal, and a depth of 34 feet. Were the battleships Wyoming and Arkan sas ready for commission at the pres ent time there would not be a dock at an American navy yard wide enough to accommodate them. This situation, however, will be met before these ships are completed by the new docks at New York, Pearl Harbor and Puget Sound and the en larged dock at Norfolk. These docks will be able to receive any ship built, building or designed for the United States navy. UNION AINLEBS DENTISTS The Norfolk dock will be completed by Sept. 15; the New York Feb. 1, 1912; Puget Sound March 2, 1912, and Pearl Harbor May 22, 1913. 32g W. Commerce A Skin Beauty Is * Joy Forwr. DR. T. Felix Gouraud's Ortenta, Cream or Maglca* Beautlflar. St 2 J RemovM T»n, Pimply;, J” IP F*’®, FrwUek Moth Es-s Kmo, sod skis Illwun 2 3 o— an<J rTer y on beauty, and de- 1 * A XL, / flee detection. Il AV Iw! ha® atoud the teat Ln • a • 9 J h to harm.see wt । X. tMtelttobeeuretl F*s nJ la made ' JI Accept no counter । Av Ab iXpV \ f*lt off eimllafi I I-\ name. Dr. L. A* I S'XXT \ H*yre bald to a / IS I I tb* haut * I ton (a patient) f Z I' VA f “Ae vou ladleC L J 11 L MT** will u»e thenU I recomm anil' •Gnu mud's Creuin’ as the Dart barrnf’'! •kin preparation*.” F«r Bale by all drn«irte Goods Dealers In the United SUtM, Canada and Xurop^ ( fLHD.T.HOPUNS, Prop, 37 GiuiJou Strut, Ue M Paid State Poll Tax. FOR JUST ONE MORE WEEK The opportunity to save money on every kind of Furniture Is here If you’ll take advantage of It during the next seven dsys. The carpenters began the work of remodeling and making the Alamo Furniture Co.'s Store one of the most beau tiful and up-to-the-minute establishments In San Antonio—but they've got to have room to work, and wo are going to give you the advantage off these values in order to move out as much morohandlse ss possible. READ THE ITEMS: BEAUTIFUL BED Like Cut A genuine Iron bed, exactly like the above cut, sold even'- 4 where for $3. This sale A■ W BRASS BEDS $l5 fine brass bed, 2-in. posts $7.50 $25 fine brass bed, 2-in. posts $9.95 $35 tine brass bed, 2-tn. posts 13.50 $5O fine brass bed, 2-in. posts 18.75 $lO.OO BED FOR $4.50 3 feet 6 inches wide, like cat. WOVEN WIRE SPRINGS $2.50 woven wire springs for.. 50c $3.00 fine steel springs for... .81.00 $6.00 woven wire springs for. .$3.00 $B.OO coil springs, for 3-foot 6-inch iron bed, with woven wire top. far $2.50 BUFEET $lB golden oak sideboard... .$ 9.95 $3O golden oak buffet $10.50 $l5 golden oak sideboard... .$ 8.35 $25 golden oak sideboard ... .$13.50 $5O golden oak sideboard. . . $26310 LINOLEUM REDUCED 50c oilcloth for 34c 65c linoleums for 42c $1.50 Inlaid linoleums f0r...75c $1.75 inlaid linoleums f0r...95c FLASHES FROM (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Texan Charged With Marder. McALESTER, Okla., July 25. — Mitchell Pli'kett, 65 years old. alleged to have murdered a man naimed Moody anil his son in San Saba coun ty. Tex., has been arrested here. Pick ett asserts he is innocent. Wirt-less ComiMin.t bankrupt. PORTLAND. Me., July 25. —As tho. result of an agreement between at torneys, the t'nited Wireless Telegraph company, was declared bankrupt in the United States district court. New Law in Georgia. ATLANTA, Ga.. July 25.—The Georgia senate has passed a bill for bidding publication of the names o the victims of criminal assaults. Was Not Cholera. QUEBEC, July 25. —As a result of THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT VERNIS MaRIIN BEDS This beautiful plain Vernis Martin fin ish. 2-lnch posts, steel tube bed, 3 feet 6 inches wide; sold everywhere for $12.50; only slightly dam- (• Aft aged, for -Oa W PARLOR CHAIRS $5O 5-plece parlor suits, y| OC damaged, for -f»vO $ 5.00 value for $l.OO (Slightly damaged.) $lO.OO value for $6.50 $12.50 value for $7.75 $15.00 value for $9.50 GO-CARSS $2.50 folding carts $1.50 $4.00 folding carts $2.25 $9.00 collapsible carts $5.25 $15.00 collapsible carts $8.95 CAS RANCES $12.50 gas range, like cut...s 8.95 $30.00 Buck gas range $16.50 $35.00 Buck gas range $19.50 $40.00 Buck gas range $22.50 AUMO FURNITURE CO, 117-119-121-123 Main Ave. 119-118-120 N. Flores Street the bacteriological examinations in the cases of Illness among the crew of the steamer Bendu, detained at Grosse Isle, it is officially announced that the disease was not cholera. Seven Dead in Cave-in. MUSKOGEE. Okla., July 25.—Sev en men were killed and several in jured here when a deep sewer ditch caved in, burying the workmen. Fou bodies have been recovered. Boot Legger Is Nabbed. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) DAY CITY, Tex., July 25.—A negro named Henry Harris was brought liefore Judge Holman this morning and Pleaded guilty of selling intoxi cating liquors in local option terri tory. 1!< was fined $lOO and sentenced to 60 days' confinement in the county jail. The officers here are th:it no violation of the law shall go without the most rigid prosecution Jud ,-e Holman stated that there is < o room in Matogorda for the plsto tot- r " or boot-legger, and that when tln> officers apprehend one and bring him before his court he will be sure to reap the reward he merits. Spend your summer at Hot WeHa American plan. Special rates. $l5 library table, like cut, in early English and CMC golden oak, f0r.... *7>*7o $ 8.50 golden oak table.. .$ 3.50 $lO.OO golden oak table. ..$ 6.50 $20.00 golden oak table.. .$12.50 $40.00 golden oak table.. .$27.50 $12.50 white enamel- £* ftg ed refrigerator for. $ 9 00 refrigerators $ 4.95 $15.00 refrigerators $ 9.75 $30.00 refrigerators $18.73 Similar to Cut $37.50 $ 55.00 dining room set (similar to cut) $ 37.50 (Can be had in golden oak or early English finish.) $150.00 four-piece golden oak or early English dining room set...s 87.59 $450.00 twelve-piece early English or golden oak dining room 5et.5225.00 $600.00 twelve-piece golden oak or early English dining room 5et.5395.00 I witH — i —H T' 1 •rn I r* —M—I I I * I Olß't Ovirlosk Thls Great Special CHILDREN’S CRIBS $7.50 child's wood crib for... .$2.50 $lO.OO child's iron crib for... .$3.70 Golden oak cobbler or cane seat rocker for $1.98 $4.00 golden oak rocker f0r..52.65 $12.50 mission rocker f0r....56.50 (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Curtis in St. Petersburg. ST. PETERSBURG —Curtis Guild Jr,, who succeeds William W. Rock hill as American ambassador to Rus sia. has arrived here. Premier Stoly pin. who has been absent front his office recently because of ill health, returned to the capital yesterday. Dirigible Ends Trip. BADEN BADEN —The dirigible I balloon Sehwaben I has arrived here i from Friederichaff and was turned | over to an aerial navigation company which it will be operated for six we r.« in exeusion Hights to Gotha and Rer | lin. ( lura Ward Is Divorced. I'A >: is—The civil court yesterday ismi'-d a decree of conditional separa tion to M. Ricciardi from Madante Ricciardi, the former Princess 4® KITCHEN CABINETS $ 6.00 kitchen cabinets $ » $ 8.00 kitchen cabinets • 4.63 $lB.OO kitchen cabinets $12.50 $40.00 kitchen cabinets $26.75 HANDSOME RUCS GREATLY REDUCED $6.50 9x12 granite rugs 4.25 $12.50 9x12 wool fiber 43 rugs for O« < *7 $3O 9x12 Axminater 4 Q 7C rugs for XO.O Maay Different Styles » Extra special on extension tables, golden oak and mission finish. $ 6.50 6-ft. extension tables..s 3.95 $12.50 6-ft. extension tables..s 7.15 $15.00 6-ft. extension tables (like cut) $ 9.95 $25.00 6-ft. extension tables. .$16.50 Chimay, w ho was Miss Clara Ward of Detroit, Mich. Ask Premier to Resign. TEHERAN —The national council has unanimously demanded that Sihahdar, the new premier, resign. He had been openly charged with dis loyalty. Moro Maine Victims Found. HAVANA —The remains of three or four more bodies have been recov ered from the wreck of the Maine. TTtey consisted of bones, most of them fractured and piled in a heap. Officials Exchange Shots. (SI ECIAL TO THE LIGHT) LOCKHART, Tex., July 25.—Hon. Frank S. Roberts, district attorney, 'and Mr. J. B. Putnam, county treas [urer, exchanged shots from revolvers as they met in the hallway of the courthouse Monday morning. The af fair was of a personal nature and friends of both parties brought them ; together and the matter has been ' satisfactorily settled. ♦♦♦ Murder Trial Is Started. (SPECIAX. I'o THE LIGHT) 1 GONZALES, Tex.. July 25. —The | case of Bill Caboness. charged with i murder, was called for trial in the district court this morning and both JULY 25, 1911. Golden'oak wardrobe, like cat, bat which is slightly dam- y| aged, for “fraWW Dining room chairs of great va riety in both golden oak and mis sion finish. 75c wood seat diners 30c $1.25 cane seat diners 75c $2.50 wood seat diner5.......51.30 $3.50 leather seat diners 82.25 Similar to Cut $37.50 From Which to Mako Year Selection $lO.OO golden oak dresser...s 6.05 $15.00 golden oak dresser...s 8.00 $25 birdseye maple dresser. .$16.75 $25.00 golden oak dresser.. .$16.75 REED ROCKERS $ 4.00 reed rockers for $2.25 $ 5.00 reed rockers for $2.85 $ 7.50 reed rockers for $4.35 $lO.OO reed rockers for $5.95 sides announced ready for trial at the work of selecting the jury was b gun from the special venire summo ed in the case. Caboness is a neg and is alleged to have killed Wa Harris, another negro, about thr years ago. The defendant is repr sented by able counsel in the perst of Hon. A. B. Storey of San Anton and W. D. C. Jones of this city. Som thing like seventy-five witnesses a in attendance and it Is expected th several days will be consumed in tl trial of the case. Impair Mental Facultlei and should not be allowed to come chronic. Whether caused beat or cold, stomach disorder! nervousness Hicks’CAPUDIN is the best remedy to take, liquid — effects immediate — pie ant to take. 10c, 25c and 500 drug stores. WARDROBES DRESSERS MATTING REDUCED 140 rolls white China worth 40c and 45c, for 4 C the small sum 0f.... Great quantity of remnants, in colors, to close out at 4 A only IUU Headache