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re AR I 5 FASHIONS L 9 jfJMILK and Satin Sammer Evening Wraps Striped Voile de Sole Wrap Mason DreceD Photo Copyright. 1911, by ReutHngti ®tclu»lr« Copyright, IBU. N*w York U*r»ld Comp«v TO be well provided with wraps of all kind* and descriptions is es sential In these days when motors play such an important part in life. Goin; to and from any entertainment given in city or country necessitates an all enveloping wrap, for a motor is the customary form of Blu* Linen Gowa. conveyance in city or country, and it stands to reason that the dainty gown must be thoroughly protected. And the newest fashions in all wraps are evidently designed with this purpose in view, for they are ex tremely practical while at the same time they are becoming and often smart. Tin fortunately It cannot be truthfully said they are always smart, for it requires care that the wraps shall have good lines and be built with some regard to the figure of the wearer. One of the greatest mistunes that is made in regard to loose garments la the idea that because they are loose BY MRS. A. T. ASHMORE. I they will look well on anybody regardless of lire or shape. Even a slender, grace ful figure will look bad in a too ahapt less garment, while a stout figure is teen at its worst in a wrap that is badly cut and • with bad lines and that has been chosen simply because of its large size. Fashions More Practical. The fashions of this season are more practical than is supposed, for It is pos sible to make one garment do duty for two or three different purposes. A smart wrap that is not too smart for a motor wrap to be worn when going to an after noon entertainment cun also be utilized for an evening coat, and although this con- I cession of fashion is not to be imposed I upon and made too general, it saves many । pennies for the woman who has to count । _ , , , ’ every one that she spends on her dress. 1 The silk cloaks and wraps are very charm jlng, with a certain old time picturcsque- ® Rose Pink Tussor Wrap Mahon Dircull ® I‘bnto Copyright, 1911, j/ M by Reutlingrr I Exclusive Copyright, 1911, AAXi -A hew Y or k Herald Compiay ness that is indescribable. Changeable taffeta silks of exquisite coloring, light or dark, are in great demand for these gar ments which are designed on most original I lines. Puffings, shirrings, tucks, fine pleated ruffles of the same silk as the cloak J trimmed sometimes with narrow black' velvet ribbon, recall the mantles and cloaks of many years ago. These were then the fashionable trimmings, but in THE RAN ANTONIO UGH? Blue Liberty Satin Cloak with White Lace Maison Drccull Photo Copyright, 1911, by ReutHnger BselaUva .Copyright, 19U. New York Herald Company olden days there was not the same dis tinction and smart appearance, even the most devoted to old days must admit, for without exception the smart wraps now so popular really are smart. Smart Is a small word that conveys so much meaning to all lovers of dress that it has been universally adopted to describe any article of clothing that has marked in dividuality, is up to date, noticeable but not conspicuous, and also becoming to the . Brown Cloth Cloak with Heavy Silk Embroidery Mahon Drdcvll Photo Copyright, 1911, by Rentllnger Copyright, 1911, Now York Herald Company wearer, and the word implies a clear title to instant success. Light colored wraps arc extremely fash ionable this season in the changeable effects already alluded to, and also in plain colors. White in its many different shades and grades—-gray, yellow and pale straw color—are most popular; blue, mauve and green, the latter in apple green or Nile green, are equally attract ive. These wraps are not lined heavily; Taffeta. Silk Cloak Trimmed withJHarrow Blade VelVtt > Malsua DrAoli >' Photo Copyright, 1911, by Rentllnger Exclusive Copyright, 1911. Nev York Herald Conpaa* a thin silk or satin separate lining is tacked in if extra warmth is required. But it is protection from dust rather than from cold that is demanded; furthermore, the silk itself is heavy enough to give some warmth. The loose coat and the wide cloak are both in fashion. The former is generally conceded to be the more practical, but the latter, if cut wide enough, can be made so that one aide can be crowed over, giving warmth, and at the same time it is so easy to slip off a wrap of this description that for the evening, at the theatre, for instance, it is much the more comfortable. The Easterp draped garments are copied now with approval. The Arabian ; burnous has proved a most practical ’model for the soft satin cloaks and wraps of all kinds, while there is an infinite variety of style in the draping. A most popular model of this order is made of black satin lined with a deep rose color crOpe de Chine and so fashioned that It can be worn with either black or rose color on the outside. Thore are long kimono sleeves that are In reality part of the drapery, and the points are so cut that one can be crossed over the other, ■with the end thrown over the shoulder. Both points are finished with gold tassels and _tbere are also tassels on the points of the sleeves. To the unobservant this wrap would appear to be quite shapeless snd impossible for any one to wear, but Pink and White Marqutsotte snd Lawn Waist. a closer inspection will show that it is carefully cut and fitted over the shoulders 9- and that the fulness below hangs in graceful and becoming lines. i Satin Evening Wraps. 1 Satin coats and cloaks and the* sat* finished cloths are all excellent for eve 9 ing wraps, and the colors are to varie* it is almost a crime for a woman to selecl a shade that is not becoming. For aW practical purposes black or white 11 selected, but deep cerise. Nattier blue’ I Empire green and a buff yellow are all] 1 practical and look somehow lighter andl 1 brighter nnd more in keejflng with this ; season of the year. The great charm of I the new models is the graceful folds and । drapings, of which there cannot be too 1 much said. If the style selected is the severe eoat it is made becoming and smart with its collar of white plain satin and riu Flowered Pongee Gown. its perfection of cut, while the more elab orate style can have the puffings and shir rings. tiny ruffles and pleats. And each will be fashionable. Incidentally it may be remarked that the department stores this season have had and still have an assortment of wraps at most moderate price that are extremely smart and ef fective. so that it is as well to look care fully before attempting home dressmaking ।/or the evening cloak of this season. This summer all thin transparent fabrics are unusually fashionable nd there are many styles of evening wraps made of them. Extremely effective and extremely expensive also are the beaded embroidered and luce conts and cloaks, and the lining may be chiffon, thin silk or satin. Plain chiffon coats finished with sev eral bands or one wide bnnd of velvet or satin are made up in black, white or colors nnd are practical and smart; the material in plaits docs not make the wearer look large, ns might be thought, for the model gives long lines. Voile de sole, marquisette and all over lace and net of nil kinds enn be used for this model, while it enn be d-born ted by the \ addition of wide bands of 6cru or cream lace around the bottom of the coat, in a panel at the bnck and down the front. , Another rendering of the fashion has a yoke nnd straight pieces down ths 1 front of tho lace and the rest of ths i coat is plain. .