Newspaper Page Text
12 Want Ad Rates nr tkb San Antonio Light 1 Insertion per word Ie 4 consecutive insertion* per word.. 3c 7 consecutive insertion* per word.. 4c Ten or more consecutive Insertions 1-2 cent per word each insertion. The above rates apply to advertise ments running without change only. No sd accepted for less than fifteen wotd basis. Ads run at intervals are charged the one time rate. No extra charge for the Sunday Issue. XOgTILT BATBS. Rates by the month; 15c per word. Minimum charge 12.25 per month for ed of fifteen words. The publishers reserve the right to reject or revise any copy deemed ob jectionable. Want Ads Taken Over the Telephone Both Phones 176 Ada taken up to 11 a. m. for the dally, and up to 10 p. m. for the Sun day Light. WOTXCB. Redmen meeting of Myrtle Grove No. 1, Woodmen Circle, Monday evening, August 2*. All members are re quested to be present. Visiting sover-1 eigns welcomed. Social and refresh-1 ments. Hoy Looney, guardian; B. Rees, clerk. DAUGHTEBS OF BEBEKAB. Regular meeting of Miriam Rebekah lodge No. 24. I. O. IMfaFl O. F„ this evening at 3 o'clock in odd Fellows hall. All members requested to attend and visitors cordially invited. ANNIE MELLIFF, Noble Grand. Mrs. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED —STUDENTS TO ATTEND auto senool; practical work with up to-date car*. There will be a big demand for chauffers and mechanics this win ter. You can make good money. Nlgbt school. Monday. Wednesday and Friday nights. Wo teach driving. San Antonio Automobile School. 125 is West Com merce street. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A posi tion? We oan help you. We are members of the Retail Merchants As sociation, and furnish Its members witn employes. No charge unless employ ment Is secured. Call and see us. The Malone Employment Agency, 241-42 Moore Bldg. New phone 2007. WANTED—MEN TO TAKE THIRTY day practical course in our machine shops, learn the automobile business and accept good positions. New Orleans Auto School, New Orleans, La. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING Posi tions which will be open by Septem ber 1, and applications for same will bo received and considered up to Satur day, August 26. Information for same will be given In full by application In person to our office before said date. All positions guaranteed or no charge: Thirty salesladies for department stores, fifteen stenographers ($75 per month), ten elevator boys (seven white and three colored), two experienced bookkeepers for wholesale grocery, one experienced bookkeeper for laundry, two experi enced markers for laundry, three girls as clerks in cake and candy store, two salesladies with experience in shoe bus iness. three grocery clerks, four male stenographers, one shipping clerk for wholesale grocery, three gents' furnish ing salesmen, four salesladies for curio stores, two lady clerks for cigar stands, two managers for pool and billiard halls, four girls for doctors' offices, four ready-to-wear salesladies, two clerks for hardware store, three clerks for furni ture store, two janitors for office build ings. Malone Employment Agency, 241- 2 Moore building. Members Retail Mer chants' association. GOVERNMENT WANTS EMPLOYES—7 Write for list of positions open. Franking Institute. Dept. 455-H, Rochrf- WE WANT ONE OR TWO TOUNG men for assistant managers In live towns; good salary and chance for ad vancement; must have 3300 cash and first-class references. Douglas Music and Jewelry Co., 100 West Sixth street, Austin, Tex. WANTED—A COOK? MAN OR WOM~ an; good wages. 203 Grandview place, Madeliene Terrace. Old phone 3040. WANTED—YOUNG MEN TO LEARN the barber trade. Commission paid for bringing students. Barbers make more money now than ever before on account of the many added money making fa cilities. Our course saves years of ap prenticeship. Graduates come to us for help. We place our men on trains steamships, office buildings, private barbers and valets. Positions always waiting. Tools given. Call or write Mo ler Barber College. No. 320 W. Com merce street. WANTED—TWO ROUGH CARPEN ters at 947 Culebra avenue Monday morning; $2.25 per day. WANTED—A GOOD FIRST-CLASS yard man for general work. 222 Moore building. WANTED—TWO HIGH-CLASS SPE cialty salesmen to handle an absolute proposition. Can be sold readily to any business man. A hustler can easily make from $50 to $100 per week. A $20 cash deposit required for sample. Apply room 205, Bexar hotel. .WANTED—A GOOD INSTALLMENT collector, one who can speak English, German and Spanish; horse and buggy required. Apply 114-116 S. Flores. WANTED—PARTY WITH TWO OR three teams to clear 233 acres timber land at Karnes City, Texas, fifty miles from San Antonio. Write Ed Pond Jr., Galveston. Tex. WANTED—YOU TO ATTEND THE big shoe sale, beginning Saturday, September 2, at The Grand Leader. 409- 411 Main plaza. 1—ARE YOU EMPLOYED AT PRES ent? If not call and see us and we will place you. Malone Employment Agency. 241 Moore building. 2—If you are looking for a better posi tion than the one you now have. Malone can place you. 241-2 Moore building. 3—Wanted—Everybody out of employ ment—lots of splendid positions ready for you if you have the proper- refer ences and can make good with yout employer. Malone Employment Agency 241-2 Moore building. NIGHT SCHOOL Most persons who have tried Graham or Pitman shorthand at night, and ' fre« tuition” for first month, paying doubl« prices for books, and for tuition aftet first month, have said; "No. nevei again.” Many of them have since taker Modern shorthand on a legitimate ba sis of $10 for four months and havi made a success of it. You can get it oi bookkeeping at the same rate. For proo of above, phono 1278 new. or call on Sat Antonio Business College. 307 Alami plaza. WANTED—GIN DRESSMAN. DINNER fireman and tackerman; will pay goo. wage* to right party. Don't write hu call at once. Apply H. F. Davie, car Joseph Landa's offfed. New Braunfels Texas. MARRIED MAN FOR WORK IN J dairy Apply mornings. building, room 402. S. G. Newton Jr. HELP WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS—BIG MONEY IN SELLING Sea Drift lots at Sea Drift (on tho gulf), easily sold. Town lot frso with each tract, best proposition yet offered to agents. T. F. 1 ord. general agent, 10* Avenue D. SKAT SOAP—A GREAT SIDE LINE or specialty for any salesman. Toxas Is one of the few stetea no« coveted. The right man. must bo a hustler, can get control Write. SKAT, Hartford, Conn. FEMALE. WANTED—GOOD WHITE GIRL FOR housework and to assist In kitchen; good wages for right girl; references required. Mrs. J. Courand, 105 Adams street. WANTED—COLORED WOMAN TO cook and do general housework, good pay. 616 East Locust street. WANTED—WOMAN TO DO WASHING and Ironing for small family. Call be tween 11 and 12 Sunday at 519 Jack son street, near Marshall. WANTED—A GOOD COOK. 1129 W. San Pedro place. Mrs. W. N. Hanson. ELDERLY WOMAN OR GIRL FOR general housework. Small family. Ap ply 1803 N. Pine street. 1—ARE YOU EMPLOYED AT PRES ent? If not call and see us and we will place you. Malone Employment Agency. 241 Moore building. 2—If you are locking for a better posi tion than the one you now hate, Malone can place you. 241-2 Moore building. 3—Wanted—Everybody out of employ ment-lots of splendid positions ready for you if you have the proper refer ences and can make good with your employer. Malone Employment Agency. 241-2 Moore building. WANTED—LADY CASHIER OR TYPE wrlter. with reasonable salary, who can advance $500 for three montha on good security. Address 212, care Light. WANTED—GIRLS FOR FACTORY work. G- A. Duerler Mfg. Co., 222 W. Commerce atreet. WANTED — GERMAN GIRL FOR cooking and housework, good wages. 3020 West Commerce street. WANTED—ALL WHO ARE OUT OF employment to advertise free of charge In the Light. Phone, mall or bring your add to the Light office. ANY GIRL IN NEED OF A FRIEND is Invited to cell at the Salvation Army Rescue Home, 3019 River avenue, at any time. Old phone 217$. BE A TRAINED NURSE. STUDY AT home. Earn $25 weekly. Thousands wanted. Free Information. Rochester Nurses Institute. 1280 Rochester, N. Y. WANTED—WORKING HOU8EKEEP er for small family; good home and wages. Postoffice box No. 374, Sabinal, Texas. WANTED—NICE GIRL OR MIDDLE 1 aged woman for light house work. Addrees 292. care Light. WANTED—WHITE WOMAN FOR general housework in family of three. no washing or ironing. Apply A. C. Pan coast. city engineer's office. WANTED—THREE OR FOUR GOOD pressers on ladles’ goods; good wages. E. Y. White Dyeing & Cleaning Co.. 113 Avenue C. WANTED—EXPERIENCED BINDERY gtrls. Guessaz & Ferlet Co. WANTED—YOUNG WHITE GIP.L FOR light housework. German preferred. 314 West Carolina street. WANTED—A GOOD COOK AT 131 S. Flores St. Black Elephant restaurant. —■■ ■ — SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED—PLAIN SEWING BY THE day or week. 1312 N. Hackberry. STENOGRAPHER WANTS TYPEWRI ter copying work. Abstracts a spe cialty. Address No. 750, care Light. WANTED — WASHING TO TAKE: home. Address 274, care Light. WASHING TO CARRY HOME BY EX perlenced laundress. 310 Starr street. A PRACTICAL NURSE. SEVERAL years experience, wants confinement cases to nurse; can give first-class ref erences. Old phene 4024. WANTED—A POSITION IN DRESS making establishment or will do plain sewing at home. Ring old phone 715. , WANTED — POSITION BY YOUNG | lady as assistant bookkeeper; can give । best of references. Address No. 28, care I Light. — | DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING | at home. New phone 2694. UNINCUMBERED WIDOW. THOR oughly experienced, wishes position as housekeeper. Address 31. care Light. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT stenographer who owns machine. Old . MIDDLE AGED WHITE WOMAN DE sires washing and Ironing by day or I bundles: experienced. Address 106 Bel | mont street. I WANTED—STEADY POSITION FOR half day by colored woman, house work or any other kind of work; good references. 813 North Salado street. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER, thoroughly versed in general office work, wants position at once. Address 45, care Light. WANTED — POSITION IN GRADED school, by an experienced teacher with first grade certificate. Address 789 care Light. MIDDLE AGED LADY WISHES Posi tion as housekeeper In small family; is experienced nurse. Address 1704 N. Olive or old phone 1619. WANTED—PERMANENT POSITION j with reliable firm by experienced of- I five woman; bookkeeper, cashier, bill clerk; will furnish bond; city refer- j ence. Address Notary Public. Light. YOUNG LADY WANTS POSITION AS assistant bookkeeper or office work; references. New phone 1633. YOUNG LADY WISH1B8 POSITION AS stenographer; will accept ten dollars per week. No. 48, Light. GOOD COOK WISHES A POSITION. $4 a week. Address No. 47, Light A FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS DE sires work at home or by the day, ref erences. Old phone 5813. | A NEAT HAND SEWER ON COATS and pants or on ladles’ tailoring would like emlpoyment. Address 793, care the I Light. I ■ ———————— _ | POSITION WANTED AS WAITRESS or tn candy store. Old phone 1916. MALE. EXPERIENCED FILE CLERK. WITH knowledge of general office work and speaking Spanish, desires position. Ad dress 212, care Light. WANTED — BY MIDDLE-AGED, healthy man, position as watchman. Have good education. Address 788 care Light. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN FIFTY YEARS OF AGE WANTS position as night watchman. Call old phone 4501, after 5:349 p. m. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG man 23 years of age; stenographer and general office work; eeven years experience; traffic and manufacturing. 182# Buena Vieta. COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR DESIRES position. Old phone lT-4r. 1 .i. ■ ,, - WANTED — CARPENTER WORK; rough nr ftniehlng work. Ed O'Brien. 300 Routh Alamo. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND wife; man experienced dry goods clerk; speaks Spanish and English; wife to do light houee work; out of town position deelred. Address 271, cars Light. POSITION BY REGISTERED DRUG gist; speakq Spanish; Al references Address 272, care Light. WANTED — SITUATION AS BOOK keeper. general office man or ship ping or receiving clerk, wholesale groc ery or produce preferred: more than 2# years' experience. Address No. 18, care Light. FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING AND FUR nlshlng goods salesman is open for position after September 1. Eight years experience; also do window trimming and show card writing; would accept out of town position: references. Ad dress W. H. Burkes. 107 Gibbs building. SITUATION WANTED BY RESPON slble, sober, middle-aged white man with family aa watchman. Can give good references and bond If necessary. ”B..” care carrier 29. WANTED — EXPERIENCED MIDDLE aged gentleman seeks position of trust; is accustomed to office work and can furnish highest references. Address 33. San Antonio Light. BUSINESS MEN READ THIS!—I AM a practical business man of eleven years' experience, have just given up a good position In Louisiana to get my family out of a low, damp, malarial country, and wish to get employment at once. Am an expert bookkeeper and good salesman. Would accept position as either. Always wile-awake to the interest of my employers. Highest recommendations from former employ ers. C. E. Williamson. San Marcos. Tex. MIDDLE AGED MAN WANTS posi tion with well drill, outfit as fire man. Address 52, care Light. GOOD. RELIABLE MAN WANTS Po sition tn wholesale grocery or ware house as porter. Speaks German. Eng lish and Spanish. Address No. 55, care Light. ; WANTED—I AM A MIDDLE-AGED, man and desire a position as delivery | man or as a clerk In a grocery store. I | know the city thoroughly and am ex- i nertenced in the grocery business. Please call 325 Lavaca street. WANTED—POSITION AS ENGINEER in ice or electric plant; best of refer ences. Address box 11, Boerne. Tex. POSITION WANTED BY WINDOW trimmer and card writer: five years experience. Address 2S7, care Light. BOOKKEEPER JUST COMPLETED A thorough business course desires po sition: would leave town; references. Address 286, care Light. SITUATION WANTED BY LOCOMO tlve or stationary engineer. 10 years experience; can keep up repairs on same. Address 293, care Light. AN EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR. high school boy. likes position driving car out of school hours. Old phone No. 2642. TRAVELING SALESMAN WITH 11 vears exnerlence on road wants posi tion as city salesman or on road; can give good references. Address No. 32, - care Light. A TOUNG MAN OF TWENTY-ONE years wants a job driving a delivery wagon: knows the city fine; best ot references. Old phone No. 4733. •* CHAUFFEUR DESIRES POSITION; experienced and capable; can keep up repairs on car. Address L. C. Merchant, 1410 West Commerce. A MIDDLE AGED WHITE MAN, RE liablc and sober, wants work of some kind at small wages: can drive team or attend to yard. Address No. 29, care BY COMPETENT, RELIABLE MAN. position as bookkeeper, bill clerk or any kind of office work; experienced In drv goods or general merchandise; sneak, read and write the Spanish lan guage: salary moderate: references Al. Address No. 30. care Light. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER WILL work two weeks free for practice. Ad dress Stenographer, 411*4 East Com merce street. YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE Posi tion as clerk: prefer leaving city. Ad dress Clerk, 411*4 East Commerce St. SITUATION WANTED BY A COMPE tent office clerk and bookkeeper, can give good references. Address No. 295. Light. WANTED TO WORK FOR ANY ONE who needs a good painter and paper hanger: not afraid of work; strictly so- I her and no time killer; man of family. ' Address 243 Lafitte street. WANTED—A WHITE MAN WANTS A position as yard man or janitor, good recommendations. 118 Lamar street. WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN position of some kind: can drive car and do all own repairing. 296. care of Light. WANTED—POSITION AS GROCERY clerk. 10 years experience, best of references. New phone 2650. WANTED—A POSITION BY A MALE stenographer with legal experience. Address No. 27, care Light. ; SITUATION WANTED AS MOVING picture operator, five years' experl- ’ ence: willing to leave city. Address No. 283, care Light. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER with several years experience desires position with good firm. Address No. 26. rare Light. POSITION WANTED BY COMPETENT stenographer who owns machine. Old phone 5354. YOUNG BOY OF NINETEEN WANTS position as driving delivery wagon. Address 129 Sharer street, city. WAITED—WOULD LIKE A JOB AS driver for private car, middle aged and two years experience: a careful driver. Address 23, care Light. WANTED—SITUATION BY FIRST class chauffeur: can do all repairing; best of references. J. McDonald. Ad dress The Eighteen hotel. A GOOD STEADY MARRIED MAN would like a position as salesman tn gents' furnishings; have had experience. Addreas No. 26, care Light. MARRIED MAN WANTS POSITION as driver or any of work. 717 North San Marcos street. WANTED— POSITION A8 SALESMAN in gents' furnishing* or shoe store by man of several years experience In both lines; past employers as references. C. E. Williamson, San Marcos, Tex. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED—POSITION BY AN ALL around printer with ten years' experi ence. no "junk shops” need waste poet age. Write A. R. Tate, Lytle, Tex. WANTED—BY TOUNG MAN. Posi tion In eutomoblle repair shop. Refer ences furnished. 4$ care Light. BOY WILLING TO WORK: CAN drive delivery wagon; knows city well.- Ring New Phone 1ST. WELL EDUCATED. INTELLIGENT young man a ants some kind of em ployment. No. 38, care Light. YOUNG MAN. GOOD EDUCATION wishes employment, tho beet of ref erences. No. 27, care Light. WANTED—POSITION A8 OFFICE man, bookkeeper, etenographer. sales man or clerk, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. No. 36, care Light. WANTED—POSITION AS A JANITOR. Will keep nice, neat work, or church janitor. Apply at 125 State street. Col ored. D. A. Lipscomb. WANTED BY COMPETENT YOUNG man, position as grocery or ledger clerk Old phone 5110. SITUATION WANTED —SODA Dis penser; fifteen years experience, prac tical Ice cream maker, not an expert but good worker with good references. A. M. B. 3904 South Pres*. MULTIGRAPH, PRINTOGRAPH, WRl terpress, flexotype and neostyle op erator would like position; also “fins” In and addresses envelopes on the type writer. Address 792, cars Light. AM THIRTEEN YEAR8 OF AGE AND know the city well; have a wheel and want to make myself generally useful as delivery or office boy; speak Span ish well. Address 57, care Light. WANTED—SITUATION. HAVE HAD three years experience as a specialty man. also on staples; know trade in Tex as well; also acquainted in Mexico; am 23 years of age, married, speak 'and write Spanish fluently; territory no ob ject. Address 54, care Light. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT—MODERN COTAGE. FIVE rooms, hall, bath, al) conveniences. 208 8. Monumental. TWO NEW 8-ROOM TWO-STORY houses, all modern, near 3. P. depot. 320 Lafitte street; never been occupied. $36 per month. FOR RENT—5-ROOM HOUSE WITH hall. 1520 N. Pine street car line. Old phone 1679. FOR RENT—MODERN FOUR-ROOM cottage; gas. lights, screens, bath, close in, $17. A. 8. Hicks. 929 N. Flores street. LET LEHMAN 4 CO. PAPER YOUR house; price lowest. 120 Losoya St New phone *4$. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE and bath in excellent neighborhood. For particulars Inquire of H. J. Benson. Grand Opera House building, Crockett street side; phones 2474 FOR RENT 6-ROOM TWO STORY RESIDENCE. modern, on Cypress street $30 a month. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, 21$ MISSION ST, modern, nice shade trees. $20 per month. J. H. KIRKPATRICK. #17-41$ Navarro St. FOR' RENT—4-ROOM BRICK COT tage at 304 Obraje Street. $18. Call new phone 207#. O. Estes, owner. No. 20$ Moore building. FOR RENT—318 MISSION STREET. Two-story, seven rooms, modern in every respect. Beautiful yard, servant's room, barn and all other conveniences, $35 per month. Apply owner, 314 Mis sion street. Old phone 5257. FOR RENT—A COMFORTABLE ROCK house on Garden, sets back half block from car, shade trees, pecans and figs. Apply 239 Garden St. FOR RENT—A modern five-rooin house with hail, one block from car line, fif teen minutes' walk to town. Apply 206 Powder House street. FOR RENT—516 BURLESON STREET. New. modern cottage, all conven iences; reasonable rent. Apply 520 Bur leson street. FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE and bath. $15. 1016 Camden street. THREE-ROOM HOUSE, $6; CLOSE IN, rear 1103 South Flores. Inquire Mrs. Lachappelle. Old phone 2096. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW, 704 West Macon street, large shady yard, $35. E. J. Altgelt, Moore building. FOR RENT—MODERN FIVE-ROOM house. $18 per month. 827 West Pop lar street. Flannery 4 Co. A SPLENDID MODERN FOUR-ROOM cottage in South Heights; will be completed this week. Only $15; can be secured now, R, H. Wester Co. Phones 3041. WANTED—COUPLE TO SHARE HALF of six-room house, modern conven iences. close in, rent reasonable to per manent party. New phone 2067. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO LOTS nt 315 Haye street. Old phone 5469. FOR RENT—NICE LITTLE COTTAGE of 4 rooms with lights and bath. Ap ply 830 laimar street. FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, halt bath, gas and lights, nice yard and barn. W421 South I’resa street. APARTMENTS AND FLATS FOR RENT—SEPTEMBER 1, SEVEN room modern flat. Call up old phone No. 1725. FURRNISHED APARTMENTS — Up stairs or downstairs: cool, quiet. All modern conveniences. Three blocks from courthouse. Prices reasonable. Address 288, Light. SEVEN-ROOM. MODERN APARTMENT in walking distance from town. Lease one year; call 1725 old phone. UNFURNISHED ROOMSi FOR RENT—THREE UNFURNISHED rooms, cheap, shady yard, *4 block from South Flores car line. 123 Fest St. FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 1*4 blocks from High school: six blocks from Houston street, in private home. 315 West Romana street. FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, new house, close in. Old phone No. 2648. FURNISHED HOUSES FOR RENT—A FURNISHED MODERN five-room bungalow. Beacon Hill, close to car. Old phone No. 5962. FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM FURNISH ed cottage, modern conveniences, close in. 326 Callaghan avenue. Call Sunday afternoon. DELIGHTFUL HOME WITH USE OF horse and buggy, central; will sell 150 acres near in, on Fredericksburg road. 141 Taylor. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED CLO8E-IN AND thoroughly modern rooms, electric light, phene, bath, etc. 41# Sixth street. Old phone 1837. JOHNSTON FLATS—ALL OUTSIDE rooms and clean beds for 25 cents; one square north of the Gunter office building, $1.25 and $1.5# per week. NICK COOL ROOMS, TWO BLOCKS of Houston street, $3.50 per week and up: hot and cold bath. Phone 424 Main avenue. LARGE, COOL ROOM, SOUTHEAST exposure, newly furnished, hot and cold bath. 230 East Commerce. LARGE. CLEAN, WELL FURNISHED upstairs room tn private family, all conveniences; Madison Square district; gentleman preferred. Old phone 2435. WANTED—SIX ELDERLY GENTLE men roomers. 213 Avenue C. NICELY FURNISHED COOL ROOM for rent 204 Garden street Old phone No, 1483. FOR RENT—ONE NICELY FURNIMf ed room, near South Flores car line. 123 Fest street. NEW MODERN NICELY FURNISHED east front room for light housekeep ing. 307 South Cherry, near 8. P. depot. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED front room, centrally located, private family. 129 Water atreet. FOR RENT—TWO LARGE ROOMS, southeast exposure, In a Tobin Hill private home; board If desired. Old phone 3142. FOR RENT—LARGE COOL SOUTH front room. Apply 623 West Falls avenue. FOR RENT—LARGE. NICELY FUR nished east room: phone and porce lain bath. 38 per month. One block to car line. 917 South Olive. Old phone 3886-lr. FOR RENT—A BEAUTIFUL. COOU front room, all modern conveniences. in private, refined home. Old phone No. 2543. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping with private bath, walking distance, no sick, no chil dren. 412 Dallas street. ONE FURNISHED ROOM AT 317 NO lan street. Either phone 61. LARGE FRONT ROOM, SOUTH AND east exposure, in Tobin Hill home; board if desired. Old phone 4637. I TWO FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH-, ed rooms for rent. 1011 Wyoming St. WANTED—TO RENT ROOM TO A woman In exchange for work. Address 49. Light. I FOR RENT—TWO UNFURNISHED ; rooms, new house, close in. Old phone No. 2648. 503 North street. THREE NICE. LARGE, NEWLY FUR nished connecting rooms in private home: references exchanged. 606 Sole dad street. DENMAN HOTEL—FIRST-CLASS Ac commodations: newly furnished, south opening. New phone 236#. 118 Main plaza. HOUSEKEEPING LOOMS UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPING rooms; everything furnished; lights, gas. hot and cold water. 315 Nueva. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping, 1107 Wesatche avenue Beacon Hill, one block of car. FOR RENT—LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close In, 3 blocks from Joske's. 403 Water street. NICE. COOL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS cheap.: everything furnished, laundry. light, phone, gas. baths; two blocks from Houston street. 424 Main avenue. FOR RENT—TWO HOUSEKEEPING rooms all conveniences, two blocks from Alamo plaza. 310 Blum street. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISH ed rooms for housekeeping. 510 Ave nue B. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, all conven iences. 1012 Avenue D. New phone No. 2504-blue. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, one block of two car lines. 418 West Elmira street. TWO NICELY FURNISHED LIGHT housekeeping rooms; gas. all conveni- ences. 1008 Salinas. New phone 1594. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING, PRI vate family, two blocks from S. P. depot. 523 North street, corner of Syc amore street. NICE. LARGE COOI. BAY WINDOW room, nicely furnished, also light housekeeping rooms, close in. 117 Fifth street. FOR RENT—TWO COOL ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. 414 Pruitt avenue. Take South Flores car. NEAT T, Y FURNISHED A PART ments for light housekeeping; private bath, hot and cold water and every convenience. Apply 411 East Quincy street. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOU8E keeping or will rent rooms single. have bath, lights, gas, closs in. No. 409 Fifth street. FOR RENT—LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 224 Arclniega. one block from Beethoven .Aall. No children. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOR light fousekeeping; also furnished bedrooms’ close in. New phone No. 1133- red. 503 North Fleres. COOL.' PLEASANT. COMPLETELY furnished rooms for housekeeping. close in, to adults; references. 11& King ■William street. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS, modern, close In, price reasonable. 119 California. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping, complete. 315 S. Mesquite. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, single or en suite. 109 Augusta. Old phone 3815. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, with private both, walking distance, no sick, no chil dren. 412 Dallas street. ROOMS AND BOARD room AND BOARD, HOME COOKING. Two blocks from postoffice. New phone 2452, old phone 6168. FURNISHED ROOMS. TABLE BOARD. One hlbck from car; 12 minutes walk postoffice; summer rates. 607 Ave. B. SOUTHEAST ROOM AND BOARD, new house. 415 East Dewey; block from Tobin Hill car. ■wanted—two gentlemen for room and board in refined home on Government Hill. Address 910 Mason St. NICE COOL ROOMS. GOOD HOME cooking, modern conveniences, pri vate. Old phone 3064. 328 Avenue B. FOR RENT bTORLM AND OFFICES FOR RENT—WE OFFER OUR WARE House, corner of Monterey and Sa lado streets, for rent in whole or In part. Carlo Grocery Co., Wholesale Grocera FOR RENT—DESK ROOM FOR MEIV chandles broker. Insurance agency or stenographer. 130 Mackay building. FOR RENT—FRONT OFFICE FACING Alamo plaza, with one connecting room, south exposure. Stein's Studio. 215 Alamo plaza. FOR RENT—DESK ROOM IN REAL estate office, sixth floor Gibbs build ing. Address P. O. box 4 $3. FOR RENT—GROCERY STORE WITH four living rooms. Copper and Wash ington street, cheap rent. Old phone No. 3703. WE HAVE A SPLENDID CORNER RE tall room in South Heights. One of the best locations. Four living rooms and good barn. Two car lines. Very at tractive terms. R. H. Wester Company. Phones 3041. FOR SALE MI8CEDJUANEOU8 8T ANA RD SEWING MACHINES FOR sale at 110 Caatno street. H. T. Rout* ermann. Botfi phonos. ORANGE, FIG, PECAN, ORNAMENT al and shade trees and bulbs. Over half million trees in stock. Write for prices. Alvin Japanese Nursery Com pany, Box L, Houston, Texas. DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD casing; lot us put Wutootois on and reduce your tire expense 50 per cent; 400 now in use la San Antonio, ask anybody using them. Phone 1630. Auto Tiro Protector Co., 312 Gibbs building. Full Cord Wood Yard Sells only the best post oak and mes quite wood. Delivered in full cord wag-' one. Phones 1107. Frank Basal*. FOR SALE—3 COMPLETE FONTS OF 2-letter k-point mats, 1 complete font of 2-letter 10-polnt mats for Mergen thaler linotype; mats are In perfect con dition; sample* of printing from same will be furnished prospective buyers; were discarded by us only to make change for 7-point mats. San Antonio Light. FOR SALE—ONE 40 HORSEPOWER steam engine and one No. 5 centrifu gal pump. Fuller Machine Shops, 510 South Alamo street. HAY. Buy It while It is <h#ap. Jo*. Land* has any kind you want to car or wag on load lots at reasonabls pricss. Phone In your order*. Phones 330# old, 1(14 4 new. I. & G. N. tracks, San Antvnio, Texas. CHOICE HAY—25c PER 100 POUNDS. buyer hauling. This price equal to 15c per bale. Apply afternoons at haystack, corner Burnet street and Southern Pa cific track*. EXPERT MOTOCYCLE. BICYCLE AND phonograph repairing, agent Cleveland bicycles; second-hand wheels $10 to 315. Diamond motocycle tires. Reliance Cy cle Co., 605 West Houston street. Look! Listen! Consider! We have recently contracted to fur nish lumber and building material for 8 two-story buildings to be built at once. Some one has said that we were not large enough to furnish a large house bill. They are excusable, for they don't know. Get in touch with us. Horger Lumber Company Cor. Florida and Walnut. 7 blocKS south S. P. depot on S. P. tracks. Old phone 3104. UNREDEEMED RIFLES, ALSO S1N gle and double barrel shotguns at one half of their true value. San Pedro Loan Co.. 725 West Commerce. TWO POOL TABLES, 517 AUSTIN ST., for sale cheap. Inquire 515 Austin St. SHOW CASES FOR SALE. WALL cases for sale. Apply S*m Rosenthal, 514 t* East Houston. WOOD AND FEED. ANY KIND IN ANY quantity. Jno. J. Dougherty, Blanco road. Old Phone 4394. WHY DRINK CHEAP OR INFERIOR soda waters, all flavors, when you can get RISCHE'S, the purest and best made. New 398; old 2736. ONE ONLY 4-FOOT CIGAR CASE: 1 only 6-foot show case. Both in good condition. 1524 Grayson. FOR SALE—GALVANIZED WATER pipe. IH-lnch. 400 feet. Old phone No. 4502. LADY'S SOLID GOLD WATCH. ELGIN movement; expired pledge; yours for $9. Alamo Collateral Bank, 112 East Houston street, San Antonio, Texas. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES Real Automobile Bargains We carry in stock and c»n furnish on short notice any make of automobile you want, slightly used at bargain price*. We have the largest second-hand automobile house In the south. PARRIGAN AUTO CU 327 E. Commerc* St Automobiles Wanted -,^ e^ huve inquirie* from a'.l over tho state for secund hand cars. If you have ?i- ca L * or s ?- le ' or trade, see us. The en tire time of experienced automobile men i* devoted to our business. Call at gar age, or phone what you have to offer, and we will take tho matter up at once. Our rates are reasonable for selling. PARRIGIN AUTO CO., 325-2.-2$ E. Commerce St. FOR SALE—A WHITE STEAMER IN first-class condition, terms or trade considered. Southern Automobile Co.. 614 River avenue. FI y®’FAS8ENGER FORD AUTOMO bile for sale. 1910 make, for $500; has top, wind shield, casing all good, one «x* r a« eight Inner tubes, chatnes and in first-class running order; it’s just as good as new; will take vendor lien note. Address box 447, Uvalde, Texas. JUST LISTIN TO WHAT MY WIFE says—She says that she wants to buy a Brush Roadster, so that means that I must ssll my touring car or else trade it for a Brush Roadster, so get busy. I have a Winton touring car. nearly new. What have you In the line of cash or * Brush? Write quick, P. J. Sherman, Corpus Christi, Texas. FOR SALE — STODDARD-DAYTON roadster. 1908 model: all new tires. Car In perfect condition. Price $400. Also Victor phonograph with about 100 records. If taken st once $35. New $65 safe for $40. Call Mrs. M. A. Johnson, Cozy Corner Saloon. Hot Wells. 16-20 H. P. ROADSTER PRACTICAL ly new. New tires, new top and full equipment, cost new $850: will sell at a bargain Youngblood Auto Co. $950 BUYS THE BEST BARGAIN IN a five-passenger automobile in San Antonio: completely equipped, first class condition, brand new tires, might consider trade for Al city lot. Address "Auto.” box 432. FOR SALE —FIVE-PASSENGER FORD automobile In good condition, cheap for cash. Old phons 57JA, FOR SALE LB E STOCK TO TRADE OR FOR SALE. TWO milch cow* and horse and buggy *nd harness; trade for a lot. $08*4 Navarro atreet FOR SALE—ONE THREE-YEAR-OLD fawn colored Jersey cow, good, rich milker; also two fine heifers. 908 West fall avenue. FOR SALE— SMALL GENTLE PONY? sound and gentle for children; single foot and lopes under saddle; nice little driver; eheap. Call 1309 North Hack berry atreet. FOR 8ALE—NICE DRIVING H0R8E; alao runabout buggy. Old phone 370$. 118 Camargo atreet. EIGHT GENTLE HORSES FOR 8ALE. 135 Augusta. Old phone 93. FOR SALE CHEAP—GOOD HORSE and wagon; owner has to leave town. Apply 401 8. Olive street. FOR SALE —FINE REGISTERED heifer calves. Bell farm. FOR SALE—G(X)D SPAN OF MULES, wagon and harness, cheap. Corner Rivas and San M*rco*. FOR RALE CHEAP—HORSE ABOUT 14 hands high; good condition for rid ing or driving, harness and two-seated carriage; good as new. 730 Dawson St. FOR SALE—SMALL GENTLE PONY, sound and gentls for children; single foot and lopes (under saddle, nice little driver, cheap. Call 1213 North Hack berry street. POUI/THY AND PET STOCK 8ORE-HEAD CURE—WE GUARAN tee our remedy to cure any case of sore-head, warts or pox on chickens and turkeys, 25c and 50c slge* postpaid. Al vin, Tex. IF YOU WANT THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island Reds, Buff and Whit* Orpingtons. Come to the Pecan Grov* Poultry Yards. They have the good*. 402 East Theo avenue. Take South Flo res car. FOR SALE—SINGLE COMB BROWN Leghorn cockerels out of my prize winner*. $2 and S3 apiece. Wm. Kaule, 2114 Carr street. Houston. Tex. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 390-EGG Cypher incubator; will trade for young laying hens. 1404 Monterey street. Old phone 2566. FOR SALE—LARGE IMPERIAL PE kin ducks, four months did, 75 esnta each; also two fancy Brown Leghorn cockerels. 602 South Press. 300 WHITE LEGHORN YEARLING hens, bred to lay. 312 and 315 per dozen. 25 brown Leghorn hens. 312 per doeen. Thoroughbred stock from our breedla* pens. White Feather Poultry v AS Pen Antonio. E?»HTEEN YOUNG LAYING HEN8 for sale cheap. 524 Ruiz street. FOR KALE—BULL PUPS 2 MONTHS old ears trimmed, good ones. 604 W. Marshall. HOUSEHOLD GOODS NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURNI ture bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117-11$ Soledad St. New phone 288. Replace the Old Furniture A liberal allowance made In exchange for new. Phone to MANTON FURNITURE CO. Best Place to Trade. 124 Soledad St ~ FURNITURE and house furnishings. We can teat you furniture from kitchen to parlor by the month or year; also rent special outfits for restaurants. MAX KAROTKIN. 318 West Commerce St. New Phone 614. Old Phone 449. FOR SALE—ONE OAK WARDROBE, single door, qusrter sewed, also large mission hall tree and clock cheap. New phone No. 1654-black. ODD LOTS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture for sale cheap; good condition. Call at 1704 North Olive. FOR SALE—EDISON PHONOGRAPH, two and four-minute records, mahog any dresser and fine dining room fur niture. 2400 Bandera street, corner Vir ginia. Old phone 2924. PIANOS—MUSICAL ROODS. FOR SALE CHEAP. AN UPRIGHT Chlckerlng Bros, piano, almost new. Inquire corner of Neal avenue and Pleasanton road. ONE $450 PIANO. ALMOST GOOD AS new. Will sell for $150. $75 cash and balance in room and board or anything of value. 105 Martin. Old phone 489; new phone 403. k BARGAIN—$135 SAXAPHONE, YOURS for $85; expired pledge. Alamo Collat eral Bank. 112 E. Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas. FOR SALE—$385 EMERSON PIANO. Rosewood case, in fine condition: for $150 cash. Leaving city. Call Tuesday at 622 Trenton avenue. WANTED —FIVE CUSTOMERS WHO appreciate good values In traded In and slightly used pianos to call quick ly and Inspect the five extra bargains listed below: One $750 Marshall * Wendell player piano. mahogany case. 88-note; new. last of a discontinued line; a snap at $385. One standard foreign make parlor grand piano, ebony case: first-class con dition; $215. ’ One Bradford * Co. large size, ma hogany case. Just as good as new. used about one year; $200. One Bradford A Co., mahogany case; same as above, except used about tw* years; $t50. One J. *• C. Fischer medium size, ebony case, several years use. but In good' condition for practice piano: $78. Any of the above can be bought on easy terms and we guarantee each one to be In good condition, and we will also agree to, at some future time, take them back as nart pay on a new piano. SAN ANTONIO MUSIC CO. 107 E. Houston St. VEHICLES AND HARNESS BUGGY TIRES—ALL MAKES. $14.0#. $16.00, $13.00 per set Standard Cycle Co.. 238 S. Alamo. FOR SALE—A LOT OF SECOND-HAND buggies and spring wagons, also small stake wagon. Wallace Bros., north side Main plate. FOR SALE CHEAP. ACCOUNT OWNER leaving city, surrey, in good condition. Price 325. 438 West Mistletoe Ave. FOR SALK—PHAETON. RUBBER tire, good as new, 619 Montana FOR SALE—SECOND-HAND SURREY cheap. J. Courand. 105 Adams street TYPEWRITERS. HIGH-CLASS TYPEWRITERS FOR' rent; repairs: ribbons; prompt serv ice. George Potchernlck. dealer L. C. smith tvnewrlter TYPEWRITER INSPECTION CO. O. R. Bates, Mgr.. 319 Navarro St Let an expert typewriter repair-man do your work, we repair all makes. Inspectors for the Multigraph Com pany for this territory. New phone 112. old 1025. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER AND stand, 340. Old phone 6003. Ster ling C. Robertao’*