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8 s U X < I FORECASTING WEATHER CONDITIONS If You And the Weather Bureau Reports Unsatisfactory Try This. Few people are 'their own weather ( prophets. While the art of forecast ing tomorrow's weather has never been a very general one. there was a time when grandfather and grand mother could tell four times out of five whether within twenty-four hours it would rain or shine. This Is a performance which not even the modern weather man. with all his telegraphic Mnes, his many instru ments. records, and the like, can ap proach. Weather Made In Washington. When next you wonder why the local weather prophet does not come nearer than he does, bear in mind that -he does not make the forecast. Though known as a forecasier. he forecasts nothing else than the find ings of the central bureau at Wash ington. Though any local weather 215 HICKS BUILDING .Y ,rou y ll ’ at above address you will see the BEST EQUIPPED office Bpe^ al diseases of men and women. Not only do I have the b 1 El,ctrlral appliance, etc., but I furnish mv patients with medicine from my o- n laboratory. wun . glTen YE ARS of my life to the study and treatment of chronic diseases and I have no hesitancy In saying. If I accent a case for t . r .?2r^h a ,u er^ l o and sa L e cure will resu,t - ’ treat all chronic and private dis eaaea with the distinct understanding that if after I give vou a personal ex amination and tell you I can cure you. vou are not obliged to pay unless a cure is effected. Come to me and I will give you a careful examination in cluding an X-Ray. if necessary, FREE OF CHARGE. I TREAT AND CORE RHEUMATISM, CA TARRH, EPILEPSY, VARICOCELE, PILES, HYDROCELE, CON TAGIOUS BLOOD POISON. FISSURE, FISTULA, KIDNEY, BLADDER AND PRO STATIC DISEASES. Remember, if you come to mo suffering from any of these dis eases, you will receive my personal attention and a cure is effected in the shortest possible time My latest and best book on the Diseases of Men Is absolnteiv w— mu. book describes fully the diseases peculiar to mon and tells vou hotTo obTaln a safe and permanent cure. It not only contains this valuable information but is copyrighted by the Government and contains more DI Homas? Certif?’ cates and endorsements than any other book of its kind Remember it . i cost you nothing. Send for it today. Book Free upon application if vo mention this paper. “ • uu DR. J. H. TERRILL (16 Hicks Building. Kan Antonio, Texas. SUNDAY, FFTTTTTTTTTTnTTI IS SI ■X Services ,we are prepared «| I® to render: ®| IS Mortgages paid off. S| IM Partnerships guaranteed.' I® Widows provided for. gJ |X Orphans educated. , Id) " Funds provided for en- UM |st gaging in business. - p*| I© Banks guaranteed pay- UM I ment of notes. Corporation bonds se- Ml P cured. ©I |X Old age pensions. forecaster In the United States may have notions of his own more valu- 1 able than the "scientific con-| clusionst!)” of the Washington cen-: tral bureau and Its weather sharps. I he is not permitted to use them. | Little things like that are against the ’ etiquette of alb well-regulated govern ment Institutions. All weather "dope'' ■ appears under or over the name of the chief of the bureau. The man who wants to forecast his own weather cannot be bothered with ; Isotherms and isobars, barometric pressures, and other highly scientific thingumbobs. He has neither the means to ascertain them or to apply them. The direction of the wind Is I his great stock-in-trade. Southwest Texas Weather. Here Is ho wthe weather makes It self in these parts of Southwest Texas. DR. 3. T. TERRILL CONSULTATION and X-RAY EXAM INATION FREE. Office hours, 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6:30 p. m. FREE! FREE! NO COMPANY ANYWHERE CAN PROVIDE SERVICE OP THIS CHARACTER ANY BETTER OR ANY CHEAPER THAN ▼ARICOCELR. Which causes nervous debility, weakness of the nervous system. I treat this disease by Improved and painless methods which In no wise Interfere with your occupation and duties. Personal office treat ment required for thia disease. BLOOD POISON. If you are suffering with this dreaded dis ease. Jpome to me and let me cure you quickly and permanently. My remedy Is quick, sure and safe. It removes all symptoms such as pim ples, copper-c 010 r e d spots, sores, ulcers, bone pains, sore throat, etc. FREE! The Equitable Life Insurance Co. of San Antonio, Texas DR. FREDERICK J. COMBE. President Bedell Building Principle number one la that all | clouds —all moisture In the air—in the San Antonio territory, have their । origin In the Gulw of Mexico. Father । Sol, beating down on the waters of । the Gulf of Mexico, causes a very 1 ; smaM percentage of them to rise in ’ vapor.. Clouds are formed by this vapor as |lt reaches the colder air strata. In ' the language of the atmo«herlc me , I chanlcs, the humidity condenses Into i fog or steam. The first stage of this i may be noticed on any ice wagon In • tNe street. What has very often look ed to you like steam issuing from the ’ tee perambulator Is nothing but a ;' cloud in miniature —steam if you I want to call it that. How Vapor Is Condensed. i Another little lesson in air mechan , tes becomes necessary here. Very often you have noticed that the jug । containing ice water, though dry when you filled It, became In very short . time covered with beads resembling I perspiration. You knew that the wall of the Jug was net porous, and arriv- |ed at the conclusion that moisture i from the outside had condensed | against It. Had you turned steam, or a miniature cloud, against the recep tacle you could have seen the water run down the sides in regular streams. Lesson number three. Lesson number four Is this. Once In a while you empty a large bowl or bucket of water, do you not? Watch the phenomen that occurs. Though the water leaves the bowl or bucket in a solid sheet, y<ru will find that be fore It has fallen a foot or so, It Is divided Into globules of uneven size. As they fall you notice that they keep on splitting Into smaller globules, un til finally they land about the size of large rain drops. Somewhat superfluous at first) glance, these simple prlncip’es of at mospheric mechanics have to be fully | understood before you can be your own weather prophet and make a good job of It. Norther and Gnlf BrcrrA Here is how the southwestern part of Texas gets Its rain. As long as the wind blows from the south or south east there Is little hope for rain. Having a rather high velocity the gulf breeze carries the vapors towards the northwest and north, and none of them precipitate locally. As they travel northward the vapors con dense Into clouds and gradually fall to earth as they approach the higher and cooler altitudes of the Western Rocky Mountain slope. On this In cline the clouds arc forced upyard, owing to greater density of the lower air strata. In doing this they strike colder air currents coming from the north. What you noticed on the wall of the jug then takes place. The I clouds condense Into sheets Qt water. ' These, falling, divide just like the j water you poured out of the bowl, or . bucket. As the large globules rush through the air they subdivide Into raindrops more or less small, depend- 1 ing upon the distance they fall and the density of the air cushions they pneetrate. Ruins When the Norther Blows. Let a norther blow and then notice what happens. It rains In Southwest Texas. The colder winds from the north came down far enough to con dense the vapors before they have been carried away, and the phenom ena of the lec wagon, jug. and the water poured from the bowl, occur locally. These are the main features of THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT weather prophecy by the layman. Once In a while rain comes from the south, as the saying goes. Precipita tions of that kind are usually incident to thunderstorms. Most of them are caused by little atmospheric disturb ances caused locally, though related to others taking place elsewhere. Rains falling early In the morning or forenoo nln San Antonio and vicinity are often due to this. In the north may have formed a veritable wall of dense air, or currents may have changed their direction. Up against these pile the vapors whlth the gulw breeze Is carrying. Usually the sheets of "steam” are deflected upwards, reach colder atmospheres and tumble to earth In the form of rain. A Few Weather “Signs.” Here are a few of the general weather signs that may be followed: Hight southeast breeze with streak ed sky—no rain within 48 hours. Slow southeast breeze with streak ed sky—chance for rain very poor. Slow southeast breeze with clouds —no rain without Interference of electrical, storm. Hight southeast breeze with clouds —no rain within 36 hours. Hight southeast breeze with heavy clouds —no rain within 24 hours. Light norther, following slow south east breeze—rain Inside of 24 hours. Strong norther, following slow southeast breeze—rain within 3 hours. Slow norther after slow southeast breeze—very cloudy and drizzling rain of some duration. Slow norther after high southeast breeze—cloudy and Mttle rain. The approach of northers Is usually Indicated by heavy cloudbanks In the north or northwest. Wifids due cast and west produce rain only in the winter. To become proficient In making your own forecasts, study the factors involved. A course at a correspond ence school will be quite useless. SLEPT IN BATHTUB Ixiebl Was Under Water, Cool But Al- Edward Loebl, 4 5 and very fat, an nounced last night at his home. No. 313 East Fifty-fifth street, that never again would he sleep In a bath tub with the shower turned on, says the New York world. "My mother saved me from drown ing,” said Loebl. "If there's a fat man who can sleep In this weather then that fat man dopes. I don't dope and decided the only place for u good sleep was tn the bath tub. I bought three rubber cushions for h head rest and then turned on the shower. The pad under my feet got disarranged and stopped up the waste pipe. Then the bath tub began to fill. "I was fast asleep and enjoying my self Immensely. I didn't know when the water came over my head, and never would have know it if my moth er hadn't come in to see how I was getting along. Then they had to pump me out. I swallowed about a barrel of water, and I'm not fond of so much water, even In this weath er." There are ninety-three postoffices In the five principal Islands of Hawaii. These Islands all have telephone sys tems, with rates about the same as 1R the United States proper most Dead. “nßEfluris KEEPING THE FIREMEN BUSY Fires of Incendiary Origin In Past Two Weeks Cause Loss of $11|395i JULY ALARMS TOTAL 63 Work of Incendiary Recalls Similar Activity in San An tonio Years Ago, Not less than twelve buildings have been set on Are during the past two weeks as a result of the operations of a “fire bug,” according to the polios and Fire Chief Bishop. While other tires during that time may have been of incendiary origin, the authorities are confident this number of fires have been the work of a crank. The damage by flames started by the “bug” has reached an estimated loss of 111,395. The total valuation of dwellings exposed to destruction by reason of such fires is estimated at 328,200. Many Alarms Turned In. During the past two weeks, with but two exceptions, the fire depart ment has been called out every twens ty-four hours. With but few excep tions the fires have broke out be tween 8 and 5 o’clock in the morning. The greatest number of alarms have called the department to the Seventh ward, the operations of the “fire bug" seemingly being confined to Cherry and Walnut streets with Intersecting thoroughfares lying between Nolan and lowa streets. While some four or five vacant dwellings were destroyed during the previous week, no suspicion was aroused in the minds of the fire and police authorities until the fire which damaged the vacant dwelling on South Walnut street, owned by Mrs. Mary Field. At this fire, tthe firemen after checking the flames, discovered a pile of kindling heaped In one corner of the house. The dwelling, valued at $2OOO, was damaged approximately $4OO. Firemen Do Good Work. The following morning at 5 o’clock, at almost the same time the Field house Are broke out. the two-story va cant building owned by Mrs. E. Bur gers at 610 South Cherry street, less than a block away, was discovered on Are. This building was valued at $l5OO. The Are was checked before the house was destroyed. Fire, unquestionably of incendiary origin, in the opinion of Chief Bishop, broke out In a vacant dwelling owned by Mrs. M. A. Sherwood, at 332 Milam street, on the morning of July 22. This structure, valued at $lOOO, was saved by the prompt work of the Aremen, evidence of incendiarism being found after the Are had been extinguished. The damage to a vacant dwelling at 207 Sherman street, owned by Thomas McGee, on the morning of July 21, amounted to $3500. This building was va'lued at $5OOO. During the absence of R. L. Rogers and family, their home and all con tents on Givens avenue, was complete ly destroyed, Involving a loss of abou/ $l5OO. Two nights later two attempts were made to burn a vacant building at 214 Eda street, owned by William Stulte. This structure, valued at $2OOO, was but slightly damaged. Had Narrow Escape. Early on the morning of July 26. John A. Gerhart awoke to find his home In Witte Terrace on fire. The family escaped with but little cloth ing and all contents of the house were destroyed. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhart were compelled to slide down a rope made of bed sheets in or der to escape from the second story. The origin of this fire was never defi nitely ascertained. The following morning the $5OOO home of L. T. Boettler, 118 North Cherry street, was discovered on fire. Unmistakable evidence of incendl arlsm was found, the fire being quickiv checked by the firemen. This fire had been started from the outside and had KAUFMAN’S SPOT CASH SALE $ _ Began Saturday, Come Tomorrow and Save Money. ’ reached the Interior when the firemen came. Mr. and Mrs. Boettler had been absent from the city for a week or ten days when the firs broke out. During the entire two weeks ths de partment was kept busy responding regularly to vacant house Ares during the early morning hours, the Ares, with few exceptions, being located in the same vicinity. At an early hour yesterday morning ths warehouses of R. Maurer on East Commerce street was found on Are. The Asmes were quickly extinguished and before the damage reached more than $75. Tes terday afternoon a vacant building on Ford street, owned by J. A. Bitter, valued at $3500, was damaged to the extent of about $BOO. Cannot Find "Bug.” The Identity of the “Are bug” con tinues to remain a mystery. The com bined efforts of the Are marshal. Fire Chief Bishop and the city detectives have been unavailing. Clews, one after another, have been run down in an effort to apprehend the person re sponsible for the destruction of dwell ings by flames, but without avail. Every little bit of information that may serve to throw some light on the Identity of the individual has been carefully and energetically run down. The recent numerous fires, bearing every indication of being the work of a Are bug, recalls a similar series of Ares which damaged and destroyed many dwellings In San Antonio some nineteen years ago. The work of in cendiarism at that time, however, was conducted on a much larger scale than is now being recorded, as many as seven Ares in one night being caused, presumably, by a lone Are bug. During the present month sixty three alarms of Are have been re sponded to by the department ,the greatest number in one month since the incendiary fires of 1892. VACANT HOUSE IS FIRED Flames Damage Dwelling on Govern ment HUI to Extent of (800. Fire damaged a vacant dwelling, owned by J. A. Bitter, at 517 Ford street, on Government Hill, Saturday afternoon to the extent of approxi mately $BOO. The origin of the blaze Is a mystery and every indication is that the Are was the result of the work of an Incendiary. This Is the twelfth building damaged or destroyed by Aames, attributed as the work of a Are bug by Fire Chief Bishop. The dwelling, a one-story frame structure, valued at $3500, had not been occupied for some time. Neigh bors about 5:45 o’clock yesterday aft ernoon discovered flames bursting from the rear of the house and at once sent in an alarm. The building Is par tially insured. The rear portion and roof of the building were damaged. An Investi gation leads to the belief that a Are had been started In a pantry near the kitchen. No one was seen about the building during the afternoon. The roof of the Wagner Bros. Plan ing min, corner North San Marcos and Leal streets, was found on Are about 3:45 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The Are Is believed to have originated from sparks from the smokestack. The Are department has responded to a num ber of alarms sent in because of a Are at the plant. Chief Bishop says the structure consists of a large frame shed with shingle roof. The damage will not exceed $5. UNIVERSITY OF DALLAS OAK LAWK, SAWAS, TEXAS. CHARTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO CONFER UNIVERSITY DEGREES. School, of Arts School of Sciences School/ of Engineering School of Accounting ITS KAUS OFBX TO TOVXQ KBK OF AU DEXOMOrATIOKS. For Information, address BBV. FATBICX A. FUtSST, C. M., Th. D M FrOCUeat. "ir THE P. J. TWO YARDSi Ssoth Flores Street Csmsr Amnsl Pheaes 1127 Mitchell Street. Cot. Keeeevelt Ave. Phoaes 3252 ffULY 80, 191 T. WHITE DOVE Soothing M |Y Sure A\ Quick Cure Guaranteed by the LAKE MEDICINE CO. To positively euro private diseaaoA If your druggist hasn’t it, apply to the company, 205 Ave. C, San An tonio. WAITER MAKES HIS FORTUNE FROM UPS Knew the Art Thoronghly and Is Now Ready to Go Home With Juan Muller, maltre d'hote! at the Hotel La Salle, Is the most to ba en vied .head waiter tn Chicago, says the Chicago Tribune. Juan is preparing to return to Swit zerland, his native land, for the first time since he came to thia country In 1896, with $50,000 in real money saved from "tips.” Juan's ability for obtain ing tips—not the ordinary kind of tips, which are virtually forced out of guests made indignant by the constant hovering of the waiter over their shoulders, but the real profit-produc ing tips which coma from faithful service and diligent "just-the-right distance-away” attention — is pro nounced abnormal. The last mentioned species of tips is the kind Juan always went after. He has made a study of the art. It Is his profession, and his progress 1n the chosen line speaks for Itself. For ty-six thousand dollars saved from tip earnings in Chicago hotels and $4OOO saved In the same profession at the Waldorf-Astoria, in New York, is the extraordinary record of this pheno menal waiter. But Juan played a shrewd game and played It well. When patrons arose from the table It was not his plan of attack to make a record-breaking dash to pick up the water glass or peek under the ruffled napkin in search of a hidden pittance. This waiter never ceased hts attentions upon the patrons the instant they ex hibited signs of departure. His tac tics were to see that their street ap parel was delivered with alacrity At just the psychological moment, and that they did not flounder themselves over misplaced chairs on their way out OWENS LUMBER 00. Solicit a of Your LUMBER. BUSINESS “QUALITY” THE BEST PRICES ALWAYS RIGHT We Abo Cany ■ Fall Lise at BsilAero* Hardware (50,000.