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RESOLUTION TO ENOTREATYIS SIGNED BY TAFT President Takes Action on Re turn From His Trip to New York, NO INTEREST IN RUSSIA Russian Papers Ignore the Sub ject and Only One Prints an Interview, (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) WASHINGTON, D. O. D*c. »L— With Secretary of State Knox a* the only wltnea*, President Taft at 10:17 a. m. today signed the joint resolu tion passed by congress ratifying his action in Serving notice on Russia of the abrogation of the treaty of 1831 with that country. The treaty auto matically will continue in effect until January 1. 1913. In the meantime ef forts will be made to negotiate a new pact eliminating the cause of friction, which led to the termination of the old one. Have Accepted IL The house late yesterday accepted the senate resolution as a substitute for the Sulier resolution, which initia ted the legislation. Signa Bill Early. Upon his return from New York this morning President Taft imme diately Inquired If the Russian bill was ready for his signature. It had been signed by Vice President Sher man and Speaker Clark last night. President Taft affixed his signature as soon ns he reached his desk in the executive offices and the last step of the abrogation proceedings had been taken. LITTLE INTEREST IN RUSSIA. Papers as a Role Ignore the Entire Subject of tlie Treaty. :<BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 21. —Rus- sian newspapers are giving small at- OPEN EVENINGS tentinn to the Runao-Americgn rela tion*. About the only article pub lished on thia aubject la an interview with M. Tlmlrlaieff, former minister of commerce In the Witte cabinet. Who han taken a leading part In de veloping Atiglo-R uaslan Commercial realtlona. He declarca that th* traaty of 1132 la old-fashioned and primi tive, the principle of the moot fa vored nation being obscurely formu lated therein. Commercial treaties, however, he adds, pursue solely econ omic object*, never political object*. If the Jewish question served aa the reason for the abrogation of the treaty, the United Stale* will marccly gain Ita point in a new treaty. Cannot Change Fnllcj. "We cannot change our Interna tional legislation." say* M. Tlmiri*- seff. "to please the United States." in the former minister's opinion, the matter will not come to a tariff wuP. "Under the circumstance*," con tlnucs M. Thnlrfaxeff. "the American government's step I* not clear ano scarcely piudent. Had economic rela tions may help to disturb good politi* cal relations. The traditional frlena shlp between Russia and the United State* is now at stake needlessly. Rus sia is dependent upon the United States only for raw cotton. She Im ports half her supply from that coun try and grows the other half In Tur kestan. The government's attention should be occupied without delay with thia queatlon and extensive Irrigation credits should be voted bv the duma." Ignore the Subject. The Moscow newspapers Ignore the subject completely. A tew dispatches from London and one or two BMh letters from occasional correspond ents In America represent the sum total printed on the treaty question. It would appear ns if the situation In Ihe United States arose too abruptly and developed too suddenly to permit the Russian public to get Interested In it. . Apart from the lack of Interest and the unconcern which characterise the present Russian attitude it must be said that real apprcclutiqn and ad miration have been expressed in offi cial circles for the decisive manner in which President Taft disposed of the matter, which might have led to un desirable complications. It is admit ted that In addition to maintaining the best traditions of tactful diplo macy. President Taft has done a serv ice for the cause of Russo-Americun relations. Notwithstanding the possibility of the future diplomatic and political circles appear to regard the Incident as ended, at least for the present. Orioles Meeting Friday Night. Manager Stiehl of the Orioles club announced today that the club meet ing scheduled tp be held last Tues day night will be held at Krisch park tomorrow night at 8 p'clock. It is im portant that every member of this club of the Winter league attend the meeting. for father Cold-beaded Canes and Umbrellas 87 and np Eyeglass Case 810.00 to 835.00 Humidor 810.00 to 825.00 Flask 8 2.50 to 835.00 Field Glasses 818.00 to 875.00 Cigar Cutter 8 1.50 to 835.00 Coat and Hat Brushes 8 2.50 to 8 4.50 Decanter and Glasses 810.00 to 825.00 Desk Set 1.815.00 to 840.00 Cigar Box Opener 8 2.50 to 8 0.00 for Husband Combination Purse and Bill Roll..* 8.50 to 810.00 Fountain Pea 8 2.50 to 818.00 Sharing Brush and Mug $ *.00 to 820.00 Safety Basors 8 5.00 to 810.00 Kaxor Strop 8 3.50 to 8 7.00 Cigar Jar 810.00 to 825.00 Match Box 8 2.00 to 830.00 Cuff Buttons 75 to 850.00 Military Brushes .8 2.50 to 815.00 Smoking Set 8 4.50 to 818.00 Ash Trays 8 1.25 to 8 3.50 & Brofiw lapel Chain 8 2.50 ts 8 20.00 Scarf Clasp 75c to 8 25.00 Cigarette Case 8 0.00 to 8125.00 Cuff Buttons 8 3.50ao 8 30.00 Card Case 8 8.00 to 8 10.00 Traveling Toilet Set i 8 8.50 to 8 12.00 Pocket Comb 8 2.50 to 8 5.00 Shaving Mirror 8 8.00 to 8 15.00 Watches, 15 and 17 Jewels, 20-year guaranteed eases 815.00 to 8 25.00 Watches. "-Jewel. 20-year cases, guaranteed. .89.00 Watches. 7-Jewel, nickel cases, guaranteed. .85.00 Gold Scarf Pins 81.00 and up Scarf Pins 82.50 and up for Baby Neck Chains 82.00 to 8 7.00 l.ockets 81.00 to 810.00 Rings «|.oo to 8 7.50 Dress Fins . . 3.'.30 to XIS.00 Teething King 75c to 8 2.50 Hatties 81.50 to 8 5.00 Knife. Fork and Spoon 81.25 to 8 7.50 Feeding Set 85.00 to 823.00 • ups 8lv30 to 810.00 Comb and Brush 83.00 to 815.00 Safety Pins 30c to 8 3.00 THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT HERTZBERG’S SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21,1911. EVIDENCE IN HOLOCAUST TRIAL Lock and part of the charred door admitted in evidence against the Arm of Harris * Blanck, on trial for manslaughter in New York for the death of more than one hundred of their employes. The bond points to the shot bolt, which it is claimed cou Id not have been moved since the Are because of Its warped condition, proving tlutt tbo door, that would have afforded escape to many of the girls penned in, was locked. The defense made a stubborn light to keep out this bit of evidence but the prosecu tion Anally had ft admitted and pine cd before the jury. NAME CANNOT BE USED English Judge Rules That Gaekwar of Baroda Is Exempt as Co-Respondent. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) LONDON, Dec. 21.—Judge Sir Henry Bargrave Deane, in the divorce court today decided that the Gaekwar of Baroda, owing to his rank as an Wamonds You Can Depend Absolutely Upon What • We Tell You About Our Diamonds. We Tell You the TRUTH—Sale or No Sale LA VALLIERES make exceptionally appropriate presents. They ■== are beautiful adornments and very fashionable. We have many new exclusive designs and settings at unusually low prices. There is one with three full cut stones, pure platinum chain and setting, a little beauty for $100; another very handsome one for $350; and others ranging in price accord ing to the number and size of the gems. ROSARIES All of Exquisite Workmanship Solid gold $25.00 Silver $14.00 Crystals on gold chain $40.00 Amethyst $45.00 Topaz $50.00 STERLING SILVER Richest Collection in the South Three-piece Tea Set $42.50 Gravy Boat and Plate $35.00 Extra heavy Cream, Sugar and Tongs in case $27.50 After-dinner Coffee Cups and Saucers, one dozen $75.00 Ramekin Set $75.00 Coasters, one dozen $12.00 Whiskey Set, sterling silver deposit. Decanter with twelve glasses $28.00 HERTZBERG’S ■‘At the sign of the Clock” Cer. Houston and St. Mary’s Sts. Independent sovereign, could not be made a party to proceedings In the law courts. The Gaekwar of Baroda wm cited a* a co-respondent In a divorce *ult which was listed under the caption or "Statham vt. Statham." Th. people wh* mik, their living by working under ground In mine* and quar rlea number 4.000,604. Thea* 4.000.000 la borere dig 40*0 millions of dollar* of wealth out of the earth every year. Who Will Share In This Christmas Clearaway of Trimmed Hats? At 95c with values up to $5.00 among them are Outing Hats and Soft Felts. Wolff & Marx Co. Diamond Cluster and Fancy Rings.. $25 to $350 Diamond Brooches $25 to $500 Diamond La Vallieres $50 to $450 Diamond Earrings $10 to $2,015 Diamond Studs $10 to $1,000 Diamond Rings, Solitaires... .$15 to $1,000 LOOSE STONES SET IN ANY STYLE TO SUIT PURCHASER One extra fine blue, white and perfect gem, 2—5-64 carat $675.00 One extra fine white and perfect gem, 2 1-4 carat $618.75 One extra fine white and perfect gem, 1 3-4—3-64 carat $468.00 One extra fine white and perfect gem. 1 1-2—1 1-16 carat $395.00 One extra fine white and perfect gem, 1 1-8 1-64 carat $275.00 One extra fine white and perfect gem, 1 1-16 carat $250.00 One fine white and perfect gem. 3-4—1-32 carat $150.00 Fine white and perfect gem, 1-2 carat..$ 75.00 One dozen extra fine white and perfect gems, 1-4 carat $25.00 to$ 35.00 W. & M. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS On Sale Friday and Saturday Half one’s feminine relations demand “something practical” this year. Here are some of the most stylish hats of the season for $2.95 almost all of them hats that earlier were $12.50. Then there is another lot at $1.89 that are mostly $7.50 values. We don’t need to tell anybody who knows W. & M. Millinery what that means in respect of material, style and workmanship. Then there are Sailor, Soft Roll Brim Effects and Outing Hats from Knox, Phipps, Burgessor, Atchison and other well known makers at $2.95 with values to $8.50, in Soft Felts, French Felts, Scratch Felts, Velours and Corded Silks. SECOND SECTION OPEN EVENINGS Mother rut Glass B*wls 8 4.00 t« 8 30.00 Silver Fiat. Butter * 3.30 to * 7.00 Glock. 8 1.00 to 8200.00 Hand-painted Afternoon Tea Set $10.00 to 8 23.00 Art China—piece, and Mt* * 1.00 is * 50.00 Lorgnette $ 0.00 to 8 43.00 Watch and Chain 812.00 and up Sliver Spectacle Cases 810.00 to $ 20.00 Toilet Cases I 6.30 to 8 M.00 Coffee Percolator. 8 0.30 to 8 28.30 Chafing Dish 8 3.00 to 8 23.00 for Wife Diamond Breaches 813.00 to 8 300.00 Pearl Necklace 812.50 to 8 400.00 Cut Glaw Water Set 815.00 to 8 50.00 Nappies 8 1.50 to $ 7.00 Chests of Silver 850.00 to 81300.00 Silver Champagne Cups 835.00 to $ 40.00 Slber and Geld Purses 8 5.00 to 8 200.00 Sherbet Glasses, half dozen 814.00 to 8 25.00 Silver Casarole 8 8.00 to 8 05.00 Tea Sets 820.00 to 8 230.00 Back Combs ~ 810.00 to 8 50.00 Hat Pins 30c to 8 20.00 Dinner Gong 8 5.00 to 8 7.50 former Birthstone Ring 91-25 to 810.00 Beouty Pins 82.50 to 818.00 Gold Neck Chain and Locket 85.50 to 813.00 Laee pin $1.00 «® » »•<* Bracelet » «® »• Belt Buckleo 81.30 to 8 7.50 Cameo King .....87.50 to 820.00 Mesh Bags 81.50 end op frliitmtr Photo Frame * * to S Vanity SaU ... IlWiol 75.OS Powder Jar $ 4.00 lo • 10.00 Manicure Seto $ 3.30 to S T3.00 Toilet Set * • w Barrette I to > *3.00 Beauty Piu® ....$ *.*3 t® • 33.00 Locket and Chain >13.00 to 91*3.06 La Vallieres 9 6.30 U S200.M Chatelaine Watch and Pin 910.00 to 9 73.00 Cameo Brooches -9 6.30 to 9 50.00