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VOL. XLII—NO. 361. GERMANY REFUSES TO DELIVER COAL Texas Favored by Supreme Court in Red River Boundary Decision COMPROMISE .RED RIVER OIL FIGHT South Cut Bank of Stream Made Boundary Line by Supreme Court. U. S. AGAINST TEXAS Stare Is Given Great Part of the Territory It Claimed. HAS FAMOUS HISTORY Miners and Indians Also Claimed Oil Under Channel. Wasliington. D. Jan. 15.—The south cut bank of the Red river was made the boundary line between Texas and Oklahoma by order of the Supreme court today in the famous Red river case. The decision is a compromise of the conflicting contentions of the United States and Texas, the cut bank, for most of the distance, where the <-ontest centered at the Rig bend, being between the bluffs, which, the 1 nitM States in sisted. should be made the boundary, — Jy.l the south bank of the river at its " normal stage, which Texas urged should be made the line. With regard to the location of the cut bank in the Rig Rend area, the court stated in detail the rule which would be followed in determining what constituted the cut bank, giving to Texas, in substance, much of the ter ritory over which the controversy arose. Justice Mcßeynolds dissented. Started in 191 S. The Red river case brought to the Supreme court the boundary dispute between Oklahoma and Texas, which grew acute in 1918, when oil was dis covered in the Big Rend of that river between Tillman nn-1 Cotton counties, Oklahoma, and Wichita county. Toxas. Much of the oil property in contro versy is in the bed o? the river, and the case quickly developed many di versified claimants. Not only did the two states strive for title, but the fed eral government intervened, claiming that the river, where it forms the boundary, is not navigable; was not at the time Oklahoma was admitted into the Union, and that the river bed be longed to the federal government and those who held allotments of Indian lands. Texas and its grantees and licensees! were supposedly eliminated from the controversy by the opinion of the Su preme court in April. 1921. holding that the south bank of the river was the boundary. When the court under took to locate that bank its troubles quickly increased. The records in the case grew in volume as briefs and evi dence of contesting claimants were filed. Texas and those claiming under its contentions were found to be actively interested and insistent. Indians Wanted It. Oklahoma and its grantees and li censees. contending that the river bed belonged to that state, pressed their claims. Indian allottees and those hold ing under them, asserting that the United States was tbe owner, prosecut riparian claims to the river bed across to the Texas border, and among other claimants were those who had made placer mining locations on the theory that the river bed was public land opened under the mineral laws. Many of these conflicting claims were quieted by the Supreme court in its opinion of May 1. 1922. which held tn part that the river where it forms a boundary between the two states is not navigable, nnd that title to it did not pass to Oklahoma upon its admission into the Union, but remained in the United States; that the land bad not been opened to entry under the mineral laws, and that the placer mining claims were not valid: that riparian rights at taching to Indian allotments extended only to tbe middle of the river, and that similar riparian rights were en joyed by Oklahoma and others who hnd obtained title to lands which originally were a part of the Indian reservation. The opinion left until today a decision tbe highly interesting and important phase of the controversy of where the boundary line shall be drawn. Starts Revolving Egg Donations. Fredericksburg. Tex.. Jan. 15.—At the time of the hill country poultry ex position held here in December, County Agent R. S. Miller started a plan bv which donations of settings of eggs are received from breeders to be given to poultry elub boys and girls. Club mem bers receive these settings under condi tions one of which is that for five years they will return annually to the county ngent one setting of eggs to be used simi larly. Local breeders and smh as ex hibited at the show donated twenty-one of eggs. Since then the cham- commerce ba* aided the project. Secretary F. R. Senor addressing a number of breeders in this matter. About sixty settings have been booked. THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT SIGNS OF A STORM SEND RUM-RUNNING FLEET OUT TO SEA Dry Navy Has Nothing to Do With the De parture. New York, Jan. 15.—The booming of far-off “guns" chaaed to sea the boot legging fleet of schooners and freight ers lying beyond the three mile limit from Sandy Rock to Fire Island light, that has fed scores of motorboats with liquor cargoes. But the guns were those of the approaching storm, not of a dry patrol. The warning that drove the ragamuffin fleet seaward was that of the barometer, and not a warning from the traditional enemy of tbe boot legging crews, the prohibition navy. Observers reported that the ships which had been lying outside tbe three mile limit, had hauled anchor and put off to more open water. The storm de feated plans laid in accordance with the sucess of the small-boat runners, in the last few days and landings of liquor was not recorded. So close were the ships to the legal limit, that shippers thought it wise to ride the storm further at sea, lest their craft be driven ashore. Passengers aboard the incoming steamship Mayaro from Trinidad, how ever. caught glimpses of the fleet about 30 miles down the coast from Sandy Hook, they reported upon arrival. OLDER MONDAY NIGHT Temperature May Go to 38 While Tues day Will Be Fair and Warmer. A continuation of quick rhnngin? temperatures is in store for San An tonio in the next 24 hours. The fore cast for Monday nifht, issued by Me teorologist J. IT. Jarbor, indicates cold er weather, with clear skies, while Tuesday will be fair and warmer. The mercury may slip down before day break Tuesday to 3K degrees, hut fm<t is not likely. Th* grinds will bo north erly to easterly and moderate. San Antonio temperatures in the last 24 hours had a range of ”2 degrees. Ibe warmest Sunday, on the weather bureau thermometer being 79 and chill iest, early on Monday, being 47. A large area of high pressure, a sort of twin “high/’ with one center orer Utah and the other over Kansas, is the chief influence nf local weather conditions for the present, bringing clear, cool weather. It was generally fair and cool—but not extremely cold—orer the whole country Monday, except that a little rain and warmer temperatures in the extreme northwest indicated the ap proach of a “low.” nnd the “low” pass ing out over th® Atlantic produced light rains all along the eastern const, includ ing Gulf points in Texas. There were a few places Sunday that had heavy rains, notably Beaumont ith about two inches. The refrenting “low” was also responsible for some snow in Pennsyl vania. There was no zero weather in the United States. St. Paul yas perhaps the coldest largo city, with 14 degrees. A $25,000,000 FIRM Standard Pipe Une Company Organ ized as Common Carrier. Baton Rouge, La., Jan. 15.—Tie Standard Pipe Line Company, Inc., has been organized by the Standard Oil Company of Louisiana and incor porated as a common carrier of oil with a capital stock of 825,000.000 to engage in the transportation of oil. The movement i* made, aocordinr to D- R. Weller, president of the Standard Oil Company of Louisiana, because of th* extension of the company’s pine lines into Arkansas, which, under the federal law, made it a common carrier for the movement of interstate oil. THE WEATHER TBMPMUTT RR*. JAN. 14— 2 r m 72 2 a. F 8 3 p. m........ 7 5 3 a. m 51 4 p. m...*.*.*79 4 a. m 52 5 p. m. 79 n a. 13 8 p. m........ 78 fi a. 51 A p. m *.75 7 a. 49 R p. 72 8 a. m 47 9 p. 89 9 a. m 49 IS p. m 68 Ift a. m ...52 It p. m 63 11 a. m 55 12 midnight... .19 1? noon 57 JAN. 15— 1 r. ri 6ft 1 a. m 58 2 p. m 13 FORECAST. San Antonio and vicinity; Monday ni<ht. fair, colder; Tuesday, fair, warmer: min imum temperature, 33 to 44: light to med erate northerly to easterly winds. En*t Texas: Fair: colder in south por tion: Tuesday, fair and warmer. West Texas: Fair; warmer Tuesday. HOME WEATHEH FOK TOI RISTS. St. T.o«ri«:' ‘ Tetnperattire, 38; clear; righteen-mila wind from tho weat;. lowest temperature in hour*. 34; high- est, 48. Chicago: Temperature. 34; ' cloudy: twelve-mile wind from the southwest; lowest temperature in last 24 hours, 32’ hUriest, 44. Kansas City: Temperature, 3?; dear: fourleen-mile wind from tha west: lowest temperature in last 24 hours. 30; high est. 4C. New York: Temperature. 24: clear; 24- milo wind from the west; lowest temper ature in last 24 hours. 34: highest. 34. Washington: Temperature, 40; clear; alx-mile wind from the northeast; lowest temperature in last 24 hours, 40; high est, IX SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1923.—FOURTEEN PAGES. DENVER MINT BANDIT FOUND DEAD IN CAB Body Discovered in Rented Garage at Colorado Capitol. LONG TIME THERE Killed by Federal Reserve Guard; Deserted by Companions. Denver, Colo.. Jan. 15. —Tbe daring bandit who stood upon the running board of an automobile of tbe men who robbed a federal reserve bank truck of .$200,000 in front of the Denver mint on December 18, last, and sped away amid a rain of bullets from mint guards, paid with his life. Deserted by his pals, the body of the dead robber—believed to be the leader of the band —was found last night in a private garage in tbe fashionable Capi tol Hill residence district. A gaping wound near the bandit's heart told the story. In bls poeket was a large calibre revolver, while a high powered rifle and a pump shotgun were found in the car. The man, whose clothing and hands bore evidence that he was not used to manual labor, rented the garage about a week before the mint robbery occurred. When the new tenant did not pay his rent the owners and Frank W. McGee, a plumber with a shop nearby, who had become suspicious, investigated. The dead bandit was found stretched out in the front seat of the car. He was froz en and an overcoat had been thrown over him. .Police believe the bandit - home ws« in Chicago. The initials "T. F. H.” were found on a handkerchief in his pocket. His necktie came from Capper & Capper. Chicago. and his tan shoes were bought in Chicago. Tear Labels From Caps. Eight shells to fit the revolver in the bandit's pocket were found in his coat. Five men's caps, from which the signa tures of the makers had bee:, torn, were found in the bandit car or nearby. The automobile had been stolen from Brighton, Colo., in October, last. The dead man was described as being 35 years old, short and heavy set. The robbery of the federal reserve gu .rds took place at 10:3O o'clock on the morning of December IS, last. Driving up alongside of a federal reserve truck as the four guards were carrying s2oo.OttO in new five-d liar bills from the mint, where it b.-.d been kept as a measure of safety, the meu opened fire. Tbe leader, believed to be the man found dead in the stolen automobile last night, directed a terrific fire at the ap proaching reserve bank guards and. aid ed by bis confederates, captured the currency, all of which was in new bills of the Kansas City Federal Reserve Rank.' They placed it in their car and drove away. As the leader of the bandit gang opened fire, Charles T. Linton, aged guard for the bank, attempted to draw bis revolver, but a bullet from the gun of the loader of the gang struck him and be fell, mortally wounded. Linton was removed to the county hospital, where he died a few hours later. Before dying he declared he had shot one of the bandits. Fired Final Volley. Gathering up the money, the bandits re-entered their car and sped away. As they left tbe vicinity, tbe man. who had taken the lead during the actual rob bery, stood upon the running board of tho car and fired a final volley. The mint guards sent a shower of lead from the second story of the mint. One bandit was seen to lurch forward. Only the quick work of the companions prevented him from falling from the car. According to Chief of Police m il liams. the man thus injured never left the car after that. It is the theory of Deputy Coroner Bostwick that tbe bullet from one o. tbe guns of the guards or possibly, from rhe gun of Linton, struck the man on the left hand, passed out about four inches farther back _o the and penetrated his chest about a halt inch above the heart. These are tbe only signs of wounds to be found on the body. It is the further theory of the police that the bandits drove directly east from the mint, and drove into the garage, found their leader dead, locked the ga rage. and. re-entering a car probably parked in some garage in the immediate vicinity, left Denver. SUSPECT IN HOLDUP HELD. Chicago Police Arrest Man After Long Distance Telephone Call. Chicago. Jan. 15.—A man answering the description of Albert T. Hollywood, said by police to have been tbe leader of the band which robbed Federal Re serve bank guards of $200,000 at the door of tbe Denver mint December 18. was arrested here yesterday when detec. lives raided his room in a loop hotel. (Continued on next page.) Where Ghastly Tale of Mer Rouge Outrages Is Told The courtroom at Bastrop. La., where witnesses at an open hearing arc unfolding the slaying by torture of F. Watt Daniel and Thomas F. Richards at the hands of hooded men. John C. Nettles, who found the bodies, is on the wit ness stand at left: Judge F. L. Odoin on the bench. • MEMEL REPORTED ABOUT TO FALL TO THE LITHUANIANS Heavy Street Fighting Tak ing Place in Baltic City. By ths Associated Breas. Berlin, Jan. 15.—Dispatches to the laika 1 Anzeiger report heavy street fighting in Memel, the Baltic area re cently invaded by Lithuanian irregu lars. The Lithuanians, the message as erte, are in almost complete posses sion. Dy the Associated Press. Berlin, Jan. 15.—A dis)>at.'h received here from Heidekrug. southwest of Memel, says tbe Lithuanian raiders hare set up a new government with M. Simonetitis as president. Simone litis is reported to hare requested the Allied High Commission to withdraw the French troops from the Memel territory. By the Associated Press. Paris. Jan- 15.—The Frenh cruiser Voltaire, now at Brest, has been or dered to sail nt once for Memel. This order is in addition to the two tor pedo boat destroyers also sent to the Baltic. TWO LIVES LOST IN BAD BLIZZARD IN NOVA SCOTIA Food Rans Short on Train Stalled in Snow for 24 Hours. Halifax, N. S.. Jan. 15.—Two lives were lost and much property damage result from tbe worst blizzard that has raged in this province in twenty years. The storm started on Friday and continued for more than 36 hours, tying up traffic completely in most sec tions. The Jirst express train to reach this city since Friday pulled in late last night from Montreal. It had been stalled at Londondery. SO miles from Halifax, for 24 hours, where it was almost completely , covered with snow and fuel and food supplies ran short. THREE WOUNDED IN AFFRAYS ON SUNDAY; ONE BADLY INJURED Shooting Scrape Results From Card Game; Two Cut With Knife. Three persons, wounded in Sunday affrays, were taken to the Robert B. Green Memorial Hospital by tbe police, for treatment. The condition of one is reported serious. Brijedo Pacheco, 107 Chihuahua street, was shot in the right groin dur ing an argument, said to have been over a card game at 5 o'clock Sunday morning. His conditions is serious. Lii|>e Mareado. 1145 South Colorado street, surrendered to Deputy Sheriff Charles Peters later in tbe day and is held in Ihe cdunty jail, charged with the shooting. Police Captain Brown, Detective Norton and Officers Ram schisscl, Christoph and Kilborn, re sponded when report of the shooting was filed at headquarters. The trou ble occurred at a Chihuahua street dwelling. Arapito Niete, 1006 Tampico street, v as slashed across the right hand Sun day noon near the intersection of South Laredo street and South Santa Rosa avenue. His assailant escaped. Corine Sledge, negress. 510 Zaca tecas alley, was ent on the right arir. in an assault made upon her at 9 o'clock at night near the corner of Matamoras and South Frio streets. A negro, whom she charges with the at tack, is still at large Baby Legs Growing More Like 11, Less Like X, (> and X New York. Jan. 15.—Legs are get ting straighter. Dr. Asa R. Davis of the Lying-in-hospital, where 1.009 babies are exxamined weekly, said. Bow legs are passe. Dr. Davis said, and legs of this ( 1 type are fast giving ways to legs like this IT, Moreover, legs fashioned X and legs modeled ) ( are fewer than they were. Parents no longer teach their children to walk too soon, Dr. Davis gave as the reason for the change, “Bowlcggedness is really caused by malnutrition, a simple deficiency in bone-making calcium. Vitaminea. in good milk, fruit juices, groins and vegetables are rapidly eliminating rickets >in neighborhoods whero health information is easily avail able. INSTABILITY IN COAL INDUSTRY CAUSE OF HIGH PRICES Commission Says Strike April I Is Not Likely. Washington, D. C., Jan. 15.—In stability in the bituminous coal min ing industry is the fundamental cause of high prices and the fuel shortage which has menaced tbe American pub lic repeatedly in recent years, the United States Coat Commission held today in a preliminary report of its fast-finding investigation laid before Congress. Labor troubles, transportation dif ficulties, and over-developincnt of the industry in mines and man power to a point where it is much larger than necessary to supply public demand for its product—if operations wee con tinuous—were all three assigned as among primary causes for the condi tions. The exact bearing which these have upon the existing situation, the comipis«ion said, it intended to study in its further inquiry. Regarding the possibility nf another general coal strike after April 1, the report said the commission "has rea son to believe that an agreement will be reached in tho near future that will avert sny wide spread cessation of mine operations in union fields oh April I." GRAND JURY TOLD TO RUN DOWN MEN WHO BEAT WOMAN Judge Denounces Flogging Party in Scathing Terms. Houston. Tex.. Jan. 15.—Tn scathing terms. Judge Robinson, in tho criminal district court this morning, instructed the grand jury to cease its investiga tions into “petty thievery and burglary” and devote its whole attention to run ning down those responsible for the whipping of Mrs. R. H. Harrison and R. A. Armand at Goose Creek ten days ago. Mrs. Harrison was in the court room while the instructions given and immediately afterwards was taken into tbe grand jury rooom. Chicagoan to Be Prims Donna. Chicago, Jan. 15—A Chicago Lithu anian girl, who is to become tbe primu donna of the National tlpeni of Lithu ania, made her farewell appearance be fore Middle Western Lithuanians last night. She is Miss Mnriona Kakuska, who was born on Chicago's West Side. Striking Shopman Sentenced. Little Kock, Ark., Jan. 15.—John Spurgeon, striking shopman, Sundav was sentenced to a year in the peni tentiary following a verdict of guilty by a jury which heard his second trial on a charge of bombing the home of a non-union shop employe. DEATH LIST GETS ANOTHER NAME IN HERRIN MASSACRE Victim Marries Nurse When Told He Cannot Live. Cliicago. Jan. 15.—Another name was added today to the list of those men whose death resulted from the Herrin mine riots of June 21 and 22, bringing the total to 24. Sidney J. Morrison, 23, tbe first casualty in the outbreaks, died yester day from his wounds in a Chicago hospital, six days after marrying his nurse. Miss Roeella Lawson of Joliet, 111. Morrison submitted t" three unsuc cessful operations for relief from wounds. Last Monday, when told be might not live 24 hours, Morrison married Miss Lawson. With Jury Soon. By the AA»<*ciated Pr»*»a Marion, 111.. Jan. 15 The defense for the fire minors on trial for murder in connection with tho Herrin riots ex pected to rest its case today. There were only a few more impeachment witnesses and character witnesses call ed to testify for the defense today. The case will probably rest with the jury by Thursday. Individual verdicts will be rendered in each case, the jnry also, in event of conviction of any of the defendants, fixing a penalty that maj- range from one year in prison to death. • NEW FOUNTAIN DRINK Mixture at Pharmacy Developed "Kid*" Says Permissive Agent. An experiment to try out a new fountain drink resulted in the arraign ment of Milton A. Frost of tbe Frost Pharmacy, 1228 San Pedro Avenue, before United States Commissioner R. L. Edwards, Monday morning, on the charge of possession and manufacture of liquor. Bond was fixed at $5OO un til the case could be heard in federal court. Several days ago at the phar macy Permissive Agent Pfeffer discov ered several gallons of what he sus pected to bo wine. An analysis of the fluid resulted in the report that it con sisted of an unknown mixture contain ing 12.12 per cent alcohol. The mixture consisted of a concen trated extract of grapes, manufactured by a northern concern, mixed with water and sugar. The label on the can containing the non-alcoholic extract advises that "after mixing with water and sugar keep in a cool place to pre vent fermentation.” When brought before Commissioner Edwards, Mr. Frost asserted that the drink was not ready for sale when it was seized by the prohibition agents. He hdd intended to boil off the alcohol before the drink was sold over the counter, he asserted, according to the re port. He hnd been informed that the drink had been reommended as being readily saleable, and was going to test the statement of Ihe company's repre sentative. CONVICTED MAN SHOT Sentenced for Violating Volstead Ael But Murder Closes Case. Pittsburg. Pa.. Jan. 15.—Martin Burke, sentenced at Cleveland. Ohio, recently to serve 13, months in tbe At lanta penitenthiry for violating the prohibition laws, was murdered at hi« homo here last night by a man who es ceped in an automobile bearing an Ohio license plate. Burke was seated in the parlor of his homo when the door bell rang. A» he opened the door n man placed a pistol against hi’ stomach, said : “I've got you now” and fired. Burke fell nnd the murderer ran down tbe steps and jump ed into a waiting automobile. Burke conducted a number of saloon* here for 30 years, and when the Vol stead law went into effect he retained his state license to sell “near beer ” Tried in Cleveland in connection with n big liquor deal, Rurko was convicted He wns fined $2900 and sentenced to Atlanta prise”. He was to have left for Atlanta Tuesday morning. FRENCH OCCUPY BOCHUM AS MINE OWNERS ORDER COAL DELIVERIES STOPPED Communists Quit Work and Spread Leaflets Demanding War With France and Resignation of Cuno When Occupation Army of 45,000 Marches Deeper Into Rich Industrial Region Housing Factories of Hugo Stinnes. Dusseldorf, Jan. 15.—France’s answer to the German mine owner's refusal to deliver coal on any terms was to ex tend the zone of occupation, originally intended to cover only the Bochum region. The new line established by General De Goutte’s forces is from fifteen to twenty kilometers fur ther eastward, coming to the edge of the great industrial city of Dortmund. Today's operation by the French encircles all the Ruhr industries of Hugo Stinnes, the German indus trial leader. Berlin, Jan. 15.— Recording the arrival of the French at Bochum, all work immediately ceased and excitement pre vailed. The communists began distributing leaflets advocat ing war with France and demanding the resignation of Chan cellor Cuno. In consequence of the destruction of two French pla cards in the streets of Essen, the French commander has ordered a German police guard on the spot day and night. The commander has given notice that if the offense is re peated and negligence by the police is proved, the latter will be severely punished. SEARCH ASHES FOR BODIES OF PEOPLE BURNED TO DEATH Hotel Rains Believed to Hide From Two to Seven Victims. Tacoma, Wash.. Jan. 15. — Police and firemen began at daybreak to search tbe ruins of a $100,090 fire in the business district, in the belief that from two to seven persons perished. The dead are believed to have been gusts in two low-priced hotels that were burned. COBLENZ WOULD GIVE DOUGHBOYS BIG RECEPTION Farewell Party Proposed for American Army of Occupation. Ry WILLIAM B. NASH. Special Cable to The San Antonin Light and th® Chicago Daily News. Copyright, 1923. Coblenz. Jan. 13.—’Shades of Luden dorff. Hindenburg and the Argonne Forest! Who would believe that tbe World war in which the United States fought Germany was only four years past ? The city of Coblenz wou’ ’ have given a receptirn today to the Amer ican troops here in order to express it« gratitude for services rendered since tbe armistice if CdZena with the rest of Germany bad not been undergoing a day of mourning for the Ruhr occupa tion. Tbe plan was to have the freedom of the city conferred on General Allen and the youngest doughboy on the roster roll. Tbe American officers could not be outdone in bospitalitv on bearing cf tbe German plan. General Allen on his part gave a small informal farewell luncheon today following a gorgeous hunting party in scarlet and white te Dr. Gruetner. governor of J szeldor‘f The mayor of Uoblenz nnd other dig nitaries in the Rhineland were inrited. speeches were exchanged hopin* for the future friendship of the German and American republics. HOME EDITION TWO CENTS p,r Copy ln **•* * ni * vfaini'.p A »V V VLuX 1 D Fivecenu on train, ana .iMvn.ia By the Aasaeiated Press. By the Associated Press. The German coal commission has pro hibited the coal owners of the Ruhr from supplying coal or coke to France or Belgium, even if payment ia mad* for the fuel. This stiffening attitude by the German government is expected to precipitate drastic action by ths French government. By the A»»otl*ted Prem. 1 .Washington, D. C„ Jan. 15.—Tha French embassy informed the dtat© Department today that five divisions, comprising a total of 45,000 men, womd take part in the new move to insure control over the Bochum district as a result of the German government’a or-' der stopping coal deliveries. By th. Aswciated Frew. Essen, Jan. 15.—Because ot a cbans*. of front by tbe coal magnates and the repudiation of their agreement to re sume coal deliveries, the French today: re-inforced tbe occupation movements. Troops and tanks were moved up from the old zone and the ring around Esaea was tightened. It is reported that French soldiera arriving at the small town of Bucr were greeted with a shower of stones, but no one was hurt. When the French general arrived be announced that tha German police superintendent would ba punished. A decree issued Sunday exempt* tha French troops from tbe luxury tax and orders notification of ail meetings threw days before due. with the names <■( the organizers and probable attendant*. It forbids strikes and processions and also forbids all civilians from wearing uniforms. Bochum, to which the French oecupa. lion has been extended, exceed* tbe Es sen region already occupied in coal pro duction. The Eessen district is pro ducing 26.000,000 tons of coal annual ly. while the sone qf Bochum and it* neighborhood is producing 70,000,000 tons. .. BERLIN PEOriJl PROTEST. Immense Crowd Assemble* T* Shou* “Down With France.” By the A«»oeiatea Crem. Berlin. Jan. 15.—Great demonstra tions of protest against tbe French occupation of tbe Rube took place ye*, terdir. ThcrS were no untoward in cid*fs. ' (e principal meeting, called by th* not parties, was held on th* Ko isplatx,' opposite th* Reichstag. BcftTfinoon an immense crowd had assenl Jed about the great monument to fy” erected after the Fr.-tco l r I I Flaf were half-otalfwl on g»Ven». f y* buildings, and. for th* first time sitri republic was estab lished. th* republican colors »«• prominently displayed at many of th* fashionable hotel*. The crowd w*« composed ot middi* class people, dressed ia their Suadar best. Tbe speeches w«w acclaimed (Continued on next pas« ) .