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20 THURSDAY, GRAND OPERA HOUSE FBIDAT AMD • ATI’ADAV NIDRTA MAT1NKK •ATVBDAT "JOlJ.t" JOHN I.AHKINA la • ThrM-act Mualeal MrraMl ROYAL SAM Prim: The White Sister fbkkui .. ., ., u tt». »*•. ’•* •’• MTVMUY. F^-. W The Girl of the Gel West (IN BNGUaH riucMi — -— •>•*•• •*•••• •y*’-? 3 J*"* “... *7. w. WsW ** * * J — PlazA majestic vaudeville THR MX KIRKHMITH BtBTBM BMatlfwl. Maty, R«q«I«M» O«w lay la Opwa JUta RadfMd Kra., Welsh aad Melma Flirt Ceaper Added attraettoa. tba Bert Laelia Flayers, la tba elawle Slaac Play ette, "Bataa la Saelety." Spee'al Bargato Matlaeaa TCKSDAT AND FRIDAY Aay Seat la tba Boaea fee Me. Dalnaa* Matlaee....Ide. Me. Ide rrices. MgM. .Me. Me, Me. Me SPECIAL MATINEE fi. ROYAL SATURDAY, DEC. 23 ALL SKATS M CENTS Ofvtac aa eapertenlty fer all ta aaa that treat etteriag “Ths World Io Minlahirs” Three Other Bit Acta Other perferaiaaeee. Ite, tde, Me. Matlaee X Nlgbt S aad S:U e'eleek. 25% Off PIPES & CIGARS LYTLES {»”%. POOL A CUE I The ChHfernia Cde~ I OPEN UNTIL ■ MIMROHT National Woolen Mills 3M WEST COMMERCE STREET ALL WOOL Su its—$ 15.00—Overcoats MADE TO ORDER FRED HUMMERT THE LEADING WALD PAPER. PAINT AND ARTISTS’ MATE RIALS ETTORE IN SAN ANTONIO. 204-206W. Commoreot Street Students to Conferences. (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS.) OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Dec. JI. —Mora than fifty college men will leave Oklahoma City tonight over the Santa Fe for Ruston, La., to attend the Southern Y. M. C. A. conference of college students to be held in that city during the holidays. The pur pose of the conference is to give im petus to the college Y. M. C. A. move ment in the south and enable students in the educational institutions to be come better acquainted. Every college in Oklahoma is represented. Build on your empty lots—now. We’ll help you in three important ways: (1) to find good con tractors; (2) to find good lum ber; (3) to find the funds. TODAY. HILLYER DEUTSCH- JARRATT COMPANY Offices and Yards Opposite Sap Depot. BRINES SUIT ON MOM ST. PIT WARRANTS George Bihl, Who Bought Them at Face Value, Goes Into Court to Collect. “FRIENDLY” SUIT FILED Asks Judgment Holding Valid • ity of Warrants and Com pelling Their Payment. . George L. Bihl. who bought up the worth of warrants isaued for the paving of Zaraamora etreat, thetv warrants causing the recent desdlock in the city council, this morning filed ault tn the county court for civil cases against the City of San Antonio, asking that the warrants be held- valid and a lien against the city taxes and that he be given a judgment and a mandamus compelling the city to pay. The suit was filed in blank by C. A. Davies, personal counsel for Mayor Callagha n, representing the plaintiff. Although the original petition m the case was withheld on the plea that the suit had been filed "in blank," it is known that the hearing on the suit, for which no jury trial has been uked, is set for the Janu ary term of the county court for civil cases. In terms of law. the suit is of a "friendly" nature, and In many such suits the litigating parties are never given publicity. Allegations of Plaintiff. According to information obtained elsewhere than in the original peti tion, George L. Bihl. the plaintiff, al leges that be is the owner of war rants issued for the payment of sal aries of members of the street com missioner's department, the total be ing 8891.80. these warrants being payable in 1911. No specific mention is made that the warrants were issued in payment for the Zarzamora pav ing, but It is asserted that all parties owning the warrants were employes ot the street department appointed by Bryan Callaghan, mayor of the city. Retoad Travers Taaipaay -Nifty C>lfW The rlaraeeape It Is brought out that these war rants were issued under the provisions of section 3 of the city charter, and the resolutions and ordinances passed, which are made a part of the peti tion. It is also 'alleged that F. W. Church, city treasurer. Is now paying warrants of later date. These Warrants Refused. The statement is made that the city council, or a portion thereof, has re fused to make the appropriation for the payment of these warrants, al though plaintiff, in the warrants, holds a legal Hen against ths general fund and the revenus of the city for the year 1111. Plaintiff says ho has presented the warrants to City Treasurer Church and has been refused payment, al though the warrants are lawful and were issued with full authority to make them collectable. The petition closes with the usual prayer for relief, embracing a judg ment with costa a judgment confirm ing these warrants as valid and as a lien against the city taxes, and a man damus to compel the mayor and city officials to pay the warrants. aSagsg Giles Praises Madero— Alfred Giles, a San Antonian, with business inter ests in Mexico, who has returned from an extended trip in the southern re public, said that business confidence is rapidly being restored there and that many of the staunchest support ers of the Diaz regime are now show ing themselves loyal to the new gov ernment. He was outspoken in his praise of the Madero family. All the metals, he said, are rising in value, and mines that have been idle are opening up in full force. A great business revival, he thinks, is just ahead. Bexar County Humane Society — Office 211 Mackay building. E. M. Collins, humane officer. Old phone 2409 (day) 5877 (night and Sunday.) Offices Will Be Closed— All of the uptown railroad ticket offices will be closed Christmas day, and many of the ticket agents will spend the day out of the city with relatives. Among these will be G. F. Bynum, city pas senger and ticket agent of the Inter national & Great Northern, who will attend a family reunion at Brown wood. Mr. Bynum will be'accom panied by his wife, leaving Saturday night.. Ten-day want ads beginning tomor row take in two Sundays. The cost Is only one-half cent a word each inser tion. Refund allowed an unused Inser tions. Telephone your ads and pay later. Both phones 176. Golden Leaf Christmas Eve Dance, Turner Hall, Saturday. Diaz Sisters. Holiday Rates in Effect—Holiday rates to all points in Texas, the large cities of the north and east and to points in the southeastern states arc in effect. Rates will be on tomorrow to points in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. All tickets are limited to return January 5. The holiday travel is well under way and business at the offices of the city passenger agents took on a spurt this morning. Star Floral Co.—Roses and chry santhemums. New phone 1906. Old phone 3156. Golden Leaf Christmas Eve Dance Turner Hall, Saturday. Diaz Sisters. ■ — Present for Deputies—Sheriff John W. Tobin thid morning caused a grate ful surprise among his deputies by handing each one an order for $5 worth of merchandise directed to Ran som & Silsbee. He believed this suited the. occasion better than if he had at tempted to pick out presents for each man. Drs. Garring & Hatcher, Osteopaths. 206 Gunter building. Old phone 5828. Given Christmas Money—All court house employes were paid yesterday. In order that they might have money Yellow Taxicabs. All phones 284. Call a Taxi. Both phones 123. Practical, Pleasing Gifts for "Him Every practical man appreciates gifts of wearing apparel—gifts that coincide with his views of what money should be spent for. On this page we have listed what you can buy at from 50c to $5. Every article is practical and is found here in greater variety than in any Texas store. Read each list carefully. What 50c Will Buy What $1.50 Will Buy Cap What $2.50 Will Buy for Christmas, the warrants having been drawn in advance on authoriza tion of the county commissioners. Pay ment was made for the December sal aries. —Dr. J. H. Rice, dentist. Pyorrhea and oral prophylaxis a specialty. 613 Gibbs Building, San Antonio, Texas. Humana Officer — George L. Mc- Cauley, offices 324 Hicks Bldg., old phone 71. Night and Sundays, old phone 4726. Board yonr horse at LeComte's stable. Divorces Arc Sought—Three divorce suits were filed this morning in the district courts, as follows: Julian Lara vs. A. M. De Lara, A. Martinez vs. P. R. De Martinez and James McGee vs. Maggie N. McGee. Golden Leaf Christmas Eve Dance Turner Hall, Saturday. Diaz Sisters. Rohr's Dance, Friday, Turner hall. Who’s Who, and Why?—Look for the Alamo Jewelry Co., 315 Alamo plaza, ads on the classified pages. You’ll find bargains in diamonds, watches and jewelry galore. The un redeemed pledges of the Sunset Loan Co. are sold at this store. Dance, Muth's Garden, tonight. Jury Failed to Agree— The jury in the case ot Smith Johnson vs. The In ternational Order of Twelve and Knights and Daughters of Tabor fail ed to agree on a verdict yesterday and were discharged by Judge Arthur W. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT Silk Hom Neckwear Suspenders Mufflers Golf Gloves Silk Supporters Silk Handkerchiefs Linen Handkerchiefs Cuff Links Scarf Pins Capa Boys’ Waists Boys’ Gloves Accordion Knit Tie Silk Muffler Suspenders • Collar Bag Gloves in fancy boxes Linen Handkerchiefs Silk Tie and Hoee in holiday box • Silk Tie, Hom and Handkerchief in holiday box Umbrella Cane Scarf Pin Cuff Links Shirt Knotair Hom, six in box Knitted Muffler Gloves Cap Umbrella Boy’s Bath Robe Accordion Silk Tie Shirt Fancy Vest Sweater Seeligson. Johnson sued for injuries alleged to have been received by trlp pfag over a saber during an initiation into the negro organization. FOOD UP TO STANDARD Inspectors Report Little Co During Past Week. That the supply of fruits and vegetables shipped into San Antonio during the past week for holiday use, consisting of twenty-six carloads of fruits and vegetables of every descrip tion was In excellent condition, was the report of Theodore Anderson, city fruit and vegetable inspector, filed with the health board today. Not an ounce ot the supply received in the city, the inspector reports, was con demned. t This and other reports will be read and filed at the regular meeting of the health board scheduled to be held at 6 o’clock this afternoon. Aside from rotitine matters, Secretary Mueller re ports. little business Is before the board for consideration. The report ot Inspector C. Max Uhl shows the fish and oyster supply also in very good condition, with but a small supply of oysters condemned. Inspectors Herpel and Casslano report inspecting during the week 223 beeves, 270 calves, 34 goats and 183 hogs, which went to supply the meat market for the city during that pe riod. "Don’t you think It I. mighty tn have hot and cold water In your houiet” "Not when your wife keeps you In one and throw, the other on ail votir nt.n. —Balti more American. Smoking Jackets and Bath Robes Are Ideal Christmas Gifts For the young man rooming away from home or the man who has his own home nothing is more appreciated than a neat, good fitting, com fortable bath robe or house jacket. They make a man’s home hours enjoyable, more comfortable and more lasting. We’ve a great variety of these most popular garments: Patterns in neat effects that blend perfectly in wine, gray, tan, brown or blue. Smoking •jackets in all sizes, 36 to 46, at from $5 to $12.50. Bath robes in cotton $3.50 to $6, bath robes in wool $7.50 to $15. Lounging robes $20 and $25. W asher Bros. Co. ■“ITA RVAUTT AT TUB WAANBB BTOBB**SS Shop In the Morning—Shop Early What $3.50 Will Buy Umbrella Bath Robe Knitted Muffler Shirt Fancy Vest Sweater Fur-lined Gloves Full Dress Vest Pajamas DEPUTY OUTRUNS HIS FLEEING PRISONER Man Accnyed of Stealing Bicycle Makes Quick Getaway But Offi cer Recaptures Him. Accused of the theft of a bicycle belonging to W. W. Nicholson, S02 Lakeview avenue, a white man, 30 years old, was placed under arrest last night by Henry Rogers, manager of the Commerce street store of the Potchcrnick Sporting Goods company. Mr. Rogers holds a deputy sheriff commission. The store manager's suspicion was aroused when the man entered the store with a bicycle valued at >46 and offered to sell it for J5. He placed the man under arrest and started with him for the city hall. As they were entering the building the prisoner broke from Mr. Rogers' grasp and ran. Rogers pursued, shouting “stop thief’ and "stop him" but scores of pedes trians who witnessed the Marathon displayed no desire to do any stop ping. The race led across Main plaza and into Market street and Rogers caught up with his prisoner near Navarro street. The bicycle was later Identified as one stolen from W. W. Nicholson. A,n affidavit may be filed against the prisoner today. Thefts of bicycles have been numerous during the past few weeks. Mr. Rogers has recovered What $1.00 Will Buy What $2.00 Will Buy What $5. several known to have been stolen, but has not found the owners. Hto Theory. T.ach.r: What to II. Tommie, that Shake.- peare tells ue "become, the throned mon arch better than hie crown"? Tommie: Hair.—Harper's Bazar. The San Antonio Loan & Trust Cd (Xneoipoiutod Without Banking Privileged.) 215 WEST COMMERCE STREET ACTS AS TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR OR GUARDIAN WE PAY Ji ON YOU WE ' 4i38% MONEY •aa W. BBACXnrBXDGB, Preeldent. I Leroy Ik JMnnun, Vice President. Bdwln Chamberlain, Vice Presldwl M. £ amckMUidge. Dr. Perd Xorff Sr. | Mrs. Caroline Kempmum. Thos. a. Palfrey. I Mrs. 3. A. Stribling. Okas. A. KUkar. ■ WM. L. KBSPP, Beo'y aad Treasurer. ■ 1913 Line Advertising Calendars and Novel NOW READY MAVERICK-CLARKE LITHO d DEC. 21, 101T. Cape Gloves Silk Hom ’ Suspenders Silk Neckwear Collar Bag Bath Slippers Silk Muffler Cuff Links Scarf Pin Shirt C«P Tie and Hom in holly box Sweater Silk Muffler Suspenders Cane Collar Bag Gloves in holiday box Umbrella Six Linen Handkerchiefs in holiday box Shirt Accordion Knit Tie Silk Hose, four pairs in holiday box Pajamas Sweater ,00 Will Buy Silk Pajamas Silk Shirt Umbrella Boy’s Overcoat Boy’s Suit Suit Case Bath Robe Sweater Fur-lined Gloves Silk Full Dress Vest The Real mue. Husband: And, Mary, a woman ci our office today and told me soiti that will blight our whole married Wife: Oh. John, what did the ha’ —Harper's Bazar. A square inch of clear conscience cent—the Red Cross Christmas seal. DIRECTORS