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:lair clashes VITH COMMITTEE AND IS SUBPOENAED t Prodace Complete Ree ds of Concern Owned by Family. ahington, Jan. £ dr, head of the Sinclair Oil in s, today was under Senate ena to produce Monday, before the c oil investigating committee, the ete records of the Hyva Corpora a private investment concern 1 in its entirety by his famty. statement issued by him last lg after a clash with the> invest 1- t committee. he said that he would ill records bearing upon tne ±:*cX«Ho" ‘hat Pertain to pertinent to the sub- in the subpoena committee attorney, however, "* ced his intention of putting M air on the stand today in con- the inquiry into the operations ie Sinclair companies. presentatives of. various oil >s in attendance at the nearing red that they ‘ b “‘ Sinclair had evidently decided to issue with the committee on the ■ct of inquiry into records of in ■ial organizations. The power of regional committees in this aspect, Xe*d never had been de miteb led and it would be a good thing for industry and for ” question could . OUND WITH GOODS live Tells Negro People In Coun- Do Not Use Electric Lamps. illie Jones, negro, 21, 119 Hocfgen ue, admitted to detectives Friday “had the goods on him,” after' he been nabbed in the act of looting Guarantee Furniture rompnnys f, West Commerce and North ;a streets, at 5 o clock r riday is booked to Patrolman sby and Detective Harvey. The liture house, it is said, r *" n ’L t into bankruptcy and was in tne Is of Receiver Coppard. all win a and doors having been securely ed and bolted. atrohnan Dansby saw an automo standing near the rear entrance, next instant a negro emerged from •ating, carrying a large ornamental Thrift Week is here and / AGAIN Packing House Mar kets is first in serving thrifty San Antonio Ar/ Shoppers with First JBp / Quality Meats at a S' reasonable price. BACON fast BACON, Sugar Cured, Any Amount [SPARERIBS lb. 15c [HENS Mr* 25c [BUTTER 48c | ROAST ;,Z.Xr. 19c PEKING * JOUTH 4 Store No. lat S. 108 E. Commerce Store No. 2 at 1011 E. Commerce Wonderful Markets Teeming With Bargains Where You SA VF —can save enough Store No. 3 to add to that ___ . r- f bank account. 222 Avenue C Practice thrift all .Store No. 4 at S jeer "und hr E. H.u.lon I Markets. Thrift Week FRIDAY. electric shade lamp. He had deposited 1 this in the car beside two large art man on the Salado, nine miles from here bought these and I is going to deliver them?” the negro explained '°Tl*c "oauolman telephoned headquar ters and Detective Harvey joined him. “You’re spoofing, nigger.” exclaim ed the plain clothes man when Jones told him the same thing. “ Don t you know,” added the detective, "a man living nine miles from the city wouldn t buy an electric lamp for his home. You stole those things.” The negro scratched his head. “Boss,” be finally blurted out, “you is sure a good guesscr. You has got de goods on me.” , He was placed in jail and a earn made out charging him with burglary and theft. FLYING SQUADRON GONE Optometrists Hear Speakers on Scien tific Problems of Vision. Dr F P. Barr of Camden. N. J., ad-1 dressed the morning session of the meet ing of optometrists held at the bt. An thony Hotel Thursday. He was intro-I duced by Edward T. Jenison o San Antonio. Doctor Barr gave an mteresr ing scientific lecture on the *»'*""> muscles of the eye. He told how be golf players should always determine which is the fixing eye and then never talsc that eye off the ball. Dr. William L. Todd, president ot the national association, opened the afternoon meeting. He was followed bv Dr. Charles Sheard. He lectured on reserve power of th” eye bringing out many new thoughts that he has discov ered in his research work at South bridge, Mass. The next speaker was Dr. Robert Harper of Mount ’ *rnon, N. Y., who spoke on equipment of the optometrist’s office and brought many original ideas. The banquet at night was preside.! over by Mr. Jenison, member of the state board of examiners. Many speak ers of the day addressed .the members in both humorous and scientific talks. The flying squadron left for Houston Thursday night.- WILL SHOW PAINTINGS Pictures Owned by M. Krueger to Be on Exhibit at Library. Ten paintings belonging to M. Krue ger of San Antonio will be exhibited in the Carnegie Library auditorium, ac cording to an agreement reached by a special meeting of the library board Thursday afternoon, at which time) Mrs. Henry Drought, president of the Art League, accompanied by Mrs. George K. Meyer of Dallas, made an appeal for the usa of the auditorium. D will be necessary to rearrange the room, which has just been remodeled with new floors, new stacks for th? books and entirely repainted, in order to present the paintings in such a man ner as to secure the right perspective and lighting effects. "Move On'Sale 25c THE SAN ANTONIO LIGHT. Sensational Values—Genuinely New and Exclusive Styles—Highest Qualities, and a Collection of Models Never Before Equalled in Point of Variety, Are Salient Features of the GUARANTEE’S 23rd and Greatest Semi-Annual Over 15,000 Pairs of Women's Ultra- Smart Footwear Creations —for Street, Dress and Sports Wear Including Models Formerly Priced Up to $16.50 Have Been Thrown Into 3 Great Groups and Priced 4.65 ‘ AMONG THE OUTSTANDING STYLES TO BE FOUND IN ALL THREE PRICE GROUPS ARE TONGUE PUMPS—in DRESS SANDALS—in STREET & SPORTS OXFORDS k -SAND SUEDE -PATENT LEATHER In ~ rF I -BLACK SATIN -BROWN SATIN J — BLACK KIDSKIN —TAN RUSSIA CALF F — PATENT LEATHER ~nr jrf- cr ed? " —BRONZE KIDSKIN —AND A PRACTICALLY ~ B A‘n u FC4NT BL4CK SUEDE ENDLESS DIVERSITY O. —AN D MAS ) ELEGAS T & GRAY SUEDE SMART COMBINATIONS —COMBIN Al lONS ■III SHOES IN THESE GROUPS—ARE REGULAR LINES —AND CONSEQUENTLY SIZE RUNS ARE PRACTICALLY COMPLETE—HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF OUR •IKVOtVFD—AND IN EACH INSTANCE THE SAYINGS ARE WORTH? IHE ATTENTION OI ALL WOMEN WHO APPRECIATE THE UNLIMITED ADVANTAGES—-SUCH AN EVENT PLACES AT. -*■ THEIR DISPOSAL. Entire Stock of Children’s School and Dress Boots-at “Move-On” Prices Space Prevent, a Detailed Listing of the Offerings—But You Will Find the Exact Style and Size You Want in Any Type of Boot—for Any Age of Childhood PATENT BROWN BLACK BLACK LEATHERS: CALFSKINS: CALFSKINS: KIDSKINS: „ with Either “Orthopedic” or “Dressy” Toes; In Fact—a Choice- of-thc-Hous” Selection, from the Most Complete Stock of Children’s Shoes in the Southwest:— k HERE IS THE REDUCTION SCHEDULE! ' All Infanta’ Hi Shoes—Reduced a. All Children’. School and Dre.. Boot. Reduced: (Size. 2’4 to 6) <4, < Sixes 814 to U) ' 00 Values Now 8,<!6 83 50 V • lne, ,re * 2 9 ! $2.50 and $3 Values Now $1.05 and 50 Values 83 48 •$S S All Little Tot.’ Hi at All ’ Lowered The.e Prices- -i 4' (Sues s’> to 8) AU $3 and $3.50 V.lues 8295 All $3.50 Value. -•-••• • • • • • • •;; All $4 and $4.50 Values F 3 -40 All $5 and $5.50 V.lues are All $5.00 Values 83 ’»* All BIG MISSES’ & JUNIORS’ HI-SHOES REDUCED! S 5 50 Values $3.95 $6.50 Value. $4.95 $9.00 Value. $5.95 2'“ to 6) (All Leathers! (Laird & Sehober Models) J ■ i—— ———— • nmiT I-T’47' With Every Purchase of $3 or fD CI? ! J| I I More in Our Children s De- g 4 XxEjLlj e thousands OF pAiRS OF WOMEN ' S t f ft CHILDREN’S W /#/ 111 / 1!13 HOSIERY jy SB “MOVE-ON” PRICE 117 ALAMO PLAZA X», 1»S8. 21