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EXPOSITION PARK (Mot Wall* Ou Um.) ADMISSION FREE! GREAT SINS STOCK COMPANY Headed by RICHARD MANDELL And Strong Supporting Coat la “RAFFLES” AAmlaaion fiso, 350 and 50c. Ou tala at arts o'clock. Best Show of the Season DANCE NALL. OPEN EVEIIHS RASEBALI V TODAY fc (Texas Dallas VS. S. A. Bronchos Game Called 4548 - o’Clook Tickets on Salo at Morris Block A Co. 319 Alamo Plaza EYE SPECIALIST DB. J. KABVET MOOBE Ail Diseases and Surgery of tbs Eye. Suite 904 Gunter Office Bldg. Phones: Old 8439. New 840. NEW In San Antonio And, like this climate, POSTIVELY THE BEST In the world. A. B. C. LINIMENT Guaranteed by the manufacturers, Kake Medicine Co., to be a sure and quick cure for rheumatism, cuts, sprains, etc., on man or beast. ONLY 25 CENTS. If your druggist hasn't it yet, apply Ito the company at 205 Ave. C, San Antonio. * / Is a mighty good rate of interest fjy to get on your money when you MC-t consider its perfect safety and that /f J you can get it when you need it. X This is the rate paid on our certifi cates of deposit. The EMMET BANK 224 W. Commerce St THOS. L. CONROY, President. E. J. McCORMICK, Cashier. J. FRANK GALLAGHER, Asst. Cashier. The San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. (heerperatad Wltbeut Banking Mvllagu) 215 WEST COMMERCE STREET ACTS AS TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR OR. GUARDIAN WE PAY A YOUR Mn. CmsUus Kaapwaas. nos. B. Palmy. Mrs. B. A StmUng. ChM. A. Bilker WM. L snrr. fiee'y and Tnasma WHO CAN BEAT IT? SAN ANTONIO BREWING ASSN. TUESDAY, Dr. Shropshire has office hours from 11 to 12 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m Of- T. T. Jackson's office, Moore Bldg. Phones 232. Res. phones M. Fined for Abuao- Jose and Alejana Cardenas, residing at 735 Colima street, appeared as complaining wit ne.M. H against R. Rodrigues in the po lice court this morning. Rodriguez wk accused of having abused the complainants and carrying a shotgun. A fine of |l5 was imposed. Garden Stables, hacks, cabs and high-cists livery. Phones 112. Fined for Fighting—John Gould and James McKinney, negroes, en gaged in an altercation yesterday af ternoon on East Commerce street, a knife and several billiard balls being used as weapons. No one was seri ously hurt. Each was fined 310 in the police court today. Bexar County Humane Society— authorized local branch of the Texas State Humane Society, office 311 Mackay building, Mrs. R. I. McCalla, secretary; E. M. Collins, humane of ficer. Old phone 2400 (day), 5377 (night and Sunday). Hit by Automobile—H. E. Kelly, a street car conductor, was struck and knocked down by an automobile on East Houston street, about 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He escaped in jury. J. G. Baldwin, driver ot the machine, appeared In the corporation court on a charge ot reckless driving this morning, but the case was dis missed. It developed the conductor had jumped from his car for the pur pose of running into the traction com pany office to get change, and ran di rectly in front of the automobile. Dixie Social duh shirtwaist hop Wednesday, July 26, at Fest hall, Artzt music. Charge Theft of Watch—Charges were filed before Justice ot the Peace Fisk today against Edward McKinney and Arthur Johnson, charging them with the theft of a watch, $3O in money, one watch chain and a pair of trousers from R. D. Palmer, July 13. The theft is alleged to have occurred In a local camp yard. Humane Officer.—Geo. L. McCau ley, offices 324 Hicks Bldg., old phone 71. Night and Sundays, old phone $726. Railroaders Enjoy Smoker — C Spangler lodge No. 52, Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, gave an enjoy able smoker Monday night in their hall on Austin street. There were some fifty members present and the evening was pleasantly spent in feast ing. This was followed by a talkfest that concluded the event. Drs. Garring and Hatcher. Osteo pathic physicians and surgeons. 201- 208 Gunter Building. Old phone 5828, new phone 840. Gerlach Bros. —117 West Houston St. New spring stock arriving daily. Railroad Men Here—A party of railroad men composed of Jere B. Convery, commercial agent Illinois CentraJ. Houston; L. R. Gardner, trav- DIR. ECTOILS Where to Dine. Crockett Hotel Cafe. Luncheon, 12 to 2,40 c. Evening Pinner, 4:30 to I, 50c. HONORED AT CORONATION Miss May Van Allen, daughter of James J. Van Alen, who was shown many honors during the coronation ceremonies at London, and is now the recipient of many congratulations from her friends at her summer home in Newport. eling freight agent. Queen & Crescent, Dallas, and W. F. Geisert. southwest ern passenger agent, Baltimore. Ohio & Southwestern. Dallas, are in tlje city today, looking for new business for the lines they represent. Negro Is Fined —M. L. Alexander, a negro, was fined $5 in the police court today charged with having rudely ac costed a white woman shortly after 12 o'clock last night on East Commerce street. The arrest was made by Pa trolman Guinn on complaint of the woman. Foley Kidney Pills are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective, healing, tonic and stimulat ing effect upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages. They are anti septic, antlllthlc an a uric acid solvent. King & Pattison Drug Co. ■ | PERSONAL MENTION] J. A. Losson, a jewelry manufac turer of Chicago, is visiting in the Alamo City. He is staying at the Gunter hotel. W. G. Sterrett of Port Lavaca is registered at the Menger. s John W. Cole of Goliad is regis tered at the Crockett Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Chapiik of Brownsville, registered at the Gunter today, have just returned from a fishing trip on Devil’s river. Dr. and Mrs. E. Boston of Tyler are guests at the Savoy. Albert Dee of Dallas is among the recent arrivals at the Gunter. E. C. Burgess, a business man of Kingsville, is at the Bexar today. Capt. B. L. Crouch of Corpus Christi is registered at the Maverick. J. R. T. Basset and S. J. Slade, business men of Amarillo, arrived from the Panhandle country yester day afternoon and registered at the Bexar. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hamilton, reg istered at the Maverick, are touring the country in an automobile. After visiting In this city for a few days they will return to their home in Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Nye of Laredo are staying st the Bexar. E. R. Gardner of Dallas Is regis tered at the Crockett W. B. Harwood of Gonzales is among the guests at the Menger. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Shandler of Houston, registered at the Bexar, are spending several days in this city. M. H. Smith of Fort Worth is stay ing at the Maverick. Eura Barker of Carrizo Springs is a guest at the Crockett. T. B. Jones, a well known cattle man of Del Rio, is at the Gunter. Kidney Diseases Are Curable under certain conditions. The right medicine must be taken before the disease has progressed too-far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman. Dale. Tex., says: "I was down in bed for months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stones. One bottle of Foley’s Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. King & Pattison Drug Co. MUST REMOVE PIANOS > Sheriff’s Office Will Regulate Tse of Electric Players. Electric pianos In the restricted dis trict not owned by the occupants of the houses must be removed or si lenced, it Is declared by the sheriff's department. It is alleged by the of ficers that certain parties make a practice of placing pianos with a nlckle In the slot attachment in houses of this character, charging sev enty-five per cent of the earnings as a rental, it is claimed that the own ers of the instruments make regular trips to the houses for the purpose of collecting their pro rata and tha* the money receptacle is kept locked, the owner retaining the key. Orders have been issued that the practice must be stopped and created a ripple of protest among the dealers until it was explained that tho legiti mate sale of the instruments would not be Interfered w{th. as it was only intended to break up the partnership arrangements. Gates Not Out of Danger. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) PARIS, July 25.—The condition of John W. Gates continued to show im provement today. Nevertheless, Dr. Gros would not say that the American financier was out of danger. Censor for 'loving Pictures. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) FORT WORTH. Tex., July 25.—An ordinance fixing a board of censors for all moving picture films was passed today. In a beefsteak eating contest be tween teams of boys and girls of the I Brooks Bowling clun, of New York, I the girls won thg.. honors. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT [ OBITUARY WEL n o N—Jamee Weldon. 77 years old, dlqd Monday afternoon at the home of his son near Bera's Mill. Ho Is survived by his wife and two sons. Mr. Weldon was a native of Missouri und camo to this county two years ago. The funeral was held from the residence of his son this afternoon at 4 o'clock and interment was made tn Mission burial park. BURNAM—Waddy T. Rurnam. 66 years old, died Sunday night at a lo cal hospital following a long Illness from stomach trouble. He is survived by one son. Mr. Burnam was a well known stockman of Marathon and had been in the city eight days seek ing medical treatment. The body was prepared for burial by the Zliik Un dertaking company and will be taken to Marathon for interment WHITE—The funeral of Mrs. Lee White, who died at the Santa Rosa hospital Monday morning, will be held this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock and following services at St Mary’s church. Interment win be made in cemetery No. 1- her hus band. Mrs. White is survived by four children. S Hou * h ' >1 years old. died Monday night at a local hospital. following a brief Illness, due to exhaustion. Mrs. Hough was a na tive of Texas and came to San An tonio from Melvin. Tex., one month ago for medical treatment. She ia survived by her husband. The body was prepared for burial by the Zlslk Undertaking company and is being held here pending the arrival of her husband from Melvin. Dr. Saunders, Surgeon and PhpgJc lan; office Maverick Bank Building. Rare Bird Is Found. (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) MOUNT PLEASANT, Tex.. July 75. —A rare bird, said to be a loon, was killed here today by Mr. Mays. No one here has ever seen one similar, n measured four feet from tip to tip of Its wings. Cotton Received at Yoakum. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) YOAKUM, Tex., July 25.—Up to date Yoakum has received fifty-two bales of cotton, the price ranges from 13 cents to 14 cents. While the cot ton crop is not as large as it has been in this county it is much larger than the farmers thought for a few months ago. 9 RAILROAD TIME TABLE. $ * • Arrive— Na 4— For the north. I:66pm Na 6—From the north 6:46 am No. I—From the north • :30 pm Na 7—From the north 9:55 am No. 9—Lccel from Palestine. .10:46 pm No. 4—From Mexico 1:60 pm No. 12—Local from Laredo (mixed) «:00 am Depart— No. 6—For the north 8:00 pm No. I—Local for Palestine 7:30 am No. 10—Express Special north.. 3:2oam No. 6—For Mexico 7-So.m No. 11—Local for Laredo (mlx- •d) 9:Oo pm Arrive— M. K. A T. • No. 246—From Houston and New Orleans 0:40 pm ■ No. 241—From Houston and Galveston 6:20 am No. 7—From Dallas and Fort Worth 7:30 am No. 236—From the north 7:45 am No. 9— From the north 7:40 pm Depart— No. 246 —For Houston and New Orleans 10:20 am No. 10—For the north v :05 am No. B—For Dallas. Fort Worth and Waco 8:45 pm No. 236—For the north 9:15 pm No. 242 —For Houston and Gal- veston 10:30 pm S. A. * A. 9. Arrive— No. I—From1 —From Houston and coast 7:00 pm No. B—From Houston and coast 7:16 am No. 6—From coast towns .... 1:16 pm Na 44—From Kerr vine except Sunday 9:85 am No. 42—From Kerrville. Sun day only 8:00 pm No. 146—From Kerrville, except Sunday . 6:40 pm Depart— No. 2 — For Houston and coast 8:30 am No. 4—For Houston and coast 8:30 pm No. 6—For coast towns 2:10 pm No. 43—For Kerrville except Sunday 4:46 pm No. 41—For Kerrville, Bunday only 8:40 am No. 146—For Kerrville, except Sunday 7:25 am 1 Arrive—43., H. A S. A. (Main Une.) No. 9—From the East 7:l6am No. 7—From the East 6:30 pm ! No.l0 —Front El Paso and West 7:30 pm Nos. 303-313—Cuero, Victoria 7:45am No. B—Front8 —Front El l’aso and West 10:15 am Depart— No. 9—For El Taso and West 9:ooam No. 10—For the East 10:00 pm , No. B—For the East 11:15 am 1 No. 7—For El Faso and West 8:30 am Arrive—O„ H. * S. A (Victoria Div.) No. 301—Cuero, Victoria, etc. 8:00 am Depart— No. 302 —Cuero, Victoria, etc. 7:30 am Nos. 314-304—Cuero, Victoria 11:30pm; ®A BUNCH OF GOOD ONES COTTON CARNIVAL RATES, Oalmlon, Tum. July 28th to August 13th inc., limit 15th. $8.65 July 28th and August 4th, limit 10 days. .$8.20 July 28th, limit 30th $3.85 August sth and 12th, limit two days $3.85 SSO.OO—SAN FRANCISCO OR LOS ANGELES—SSO.OO August 7,8, 9, 10, 11, limit October 15th. Old Phone 58. City Ticket Office, 507 E. Houston Street. .wBHHnUBQK'S hil I URI ii WllH—Hlllf $50.00 CALIFORNIA & RETURN $70.00 PORTLAND and RETURN On Sale August 7,8, 9, 10. 11, 14, 15, 16, 17 I VISIT THE GRAND CANYON OF ARIZONA Write us for information regarding your vacation trip. E. H. DALLAS, D. P. A., 101 West Commerce Old 144—PHONES—165 New City Office 401 E. Houston—Phones 425 From ■ a Bl Blj|Vß■ B M I Bl San Antonio To New Y0rk.....462.75 . __ . To Boston $64.45 p Eqjoy an UnuMial Vacation 11 NHI ।Ri (1 111 rn lill Where seashore and city attractions com- bined are at your door. The maximum vacation life for the minimum of costs • The ride over the "Water LeoeP , Route Lines QI to New York or Boston is almost a vacation in qL—IOI itself. You can sleep, too—besides you land in the heart of these cities with the best hotels but a step from the station. W Summer tour tickets on sale June Ist to September 30th, Return limit 60 days. Let Us Plan Your Vacation Tell us in a general way what you require, the number in your party and the amount of money I you want to spend, and we will propose one or two trips for your consideration, with complete information, and send you a. descriptive fender. H. C. CARSON, General Agent. Passenger Dent, llOl Main Street. DALLAS, T*RYAS Sant* Fa (L * G. S. Pwri) Arrive— No. 7—From the north 6:55 am No. 9—From the north 10:46 pm Depart— No. I—For the north 7:30 am Na 6—For ths north 6:00 pm IS. A. &A, P. Ry, I SUMMER RESORTS ■■ Spend your vacation at one of i ■ our coast or mountain resorts. MR With excellent train service they yj are quickly reached, and you will enjoy your stay. I ROUND TRIP RATES 3 TO Corpus Christi 36.00 ' JQ Aransas Pass 6.00 i Rockport 6.40 ' Sag Kerrville 3.80 i ESI Boerne 1.30 Tickets at these rates on sale Sfl dally with limit to return ninety B days. B H. L. WAOHEB, wS C. T. A. Phones 358. Cor. Moncton St. and Ave. C. .OBSERVATION LIBRARY SLEEPERS Electric Lights—Electric Fans Superb Dinina Car 's Oil-burning Engines No Cinders—No Soot HORTEST and QUICKEST ROUTE TO ST. LOUIS I $3.8511 =:== TO ==== | GALVESTON AND RETURN I imw ! / I [ill! I [JULY 28th Leave San Antonio... 10:20 A.. M. 10:30 P. M. Arrive Houston 6*o P. M. 7:00 A. M. । Arrive Galveston .... 8:00 P. M. 8:30 A. M. Tlokafs good for return leaving Galveston not Isler July 30 VISIT THE COTTON CARNIVAL Daylight train (10:20 a. m.) First out first to arrive. “Aismo Spooler 10:30 p. m., lost out, first to got there. WALTER WALTHALL, P. A T. A. To Celebrate Anniversary. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) YOAKUM. Tex.. July 25. —The stores of this town will close their | doors at 12 o'clock noon July 28 on ! account of giving their employes the entire afternoon to help celebrate Yoakum's twenty-fourth anniversary. The greatest crowd ever seen in Yoa- | kuni is expected that day. JULY 25, ion. i &G N , c iso • . . , ''' r * N , . \ —. ■ ___ Kain Was Badly Needed. (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) YOAKUM. Tex.. July 35. —A fine rain fell here today which was a great help to the farmers and stockmen tn general for the grass had completely burned up and water had begun to be a scarcity, a great number of wells having failed and the stream* were practically dry. 7