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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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. WEDNESDAY, LAST CALL! S HELP! HELP! HELP! Men’s Clothing!—Men’s Clothing!—Men’s Clothing! AT A SMALL FRACTION OF ITS REAL VALUE RAILWAY SALVAGE CO. HH AWING IN HODISI CHURCH ; Is Tenor of Report of Pastors t Meeting—Officers of Associa tion Are Chosen. tat Interest Is awakening In the todist churches of San Antonio the report brought by all the >rs who spoke at the regular ing of the Pastors* association week. The general conditions In district were described by Dr. ,C. Burgin, presiding elder. The >ok for Methodism here, he said, never so bright. Church work In >ther parts of the state, also, ao- GIVEN AWAY ON SAN ANTONIO DAY AT The INTERNATIONAL FAIR Fine Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car Taks a look kit this beautiful automobile now m the show window of Thos. Goggan St Bros., Music Store, Houston V Navarro Sts. It has been arranged with the Alamo Automobile Co. that the winner of this car, if he or she chooses, can exchange it for an other style or model of the Stoddard-Dayton at an allowance of the list price of car. <IT for admission on San Antonio Day, November 9, will be on sale at all RJ Fair Ground Entrance fates and also on San Antonio Day only at Burn’s Drug □J Store and Goggan Bros. Music Store, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5. p. m. A few days more and our stock will be out in the street Help us move our stock. Tomorrow we will use the big knife again and cut deeper into the prices which are * already ridiculously low. Pack your trunks and wardrobes with seasonable clothing for one-third of cording to Rev. 8. B. Beall, presiding elder of the Uvaldo district. Is rapidly progressing. During the meeting the following officers were elected for the present conference year: President, Rev. Thomas Gregory, pastor of West End church; vice president. C. B. Cross,' pastor of South Heights church; secre tary. J. T. Plnnell, pasetor of South Alamo church. S. H. C. Burgin, J. D. Young and A B. Davidson were appointed to pre pare for the Thanksgiving services C. B. Cross, Z. V. Liles and J. M. Shoe maker were appointed to arrange for services at the rescue home. Sunday, December S, was set apart as San An tonio Female college day In all ths Methodist churches of the city. Dr. W. 8. Hamilton, specialist akin diseases, 527 Moore Bldg. . A Coilman. plumber. <lB Main Ava SkMard'Tkiyton “Sattoy” Men’s $ 10.00 and $12.00 Overcoats for only $4.95 Men’s slsand $2O Overcoats and Cravenettes $6.95 Men’s Suits, hand-tailored, worth $ 16.50 for $5.95 Men’s Sults, hand-tailored, worth $22.50 for $8.95 Men’s Suits, worth $lO.OO and $ 12.00 for. $4.95 Other goods in proportion. Yours for real Bargains LABOR LEADERS TO MEET IN ATLANTA Number High tn Councils of Federa tion Arrive tn Southern City. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) ATLANTA. Ga.. Nov. B.—Men high In the councils of organised labor are beginning to arrive here for the thir teenth annual convention of the American Federation of Labor next week. Among those who have reached the city are President James M. Lynch. First Vice President George A. Tracy. Second Vice President Huge Miller. Secretary-Treasurer John w. , THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT 102 West Houston Street Hays of the International Typographi cal union; J. B. Lennon, treasurer ot the American Federation of Labor; Janies J. Freel, president of the stere otypere' an<l electrotypers’ organiza tion. and Thomas F. Tracy, president of the label section of the federation. Nearly every train reaching Atlanta last night and today brought dele gates to the convention. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) KEY WEST, Fla.. Nov. 8. — The British steamer Conway from New Orleans for Danish ports with a gen eral cargo, went aground at New Ground, near Rebecca light yesterday. Members of the crew came here In a small boat last night to ask for as sistance. A tug and several schooners left at onoe for the scene of the wreck, To Hasten Bond Sale. (RY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS , HOUBTON. Tex., Nov. B.—As a re- British Steamer Aground. suit of Major Brown's announcement that ha desired to commence work deepening the ship channel early in the coming year, steps were taken to day to hasten the negotiated sale of the >1,250,000 bonds to local bankers and the converting of the proceeds to the federal treasury. Houston Streets Flooded. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) HOUSTON, Tex., Nov. B.—After a terrific fall of rain last night which converted the streets of the city into torrents the sun is shining this morn ing and temperatures are again moderating. Continues to Raid Gamblers. (BY THE ASSttCIATED PRESS.) HOUSTON. Tex., Nov. B.—Police Chief Duff Voss continues his raldt upon gambling In this city and the latest arrests made numbered five men charged with poker playing and they paid fines aggregating >122.15. INE OF the sturdiest, most dependable cars ever put on the mar £ ket and one of the roomiest five-passanger cars on the road. Equipped with a four-cylinder, L-head motor of the Renault type, cast en bloc, that has given absolute satisfaction. Its power (bore 4; stroke 4%) is ample. The motor is so-quiet you I—???! often have to put your hand on the radiator to fee! whether it is running or not. Semi-floating type of rear I axle, but heavier than was used last year. Wheelbase 112 inches. Tires 39x4. Rims are quick detachable. Dual ignition system, including magneto without extra charge. Metal inclosure between running boards and frame. Mohair top and top boot. Robe rail, foot rest and foot accelerator. AU metal trimmings are nickel-plated. Color gray. Gas tank with five lamps, jack horn, tools and tire tools all included. A coupon entitling the holder to a chance on this magnificent automo bile will be given to every person paying admission to the International Fair grounds on San Antonio Day, November 9. One chance for each ticket purchased. No limit to the number of tickets that can be purchased by any party or parties. The drawing for the auto mobile will take place on Friday, November 10, on the Fair grounds at five o’ clock P. M. under the direction of a committee of three prominent citizens of San Antonio to be appointed by the Fair Association. Every purchaser of a ticket on San Antonio Day, November 9, will be given a separate ticket for each admission ticket purchased on that day reading as follows: One Chance —Prize Automobile Drawing—Stoddard-Dayton Touring Car. Sa San Antonio Day. International Fair. VORIES P, BROWN. Prea. J. M. VANCE, Secy The boxes in which these tickets are deposited will be sealed and will not be opened until the drawing on Friday, November 10, at 5 o'clock P.M. the cost of the material. BURGLAR RETURNS PICTURE Responds to Mother's Pica But Care fully Removes Diamonds. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) GREENWICH. Conn., Nov. B.—lt was a tender-hearted burglar who broke Into the home of Judge A. F. Hubbard here last Sunday afternoon and stole several dollars worth of Jewelry. Yesterday the special de livery mail brought back a miniature of Judge Hubbard's painted when the latter was a It was intact, except for a band tn which seven diamonds had been set. After the robbery Mrs. Hubbard was quoted as declaring that sho would be willing to part with all the Jewelry except the miniature but she wanted that as It NOV. 9, m AT THE BRIDGE was ths only picture she had of "her son. Joy Rides and Goes to Jail. (RY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) WACO, Tex., Nov. 8. — Edgar L. Smith of China Sprlnga bought an automobile yesterday, gave a oheck for >l6OO used It for joy riding, left it at a local garage, and Is today an in mate of the county Jail. His check proved worthless. Sec. Wilson to Be In Houston. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) HOUSTON. Nov. B.—Secretary at Agriculture Wilson has accepted an invitation to deliver an address In thin city during the Texas land exposition which is being staged for early in January next. Rlebe Undertaking Co. onto,ambu lance service. >2l E. Oom. Phone Ml. Theo Artit’a Orchestra. Both 9