Newspaper Page Text
PERSONAL „ UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS Manufactured. Repairing and covering. 110 K Houston Su Maffl * Co. MRS. dr. NORTON. SPECIALIST dictates and irrsgularitlts of woman. 010 W Mt LaureL SECRET SERVICE AGENCY ,, R r *vatA Ths inoat reliable agency of kind la Ue south. ill Front build* tng. New phon* 1101 MISS FRIEDA ENGELHARDT. TER roll building, 113 Avenue D. New Itbout 1U03. Ladle* hairdresser anu wig ‘natter. Shampooing parlor, manicuring end face massage, scalp treatment, wigs, toupees a specialty. Manufacturer of noir goods. E. L. Francois, manager, ban Antonio, Tex. VlETOClDE. THE GREAT DI81NFEC tunt and Inaacticide, kills germs, ants, ntotha, roaches, bedbugs and bugs of all kinds. For tale by all druggists. Agents Wanted. Visiodde Chemical Co.. Beau mont. Tex. Let LEHMAN A CO. PAINT YOUR signs. 120 Lcsoyq 8t. New phone 848. HOME FOR LADIES BEFOREHAND during confinement. Good doctors and tourses; infants adopted, confidential. ! P. o. box ill. PR. J. A. JONES. 207 U ALAMO plaza. Private diseases. HR, WHITE, FORMERLY "with THE .Union Painless Dentists, now located at 209 Alamo plaza, over Frank Broa'. store, J. D. COCKRELL INSURANCE All kinds. Loans negotiated. 281 Mackay Bldg. Old phone 702. OLD AND BAD ACCOUNTS COLLECT ed. no charge unless settlement Is made. P. O. box 48. TEXAS CORRESPONDENCE BUREAU. Enclose 10 cents for particulars. •trietly confidential. 328 East Com merce street. WANTED—AN OPPORTUNITY TO guarantee a quick and sure cure of Srlvate diseases by White Dove Injec lon. I know It will do the work with out auy trouble. It is mild, safe and sure. C4I1 for Prentis, afternoons, 205 Avenue C. RISCHE S SAN TONE BREW HAS \LL the other Iron Brews in the market skinned a city block. New 398, Old 2730. WANTED — TO KNOW PRESENT whereabouts of G. O. Sohota: was In Dallas .when last heard from. Alma So bota, care general delivery. ARBACCIS. SCIENTIFIC PALMIST, IS . now located at 417 Main avenue. Old friends invited to call. EYES TESTED; GLASSES PROPERLY fitted, 81.00 and up. Alamo Collateral Bank, 112 East Houston street, San An tonio, Texas. LADIES—MRS. BLACKS COMPOUND Regulator never fails; price 82. 201 Bowie, San Antonio, Texas. A BUSINESS CHANCES BHANB AND KIMBROUGIL CON trsetors and builders; plans snd spe cifications furnished. 789 Marshall St Old Phone 4403. FOR SALE—FIRST CLASS COTTON gin, nearly new; good country. Address 204, care Light. FOR SALE—GOOD PAYING GROCERY business in good locality with new dwelling and two corner lots with all conveniences. A bargain. Address No. $36, Light. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—4-70 SAW gin outfit; complete; in good location. For particulars write 1’ostmaster, Kam ey, Tex. FOR SALE—BUTCHER SHOP WITH all tools for sale; also a gentle fam ily horse. 1434 North Hackberry. TELEPHONE YOUR WANT ADS AND pay later. Your credit is good. Either phone 178. FOR RENT—GROCERY STORE ON corner, with four living rooms. Coop er and Washington streets, cheap rent, good location. Old phone 3708. WANTED—A PARTNER WITH SER vlces preferred, who can furnish 82000 to assist in filling a contract carrying several thousand dollars profit; could use an auto In good condition for about half of amount; investment secured. Ad dress 28L care Light. NOTICE TO BUSINESS INVESTORS. Railroad stock for sale or exchange at fifty cents on the dollar, company Incorporated and existing under the laws of the state of Texas, construction of road guaranteed under absolute con tract: will sei! from ten shares up, "not less." par value $100 each, for cash or will exchange for good San Antonio real estate at reasonable valuation, will also consider a first-class five-passen ger auto in the deal. This proposition carries with it a good position in the office of said company, at remunerative salary for services, if you are interested in the opportunity of a life time, address "Corporation.'' care postoffice box No. 54 4, San Antonio, Texas. References, San Antonio businessmen. CONFECTIONERY STORE, STOCK and fixtures, doing good business; |275 if sold In next ten days. P. O. box 162. Pearsall, Texas. JWOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM PAR tles deairing to purchase timber to be cleared from 233 acres land, Karnes City, fifty miles from San Antonio. Mixed hard wood. Ed Pond Jr., Galves ton, Texas. FOR SALE—DOWNTOWN LINE, UP to-datt grocery business for cash only. Reason, going north. Address 14, care Light. WANTED—TO BUY OR RENT. A GRO eery store with living rooms. 1902 S. Flores. "CLEAN UP YOUR OLD ACCOUNTS." I buy accounts, bills, notes or judg- Pients of any nature. Address 50. care Ight. WANTED—A LADY UNINCUMBERED understanding millinery that can ex change references; have a fine propo sition. Address No. 165, care Light. INVEST 83000 IN TRACT FOR NEGRO or Mexican lot proposition and make 825,000 profit. Address M. N., P. O. Box 482. I SWAPS WILL TRADE TWO LOTS BY HICH land Park for good second-hand rub ber Ure top buggy. C. T. F. Ford, 109 Avenue D. TO SWAP—CLOTHING AND CLEAN ing and pressing for chickens, prefer white ones. 118 Soledad. New phone No. 8028. Old phono No. 6278. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE—TUESDAY, AUGUST 29. 10 a. m.. 504 Garden street. Arti el-s have been described in last Sun- Aty's paper. Sommer, auctioneer. TAILORS. PANCOAST & KOHLER. 104 EAST Commerce street. Handl* ths Shack unaxon woolens, new fall good*. SPECIAL NOTICES CEMENT SIDEWALKS AND CURBING lit Aloxan street DAVE LEHR. New phon* 2481. Let us figure with you. Our prices sr* right WANTED—WELLS TO DRILL. GIVI u* a chance to bid on your work. Both cable or rotary work. San Antonio OU Well Drilling Co., 428 Guntar building. Old phone 615. WE MAKE OUR OWN TRUNKS AND bag*. Repair wont a specialty. Excel sior Trunk and Bag Co., 311 Alams plaxo. Both phones. LET LEHMAN A CO. DO YOUR house painting. 120 Losoia Su New phone 848. CLASSY PRINTING AT HON EST prices. Loose leaf work, cards, letter heads, envelopes, all classes job work done right. Prices less for cash. South ern Printing Company, 317 Navarro street. New Phone 911. LET ME CLEAN AND DRESS TOUR harness. T. F. Cogar. the shoe, har ness repair man, 217 Avenue D. W. G. 205 Moore Building. ANYONE HAVING UNBROKE HORSES or mules and wishing them ridden, will please bring them to or notify Fln to i Griffin, care Fairmount hotel; will not cost you u cent. They will bo ridden in the broncho busting contest on Sep tember 9-10. NOTICE TO PUBLIC. Notice Is hereby given that no one will be allowed to ride on the private railroad of The Medina Irrigation Com pany without a written permit from the general office. Ais* no visitors or outsiders will be *4lowed on the property or at the works of The Medina Irrigation Company, without a written permit from the gen eral office. Anyone found trespassing on the prop erly of the company will be promptly ejected. THE MEDINA IRRIGATION CO. LET ME FIGURE ON YOUR BUILD- Ing and repairing: plans and spfeifi cations furnished: loans made. S. W. Myer, old phone 5009. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS. $1.76 CASH. We save you money on all cash work. Southern Printing Company, 317 Navarro street, New Phone 911. NO SPECIAL DAYS AT RISCHE’S Bottling Works. Come up any old time and see one of the cleanest bot tling works in Texas. No. 1117 Ave. B. WANTED—FILMS TO DEVELOP, TEN cents a poll, any size: an enlargement free with $2.50 worth of work. William J. Stucke, 405 East Commerce. GEO. CAEN. _ THE FRENCH DRY cleaner and dyer, is now located at 740 East Houston, corner Nacogdoches. Both phones. OUR WATCH AND JEWELRY DE partment is in the hands of an expert. Our motto: Not how cheap, but how good. Alamo Collateral Bank, 112 East Houston street, San Antonio, Texas. LOST. FOUND, STRAYED A WANT AD IN THE LIGHT PUTS you in touch wklt nearly everyt-Jy in San Antonio that reads Engilah. be* sides thousands of readers tn Souta west Texas. lost— BETWEEN FLORIDA ST. AND Brackenridge park, on Government Hill, purse containing currency and pre scription. Reward for return to 202 W. Florida. Old phone 2045. LOST—BETWEEN S. P. SHOPS AND Sunset depot, a pass bearing name of B. Rodabaugh. Fifty cents reward if returned to 912 Camden street, or phone 2635 black. LOST —FEMALE FOX TERRIER three months old. bobtail, black and white spotted; answers to name Quyen. Return to 1621 West Houston and re ceive reward. T. Watkins. lost— A CLOVER LEAF BROOCH with pearls and small diamond in center. $5 reward. C. F. Glaze, 629 Mason street New phone 2399. LOST—PLAIN GOLD BRACELET BE tween West End and Exposition park. Finder return to Light office and re ceive reward. LOST OR STOLEN FROM 131 SAN ! Pedro avenue, one small white poodle dog, closely clipped except head, ears and tall. Liberal reward paid for return. Old phone 678. LOST—A BUNCH OF KEYS BETWEEN West End lake and Nolen street. Re turn to Light office. LOST. Automobile muffler near Alamo Heights. Return to Staacke Bros., for reward. WANTED—Miscellaneous CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS, OLD gold and silver, old and foreign coin* bought, sold and exchanged. 607 East Commerce. WANTED — DIAMONDS, OLD GOLD and silver. William N. Capurro, Jew eler, 502 H East Houston St (upstairs). Room 1. WANTED — YOUR UPHOLSTERING and drapery work at the Household Furniture Co.. 214 and 216 West Com merce. WANTED—EVERYBODY WHO HAS A phonograph out of repair to ring up Louis' Book Store, old 1336, new 44. CARPENTER WORK Good work at low prices. Estimates furnished. .1. R. Emrie, 216 Lavaca street. Old phone 1286. WILL PAT CASH FOR GOOD CHEAP Fox typewriter. Old phone 1125. WANTED—TWO OR THREE BEP.K shire or Poland China pigs, four to seven weeks old. Old phone 1375. WANTED—TO FIGURE ON BUILD ing or remodeling your home. Plans and specifications furnished. Shaw & Kimbrough, 739 Marshall street. Old phone 4402. WANTED—TO BUY SECOND HAND bar fixtures; everything needed; good ice box. Apply No. 53, Light. WANTED—HV ERYBODY TO KNOW that RISCHE’S Bottling Works are the only bottling works in San Antonio that are fully screened and thoroughly sani tary. WANTED—USE OF HORSE FOR ITS feed. Address J. J. Johe, 1018 West Poplar street. LIGHT WANT ADS SOLVE selling problems. Thousands of buy ers ready to snatch at your oargain if , it's advertised irf Tae Light. educational a instructions. E.X PERI ENCED TEACHER. UN1VER sity graduate, will take pupils In T.atln and English studies. Old phone 2927. NEW YORK MUSICAL DIRECTOR and wife; graduated from the Royal Conservatory of Dresden, desire nuplls of all grades. Piano. organ. violin, singing and composition. 919 Starr St. WANTED TO RENT WANTED—STORE BUI TABLE FOR cigar stor* between Gunter Hotel and poet office, on Houston street. P. a Box 141. Can’t Supply the Demand We are having more call* for dt*lr able rent houses than we can supply. Liat your vacant houses with u*. RICHEY A CASEY RENTAL DEPT. Both Phones 2236. 425 Navarro St. WANTED— THREE-ROOM UPSTAIRS apartment for a married couple, off sleeping gallery, on high elevation. Ad dresa 284, care Light. WANTED—A THREE OR TOUR room house. Muat be cloae In. Stat* number, price and location. Address 66, eare Light TWO GENTLEMEN WISH TO RENT two furnished room*. accesaeble to sleeping porch, south or east exposure. In modern, comfortable residence on Laurel Heights or vicinity <not sick). May want breakfast, but this condition not essential. Addreas 65. care Light. WANTED—FURNISHED HOUSE OR cottage by party moving to San An tonio. State location and price: muat be clean and neatly furnished. Address 88, Light MONEY TO LOAN—Wanted LIGHT WANT ADS BRING BEST AND I quickest Results because they are read by more readers. WE MAKE LOANS. BUY LIEN NOTES, purchase and extend liens on homa* Any loan from 6560 up, on good prop erty conaidered. Wimer, Richardson A Company, Gibbs Bldg. MONEY LOANED AT LOW RATE*ON furniture, pianos, live stock, city lots, salary, etc. Repay weekly or monthly pa> merits. All business strictly con fidential. Liberal Loan Co., 407 Wash er building. WANTED—$300 FOR PURPOSE OF opening office and incorporating com pany with stock already subscribed, will repay same within 60 daye when com pany is organised and subscription col lected; will give collateral besides voucher on the company as security and pay $50 for same. Address 280, cars Light, WANTED—8500 FOR ONE OR TWO years on $2500 worth of real estate. Address 289. care Light office. WANTED—BT SEPTEMBER 1ST $250. stx months or one year; highest In terest and best security. Will make quarterly payments on note if desired. 35. Light. TO TRADE—REAL ESTATE TO TRADE FOR HOUSE AND LOTS in San Antonio. 230 acres in Lavaca county. Rich black land on the banks of the luivaca river; everlasting water at 35 to 60 feet; many fine pecan trees; plenty of rainfall- end railroad survey near land. Balance due. Easily handled. Address P. O. box 205. San Antonio. 202 ACRES ON CASTROVILLE ROAD, close to the city, 75 acres in cultiva tion. Well improved. Will consider a good home In San Antonio as part pay ment. J. A. Clopton. 417 Gunter Bldg. 330 ACRES IN RUNNELS CO., WITH 125 acres in cultivation; good well and wind mill; all under fence. Will trade for home in San Antonio. J. A. Clopton. 417 Gunter Bldg. A TWO-STORY 8-ROOM BRICK HOUSE in high class neighborhood. All mod ern conveniences; large lot. running hack to the river; block from car line. Will trade for land anywhere worth the money." Value of house. $19,000. .1. A. Clopton. 417 Gunter building. WANTED TO TRADE NEW SIX-ROOM cottage with hath. one mile from post office for automoSlle or vacant lot. Tost office Box 201. FARMS AND RANCHES - " FOR SALE—TWO SMALL FARMS and large country home near the city. Inquire Sam Kenny, 209 Alamo plaxa. BARGAIN AT COTULLA. 343 ACRESL $30 per acre, term*. Owner, E. De Coin, Bay City, Tex. ARTESIAN LAND 79 acres, close In, adjoining tract on which is situated the strongest flowing well in Texas. This land can be bought at a very low figure. San Antonio Loan & Trust Co. LEHMAN & CO. WILL SAVE YOU money on your house painting. 120 Losoya street. New phone 848. FOR SALE—CHICKEN RANCH, Oc cupies four acres. 600 birds, forty-two houses and runs. Owner leaving city. Box 357, Cleburne. Texas. 2604 ACRES. CATTLE RANCH. ED wards county. $6.00 per acre. 3 1-2 miles east of Barksdale, small ranch house, barn, plenty of spring water; tele phone. daily mail from Uvalde: 13 miles of 6-w’re fence. 2 pastures, about 1000 acres, open prairie valley, and about 1600 acres of hilly land which is open. Valley land rich, black agricultural land ready for the plow. Will trade for a farm or other property. Sterling C. Robertson, 421 Moore Bldg., Old phone 6002. Four fliies From Nixon 178 acres first-class mesquite black snd dark sandy soil; 140 acres in high state cultivation; fully 95 per cent till able: lies level; well finished house, celled and painted: nice flowing well; voung orchard: good barn and sheds. It s a high grade property. Price $40 per acre, $2000; can run six years at 7 per cent. The C. E. Way Land Co., 514 Frost building. ‘ OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. DR CHAS. K GARBING. SPECIAL attention to Rheumatism, Paralysl* Stomach and Liver. No. 204 Gunter bldg. O. P. 3489. MOVING. STORAGE. ETC. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shipping. New phone 809. Residence 107. Borage for furniture, pianos buggies- Separate stalls. $1.50 month. Moving, packing, shipping. L. W. Cul ver. 120 Fannin. Phones 3180. Storage— i have the best and largest warehouse in the city. Mov ing packing, carpet cleaning. Henry C. Rip's. Both phenes. SAN - ANTONIO EXPRESSMEN AND moving vans. Old phone 382. New phone 1098. Prompt delivery. SEED AND POULTRY SCPPLUM, FERD STAFFEL. 319 EAST COM meree. Hay and grain, garden and field seed, poultry aunnnsw incubator* tad brooder* ”” THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE PECAN GROVE 15 acres, inside the city limit* south of th* city; a good five-room house, large barn, lots of fin* pecan tree*: pecan crop last year brought $660; will trade for hlgh-claas home In city. J. A. CLOPTON. 417 Gunter Building. HOUSE BURNED—THE LOT WITH water on it, 60x150 font, 1 1-2 bloek* from end of South Height* car line. See owner. 44$ Vine street, for a bargain. Old phone 5538 FOR SALE—2 THREE-ROOM HOUSES Large lots. $400, $50 down. $5 month ly. Take San Fernando car. off at Glad, ■tona avenue. In Sommerset Place, walk throe blocks east. Owner there. FOR SALE—ONE COTTAGE ON CE dar St., half block from car Uno; one two-otory residence on South Alamo 8t., on two car liner, all conveniences; one lot on South Heights, cheap for cash. Inquire at 822 South Alamo St. JOHN H. BOLTON. REAL ESTATE. Pension claim agent. Notary public. Ft. Jame* hotel, Houston street. 1949 EAST COMMERCE ST. ELEGANT new five-room cottage, two halls, two galleries, corner lot, on car Hn* $3666. part trade, balance long time. W. B. Whitaker. 607 West Houston 8L New phone $675. t IT 8 ALL YOURS IF YOU HAVE THE price. We are just finishing a swell four-room cottage on Belmont street. Old phons 6016. Inquire 361 Belmont FOR SALE—PHETTY NEW HOUSE, three rooms and bath. Front and back galleries, electric lights, large lot. south front, two block* to car, rapidly grow ing section. Located on Essex street top of hill. South Heights. Price $1266. Terms very essy. CHAS. O. AUSTIN. 411 Gibbs Building. BARGAIN—909 HAYS STREET. SIX reom modern cottage, block Pine St car, on hill, by Chas. E. Jsckaon, 8. P. depot FOR SALE—GOOD BARGAIN. A $1'06 equity in a two-room house and good lot for $135 cash. Balance $26') can be paid at the rate of $2 per week, no in terest. Address P. O. box 681. FOR SALE—FOUR ROOMS. HALL, both, plumbing, electricity, close school. 7jty Smith, new phone 2608. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—S-ROOM modern cottage with all conveniences, on csr line, near school house; terms reasonable. 732 Ruiz street $1800 BUYS FROM OWNER BRAND new five-room bungalow, complete porcelain plumbing, electric lights, lot 60x150. south front, restricted addition, 1H blocks of cur line. $200 cash, bal ance $20 month with Interest. Call 717 Delmar street. South Heights, or old phono 5538. mornings. A BARGAIN Two lot* on rrenton av*.. near Ma con street and Brooklyn avenue. See San Antonio Loan and Trust Co. FOR SALE—NINETY-ACRE FARM, one mile from depot, and well Im proved; easy terms. Postoffice box 828, Skidmore, Texas. LOOK AT 926 SOUTH CHERRY ST. Neat place of four rooms, front and back galleries, bath, electricity. Price $2500. Terms. W. B. Whitaker, 607 W. Houston. 1 HAVE FOR SALE A VERY CHOICE lot on car line in Alamo Heights, 50x 167 feet, with sidewalk for $766. small payment down and monthly payments. Old phone 1766. Don’t Pay Your Rent If you are tired of paying rent and want to own aomething of your own, see us. We can furnish you with * lot and a new house to live in if you can pay as much as $25 down and $16 per month. We charge no interest and no taxes and we can build you a home in two days. Csn you beat that? No. nor nobody else can. Wo have originated a a scheme that will ultimately put your landlord out of business if you have a little grit and good sense. Make tbo start in the right direction by coming out to Mornadalo today and seeing ua We live at Mornadale in Just the kind nf house that we want you to live in, and we are cool and comfortable, and best of all, we are independent. We want to talk to you and explain our plan whether you buy or not. Come out on the South Flofes street Une (to the end of first line), and see us or call at the office or phone. We are always glad to answer questions about Mornadale. We have Mornadale on the brain and want to talk to you about IL POWERS & SIMMS. Gibbs Bldg. 109 Ave. D. Old Phone 8487. FOR SALE — FOUR-ROOM HOUSE and lot, No. 204 Vine street one block from South Heights car line. Price $900. Inquire at No. 615 Indiana street. WILL BUILD Have client who will build to suit tenant a modern two-rtory apartment house facing on Maverick Park. Apply BEHLES & BOELHAUWE. ARCHITECTS. 228 West Commerce St. New phone 3283. FOR SALE—FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x194. located 1227 Paso Hondo St. Terms half cash, balance to suit. In quire on premises. FOR SALE—FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW not quite finished, corner lot 106x14 4 feet, situated on Alamo Heights, beau tiful shade trees: $1700 takes it quick. Half cash, balance at 8 per cent. New phone 1408. 410 Sixth street. FOR SALE OR TRADE—FINE FOUR room house, corner lot. 75x140. for good agricultural land, price 83600, no incumbrances. Snell A Weber, 421 Moore building. San Antonio, Tex. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY AUCTION SALE —FRIDAY. SEPTEM ber 1. 10 a. m., 512 Indianola street. Contents of five-room house, consisting of dressers, commode, iron bed spring, mattress, bedding, extension tables, san itarv couch, art squares, rugs, matting, shades, refrigerator, cook stove, gas plate, cooking utensils, dishes. Phone 1367. Sommer, auctioneer. WANTED EXPERIENCED COLORED girl for general housework at once. Old phone 4658. FOR SALE—LEASE AND FURNITURE of a small first-class hotel; it is well located and has good trade; reason for selling owner wants to move to Sea drift. T. F. Ford, 109 Avenue D. MILCH COW W INTED—WILL TAKE cow as first payment on residence lot. Can nay difference as low as $1 a week. 205 Av'e. C. Old phone 1.65. King. l n his young days the poet Cole ridge had a little love affair which ended in disaster, for the lady refused him. In despair he enlisted in a cav alry regiment. which he hoped would he ordered on foreign service. For famih reasons he dropped his cor rect name, but from a feeling of sen timent retained the initials: so Samnel Taylor Coleridge became private Silas Tompkins Camberbatch. The regi ment did not leave the country, and it was not long before his soul wearied of barrack life and its utter absence of romance. DID YOU EVER HEAR OF TELEPHONOGRAPH? Wall Street Taiwycr'* Device Auto matically Record* Phone Conversation*. A lawyer genius down In Wall street, say* the New York American, has beat Edison to It by combining the phonograph with the telephone in such a way that it automatically records both end* of a phone conver sation. He has named It "telephono graph." Obviously In business nego tiations over the phone such a record might well prove vitally important and of the greatest value. The device I* so simple and so easy of construction that Its inventor, or discoverer, expressed surprise that some one had not thought of it long ago. The phone I* equipped with twin re ceiver*. One is for use 1n the ordinary way; the other Is held by a bracket in proximity to a megaphone attached to a phonograph In which Is a blank cylinder and a needle for making a record. The cylinder Is turned by electricity when the opera tor presses a button, which in th'* case is set In the flooring convenient to his foot. This, of course. Is to record the words of the speaker at the other end. Say Mr. Lawyer get.* a ea11. He takes down the receiver, starts phone No. 2, and asks for the name, and at the same time starts phone No. 1. The answer comes back, “.lames J. Jones." It is recorded on the cy linder by Jones' own voice, and thereafter he cannot deny that he had any talk with Mr. Lawyer over the phone on that occasion. The subsequent conversation Is re corded In like manner, and at any time. In case of dispute as to what was actually said, the entire conversa tion can be reproduced. “The value of my device has been demonstrated more than once since I rigged it up.” said the lawyer while showing It to a visitor. "Only a few weeka ago 1 arranged an Important business deal over the phone with a man. Three days later a question arose as to just what he had agreed to do, and he repudiated his own worda “ 'Will you deny it in court under oath?' I asked him. " 'Certainly I will.' he replied, 'be cause I never said it.' "'You will? Then listen to this.’ "And I showed him my device and how It worked and ground out hint his own words in his own easily recognized voice. "’You’ve got me,' he said: and that settled it. "Before n jury, without this record, his word would have been as good as mine.” REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. A. J. and S. F. Saunders to J. F. Romen, lot 2. block 5, new citv block 897 $2,000 Otto Krueger. A. Muery and Her man Ging to Parke R. Long worth. lot 26. block 33, lot 6, block 39, Edgew ood addition .. I Yldefonso Pujol to Rt. Rev. .Ino. W. Shaw D. I)., part of survey 228. as per field notes, also vol ume 291. page 407 6 Jesus* Am*ya de Duffin to Maxi mo Gonzale*. lot 1. new city block 2441. on El Paso and tian Marcos street 1.980 John D. Sipple to John A. Bessler. lots 30 and 31. block 11. city block 1619. Denver boulevard 1 Beningo Gomei to D. A. McAsklll. north half of lots 23 and 24. block D, new city block 2437 .. 10 Beningo and Magdelina A. de Go mez to D. A. McAskill, the norih half of lots 28 and 24, block D. new city block 2437 payment D. A. McAskill. trustee, to Benin go Gomez, north half of lots 23 and 24, block D, new city block 2437 ...payment William A. and Brownie Ree* Cocke to Mrs. Robbie Hunt. Mrs. Jane A. Warren and Fannie C. Emmlson. lots 5 to 8, block 23. Alamo Heights 13,500 Louise Doebbler to Otto Koehler. lots 4 and 6, block 10. Kenwood addition 123 Street Realty Co., by Hall P. Street to Rud Schwethelm, lot* 24 to 36, block 23. Thompson street. College Heights 450 Paul Meerscheidt and Otto Wahr mund to W. Willeford. E. A. Ar nim and John E. Kerr, lot 12. new city block 119, on West Hous ton street 69.650 Ramsay C. Bogy and B. B. Harlan to D. G. Darby. lots 19 and 14. block 10. on Kimball street, Har landale 200 Ramsay C. Bogy and B. R. Harlan to M. L. Darby, lots 11 and 12. block 10. Harlandale. on Kim ball street 200 C. E. and M*ry L* Turno to 11. H Leonard, lot 8. block 8, old city lot 166, new city block 2326. on nortli aide Monterey street .... 1.0V0 Richard Tommins, executor of the estate of Mary Ann Shardein. to the grand lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, lots 15 and 16. block 3. new city block 1013. south side Granada street, an undivided half interest in and to lots 57 to 60. block 1, city block 1775. north side Coffman street, also an Interest in and to property in Jefferson county 1 _ — 1 BIRTH RECORD To Mr. and Mrs. D. Tripodl. August 21. 505 North Leona street, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Walker. Aug ust 20. 425 Nortli Pine street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Dalcour Dwyer. Aug ust 17, 625 South Flores street, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Hernandez. August 20 718 South San Jacinto street, a boy. To Mr and Mr*. G. Tones, August 21 729 South Teredo street, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. A. Arlaga, August 23, 315 North San Saba street, a bn”. To Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Tullos, August 22. 114 Stafford street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adam,. August 21, 363 Simpson sfYfet. a noy. * ” To Mr. and Mrs. David Guerrero. Aug ust IS, 4 Grant alley, a girl. To Mr. and Mr>. L. L. Kellam. Aug ust 13, 134 Cortez street, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cardenas. August 9, 1112 Rivas street, a xirl. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Wall. August 20. 308 Pereid* street, a boy. To Mr. nnd Mrs. H. .1.. Brown, July 20. 518 San Pedro avenue, a boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Johnson, August 22, -'25 Belmont street, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. Enrico Perez, Aug ust 25. Yoakum bend, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. M. Mathiesen. Aug. 19. Kenney's Sanatorium, a girl. —♦• ♦ ■ 1 Thackeray was notoriously careless of the written manuscript of his novels. A good deal of “Philip" was written at the Athenaeum club in London, and one day, when he had completed the manuscript of a num ber for the Thackeray laid it down in the cloakroom and forgot it. That evening a messenger arrived »t his house for the copy, but Thackeray was dining out. Next morning he rush ed down to the club in desperate anxiety, and after an exciting search the manuscript was discoverer! In the dustman's box, into which it had been swept by a housemaid. WHAT THE CONTENTS OF YOUR MARKET BASKET SHOULD COST Prepared for the Geldenoe of 8*n Antonio Housewives From the Prfoso RnUn< at City Market House Tills Morning—Quotation* Are KetaiL steak 1844c round steak, 1244c; rib roast. 12 l-8c; veal stew, Ito; beet stew” 7c; breakfast bacon, 20c; pork sausage, 12 44c; salt pork, 20c smoked ham, 22c; boneless boiled ham, 80c; Muaago or welnera 12tic- chinned beef. 20o; bologna, blood and liver *au*age, 12 44c; pork chops.’ 17c; dressed kid. 20e; mutton, 16c. FRUITS Oranges. 25#80o dozen; bananas. 16 9 20c; lemons. 20* 80c; mangos, 8 for 10; alligator pear, Sc; grape fruit, luo each, applee 25c dozen. . * VEGETABLES Beets, green onions, carrots, radishes, turnips ana soup buneh, 6c bunch; cabbage, 6c lb.; onions, 5c lb.; tomatoes, 40o basket; Irish potatoes, 65c peck; new sweet potatoes. 50c peck; string beans, 80 c qL. lettuce. 8 for Sc; csiery. 10c per bunch; sweet peppors, 4 for 5c; sQuash, 2 for 5c; crystal wax beans. 20u Qt.; artichokes, 15c eacn; okra, 5c qLt cucumbers, 30c dozen; egg plant, 5»10c each; chill pep per, 5c cup; horseradish, lOo root; watercress. 5c bunch; corn. 80s dozen; cantaloupes, 5©10c each; watermelons. 15960c, according to ■!*< butter beians, 45c qt.; rhubarb, 10c lb ., 3 lb*. 25c. COTTON BULLETIN SAN ANtONIO, Tex., Aug. 28.—Tem perature. rainfall nnd state of weather for the stations of me Houston district for the 21 hours ending at 8 o'clock this morning. —Temp.— Rain- Stat* of Station*— Max. Min fall. Weather xAbRene ...... 88 68 1.20 Rain xAmarillo z — 54 .01 Cloudy Beeville 98 78 .oo PtCldy Brenham 94 74 .00 Clear xBrownsville M . 92 76 .00 Clear Brownwood .. .. 92 70 .08 PtCldy Clarendon 94 58 .88 Cloudy xCorpus Christi . 8g 80 .00 rlcar Corsicana 9* 70 .06 Rain Cuero 96 76 .08 Clear Dallas 96 70 1.58 Kain xDel Rio z — 78 .00 PtCldy Dublin 100 66 2.03 Cloudy l''.astland 96 66 1.20 Kain xFort Worth .... — 68 1.84 Rain xGalveston ..'... 88 82 .00 Clear Greenville 94 70 .60 cloudy Haskell 96 66 1.40 Cloudy Henrietta 83 66 2.40 Kain Hondo 100 78 .00 PtCldy xHoualon ...... — 74 .08 C'ear Huntsville .. ... 90 74 .20 Clear Kerrville 90 78 .00 PtCldy Lampasas 98 72 .00 Cloudy Llano . 98 76 .00 I'tCldy Longview .. .... 92 72 .24 Cloudy Luling 98 xo .oo PtCldy Nacogdoches .. . 90 72 .00 I'tCldy xPalestlno 92 74 .00 Cloudy Paris z 86 68 .84 Kain Quanah 94 62 1.34 PtCldy xSAN ANTONIO. 98 76 .00 PtCldy San Marcos .... 94 78 .00 Clear Sherman 82 68 2.00 Kain xTaylcr — 76 Oo I’tCldy Temple 94 76 .00 PtCldy Waco 96 66 .00 Cloudy Waxahachie .. .. 98 68 108 Rain Weatherford .... 92 68 2.08 Rain Alice 100 74 .00 PtCldy Austin — — .00 Cloudy 4'olumbu* — — .04 PtCldy Riverside — — .60 Cloudy xMlninium temperature i* for last 12 hours. zNot used in computing the averages tor the Houston district. DMTMICT AYKBAQES. —Temp.— Rain- Max. Min fall. Wilmington. N. C. .. 86 70 .80 Augusta. Ga 92 73 .70 Atlanta. Ga 92 72 .30 Montgomery. Ala. 94 72 .10 Mobile. Ala 92 72 1.00 Memphis, Tenn 88 72 .50 Vicksburg. Miss.. .. ... 92 72 New Orleans, La 92 70 .60 Little Rock. Ark 88 72 .60 Houston. Tex 94 72 1.10 Oklahoma City, Okla. ... 80 64 .90 SEMABKK The weather in the belt is unsettled. The temperature Is above normal. Rainfall of an inch or more at many place In the Houston, Oklahoma and Mo bile districts. GENERAL WEATXEB BULLETIN. Observations taken at 8 a. m„ Mon-i day. Aug 28. 1911. First column, direction of wind, see- j oiid. velocity of wind, third, tempera- I ture. fourth, rainfall, fifth, state of the weather. Amarillo NW 8 54 .01 Cloudy Atlantic City S 10 76 .02 Clear Augusta X 22 76 .00 Cloudy Birmingham NiV 4 74 .00 Cloudy Boston SE 4 64 .40 Cloudy Brownsville SE 6 78 .00 _ Clear Chicago NW 12 62 .08 Cloudy C. Christi R 8 80 .00 Cleat- Del Rio E 6 78 .00 PtCldy Fort Worth W 4 68 1.84 Rain Galveston S 12 82 .00 Clear Jacksonville SW 28 80 ,00 Cloudy Kansas City X 12 60 .00 Clear' I Key West NE 4 84 .00 Clear I Knoxville NE 4 74 .00 Clear Louisville X 6 74 .04 Rain Macon NW 18 78 .00 Cloudy 1 Memphis X 4 74 .00 Clear j Montgomery X 4 78 .00 PtCldy ■ New Orleans SW 4 78 .96 PtCldy New Tork SW 18 78 .46 Cloudy Okla. City N 20 64 .18 PtCldy Palestine SW 8 76 .00 cloudy St. Louis N 18 64 .28 ('year St. Paul NW 18 46 .00 Clear Shreveport SE 4 74 .16 Cloudy Taylor S 6 76 .00 PtCldy Washington S 10 SO .00 PtCldy ALLEN BUELL. Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. BURIAL PERMITS. Edmund George Kemnf. 25 years, died August 25. 634’1 East Commerce street. Louis Lopez, 39 years, died August 26. P, and S. hospital. Severa Navarro. 35 years, died Aug ust 23, city hospital. Mrs. Nancy Birchfield. 71 jears, died August 32, San Juan road. August Woerner, 49 years, died Aug ust 23. 3301 West Houston street. Nellie Ray Richter, 2 years, died Aug ust 22, 203 Cactus street. Mary Schwammel. 72 years, died Aug ust 23. 2017 South Flores street. Emil Behrens. 65 years, died August 23. 1231 Burnet street. Mother Gabriel t.lane Wheelahan). 5t died August 24, Santa Rosa hos pital. T. Lepe?. 22 years, died August 24, 720 Ruiz street. E. Lopez, 24 years, died August 24. i 723 Ruiz street. Rosalia A. Ahr. t year, died August | 23. 1 134 \ustln street. Louise Garcia. 1 sear, died August 24, : 916 Durango street. Victor Friery. 10 months, died August 24, Laredo, Tex. BUILDING*PERMITS. Mrs. Emmv Dittmar. wood house. etc, north side Starr street ...$6,000 ■ Joseph Ackermann, addition, north side Harrison street 400 Jerry L. New ton. shed, north side Montana street 60 marriagFucenses. Marriage licenses were issued yester day tq the following: Roy Mi|t«n Avery and Anna Lee Agee. Rosalie Lopez and Silverla Mavantes. William H. Smith and Emilie Unger. Eleiaodxo S. SoadeveJ qrC Ae~>b« Cantu. I Country 25c; yard, 3u To ' BUTTER—Freah country, 25c; creamery. 35c. HiESSED POULTRY —Hens, 50c each; fryers, 20-*$c turkey*. 30c pound; bruiler*. 20c; aquaba, 30c •traiahL RABBITS—20c each. FISH —Fresh. *11 kind* 15c; pompano and mackerel 20O30c. FRESH AND CURED MEATS—Loin and porterhou** TODAY IN THE LOCAL WHOLESALE MARKETS ment of price* ruling on all commo dities in the local wholesale market I thia morning. The statement 1* official ; and published for the guidance of tha farmer and retailer, the price* being ' furnished and corrected dally by the jobbers themselves. VEGETABLES. Price* to the trade. POTATOES—California. U.SSeS.nO. SWEET POTATOES—Yellow yam* per cwt. $2.50. CABBAGE—Per cwt. 13.003 3.25. i PEPPERS—4-basket crate 25c. PAIPXS—California, in sack* $2.50 ' per cwt. Bl.A.xS—Texas round green, bushel hamper. $1.7532.00. BUNCH VEGETABLES—25c dozen. CUCUMBERS—$1.60 bushel crate. CANTALOUPES—$2 standard crate. WATERMELONS—$15 > 35 00 per 10« melons. TOMATOES—$1.50 bushel, 4-basket ( crate 75(185c. CORN—30c per dozen. OKRA—30iff40c one-third bushel box. OUT-OF-STATE PRODUCTS. KRAUT—Half barrels, $3.50; keg* $1.50. GARLIC—Per pound 9c. FRUITS. ORANGES —California Valencia. $4.50 41 4.75. BANANAS—$2.503 3.00 per cwt. LEMONS—360s. 420s. $4.50. , PEACHES —Texas. $1.25 per standard crate: California. $1.4001.50. PLUMS—-California. $2.00 four-basket crate; California. $2.25 per four-basket era te. i FEARS—Flat box $3. Al’PLES—California green. $2.50 box. I Colorado, $2.50. NUTS. Price to retailer: PEANUTS—Fancy Jumbo, per cwt, I $8.50: roasted, $12. , PECANS—8 and 9c lb. CANNED GOODS. California standard canned good* dozen cans. Apples $1.75. apricots $1.65, blackberries $1.75, cherries $1.90, grape* $1.60. clingstone peaches $2. freestone peaches $2.15. Bartlett pears $1.90. CANNED MI A' S AND FISH. Is roast beef $t.:'O. is corned beef I $1.90. Ss $2.75. J American Mnlifii ■ 4 s, per case $3.90. i mustard sardine. , ,sc $3.25. fall sal mon. pinks, per dozen $1.25. fancy MII cher herring $1. mixed herring 90c, Rus sian sardines 65 7f 75c SALT FISH. Spiced herring 90c. Rolled Mop* $1.10. I LOUR AND BRAN. Price to retailer. Pioneer flour. $5 barrel. Liberty Bell flour. $5 barrel. Meal: 53*,e In 35-Ib. sack*. Pure corn chops, free from cob, $1.40 hundred pounds. Pure bran. $1 35 100 pounds. SYRUP AND MOLASSES. Cane syrup, 2’» pounds, $3 dozen or $1 case. Corn syrup and molasses. 24 । 2-lb. cans. $1.90 case; 12 5-lb. cans. $2.20 case: 6 10-lb. cans. $2 case. Pure sor | ghum. 35c gallon; corn syrup. 35c gal । Ion: maple syrup, in half gallon, dozen, | $9; maple syrup, in cake. 16c lb. RICE. Fancy full head, new crop. 6e; good full, $5.23: fanev screenings. $2.756 3. CALIFORNIA BEANS. Fancy bayo, 100 pounds $5.50. pink* 100 pounds $6.50. blackeyo peas $7.25 100 pounds, Lima beans. $8 100 pounds, navy beans $3 per 100 pounds. Mexican bayo beans. $5.50. DRIED FRUITS. Price to retailer: PRUNES—California. 40-30s, I2c lb. PEACHES—In 25-lb. boxes, standard 14b; choice fancy, 15c. DATES—Hallowl, In bulk, 7o lb., package 8c lb. । APRICOTS—Standard 15c. choice 16c, । extra choice 16'40. fancy 17c. RAISINS—Loose Muscatels, 8-crown, । 8He. APPLES—New crop Arkansas 15c. I PEAKS—Evaporated halves 12c. FIGS—Bulk 25-lb. 6'sc. packages S5c. CURRANTS—12-oz 10c. 10-dz. 9e. FIGS —Boxes. 12 pkgs. 13-dz. 85c; 11 pkgs. 12-dz. 80c; 20-dz 95c. SUGAR AND COFFEE. Price to retailer. Choice Peaberry coffee 1784c; cboic* Rio. 17*-c; I’orto Rico, $22 per cast f. o. b. San Antonio: Maxwell Hous* Blend. 29c lb.: three-pound can 15c. Jobbers' prices: Fine granulated sugar $6.50 100 lb* hay. South Texas, per ton, $12 to $14; al falfa, per ton, $22: Johnson gras* $15. GRAIN. Price to trade: CORN—No. 2 mixed 88c: No. 1 whit* 88c. OATS—56c per bushel; deliveries 1* ' sacks. HIDES. Delivered prices paid shipper: Heavy dry flint butchers 13c. light dry flint butchers 11c, dry fallen, free trom mud tic, green salted over thirty five pounds, free of salt, 7c. bull*, stags and damaged, one-third less, dry flint gout prime 12c, dry flint goat damaged 6c. w ild hog. large. J5c. small half price, coon. fox. wolf, wildcat and coyote 3*44 civet cat 20e, opossum 15c. SEEDS. Onion sets, red and yellow, $3 bushel box. White. $2 bushel box. Cane seed: Orange $2.50. amber $2.25. Millet see $3 cwt. Red tops $2.75. Turnip seed: Fifty pounds. Squash seed 65c pound.. Tomato $2.50 0 2.65 lb. Pumpkin 60®60c. Muskmelon 75©$t lb. Watermelon 60®80e lb. Lettuce ,6®SOc lb. Cucumber 90c lb. Carrot 85090c !b. Mustard 50©85c lb. Radish 50®75c lb. Peas. Extra early $5.50; black ay* marrow fat. $3 bushel. Bermuda grass seed $1 lb. Beans: Fote. all kinds, $4.50 bushel. Beans, bush, all kinds. $6.50 bushel. Sweet corn, all kinds. $3 bushel. Field corn, all kinds. $1 bushel. MEATS AND LA HD. MEATS—Dry salt extras 9\c: bacon extras tO’»c: dry salt bellies. 14 to 16 pounds 12c; fancy breakfast bacon. 3$c. standard breakfast bacon 18c, hams, standard 168,c. fancy hams 18c, bacon bellies. 14 to 16 pounds 13c. LARD —Compounil 7»»c. nurs 10c. PICKLED MEATS —Hogs' fest in kits $1. in one-quarter barrels $2.25. in half barrels $l 50. CHEESE— Fancy cream. 16 He lb. - e»» Theo Artat's Orcbestr*. Both phn—k 13