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BAN DITS SHED BLOOD Daring Raid of Two Men Upon the Adel, lowa, State Bank. • SEOT A BRAVE CASHIER And a Merchant Who Was Unfortunately a Spec tator. WILD FLIGHT ViITH PLUNDER. One Robber Captured and the Other Killed After a Running Battle With Pursuers. Apel, lowa, March 6. — A desperate and partly successful attempt was made to rob the Adel State Bank this morning. A few minutes before 9 o'clock two strangers drove into town and tied their team near the public square. Without attracting any particular attention they stepped into the hank. The cashier, M. Leach, had just taken from the vault currency for the day's business. C. D. Bailey, a leading mer chant, was writing at a .desk in the lobby. They were the only occupants of the bank. One of the strangers stepped up to the cashier's window and said he wanted to deposit some money. Almost immediately the second robber, who was behind, lev eied a shotgun at Leach and fired, the chanre taking effect in his shoulder. He then ordered the cashier to hand oveV the money. The latter handed over a small sack of silver, and then, though badly wounded, seized a drawer containing $3000 in gold and currency, and, staggering to the vault, he pitched the money in and shut and locked the door. Weakened from loss of blood he fell to the floor. One of the robbers then sprang f oyer the counter and began shoveling the money in sight into a sack, and the one with the gun turned to Mr. Bailey, who was still standing at the desk, and tired a shot at him, wounding him in the neck. Bailey fell to the floor, and the robber shot at his prostrate form, but missed. By this time a crowd had col lected outside, and the robbers, one carry ing the money and the other with leveled gun, made a rush for their team. Fully fifty shots were fired at them, but none apparently took effect. They quickly got in their buggy, and still keeping the crowd at bay, drove rapidly away. Several men sprang upon horses and followed, and a running tight of several miles ensued. About four miles south of town the buggy driven by the robbers struck a tree and broke a wheel. The robbers, still closely pursued, abandoned their rig. One hid behind a bank, where he was soon cap tnred, and the other, with the gun, ran iuto a barn near by. The barn was sur rounded, but the bandit held the crowd at bay. He was called upon- to surrender, but resolutely refused to do so, and said he would never be taken alive. After a par ley the crowd partially untied the captured robber and compelled him to set tire to the barn. The advancing flames finally forced tiie robber to come out, but he still refused to surrender and the crowd of citizens fired a volley at him. He fell dead, pierced by three bullets. Two took effect in the head and one in the side, and either would have been fatal. It was with the utmost difficulty that the angry crowd was prevented from wreaking vengeance on the robber that was alive. But Sheriff Payne hustled him into a buggy and drove rapidly out of the way to town. A crowd of several hundred gath ered at the jail when the Sheriff reached here with his prisoner. There were loud cries of "Shoot him!" "Hang him!" but the officer managed to elude the mob and landed his trembling prisoner safely be hind the bars. The captured man, or rather boy, who is only 19 years of age, has made a complete confession. He ?ays his name is Charles W. Crawford, and his home is near Patter son, Madison County. The dead robber is O. Wilkins, and was released only a few weeks ago from the Minnesota peniten tiary at Stilwater, where he served three years for robbery. Crawford gays their only weapon was a repeating Winchester shot gun, carried by Wilkins, and the tes timony of witnesses bears out this state ment. He claims to have been coerced into assisting Wilkins and says they went to Indianola last Monday morning for the purpose of robbing the bank there, but he refused at the last moment after reach ing the town and the job was abandoned. They stayed last night with a farmer liv ing a few miles south of here and drove to town this morning. Their team was stolen from the prisoner's uncle, W. W. Craw ford of Madison County. They secured only about $600 from the bank, and the money was all found where their buggy broke down. It is not believed that either Bailey or Lcachis fatally hurt. The latter received a full charge of shot in the shoulder making a bad but not dan gerous wound. Bailey was shot in the neck, the flesh and skin being torn away almost to the windpipe. He will recover unless inflammation sets in. Several citi zens were hurt by the robbers on the way to the buggy. Postmaster Barr stepped out of the postoffice just as the retreating robbers passed. The latter ordered him in side, but before he could comply tired at him, one shot striking his forearm and an other piercing his hat and grazing his forehead. J. M. Byers, J. M. Simcoe and a boy named Charles Decker were also injured. The daring robbery has caused great excitement, the town is full of armed men, most of whom had turned out from neighboring towns on the first report of the robbery to aid in the capture of the rob bers. There is still considerable talk of lynching Crawford, but the Sheriff and leading citizens are trying to pacify the crowd and will probably succeed, though if anybody made a start there would be plenty of followers to make the bandit stretch hemp. NO GOVERNMENT HELP. Captain Morgan Explains the Escape of His Jirothi-r, the General. Washington. Ky., March 6.— Captain Charlton H. Morgan, brother of General John Morgan, who with his other brother, R. C. Mo gan, was in the Ohio penitentiary during the civil strife up to the time of the General's escape, when shown Reede baugh's statement about Government con nivance, said: •'The story is impossible. There were seventy of Morgan's men in the peniten tiary, thirty-five in single cells on the first floor and the same number on the floor above. Brother Dick had a cell on the first floor and the general on ihe second fioor. "A tunnel was made with knives stolen. from the tables. A hole was cut under the cot of Captain Thomas H. Hines' room, on the first Hoor, and sunk to the arched tun nel running under all of the first floor cells. The bricks and mortar under seven cells were removed, leaving a thin crust of cement under each cell cot. "A tunnel was then made crossing be neath the corridor and coming out in the jail yard. On the night of the escape, as they came from supper, brother Dick changed cells with the general unnoticed by the guard. When all was ready the seven who escaped broke the crust of cement in the cells, dropped into the tunnel, came out into the yard, scaled the fence over each other's backs, using roped bedclothes to drop on the other side. Each of the seven left a dummy on the cot of the cell. The escape was first discovered by seeing a rope on the wall. It was thought at first that State convicts had escaped. They were called out and the roll called." "A hurried search was then made of the cells of the prisoners of war, The seven cells on the lower tioor were found vacant. I was standing by Warden Marion soon after as we were called out in the corridor. Marion said: 'Morgan, I am glad the Gen eral did not escape. 1 would rather all the rest got away than him. Let's go up and see the General.' "When we reached Morgan's cell and Marion saw brother Dick there in his place, he exclaimed, "My God, the General has escaped." There was no mistaking his surprise and consternation. Besides, abso lutely none but Morgan's men knew of the plan of escape until all were gone. "The citizens' clothes worn by the gen eral were sent by Colonel Bob Hollins, the racehorse man of Cincinnati, for whom the General bad done a kindness in racing matters. None of the pris oners of war were subjected to the indignity of wearing convict garb, though their heads and faces were shaved. They were allowed to receive suits from friends, and also to write letters under the super vision of the authorities." EXCORIATED THE GOVERNOR Assemblyman Monroe "Roasts" the Chief Executive of Arkansas. Lively Rumpus in the Legisla ture Over the Defeat of a Pet Bill. Little Rock, Ark., March 6.— lntense ; excitement was felt in the House this ! afternoon when Mr. Monroe of this county rose to a question . of personal privilege and bitterly denounced Governor Clarke in connection with the Governor's criticism of the House for defeating the Railroad : Commission bill. Monroe made a hot speech and excoriated : the Governor in unmeasured terms. He accused Clarke of making promises when ' running for Attorney-General to collect back taxes from the telegraph and railroad companies, but had failed to fulfill the promise. Monroe continued by saying that he called on the Governor yesterday on public business and was insulted by the I Governor, who refused to see him. In the course of Monroe's bitter speech he was repeatedly cautioned by the chair to use milder language, but he paid no at j tention and continued to flay the Gov ! ernor. He concluded by saying among other things: "I do not say anything here that I will not say to any man anywhere. I feel like standing upon this floor and branding that i man who insinuates anything against this i body as an infamous liar. I have as much or more evidence to prove that Clarke is a rascal than he has to prove the members ; of this Legislature are." A reporter asked Governor Clarke this | evening what he had to say in reply to Monroe's attack on him. He said : "In answer to your inquiry I have to ! say that it is not expected of me that I I should notice every cur that barks at my heels. The one I refer to is already in possession of my opinion of him." In the House this afternoon Butler offered a resolution ordering the Sergeant at-Arms to eject from the House the rep resentatives of the Memphis Commercial i Appeal because of criticisms in that paper on the course of the members who opposed the railroad commission bill. Pandemo nium reigned when the resolution was read, and the House deferred action until to-morrow by the advice of cool-headed members. BERING SEA AWARDS. Sir Richard Websier Will Question the British Government. London, March 7.— The Times says that exceptional interest attaches to the ques tion that Sir Richard Webster, member 'of Parliament for the Isle of Wight, Division of Hampshire, and i one of the British counsel before the I Bering Sea tribunal of arbitration, will i put to the Government to-day (Thursday) j a question in regard to the negotiations i for the settlement with the United States of British sealers' claims for seizure prior to the arbitration proceedings. Sir Richard will point out that the award of the tribunal was adverse to the United Htates, the only point unsettled being the j amount of compensation, and that Canada | had agreed to the amount she was willing I to accept in full settlement of her claims. Therefore, bt will ask whether, in view of the great and growing discontent in Canada, the Government proposes to take any action, if so, what steps, to settle the dispute, either by obtaining the payment by the United States of the amount agreed to or, if necessary, by arbitration. NEWCHWANG CAPTURED. After a Desperate Fight the Japa Gain Another Victory. Shanghai, March 6.— The Japanese cap tured the city of New Chwang Monday night after a desperate fight with the Chi nese defenders. Local papers state that the Third and Fifth Japanese divisions attacked the native city of Newchwang from the north ward on the morning of March 4. A large number of Chinese filed towards Yin Kow, the treaty port. The Chinese defenders of the native city occupied the houses and streets, but were gradually run out, all the while stubbornly resisting. At 11 o'clock Monday night all the Chi nese were driven out of the city, after having lost 1880 killed or wounded. Six hundred were made prisoners. Eighteen guns and a quantity of munitions of war fell into the hands of the Japanese. The losses of the Japanese were only 200 killed or wounded. Died After Arrest. New York, March 6.— Ex-Judge James McDonald of Chicago died suddenly here to-night. He had just been arrested on a charge of causing a disturbance in a cafe. It is not known whether his death was due to natural causes or to blows received dur ing a personal altercation. There are over 300 orders of nobility in the various states of Germany. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. WIRIER WARMING UP Says Sentiment on the Money Question is Crystallizing. GOLD AND BIMETALLISM. Silver Champions to Conduct Their Campaign on Very Straight Lines. ROTHSCHILDS CANNOT RULE. Men of the New Party Fighting for a Proper Recognition of the White Metal. Washington, March 6.— ln conversation with the correspondent of the Call to-day General Warner, who is the most active of those engaged in the new silver party movement, said : "Sentiment on the money question is rapidly crystallizing in the United States and the campaign of next year will show that the people are interested in but one issue. That issue is the gold standard versus the bimetallic standard. Bimetal lism will win. The campaign will be con ducted on straight and well-defined lines, and everybody, politicians included, will be brought to the scratch." "What is your idea of what the policy of the gold men is likely to be at the in ternational conference?" was asked. "As they are playing merely for delay they may try to divert the question from its legitimate channel. The Rothschilds may even propose some such scheme as they did before for extending and increas ing the uses of silver. But that is not the end we have in view, nor will any such proposition be seriously considered by the friends of silver. Silver properly recog nized as the standard money is what we are fighting for and we will be content with nothing else. Of course, there will be talk about a change of ratio, but nothing can come of that. France for one would refuse to recom her silver. But her pro gramme is in no wise dependent upon what the conference may or may not do. We are satisfied that England will dominate the deliberations and decision, and this is warrant enough for us to go ahead with our plans." "Will the new party make any effort to influence results in this year's State elec tions?" "No, though, of course, the silver ques tion will, without any effort of ours, come up in State convention and be discussed on the stump. Silver, too, will show gratify ing strength. But we arc arranging for the national campaisn. We can hope for no permanent benefit without we can se cure the election of a President and Con- gress friendly to silver and committed to the remonetization of that metal, and so our fight proper will not be made until next year. And it will be made in earnest, and under conditions that will bring silver men together out of both old parties. There will be some hesitation here and there for awhile. Old political affiliations are not easily broken, but when the real issue is presented and the real situation understood, no sincere friend of silver, north or south, east or west, will draw back or desert her cause." "No mention is made about a running mate for Mr. Sibley?" was suggested. "There is some difference of opinion as to the Vice-President," was the reply. "It has not been agreed as yet whether the second place on the ticket should be rilled from the South or West, or by a former Republican or Democrat. But that will be attended to in time." "Who are you expecting the gold men to put up next year?" "Their ticket may be Morton and Lin coln. Morton would represent their policy very well, being a rich New York banker, and Lincoln's name would be expected to draw in the Middle States and throughout the coast. I don't think Reed stands any chance. The gold men will play for the East and must take and make the most of a thoroughly representative man of their kind and locality. Morton would suit them better than Reed. " KEEPING THEIR CONTRACT. Syndicate Bond-Buyers Depositing Gold iim .Fast as Required. Washington, March 6.— The seeming falling-off of $2,000,000 in the gold reserve, as shown by the district treasury state ment, was the subject of anxious tele graphic inquiries sent to-day by the treas ury officials to the sub-treasury at New York. The replies were to the effect there had been no loss of gold either for export or otherwise and that the seeming loss was occasioned by an error in bookkeep ing by which gold received on account of bonds had been credited to the general gold account. Mr. Jordan, the sub-treasurer at New York, and the superintendent of the assay office are both temporarily absent and it is expected some one unfamiliar with the complicated details of the bookkeeping de partment had made a wrong entry. The matter will be straightened out to-night. The treasury officials repudiated the public statement that they were dissatisfied with the rate at which gold was being deposited under the recent bond contract. On the contrary, they say the syndicate has more than complied with the requirements of the contract in this particular, and as a matter of fact the Government prefers that the gold should come in slowly. The contract calls fora deposit by foreign bidders of not less than 300,000 ounces per month and this limit has been consider ably exceeded from the first. AS TO FOLLOWING LEDGES Mining Case of Great Interest Before the Supreme Court. Washington, March 6. — The Supreme Court of the United States was engaged in listening to arguments in the case of the Last Chance Mining Company vs. the Tyler Mining Company, which" comes to the court on a writ of certiorari from the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. Both mines are located in Idaho, and the suit involves, besides the question of prior ity of locations, the effect of broken end lines and the more important point as to whether the owners of a mining claim have the right .to follow their ledges out side the surface lines of their property extended vertically. WANT TRIBAL LISTS PURGED. Mission of Osage Indians to the Xational Capital. Washington, March 6.— The delegation of Osage Indians from Oklahoma had a long talk to-day with Commissioner Smith at the Indian Bureau. There were two factions represented, the full-bloods and the half-breeds, and Major Henry B. Free man, the agent for the Osages, and an in terpreter accompanied them. They wanted the tribal lists purged, claiming that many persons not entitled to enrollment had been placed on the list through corrupt means; sought to have the offspring of the union of a white man and an Indian woman, born after the passage of the act of 1888, recognized as Indians instead of whites, as prescribed by law, and also dis cussed the trading privileges of their reser vation. The bureau officials will co-operate with them as far as possible in purging the lists, and will make an investigation of the matter through an inspector. ARRESTED FOR EMBEZZLEMENT. The Interpreter of the Argentine Lega tion Admits the Crime. Washington, March 6.— Manuel Al magro, accountant and interpreter to the Argentine legation in this city, was to-day arrested at the office of the legation and locked up at the request of Minister Zebal los, on a charge of embezzling $2600 of the funds of the legation. Almagro confesses his guilt. He says he lost a large sum belonging to the legation on the street last November. Being afraid to confess he tried to make it up by gam bling with the legation money, all of which passed through his hands. By January he had lost in all $2600. He then confessed to Minister Zeballos, who gave him time to raise and replace the money. He visited Cuba, where his father is said to be a prominent man, but failed to secure the money, and the Minister, finally losing pa tience, caused his arrest. ALL MUST GET PROTECTION Members of Christian Churches Take Action as to Tur key's Tactics. By Its Treaties This Government Has the Right to Protest Against Atrocities. Boston, March 6.— At a meeting of citi zens in this vicinity representing various Christian denominations, held at Hotel Bellevue this afternoon, the imperiled con dition of American interests in Turkey were discussed and the following resolu tions were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That in consequence of existing treaties between the United States and Turkey it lies within the power of the United States Government to exercise ite influence and au thority to protect the interests of American citizens resident in Turkey. Resolved, That in view of the frequent viola tion of American rights during many years, it is the duty of the United States to secure 6trict justice in each case of violation of such rights. Resolved, That it is the duty of our Govern ment to utter its protest against the Armenian atrocities that have shocked the civilized ■world. i;<solvtd, That we appeal to citizens through out the United States to use all possible influ ence with the Government at Washington, by petition and otherwise, to, obtain indemnity for the past and security for the future. Resolved, That we suggest to all ministers of the gospel throughout the country to bring to the attention of their people on the last Sunday in April the facts relating to the Armenian atrocities and the vindication of our rights. Charles Carl ton Coffin (chairman), Rev. Francis E. Clark (secretary), Rev. Joseph Cook, Rev. Edward U. Porter, Professor J. W. Stuck enburg and Rev. William C. Wiuslow. CAUSED A STIR IN SOCIETY. William K. VanderbiWs Conduct In dorsed by His family. New York, March 6. — There has been considerable stir in society over the Van derbilt divorce yesterday, and it is the general impression that W. K. Vanderbilt is glad to be free. At any rate his family was heartily in union with him, and for several months none of the Vanderbilts have spoken to Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt. It has been embarrassing at times, when the women of the family have met at balls, but when they have done so it has always been as strangers. It is quite well known that Mrs. Alva Vanderbilt's desire was to live in Europe most of the time. After the divorce America is not pleasant to her, so she had planned to take her children abroad and join the American colony in either London or Paris. The only concession that W. K. Vanderbilt seemed anxious to have made him was that his children be educated in America. ALL NEGOTIATIONS OFF. A'otr Thtre Will Be a Big Strike of the Coal Miners. PnrsBURG, March 6.— A1l negotiations between the miners and the owners in the Pittsburg district have been declared off and the strike, involving 12,000 to 17,000 men, is ordered. The conference committee of the miners and the owners failing to agree on a 69-cent rate, demanded by the former, the opera tors proposed a joint convention of the miners and operators in this city for Satur day. The proposition was reported to the Miners' Convention this morning and promptly rejected. A vote was then taken and the strike or dered to take effect immediately. The miners are hopeful of winning, as the lake shipments of coal are about to begin and never before have the miners been so thor oughly organized. TO CO NTEST DOUGLASS' WILL. Children, of His First Wife Desire Some ef the Property. Rochester, N. V., March 6.— lt is re ported here that the heirs of the late Frederick Douglass' will will contest pro bate of the will of the deceased when it is offered at Washington. It is said the feeling of the children of the tirst wife and the widow has not al ways been the most friendly and that dur ing the hitter days of Douglass' life he deeded much of his property to Mrs. Douglass without the knowledge of the children, who are now considerably exer cised in seeing their father's property slip ping away from them. Mexican Mustang Liniment. goes to the very citadel of pain and puts all aches to flight. CREWS FOR WARSHIPS Five Idle Vessels Will Now Be Placed in Commission. MEN WERE VERY SCARCE. However, One Thousand More Will Be Enlisted in the Service. VETERAN CRAFT YET ON DUTY. But With the Increased Forces Two New Fighters Are to Be at Once Equipped. Washington, March 6. — Having secured the necessary legislation from Congress after a hard struggle the officials of the Navy Department have taken prompt ac tion to put five or more vessels into com mission for active service. The five are the steel cruiser .boston and corvette Marion at the Mare Island yard, the modern double- turreted monitor Amphitrite at the navy-yard at Norfolk and the Governruent- built battle-ship Maine and the old wooden frigate Lancaster at the Brooklyn navy yard. These vessels have been ready for some time and would have been put into com mission before but for a lack of seamen. The Maine and Amphitrite are new ships and have never been to sea. The Lancas ter and Marion are veterans. The Marion is in the same class as the Alert and Ran ger, now doing service on the western coast of Central America, and like them she is believed to be good for several years' more service. The Lancaster is one of the finest ships of the old navy and has made an excellent record. Being constructed of wood she- is obsolete as a fighting machine, according to modern ideas, and she has sailed her last foreign cruise. Her last active ser vice was as flagship of the Asiatic squad ron. She will never again occupy a station of such importance. Since her return to New York she has been transformed into a training-ship and, when commissioned, will be sent to Newport and utilized in giving practical instruction in gonnery. Congress added 1000 men to the enlisted strength of the navy, and the Navy Depart ment has decided to utilize the increase at once in manning the five ships mentioned. The Boston. Marion and Lancaster have undergone extensive repairs and have been ready for sea for some time. It is esti mated that it will take the entire additional force to properly man the quintet. The statement that the provision for the in crease of the enlisted force has been ren dered nugatory by a failure to appropriate for their "food and clothing" is erroneous. As a matter of fact there is ample provision for feeding the men out of the general provision for rations, and, so far as clothing is concerned, no appropriation is needed, for the simple reason that "Jackies" like officers have to pay for their own clothing. The new men will be provided with the necessary clothing by the Government and the cost thereof will be deducted gradually from their pay, just as has been done with men in the navy from time immemorial. There is a general appropriation for rations for enlisted men, and according to the statement of naval officers no distinction will be made between old or new men in the use of this fund, which is ample under all conditions to meet every possible requirement up to the time of the next regular meeting of Congress, when there will be ample time to consider a deficiency in this respect, if it should then exist. Without an increase in the present en listed force it would have been impossible to place a single additional vessel in com mission. For three years the navy has suffered severely for want of men to properly man the new ships. The navy yards, receiving ships and recruiting stations were so depleted by constant drafts upon them that finally they all together could not muster men enough for a crew for one ship. The Maine would have been put into commission two months ago had there been a crew available. The same is true of the Boston and tbe Amphitrite. Of the vessels soon to be placed in com mission the Boston and Marion will be attached to the Pacific squadron under command of Admiral Beardslee, and the Maine and Amphitrite will be attached to the North Atlantic or home squadron, under command of Admiral Meade. The Lancaster will probably be under command of the head of the naval training school at Newport. EXHIBITION OF AGRICULTURE Austria's Inducements for the Coming Show at Vienna. ■Washington, March 6.— Secretary .Mor ton has been advised through the De partment of State of an international ex hibition of agricultural machinery to be held in Vienna on May 5, 6, 7 and 8, 1895. The list of applicants for space from American exhibitors will remain open until April 1, 1895, and all exhibits must "be in place by the 13th of the same month. Exhibitors whose machinery needs power must supply their own motors, which will be regarded as a part of the exhibit. Ar rangements have been made concerning the free entry of all exhibits and privilege of transportation over the Austrian rail ways, and the Austrian Government has requested this Government to guarantee free re-entry of all exhibits from this country which may not be sold in Austria. CONVICTED OF LIBEL. Colored Recorder Taylor Successfully Prosecutes Editor Chase. Washington, March 6.— The libel case" of C. H. J. Taylor, the colored Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia, against W. Calvin Chase, the editor of a local negro organ, was closed to-day, and the jury after being out ten minutes Teturned a verdict of guilty. The defense riled a motion for appeal and intends to carry the case to the District Court of Appeals. The trial has attracted considerable in terest owing to the testimony introduced by the defense. Taylor was charged with gross immorality, both in and out of office, and with making illegal polifical assess ments. The prosecution claimed that the charge was the result of a conspiracy to force the colored population to make con cessions to a faction of the race. Bids for »ip Torpedo-boats, Washington, March 6.— The bureau chiefs of the navy, to whom the bids for the new torpedo-boats were referred for ex amination and report, are having much difficulty in the work of making selections. Several of the bidders submitted original designs and it was necessary for the board to examine very carefully and to have ex perts make calculations of the weights of the hall and machinery in each case. PUNISHMENT IN THE NAVY Secretary Herbert Appoints a Beard to Inaugurate Uniformity. Washington, March 6.— The last Con gress having passed an act providing when ever, by the articles of the navy, the pun ishment under sentence of a court-martial is left to the discretion of the court, and that punishment in time of peace shall not be in excess of a limit prescribed by the President, Secretary Herbert to-day ap pointed a board of naval officers to con sider the subject and report a schedule of punishments in such cases. The navy has long felt the need of a reform in this re spect, the sentences imposed between dif ferent court-martials for the like offenses varying much in severity. Condition of the Treasury. Washington, March 6.— To-day's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $181, --960,239; gold reserve, $89,634,920. BID VISITS THE CITY. He Attends a Consultation in the Fair Will Case and Departs. The Governor as an Expert in Avoiding Distasteful Interviews. Governor Budd slipped quietly irto town yesterday morning and as quietly slipped out in the evening. He was here in con nection with the Fair will contest, having been retained some time ago as special counsel by Charles Lewis Fair, the con testant. The Governor went directly to the office of George A. Knight, in whose law library he spent the morning consulting authori ties. In the afternoon he went to the Cali fornia Hotel, where he shut himself up in a room with Mr. Fair and a number of lawyers and refused to see all visitors. The few politicians who knew he was in town gathered about the hotel and anx iously hugged their hopes for an interview. But the Governor was not "at home," and a load of disappointment was carted away in many breasts. He quietly left the hotel shortly after 5 o'clock, and an hour later was on his way to Sacramento, in company with Porter Ashe. ATTACKED BY HIGHBINDERS A Chinaman Murderously Assaulted on the Streets* Highbinders broke out in a new place in Chinatown last night about 9 o'clock, and Ah Him, one of a trio of thugs, was taken to the old City Prison by Officer Winzler and booked for assault to murder. A Chinaman, Woo Sing, was passing the corner of Waverly place and Clay street when he was suddenly set upon by three of his countrymen. He made a dash to get away, but at that moment one of the highbinders slashed him across the right side of the neck with a large dirk knife, cutting a deep gash. The assaulted man cried for help, and a crowd soon gathered around him where he fell to the ground bleeding profusely. The three highbinders made a rush to get away and soon disappeared in the rear of the building, 843 Clay street. One of highbinders, Ah Him by name, was ar rested, but the other two made their es- cape. Sergeant Christiansen of the Chinatown squad made a thorough search of the premises and found the blood-stained dirk with which the cutting was done on the back steps of the house. A further search inside revealed further evidences of high bindery and desperate purposes. Among other things Officer Christiansen found a long dirk, sharp as a razor and evidently of Chinese manufacture, and five boxes of the most powerful fulminating gun caps, sufficient to blow up half a dozen buildings if exploded all at one time. All the officers of the squad were notified of the assault and set on the alert for the two highbinders who escaped, and to look out for further assaults which might fol low this desperate attempt at murder on the public street. Woo Sing was driven to the Receiving Hospital. Dr. Berry fonnd a long, deep gash extending from his right ear round the scalp almost to his left ear. There was another long, deep cut in his back. It took the doctor nearly an hour to stitch and dress the wounds, and all that time Woo Sing never moved a muscle. Neither of the wounds is considered dangerous. Simple as "A. B. C." That's what it is — | simple as "A. B. C." |? We mean the reason I why you should pa- ( tronize us when you ■ have clothing to buy. I We are the only man- \ ufacturing wholesalers \ on the Pacific Coast. \ We make every gar- \ ment we sell, carry s double the stock of any I Retailer and sell to you * direct at Wholesale \ Prices. What do you \ save ? All the profits | of the Middlemen and the Retailer. A great, great many people | have learned this "A. \ B. C.," but have you ? Wholesale Manufacturers Props. Oregon City Woolen Mills Fine Clothing For Man, Boy or Child RETAILED At Wholesale Prices 121-123 SANSOME STREET, Bet. Bush and Pine Sis. ALL BLUE SIGNS NEW TO-PAY. THAT LOW RATE. What Mates tie CopeM Medical Institute Popular. Relief From the Tortures of Chronfo Diseases Almost Instantly, and a Certain Cure Follows for $5. a Month. Medicines Included. "Doctor," said a patient In the offices of Dn> Copeland and Neal, "the relief that your treat- ment brings is worth the fee you oharge. to say nothing about the cure of the trouble. When I came here first I did not know what it was to breathe easy, my nose was always clogged up and I had to breathe through my mouth, and then the pains I had were torture, bat sine* taking the treatment my nose is free, my breath- ing is easy and I have no pains at all, and that alone is worth ten times as much as I have paid you not only that, but I am certain of an ultimate cure." • This gentleman simply spoke the truth, as the patients of Drs. Copeland and Neal know from experience. The treatment is not only a certain cure, but a speedy relief from the annoying symptoms of chronic diseases. Medicines neces- sary are included in the $5 a month rate. LOOKS LIKE THE EX-FRESIDENT. William H. Green, an Old Veteran, Who Resembles Mr. Harrison. William H. Green, a veteran of the late war, who lives at 506 Eddy street, bears so close a resemblance to Benjamin Harrison that he has frequently been pointed out as the ex-Presi- dent. Mr. Green is another who cheerfully testifies to the great good accomplished by the Copeland system. He says. William H. Green, 506 Eddy street. "I have suffered from catarrh ever since the late war. The trouble was brought on by ex- posure while fighting for my country. At first it was only in my head and throat, but it grad- aally extended until the whole system was affected. 1 had all the symptoms so "frequently mentioned, and what was worse I had a severe vertigo. "I would often have to stop on tha street and sit down to keep from falling over. I was treated for it time and again, but nothing gave me any relief until I took treatment at the Copeland Medical Institute. Now I feel re- markably well, better than I have in years. I feel young again and want to recommend Drs. Copeland and Neal for the great good they have done me." TREATMENT BY MAIL. For those desiring the treatment by mail, the first step is to drop a line to Drs. Copeland and Neal for a question list or symptom blank. Return same with answers filled out and treatment may be commenced at once. Every mail brings additional proof of the suc- cess of the mail treatment. $5 A MONTH. ■ » H w Q 11 v m U m a No fee larger than §5 a month asked for any disease. Our motto is: "A Low Fee. Quick Cure. Mild and Painless Treatment." Tie CopeM Medical Institute, PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN THE COLUMBIAN BUILDING, SECOND FLOOR, 91 6 Market St, Next to Baldwin Hotel, Over Beamish's. W. H. COPELAND, M.D. J. G. NEAL, M.D. SPECIALTIES— Catarrh and all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Lungs. Nervous Dis- eases, Skin Diseases, Chronic Diseases. Office hours— 9 a. M. to 1 p. M., 2t05 p. m., 7to 8 :30 p. m. Sunday— lo a. m. to 2p. m. Catarrh troubles and kindred diseases treated successfully by mail. Send 4 cents in stamps ■ for question circulars. AN OLD LIGHT RENEWED. <(^° fblßßfc A Unique Device. jra& f-' A Candlestick. mm, if *r8 K-Sun Lamp. If V^t dPbw * Chimney Make. The Cfi||l\ DAISY LANTERN. ii ; 'Ml -C \ , Cannot Blow It Out. Kb .■ ff| jafljy or sale by all merchants. Jfe ly^ Kennedy's Novelty Agency ffiP^^VaSilr OAKLAND, cal - k3|PmLJp^£*|q Or any wholesale house in San «^*«-^fLfffiy Francisco. < iljjay Sample by mall, 25c SEMI-ANNUAL EXAMINATION OF ' T^3AO3EIE3RS. San Francisco, March 1, 1895. The regular semi-annual examination of appli- cants for teachers' certificates (High School, Gra- mmar and Primary grades and special certificates) will commence at the Normal School building, Powell «t., near Clay, on SATURDAY, March 16, at 9a. m. Applicants who wish to pass an exami- nation for High School certificates or special cer- tificates will send notice to this office on or before March 9. In compliance with the State school law each applicant must pay an examination fee of $2 la advance. Applicants who intend taking the exam- ination must register prior to the commencement of the same, as no fees will be received on that date. Some additions have been made to tbe studies required for grammar and primary certificates, and changes have been made in the schedule of credits. Information on same may be obtained at the offlco of the Board of Education. ANDREW J. MOULDER, Superintendent of Common Schools. Gkobse Beanston, Secretary. ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. ALL PERSONS, FIRMS, COMPANIES, COR- poraMons and associations are required to de- liver to the Assessor's office, new City Hall, im- mediately a statement, under oath, of all property, both real and personal, owned or claimed by him, her or them, or in their possession, or held in • trust for others at 12 o'clock meridian on the FIRST MONDAY of March, 1895. The polltax of $2 is now due and payable at this office or to a Deputy Assessor. ■ Office hours from 8 o'clock a. st, to 9 o'clock f. x. ' JOHN D. SIEBE, Assessor. JOHN D. StEBE, Assessor. San Francisco, March 4, 1895. - . TO LEASE FOR THE SUMMER I MariaColeman Place at Menlo Park. Apply T. J. SCHDYLEB, 32 Mills Building, sth Floor. 400,000 TREES. PRUNE, PLUM, PEACH, PEAR, CHERRY 'J- Almond, for sale at 8 cents each. F. O. B. Terms to suit you. No better trees grown. Address. Sac- ramento River Nursery Company, Walnut Grove, California. . . . • :. ■ 3