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VOLUME LXXVII.-NO. 85. PACIFIC COAST NEWS. Twelve Cantua Canyon Cattle-Thieves Under Arrest. THE LEADER NOT TAKEN. They Were Captured During the Night by Mendota and Fresno Officers. IMPRISONED AT HOLLISTER. HI Rapelje, Who Captured Evans and Sontagr, Was the Leader • of Both Posses. Fresno, March 4.— Hi Rapelje, the man who caught Evans and Sontag, returned this afternoon from the Cantua Canyon, where, with the help of the Mendota offi cers, he captured twelve cattle-thieves. For a year past the four Ashhurst broth ers, who have a large stock range there, have been losing cattle, amounting in all to about a hundred head, and a short time ago livestock and hides bearing their brand were found in a slaughter-house in this city. Hi Rapelje took hold of the case and dis covered that there was an organized band of thieves, a number of whom stole the cat tle and drove them part way to this city, where they were met by others of the gang who drove them here and sold them. Rapelje left on last Thursday and drove night and day until he reached the Cantua Canyon. There he was joined by the Men dota officers, and about dark the party started up the canyon. They were satisfied as to where the thieves lived and went from one house to another until 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning, rousing each owner and tak ing him into custody. Twelve in all were captured and the party started on the re turn. The most careful guard had to be kept, as the men were desperate and watched every opportunity to make their escape. The men were finally placed in the Hollis ter Jail. While returning Rapelje lost his way, and when within ten miles of this city his horse became exhausted and he had to walk to Fresno. The leader of the gang has not been captured, but the officers know his whereabouts. BODY FAKIRS IN FRESNO. Letnmon and Woods Under Bonds for Fraud. Fresno, March 4. —R. V. Daggett of Selma, a relative of John Daggett of the Ban Francisco Mint, has had H. K. Lem inon and G. H. Woods arrested for selling him a manufactured petrifaction of a human bitty. Lemmon was found by the officers in Arizona, and Woods was caugnt at Los Angeles. In June, 1892, according to Daggett's com plaint, Lemmon and Woods persuaded him to buy a half interest in a petrifaction for $2250. The complaint says: .■aid statue was not on that date, and never as, a petrified body of a human being or of any being, or a petrifaction at all, but the lame is a manufactured or molded statue, md .aid defendants, at all said times, well tnew that such representations and pretenses tvere false and untrue, and that said statue iv as not a petrified body of anything, and such lalse representations and pretenses were made \ by said defendants, knowingly and designedly .' Kith intent to deceive said affiant of said money, and did thereby obtain from and de fraud this affiant of said money. The defendants gave bonds of $2000 each. The date of their preliminary examination has not been set. IDAHO'S SENATORSHIP. The Shoup Men Gain Some Ground, but Not Enough. Boise, Idaho, March 4. — The ballot for United States Senator to-day was exciting, although there was but a slight change. Sweet's nineteen had agreed to dissolve »t 6 o'clock to-night if there was no action. The result was a last heroic effort to get '.he Populists' support. McCarthy, the :hairman of the Populist caucus, was won Dyer by a telegram from Senator Peffer Urging him to support Sweet. The ballot resulted: Shoup 20, Sweet 19, Claggett 12. Then came a test of strength pn a motion to adjourn. It was carried by ihe Shoup men by a vote of 27 to 24. The Sweet men have not given up the fight, in spite of the developments of the day. , SAN BERNARDINO DAY. Cos Angeles Streets Crowded With Visitors to the Citrus Fair. Los Angeles, March 4. — It was "La Fiesta and San Bernardino" day at the Citrus Fair and for many hours crowds pressed into Hazard's Pavilion to view the golden exhibit and to listen to the music of Cassasa's band. Many people came in from San Bernardino on morning trains and the streets were filled all daj* long by risitors who found their way to the ex hibition hall, where the fair is being held. To-morrow will be set apart as Riverside County day and the indications are that different town in the county will send in large delegations. _ . Fresno Sustains the County Physician. Fresno, March 4. — At the meeting of the County Board of Supervisors to-day, a mo- Lion was carried by a unanimous vote in- Sorsing the action of Dr. Davidson, County Physician, in refusing to allow Sunday re rival services or noisy religious visitations In certain wards of the hospital devoted to the care of consumptives and persons suf ficing from fever. The board decided that hereafter religious services shall be held in some part of the hospital to be chosen by the County Physician. Los Angeles Realty Sale. Los Angeles, March 4.— A real estate dealer reports to-day , the sale of what is known as the Tenth-street hotel site, owned by Mrs. Emeline Childs, to O. T. Johnson. During the latter days of the /ate boom foundations were laid on ground for a monster hotel covering nearly two acres of ground and many thousand dol lars was sunk in the enterprise, which was wrought to a sudden stop by a drop in realty values. The foundations have ro The San Francisco Call. mained ever since, and Mr. Johnson now purchases the site with a view to complet ing the building. RE STATIONED AT SITKA. Xemva of Revenue Cxittertx Received at Port Toxcimend. Port Townsend, March The early sailing of the revenue cutter Corwin for the north from San Francisco has brought a semi-official announce ment that the vessel will be stationed at Sitka only until such time as the Bering Sea fleet sails and that the force of vessels this year in the north will be made up only of revenue vessels and without a Dingle warship. Ever since international patrol of the sea was established England -has been derelict in complying with the terms of the agreement, which was that both countries should furnish a like number of vessels .to patrol the waters within the protected limits against pelagic sealers. Last year while the United States had eleven vessels in the north doing duty of protection, Great Britain sent one small warship, which spent most of the time anchored at Sitka; while the officers were absent in the interior on hunting expedi tions. This year the fleet will be composed ex clusively of revenue vessels, with the cut- ter Perry, now on her way around from the Atlantic to San Francisco, as the flagship. I, OS ANGELES CAR LINES. There Will Re No Change Made in the Management. Los Angeles, March 4.— Superintendent E. P. Clark states that there will be no change in the management of the Consoli dated Electric Railway Company, which now controls all of the principal street lines in the city. A few days ago a committee of the Chi cago bondholders was appointed to investi gate the affairs of the company, and it was then rumored that a change might be made in the management of the extensive property. General. M. H. Sherman, however, still remains in the position of president of the company, and the prospects are "that he will stay there for some time to come. The lines are now on a paying basis, and with a newly constructed track to' Pasadena fur nishes connection with all parts of the city and suburbs. TWO FIRES ON THE COAST. Mine No. 12 at Black Diamond, Washington, Is Burn ing. A Hay Barn at Salinas Destroyed . . With Its Entire Contents. Seattle, Wash., March 4.— Fire was dis covered this morning in the pump room of No. 12 mine, at Black Diamond, about 1300 feet from the surface, and soon gained, such headway, as to drive th«7meui,bt-tW7'7;! The head of .the stope has been sealed and steam is being forced into the fire to smother it. "^.%"7; ":.-^;<"7 ; ' This will take a week or two and mean time 100 men are idle. Salinas, March 4.— At 8:30 o'clock this evening a fire was discovered in the large barn, containing 200 tons of hay, belonging to A. Augustine, the barn and hay being totally destroyed. The total loss is $2800, | with an insurance of $1125. Dry Creek People Want a Rridge. Santa Rosa, March 4.— A large delega tion of farmers from the Dry Creek region were here to-day trying to get the Board of Supervisors to give them a change of location in the matter of the new bridge to be built over Dry Creek. The old bridge was six miles north of Heaidsburg, and the new one was washed away in the recent floods. The petitioners claim that if the new bridge is built two miles further down the stream it will ac commodate hundreds of families where the old bridge did not satisfy a dozen. There is a bitter feeling over the matter and the Supervisors will go up there to morrow to inspect the country for them selves. LOS .ANGELES PEOPLE PLEASED. Interest of San Franciscans in Their Fiesta Very Gratifying. Los Angeles, March 4.— Preparations for the Fiesta are being hurried rapidly along, ami when April 19 arrives everything will be in readiness for the week's celebration. Director-General Max Meyberg is much encouraged at the outlook and particularly with the interest San Francisco merchants are taking in the matter. "It is a sign that the sectional feeling which we have imagined existed between the northern and southern part of the State is wearing away, and that we are all going to work together for the up-building of the State," he said to-day. "The mer chants of San Francisco, in . a very gen erous and cordial manner, have signified their willingness and desire to assist us, and with their help there can be no doubt of the success of the coming Fiesta." Preacher Missing From Garvansa, Cal. Los Angeles, March 4.— Rev. R. P. Bukey, the itinerant preacher who disap peared on December 17 from Garvanza, a little town in the interior, has not been heard from since, and his friends are anxiously scouring the country in hopes of discovering a clew to his whereabouts. The preacher left his home to come to this city on the date mentioned and never re turned. Suspect Murder in Los Angeles. Los Angeles, March 4.— The police are still searching, without success, for a clew that may solve the mystery surrounding the finding of a woman's leg on Saturday in a pile of debris in the rear of a yard on Broadway. The theory that the relic was placed there by medical students has been abandoned, and the detectives are now in clined to believe that murder is behind the strange and ghastly discovery. Insane Alan in Tacoma. Tacoma, Wash., March John Krauser, an aged rancher living twenty miles south of town, yesterday cut his windpipe with a knife and fled into the thick woods.; Con stable Albert came to town for an insane warrant, and to-night the man was found and brought in to a hospital. He will probably recover. ■ Fresno Salaries Reduced. Fresno, March 4. An ordinance was passed at a meeting of the City Trustees to-night reducing the "' salaries of all ■ but two of the city officers by half. 7 7* v ; f SAN FRANCISCO, .-TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1895. INDIANS IN OREGON Suits Are to Be Entered in Their Behalf by Friends. FALSE ARRESTS MADE. : — v An Agent, Judges of the Indian Courts and Indian Police men Implicated. TO TEST THE INDIAN STATUS. Chiefs Will Visit Washington and Demand Moneys Due Them for Sale of Lands. Pendleton, Or., March Attorneys for Indians annouuce that proceedings will be begun against Agent C. W. Harper, the Judges of the Indian Court and the Indian policemen for false imprisonment in cases in which chiefs and headmen had been ar rested and dealt with on the reservation. The proceedings will be for the purpose of determining the judicial status of the Indians as citizens. A visit to Washington is contemplated by Chiefs No-shirt, Peo and Young Chief Bears regarding the troubles now experi enced on the Umatilla Reservation. They will go about March 15 to make a demand for the money realized by the sale of reserva tion lands, which amounts to $200,000, and to inquire what disposition has been made by the recent Indian agents here of moneys collected for fines imposed on the Indians by the Indian Judges, amounting to sev eral thousand dollars each year, and to also ask that a restriction in the shape of the red tape in leasing and cultivating In dian lands be relaxed by the department, and the Indians be allowed to make leases and contracts as freely as the whites. They will also urge that it is unnecessary to pay out the Indians' money for salary agents or other reservation employes, ex cepting those connected with the schools at the agency. The abolition of all these offices will be asked, and if not granted they will insist that the department send a military officer to act as agent in the place of a civilian. SAN JOSE INDICTMENTS. The Grand Jury Returned Seven Rills of Felony Charges. San Jose, March 4.— The Grand Jury made a partial report to-day and filed seven indictments— four against George C. Hughes, two against Elmer E. Shal-., and one against ML. li. Williams, -all lor felony. -Hughes; is 'the real estate agent and notary who defrauded several people by bogus mortgages and left for South America last year. . Shale got money on forged notes and skipped to Mexico, and Williams appro priated money to his own use Which he had collected last fall in the capacity of Deputy Assessor. The amount was made good to the county, and an effort was made to hush the matter up, but the facts were published at the time. RELEASED AT STOCKTON. Charles Eldridge, Who Shot George Roots ■ Two Months Ago, Is Free. Stockton, March 4.— Charles Eldridge, the young man who shot George Bools in this city two months ago and who was held to answer to a charge of assault to murder, Bools having recovered, was discharged on habeas corpus proceedings brought in the Superior Court to-day, the point being that in the evidence given the Justices' Court was not sufficient on which to hold the defendant. Eldridge was very friendly with Bools' wife, from whom the last named had sepa rated, and Bools entered the young man's room and attacked him, the shooting be ing the result. Mrs. Bools was in the room at the time. While there was not sufficient evidence on which to obtain a conviction Eldridge is censured for the shooting. TO BE TRIED AT STOCKTON. Rulsonand Ward R nd Over on Charges of Bribery. Stockton, March 4.— Bulson and C. W. Ward, charged with having bribed Supervisor James Brown to vote for certain hospital plans, were before the Superior Court to-day to plead. Their attorneys moved to quash the indictment, on the ground that the two defendants testified as witnesses before the Grand Jury. The mo tion was denied and the defendants pleaded not guilty. The 17th of April was fixed as the day of their trial. DIED AT LOS ANGELES. Samuel Rrown, the Horse Raiser, Sue ■'-'..*" ..'■ cumbed to Lung Troubles. Los Angeles, March 4. — Samuel A. Brown Sr. of Kalamazoo, Mich., the well known horse owner and breeder, died here to-day. He had been suffering for several months with lung trouble, and after hav ing had several hemorrhages, came to Los Angeles a few weeks since for relief. The trouble had, however, progressed too far and he sank steadily until this morning, when a severe hemorrhage carried him off. Killed at Tlie Dalles, Oregon. The Dalles, Or., March 4.— This after noon John Hill, a Russian Finn, was in stantly killed at Seufert's fishery. Hill and another laborer were standing under the boom of a steam derrick used in the construction of a fish wheel, when the fas tenings of the boom broke, letting it fall on the two men. Hill's skull was crushed and the other man was badly injured. ? . *':• Rarron Will Argument at San Jose. San Jose, March 4. Argument in the Barron will contest was resumed to-day by Nicholas Bowden, who was followed by Judge Garber, both for the proponents. Judge Garber will finish his argument in the morning, and D. M. Delmas will then begin the closing argument for contestant. Barnes Trial in. San Bernardino. San Bernardino, March 4.— The trial of Mrs. S. W. Barnes, charged in connection with Tom Salter with' attempt to poison her husband was called to-day and a venire of J fifty jurors exhausted ■ in selection of nine jurers to try the case. . A new venire of twenty jurors was ordered by the court and the case continued until March 25. FOR COUNTY DIVISION. A. General Rill Which Will Change -Fu ture Eights.' ' Sacramento, March 4. A general county division bill, which will take future fights for the organization of new counties out of the Legislature, is now almost sure of passage. All of the advocates for new counties have practically agreed to the amendments, which somewhat limit the chances for new counties. Twenty - three Senators have been secured to favor the passage of the bill and the Assembly will, in all likeli hood, agree with the Senate. So, after the adjournment of the Legislature, the Gov ernor will probably be called upon to name Commissioners to pass upon the applica tion of the proposed county of Buena Vista, which desires to separate from Tu lare of that of Santa Cruz, a*: the northern half of Santa Barbara desir, .-. _ to be styled, of the proposed county of "Bid well with Chico as its county seat and the best half of Butte in the territory of the proposed new county, and of Sunol, the rural portion of Alameda County, which may be de sirous of setting up a government for it self independent of the now dominant in fluence of the urban portion, of Alameda included in the three townships, Oakland, Brooklyn and Alameda. ARRESTED AT STOCKTON. An Ignorant Herman Used Canceled Stamps, bxit Was Detected. Stockton, March 4. Gustav Braun schweiger.who lives on the Cherokee Lane, near this ' city, has been arrested on the strength of a telegram received from United States Marshal Baldwin. He is charged with using canceled stamps. To a postal inspector who came here a few days ago to investigate the matter Braunschweiger acknowledged that he had used the ' canceled stamps, but said he did not know the act was a crime ami thought he would con tinue using them until some one . com plained. Braunschweiger will be taken to San Francisco for trial. He is a simple German and has a wife. LIQUOR MEN UNDER COVER. Lobbyists Are Arranging to Slide Laws Through Unobserved. Amendment to the County Gov . ERNMENT BILL THE Channel. Sacramento, March 4.— The most per sistent lobby in Sacramento just now is that of the liquor men. G. W. Baker, the Southern Pacific and California Protective Association attorney, is at the head and front of the movement, and Dan T. Cole., the Harbor Commissioner;.- is his lieu tenant.''""' '7' : ""7'7'7 '7 , ' "■..•' Quite a number of bills have been intro duced ostensibly in the interest. of the liquor men, but which the liquor men have had no intention of attempting to pass. They were put up as blinds, against which the opposition could wear out its energy while the real measure which the California Protective Association favors might be quietly advanced to final passage. The idea of . the liquor men -is to break down municipal control of the traffic and to make it impossible for towns like Pasa dena and Riverside to enforce prohibitive ordinances. A great deal of quiet and it may be effective work is going on. Lobbyists come into each house, and, sitting by Sen ators and Assemblymen, seek to get prom ises of support; or, if failing in that, ask that nothing be said and that no active opposition be manifested. The whole scheme is to engraft on the county government bill amendments which will place the regulating of the liquor traffic in the hands of county Boards of Supervisors. Some quiet day the amendments to the county government bill will be offered, and if the legislators who are opposed to them are not on the alert, the bill will be amend ed. It will then be too late to rescind such action. The bill is so important that it must be passed, the Governor will have to sign it and the liquor men will go home in triumph. Section 33 of the county government bill referring to the Board of Supervisors and their powers reads as follows: "To make and enforce within the limits of their county all such local, police, sanitary and other regulations which are not in conflict with general laws." To this section the liquor men ask that the following be added: "Provided that the provision of this section shall not be so construed as to empower said Boards of Supervisors to prohibit the conducting of any business for which a license has been heretofore authorized under the laws of this State since the adoption of the new constitution of 1879." This means the virtual recognition by the State of the liquor traffic as a legiti mate business, and throws around what has been permitted in communities by ranee, the legal cloak of acknowledg ment. "'- Section 27 of the county government bill says, referring to the power of Supervisors: "To license, for the purpose of regulation and revenue, all and every kind of business not prohibited by law and transacted and carried on in such counties; all shows, ex hibitions and lawful games carried on therein, and to fix the rates of license tax upon such business, shows, exhibitions or games, and provide for.the collection of the same by suit or otherwise." The amendment which the California Protective Association will seek to add to the bill is this: "Provided that such license tax shall be based upon a fair and equitable distribution of the public burden upon all classes of business, without unjust dis crimination against any kind or class; and provided further, that spirituous, vinous and malt liquors, when/sold in bulk and not to be consumed | upon the premises where sold, shall be rated as other, mer chandise for the purpose of license.'' This amendment is a body blow at high license. Eleven Millions Expenses So Far. Sacramento, March 4. — Governor Budd has been figuring upon the expenses which the present Legislature proposes to foist on the State. He finds that the contingent expense bills already signed, the bills be fore him carrying appropriations and the general appropriation bill as passed by the Senate exceed' in the total of expenditures provided $11,000,000. VIEW ON EXPENSES. Budd Proposes to Fulfill All His Campaign Pledges. HE WILL USE HIS VETO. His Power Did Not Apply to the Contingent Expense Bill for Attaches. , MANY OF THE SENATORS TALK They All Had Reasons to Give for the Extravagant Expenditures Indulged In. Sacramento, March 4. — "I'll stand by my guns." That was the answer Governor Budd made as to what he proposed to do to fulfill his campaign pledges. Governor Budd made economy the keynote of his pre-election speeches. He stated that he intends to keep his promises. This means a veto on many items in the general appro priation bill and a rebuke to the legislators for their extravagance. The Governor intimated to-day that if it been within his power he would have ve toed the contingent expense bills ap propriation money for useless attaches. A volume in his office giving the law on the subject was well thumbed and showed in dex marks that he had studied the legality of a veto. But the law passed in 1891, after enumerating the officers and attaches of the Senate and Assembly, adds a proviso that such other attaches as may be deemed necessary may be appointed. The Senate deemed 164 necessary - and the House nearly as many, and no discretion was left to the Governor. The Governor declares that this law should be repealed and that an act should be passed limiting the number of attaches and defining their duties. Senator With ington has introduced such a bill. The Senate can find money to pay useless at taches for work not performed, but when Senator Smith introduced a raising the appropriation to pay many of the weekly papers for publishing the constitutional amendments from $125 to $180 the Senate promptly voted the amendment down. This was done to-day. "The Senate can waste money for its own amusement, but when it comes to paying the debts of the State owed to the country press then it cries retrenchment. Can a single Senator point out an instance during the present session .where, the ; Senate lias ; curbed its own extravagance? The legislature went to the devil by onto- vote in the Assembly to-day." ' This is the summary which Senator Withington makes of the legislative record. He referred to the victory of the railroad in politics when the scalpers' bill came up in the lower House. "There is a strong organization in this State," continued Senator Withington, "which has its influence with the Legisla ture. It has a power over weak members by threatening local bills. It goes as far as it dares, but there is one thing which pre vents resorting to extremities— is timid and most of the „ legislators are honest, though some may be weak." "What do you think of the record of ex travagance?" was asked. "It has been an extravagant session," was the reply. "I saw that there was no hope for economy when Senator Seymour's retrenchment proposition was beaten. There was no use to argue and talk ; the Legislature would not retrench. All that remained for me to do was to enter my protest with my vote. I have sought by a bill which I . introduced to prevent ex travagance in the matter of attaches by succeeding Legislatures, knowing that I was powerless to stop the waste of money this session." Senator Arms (D.) made. a brief com ment. "The dominant party has not kept its pledges so far as retrenchment goes," said he. In a general way he thought the Legislature had not ac complished much. "It now becomes the duty of the Governor to fulfill the pledges of the Democrats by cutting out all un necessary appropriations," concluded Sen ator Arms. "Neither party has kept its pledges in the matter of appropriations," said Sen ator Smith (R.). "Otherwise I think the Legislature has been a fairly good one." Senator Smith was called away by illness in liis family on the day that the general appropriation bill came up. He returned much displeased to find that the Senate had loaded the appropriation bill with amendments calling for more expendi tures of money. He blames members of both parties for their extravagance in this respect. ''"_•».-.: --. "I think the Legislature has been an im provement on past Legislatures. The trouble has been that the Republicans have had such a big majority that they have had so many more iriends to provide for. They do not seem to understand that the agriculturists are laboring under a heavy burden. It would have been better if the Legislature had been more evenly divided. Then the dominant party would have been checked in its tendency to ex travagance. There are many excellent conservative men among the Republicans. If there had been nearly as many Demo crats as Republicans in each house then these Republicans would have been able to have held their party back from making useless expenditures.*" Senator Aram (R.) thinks the Legisla ture has been a conservative body. Although it has been extravagant in the matter of attaches, the amount so dis bursed he regards as a bagatelle in the whole amount. He was surprised to learn that the Senate and its Finance Committee had raised the general appropriation bill half a million dollars beyond the amount it bore when it came from the Senate, but thought it a difficult task to lessen the amounts asked for in any great sum, as there were so many necessary calls for the expenditure of moneys. -. ..' 7 Timothy Guy Phelps thought the , most important saving jj of the "; present Legisla ture would come, from the repeal of the law allowing State aid to indigents. . This he figured at about $200,000. Next he placed the county government act, the fee bill, the bill on roads and highways and bill 526, authorizing the Board of Ex aminers to visit various State institutions, discharge unnecessary officers and equalize all salaries. This last bill he felt sure would be strangled in the Senate. As yet the amount really passed was light. It was especially light, he thought, when compared with the expenses of the session. He called attention to the fact that from 1857 to 1861 there were but twenty-seven attaches for the Assembly. Then all the engrossing was done in writing. Now, he said, there were 150 to do the same work. The extra expense came from unnecessary employes. Wade of Napa was not enthusiastic over the work accomplished. The files, he thinks, are not In as clean a condition as they were two years ago, while the contin gent expenses at the end of sixty days, he was satisfied, would be as much as those of last year's entire session. E. V. Spencer of Lassen hoped to see a great many important bills passed. The county government and the fee bill would effect a great saving. He also hoped for good results from the new roads bill. The amount of work accomplished he consid ered not proportionate to the expenses in curred. C. M. Belshaw of Antioch also hoped for good results eventually, while deploring the great expanse incurred. He looked for especially beneficial results from the county government act and the new fish and game laws. Reid of Trinity has fought expenses on every turn except on the district fair ques tion. He hopes to see the strontr bills get through both houses. He deplores the ex pense of running the House, but, of course, lays the blame where it belongs, on the Republican majority. CUT IN CONFERENCE. Many Change' Made in the Figures of Appropriations. Sacramento, March When the As sembly Committee began to advise with the Senate Committee about the general appropriation bill this afternoon amend ments began to drop. Almost every change made in the Senate increased the appropriation. The sums were lowered by the conference in almost every case. Among the changes agreed were to de crease the contingent expenses of the Sen ate from $35,000 to $12,000 and those of the Assembly from $40,000 to $18,000. The Senate cut the Governor's secretary service allowance from $10,000 to $5000. The con ference replaced the amount at the former figures. The salary of the elevator atten dant is reduced from $800 to $.500. 7 * The appropriation for armory rents for the National Guard was reduced from $225,000 to $185,000. The $8000 allowed for target practice was not touched. J- Heavy cuts were made in the allowances for the different insane asylums. They were as follows: Napa, from $400,000 to $374,000; Agnews, from $270,000 to $262,000; Mendocino, from $180,600 to $130,225. The $7000 allowed the San Jose Normal School for books, periodicals and ap paratus, was reduced to $4500. j Among the other allowances that are to be reduced are the State's portion of the .salaries of the Superior Judges, fixed by the Senate at $320,000, expert to. Board of Examiners $4000 and $2000 traveling expenses, station ery, etc., of State offices $20,000, lighting Capitol grounds $2400, traveling expenses Superintendent of Public Instruction $2250, State Printing Office $250,000, for school text-books $40,000, office of Railroad Commission $2040. Yosemite Valley $20. --000, Whittier Reform School $245,000, ap paratus . for Los Angeles Normal School $4500, apparatus for Child Normal School $2500, State Board of Horticulture $10,400, secretary to same $4200, clerk to secretary, $1200, clerk of Quarantine Bureau of same $4200, Viticulture Commission $2500, or phans and half orphans $600,000, and Vet erans' Home $90,000. An allowance is made of $194,000 for dis trict fairs and $40,000 for the State fair. These the Conference Committee will very* likely let remain as they are. TBE WAYMIRE RILL DEAD. San Francisco Will Not Re Invaded by the Legislators. Sacramento, March 4.— The Lexow in quisition bill was practically buried in Republican caucus to-night, though no definite action was taken, but when Sena tor Earl moved to adjourn and the sup porters of the bill could not prevent the adjournment the bill met its death. The measure was Waymire' s modified one, the scope of which is quite general, but the intent of which is to secure a re count of the ballots in San Francisco by which Governor Budd received his elec tion. Senator Gleaves presided. The caucus was a joint one, but the talk ing was done largely by the Assemblymen. Assemblymen Waymire, Spencer and Os born led the fight for the bill. The meas ure was attacked by Assemblymen Brusie, Dixon and Bettman. Brusie made an im passioned speech against the measure. Dixon and Bettman characterized it as an insult to San Francisco and upheld the doctrine of municipal home rule. Assemblyman Spencer grew indignant and referred in sarcastic terms to Bettman as the chairman of the Committee on Pub lic Morals. A few sarcastic remarks fol lowed and then adjournment came. There was no further caucus and the bill is dead. Several days ago Governor Budd 'J de clared to a number of Senators that he was opposed to the bill, and wit the author of the measure, half a dozen legislators and a San Francisco morning paper the inquisition bill sums up its final support ers. San Francisco is not to be invaded by the Legislature. ' 77--*, 7: STUPID ATE WORK. Governor Rxtdd Sent a Message of Advice Regarding Bills. Sacramento, March 4. The Legislature has not only proved itself .to be extrava gant, but it has shown that it is stupid. This was in evidence to-day in a measure from the Governor to the Senate.* Governor Budd's message related to Sen ate bills No. 55 and 182. The first bill was introduced by Gesford and prohibits the manufacture, sale or giving away of cigar ettes. Senate bill 182 was introduced by Simpson and amends the law relating to property in the hands of the Public Ad ministrator. The bills were passed by the Senate. They were sent to the Assembly. The bills were then amended, but came back to the Senate with the simple an- nouncement of their passage. 7 7^~'7 7'* :77V As the Senate had no knowledge of the Assembly amendments it did not concur in them, and the bills were transmitted to the Governor ; for : his approval or dis approval. , 7. ...'. :*7' The Governor suggests that the Senate withdraw the bills for repairs or to take such action as will correct the defects. PRICE FIVE CENTS. THE SACK WAS USED. The Anti-Scalpers' Bill Passed the House by Lobby Work. SMALL AMOUNTS GIVEN. One Hundred and Fifty Dollars Was the Limit Offer for Proper Votes. LAIRD OP MODOC TRAPPED. He Was Promised Help on His Coyote Bill If He Assisted the Rail road People. i Sacramento, March 4.— On a coyote scalp hung the fate of the scalpers' bill to-day. Thirty-eight men were voting against the measure. A call of the House was ordered, and for nearly an hour a scene of confu sion ensued, futile motions for adjourn ment varying with equally useless de mands that the call of the House be dis pensed with. There was a hurrying and a scurrying on all sides. Those managing the railroad's fight flitted from desk to desk among the doubtful, or those who were thought open to argument. These arguments were of va rious kinds. Mrs. Cummings of Los Angeles, one of the smoothest talkers of the third house, who acts as engrossing clerk and at the same time is able to convince the most ob durate of reformers of the evils of their ways, camped on the trail of Hall of Placer. She talked long and earnestly and eventually Mr. Hall began to see that really the bill was not bo very iniquitous. He knew it had been amended so as to make it harmless. As a consequence, though he had consistently voted against all the amendments and to-day voted against the bill at first, he changed his vote at the critical moment and helped make the last two of the forty-one who passed the bill. The other one of the important pair was Laird of * Modoc. That gentleman is in tensely interested in the passage of the bill appropriating $210,000 for the payment of bounties on coyote scalps. There is hardly a member of his constituency above the age of 5 years who has not one or more of the malodorous but valuable bits of hide. It was impossible for the holders of warrants to shovel them at the banks, for his county has no banks. As a result the entire pop ulation are looking eagerly to their repre sentative to secure j them their money. * That was what settled to-day's fight. When the railroad people found they had forty votes they charged on Laird. Thomas of Nevada, with his oily tongue and win ning smile, showed that the bill in ques tion did riot concern the people of Modoc in the least, since they did not have a rail road. Not one in a thousand of them would ever come in contact with a scalped ticket in fact they were their own scalp ers, the coyotes being the sufferers. They were not opposed to the railroad and they did want their money for their coyote scalps. This, Mr. Thomas con vinced Mr. Laird, he would be likely to get if he would only change his vote from "no" to "aye" and make the required for ty-one. Of course, if he stood out against them he could expect no help in getting his own bill passed. There was no threat made. It was only a suggestion. The seed was planted in fruitful ground, however, and the result was that a determination was evolved on Mr. Laird's part to vote for the passage of the bill. He did so, contrary to the ad vice of a number of his friends. His ac tion gave the Southern Pacific a temporary victory. • < ■ • It cost Mr. Laird the passage of his own pet measure, though. It came up for pass age as soon as the railroad bill was passed. By the time it had been read the anti railroad people had recovered from their astonishment and saw why it was Laird, whom they . had counted on, had "fallen down." Immediately there was another rush of interested parties. A word, a nod of astonishment followed by one of assent, went from one to another. The fate of Laird's bill was fixed. When it came time to vote his former allies produced the knives they had been quietly whetting and ruthlessly slaughtered it. A number of extra railroad votes were cast for it. There were more anti-railroad people who voted against it. As a result the bill received only thirty-five votes. This is six less than what was required. There were thirty-three votes cast against the bill. Kenyon of Los Angeles was one of the supporters for the railroad people. He had voted for the various amendments, his idea, he explains, being to get the bill up for its final passage. When the vote stood at 37 to 36 they swarmed about him. His vote had not been cast and they did not know how to place him, but took it for granted he was with them. His decided negative made him the subject for various arguments and appeals. These were all without effect, however, and his vote was registered "No." - Another of those who were called upon at the last moment .was John O'Day of San Francisco. Mr. O'Pay is a Democrat and comes from a violently anti-railroad dis trict as well. He has introduced various anti-railroad measures, and yet his vote went to the Southern Pacific. Bill Ses sion 's presence at the San Franciscan's el bow all during the trouble indicated the source of Mr. O'Day's political decisions. "I am anti-railroad," he said, in explain ing his vote. "But you see, Session and the Republican leaders they put in my boy as page. Now, when they did that I promised to help them on the first railroad measure that came up. This is it, and I voted for the hill to keep my promise." -_, - r Mr. O'Day considered this explanation ample. There can be no doubt about the fact that it was as truthful as it was lucid, and Mr. O'Day's conscience is entirely at rest. 0. H. Huber of Los Angeles and L. J. Dwyer of the Thirty-third District, San Francisco, voted against the bill to the end. - These gentlemen were classed among those with railroad tendencies in The Call a few days ago. They protest their freedom from any such ties and are firm in their a_sur