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12 LITTLE GLIMPSES OF THE PASSING SHOW I • e GREAT MEN AND GENIUS (By Sigurd Ibsen, Son of the Famous Norwegian Playwright, Henrik Ibsen.) I have read somewhere: "There Is in the genius and in the hero a mys terious element which evades every attempt to explain it," and somewhere else I read: "In the great personality there remains a mysterious part which defies all psychological form ulas.’. No observation could be more true than these two, for what Is here said of the great personalities is equally true about everybody else. Also the average man is a mystery, clothed in a more common figure which you Anybody r«itha PoorComplexion can make it a perfect one—• clew, dean, free of blemishes of any and all kinds byustag Rohrer's Artesia Cream sad dLbnSZm tight st the bos, »£a dear, soft sad beautiful. Neat aS DnggiM* h • *** •“ *• NtwlMMer-taauty hints-abeut bathing, dtot,aad. sass of the ridn and salp. ItSi free for the asking. A sample of Artesia Csoean, of Artesia Peso P«*»de», and a sample soke of Artesia Cream Skin Soap will be sent you on receipt of 10c in stamps to pay packing and postage, and your drug gist's name and address. The Artesia Cream Co., Dept n Waco,Texas j CHECKING DEPOSITS Are accepted by us for any amount over |1.00. You can have a clear record of all your transactions when you pay your bills by check. We will be your bookkeeper. . THE EMMET BANK (Unincorporated.) II Thos. E. Conroy, President. E. J. McCormick, Cashier. || J. Frank Gallagher, Asst. Cashier. Union Meat Company - Beef and Pork Packers Lard Refiners & Compound Makers Union Stock Yards San Antonio, Text* THURSDAY, merely imagine you can understand fully. So far, nobody has been able to define what the individual is, what makes its life a unit, what spark gives it soul, what force moves It. The clerk on his stool and the woman who sells cabbages on the market are unsolved riddles as well as Caesar. Mahomet and Beethoven. The scientific psychol ogist is fully aware that, strictly speaking, no human being is to be "defined'' if this expression means to lay open the Inmost recesses of his soul. To these we have no access, we have to be satisfied with the sur- face and try to guess what Iles below it, assisted by our experience and the indications It glvea What, In this sense, is called definition, is never more than a classification of faculties. Difference of Degree. The general faculties of the ordi nary human beings and the great men are practically the same. The quali ties which raise these men above the common herd have their roots In qualities possessed by everybody, but they are far more fully developed and manifest themselves by brighter Intelligence or greater force or finer and more' complicated sentiments. A great man Is a man who rises beyond the masses, but hb Is separated from them by no great gulf. The person who easily learns to execute the "Ninth Symphony” is more or less closely related to the genius who cre ated this great musical poem, for while you learn a work of art you Imitate its creator to a certain ex tent. The famous monologue. “To be or not to be,” In which the audience feels In duty bound to see a wonder of deep philosophy, in reality* only expresses very ordinary thoughts which might as well come up In any ordinary person as In "Hamlet.” Grlelparzer, himself a great man. once wrote: "Surely you are never able to understand the great ones unless you feel with the obscure. From the quarrels of two drunk pushcart men runs an invisible but unbroken thread to the quarrels of the sons of the gods, and in every young girl who half unwillingly follows the persistent admirer away from the crowd of dancers lies in embryo form a Juliette, a Dido of Medea." We modern people no longer clothe our thoughts in such mythological expressions, but the truth of the words is equally appar ent today. Gradation Not Category. It is very often seen that, even in the most elevated minds, primitive in stincts often come to the surface, and it is a fact that must not be overlook ed that even the least educated bear within themselves the germs of the highest manifestations of the human mind. This Is very often forgotten. The inclination to generalize and the love of anthitheses often causes us to overlook the gradual evolution and perceive only the coarse categories. It is as with the melodrama whose power over the masses Ues in the fact that it works in great contrasts in black and white, with perfect vir tues and terrible vices, with figures who are either as good as angels or as wicked as demons. The literary elite smiles at them, but is in itself by no means unaffected by them out side the theater. There exists an ex aggerated worship of the great, which draws a line between the unknown and the famous, chieftains and under lings, as if they belonged to different races, separated by great empty spaces, while there is really every where a continuous how of gradua tions. In the domains of character the gradual rise from weakness to medi ocrity and from mediocrity to strength and upwards to hero ism is rather evident, but the tortuous paths of Intelligence are far more mysterious, and the word "ge nius” Is therefore one which easily calls forth an impression of immense gulfs. And still, one ought to be able to see that if there were an immeas urable distance between the genius I and ordinary mortals, then those who I are not among the chosen few would I never be able to enjoy the creations of the minds of the great ones. We know very well that such is not the case, and that they do, in fact, enjoy and are, therefore, bound to come to the conclusion that there does exist a bridge. The truth is that there are numerous connecting links betweeri Just as there are many steps leading to perfect physical beauty. Very or- THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT The Aftermath of a Christmas Gift from Mike Goggan is the kind most desired! MIKE GOGGAN The Mike Goggan your parents and some of your grandparents brought Christmas Pianos from W7HENEVER there is a finer line of pianos or player-pianos placed on the market for sale ▼V that are better than the pianos or player-pianos that I offer, you can rest assured that they will be placed on the market by MIKE GOGGAN. I offer you the following Pianos of recognized merit, sold for cash or satisfactory monthly payments: Mv stock of Musical Merchandise comprises the highest grade line of every □1 thing from a Mouth Harp to a Pipe Organ. ITT Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Write me for any information you □J may desire regarding musical instruments of all kinds. 225 E. Houston St. dlnary faces may in certain moments appear imbued with perfect, almost superhuman beauty. In some people genius appears suddenly like a single Hash ot lightning. Rouget d’l’lslc reached the height of genius during the night when he created the words and music of the Marseilles, but this was the only time. The drama entitled “The Citizen General," written by Goethe, who felt Inspired by the great revolution, shows us very plainly that even a mind like his had its limita tions. Definition Difficult. Most normally gifted human beings are apt to have a great idea during some moment or other of their lives, but this does not give them any claim on'the title of genius. To be a genius it is necessary that the geniality does not appear . accidentally, but more spontaneously and in a tolerably, last ing manner, To give an exact rule as to when to use the term "genius" is, of course, impossible. I shall name an example: the artistic genius'. To possess this, you must first of all, of course be an artist, but even this Is a term which is npt very easily defined. Wa speak of artists in a matter of fact way as if they were a distinct species apart from mechanics or amateurs or the great public who en joy their works. But where is the in dividual line? If you look around you find artistic elements everywhere in a bright child who gives life and in dividuality to its lifeless toys, in lovers who transform one another into po etic Ideals you find some thing of the artist. For what Is art, K not the giving of a soul to the soulless, the idealizing of the ordinary, the revela tion of the Important truth with the aid of symbols? Is he alone an art ist who creates works of art? In this respect opinions differ widely. You remember Lessing's words that, even if Raphael had been born without hands, he would have been the great est. most genial painter in the world. This sounds like a paradox, but It Is If Your Head Aches You should Tako tho Sun Remedy | Hicks’CAPUDINE There’s a cause for every headache — Capudlno reaches that cause quickly, whether it be heat, eold, gripp, or stomach troubles—and cures, even though it be sick or nervous headache. Capudlno is the surest remedy for' Colds and Gripp. Feverishness, Aches and Nervousness disappear and normal' conditions are restored. Capudlno is liquid-easy and pleasant to take—acts immediately. Ut, 25c ami SOc at drug ettraa, 1 Kranich & Bach A, B. Chase Kranich & Bach Player-Pianos A. B. Chase Artistanos Sterling Pianos Huntington Pianos Sterling Player-Pianos Huntington Player-Pianos Mendelssohn Pianos Mendelssohn Player-Pianos only necessary to take it cum grano sails to understand a truth which lias been spoken in a pointed form. There are many artistic persons who are unable to create, just as there are many artists whose works never reach the height of their ideas and con ceptions. What prevents this? Pos sibly there is something the matter with their nervous system which pre vents its acting as it ought to. The failure is sometimes to be found in a mere trifle, but this causes the connec tion between the inner conection and the technical execution to be broken. This is the tragedy of the great im perfect, but his visions are superb while he lucks the means to reproduce them. I,lke another Tantauls. he sees the tree above him loaded with gold en fruits, only the length of a linger beyond his reach, but his arms lack even this. TIk' Happy Combination. Even a number of unusual gifts; eminent intellectual power, the most pronounced craving to create, the most absolute conscience of what is your goal, are not enough to form a genius. A Raphael without hands would still have possessed his harmo nious mind, his divine eyesight, his extraordinary sense of form and color. He would then have had the soul of an artist, but a necessary link would , have been missing to make him a ge- i nius. It is very true that to the paint er the hand Is merely a tool to repro duce what he sees, but without this tool he never becomes a painter, far less a genius. That man has be come, so to speak, the genius among the creatures of earth, is due to a hap py combination; his highly developed brain, the form of his body, limbs and the shape of his throat and vocal chords. If you imagine one of these missing. If, for instance, his vocal chords had been less perfect, he would then have been unable to formulate a language, and this again would have prevented the evolution of his intelligence. Our whole history would have taken a dif ferent courses and our positions on the planet would have been en tirely different from what it ac tually is. And as it is with the col lective genius of humanity, so it is with the genius of the Individual. Take away some personal gift of ap parently small value and a dishar mony arises which, paralyzes every thing as a single faulty line may de stroy the Ideal beauty of a picture. Think of Darwin or of Bismarck! What would they have been If the former had not possessed the patience of the scientific research and the lat ter his boundless political ambition? Still we do not count any of these two qualities among the very highest. But what if they had not had them? Darwin would perhaps have seen a glimpse of the greatest of ideas, but he would never have gathered the P VERY time the gift is used—never mind the years the & grateful remembrance of the giver comes to mind as no gift can be purchased from Mike Goggan of a cheap (?) nature. HPHE PIANOS and Player-Pianos that I sell are more 1 substantial in construction than those pianos of higher price offered by others. * | ’HE TONE QUALITIES of the pianos and Player" Pianos that I sell are not surpassed by the tone quali ties of some higher priced instruments sold by others. PRICES of all instruments sold by me are moderate. * and payments may be made a little at a time—on the partial payment plan. The prices of all my pianos and player-pianos are stamped on the plate. THE INTRINSIC VALUE of all instruments purchased from me is assured you. as I hold no ‘•Special” sales after the holidays under the guise of “Stock-Taking”—so the same make and style piano or player-piano that you purchase from me will not be sold to any one for less money* next week, next month or six months from now. THE PARTICULAR piano-buying people trade with MIKE GOGGAN. THE PEOPLE who expect something for nothing, do not trade at MIKE GOGG AN'S. XJ O BATING METHODS are used by me to have you visit my warerooms. My “One Price. Square Deal, No Stencil” policy appeals to the average person. Price* Are Stamped on Plat* of Each Piano MIKE GOGGAN material which compelled the world to recognize them, and Bismarck would probably have remained at home on his estate, dividing his time between the duties of a farmer, read ing of books, and eccentric impulses. He would have been a superior mind, an unusual temperament, a pile of disjecta membra without a center. RAISE PERFECT BABIES Iowa Club Women Send Doctor to Get Added Information. Determined, says a Des Moines, Iowa, news item, to learn how to de velop more perfect babies, the club I women of Iowa will send Dr. Margaret. Vaupel Clark of Waterloo to Europe' for a year's study of the subject. Dr.. Clark will put In twelve months at I medical centers of the continent. Dr. Clark’s mission is a part of the I campaign of Iowa. Although the win-1 ning infant in a state-wide baby showj last summer scored 9654 per cent outj of a possible 100, winning over several, rivals by a narrow margin, the Iowa I Federation of Women’s clubs is not J entirely satisfied with the showing. • Mothers in the country districts wiP : be given scientific Instruction In thC| -FREEDOM FROM COLDS & HEADACHES INDIGESTIONS SOUR STOMACH BILIOUSNESS & CONST I PATION and other 3b, duo to an inactive cionS ' ton of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels,. ; may be obtained most pleasantly and■ nest promptly by using Syrup of Figs; ! and Biair of Senna. It b not a new : : and .untried remedy, but b used by; I ; millions of well-informed families through out the world to cleanse and sweeten: and strengthen the system whenever a i laxative remedy M needed. ' When buying note the full name: of the Company—California Fig Syrup: Co.,—printed on every package of the, : genuine. Regular price SO 1 per hot uneaten only. Fer sale by all leading druggists. ; SYR U PPl; Fl6s HIXIR SENNA is manufactured by CALIFORNIA FIG SYIMPCOJ UEC. 21, 1911. San Antonio, Texas proper care of babies. Prizes will awarded in contests for the most pt feet baby in each district, and af that a big state contest will be h* at which the winners of each distr show will be entered. fl ~ — fl Notable Disc ret ion. fl "What shall I name the new flats, Mlkfl asked the builder. fl "Call ’em the Marguerite," suggested fl foreman. " ’Tis a pretty name." fl "A vary pretty name, Mike, but I d" think I’ll cull anything the Marguerite" long as my wife's name is Bridget." " BOTH PHONE! 3321 For All Kinds of PLUMBINC OR H EATINd WORK I I employ only the best of skim labor and do the work righH At the right price. I J. M. KRAKAUEli 219 South Alamo. ■ CANDY ford Holly-days Guth's World Famous Sweets 11 else fancy boxes. j BURN! Druggist ■ HOUSTON & NAVARRO S|