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VOLUME LXXVII.-NO. 87. PACIFIC COAST NEWS How a Notorious Smug gler at Tacoma Kept Out of Prison. NEGLECT OR KNAVERY. He Fails to Appear in Court After a Jury Had Found Him Guilty. THE JUDGES SUMMARY ACTION. Refuses to Receive the Verdict, Dis charges the Jury and Orders the Culprit's Arrest. Tacoma, "Wash.. March G.— By over-sleep ing this morning "Jack" Forbes, whom the customs officers regard as a notorious smuggli r, saved himself an immediate term of imprisonment, and after two trials gets his case postponed until next June. Ii was one of the most tacky things that ever happened to a prisoner. The Govern ment had made a strong case, and the cus toms officers were actually betting on con viction. The jury, after being out twenty four hours without sleep, brought in a ver dict of "Guilty." Yet Forbes is at liberty on bonds. Be is charged with smuggling in 140 pounds of opium, worth $2000, which cus inspectors seized in February. 1894, at a lodging-house. A feature of the trial •was the sensation created by his former landlady, who swore that Forbes told her of having the opium, and that the morning after the seizure he told her about it and saiil he had lost thereby a lot of money. This evidence clinched the Government's case. Forbes' release came about this way. Just before noon to-day the jury tiled into the courtroom with its verdict. The court asked if Forbes was present and found he ■was not. This created surprise. A few minutes after 12 o'clock Judge Hanford issued a bench warrant for Forbes' arrest and ordered it served. At 12:10 he instructed the clerk to call the bondsmen and notify them to get the body of defend ant in court within ten minutes, stating that otherwise he would discharge the jury without receiving its verdict. The names of the bond-men, who are Miles Gibbons and L. D. Hill, were called, but they were not presept. Le Roy Palmer, attorney for Forbes, offered to guarantee that the prisoner would be on hand at 1 o'clock and asked an h,.ur'i adjournment. .Every one in the courtroom listened with breathlessa atten tion, realizing that for the defendant at east the moment was a critical one. The court did not see tit to extend the time, and ten minutes later he ordered the default of defendant and his sureties en tered and judgment entered against them for $2000, the amount of the bail. The jury was then discharged. By this time it was learned that the defendant had overslept himself, having remained in court until 11 :2" the night before waiting for the jury to come in. Half an hour later Forbes r rested on a bench warrant and taken to the Marshal's office. His case was con- tinued to the June term of court and bonds fixed again, which he secured this evening. To-morrow their approval will be asked. The jury looked crestfallen when they learned that their verdict had come to naught. Sixty ballots were taken before that conclusion was reached. On the first ballot the jury stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal. At midnight Tues day night the jury stood 9 to 3 in favor of conviction. This was the second trial of the case. The first trial was had on Febru ary 14. when the jury disagreed. The practical effect of the discharge of the jury was to give Forbes another chance to maintain his liberty, and what is con sidered strange is that this results from his own negligence. He will have to pay the costs of the last trial. Attorney Palmer to-night filed a motion to set the judgment against Forbes and the bondsmen aside, the motion being accom panied by the affidavits of himself and the bondsmen that the default resulted from Forbes oversleeping and not from wanton negligence. Forbes is good-looking, with features which bespeak grim determina tion. He is said to be known up and down the coast among smugglers. It is rumored to-night that Forbes' ab sence at the critical moment was the result of a trick, and that the plan was laid this morning after the defendant's friends had learned what the jury's verdict would be. He issaicfto have wealthy backers who will be willing to save his liberty by paying the $2000 bonds if his attorneys cannot succeed in getting the court to set the judgment aside. Men about town are inclined to be lieve this story. PUGET SOUND SHAKER INDIANS A Revival Meeting of Thrrr Hundred Red Mi n nit an Inland. Tacoma, Wash., March 6.— A meeting of the Shaker Indians on Squazin Island has ended. Three hundred Indians from vari ous parts of Western Washington attended the gathering. The session lasted four days. John Slo kum is the chief prophet of the new faith. He claims to have died and visited heaven nd has been sent back to warn good Indians of their impending fate. A ghost dance concluded the festivities. Slokum is working the Indians into a great frenzy of religious excitement. An Insane Spokane Itancher. Spokane, Wash., March 6. — James Mc- Mahon, a bachelor rancher living five miles from this city, has fled into an adjacent forest wildly insane. For a week neigh bors have been trying to entice him from bis cabin, but on the approach of friends he shrieks and runs away. A posse of deputies will go out to-morrow and try to capture him. Idnho Senatorinl Dendloch. Bom, Idaho, March 6.— ln tli2 Sena torial vote to-day one of Sweet's men left him and voted for Shoup, the result being: Shoup 21, Sweet 18, Crook 14. There is much talk of a dark horse, but no .one has any definite idea who may be brought out. The effort of the Sweet men ap The San Francisco Call. parently is to defeat Shoup at any cost. There are only two more days of balloting, and if the Sw ?et men and Populists con tinue to vote together on adjournment there can be only two ballots and perhaps no election. MAJOR WHAM'S SANITY TJie Paymaster's Mind May lie found Weak to Save Him from Disgrace. Portlanp, Or., March 6. — It is reported from Vancouver Barracks that a medical board is now investigating the mental con dition of Major J. \\\ Wham, paymaster, U. S. A., who was court-martialed last Oc tober for conduct unbecoming an officer in refusing to pay his just debts. The findings of the court have never been made public, but it i^ said the verdict was adverse to Major Wham. It is be lieved that influence has been brought to bear to secure the appointment of a board to inquire into his mental condition in order that he may be retired if it is found that his mental faculties have been im paired. Tacoma Officials Cited for Contempt. Tacoma, "Wash., March 6.— The Mayor, Board of Public Works and City Attorney were to-day cited by Judge Parker to ap pear in court Saturday morning and show cause why they should not be held for contempt of court for not shutting off the city's water supply from Glover Creek as directed by the injunction issued on Monday. Corona's Mishap at Santa Monica. Santa Monica, Cal., March 6. — The steamer Corona bumped into the wharf here early this morning while effecting a landing. Her protruding anchor caught the piling and tore the guard railing from the deck. The steamer rebounded and raked along the pier 600 feet before being stopped, carrying away the cornice from the wharf building. She was not badly in jured and proceeded to San Diego. LOS ANGELES BOYS POISONED One Child Dies of Eating Cakes and Another Becomes Seriously 111. The Pastry Was Given to the Little Ones by a Kind Old Woman. Los Angeles, March 6.— John Strange and Edward Henderson, two young boys living with their parents in East Los An geles, ate poisoned cakes while playing this afternoon, and now the former lies on a slab at the Morgue while Strange is in a dangerous condition. The two boys went with little Stella Strange to the. house of an old lady named Mrs. O'Hareto spend the afternoon. Stella Strange went into the house of Mrs. O'Hare to get a knife for the boys to cut some grass with. Mrs. O'Hare gave her a knife and also a package of cakes. Stella gave the cakes to the boys, who both ate some of them. In a few|moments two youngsters were taken sick. The Strange boy died be fore an emetic could be administered, but the other lad vomited freely as soon as he was taken with cramps, and this saved his life. The father of the dead boy was much wrought r.p over the matter and at once made application to the District Attorney for complainst against Mrs. O'Hare. The old lady has lived on the East Side for some time and bears a fairly pood reputation. When interviewed by the Call correspon dent to-night as to how she came into pos session of the poisoned pastry she said : "About a week ago I went out on the front porch and found a small package on the steps. As I unwrapped the paper cov ering I saw that the contents were cakes such as we call 'lady fingers.' Supposing that some one had left them for me I took the package into the house, and when Stella came to-day gave them to her to eat. I had no idea that they contained poison." Mrs. O'Hare owns considerable property and has several dacghters. One of these, it is alleged, has led a wayward life and fre quently made threats, or rather expressed a desire that the old woman would die and leave her some money. This daughter is said to reside in San Francisco. Mrs. O'Hare lives alone in her little house and was on most friendly terms with children. It is not believed that she gave poisoned cakes to them with any knowledge that they contained any deadly substance. Closing Exercises at the Citrus fair. I.".- Angeles, March 6. — On Friday the members of the Fruit Exchange will meet at Hazard's Pavilion, where the citrus fair is being held. Delegates from all local ex changes throughout Southern California will be present, as well as representatives from the Merchants' Association and Board of Trade of this city. Addresses will be delivered by President W. 0. Patterson of the Chamber of Commerce, Max Mcyberg and Mr. Naftzger, president of the Ex change. The judges at the citrus fair were hard at work to-day, and a number of awards have been announced. The fair will close on Saturday evening. A.n Ex-I'olicenian's Trial. Los Angeles. March 6.— Ex-Policeman Sam Dugan appeared in court again to day, and his trial on a change of assault with intent to commit murder was re sumed. Dugan became enraged at R. E. Lee, a brother officer, several months ago, and drawing his revolver fired five shots at Lee on the corner of a crowded street. The trouble arose over a discussion of the A. P. A. Reducing the, J'rice of Seedlings. Los Angeles, March «.— A slight reduc tion in price of seedling oranges has been decided upon by the Fruit Exchange in consequence of stiff competition in Eastern markets of Sicily seedlings. The reduction agreed upon is 10 cents per box, making the new schedule of prices $1 50 per box for the best grade, ?1 25 for medium and $1 10 for ordinary. An Influx of Thieves. Los Angeles, March 6.— This city is in fested with a larger number of crooks than ever before. Scarcely a night goes by without a burglary being reported, and sneak thieves are numerous. The Police Department has all that it can attend to, and criminal court calenders are crowded with cases set for examination and trial. A Soquel Ruy X irked by a Horse. Santa Cruz, March »j. — Dan Soto, a •Soquel boy, caught hold of a horse's tail this afternoon, and was kicked in the fore head. His skull is fractured, and serious results will probably follow. SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 7, 1895. O'DAY IN THE CHAIR Tumultuous Scenes at a Night Session of the Assembly. HORSEPLAY OF MEMBERS. The Speaker in Easy Repose With His Feet Upon the Desk. LAWMAKERS AT A PRIZEFIGHT. The Sergeant-at-Arms Sent Out to Bring in the Derelict Assemblymen. Sacramento, March 6.— After the other business had been finished in the Assembly to-night Cutter of Yuba asked leave to introduce a bill out of order. As this is the fifty -ninth day of the session such a request is extraordinary. He explained that his bill was to allow all bills to be con sidered engrossed wh^n no amendments had been made at the second reading. At present all bills, whether there have been changes or not, go to the printer, are reprinted and sent back. This occasions great expense and a delay of several days for each bill, and the members of the House were all anxious for its passage. To in troduce the bill a two-thirds vote was necessary. Only forty-eight members answered to their names. The absentees were called, this made fifty voting. To save a day a call of the House was ordered, although there were live members in the House who did not vote. Immediately the doors were closed and tht sargeant-at-arms was ordered to arrest the absentees whom were said to be in attendance at a prizefight, being held at the corner of Fifth and I streets. O'Day of San Francisco was called to the chair and a reign of disorder began. The Speaker pro tern, cocked his feet on the desk, put his cigar in his mouth and ruled every member who tried to address him out of order. ' Many attempts were made to phase the new chairman, who, though he might have been better versed in parliamentary usage, yet was able to give a witty answer to each of the members who tried to chaff him. The House acted like a school without a master for nearly two hours. A number of attempts were made to dispense with the call of the House. Nearly two bills are still on the office reading file though and the members want to save the time that must now ensue between the second and third readings. To accomplish this a day earlier they were willing to stay until 11:30 in the Assembly, By that time Assemblymen Boothby and Zocchi were brought in from the prize fight. Assemblyman Lewis was the next to be rounded up. The call of the House was then dispensed with and the roll called. This time the five who had re fused t.o vote before cast their votes in the affirmative, fearing another call of the House, and the bill was allowed to be in duced by 58 ayes to 2 noes. POLICE COMMISSION BILL Efforts to Defeat the Measure in the Assembly. Sacramento, March 6.— A strenuous fight is being made in the Assembly against the bill to put Alvord and Tobin out of the Po lice Commission and reduce the term of office from life to four years. This is Assembly bill 6.53, which Cutter had made the special order for this afternoon. Realizing the paramount importance of the general appropriation bill, Mr. Cutter con sented to give it precedence over his meas ure. When he tried to have it made the special order for them to-morrow he met strong opposition. Bettman-of San Francisco and Pendleton of Los Angeles were the most prominent of the objectors. A two-thirds vote of the House placed the bill as the special order for 3:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. Many voted to make the bill a special order "who will vote against it. In spite of its being fathered by a Republican and being the bill of .the judiciary committee of a Republican house, an attempt is being made to brand it as a Democratic measure and thus de feat it. PASSAGE OF BILLS. A Day's Work of the Lower House of the Legislature. Sacramento, March 6.— The bills on the special file passed in the Assembly this morning were: Appropriating $25,000 for the Southern Cal ifornia Home of the Inebriates. Appropriating $300 for the elevator attend ant. Appropriating $1545 to pay the deficiency in last year's appropriation for the Forestry sta tions. Appropriating $15,000 for the Forestry sta tions at Chico and Santa Monica and establish ing a third at Bft. Hamilton. Appropriating $51)6 85 to pay for the funeral and casket of the late Secretary of State, E. G Waite. Appropriating $1200 to pay the rent of the office of the Labor Statistics Bureau. Appropriating $0000 for Williuin G. Hall. Appropriating $900 for electric lights for the San Jose Normal School. Appropriating $4500 to purchase 240 acres of land adjoining the Folsom State prison. Appropriati!)-*Gr>(M) to pay for a system of heating and ventilating the Los Angeles Nor mal School. Appropriating $400 for postage and contin gent expenses cf the Attorney-General. Appropriating $48,012 to pay the papers of the State for advertising the proposed constitu tional amendments last year. Appropriating $1553 52 to pay the deficiency in the appropriation for ballot paper. Appropriating $1500 to pay T. Carl Spelling for -.york done for the State Bureau of Labor Statistics. Appropriating $6500 for the erection of ad ditional buildings for the Southern California Home for Inebriates. Appropriating $1480 64 for a refrigerator at the same institution. Eight Senate bills were passed this after noon. The*y were : Preventing evil-disposed person* from enter ing the grounds at the Whitier or Preston Re form schools. Establishing Police courts in Eureka, Hum bold t County. Providing for the issuance and redemption of bonds for street work. Giving the right of eminent domain over sites for dams for irrigation purposes and roads to mines. Appropriating $12,150 for R. J. Broughton. Taking off one of Fresno's Superior Judges. Appropriating $50,000 to build a road from the town of Mariposa to the Yosemite Valley. Giving an additional clerk to the State Treas urer at $133 33 a month for six months. Enlarging the powers of the Commissioners of the Building and Loan Associations. Authorizing the removal of a cemetery at Auburn. Creating the oflice of County Fish and Game Warden, with salary ranging from $25 to $100 a month. Allowing cities to protect themselves from floods. Directing the use of devices for protecting miners. Simplifying the transfer of real estate. Giving the appointment of the Board of Health of San Francisco to the Supervisors. Enlarging the provisions of the purity of elections law. Reducing the Judges of Tulare County from two to one. Dixon of San Francisco objected so strenuously to Brusie's bill providing for an extra electrician and fireman that the author withdrew it. Spencer's bill making an appropriation to re-cover the records of the Supreme Court was refused passage. SAN JOSE CITY CONVENTION Republicans and Democrats Choose Their Respective Candidates. San Jose, March 6. — The Republicans to night nominated the following candidates for city offices : Clerk— J. W. Cook. Couneilmen— First Ward, A. S. York; Second Ward, A. 8. Mangrum; Third Ward, E. P. Main; Fourth Ward, J. P. .larmnn. School Trustees— First Ward, William Moir; Second Ward, I). V. Mahoney; Third Ward, W. C. F. Hamilton; Fourth Ward, Jacob Kcenig. At the Democratic convention no nomi nation was made for City Clerk and the filling of the vacancy was left to the city central committee. The ticket named was : For Councilman— T. C. Hogan, First Ward; W. B. McCarley, Second Ward; Charles Doer, Third Ward; E. Juth, Fourth Ward. For School Trustees— T.C. O'NeiL First Ward; F. W. Moore, Second Ward; .1. W. Walthall. Third Ward; Frank. Lauderdule, Fourth Ward. SAN JOSE WILL CONTEST. The Arguments End With a Strong Plea for the Contestant. Instructions Will Be Given to the Jury by the Judge This Morning. San Jose, March 6.— "With an eloquent peroration and a strong plea for justice, Attorney Delmes to-day closed tbx>. argu ment for tho cc t( sf;i"- in ttm long trial of the Barren •will ca^e. It is live weeks ago since the lawyer made his opening statement in the case, and not a day has passed, when court was in session, that the large hall was not thronged by inter ested spectators, public interest in the trial being at strong tension. Delmas' argument occupied two days and was a brilliant effort. He was given a flattering ovation in the way of the crowded attendance in the courtroom dur ing the delivery of his plea. Such a crush of spectators was never before known in the history of the city. At the conclusion of his effort hundreds of ladies and others crowded around Mr. Delmas and congratu lated him and H. V. Morehouse, his asso ciate, and also expressed sympathy and in terest in their client, George Barron, the contestant. In resuming his plea to the jury this morning Mr. Delmas said in part: "Edward Barron's mind was so per verted with an unnatural aversion that he almost prayed that his eldest son would die, and we will show that he took every means in his power to drive him to that end. When he left St. Mary's Hospital and found himself without friends or sym pathizers the young man admits with sor row that he unwisely, perhaps, but natu rally, took to drink. Did his father at tempt to encourage him with words of cheer or hope and try to reason with him?" With an income of $84,000 a year no other recourse suggested itself to the father's mind than to turn his boy over into the hands of a common policeman. He was thrust into the Home for Inebri ates, that living hell upon earth, which it will be the crowning glory of the present Legislature to blot out of existence. As the culmination of all these cruel acts of aversion the father finally planned upon and sent George in a sailing vessel around Cape Horn to some unknown country to die. "From this place of exile George Barron sent many pleading, repentant letters to his father, and these letters were intro duced by counsel upon the other side, they having been treasured up by Mrs. Barron to be used against George, but we have wrested them from her hand, and we will use this sword as a weapon of justice with which we will cleave our way through the impediments that have been strewn upon our path. "At last the hard heart of the father was made to soften to the extent of allowing his son to leave New Yorlc for Dwight, 111., to take the Keeley cure. George Barron says he took this treatment not so much because his condition required it, but because he hoped by this heroic measure to remove the unjust unnatural aversion of his father." Mr. Delmfls closed his effort this after noon with an eloquent and impressive plea for justice in behalf of his client. He pa thetically portrayed the bowed figure of the dead mother as she sent from the spirit world her blessings upon her wronged eldest son and her hopes that the verdict would right the ereat injury that had been done him. The argument closed shortly after 4 o'clock, but Judge Lorigan did not charge the jury and send them out to deliberate upon a verdict. He said he preferred to instruct them in the morning, so as to avoid the possible necessity of keeping them out over night. The court then adjourned with the usual admonitions to the jury. It is expected that a verdict will be reached by noon to morrow at least. Anti-ItaUrond Bill Fails at Olytnpia. Oiampia, Wash., March ti.— Helm's House bill, reducing railroad freight rates in the State of Washington, failed to pass the Senate to-day by a vote of 14 to 20. NO COUNTY DIVISIONS Nullification of Wishes of the Voters of the State. THE LAW DIES A-BORNIN'. Stranglingof the Much-Mooted Measure in the Senate. FOR TOWNSHIP GOVERNMENT. Passage of a Bill to Provide for Town Meetings In Cali fornia. Sacramento, March 6.— County division is killed. There will be no general law passed by this Legislature which will pro vide a method for the formation of • new counties, unless the Assembly can drag up a bill from the end of the file and urge it forward to passage. There is scarcely any likelihood of this, and so Bidwell, Buena Vista, San Luis Rey, Putnam, Santa Ynez, Sunol and other would-be counties must wait. The Senate to-day deliberately voted to nullify the wishes of a 4 to 1 majority of the voters of the State as expressed at the last election, when an amendment to the constitution was adopted, the object of which was to take county division fights out of the Legislature. The action of the Senate was a notice that the combine was supreme and that it intended to keep those rights over new county propositions in the Legislature. The record of county division scandals with all the reeking details of purchased votes has not ended. The Senate has made the decision, and so at the next session there is every likelihood of a repetition of the acts which disgraced the sessions of 1891 and 1893. Senator Earl called up for reconsidera tion to-day the action of the Senate by which a general law applicable to county divisions was defeated last night. The Senate declined to ~econsider its action by the following vote : Ayes— Arms, Beard, Bert, Denison, Earl, Fay, Ford. Gleaves, Hpyt, Linder, Mathews, McAllis ter, McGowan", Pedlar, Simpson, Smith, With ington — 17. Noes— Androus, Dunn, Flint, Franck, Hart, Henderson, Holloway, Langford, Mahoney, Mitchell, Orr, Seawell, Seymour, Shine, Ship pee, Toner, Voorheis, Whltehurst — 18. Excused from voting— Aram, Biggy, Ges ford—3. Afcsertt-Bnrke— l. Declined to vote— Martin — 1. It developed that the clerk made a mis take in the tally last night in the vote on Senator Simpson's bill providing for the organization of township governments, and despite the objection of Senator Mc- Gowan the error was rectified. At the afternoon session Senator Ford sought to withdraw his notice to reconsider. Twice it was made with the understanding that the bill had failed of passage. Senator Me- Gowan objected. There was an hour's debate. The Senator from Humboldt de clared that it would enable townships to nullify high license by passing low liquor ordinances. Senator Simpson declared that it gave townships just the power in this respect which municipalities had and that it would enable the people to have local op tion. As it was county Supervisors would authorize the sale of liquors and small communities had no redress. Senator McGowan's substitute to re consider the action by which the bill was passed was lost by the following vote : Ayes— Aram, Denison, Ford, Holloway, Hoyt, Langford, Martin, McGowan, Orr, Voorheis and Whitehurst— ll. Noes— Arms, Androus, Beard, Bert, Dunn, Earl, Fav.Franck, Gesford, Gleaves, Henderson, Linder, Mathews, McAllister, Mitchell, Pedlar, Seymour, Simpson, Smith, Toner and Withing ton—2l. Absent or declined to vote— Biggy, Burke, Flint, Hart, Mahoney, Seawell. Shine and Ship pee—B. And so if the Assembly takes a like view of it and the Governor approves, town ship government and the New England town-meeting will become features of Cali fornia law. Sergeant-at-Arms Blackburn purchased a laurel gafel and decorated it with red, white and blue ribbons. Senator Earl, in a neat speech, presented the new gavel to the president pro tern. of the Senate, who made a fitting acknowledgment. Governor Sheakley of Alaska was an honored guest of the Senate for a short time this afternoon and occupied a seat beside the Speaker pro tern. The Gov ernor of Alaska made a brief speech, con trasting the present appearance of Sacra mento with that of forty-one years ago, when he was last here. He declared that California was the most prosperous com monwealth in America. The Senate agreed to the report of tha conferees on the general appropriation bill except as to four items. These were the items reducing the appropriations for the Napa Insane Asylum from $400,000 to $374,000, for the Mendocino Insane Asylum from $180,675 to $130,225, for the San" Jose Normal School from $7000 to $4500, and for the National Guard from $225,000 to $185,000. Senators Gesford and Seawell led the fight against the reductions for the insane asylums in their counties. There was quite a bitter dispute between Senators Langford and Gesford. Senators Beard, Ford and Whitehurst were appointed a new conference commit tee on the four items of the bill, where the Senate had refused to concur in the report of the first conference committee. Senator Seawell's bill, appropriating $14(3,780 for new buildings and improve ments for the Mendocino Insane Asylum, was finally passed. A strong attack was led by Senators Orr, Pedlar and Aram against the bill intro duced by Senator Voorheis appropriating $55,000 for additional buildings and im provements for the Preston School of In dustry. The bill was finally passed by a vote of 22 to 16. Senator Mahoney introduced a resolu tion in the Senate to-day appropriating $45 to pay the claim of ex-Pugilist Joe Mc- Auliffe for some work done as attache early in the session. The resolution was re ferred to the Committee on Attaches. The special urgency file occupied a greater portion of the time at the night session. TO HOLD DOWN LEGISLATURES The Senate Evolves an Attaches Bill for Future Sessions. Sacramento, March 6.— The Call's ex pose of the gross extravagance of the Legis lature in the matter of attaches has forced the Senate finally to attempt to redeem its bad record in the past. A resolution was introduced to-day providing that all un necessary attaches should be dismissed after March 8. Though the Senate will make little if any reduction in the extrav agance of this session, it proposes that future Legislatures shall not be guilty of such an offense. Some days agg Withington introduced a committee bill fixing the number of at taches and their pay. McAllister offered a substitute, and this substitute passed its second reading to night and will pass finally to-morrow night, as it is on the special urgency file. The patronage of the Senate is fixed at sixty-six attaches with a per diem of $23(i 50. The patronage of the Assembly is fixed at seventy-eight with a per diem of $330 50. The Senate by its vote to-night showed that this number of attaches was amply sufficient. When it is considered that the present per diem for attaches in the Senate is nearly $1000 and the number of attaches 164 the glaring extravagance of the Senate and, in a slightly less degree, of the As sembly is made apparent. Senator McAllister has been one of the stanchest advocates of the retrenchment. The Senate has come to his way of think ing so far as future Legislatures are con cerned. MARSHFIELD'S OCEAN CRAFT An Oregon Sailor to Traverse Two Oceans in a Little Dory. A Very Venturesome Trip to Europe Via San Fran cisco. Marshfield, Or., March 6.— Captain Gustaf Broman of this place is preparing for a journey to Europe in the smallest craft with which a man has ever ventured upon the high seas for a long journey. Broman came here five months ago and shortly afterward commenced the con struction of the boat in which he intends to sail for San Francisco, where he will make some improvements in his craft and they sail for Europe. He has been quiet about his undertaking, and it was long after he had started th« wont of construc tion that it became known that he in tended to make the perilous journey. Captain Broman's boat, which was launched ten days ago amid much enthu siasm from the spectators, measures 10 feet keel, 13^ feet over all, 2 feet depth of hold and 3 feet beam. The stanch little vessel was made of a cedar log, which was sawed in two, then dug out and afterward put together again with water-tight compart ments. She is decked over and several manhole plates in the deck are arranged so that entrance can be had to the different compartments to obtain stores and pro visions. These holes are sufficiently large to admit the lower extremities of the navi gator, but the main part of his body will be exposed to the weather. The boat has been christened Gustaf Adolph, in honor of the first King of Swe den, and when she is rigged, with an iron centerboard weighing 125 pounds and other gear, her main deck will be just six inches above the water. Captain Broman is much pleased with his boat, and he only smiles when he is told that every one predicts his loss before he is twenty-four hours at sea. He de clines to state what originated his idea, but he asserts positively that his undertaking is not an advertising scheme or a reputa tion-making affair. He expects to sail from Coos Bay next Sunday for San Francisco, where he will put in three masts and give her the rig of a full-rigged ship. He will only use one spar on the trip to San Francisco. When he arrives there he will try to obtain per mission from the railroad authorities to place his boat on wheels and sail across the continent on the railroad tracks. But if he cannot obtain this consent, he in tends to sail around the Horn. Captain Broman is a native of Russia and is 29 years old. He appears to be a level-headed, logical sort of a man, and seems to have some means. He came to Marshfield from South America, and was formerly engaged in the diamond trade in Central America. He has a look of deter mination, and all who know him believe that he will endeavor to put his plans in execution, even at the cost of his life. He has followed the sea and has knowledge of navigation. A PENDLETON INDIAN CASE. Habeas Corpus Proceedings in Oregon to Test the Citizenship Question. Pendletox, Or., March 6. — A habeas cor pus case was heard to-day relating to In dian citizenship. Writs were served on Old Wolf, who is jailer of the Court of In dian Offenses, and returned in the State Circuit Court. Counsel for the Indian court accom panied the writs with a statement that the Indian Judges remanded Chiefs No Shirt and Young Chief to the custody of Old Wolf under a $100 tine or fifty days' im prisonment for alleged conspiracy to defy the Government of the United States and for disobeying the Indian agent and in stigating other Indians to disobedience. The statement also claims the Indian court has jurisdiction over the offense. A general demurrer was filed by^ the counsel for the chiefs, alleging insufficiency of the return. Judge Fee took the case under advisement and will render a de cision Saturday. The issue turns on the question as to the citizenship of Indians on allotted lands, and has no reference to the property rights of Indians. Santa Crux Sites for a Soldiers' Home Santa Cruz, March 6.— Mrs. Hinkley of San Francisoo and Mrs. Waggoner of Sacramento arrived this evening to inspect the sites offered for a Soldiers' Home to be erected by the ladies of the G. A. It. PRICE FIVE CENTS. MONEY FOR FAIRS. Both State and District Shows Given Liberal Allowances. THE RETRENCHERS FAIL. Their Efforts to Check the Appropriations Prove Useless. ASSEMBLY YIELDS TO SENATE. The House Makes a Pretense of Economy and Then Votes the Money. Sackamexto, March 6.— Two items recom mended by the Senate, which raised the general appropriation bill $234,000, were accepted by the Assembly this afternoon. They were the appropriations for the State fair and the district fairs, which were voted down when the bill was considered in the Assembly. The vote to give the State fair $40,000 stood 41 to 30. For the district fairs there were 44 in the affirmative and only 26 in the negative. This represents the general feeling with which the report of the conference com mittees was received. The members real ized that they should make at least a pre tense of economy. At the same time they had to yield to the imperative demands of the Senate if they hoped to to get any por tion of the bill through. The appropriations for the State fair caused more than an ordinary amount of objections. Dodge protested against the acceptance of the recommendation. "The House is already being condemned for ex travagance," he said. "These appropria tions are absolutely unnecessary. Let us leave them off." Belshaw of Contra Costa read the total of the appropriations passed on favorably by the "Ways and Means Committee. This amounted to the enormous sum of $13, --538,788, which is $489,018 48 more than the 50-cent levy would allow, "We can't af ford these fairs," said he. "If we leave one out we must omit all." Brusie announced that the member from Contra Costa had evidently decided that all the bills he spoke of would be passed. This, he shouted, was a "vile decision" and not in accord with common-sense. Laugenour told of properties worth $200,000 in Los Angeles, the title to which would lapse from the fair association there if they did not get their appropriation. Bulla of Los Angeles wanted to knovr what property this was, but before he could get an answer the question was called. Then the friends of the district fairs began to scramble. They were afraid the State Fair men might go back on them after the $40,000 for the State Fair had been granted. They therefore wanted all their appropria tions considered at once. Their motions were declared out of order though. But their fears were groundless. While the State Fair appropriation re ceived only 41 votes, there were 44 in favor of allowing the district fairs $194,000. The vote was as follows: Ayes— Bassford, Bennett, Bettman, Bledsoe, Boothby, Brusie, Butler, Cargill, Coleman, Devine, Devitt, Dixon, Dunbar, Dwyer, Ewing, Glass, Guy, Hall, Hatfield, Holland, Huber, Johnson, Kelsey, Laird, Laugenour, Lewis, Llewellyn, McCarthy, McKelvey, Nelson, O'Day, Pendleton, Price, Reid, Richards, Sanford, Spencer, Swisler, Tibbetts, Thomas, Tomblin, Twigg, Zocchi. Mr. Speaker— 44. Noes— Ash, Bachman, Barker, Belshaw, Bulla, Collins, Cutter, Dale, Davis, Dodge, Fassett, Hudson, Jones, Kenyon, Meads, Merrill, North, Osborn, Phelps, Powers, Robinson, Rowell, Staley, Stansell, Waymire, Weyse— 26. Absent and not voting— Berry, Pinkelspiel, Freeman, Gay, Healey, Keen, Wade, Wilkins. Wilkinson— 9. Fresno Officers' Salaries. Sacramento, March 6.— An error crept into the table prepared in the Assembly of the salaries of officials of counties of the ninth class, which means the County of Fresno. The salaries for officials are as follows: County Clerk, $2500; Sheriff. $6000; Asses sor, $3500; Tax Collector, .$2000; District Attorney, $2500; School Superintendent, $2000; Auditor, $2000; Treasurer, $2500. These figures do not include amounts allowed to deputies under the new county government bill. In some instances there are provisions for fees. UTAH PREPARES FOR STATEHOOD. Proceedings in the Constitutional Con vention at Salt Lake. Salt Lake, Utah, March 6.— The Consti tutional Convention this morning elected all the permanent officers, with John Henry Smith at their head, as agreed upon by the Republican caucus yesterday after noon. The Democrats made no nomina tions, and the election of officers was mostly by acclamation. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That we, the delegates of the Con stitutional Convention, for and on behalf of the people of the proposed State of Utah, do hereby declare that we adopt the Constitution of the United States. A report was submitted and adopted recommending twenty-six standing com mittees. The Legislative Apportionment Commit tee will be the largest committee, having one member from each of the twenty-six counties. The convention adjourned to 2 o'clock to-morrow. Santa Crut Grand Jury Session. Santa Cruz, March 6.— Although the Grand Jury has been in session over s week only one indictment has been re turned. Most of the session has been devoted to investigating water bonds matter. Many witnesses have been ex amined. There is only one more witness to examine and the jury will report Monday afternoon. The Big Railroad Suit at Portland. Portland, Or., March 6.— Argument was continued to-day in the suit of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company to modify the order appointing Receiver McNeill, so as to absolve him from paying about $60C,000 expended on the O. R. & N. lines oefore a separate receiver was ap pointed.