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HAITI'S HLT SPREADING TO TO THE SOUTH New Leader Has Come'to the Front and Has Made Progress, CRUISER CHESTER ARRIVES Government Accepts Yacht American and Adds It to the Navy, (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) PORT AU PRINCE. July 25.—Th* , Haltien revolution is spreading In th* •outb, where heretofore It ha* made little progress. The town of Jeremie has risen in favor of General Calli*- thene Fouchard, the Haltien minister to Germany. Fouchard was made chief executive of the army by Presi dent Simon in 1908 and a year later was appointed to the Berlin post. Early this year he left the German capita! to visit Haiti and at that time it was asserted that he aspired to the presidency. The government has accepted de livery of the yacht American, and it will be added to the navy. Last night passed quietly. 5 ■ i' e CRUISER CHESTER ARRIVES. Commander In Chief Guarantees to Maintain Order. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CAPE HAJTIEN, July 25.—The United States scout cruiser Chester arrived here today and is ly\ng in the harbor to protect American interests. General Leconte, who has been pro claimed commander In chief by one wing of the revolution, guarantees to maintain order here. The situation, however, remains terse. General Salnave, one of the chiefs supporting the rival revolutionary leader, General Antenor Firmin, has a strong army and Is well equipped with arms and ammunition. When with his troops he left here last night for Llmbe, he explained that he with drew in order to avoid a conflict. The German consulate is sheltering 18 political refugees. If it's saleable. Light want ads will sell it. More than 17,000 silent sales men to work for you each day. TO PROTECT IMMIGRANTS Commissioners Will Publish Book for Information of “Land Suckers." (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CHICAGO. July 25. — Immigration commissioners from nineteen states here for the purpose of forming a na tional organization propose to publish a "hand book for the guidance of land suckers.” The plan will be adopted at a conference today. The proposition is to print a book of ex act Information concerning al! farm and mineral lands in the various states so that the many Investors will not be easy prey for the land shark. The book will be distributed free. Charged With Kidnaping. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) AUSTIN. Tex., July 25. —In Justice Mendell’s court a complaint has been filed against Jlafael Hernandez, a Mexican, charged with kidnaping Marceline Hernandez, aged 12 years. The parents of the girl found her Sat urday night, where. It is alleged, the Mexican had deserted her. It is be lieved the Mexican has gone to San Antonto, and the officers there have been notified. It is ’the duty of every expectant mother to prepare her system for the coming of her little one; to avoid as far as possible the suffering of such occasions, and endeavor to pass through the crisis with her health and strength unimpaired. This she may do through the use of Mother’s Friend, a remedy that has been so long in use, and accomplished so much good, that it is in no sense an experiment but a preparation which always uroduces the best results. It is for exernal application and so pen etrating in ts nature as to thoroughly lubricate every muscle, nerve and ten don involved during the period before baby comes It aids nature by ex panding the skin and tissues, relieves tenderness and soreness, and perfectly prepares the system for natural and safe motherhood. Mother’s Friend has been used and endorsed by thou sands of mothers, and its use will prove a comfort and a benefit to any woman in need of such a remedy. Mother’s Friend is sold at drug 'hfilTHr la W stores. Write for free book for .trUTFIITV expectant moth- IF KI IjliUu ers, which con- tains much valuable information. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga. (■ DR. HOWE U SPECIALIST Rectal Diseases and Orificia! Surgery tV 318-333 Guntar Sulldtag. ( }) TUESDAY, Marian Ixwner, the young woman of Berlin, who was driven insane by the band music abroad the ocean liner on her way to this country to live in New York with relatives, and who, on account of her condition of mind upon arrival, Will be deported by the immi gration officials. When Miss Ix-rner's aunt, Mrs. Louis Epstein, met the boat at New York, she was informed by tlie immigration officials of what had happened to the young woman. The captain of the vessel said she sat transfigured while the band played and swayed back and forth, then shouted that she was going to Jump Into tlie sea “to sing with the mer maid*.’’ The relatives of the yonng woman are overcome with grief at her afflicatlon, which lias steadily be come worse since her detention by the authorities at Ellis Island. URGES CANADIANS TO ACCEPT RECIPROCITY Finance Minister Says BUI la a Good Thing for Tliut Coun try. OTTAWA. Ont., July 25 —Financs Minister FleWing urg“s a trial of re ciprocity in a long statement pub lished here today in which he declares that if the agreement proves unprofit able to Canada It may be suspended at any time. "There is nothing per manently binding about it.” he urges, "as either country can withdraw at any time. I challenge the opposition to let It pass now. Then we will have an election In a year. If, as the op position says reciprocity will prove a bad thing for Canada the people will have had a year's test of It and will return the conservatives to power to form a new government and cancel the ■reciprocity agreement. But reciproc ity will prove a good thing for the whole country. It is a good thing for the Canadian manufacturer that we have achieved reciprocity without im portant concessions in manufactured articles. But let me give a word of advice to Canadian manufacturers who. needlessly alarmed, are opposing reciprocity. I believe that they are do ing an injury to their own interests as well as those of Canada. Jf. per chance, these manufacturers succeed in preventing a great new market be ing opened to the farmers of Canada there will arise In the western coun try a storm cloud which will grow un til the end will be a change in the fiscal policy of Canada which is not now completed.” Those Who Take Foley Kidney Tills For their kidney and bladder ailments, and for annoying urinary irregularities are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford, and for their tonic and strengthening effect as well. Try Foley Kidney Pills. King & Pattison Drug Co. FINEIMK POPULATIOU OF TOWN Accused of Violating Sunday Closing Law All Are Arrested and Pay Their Fines. WASHINGTON, D. C„ July 25.— Practically the entire population of Glen Echo, an amusement place just beyond the District of Columbia line In Maryland, appeared before Judge Joseph Reading of Rockville and paid tines amounting to $l6OO. Glen Echo boasts a population of 115. Of these ninety-six were arrested for Sunday night violations of the law designed to preserve the Sabbath. The judge vnd his court officers appeared at the park, consisting principally of Glen Echo, procured the names of every employe, man, woman and child, is sued and served warrants and hauled the accused before the bar of justice temporarily established In a ticket of fice. As the judge measured out jus tice with one hand he took in fines with the other. For three hours he worked and then, with the treasure loaded in an automobile and guarded by the court officers made his way back to Rockville. The amusem’-nt park authorities said after the visita tion that the Sunday law would in the future be observed strictly. AUSTIN, Tex., July 25.—State Pur chasing Agent McKay last evening awarded the contract for furnishing hats and caps for men and caps for boys for all state eleemosynary insti tutions to S. G. Davis Hat company’ of Dallas, and to Rothschild Bros, of St. Louis, boys' hats for all Institu tions. CRAZED BY BAND <BY THE ASSOCIATED FRESH) (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Awards More Contracts. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) A. Collman, plumper. 413 Main Ara LONG DROUTH OVER THE STATE BROKEN TODAY Rainfall During Past Twenty four Hours Is Heaviest Since Last May, SNOW FALLS IN THE NORTH Cool Wind Which Precedes the Rain In San Antonio Breaks the Long Hot Spell. The longest drouth in Texas sine* 1901, was broken yesterday when * general rain set in all over th* stat*, according to the United State* weath er bureau's report today. While some sections were visited by only light showers, many other sections receiv ed a generous amount of moisture and the parched earth, which has been dally becoming more parched since May 12, eagerly soaked up the water. Reports from North and Central Toxas show a rainfall of more than two Inches yesterday. Southwest Texas has been scarcely less favored, the rainfall in the vicinity of San Angelo yesterday having been slightly over two inches, while other portions of the southwestern part of the state were favored with rainfall in slightly lesser amounts. San Antonio ha* only received .4 of an inch of rain so far. but Indica tions are that more rain will fall dur ing the day or tonight. The fall in the city and vicinity has hardly been sufficient to lay the dust and cool the air. but there is a hope that it will be recorded in greater quantity during the next twenty-four hours. First Since May 12. Other cities were favored, however, and by the reports received today the rainfall is shown to be 1.88 inches at Corpus Christi. 1.14 at Cuero. 1.16 at Dallas. 1.34 at Dublin. 1.54 at Waco, 2 at Columbus and 2.42 at Waxa hachie. This is the first general rainfall since May 12. On June 22, San An tonio received .3 inches and some oth er cities received as much as one inch of moisture. During July a few scat tering showers relieved the heat, but the present rain, taking the state a* a whole, is the heaviest in months. The hot spell, caused by the lack of rain, brought little discomfort, how ever. in comparison with that caused by the heat wave which swept over the northern and eastern parts of the country. San Antonians have been comfortable all the summer, while the residents of cities supposedly 1n the cool regions of the north, have been sweltering. Good Night to Sleep. At that, the cool wind which swept down upon the city yesterday after noon was welcomed. It caused a drop in temperature from 99 degrees at 3 o'clock to 87 at 4 o’clock. From 4 to 6 the temperature decreased to 84 and the night was a sleep-inducing one. It grew decidedly chilly before daylight at 6 o'clock this morning the low est temperature, 71 degrees, was regis tered. A drop In the temperature ts report ed all over the state and several west ern and central states were swept by a veritable cold wave last night. Snow is reported from points in Ohio and Michigan and a territory of consider able extent was affected by the sud den change. SNOW FALLS IN OHIO Citizens of Findlay Declare They Saw Flurries. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) FINDLAY, Ohio. July 25.'—Citizens of reputation aver this morning that quite a little snow fell here last night. The snow was genuine and was prob ably forced down by a heavy atmos phere. _ FIVE MIN UTES’ SNOW Flurries in Bay City First Ever Re corded in July. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) BAY CITY. Mich., July 25.—For five minutes last night a snow flurry occurred several miles southeast of here, the only snow ever recorded during July in this part of the state. UNUSUAL WEATHER TN TEXAS Denton Reports Temperature of Only Sixty-eight. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) DENTON, Tex., July 25.—The tem perature here this morning was 68, which is unusually cool for July. WHAT fit.OO WILL DO. $l.OO bottle of Hall's Texas Wonder, a 60 days' treatment, seldom falls to cure Kidney, Bladder or Rheumatic trouble. It gives quick and perma nent relief. Write for testimonials. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive St. St Louis, Mo. Sold by druggist*. WHITE DOVE JW REMEDY »n I Soothin? / Sure Wy( Cure Guaranteed by the LAKE MEDECINE CO. To positively cure private diseases. If your druggist hasn’t It, apply to the company. 205 Ave. C. Ban An tonio. J O S K E’S Every Suit in the House UIMIMI IS NOT GIVEN OUT Rc'civcr of I. & G. N. Ha* Papera Submit to New Owners of ITopcrty. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) AUSTIN. Tex.. July 25. —Having In his possession the valuation of the In ternational & Great Northern Rail road company placed thereon by the railroad commission. Judge T. J. Free man, receiver of the company, leaves tonight from Houston to submit the matter to the new owners of this property. A few days ago a story was printed in this paper that the com mission had determined on a valua tion. but it was not made public. This 1s now confirmed, but still the figures have not been given out. It is not believed, however, that the commis sion has allowed the $35,000,600 ap plied for. and before any attempt Is made to reorganize the road, the fig ures allowed will have to be approved by the new owners. Judge Freeman, N. M. Leach, gen eral freight agent, and W. 1.. Maury were here and went over the figures in the report recently made by Engi neer Parker of the commission on tlie Fort Wqrth division, which apparently proved satisfactory. A majority of the commission is out of the city, con sequently nothing official could be done. N. M. Loach, who has been appoint ed traffic manager of the International and Texas & Pacific, said that he and Judge Freeman, who is the new gen era! manager of the Texas & Pacific, would remove soon to their new head quarters at New Orleans. As to the future home of the International. Mr. Leach said he thought possibly the headquarters would remain at Pales tine. A. Coilman. plumber. Both phone* GUN FIGHT IN STRIKE Strikers and Guards Fight in Cleve land Street*. (BV THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) CLEVELAND, 0., July 25.—Gar ment strikers and guards fought a gun battle here yesterday outside the home of Charles Shorting. More than fifty shots were exchanged. Most of the bullets went wild. Two strikers were wounded In the fight, which occurred when a mob of strikers marched on the Sherllng home to determine whether garments were being made there. Behle* A Boelhauwe, architects. 228 West Commerce Stret daffydilitis, NEW DISEASE; HITS HUNDREDS (Continued From Page One) have come which were exceptionally bright when first sprung, which was about the year 432 B. C. They all pertain to "Mississippi wear ng M s rourl's New Jersey, what will Dela ware’ Alaska?" These never would win a prize except in an antique con test The names of the authors are not going to be published because the daffvdll editor knows that they can get ’ busy and turn in some "real” the object of this daffydil contest is to bring out the talent. It ought t< be .worth anybody’s time to puzzle out a real hot daffydil. especially as it stands a good chance of winning $2. It may only contain four or five words, in which event the price would be forty or fifty cents per word. Even Roosevelt hardly makes more than that. ••Quick. Watson! Tlie Needle!” A hypodermic is certainly needed to bring a follow to after he has read th!', which was perpetrated by J Smith who signs himself as being In the county jail: "My barber’s gone to Galveston?" “What for?" "To sea foam " Well, candidly, don’t you think J. Smith Is in the right place after getting that oft? “Little Jeff. 417 Gibbs .building," THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT x And there are none excepted—no reservations—every suit is included. Homespuns, light crashes, tweeds, tropical worsteds and serges; fancy styles and blacks and blues—cool clothes as can be made; absolutely per fect in fit and faultless in fashion .... And remember Joske suits at a given price represent the maximum in value-giving. Better clothes at a like price are not possible—you may pay more, but your money cannot buy more. All Hen’s and Youths' $15.00 Suits Fancy styles, blues and blacks—reduced to $9.? 5 Jssfceßm&Co. ought to be soundly whacked by Mutt! for this one: "If Duffy dills pickles, what does Daffy dill?” Ouch! Get this one: "Said the tree to the river, ‘l’ll fall on you.' Said the river to the tree. 'l'll be dammed if you do.’" It's a good thing the writer signed himself "Anonymous.” or else a bunch of Indignant readers might hunt him up to get personal revenge. “Dust Off Ihc Electric Chair.” Solitary confinement is too good for this man: "If Fred will land in New Orleans where will Mary-land?” Anybody who feels aggrieved can hunt up Oscar Schoop on Cincinnati avenue. His full address won’t be given because the daffydil editor doesn’t want his conscience to hurt at the damage don*. Erl* Worth. 717 W. Marshal! street, got this off: "Mary Garden may be cute, but isn't Ex-e-cuter?” | Wow! Restrain yourself! Maybe he or she won't be guilty again. Listen to this and hunt up a rope: "If a cowboy can rope ten cows in four minutes, what can Eu-rope?” The man's name is A. V. Sanchez, and he lives at 520 West Cypress. We ad vise mercy and forbearance. That's what several tossed when they perpetrated daffydils on this pa per. They are in all shapes and forms. Here are a few: D. H. Blake. 737 W. Marshall: “Newspapers are always black and white; why is the Light read?” Miss Grace Taylor, 234 Avenue C: “If the sun is red, is the San Antonio Light?” , Jaoob Jaffer, Twenty-eighth in- ' r Whenever wMr ■ g ’ You’re Hot, Tired or Thirsty U Work, play or weather hot—brain tired or ■ body weary— parched dry or just plain thirsty W K Think of and Drink W It is delightfully cooling and refreshing—relieves fatigue of body, brain and nerves— quenches , thirst—not just wet and sweet, but vigorously J satisfying. Delicious— Refreshing—Wholesome 5c Everywhere JBv Send for THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Whenever our interest- Atlanta, Ga. you gee an ing booklet, 7 Arrow think "The Truth of About Coca>Cola” Jsu THE RTG STORE | And so on up and down the price scale—from $12.50 suits at $8.75 up to the $40.00 suits at $22.50, all bear corresponding reductions. Bouquets for the Light. J O S K E’S All Hen's and Youths' $20.00 Suits Fancy styles, blues and blacks—reduced to 313,75 fan try: "If the San Antonio Light Write your daffydil on it and send states Texas goes dry. what does the it to the Daffydil Editor, care Daily Lone Star state?” Pretty good, eh? ] Light. Elias Edmonds. 419 King William] Send as many as you wish, all in th* street: The Light, like the sun. dis- sarne envelope, but on different cou penses its brilliance to all: many pa- p ons pent shine with borrowed Light.” Can ~ ' .. , ~, hardly be classed as a daffydil, but . *' et t,,em in as soon as possible, is a fact all the same because with the large number that Then there are scores more which ha '« to bc K” ne "'«• Friday a«M space won't let be published today. B*’"'' may not receive the full The ones given space are not to be cons deration they deserve unless they considered as the prize winners, for ar * ln n entJ time. they were chosen at random. Not un-: Everybody. everywhere, can com til Friday will the winners be chosen, pete, except employes of the Light. be PUb ' ,Bhed in Bun - The prizes are $2 and $l. paid to J p Ji r«■ i cash on Mondays. Rules of the Contest. Cut out the coupon printed below’. 1 This is the coupon: The LIGHT’S DAFFYDIL Coupon ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a**** •••••••■••••••••••••••••••*•• NAME : ADDRESS Expires Friday, July 28. JULY 2.5, 1911. | THE RIG STORE All Men’s and Youths' $25.00 Suits Fancy styles, blues and blacks—reduced to 315,75 3