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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY, ——T -7 Many Other /■ J ' The Greatest Big Offerings Jf Sale San Not Listed W& W Antonio Has Here ’ — (EVERYTH IN G GOES)wm Ever Seen Second Week of the Big Sale With Entirely New Arrangement of Special Lots and Additional New Purchases Brings Greater Attractions Than Ever —Come Early Monday BEST BARGAIN NEWS BRIEFLY I TOLD I Dressing Sacques at 19c Thin lawn dressing sacquea 60c and 75c values, Monday at 19c. Linon Wash Skirts at 59c New tub skirts, gored models, but* ton trimmed, $2.50 values at 59c. Dressing Saques at 69c White and fancy lawn sacques, reg ular $1.50 values tomorrow at 60c. Combination Suits at 98c $2 combination suits—one of the best values Monday at 98c. Nightgowns Monday 59 c Fine muslin night gowns, trimmed with lace, great 51 values at 59c. Princess Slips at 98c $2 white and colored princess slips In the salo Monday at 98c. Long Kimonos at 98c $2 long crepe and lawn kimonos, belted and semi-fitted, at 98c. Cloth Coats at a Sacrifice Monday Full length modes, made of flnest materials, beauty of Une in tailor ing and perfection in small details characterize these coats. 825 Fancy Cheviot Coats at $11.95 $22.50 Brown Serge Conte at $10.95 $20.00 Blue Cheviot Coats nt $lO.OO $l5 00 Broadcloth Coats at $ 7.98 Wool Skirts, Just Received, in the Big Sale $5.50 & $3.95 Altman voile skirts in advance fall models. SS.SO values featured for tomorrow in this big sale at $5.50. Black Panama skirts in strictly new fall styles, beauti fully tailored. $7.50 values, in this sale at $3.95. Foulard and Wash Silk Dresses Now at $7.89 Foulard and wash silks, in attractive striped and bordered pat terns; all effectively trimmed in the smartest effects. A special feature of these dresses is their excellent tit and workmanship. This is a new offering in the Todo Se Va and sure to rj QQ win instant favor * »Ov SILK HAT HARRY’S DIVORCE SUIT Summer Dresses: Amazing Offerings No sale of dresses like this before —tomorrow hundreds and hun dreds of the finest of dresses are offered in this big sale at prices that are indeed startlingly low. Newest New York purchases and newest New York and Parisian styles— not a favorite model, trimming or color lacking and every size. The schedule of prices below is in condensed form—only the materials, former prices and sale prices are given—you must come to the store to thoroughly appreciate this offering of fine dresses in the big sale. We have a surprise for every woman—a surprise which will linger long in memory as the greatest this city has known. Also other dress bargains—all at half wholesale cost or less. $l5O Frsnch SUk Gowns $lOO Xm. Marquisette Gowns $135 Broadcloth Costumes $135 Foulard Gowns $7.50 Swiss Dresses $7.50 Choice Lawn Dresses $7.50 Batiste Drosses $7.50 Gingham Dresses Tailor-Made Suits —Remnant Lot of $25, $27.50, $3O & s3s Values in One Great Lot at $lO Women who wish to save a great deal will find this an exceptional opportunity to purchase a fall suit. In these odds and ends and remnant lots of tailored suits we offer the finest fabrics and best made, stylish tailored suits we have ever shown at a price which would not half pay for the material. $ lO 200 New Skirts, $5.00 & $6.00 Values, Monday $2.50 & $2.89 New white and imported Rep skirts, front buttoned, new pocket effects. $5 values Monday at $2.50. White Rep skirts, new two-piece effects, button trimmed. Regular $6 skirts on sale Monday at $2.89. if HE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT $6O Banded Marquisettes $5O Fancy Marquisettes $5O Emb. Marquisette Dresses $5O Taffeta SUk Gowns I m P Gowns—French models in broadcloths, foulards, satins an( j c hiff ons> T] ie women who knew dress values from the noted makers will be thoroughly interested in this special. There are just a few of these dresses in the fine sloo,sl 25and $l5O models—tomorrow you may have your choice of them at $25. A T Wool Dresses made of fine broadcloth, serges, etc. —all odds and AjUL en j s an j sea Son’s accumulations of our $2O, $25 and $3O models, excellently made and in good style—tomorrow your choice from this assortment at only $5. These are in stylish stripes, mixtures, novelty effects and rough, mannish materials. Regular values were $25, $27.50, $3O and $35-~tomorrow you may take your choice of the entire lot at the special sale price of $lO. Emil Blum Company Specialists in Women's Ready-to-Wear 51 7 E. HOUSTON ST. . rhi} L Wjo/eso/e 1 $35 Bmb. MuU Dresses $35 Lingerie Gowns $35 Eyelet Embroidery Gowna $35 Mat Embroidery Gowna A Daffydil Member Halts the Trial Be among the early ones to take advantage of the first choosing tomorrow: This is a dress event to stir up enthusiasm —dresses at such prices never known before. such $35 Lingerie Dresses. $35 Embroidered MuU Dresses $35 Marquisette Dreeeee $35 Fancy SUk Draaaaa Smart Linen Suits—Choice of the House in This Sale, $4.95 This grand feature for Monday includes every linen suit in our house —smart suits of Austria, French, Raima and Irish linens in natural, helio, pink, blue, tan, oyster, whito and all colors —all sizes—sls, $2O, $26 and $3O suits $1.95. $13.50 Blk. Lingerie Dresses $3O Linen Dreeeee $35 Silk Dreeeee $l5 Marquisette Dreeeee $ lO $8.50 MuU Dreeeea $8.50 Choice Lawn Dreeeee $8.50 Gingham Dreeeee $lO Feter Thompsons $5.00 Gingham Dreaaea $6 Choice Lawn Dreaaea $5 Percale Dreeeee $7 Mull Dreeeea $1.95 All of Our Fine Furs Will Go in the Big Sale at Half-price Every fur has been Included in this sale and at half price. $ 1.50 Furs 75c $ 4.00 Furs $ 2.00 $ 7.50 Furs $ 3.75 $lO.OO Furs $ 5.00 $15.00 Furs $ 7.50 $20.00 Furs $lO.OO $30.00 Furs $15.00 $lO.OO Furs $20.00 $50.00 Furs $25.00 Imported Messaline Princess Slips Are $4.50 Special lot of line Imported messaline princess slips secured for Monday—beautifully tailored and perfect tltting garments. A goodly number in white, so much demanded this season; others in pink, blue, canary and other popular colors. $7.50 Cfl is the usual price for slips of this quality. Monday.. “ By Tad Copyright. 1811, National Nona Aaaodatiam JULY 30, 101 T. BEST BARGAIN NEWS BRIEFLY 1 TOLD I Messdime Pettie'ts $1.89 $4.50 petticoats made of Imported messaline, In this sael at sl,Bs. Lingerie "Waists 83c Handsome $1.25 and $1.50 lin gerie waists in this sale at 89c. Lingerie Waists 39c 75c. 85c and $1 lingerie waists, new styles, tomorrow at only 39c. Long Kimonos $1.45 Beautiful $2.50 long serpentine crepe kimonos, Monday at $1.45. Linen & Rep Coats $3.89 $7.50 and $8.50 new auto or dust coats, special Monday at $3.89. Lingerie Waists $1.95 Choice of 300 $5 and $7.50 exquisite waists Monday at $1.95. Reversible Coats $13.99 $22.50 new reverstole coats, not of fered before, Monday at $13.89. Sample Street & Evening Wraps The most beautiful and exquisite wraps ever shown in San Antonio secured at a great price concession and offered in this sale at sensa tional prices. $2O Beautiful Silk Wraps at $9.95 $3O Exquisite Satin Wraps at $13.39 $45 Handsome Ev’ng. Wraps $16.89 15