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16 THUKSDAY. FOOTBALL BOWLING The Judge Was Sitting In Secret Session On Case 7-11 CLUB MANAGERS WILL CONSIDER CLUB PROTESTS Meeting of Winter League Pi lots to Discuss Question of Players’ Eligibility, DUGOSH IS CONFIDENT Says Roundups Intended No Violation of Rules and Pre dicts Amicable Adjustment, An effort will be made at a meet ing of the managers of the clubs com posing the San Antonio Winter league to adjust the differences that have arisen between the clubs. The meet ing will be held at 9:30 o’clock and it ia probable that the situation will be cleared up. The question of greatest importance that will come before the managers! la one regarding eligibility of players that have taken part in recent games played by the clubs of the league. A protest has been filed by the Higgins company club against the Roundups, alleging that in the game last Sunday the Roundups played men who were not eligible. Denial By Roundups. Countering this charge, the manage- Is your car in good condition? It is bad policy to con tinue in operation an automobile that is run-down and in need of repair. Our repair shop is thoroughly equipped and manned by mechanics who know their business. Let us take a look at that car and figure on ihe needed repairs. Our charges are reasonable and we give you prompt service. Our tire repair plant is up-to-date and we know how to do the work. Let us figure on repairing your old casings and tubes. We can save you money. We have new and/second-hand cars for sale at a price that will surprise you,jor will trade. Come to see us. We can interest you. J 'Youngblood Automobile Co. New Pbone 459. / . 4545 SOUTH PRESA STREET Mr- \ Live News and Gossip of All Sports Bargains In Automobiles •br a quiok clearance and tn order to clean up their stock before re organisation and arrival of their now stock of Automobiles, the Ban An tonio Motor Oar Co. offer their ■ and 7 passenger Oldsmobiles at figures which win make you think that cost price to forgotten. If you want a highest grade car at a medium grade price, with fors dooea electric lighted, fully equipped, including Warner Speedometer and preotelito tank, you can not afford to overlook this opportunity. Your •Id ••• tskAB Ui Sh nUEDERICK MURPHEY, lawyer, 511-511 Hicks Building. ment of the Roundups comes back with a strenuous denial of any Inten tion to use players who were not eligi ble and with the contention that the club has not violated the spirit of the league rule to any greater extent, if at all, than have other clubs of the same organization. It is certain that the status of both of last Sunday’s games will be gone into thoroughly and the question of counting them or of throwing them out decided. It was said today by those most closely associated with the affairs of the league that the organization has reached a crisis, and that the future of the league will depend to a great extent upon the decision reached at tonight's meeting of the four mana gers. However, an amicable and equit able solution of the problem is con fidently expected. Another matter that may come up is the question of transferring the games scheduled for Christmas day to next Sunday. No games are scheduled for Sunday, and If this ac tion is taken it will bring the final games of the first series on next Sun day and December 3,. Dugosh is Sanguine. Manager Dugosh of the Roundups said today: "I do not think that there will be anything to the protest that will come up because when the Hig gins company team beat my team at Electric Park during the early games of the series the Higgins team had only five of regular men and In one game the Orioles and the Higgins team] played neither team had more than । six of their regular men. As none ofi the men playing on any of the clubs| receive any compensation it is foolism to attempt to penalize any man for not showing up for a game or any club for not having its full line-up. "Another reason why the protest is unnecessary is that why the con tracts of the men the Roundups in tended playing were without me and and 1 was out of the city for more than three weeks and had all of the contracts with me, so that Captain Burke could not get the men signed up. I consider that this pro testing of games only adds a black eye to the Winter league and so long as none of the clubs attempt to play one another’s men or to put In tran sient professionals no great harm Is done. "I have no doubt of the satisfactory outcome of the meeting and that plans will be made to start the new series with the first of the year.” Kid McCoy Beats Englishman. (RY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) PARIS. Dec. 21.—Kid McCoy, the American pugilist, last night knocked out Harry Croxon. an English fighter, In the third round. G. W. COWLES AUTO LIVERY FIRST CLASS CARS AND COMPETENT CHAUFFEURS BOTH PHONES 342 Mew nose 8MA Old Fhoae SOM. AUTO REPAIR. Comp&ny 115 trva OAZ gTBEMT. Buy and Sell New and Second* Hand Automobiles Full Bias of Auto Supplies. BEM J. METEBS, Mgr. rXn>T BMPAIBXMG—ADI. wok aVABAKTBED. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT “ONE ROUND” HOGAN WHO MEETS NELSON (SPECIAL TO THE LIGHT) NEW YORK, Dec. 21. —New York fight fans are eagerly awaiting tn mill tomorrow night between "One Round” Hogan, the fast ligntw g who made a reputation for himself out on the Pacific eoast, and . tling” Nelson. The men are matched to go ten rounds and the netting " about even. Nelson has a large following expecting and backing mm ‘ make sho.: t work of the California whirlwind and Hogan s supporters equally sanguine. It is expected that the battle will draw a big house. TRAINED THREE CHAMPIONS Delaney Fitted Corbett, Jeffries and Johnson for Title Battles. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) SAN FRANCISCO, Cr.l., Dec. 21.— Billy Delaney, the well known trainer of pugilists, is confined to his Oak land home with an Illness which his physicians say may end fatally. They say he will never enter a train ing camp. Delaney, who Is suffering from in ternal complications, came here from New York thirty years ago. He put Corbett in condition to meet Sullivan in New Orleans in 1892. When Corbett retired he developed Jeffries for the 1 match in which Fitzsimmons lost his title. DeJaney's last work was the training of Jack Johnson for the championship contest at Reno. Old Rivals Renew Contract. ATHENS, Ga., Dec. 21.—The man agement of the University of Georgia and the Alabama Polytechnic insti tute (Auburn) football teams have just signed a contract for three years of football, games to be played on Thanksgiving day. MAXWELL AUTOMOBILES j F.ASTMAN KODAKS Birdsong & Potchemick ! t!4 K. Henstvu Kt. Guater Hotel | ARMY FIVE VICTORS IN CLASH WITH TURNERS Infantry Trant Wins Fast Game by tlie Narrow Margin of a Sin gle Point. By the margin of a single point the basket ball five of the Twenty-second infantry won a game from the team of the Turners on the latter’s .court last night. The play was fast and hard throughout, and the final score of 40 to 39 shows that It was excit ing with the outcome continually in doubt- From the beginning of play thp XMAS! XMAS! BUY YOUR WINES & WHISKIES FROM US AND SAVE MONEY Old Phone 584 THOS. H. ABBOTT Metropolitan Bar, 501 West Commerce St. SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK Duffy’s Malt, per Oft California Port, per 4 Eft bottle lOV gallon, 75c to .... A BWW I Monongahela, full ftft California Sherry, 4 Eft I quart W V per gallon 75c to A sWV I R. H. Parker, full Oft California Riesling white wine, I x quart ■ W J. b 5Q H Wilson, per 90 Zamorra Port and ft ftft ' I battle nW Sherry, per gallon Os VwJ I W. W. W., full ri rig : Imported Dry Sherry y| ftft J quart A per gan on "tiVV V Mt. Vernon, full ri Eft Imported Dry Port /| ftft W quart A sOV per gallon “»■ W I Erlanger Rye Whis- ft ftft I BOTTLED IN BOND. ke y, per gallon .. fta W J Dripping Springs ri ftft Paul Jones 3 Star ft ftft M full quart .../... AsW Rye, per gallon .. WaWil Kentucky Geny full Parker Rye, per 3.50 J HUI & Hill, foil 4OE Monongahela Rye. A ftft M quart .../ riamO per gallon H Jersey Cream, full 4 OE Bryan'Bourbon, per ftft PR quart ..J A gallon "■■Wil California Claret, per ri Eft Mt. Vernon Rye, E ftft IM gallon,. 75c to ... A awU per gallon Mall orders filled promptly & shipped at once. Tele- 1 phone orders sent immediately. Write, phone, MOTOR CARS FOR HIRIil Cheap cars, taexperleaced drivers, coupled with drtakia 1 I CARS cans* nest of the accidents. Our service la In a class 1 itself. AMD OUB DBTVSBa BO MOT DBXMX. I ■ CARTER-MULLALY TRANSFER CO. >1 Beth Phonos 1-3-3 M DEC. 21, 1011. BOXIN G TRACK By “Bud” "Fisher work of both teams was of a classy order and at the end of the first halt the army five were ahead with » slender lead of three points, the halt ending 24 to 21. For a few minutes at the opening of the second half the Army man aged to keep its lead, but the Turner? soon pulled up even with their rivals. •It was anybody's game until the Iasi minute of play, when Martin man aged 'to score a goal for the soldiers which won for them. The best work for the Army fiv< was done by Martin, Downing an< Swartz, and Frank Leitner starred foi the Turners. Both sides changer their lineup a number of times. J large crowd that was wildly enthusi astlc witnessed the game. The lineup Dr. Keeling, Dentist. S17 Moor building. Special attention given t children. Call n Tael. Both Phones 123. New Phone 741