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LABOR H«r<l for that eon teat It may brine your favorite candidate to the front. May the successful one win. But whi<t < we immediately have in view to talk aoout la some extraordinary bargains' we re offering thia week in exchange for cold cash. We will make good, in many an lea, with little profile, and you 11 profit with email purchases and big savings. During w>y DAY of thia week, you may saeura any of the following: Fine thin blown tumblers, each 4a Heavy hotel goblets, each sc. 15-oz. ice tea goblets, each 9c. 3 atylea of table tumblers, each to. 7-In. dinner plates, semi-porcelain, 1 styles, each sc. ' 75c bowls and pitchers, also slop jars, 50c. Large size decorated bowls, each lie. If you feel the need of a rest, why not take a week off and rough It? Como back feeling Uko a king. Of course, if a lady, you'd feel like a QUEEN For that outing we speak of, do any of these special values appeal to you? , Tryona 3-hook Dowagiao Minnows, 15c. Tryon's l-hook Dowagiao Minnows, 40c. Heddon's t-book Dowagiac Minnows, 45c. Heddon’s 5-hook Dowagiao MlnnoWs, •sc. Trolling baits, each Be. A dozen other baits on wala See window. Gutted hooks, 5 packages (SO hooks), for 25c. 4-quart minnow buckets 40c. •-quart minnow buckets 50a •-quart minnow buckets 56c. Bargains In rods and reels, too. All baseball goods, 1-3 off from reg ular price. All dog collars, 1-1 off from regular price. As explained by accepted authority, a CONTEST Is an earnest struggle for superiority. This is and has been one of our great est aims in business. We apply this maxim by selling merchandise of the highest possible quality at the lowest price it can be sold at. Some examples: Underhill pattern lathing hatchets, X special 80c. Underhill pattern shingling hatchets, special 80c. Set of 4 Stanley iron planes, special 57.90. Al combination pliers, special 25a Stanley levels, 12 to 15-In., special 35c 85c 4-tube revolving punches, special Me. Every article above strictly warrant ed. Dlsston 26-inch D 8 hand saws 51.00 (providing 51.00 worth of other goods (not on sale! are likewise purchased. gCBES* DOOMS AMD WINDOWS. A 15 per cent reduction on entire Stock during the week EMAMELWABS. A splendid 2-coat heavy enamelware. Saucepans, milk pans, bowls, buckets, milk kettles, coffee pots. etc. Nothing in the lot worth less than 35c. Special any piece, Monday only, limit 15c 2 pfCCCS. • • ••• e • •••• • eeeeeaoo •. THE ENTERPRISE 602 Bast Commerce. Old Phone 494. Bow 2631-red. A high-backed leather-embossed oak chair has just been installed by the controller of New York in part 2 of the Brooklyn court for the use of the judge. It was merely a matter of routine, and yet the chair cost 5140. The king of Portugal left much valuable jewelry behind him when he left Lisbon. The minister of public works appraises the value of such ar ticles found in the vaults of the pal aces at seven and a half million dol lars. DR. R. M. HOWE Specialist - Recta.l Diseases Orificial Surgery 31S-3 22 Gunter Bldg. CHLOROLIN ESP For healing and general disinfecting purposes. A success where other preparations have failed. Used In the veterinary hospital at maneuver camp with more than satisfactory results. Does not require heating. Chlorolin is a coal tar, creosote and sulphur dip and Is non-polsonous in solution. Makes hair, wool and feathers glossy and pH able. Non-injurlous to man or beast Endorsed by the Texas State Health Board. Approved by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. , PER GALLON $1.50 FIVE GALLON CAN $6.25 Manufactured In San Antonio by ED. 0. JUNGKIND The San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. (Ihoorpgrotsd Withes! Banking Privileges) 215 WEST COMMERCE STREET ACTS AS TRUSTEE. EXECV TOR OR. GUARDIAN WE PAY A ON YOUR MONEY DIR.ECTOR.S OSO. W. BBACBXHBXDOB. PimMobl Leroy •. Demnaa. Vice PreeideM. Edwin Chamberiats. Vice PrwMaaa M. 8. Breckenridge. Dr. P.rd. Hertf gr. Mn. Caroline KamptaMS. Thea. B. Palfrey. Sa B. A Startling. Okas. A BUkax. VM A Dm, Sm'y and TroamT SUNDAY, QI, FELIX ADLER Originator of the idea of • Univer sal Races congress, the first one of which, in session in London, was at tended by over SOO delegates from all countries, among them some of the foremost men of science. Dr. Adler, who is a professor of social ethics in Columbia university, New York, in recognition of his efforts in causing the congress to become a reality, has been made chairman of the honorary general committee of the congress. The object of the great meeting was to “discuss” in the light of science and the modern conscience the general re lations subsisting between the peoples of tlie west and those of the east, be tween so-called white and so-called colored peoples, with a view to en courage between them a fuller under standing, the most friendly feellugs and a hearty co-operation. Dr. Shropshire has office hours from 11 to 12 a. m. and 4 to 5 p. m. in Dr. T. T. Jackson's office, Moore Bldg. Phones 238. Res. phones 38. Where to Dine. Crockett Hotel Cafe. Luncheon, 12 to 2,40 a Evening Dinner, 6:30 to 8, 50 a Garden Stables, hacks, cabs and high-class livery. Phones >l3. Bexar County Humane Society authorized local branch of the Texas State Humane Society, office 211 Mackay building, Mrs. R. I. McCalla, secretary: E. M. Collins, humane of ficer. Old phone 2409 (day), 5877 (night and Sunday). Humane Officer.— Geo. L. McCau ley, offices 324 Hicks Bldg., old phone 71. Night and Sundays, old phons 4728. Drs. Ogilvie A Scull, physicians and surgeons, 610 Moore bldg. Either phone 238. Drs. Garring and Hatcher, Osteo pathic physicians and surgeons. 201- 208 Gunter Building. Old phone 5828, new phone 840. Dr. C. E. Tlnkham. dentist, suite 422-423, Moore building. Gerlach Bros. —117 West Houston St New spring stock arriving dally. Y. P. Social Club Shirtwaist Dance, Wednesday, August 2, at Fest Hall. Everybody Invited. Gents 50c. ladies free. 1429 South Flores street THE NATIONAL GAME By WILLIAM F. KIRK Copyright, 1911, National News Association. Curses on thee, little man. Bonehead boy with cheeks of tan; With thy spangles full of loam And thy solid ivory dome; With thy brain of leaden weight And thy hippopotamus gait; Murderer of a rooter's joy, Curses on thee, bonehead boyl When the score is very tight And ths outlook isn't bright. Thou are always on the task Twisted like a catcher's mask; Always doing with the ball What should ne’er be done at all; Always pulling some dumb break That would make an angel quake. More a clown than Eddie Foy— on thee, bonohead boyl When thou hast the sign to bunt As a sacrificial stunt Thou must swing with all thy might, Puncturing the approaching light. When the sign is “hit and run" Thou must bunt the piH for fun. Father's pride and mother's joy? Curses on the% bonehead boyl What’s the matter over thera Philadelphia? Why this baseball boom and blara Philadelphia? Tell us, pray, on what new meat You have fed to grow so fleet, Are you crazy with the heat, Philadelphia 7 You were always sort o' peaky. Philadelphia. We remember Covaleski. Philadelphia. When our boys with your boys crappie Somethin* crowds our Adam's apple Like an extra gulp of scrapple. Philadelphia. Have you got us on the run, Philadelphia? What has poor Manhattan done. Philadelphia? You can lose to Cincinnati, But you turn and wallop Matty! Do you want to drive us batty, Philadelphia? They sat on the bench together, watching the regulars play, Gleason, the old-time fielder, and Substitute Micky Shay. Gleason had starred with the Slashers fifteen years in * row, Shay had been king of the Dashers, but that was seasons ago. Gone was their boyhood hustle, gone was their vision keen; Rusty old cogs and useless, thrown from a great machine. There on the bench they giggled, watching the regulars play, Gleason, the oM-time fielder, and Substitute Micky Shay. "Remember the Summer, Micky,” piped Gleason to break the quiet, "When I caught that ball in Chicago and almost started a riot? Bill Lange was the guy that soaked It; he hit it so blooming hard That all of our gang was certain the pill was out of the yard. Then me for the fence, you remember, off with the crack of the bat. Then a lucky snatch and a circus catch! Sure you remember that?” "You’ve got it twisted a little. I was there an 3 seen the play, But you dropped the baM and you lost the game,” said Substitute Micky Shay. “But I'll bet you remember, Gleason,” said Shay to his old-time pal. “How McGinnity tried to fool me with the curve he called Old SaL We were tied that day with the Giahts —don’t you remember, pard?— I caught Old Sal on the cheekbone and I sent her out of the yard. They carried me off on their shoulders—they knew I had won the flag; I hate to tell how they boosted me. I was never no hand to brag.” “Your brain must be getting softer —you fanned four times that day!” Said Gleason, the old-time fielder, to Substitute Micky Shay. Biff! Bang! Zlngo! and Zowie! They rolled around In the clay, Gleason, the old-time fielder, and Substitute Micky Shay. Billy Sunday Is a preacher, an apostle like St. Paul, Now a plugger for perfection, once an athlete playing ball. "Sunday ball,” says Reverend Sunday, "is a most atrocious game,” Though I ween that Reverend Sunday played gome portions of the same. “Keep the seventh day for resting,” Billy Sunday tells his boys; "Please remember that the Sabbath wasn't made for baseball noise. Don’t expect to break the Sabbath with the baseball cheers that shock; Sunday basball Is outrageous,” BIMy Sunday tells hfs flock. / i How about poor Blllp Monday. Shipping clerk for Stein & MoeT If they don't play baH ou Sunday, When can Billy Monday go? How about poor Billy Tuesday. Sewing clothing, stitch by stitch? When, without good Sunday baseball, Can he see our Matty pitch? How about poor Billy Wednesday, Selling ties to men who say "We can make it with a Marquard’s going to pitch today?" How about young Billy Thursday, Wrapping bundles, packing frames? How about young Billy Friday Who must read his baseball games? How can all these honest rooters Wait, from Saturday till Monday? What about them all? I ask you; "I don't know,” said Billy Sunday. (The Cincinnati sporting writers and the Cincinnati fans arc sore at Clark Griffith because he has not given them a winning team. —News Item. The pallid prisoner looked at the Judge, His hands aM chapped and his face a smudge. "In all my time,” the magistrate said, "Gazing at criminals mentally dead. I have never seen one worse than you. Was there anything honest you used to do? Why did you sink to a life of crime, Taking a chance of doing time?’ I’d like to know what you have to say Before I get nasty and send you away.” "I was decent enough," said the shivering dub, "Till I managed the Cincinnati club." Then the pallid prisoner told his tale Of a stab in the dark and a victim’s wail. He told how a writer with jeer and jibe A typical Cincinnati ecrlbe — Had hounded him out of the league at last. Just as his club got to going fast. He told how he laid for the knocking scribe. A writer who led the harrying tribe. And he told Wow he 1 finally caught the hack And plunged his blade through the expert's back. Said the Judge, “I’ll have to discharge you, Bub— I, too, once managed a baseball clubi* BONEHEAD BOY. To Whom It May Concern: PHTDADEEPHIA. PLAYMATE S» BILLY SVNDAY. THE DEFENDANT’S DEFENSE. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT Our Entire Business Attention is Devoted to Traveling Goods A Fentiman Guarantee With all Trunks Over $8 and all Sult Cases Over $5 THE TRUNK FACTORY OPPOSITE THE ALAMO JOHN F. FENTIMAN Alamo Plaza FURTHER SEARCH TO BE MADE FOR AURA Chicago Tests Apparently so Conclu sive Physicians Are to ITobe Deeper. Further experiments are to be made within the next few days by Chicago physicians to demonstrate the pres ence of the human aura, general In terest having been aroused as the re sult of the experiments made under the direction of Dr. Patrick S. O'Don nell. says the Chicago Record-Herald. Of the thirty-five physicians and the six nuns who were present at the demonstrations, none would deny the faint, luminous shadow, plainly visi ble, enveloping the undraped bodies of the four young women models who had been selected as ''subjects’" was other than the "human aura,” re cently discovered by Dr. W. J. Kllner of St. Thomas hospital, London. "At first I was of the opinion that Imperial Remedy Cures Eczema, Tetter Ringworm, Itch Prickly Heat Old Sores and Skin and Scalp Diseases A pure clean liquid. 25 years in use. fl per bottle at drug stores. Prepared by Im perial Med. Co., Houston, Tex. Buy at Kaufman's Spot Cash Sale THE BIGGEST BARGAIN EVENT OF THE the light I saw around the body of the young woman might be the result of auto-suggestion,” said Dr. Joseph DeLee, one of the committee of phy sicians invited to witness the demon strations; "but after the third or fourth model had been shown and the streams of light seemed to flow be tween the finger tips extended toward the young model and her figure, there could scarcely be a doubt that there was a visible force present. However, I am anxious to make a further study of the subject before I draw final con clusions." Dr. L. W. Bremmerman. another i member of the committee, said he had ; not the slightest doubt that Dr. O'Don nell had fully demonstrated the claims of the English scientist. Drs. Isaac Abt, Walter Barnes, Mark Jamopolis, Richard Tivnen, A. W. Schram and Alfred Slaughter also de clared themselves convinced of the presence of the human aura. The aura Is made visible to the nor mal eye by means of a dicyanln glass screen. A number of these screens were recently obtained from abroad by Dr. O'Donnell. If the room is dark ened and one has first glanced through the screen the aura may be discerned emanating from the body of a human being like a halo or a faint phosphorescent glow. Close to the body the halo Is bright. It diminishes in intensity as the distance from the body of the observer increases, according to the report of the physicians who wit qessed the phenomena. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between the “genuine" and the "imitation” —in the taste and flavor of DUERLER BREW and there is no doubt about the healthfulness of "Duerler’s." Tho imitation and the Imitated costs you the same price. Seo that you get the “imitated” —the “ Duerler ” name or trademark on the label or crown of every bottle of genuine "Duerler Brew.” When you ask for Duerler Brew see that you get it—or go where you will be served with what you want. G. A. DUERLER MFG, CO. Distributers of tho Celebrated Carlsbad Mineral Water. JULY 80, ion, This is one of the reasons why we can give you the very best obtainable, and why when you buy goods at this store you are assured of getting the highest quality at the lowest prices. BOX OF BLOND HAIR PROVES UP SCRAP Alton Woman Exhibits Tresses Hl O|x>n Court and Opponent Is Fined. A pound candy box, filled with blond hair, which Mrs. George J. Mil ler, wife of a broom manufacturer at Alton, carried into court, says the St. Louis Times, constituted the most startling exhibit at the trial of Mrs. Leonard Van Duran, a neighbor, on a peace disturbance charge. Friday. Magistrate Harry Lessner fined Mrs. Van Duran 15 and costs for her pugilistic encounter with Mrs, Miller. Mrs. Van Duran weighs 130 pounds while her opponent Ups the scales at 90 pounds. The trial occupied all morning, and was lively throughout. At one point Mrs. Miller fainted, re quiring a court recess until she re vived. Neighbors testified the two 1 women engaged in a fist fight Thurs day afternoon, and bit, scratched and pulled each other's hair for several minutes before parted. Mrs. Van Dur an's face was scarred, and Mrs. Mil ler presented the hair, which she said sho had gathered up after the fray. Mrs. Miller has blond hair, while Mrs. Van Duran Is a brunette, and has dark hair. 11