Newspaper Page Text
12 Want Ad Rates San Antonio Light 1 tnaertioa par wot 4 !• « eoaeecuttve InMrtioas per •“ 3 insertions pee Ten er more oombcuIiv# 1-8 OMI par word SMh . Tbs abovs ratss spplv >« manta running without rhanga omr Ns ad accepted lor leas than flftee* *A4s'7'1*61 intsrvals ara e.targad ths obf nm® rat* *a*>e *• Hates by U-a month; Ho MlBlmum charge <1 15 P«» month for ad or rtf torn words . . The pubit.bera ob? rojeet or revtes W oopy doomed o»- jeeUonaMa. Want Ads Taken Over the Telephone Both Phones 176 day Light. W U>ra» M»O»T OF MTTX.K why buxabsh bucmabam. Precious darling aha has left ua, ua. yea. foreTer more; But we hope to meet our loved one Un that bright » nd . haB P y t J^ o 5*__ Loneh the house. m4 »«i since our little darling’s <on»' But. Oh. u brighter home than cure In Heaven la now her owm A mothers hope, a father a Joy In death’s eold arm doth lie. Go. little pilgrim to thy home On yonder blissful ehore. We tn Ias thee here, but goon we 11 come Where you have gone befora And in Heaven with joy to greet thee Farewell tears well shed no more. A little flower of love That blossomed but to die. Transplanted now above To bloom with God on HELP WANTED MALE. SITUATION WANTED ADS V'ILL BE accepted free of charge in Tha Light. Bring, mall or phone them in. EXPERIENCED HOTEL CLERK. REF- erences required. 225 St. Marys St. GOVERNMENT WANTS EMPLOYES. Write for list of positions open- Franklin Institute, Dept 455-11, Rochea ter, N. Y. WANTED —MEN TO TAKE THIRTY- day practical courae In our machine shops, i learn the automobile business and accept good positions. New Orleans Auto School, New Orleans, La. TWO SOLICITORS FOR HEALTH AND accident insurance in city. New plan. Big commissions. Old company. Refer ences required. Address No. 10»>-o care Ught. WANTED—BOY BETWEEN SIXTEEN and eighteen years old; must have ref erences. Inquire »Q0 East Commerce St ' WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES. Open territory throughout Texas. Big commissions. Great seller. Energetic agents make 110 per day. Inquire H. M., care Light. EXPERIENCED FOREMAN FOR PUB lic highway construction work; wages 880. 225 8t. Mary's street WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD SETTLED lady or man to work in lunch room; no boose fighters needed; answer with references or application worthless; good home and wages to right parties. Hous ton Renovating and Confectionery Ca. Sabinal. Texas. Box 357. WANTED —STUDENTS TO ATTEND auto school. Practical work with up to-date cars. We place our students in good positions. .Demand for chauffeurs, mechanics is greater than we can sup ply. You can make big money. Every day nine to fivb. Nights Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. We teach driving. S. A. Auto School, 125ft West Com merce. WANTED—A BRIGHT, AMBITIOUS boy. 14 to 16 years of age for office boy. must be strong and healthy. Ad dress in own handwriting, stating age J and experience. 1077, care Light SIDE LINE—GROCERY SALESMEN preferred. We have a standard line of iron safes, fire proof, none better, which you can sell your customers so cheap if they are in the market; you never heard such prices. Call at 604 Main avenue for particulars. SHIPPING CLERK FOR WHOLESALE , crockery house, salary 3100. 225 St. । Mary's street. WANTED—EVERYBODY OUT OF EM ployment to apply to us for positions which are now open. We are the only employment agency In the state of Tex as which Is endorsed by the Retail Mer chants' association and which makes no charge for their services unless em ployment is secured. Malone Employ ment Agency, 225 St. Mary's. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN AS STEN ographer and clerk; splendid oppor tunity. State age, experience and ref erence. Address, 1078 care Light. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. No canvassing or soliciting required. Good income assured. Address National Co-Operative Realty Co., V1197 Marden building, Washington, D. C. WANTED—BOY NOT UNDER 16 years of age for yard work. J. A. Clopton, 408 Dwyer avenue. WANTED—A WHITE BOY, GERMAN' preferred; ago about 15 years. Call at 659 Main avenue. TWO TIMEKEEPERS FOR RAILROAD out of San Antonio, salary 380. 225 St. Mary’s street. WANTED—A MAN DISH WASHER; good wages; also a white waitress. West Texas Military Academy. WANTED—A GOOD COLORED WAIT er. 412 Martin street. WANTED—BOY TO WORK IN DRUG store; must have bicycle. Houck's drug store. WANTED —MEN TO LEARN THE barber trade. Thousands have be come successful shop owners by our system and send to us for barbers. We must supply them. Learn now—no limit to scholarship. Clean inside work. No dull season. No strikes—cash every Saturday night. Complete outfit of tools gfvej- Diplomas granted. Par tlcnlars mailed to distant applicants. Call if possible. Moler Barber College, 820 W. Commerce street. WANTED—BOY OR GIRL TO RUN ON errands and do light work around the house. 126 Richmond avenue. WANTED—BOY WITH WHEEL. NEW York Star Dye Works, 208 N. Presa street. WANTED—HONEST GERMAN BOY to learn trade; one not afraid of work, 16 or 18 years of age. Old phone 4820. Wanted—night watchman, good wnges. Apply 704 East Commerce SL SVANTED i—. A BOY FOR ERRANDS, etc.. about fifteen years of age. Pabst Engraving Co., 210 East Houston SL TUESDAY, WANTED—A GOOD Ban TO DKIVK at A. il Waling. 815 Nan I’edro ave IKHHi HTItoNO IloY TO DRIVE At To. Ill Delgado street. Old phone 3134. WANTED— A BOY WITH WHEEL 897 Main avenue. W ANTlft- BOLICTTOR FOB HUNT* Ing and* advertising. 31? Navarro HL AG KN TA. AGKNTK WANTED TO NELL Ol'K Clean Cutler Nat el y Razvr. doee tM • ork of any II rasor on tho market. K«a»- Miler and big money Makar No instructions necessary. Nend 31c for a complete sample outfit. AddreM Clean Cutter Co., K O. Box 1131, Non Anto nio. Tex. 1809 PREMIUM* FREE H KLLI NG braided embroidered lawn shirtwaist patterns, princess nulls, etc. Ill lu IIO weekly easily made; catalog; samples free. F. B. Rmlth company, 431 Ex change building. Paterson, N. J. LIVE AGENTS ARE COINING MON ey with our outfit which doubles the life of auto tires. Add: ess Ne pl in Bell ing Agency, 115 East Fourth street. Fort Worth. Texas. HIGH CLASH SALESMEN AND BALM women wanted. None others need apply. Call at 210 East Houston street, and call for Hag»l»teln. We have a monej -making proposition to offer to soon agents. It costs you nothin* to Investigate. (Geo 1 Hagolsteln A (A. L) Dickinson. Managers Loe Angeles Heights, San Antonio, Tour WANTED—ALL WHO ARB OUT OF employment to advertise free of charge in the Light. Phono, moil er bring your nd to tho Light office. WANTED—A FIRST-CLASS FEMALE cook, one who can really cook both meats and vegetables, and do her own ordering. If_you ran do these things, ap ply at 610 R1VT ave. ANY GIRL IN NEED OF A FRIEND la Invited to call at tho Salvation Army Rescue Home. 3010 River avenue, at any time. Old phone 2872. BE A TRAINED NURSE, STUDY AT homo. Earn 111 weekly. Thousands wanted. Free information. Rochester Nurses Institute,. 1280 Rochester. N. Y. WANTED—SEVERAL LADY DEMON strstore, Spanish speaking preferred, neat appearing and with character ref erence. for work both in and out of city, salary and expenses, with steady em ployment. Apply before 11 o clock, mornings, 526 River ave. WANTED—WHITE GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 102 East Locust SL »V ANTED—FOR DININGROOM WORK A good colored girl or woman for din ing room work. Apply at once 208 fourth street. WANTED—GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework In private home. 419 At lanta avenue. WANTED AT ONCE—A GOOD COL ored cook. Apply 416 Maverick SL WANTED—WOMAN TO DO GENERAL housework In family of three; good wages and nice'servant’s room. Mrs. L. T. Powell, 131 Texas avenue. WANTED AT ONCE—EXPERIENCED middle aged chambermaid. Maverick Hotel. WANTED—A WHITE GIRL TO COOK and do light housework for a couple. Apply 412 Madison streeL WANTED—LADY PRESSERS AT A H. Wellng. 647 Main avenue. WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED HOUSE girl. Mrs. Floyd McGown, 511 West French place. WANTED—A GIRL TO TAKE CARE of two children; good wages and good place for the right girl. 917 W. Poplar. WANTED—A NURSE GIRL, COLORED or white. Call at once at 227 Narp St. WANTED—EXPERIENCED COLORED cook at 529 East Guenther street. GOOD COOK WANTED—34.60 PER week; three in family; also a good washerwoman. Apply at once, 221 Vance street. WANTED — WOMAN FOR HOUSE work, washing and ironing, family of three, good wages for right party. 360 Schley avenue. Old phone 6012. A GIRL HANDY WITH THE NEEDLE r for ladies' tailoring; a good position to the right party. Abrams & Koenig- ] helm, Conroy building. YOUNG LADY FOR TRAVELING 1 show. Call Thursday; can use In mind reading act and doorkeeper. 510 Essex - street. 1 WANTED — EXPERIENCED WAIST 1 and skirt girls. Mrs. Meek. flat No. 1 1 Randolph Apartments. 1 —"" * —— 1 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED—POSITION AS BAKER AT once. Old phone 3828. POSITION AS NIGHT CLERK IN HO tel or rooming house by experienced man. W10, Light. WANTED—A POSITION WITH SOME large rooming house or hotel as clerk ; and solicitor. I can get the business as I have been clerk in a hotel for some time and know the traveling public. 1 am willing to start on a small salary and I can furnish the best of refer ences as to habits, etc. Address L. P. O. Box 445, Uvalde, Texas. POSITION — STENOGRAPHER. TWO years' experience in real estate and law office. References if required. 1362. care Light. Old phone 5790. EXPERIENCED YOUNG BUSINESS man, highest references, desires po sition as city salesman; seven years' experience; business getter; speaks Ger man. Address 1060, care Light. WANTED—POSITION AS PLANING mill foreman by young man of sev eral years experience; can give best of references; willing to go to Mexico or any place to work. Address 1207, care Light. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, POSITION as grocery clerk or collector, can fur nish references. Old phone 6110. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK IN OF fice or in wholesale establlshmenL have experience as bookkeeper; good reference. Address 1210, care Light. BOOKKEEPER HAVING SPARE TIME wishes small set of books to keep. Apply 1313, Light. VIOLINIST WANTS PERMANENT Po sition with vaudeville show; also work on the stage. 1312, care Light. POSITION AS NIGHT CLERK IN Ho tel or rooming house by experienced t man. W 10, care Light. CHAUFFEUR—MARRIED. 28 YEARS old, three years experience; can fur nish best of local references as to char- • aeter and ability. Address 1331,'care • Light. > 5J1RST CLASS BOOKKEEPER, 33 years, married. highly educated. wants steady position; moderate salarv; I . am employed; like to i-hange. H. W. I t McDougall. General delivery. San An- tonio, Texas. - 1 HELP WANTED MALE. FEMALE. SITUATIONS WANT1D MALE. _ w intei ri '.nn .s nr ioi nu man. II tears old. da eolladtor. Apfdr Illi, care Ught. ItidmoN WANTED UY TOUNO MAN It yeere »ld. la vboieaalo or retail houaa. Apply 1313. Ligtil. WANTED FOBITIQM BOBKR FURNI- Hiro finisher and repairer. Addreea 1311. care Light. _____ WANTED—POSITION AB CLMRK IN eenorei niervantlla bueineee by •>*** nencad man o peak lag Hnailah. Hpanleh amt Uorman. 'an turn I all beet of refer •noee 1120. Light. want«d1-by box n team old. work of any kind after pehool and on Balurday; cab paint and do repair car ped 1er work. Old phone 1391-ir. MARRIED MAN FORTT YEARS OLD wlebee pool Hon as bookkeeper, chip ping clerk or collector; good refereneed. Old phooe 4M? or No. 1113. care Light. YOUNG MAN”WANTS POSITION AB chauffeur, salary no ronelderatiea, experienced driver. 1311, care Light WANTED—A BOOKKEEPING. STEN ographle or combined position paying a nice salary, references it desired Ad dress 1334, Light __ STKONGRAPH1C POSITION DESIRED by young man with fine references; would work out of city. Addrase 1331, Light PRINTER—23 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, wants managemsnt of private plant In Ban Antonio or Houston. Addreea "Max.” oaro Light __________ WANTED—BY~CARPENTER. GCEBK- al repair work by the day; Sood work for reasonable pay. Addreea Till, care Light EXPERIENCED AUTO REPAIR MAN waste position as chauffeur, cab haa dlo any make of gasoline csr; am mar ried. aged 34. Addreea R. general deUvery, Rockport, Tex. MECHANIC EMPLOYED THROUGH week wants work of any kind to do Sundays. WANTED—POSITION BY GERMAN as collector or delivery; knows city well. Apply 363 Coopsr street. ELDERLY GERMAN MAN WANTS A position as llsht delivery or to take caro of office, run elevator; reliable, eo ber; beet references. Address C. W., 301 Forest avenue, city. GOOD CHAUFFEUR. NOW EMPLOY ed, wants position with family; no objection to caring for yard and stock; best of references. Address 1343, cars Ught WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, FARM ON shares; no objection *to location if healthy and good farming land. Address 1508 Montana street, San Antonio, Tex. b’EMALE. MENDING AND DARNING NEATLY done by an expert 35 cents an hour. Mrs. L L Koenlgsburg, 615 Dallas Rt FOR ANY KIND OF SEWING FROM plain kitchen aprons to ladles' tail ored suits, call Mrs. Jones, old phons No. 2075. WANTED—BY EXPERIENCED LADY stenographer, owning machine, either good salaried position or moderate sal ary in good location with privilege of public work. 2101 old phone. REFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES light stenographic work, whole or half day with considerate employer. Satisfactory references. Will appreci ate early reply. No. 1309, care Light YOUNG AMERICAN LADY WHO speaks Spanish fluently (also reads and writes it) desires position; experi enced saleslady and interpreter; capa ble in general office work. Phone MOO old. WANTED—A POSITION BY YOUNG lady with fair education and writes good hand, in some good firm; willing to work for experience a week or so with chances of advancement Old pbone 715. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRA plier desires position at once with large firm; plenty of work. Address 1337 care Light WANTED—BY WHITE WOMAN GEN eral housework by the day or half day. Address 1389, care Light. YOUNG LADY WITH BEST OF REF erences wishes position as private de tective. Have had some experience. Call new phone 3054-Green. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS STE nographer. call old phone 6424.. IF YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASS STE nographer. call old phone 6424. WANTED—A PLACE TO COOK IN I either a rich family, high class board | ing house or ranch, where first-class cooking would be appreciated; expect good wages and plain, clean room. Ad dress Mrs. Marion Miller, 820 E. Hous ton street. PLAIN SEWING NEATLY DONE AT 625 East Crockett street. WANTED—POSITION BY A YOUNG lady stenographer with good educa tion and experience. Old phone 6202. A YOUNG WIDOW OF REFINEMENT would like position as housekeeper or companion in nice family or hotel. Box 1217, care Light FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT — NICE FOUR-ROOM house, good locality, near car and school; good walks. Apply 930 Hays. FOR RENT—MODERN EIGHT-ROOM lovely house, never been occupied, wa ter, baths, hot and cold water, electric lights, gas. city sewerage, screened from top to bottom. Bleeping porches back and front, fine breeze, southeast front, large cocl rooms, high up, one block of car Une, Cincinnati avenue. Address No. 1089, care Light FOR RENT—MODERN FIVE-ROOM cottage, 111 Broad avenue. Laurel Heights; gas, electric fixtures, bath, best plumbing, fine neighborhood, near San Pedro car Une. Rent 320. Apply Conness Realty Co., 211 St Mary's St. THREE ROOMS AND BATH. MODERN, separately fenced yard, 313 per month. 812 West Mulberry avenue. Old phone 2540. 3 ACRES Fine soil, at city limits, 3 blocks from Harlandalo bath house, chicken proof fence, good shallow well with gasoline engine, J. L. Lytle Realty Co., owners, Gibbs building. FOR RENT—FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 223 East Cevallos street, near Sap ae pot. Apply phones new 1433, old 4266. FOR RENT—522 WEST MULBERRY avenue, five-room modern cottage. Ap ply phones new 1433, old 4266. FOR RENT—A COMFORTABLE ROCK house on Garden street; sits back half block from car; shade trees, pecans and figs. Apply 239 Garden street. IFOR RENT—SIX ROOM COTTAGE near 8. P. depot for 312.60 if rented todav. See ns at once. Conroy * Rice, agents, 224 West Commerce street New phone 83?. Old 523, THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT FOR RBNT MOUNKB itlR BKNT-913 NORTH MBBQUITB 4-roem heuM per moeili. ‘MU neat doer. Mra Wyatt er vid phone I59T. ITOR RENT—NICB NEW THRKC room bungalow. 911 Beyler 9treei. hear Uaioa block Yards, l-rioe 519. Kay at houae la rear. Apply H. M Mmilh. 114 Bwoot street. FOR RKNT THRKK ItOOMn WITH bath, oxeellent location, private en- furnished. 311 Nolan. Old phono >DK KIXT-KTUNK HOt'PK OF TEN roam on good street la aouth pert of city. Will ragair and remodel to auii reepoMibie tenant leaning same for several yeara. Addroae. 1135, Ught of fice. BOMB SPLENDID MODERN MOIL daneeo—339 Madiaen, 11 rooms. 355. til Brie ? rooma. »59. 391 Richmend. » rooms, *59. 34H W. Commerce, t rooms, 896 99 HI Pterann. I roema. 839 99. K H. Weater Company. Phonee 8*4!, VERY DE81RABLR COTTAGE* WITH modern oonvonlencen. 118 Went Flori da. 8 rooma. 838.M. 1813 North Florea 8 rooms. 833.89. 1339 McCullough, 8 rooma, 338.00. 831 East Macon. 8 rooms. 838.M. 3811 Zavala. 8 rooma, I18.M. Be auro to get the complete Hat R. H. Weater Company, 388 East Houston. FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMB. MALL bath, plumbing, wiring. Ill per month. Zay Smith, new phono 3M3. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AND BATH ON Nolan street, largo stable and yard. Will lease. Old phone 3IIB, NEW HOUSE FOR RENT, JUST COM pletod. I rooms, both, medera. IM Kline street ons-hslf block from South Hores strsst 835 Old phons 898?. FOR RENT—438 WE»T MISTLETOE svsnue. 818 Avonun C. J. T. llsnnsssy. Roth phones No. 381. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE with both sad sower sad two lota 188 Pearson svonva Inquire 143 Leopold. ALAMO HEIGHTS. Wo have a row residonoes for rant a one or see us about them or anything e on Alamo Hoighta Our offlos Is here on the Heights and ws ars bars to oerve you. Old phono 17M. Alamo Hoighta Bales Company. FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM HOUSE with hall, gas sad electrio light 813 Goliad. Now phooe 3MI. FOR RENT—ONE TWO-BTORY 8EV ea room house, 4M West Myrtle St, one-half block from car Una For fur ther Information inquire at 114 Ave C. 814 JONE8 AVENUE. CORNER QUTN cy; four rooms snd bath, 114.00. In quire next door. FURNISHED ROOMB. • NICELY FURNISHED CLOBE-IN AND thoroughly modern rooma electric light, phone, bath. etc. 414 Sixth street Old phono 1887. FOR RENT — VERY DESIRABLE southeast room in private residenoa within walking distance, or about a six minute ride on tbe San Pedro car to town. Call after 7 p. 819 Jackson street CLEAN, CLOSE IN ROOMS NEATLY furnished, housekeeping if desired; one unfurnished rooms in rsar. 321 Third street JOHNSTON FLATS. CLEAN. COOL piece to slsep, 25 cents per room; 81.X5 and 81-50 per weak. 104 1-3 East Travia back Riverside restaurant LARGE, LIGHT, NEWLY FURNISHED room, modern house, strictly high claaa walking distance; no sick; board optional. Old phone MOS. SOME FURNISHED ROOMS, FREE bath, south exposure, three blocks from Gunter hotel. 405 St Mary’s St Mrs. Pate. / LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room for gentlemen, two blocks from Alamo plaza. 304 Bowie strsst TWO OR THREE ROOMS IN SUBURB, car Une; cement walks; aheap. 626 Washington Place. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, bath room adjoining: walking distance; no other roomers. 226 Madison street, old phone 4494. FOR RENT—LARGE FRONT ROOM, connecting bath; newly furnished; close in; private family. 300 North St NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. private family. Five minutes’ walk from Joske's. South Heights car. 229 Goliad. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. TWO blocks from postoffice. 312 Nacogdo ches street. CLEAN. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS adjoining bath. Old phone 2908, 328 Lafitte. COOL, COMFORTABLE AND CLEAN large, newly furnished rooms; reason able; modern conveniences. 632 Soledad street. Old phone 1809. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, near Harlandale bath house, one-third block from Harlandale car line; electric lights and sewerage. 123 Belden avenue, Harlandale. FOR RENT—TWO NICELY FURNISH ed upstairs rooms, back and front porch screened, separate bath tub. 115 West Locust, Tobin Hill. Old phone No. 6314. TWO ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, in private family, close in. good car line; no other roomers; gentlemen only. Old phone 3976. 1101 S. Alamo. LARGE SOUTHEAST FRONT ROOM, upstairs, newly papered and furnish ed, sleeping gallery. 205 Camden. Old phone 1238. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, 1029 Wyom ing. Rent reasonable. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED SLEEP tng room for 3 business ladies or cou- Sle; private home. Close in; no chll ren. 121 River avenue. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. - i FOR RENT — TWO CONNECTING light housekeeping rooms, with every convenience and nice home. No. 522 Augusta street. FOR RENT—LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, upstairs; can furnish fresh milk from Jersey cow. Ring 3302, old phone. FOR RENT—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with everything furnished; alsv sleep ing rooms. 420 St. Mary's. SUITE WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE; every convenience; meals furnished when desired; close in. 817 Nolan st. FOR RENT—TWO ROOMS FURNISH ed for housekeeping; bath; West Eni cars stop at gate. 624 Ruiz street. BY COUPLE OWNING HOUSE THREE or four connecting rooms furnished in new modern cottage on top of hill, cement walk to car. as cool and clean as anv in city; electric lights: no sick or children of destructive age. 907 Westfall. Old phone 6822. TOK RENT — TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, close In. car line, gas. electricity, everything furnished, .818 per month. 5274. FOR RBNT HOl’MbJMmCPINU KOOM8 roll RENT—LAKQK CONNBCTINQ houaekewplng rooma; Ml lira IMHI' lemea. 414 North Florea XL 014 pbOM 1447. FOR RENT—TWO BUITEB OF ROOMB for light housekeeping, up and down elnire. gna, aleotrle light, bnl and eold water. lalepboM; nil blocka of poatof flee. 799 Avenue C. TWO LIGHT HOUBEKEICPINO ROOMB in axcluinge for care of two cows end horee Ring old phone 397. NICELY FURNIBHBD ROOMB ~FOR llghl housekeeping in prlvnle family. Heaaonabio rntea. 1318 Nouth Preen alreet. on cap line No alck need apply. TWO NICK CONNECTING FURNIBH- •el or uBfBrnlabad hoMakeewiiig rooms. Bath, newer and acreen. 483 N. Han Mar co a. CLEAN. NICELY FURNIBHXD ROOMB adjoining, bath. Old pbona 3888. TH HEE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMB In private raaidenoe; gaa and all coo venlencea; napnrnto entrance; targa lawn, one block beet car llnaa; a nice quiet apartment at very reaaoaable price. 881 Went Woodlawn. TWO LARGB ROOMB FURNISHED for light hounekeepln*; aieo elegant front room for couple or two gentlemen; board if desired. 233 Howard St. FOR RENT—TWO LARGE CONNECT in* unfurnished boiiMkeeplagrooma Rath, phono nnd electric light. Na 831 Leigh street ROOMS for light boueekoeptng. 138? Avenue D FOR RENT—TWO “ CONNECTING rooms furalehod for boueekoeping. Ail eonvenieacea 811 Aveoue B. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS FUR nishad for Ught housekeeping, with bath. Ught aad all aoreoned. 538 South, atreot. FURNISHED ROOMB FOR LIGHT houaekeepUt* at 381 Booth Maaqulte atreot New pboee 1118-groen. UP-TO-DATE HOUBBKEEPIMG rooma everything furnished; light* gea hot end cold water. 818 Nueva TWO ROOMS’ FURNISHED FOR light houeekeeptn*. 118? Huleacbo ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family, eituated In choice residential district, house newly built and furniah ed. aU convenlencea, private bath. 418 Maverick eL WANTED—BOARDERA THOROUGH ly renovated, first-class rooma all convenlencea good table. Nolan car. Mra Moeher, 620 Haya etreet LA CASA. 820 AVENUE D. LOVELY new southeast rooma absolutely first class in every reepect, every modern convenlenoa Dining room open to pub lia Old phono 4874. » WANTED—YOUNG MEN TO ROOM and board. 435 S. Press. Old phone 54A WANTED — BOARDERS, COUPLES preferred, without children. Pont View, 1825 North New Braunfels Ava WILL BOARD MAN AND WIFE OR two gentlemen for |38 per month: good home cooking. Old phone 2075. 133 Aransas street. THE CADILLAC. 338 MARTIN ST. Elegantly furnished; steam heat, one block from SL Anthony; beat meals tn city; business lunch a specialty. Mra Frank T. Harris and Mrs. Mary Dlma llna managers Old phone 8858. ROOM AND BOARD AT 312 EAST .Nueva street, cloee to buainees; mod ern conveniences; home cooking. THE ALICE DALE, 837 AVENUE C. Nice, newly furnished rooma good home cooking, everything new, no sick need apply. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 8OUTH east rooms with beard for couple or two gentlemen. Every convenience; ad joining bath. Tobin Hill; old phone 3013. FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT—? rooms and bath, screens, light, large yard; car passes door. 132 Porter etreet. Old phone 1030. FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED cottage, five rooms and bath. Hot Wells car. 220 Holliday avenue. ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY TO SOME refined employed lady. Three blocks from Alamo plaza. Old phone No. 6884. STORES AND OFFICES. FOR RENT—DESK ROOM FOR MER chandlse broker, insurance agency or stenographer. 120 Mackay building. FOR RENT—WE OFFER OUR WARE house, corner of Monterey an* Sa lado streeL for rent In whole or In part. Carle Grocery Co., wholesale gro cers. OFFICE ROOMS, 50214 EAST HOUS ton. Inquire at Branch saloon. FOR RENT CHEAP—ONE BLACK smlth nhop and two stores, good lo cation. Furniture and drug store, 1687 and 1589 North Flores street. ■ — - ■ " ■ ■ APARTMENTS AND FLATS. GENEVA APARTMENTS, 1% BLOCKS from Jeske’s, furnished for house keeping; private bath. 317 East Com merce. POST APARTMENT. 112 FOURTH S?Z two minutes from car line, five from postoffice; all modern conveniences. Old phone 5407. WANTED TO RENT Can’t Supply the Demand We are having more calls for desir able rent houses than we can supply. List your vacant houses with us. RICHEY & CASEY RENTAL DEPT. Both Phones 3236. 425 Navarro SL WANTED—TO RENT WITH VIEW OF buying, good furnished or unfurnish ed house on north side. Address No. 1310, Light. LOST. FOUND, STRAYED LOST — WATCH FOB WITH GOLD monogram, J. F. B. Finder please re turn to Light office. Reward. LOST—LAST NIGHT, TWO STRING gold bead necklace at the Grand or between there and Wagner’S. Return to Light. Reward. LOST—WHITE BULL PUP, BR1NDLH head and spots, bobbed ears and tail, answering to Bulger. Return to 326 Sherman street and receive reward. LOST—ONE BROOCH, DIAMOND IN center, between Powell’s studio, Wolff & Marx and Brackenridge grammar school on S. Alamo. For reward call new phone No. 360. LOST—LADY’S ELGIN WATCH WITH chattelalne pin. Call new phone 1133- rod and receive reward. LOST ON SUNDAY, STRING OF GOLD > beads on Oakland street, between Lex ington avenue and Romana street. Lib eral reward If returned to 107 Oakland strcSL FOB BALB MINCMLLAMKOUK •LIGHTLY UBED BTIMPBOW COM pulls* seal* for seta sbsap. IM Boutb Laredo streeL _______ Full Cord Wood Yard Mis ouly Um bool soot oak sad mM qullo wood. Delivered In full oord wa** one Phones 1183. Freak Basel* FOR SALK — ONB FORTY HORBK power steam enslno aad eae Na 8 oeairifu*al pump. Fuller Machine Bbop* 818 South Alemo streeL CLOSING OUT Wall paper at M per oeat off. Will call at your home with samples. L Roulaln * COm 318 Boledad streeL Old pboao 8884. HAY. ~ Buy It while It Is ehea* Joe Lea4e has any kln4 you want to aar or wa«oa 5X1 'SWl tSSWSS!-,mzS. L • G, N. traek* Ban Antealo. Tosa* GLAZK WOOD A COAL CO. WANT TO aeliyou sonuTue McAlister coal, roe ash aatbraclto and poetoak wood. New phowo 1811. Old phone 89il. FOR BALK—8T6~ one McIntosh mx teen-plato static x-ray machine com plete. In good conditio* but little used. 1803 B. Preen. UNREDEKMED TRUNKS I AN D leather suit casee at ode-fourth of their value Call Ban Pedro Loan Cm. 738 West Commerce HIGH-GRADE TYPEWRITER RIB hens for all makes of machines st Geo. Potcbernlck'* Phonse: Old 877. new 83, Charcoal Charcoal Wholeeala aad retail. J. J. Hedrick. 838 North Medina. Old phene 387-lr. WALLPAPER 10c. 18o and 80c valuaa now 8c at Ba con’* 313 East Houston street FOR 8 ALE—GASOLINE ENGINK three horsepower, or will trade, what have you? Also marble soda fountain and an 833 Enterprise electric meat chopper at a bargain if you can uae any of them. M4 Main avenue. ‘Winona Hills Fine seamless hosiery and high grade underwear. H. L. Bikie* salesman; old phone 8388. TOR SALE—FULL LINE OF GRO cery and butcher fixture* They will save you money. National Refrigerator. Beale and Fixture company, 804 Main avenue. WE DO ALL KINDS OF MACHINE work by contract or otherwise. Noth ing too large. Overhauling of steam and gas engines and heavy machinery a spe cialty. Prompt cost estimates furnished. Old phone 1848. Modem Ice Machine Co., corner Hays and Cherry streets. ROUND MESQUITE, STOVE WOOD 84 per cord and up. Both phones 1883. THE SERVANT PROBLEM HAS LONG ( been solved through Light want ads. FOR BALE—IRON SAFE; IT WILL save you money. 804 Main avenue. HAY-HAY-HAY 88 and 89. Choice prairie hay. Ton or car lots. Phone old 488, New Braunfels and Sherman. TRY A POUND OF GOLD MEDAL coffee. “None better.” 35c. M. WELSCH A SONS. 433 Ave. E. Both Phones. - VEHICLE AND HARNESS. BUGGY TIRES—ALL MAKES, 814, 814 snd 818 per seL Standard Cyclo COb. 888 South Alam* BARGAINS IN ALL KINDS SECOND hand vehicles; several Al slightly used surreys and carriages. F. A. Cocke, 331 West Nuev* WANT YOU TO BRING ON YOUR harness and shoes; am pleasing peo ple every day. T. F. Coger, the shoe and harness repair man, 317 Ave. D. WANT TO SELL A GOOD THREE seated hack cheap, or take good wa gon. and one good piano sell cheap or trade for cow. 939 Summit avenue, San Antonio. Capt. John W. Womack. FOR SALE—LIGHT WAGON WITH top; also Moyer phaeton, 302 Upson St. Old phone 6051. FOR SALE—MOYER BUGGY AND surrey in good condition. Apply 311 Gibbs building. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. sdRE-HEAD CURE—WE GUARAN tee our remedy to cure any case of sore-head, warts or pox on chickens and turkey* 25c and 60c sizes postpaid. Re liance Manufacturing Co., box 379. Al vin, Tex. FOR SALE—A BULL TERRIER PUP, three months old, registered. No. 4V6 Idaho street. EGGS FROM THOROUGHBRED LIGHT Bramas. Also small chickens. P. O. box No. 392. FOR SALE—SCOTCH COLLIE. 10 months old, female. Will sell cheap or trade for pigeons. 603 River avenue. SAVE TIME BY TELEPHONING YOUR want ads. Simply call 174 either Une and dictate your ad. A bill will be sent later. FOR SALE—FIVE MATED PAIRS OF homing pigeons. 1016 North Comal St. -e.-.i LIVE STOCK. HOKSES FROM ||5 TO 8150. THESE are for all purposes; medium priced delivery horses; good draft and driving horses; Jersey cows, young, fresh and good milkers; Jersey bulls for sale and for service. F. A. Cocke, 321 W. Nuev* FOR SALE—A GOOD HORSE, ABOUT 15 hands high; a rubber tire buggy and harness. San Fernando car line. No. 18 Powell street. FOR SALE —FINE JERSEY COW. will be fresh in a few days. 1015 Burnet streeL FOR SALE—GOOD PAIR, LARGE, gentle mules, 229 Garden street. FOR SALE—YOUNG, GENTLE HORSE suitable anywhere he is put and per fectly safe, fine gait under the sad dle, if this Is any object to you. Will sell reasonable, or trade. If it is some thing I can use. 604 Main avenue. TWO GENTLE DONKEYS FROM Electric and Exposition parks to let for their feed for the wintec to respon sible party. Smith's Studio, 323 E. Hous ton street. FOR SALE—TWO YOUNG MULES, weight ItOO pounds each, with new harness: also two young horses. Call 307 Victoria street for bargain. PIANOS—MUSICAL GOODS. FOR SALE—VICTOR PHONOGRAPH, large stse, 60 10-in. records Old phone 3652. FOR SALE—FINE SECOND HAND piano 335. R. F. D 6. Box t46. or call corner Walton and Garland streets, Pgjm Heights. OCT. 10,101T. for salb BICYCUM AMD MOTOCTYC— BOTH PHONKB—BICYCLKB ON parmeals; key andjeek mowers sharpened. KaMf»4* U4 D cycle Doctor. TOR BALK— LADY’S VICTOR BWY* cle cneep. No. 8 Blmpeow street TOR QUICK BALK. INDIAN TWIN ■netoeycie In running order, nt bM« gnln price. 848 K. Commerce etreet TYPKWRlTERa. maH-CLABB TTPBWRITBM VOB vss r: gmltb lypewrltcr. TTPKWR1TBR INBPKCTION OOl 1 •an Antonie Typewriter c* Cea. eolldetcd. old pbaue 8188. < BARGAIN* IN ALL MAKE* OFTYP1D writers nt Geo. Potcbernlck* MS K Houston street AUTOMOBILM AND •UPPUM DON’T THROW AWAY YOUR OLD casings; let us put Protectors on and reduce your tire ex pence 84 per cent: 400 now in uee in Snn Antoni* Ask Anybody ucln* them. Phone 18M. Auto Tire Protector Co., 818 Glbbe bulldin*. MOVED TO 886 NORTH BAN SABA— McGowen Auto and Carrta*e Top C*. lowest prices, auto top* cent oorora Oust hood* PAldE-DETROIT AUTOS The beet automobile value tbe awr* ket affords with tbe Paice. Rnt «••• is practically last coot. . AUTO EQUIPMENT CO, 1106-97 W. Houston «t, Old phono 40. new phono MBS. F. PABCHE A BON, AUTOMOBILB AND carrtase painting. New pboao 1511. 705 Avenue & HOUSEHOLD GOODS. FOR SALE—FURNITURE OF 9- roome on Ava C. Cheap rent, fine lo cation for boarders. For particulars phone 8458 old. FOR SALE—GAB RANGE. SEWING machine, enameled bath tub. eecond hand tent* orga* Rum* Ml South Flores. NEW AND SECOND-HAND FURND ture bought, eold aad exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co, 117-118 Soledad BQ New phono 188. FURNITURE j and house furnishing* We can rent you furniture from kitchen to parlor by tho month or year; also rent special outfits for restaurant* MAX KAROTKIN. 118 Want Commerce St Ne* Phone 414. Old Phone 448. SOLD MY NINE-BOOM COTTAGK 808 Soledad streeL "Will sscrlflcs furnish ings, If sold at once for cash. Cottage rente for 845.00. Furniture all ne*. TOR SALE—EMERSON SEWING MA- ' chine motor, practically ne* aad la good condition. 1343. Light. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR - SALE—LARGE RESTAURANT. First-class in every respbcL thor oughly equipped throughout, boot loca tion in tow* big summer and winter tourist trade; must ssll on account of health. Addroae P. O. box 114, Corpus Christi, Teas* FOR SALE—5000 sharoe or any part of Washougal gold and .copper stock at 25c per share. Box 75, Little Rock. Ark. WOODYARD TOR SALE OR TRADE. 4Cerr & Moor* land merchant* 203 Moore building. FIRST-CLASS TYPEWRITERS TO rent at Geo. Potchernlck’* 308 East Houston street. WELL PAYING RESTAURANT FOR sale, in good location. For Informa tion Inquire at 112ft South Flores. FOR SALE—A GOOD PAYING MILK route, 304 Roosevelt avenue. R. C. SHANE, CONTRACTOR AND builder; plans and specifications fur nished. 739 Marshall street Old phons 4402. । FOR SALE—A NICE PAYING GRO cery store. Cheap rent; doing good business. Address 1314, care LighL FOR SALE—MEAT MARKET. CASH business; cheap rent; 8150 cash will handle this. Call 5580. old phone. SALOON FOR SALE—IN HEART OF city. See Gottlieb Liquor Co. TWENTY-FIVE SHARES AMERICAN Home Life stock, of Fort Worth. 8500 net to me; who wants it? Address W. G. S„ care Spur National Bank, Spur, Tex. FOR SALE—A LARGE, FIRST-CLASS boarding house, close in, full of perm anent boarders: cheap for cash. Box 1216 care Light. FOR SALE—ESTABLISHED PAYING grocery business, best location in city for cash business; rent on store 840 with least; will sell in bulk or Invoice; will take about 32500 to handle. Address No. 1341, care Light, LADY OR GENTLEMAN AS PARTNER with 3150 to 3175, in good paying bus iness in town. Inquire 113 Soledad St. FOR SALE—MY INTEREST IN SUTH erland Springs Mercantile Co. H. M. Hastings, Sutherland Springs, Tex. FOR SALE CHEAP—THE BEgT COR ner stall in the city market house, do ing a large and profitable business; splendid reasons for selling. Call at Oberstone Bros. New pbone 632. Old phone 1758. NEWSPAPER FOR SALE: INVOICES 31450; will sell for 31000, half cash, balance on easy terms. In good town, two railroads. Reason for selling. Cal vin News, Calvin, Ok. FOR RENT, SALE OR TRADE—A good residence and location for phy sician; 33600 practice, good territory. 9 miles from railroad and any other phy sician. Address Box 55. Sinclair, Tex. THE SERVANT PROBLEM HAS LONG been solved through Light want ads. BUSINESS BARGAINS. ’ 11-room boarding and rooming house close in, finely located, every conven ience. a big bargain: 3850. 6-room boarding and rooming house, close in, good location, every conven ience. very cheap. 3350. O T. TUCKER. 113 Soledad. DRESSMAKING MRS. CHANDLER, FORMERLY OF St. Louis. Mo.. 710 Avenue E. old phone 431.>, refers to her reputation, patrons, years of experience, artistic creation and solicits your patronage. SAVE TIME BY TELEPHONING YOUR want ads. Simply call 1?« either line and dictate your ad. A bill will