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12 BURNS DRUGGIST 30 minutes. and your package la In your hands. If you don’t live further than two miles. THY THIS ONCE. — • i SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Atlantic Steamship Lines. “Morgan Line” Three Sailings Weekly Between NEWYORKANDGALVESTON Unexcelled service, unequaled time. Unsurpassed facilities for handling all classes of freight to and from New York and points In Atlantic Sea boo-d Territory. R. 8. STFBFS, General Freight Agent. 36® Broadway, New York. A. R. ATKINSON. Div. Frt Agt. G„ H. & S. A. Ry. i San Antonio, Tex. nnilinilin two CRUISES Duration days •CLEVELAND’’ COST The first to _ _ _ — • GROUND nnuuiiu 1911 The gec . AKD vp ond to leave . San Francisco. Including tmf Eeb - *• I*l2. ALL iT ~all E Y* n ; wacassary Trips in Oct. 1912 and Feb.. Expanse* Ilin HI n U'l3. b >’ large Aboard WORLD " V 1f1.500 tons. Ashore. HAICBUBG-AMERICAII LINE 903 Olive St., St. Louis, Mo., or local agents. Sulpho-Napthol ALL DRUGGISTS GLO BE FIRE INSURANCE CO. A Home Institution [ 811 Cibbs Bldg. ■ Birdsong & Fotchemick Maswall ▲eteaebUea, Asia Supplies Md leetasa Kodak* Phone 936 214 E. Hesston DR.. R. M. HOWE : Specialist RectaJ Diseases Orificial Surgery 5)8-322 Gunter Bldg. I tarry the BEST SELECTED stock of Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise In the State. MIKE GOGGAN I 225 E. Houston Street New Phone 2115 Old Phone 4051 GRAEBNER IS “IT” ; In Absence of Presidents He Presides Over Three Organizations. Charles Graebner, a prominent busi ness man of San Antonio, Is In a pe culiar situation. In the absence from the city of presidents of three import ant organisations, he is acting execu tive of all three in his capacity as vice president of each. The three organizations whose des tinies Mr. Graebner is presiding over at present are: The Chamber of Com merce, the Carnival association and the Credit Men’s association. Jake Wolff, president of the Chamber of Commerce, is in New York and will not be home until next week. H. L. Halff, president of the Credit Men’s association, is spending a week on the coast and Atlee B. Ayres, president of the Carnival association, has been in Europe for several months. Mark Ford, a railroad man, Is among the Dallas guests at the St. Anthony. Petty & Boudreaux, Heal Estate, The San Antonio Loan&Trust Co. (Incorporated Without Banking Privileges) 215 WEST COMMERCE STREET acts as trustee, executor or guardian 4,38% °S O V£? DIRECTORS GUO. W. BBAOKENBIDOE, Prwidonl. Leroy G. Denman, Vice President. Xdwin Chamberlain, Vloe President. M. S. Brackenridge. Dr. Berd Merit Br. Mrs. Caroline gampmsnn. Thoa B. Palfrey. Mrs. X. A. MribUny. A. EUker. WM. L. n*PP, Beo’y and Treasurer. CKIXNEWS Bexar County Humane Society authorised local branch of the Texas State Humane Society, office 211 Mackay building, Mrs. R. I. McCalla, secretary; E. M. Collins, humane of ficer. Old phone 24U9 (day). 6577 (night and Sunday). Bridegroom Is Released—Clarence Nicholson, charged with false swear ing in order to obtain a marriage li cense was released by Judge Birkheud of the Seventy-third district cuurt after a habeas corpus hearing yester day afternoon. Nicholson made affi davit that Mabel Williams was over IS years o’<i and obtaining the license on the affidavit married her the same day. The girl's father, Charles Wil liams, filed a complaint with Justice Fisk claiming that she WM but 17 years old and the bridegroom was ar rested. The girl took the stand at the habeas corpus hearing and swore that her parents had told her that she was born in 1892 and she had so informed Nicholson when he went for the license. Humane Officer. —Geo. L, McCau ley, offices 324 Hicks Bldg., old phone 71. Night and Sundays, old phone 4786. Gerlach Bros.—ll 7 West Houston St New spring stock arriving dally. Auction Sales This Fall—A meet ing of the auction sales committee of the Real Estate exchange has been called for 5 o’clock this afternoon to make arrangements for holding auc tion sales, under the auspices of the exchange this fall. The sales were con ducted last spring with great success, but with the arrival of hot weather it was found impossible to continue the practice. The auction sales com mittee is composed of W. A. MeDuf tee. chairman: A. D. Powers. William Dobrowolski, J. B. t'allahan and S. T. Howard. Drs. Garring and Hatcher, Osteo pathic physicians and surgeons. 201- 2uB Gunter Building. Old phone 5828. new phone 840. Dr. Charlotte Strum has resumed ter practice. 1000 XX White Envelopes, printed, <2; 100(1 bond letter heads, printed, 52.25. Southern Ptg. Co., 317 Navarro. Accoin|>anied Homescekers—M. D. Hatch, en route to Wichita, Kans., rived in San Antonio accompanied by i party of homeseekers who had gone to invest in the Tampico section along the lines of the National railway. Many Divorce Suits Hied—With service day of the district courts ap proaching, the filing of divorce suits s increasing in thg district clerk’s of fice. One was filed this morning and three yesterday and hardly a day now , passes without some couple asking | separation at the hands of the court. It was stated at the clerk's office that these suits become numerous just about this time each year and many are expected to be filed before the dis trict courts meet in October. County Court Will Bo Busy—To day is the last day of service for suits in the civil term of the county cotfft which convenes one week from next Monday. The sheriff's office force is kept busy serving citations and it Is stated that there will be enough busl aess to keep Judge Huntress at the aench during almost the entire term, rhe juries for two weeks of court aave already been drawn and the tames are in possession of the sheriff. Second Cotton Train—On account ft the increase in the cotton ship nents. the Missouri. Kansas & Texas ■ailroad this morning added its second :otton train running between San An :onio and Smithville. The trains are run solely for the purpose of handling he cotton shipped, and to avoid the delay that might be caused by carry ing other freight. To Attend Kerrville Fair —J. S. Pe ter. vice president and general man ager and George Lupton, general pas senger agent of the San Antonio & Aransas Pass railroad expect to pay a visit to the Kerry! lie fair tomor row. Saloon Proprietor Arrested.—Z. A. Mechler, proprietor of a saloon at 702 Crosby street was this morning ar raigned before United States Commis sioner R. L. Edwards on a charge of having bought a United States army blanket. On the motion or tne de fendant's counsel the case was contin ued until Monday in order to procure proper witnesses. Mechler was arrest ed this morning following a complaint lodged against him by Captain Bom ford of the Twenty-second tnrantry. Fort Sam Houston. Faces Gave Evidence.—With faces and necks scratched and eyes discol ored. Caesar and Julia Chambers and Willie McGee, all negroes, appeared in the police court charged with hav ing engaged in a fight on Lombrano street yesterday afternoon. A dispute I concerning a little child led to the ex | change of blows. 1 . * Assessor's Office Crowded.—Witt, i but six days remaining In which tr render property for assessment, the office of the city assessor is crowded with property owners daily from earlj morning until 5 o'clock In the after noon. All property within the cltj limits not rendered by the end of thli month will be subject to rendition bj | the assessor and board of equalizatiot I of the unrendered rolls. Potty & Boudreaux, Real Estate. PYTHIAHSARE | FUMING FOR' NATIONAL CAMP Uniform Rank In San Antonio' Is Reorganized and Will Drill for Prizes. THEY FORM “THIRD ARMY”! Attendance at Fort Worth Ini 1912 Is Expected to Be at Least 20,000. In preparation for the national en campment. which is to be held at Fort Worth in August. 1912. the uni form rank of the Knights of Pythias, recently re-organlzed after seventeen years of inactivity, will soon don uniforms and resume the military drills as In the gala days of Its early existence. The local order is composed of forty-eight members. Al a meeting held in the Knights of Pythias hall a few weeks ago this novel military organization was rejuvenated, and the members are now only awaiting the arrival of their uniforms to begin active work preparatory to participat ing In the national encampment. Officers Are Elected. The uniforms are expected to arrive some time this week, when the follow ing officers, recently elected, will be mustered in: J. N. Nix. captain; W. L. Schlesinger, first lieutenant; C. H. Fator, second lieutenant; William Bai ley and H. J. Ford, sergeants. The uniform rank is the only fra ternal body officially recognized and patronized by the United States gov ernment. It is a part of the national military organization, listed third in rank, the regular standing army and the national guard holding tirst place and second place, respectively. It may be called out by the president in the same way as the mint': be detailed for duty. The war de partment furnishes the members of this organization with regulation guns and equipment, and the uniforms are the same as those worn by the officers of the regular army. Will (Jo After Prizes. The uniform rank is a secret order within a secret order, and only Knights of Pythias who are in good standing are eligible to membership. The local order was disbanded seven teen years ago when the uniforms and other military equipment were de stroyed by fire, but it is now the pur pose of the members to restore all the old prestige to their little “army” and to walk away with some of the prizes that will be offered at the Fort Worth encampment. When the tents are pitched In Fort Worth next August, said John F. Onion, the recent scenes at Fort Sam Houston will be duplicated. At least 25.000 "soldiers” are expected to be present, and there will be a “maneuver camp” such as Texas has never wit nessed. Knights Will Maneuver. The "division” will be marshalled in one grand review, in much the same way in which the soldiers from Fort Sam Houston and the maneuver camp marched through the streets of San Antonio during the "Battle of Flowers.” There will be tournaments and competitive drills, and Uncle Sam’s "third army" will spend much of the time in maneuvering and in the practice of military tactics, just as if a great war was imminent. A recruit in this novel army Is ac cepted by the war department as forming a part of the national mili tary organization, without examina tion or further qualification. tv ith the formation of companies by the Knights of Pythias lodges every where, the reserve strength of the United States army is thus vastly augmented. SMALL FIRES KEEP mm « ■ Five Alarms Arc Sounded During Aft ernoon und Night But Damage Is Small. Five alarms called out Fire Chief ' Bishop and different companies as manv times between yesterday after noon and 12:20 o’clock this morning. I The property damage in none of the • tires was large. i Spontaneous combustion is believed • to have been the cause of a fire whb'h destroyed a shed at Drexel and Mary land avenues at 5:45 o’clock yesterday afternoon. The shell was filled "’lth I carpenters' tools and paints belonging , to a contractor building a residence , for E. J. Elsea. The dwelling, nearing I completion, was not damaged. Tur W . tai loss Is estimated at about $lOO. A short time previous to this alarm tin fire department was called to a ' small cottage on North Santa Rosa avenue, where a blanket was found ' on fire. The blazo'was quickly extin -1 guished. .. The explosion of a lamp at the home of Edmonds Travis. 216 Forcke street, caused an alarm to be sounded a at 8:30 o’clock last night. The fire ’ was quickly extinguished, but not be fore Mrs. Travis was severely burned, her clothing having been ignited when the explosion occurred. I Fire destroyed a hamburger stann at 11:55 o’clock last night at the cor ner of Frio and Monterey streets. A car load of hay standing on a sid Ing of the Southern Pacific Railroad companv on Lamar street was destroyed by fire at 12:20 o’clock this morning. Th,, cause of the fire is not known. Health Board to Sleet. —The city board of health will meet in regular i session at 6 o’clock this afternoon at I the city hall. Secretary Mueller re- I ports routine business and weekly re i ports from food and sanitary inspec , tors promise to consume the time of j the health authorities. I Malaria Makes Pale Sickly Children. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILI, TONIC drives out mala ria and builds up the system. For grown people and children. BOc. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT Tomorrow: Remnants at 25c On the Dollar ■ " """ 1 ■ " —— An opportunity to buy remnants, cut pieces and useful short lenghts at a fourth what the same material would cost you if bought by the yard off the piece. In the collection tomorrow are Embroideries Laces Veilings. Ribbons Fhe greatest collection that even this big store has ever offered and at the prices we’re making they constitute one of the biggest opportunities of the year. All remnants of embroideries, laces veilings and ribbons are as a rule marked at half the regular prices, but tomorrow, Friday, we’re going to cut this already low price to half. This means that you can buy remnants at one-fourth —25c on the $l. Correspondence Paper Stive tomorrow on good paper—our celebrated Alamo linen, one of the best of correspondence papers. It is put up in pound packages—alfout 84 sheets to the package—ana to- 4 morrow you can buy it for, pouna I 97 w Dolly Dimple—A new dolly. Tablets—Good tablets for pen and complete with her hats and in ru(ed Btyleg , dresses—all of paper; 4 Am -**• put up In box for.. Aw<C Regularly sc, Friday Playing Cards You know what splendid quality the ‘•Bicycle’’ playing cards are— you know, too, they always sell at 25c. Now you can buy identically the same card put up under the Joske name, for 4 Em pack i A W V Seen the Misses and Childrens Suits and Dresses for Fall Ready with the first authoritative display of Autumn suits and dresses for misses' and children's wear... .And such, a showing as it is—there are Peter Thompson suits of wool and of serge; nifty suits in a myriad of styles and repp dresses in so many new and attractive models that description, here is not practical. The display in our Alamo street window gives a hint of the variety to be found in our big third floor section. Last Opportunity to Purchase Lawns Below Worth New Fall materials are arriving daily and crowding out the Summer fabrics—we must have more room. So we’re going to close out all fancy figured lawns at far less than true value. 12 l-2c to 15c Fancy Colored Lawns 10c All 10c Fancy Colored Lawns for 7 l-2c Ail 8c Fancy Colored Lawns Friday 6c All 6c Fancy Colored Lawns Friday 4c 15c Madras 11c —Fancy French 70c Sheets 85c—Seamless Sheets Madras. 36 inches wide, in striped 81x90 inches, all hemmed, ready and figured effects on light 4 4 m for use " 1 sua * CCp grounds. 15c quality, yard AA C kind, tomorrow ..... VwV „ „ , „ .. ~ 00c Sheets 50c—Linen finished New Percales—Fancy Shirting Per- sheetg that mpasure 76x90 cales, 36 inches wide, in a variety inches, made with improved of dress and wrapper styles, m flat seam down center, yard for OUC 15c Galatea 12 —A strong fabric io,. i>j|| ow Cases »c — Plain for school dresses; 30 inches wide, pi'low cases, 45x36 inches, all In fancy fast colored 4 A// 9 m hemmed ready for use; Am stripes, yard 'A««/“V good, durable quality... vv A Sale of Hosiery at 25c A sale that teems with good old-fashioned VALUE—hundreds of pairs of stockings in cluded in this Friday Sale. Of some 3 pairs for ‘2sc, of others 2 pairs for 25c; in some cases only one pair, but that pair represent more than 25c in quality and real worth. Here is a brief list of the stockings offered —just a hint of the possibilities the sale holds for you. Women’s fast black cotton hose with double heel Women's hose of medium weight cotton in fast and toe; extra value; tomorrow, 3 pair for 25c. black, made with double sole and spliced heel. 25c pair. Women’s cotton hose in a fast black, made with linen heel and toe; extraordinary value; 2 pair Boys' and Misses' ribbed hose in black only, with fon2sc. double heels and toes. 3 pairs for 25c. Women’s light weight gauze hose. In fast black with Boys' Hose —Our Indianhead school stockings in fast double heel, sole and toe; 2 pairs for 25c. black, with double heel and toe. 2 pair for 25c. Women's real Maco cotton hose, in light weight, with Infants' Socks —Infants' socks in plain colors, with spliced heel and toe; extra sizes, 25c pair. fancy plaid tops. 2 pairs for 25c. Women's Balbriggan cotton hose in medium weight; Infants' Socks —Infants’ pure silk socks in the best Onyx black. Splendid value, 25c pair. colors for summer wear. 25c pair. Women's silk lisle hose in Onyx black, made with Infants' hose and socks. In sizes 4to 5 44, were 10c double sole and spliced heel, 25c pair. to 15c the pair, tomorrow, 5 pairs for 25c. Josfceßro&Co. MW W FIAIUIES SECURED FOR FAIR Attractions Tills Year Will Excecc Those of Any Fair Held In Sun Antonio. 'ihi new features that are almost daily being secured for the Interna ti' ual fair this fall are taken bv the t’ircctors of the association as evi eb nee that this season's attractions will be far in advance, in both num ber and quality, of those that have been shown during any previous year. Dr. W. A. Hering, who will have charge of the automobile races, _ has recently received many- letters from JOSK F/S THE BIG STORE noted drivers throughout the country announcing their intention to partici pate in the various events, and It > s his there will be more independent participants in the three days' racing than during any previous event of the kind. November 9. 11 ii nd 12 have been set aside for the automobile races. The San Antonio school hoard I’ h'epailng a surpr’se for the public. The entire west side of the main ex position hall, the space hertofore ec >up!ed by the Mexican exhibit, has imn secured by the board. Hero "ill be put upon display much of the ' quipment used in the public school work, including an exhibit from Ine manual training school and one from the department of-domestic sciences. The sum of $3OO has been appro i printed by the board for decorations alone, and it was stated bv Secretary Vance that the Fair association would co-operate with the board in making the exhibit one of the most attractive J O S K E’S 50c Center Pieces for 29c A lot which our Eastern office picked up far under true worth—real linen center pieces in open work styles, either round or square, 15 inches in size, edged with 2 rows of Tene riffe wheels. 29c tomorrow, instead of 50c. Prettiest of Center Pieces in 18- And here are all linen scarfs. Inch size, either r.ound or square; 18x54 inches, prettily embroid made with the plain linen center, ered and finished with hem -250 each. stitched edge;' excellent value at 98c for Centers Worth $1.50 Another bargain in fancy Linens—Center Pieces with plain centers, finished with 4-inch Cluny edge. Styles that would sell In the regular way at *1.50. tomorrow for 98c each. Big Barber Towe) XTRA One more splendid Friday bargain—you can buy barber towels tomorrow for 3c! An opportunity for tonsorial parlors. Barber towels with red borders, all hemmed and laundered, ready for use; 5c towels for.. O 8c Toweling flo—White tea towel- Dust Cloths — A lot of dust ing with blue border; the 4£m cloths and imitation Chamois usual 8c kind for, yard Ov polishing cloths. 15c 4 4m kind A A V towels. 18x36 inches, in blue A dish ckjths. ... ... *4 C practical and sensible — W m or red checks or plaids... nw w , . . . . < bt just what you want... ■ W Bath Towels—Bleached bath towels Scrub Cloths —Extra heavy scrub of good heavy Terry cloth, #*m cloths, such as usually “4 m finished with fringe sell at 10c for ■ C The Newest of Neckwear Dainty bits of neck-finery—pieces that will add style and charm to milady’s waist—and only 50c! You’d never guess the price so small—they’re so smart and pretty!... .Law chemis ettes, lace yokes, lace fichus and net and lace collars in a myriad of pretty effects. Any of them at 50c each. Seen the New Pleatings? And then there are pretty pleatings for dress trim mings and for fronts. Some only 3 inches wide— many 6 inches wide—and in a variety of pleasing effects. 50c to $1.50 yard. Good Umbrellas Better be prepared for the rainy days that are sure to come—black Gloria umbrella with 26-inch steel rod and natural wood, m Mission or fancy handles wwV ——— that has ever been shown in the south. Another feature will be the dog show, under the management of the San Antonio Kennel club, a branch of the American Kennel club. A book let announcing the prizes and the rules regulating the entries is being distributed among the dog owners ot the state, and much meal Interest la being taken in this feature of the fair, several of the San Antonio merchants having offered prizes. HAY FEVER AND SUMMER COLDS Must be relieved quickly and Foley’s Honey Wnd Tar Compound will do It. E. M. Stewart. 1034 Wolfram St.. Chi cago. writes: "I hsve been greatly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound I get great relief.” Many others who suffer similarly will ne glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experienes. The King-Pattison Drug Co. THE BIG STORE At The Fountain Try one of our Fig Nut Sundaes. I I A delicious com- * W bination of figs, for nuts and pure BMI ice cream. Usual- _ ly 10c to- Em morrow .. SC Orange Punch—A cooling and refreshing drink; regu- je larly 10c, tomorrow for Castile Soap Snap A Friday bargain In Castile soap—3 cakes wrapped in a good size wash rag of Terry cloth; soap and wash cloth, all for Ml<9V Barrettes at Half About 50 dozen picked up by our buyer at so small a figure that we’re going to sell them at half price. Barrettes of shell and amber in carved and plain bar effects. Values to — l 50c, tomorrow for... m3 C 4 TO AID LAND SHOW Realty Men Want $lOOO From Sai Antonio for Exhibit. The committee of the Real Estat, exchange, which will represent tha body at the meeting In Austin Monda: to arrange for a Texas exhibit at th' big eastern land shows, continued ii its work today of getting memoran dum subscriptions from real estate In terests of the city. It the endeavo of the committee to go to Austin witl $lOOO pledged from San Antonio ti help defray the cost of the propose! exhibit. * John M. Thomas of Dallas arrive in San Antonio this morning and I staying at the St. Anthony. Petty & Boudreaux, Real EMate.