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4 THE ARMY AND ITS ADVANTAGES. General Howard Thinks It 'a Promising Field for Young Men. INDUCEMENTS ARE PLENTY. More Good Men Wish to En list Than Can Now Be Accommodated. Major-General 0. 0. Howard (retired) ar rived in the city yesterday and is staying at the Colonial. He is in the city for the purpose of delivering a series of lectures on the Civil War, in which he bore so honora ble a part, and was the recipient of number of calls last evening from old comrades-at arms. In a somewhat desultory manner the general last night touched lightly upon matters pertaining to the army, its present requirements and its standing as compared with the forces of other countries. He said that his idea had always been to place the army upon a modern basis, and that GENERAL O. O. HOWARD. [From a photograph.] very good bills had been introduced in Congress for that purpose, but as yet faile< to receive favorable recognition from both hotises. The navy, he thought, had been more fortunate in the matter of legislation than the army. It is the general's idea that the enlistee forces of the United States shall consist o at lpast 1000 men to each State. "I believ such an increase is for the best interests o the country," said he. "and that it i especially desirable that the President shal have a sufficient force at his command to enforce the law when the civil authoritie hnd themselves unable to cope with such an emergency such as has been witnessec in this country several times of late. "The regular troops are in reality mcr"!} the United Slates police, and there shouic be no rivalry between them and the civi forces. The two bodies work splendidh toother and there should be only a cordia feeling betwer-n them." The general was asked if he believed th inducements for enlistment at presen were BUfficient to attract a desirable clas of men into the army, and he replied tha he had but recently made tha? inquirj himself at Vancouver. "I was informed there that there were more applications for enlistment than it was possible receive, and that the standard of character of the men was high. Our en- Urited men compare favorably with those of any other country. 1 found them good when I was in the service, and I believe that their condition is being improved. The opportunities for advancement from the ranks are ,-ufiicient to attract many men. There are plenty of instances in which the sons of officers have enlisted as ■privates and gradually worked their way up. General Morrow— than whom a better soldier was not in the service — had two sons who followed this course, and* are to day in pood positions. "A good man v officers have gone through the same experience and have succeeded not because thoy were favored in any way, but because they were diligent in their studies. Most men do not care about pro motion, or, at least, do not care sufficiently to imike the necessary eiiort to secure it. It takes a considerable knowledge of science now to pass an examination. Our large guns require a degree of knowledge on the part of a sergeant now that was only expected of a lieutenant in former years." RELIEF FOR THE POOR. John M. Kc-vno].;- and Captain JlcFee Will Continue the Work. The work begun by the committee of fifteen, which was organized for the relief of the worthy unemployed, is not to be abandoned entirely, even though the com mittee adjourned sine die in Mayor Sutro's office last Tuesday afternoon. Captain McFee of the Salvation Army and John M. Reynolds, ex-secretary of the practically dead relief committee, had a long consultation yesterday morning and it warn decided that all cases of destitution which have been found to be genuine and •worthy shall be taken care of by the cap tain until definite plans for the future are perfected. It was the opinion of Mr. Reynolds and Captain McFee that the sudden desertion of 3000 men, 1000 of whom have families in actual distress, would be an encouragement to crime, and that temporary relief, at least, was absolutely indispensable. Concerning the future nothing has been agreed upon, but it is possible that the suggestion of ex-Surveyor-General W. S. Green, that land be obtained through dona tion for the establishment of an industrial colony, will be attempted. Possibly, also, outside city property may be offered, upon which the men may wort upon the co-operative plan. Several offers of country land! have been made to Mr. Reynolds for the use of the unemployed. Captain McFee is enthusiastic in the work, but is compelled by the regulations Of the army to submit all contemplated action to his superior officers before new ventures are essayed. This course will be adopted, but in the meantime the unem ployed destitute will be cared for. THE GANG BROKEN UP. Young Men "Who Have ! Been Robbing j Houses in the Western Addition. The gang of daylight burglars, who have been successfully operating for months in the Western Addition under the guise of potato-peddlers, has been broken up through the efforts of Policeman Harry Reynolds, spepially detailed for the purpose. A few days ago John O'Donnell, one of the gang, was sent to the lone School for five years. George Lee and William Wil son will be sentenced on Saturday on a i charge of vagrancy, and Ed Kearny is awaiting trial on a more serious charge. On Tuesday Reynolds arrested George Wilson, alias Lynch, a brother of William Wilson; Thomas Lee and John Kearny, a boy and brother of Ed Kearny. They at tempted to enter a house at 1707 Oak street, but were frightened off by a lady next door. Then they went to the resi- I dence of Mrs. Hamilton, 1413 Clayton I street, but were again frightened off. j Nothing daunted, they went to the resi ] dence of Mrs. Buarbee, corner of Page and | Clayton streets. The boy Kearny rang the doorbell, while Wilson and Lee waited in an alley leading to the rear, ready to break I into the house if no one answered the bell. Reynolds had been watching them and | secured the assistance of two laborers in I the park. They reached the Bugbee resi | dence iust as the three burglars were in the ; act of breaking into it. Reynolds caught j Wilson and Kearny and the two laborers | chased and captured Lee. They are being j held pending an investigation into the number of burglaries they have com mitted. Kearny is the boy who was arrested in the roller-skating rink on Sunday, Febru ary 24, for stealing rollers from the skates. His mother called at the prison and so worked upon ttie sympathy of the man ager of the rink by her tears that he re fused to prefer a charge against the boy. AMERICAN BAND CONCERT. Its Novel Performance at the Pavilion Becoming Very Popular. A Large Attendance Shows How Good Music and Pictures Arm Appreciated. That the people of this city are lovers of music was shown by the large attendance at the Mechanics' Pavilion last night. The audience, one of the largest that has : assembled to hear the delightful strains, ! was frequently moved to give vent to its i appreciation of the musicians' efforts by i loud applause. The novel idea of illustrating the num ', bers on the programme by means of magic | lantern slides thrown upon a large screen i was favorably commented upon by every ; one, and as a picture having a patriotic | subject was shown it was received with marts of approval from all parts of the : pavilion. Alfred Roncovieri. musical di \ rector of the concert band, who thought out the combination of picture and music, has hit upon a kind of entertainment that is growing in popularity every day. The production of the grand illustrated piece "Napoleon," depicting the French troops under the Emperor entering Venice, "The Huguenots, with two illus trations showing the massacre of St. Bartholomew and Huguenots escaping the morning after the massacre, were well re ceived. The grand storm scene from the third I act of "Rigoletto" was a most effective one and the thunder and lightning accompani ment quite realistic. Between listening to the music and watching the awe-inspiring picture the audience was held spellbound, but when the echo of the music ceased to be heard it showed its appreciation in lond clapping of hands. "Listen to My Tale of Woe"was a comic piece of music that called for an encore, as did other num- The concerts will be continued every night this month and will prove a drawing card. POTTED PLANTS TOR THE MOLE. A Suggestion From the Directors of the Merchants' Association. The board of directors of the Merchants' Association has indited a congratulatory communication to the Harbor Commis i sioners. The members of the board ex | press their satisfaction in the improved : appearances of the streets along the water front, of which the increased cleanliness i makes a very pleasant impression on visitors to the city. The association ap proves the proposed planting of trees at points on the water front where they can j be made to grow. i It is suggested that the station at the ! Oakland mole might well be beautified by ! potted plants, which could be secured probably from the park or from public spirited persons who own large grounds. If such a plan of decoration were found feasible it might be extended to the new union depot on this side of the bay. The Association considers that it is important to make favorable first impressions upon visitors, since those impressions are usually the most lasting. THE SAN FRAKCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1895. THE RAILROADS AND CORRUPTION. Committee of Eleven Address a Drastic Letter to the Legislature. A LAST STAND FOR PURITY. They Demand That Light Be Turned on the Southern Pacific. The committee of eleven, appointed at the mass-meeting of January 12 last, met yesterday and, after some discussion, adopted two letters, one to each of the two branches of the Legislature, proposed a joint resolution to be acted upon by the Legislature, and offered the draft of a bill in aid of any committee of investigation which may be appointed in pursuance of the joint resolution. The committee of eleven is composed of: C. C. Terrill, chair man; John M. Reynolds, secretary; George T. Gaden, H. E. "Highton, J. A.* Barry, P. B. Gibson, E. S. Barney, Rev. E. R. Dille, I. J. Truman, Curtis Hillyer and Joseph Leggett. It was the general sentiment that, since the bills which had heretofore been supported by the committee are al most certain to be defeated in the Legisla ture, the committee should make a final struggle to accomplish something. The committee will therefore request the Legis lature to investigate the corrupting influ ence which is said to be exerted in State and municipal affairs by the Southern Pa cilic and its associated corporations. H. E. Highton, Joseph Leggett and E. S. Barney were appointed a committee to look after the interests of the joint resolu tion and the proposed act, and to-day Speaker Lynch and President Flint will re ceive by mail from Mr. Highton copies of the documents. The following is the letter to the Senate and Assembly: San Fkancisco, March 6 1895. To the Members of the Senate and Assembly uf the State of California— Gkntlkmkx: The committee of eleven, appointed at a mass-meetine held in San Francisco Saturday, January 12, 1895, and which has since acted in conformity with resolutions then adopted, respectfully address your honorable bodies ; 1. They have supported the bill prepared by the Attorney-General for the appointment of a non partisan commission, and which has also received the active and energetic advocacy of the Civic Federation and other bodies within this city and s:a;f, and they have sedulously refrained from offering any amendments or "substitutes which might Interfere with the progress of that measure. 2. They now understand that that bill, the pro posed substitute for it — itself changed and modi fled—and all bills of a similar nature now before your honorable bodies, have encountered such un relenting hostility that there is danger of an ad journment without any concession whatever to the wishes or the necessities of the people. 3. They further understand that among other objections the grounds chiefly assigned are the sentiment of municipal independence, the full capacity of municipalities to manage their own affairs and make their own Investigations through grand juries and through their own legislative and executive officers, and the injustice of saddling the ezpense of municipal investigations upon the State at large. 4. In the event, therefore, that neither the bill drafted by the Attorney-General nor any similar measure can be passed, they now request your honorable bodies to adopt the accompanying reso lutions and bill in aid thereof for the following reasons, which are respectfully presented, and which they believe may possibly secure your unanimous approval: (a) It cannot be successfully denied that the paramount question in this State is the alleged un just and corrupt predominance of the South ern Pacific Company, the group of corporations which it represents, and the officers, stockholders. employes, agents and intermediaries of these cor porations in the administration of the law and of State otlices and in both public and private affairs. (b) In this question every county, municipality and individual within the State whose interests do not, conflict with the interests of the people and the Government ure equally concerned, and it can not be said that the labor of an inquiry into th« matter should be, or that the results of such an in quiry would be, confined to any particular locality or class. (c) It would seem, then, that such an Investiga tion as is proposed by the resolutions and the bill now submitted for 3'our consideration should re ceive general assent and support, unless we are prepared to admit that the corporations and indi viduals referred to are above the law, and that our population is not self-governed within the lines of the i<ta!e and Federal constitutions and the statutes made in pursuance thereof. It is generally believed, and the transparent facts appear to be, that since the meeting of January 12, 1895, the railroad corporations and the person's in cluded In the joint resolutions, beyond former precedents, have been determined and even rampant in their self-assertion and In contempt uous disri>sard of public opinion. So far as words are concerned, spoken or written, they have always been taciturn and moderate, and, except in the use of indirect Venetian methods to assail individuals, they have revealed their, intentions and their ob jects chiefly by their acts and by their conduct. It is in this customary manner that they have recently denied the right and the power of the people to make any investigation or to interfere, dirtctly or Indirectly, with their railroad masters. Whether at Washington or at Sacramento they have been represented by a powerful lobby, and have virtually declared their own supremacy and their implacable determination to rule the' State and to crush all opposition to their behests. In Washington they li^vu been u-mporariiv beaten on two of their propositions, but they are still active there, and their arrogance and persistence here are attested by the mass of legislation in their interest now before your honorable bodies. Their interference and their success in litiKation for years have been marked, and even conspicuous. They have occupied public streets and damaged and even ruined property with reck less indifference to the law and the rights of indi viduals a-nd communities. While large numbers of indignant citizens were denouncing their schemes in Han Francisco, within a few blocks of the hall where the meeting was held, they were deliberately appropriating franchises and easements. They are now preparing for the practical confiscation of Market street. Wherever a streetcar straddles a crossing and confronts a citizen the despotism is brutally exercised, which, in innumerable ways for a quarter of a century, and with even accelera ting completeness, has substituted the existing railroads for the government. i,5 These are either facts or delufsions so univer accepted that they ought lo be promptly dispelled' and -upon this point It is hardly too much to ask for unanimity among tba representatives of the Senate and Assembly districts in the State. We request, therefore, if more comprehensive legisla tion ia impracticable that at least you act Imme diately, decisively, in open session and by recorded votes, upon the resolutions and bill herewith sub mitted. And we remain, gentlemen, very re spectfully, COMMITTKK OF KLKVKN. Attest: Charles 0. Terrill, Chairman; John M. Reynolds, Secretary. This is the proposed joint resolution which accompanies the letters: Whkrf-as, For some years the principal rail roads of tills Stale have been owned and operated by the following-named corporations, all substan tially under one management, and constituting a monopoly of almost unprecedented strength and influence known as the Southern Pacific Company ; and whereas, It is currently reported, definitely charged and by the people of this State generally believed, that "The Pacific Railroads," their officers, their stockholders, their employes, thrir agents and their intermediaries, for years and by surreptitious, fraudulent and corrupt means have dominated the politics and the law of this Htate, and have exerted a controlling influence not only dangerous but disastrous to the best interests of the State, and especially In the following par ticulars: (a) That, through fraud, bribery, corruption and Illegitimate and improper influence. 1 !, and through the purchase and use of political bosses, they have controlled, for their own benefit and against the public interests., primary elections, political con ventions, nominations for offices and general elec- (b) That, through the means and for the purposes hereinafter specified, they have obstructed and de feated public justice and justice under the law in private litigation, and have corrupted and con trolled juries, court ollicers, judges and judicial offi cers, and have caused the grossest inequality and fraud in the administration of the law, and have secured and obtained and have been the means of securing and obtaining decisions in violation of law and facts and forming dangerous and unfair prece dents. (r) That, through the means and for the purposes hereinafter specified, they have interfered with and largely broken up the just and impartial ad ministration of the law and the equality of all citi zens before the law in this State, and have devel oped, fostered and maintained a class of legal prac titioners who depend for their business and their success, not upon their capacity, their learning, their experience and the facts of the cases or mat ters in which they are engaged, but upon irregular, illegitimate and corrupt "pulls" (so-termed) in the courts and in all the machinery or litigation, ofli ciul and private, and have thus debauched and polluted the community. ((/.) That, for the iust and true American stand ard of respectability, usefulness and influence, they have substituted tests of their own, under which citizens have been estimated solely by their subserviency to railroud Interests and to the will of railroad monopolists; that they have kept a debit and credit account with large numbers of citi zens, in which they were and are debited with every act and declaration against fraud, bribery and corruption as involved in railroad man agement and credited only with those acts and dec larations in which they surrendered their own iv dependence and became the tool* and the wear turesof the "Pacific Railroads:"' that they have interfered with private as well as public business, .and, through the means and for the purposes here inabove specified, have built tip the fortunes of some and destroyed the business und the credit of others; and that, in these various ways and throuirh other methods, impossible to enumerate, they have reached and have vitiated our political and social life and practices. (c) That, through the means and for the pur poses hereinabove specified, they have reached and debauched many public officers of the State, and corruptly and fraudulently, and through illegiti mate influence and combinations, used them for their own exclusive benefit and against the com mon interests of the public (/) Thsit, through the means and for the pnr poses hereinabove specified they have repeatedly overridden the law and taken possession of alleged franchises and of public property, rights and ease ments, and invaded the rights of municipalities and of private citizens, and sequestrated and con fiscated property, public and private, ana acted as if they were, and that they have in fact been, above the law. (P) That, by reason of the premises, they have usurped and held an unnaturiU and illegal position in this Stale, and have dominated Uie State and its inhabitants and practically suspended and over ridden the constitution and the laws, and have pre vented immigration and industrial enterprise and development, and have held the people in a thrall rtom which has become unendurable; therefore be it Eesolved by the Assembly of the State of Califor nia, the Senate concurring, That a joint commit tee, to be composed of four members of the Assem bly and three members of the Senate, selected by those bodies raspectivlv in open session, be and the same hereby is created to constitute a special joint committee of the said Senate and the said Assembly, with all the authority and power requi site for its eflicient action, and to investigate each and every the premises and all definite accusations of fraud, bribery, corruption, undue Influence and wrongful combinations, made against the corpora tions hereinabove specified and referred to, and each of them, their and each of their officers, stock holders, employes, agents, servants and interme diaries, and each of them, and against each and every State officer, executive and judicial, and against each and every officer of the courts of this State, and against juries, bailiffs and clerks, and each of them, and against each and every person, firm, corporation or organization, of every kind whatsoever, connected with or who or which has participated in any fraud, bribery, corruption, un due influence or wrongful combination, as herein before expressed and implied, and to prosecute its inquiries in each and every direction, proper and necessary to enable it to obtain »nd to report the information required by these joint resolutions. Rexohcd further. That In the prosecution of the investigation and inquiries aforesaid the said joint committee shall have, and it is hereby granted, full power and authority to sit during the interval be tween the adjournment of the present session of the Legislature and the commencement of the next session at the cities of Sacramento, SS*.n Francisco and Los Angeles, in this State, and to hold open sessions, accessible to the public and to the representatives of the press, and to send for and before the said joint committee, by subpena or otherwise, as it may deem expedient, call and ex act the attendance of persons and the production of books, papers and documents, and to administer oaths and affirmations and fully to tike the testi mony of all witnesses produced or brought before it, and to do any and all things lawful and essential to be done to obtain full, complete and accurate information in the premises. Unsolved further, That, in the prosecution of the investigation and inquiries aforesaid, the said joint committee shall have, and it Is hereby granted, full power and authority to tin ploy shorthand writers, clerks and other requisite assistants; to call for and receive the aid of the Attorney-General and his deputies, and all District Attorneys and their deputies throughout the state; to procure suitable rooms or balls for its sessions, and also supplies of stationery and other necessary supplies and service; to compel full disclosures of all rele vant facts, and to record and preserve all the in formation and testimony, to be bo collected as aforesaid. lit *;•! "_d further, That the scrpoant-at-arms of the Assembly shall attend the joint committee aforesaid and perform all necessary service for said committee as its bailiff. Br&olved further, That at any and all times dur ing its existence when, by means of the investiga tion and inquiries aforesaid, the joint committee has ascertained that there is probable cause to be lieve that there is a foundation for criminal or civil prosecutions of any person or persons, under the .laws of the State, It shall furnish definite and full information thereof to the Attoruev-General of the State, to any District Attorney or to any Grant! Jury In existence in any county or city and county within the State, as may be appropriate. llf so) ved further, Ttie joint committee aforesaid be, and hereby is, empowered, authorized and in structed in the prvmises and within the limits of these joint resolutions, to receive and a<'t upon such information as may be furnished by the committee of eleven appointed at a mass-niprt ing held iv Metropolitan Temple, San Francisco, on Saturday, January 12, A. I). 1895, and by the Civic Federa tion, and by other bodies and organizations within the S;ate, aiming at, the just anil equal administra tion of the law and of the executive and judicial departments of the State government, and to per mit the said committee of eleven and the said Civic federation and the other bodies aforesaid, to be represented at its sessions by the counsel of their own selection, and to participate, through such counsel, in the examination of witnesses be fore said joint committee. Resalxeh further. That the joint committee afore said report all the testimony and proceedings be fore it and its conclusions thereon, and file said re port with the Secretary of Stale on or before the lirst Monday in October, A. p. 1898. The proposed joint resolution closes with a provision for the appropriation of $25,000 to defray the expenbes of the investigation and is followed by the proposed act. The proposed law authorizes the joint committees to work between the sessions of the Legislature and file their reports with the Secretary of State. They are given power by the act to send for persons and papers, to issue subpenas and other appropriate process, framed by the Secre tary of State, and cause service thereof to be made, to compel the attendance of wit nesses and the production of books, papers and documents ; to administer oaths to all witnesses who may come or be brought be fore such joint committees for examina tion and to compel witnesses in attendance to testify. Subpenas to secure the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and documents before the committees are to be served without cost or expense to the State by Sheriffs and their deputies. Section 4 of the act provides that every per son who apoears before the joint commit tees may be compelled to testify, and shall not be excused from answering any ques tion held to be relevant, material and com petent by any such joint committee upon the ground that such testimony or answer might tend to prove, or might prove, him guilty of any criminal offense, or because such testimony or answer might or would compel him to be a witness against himself. All witnesses testifying before the joint committees shall testify under the pains and penalties of perjury as prescribed by the Penal Code of the State, but no testi mony or answer so given shall be used in any prosecution or other proceeding, civil or criminal, against the witness so testify ing, and no witness so testifying shall be liable thereafter to indictment, presenta tion, information or complaint, nor to prosecution or punishment in any of the courts or before any of the judicial officers in the State, for the offense in relation to which his testimony was given. Witnesses who refuse to testify or pro duce books or papers are to be reported to the Superior Court of the county in which the committee is sitting to be punished for contempt. In case of the death, resignation or re moval of any member of any joint com mittee of investigation the committee shall continue to exist and exercise its func tions, provided a majority of the members still remain qualified to act. The act appropriates $25,000 out of any money in tne State treasury not otherwise appropriated to defray the costs and ex penses per diem and salaries required by the terms of any joint resolutions adopted by the Senate and Assembly of this State appointing any joint committee of inves tigation of other than municipal matters. The joint resolution and the accompany ing act will be allowed to "work their own way" in the Legislature, as one of the com mittee remarked, and no influence or work in its favor, except through public opinion, will be done or encouraged by the com mittee. Only a few of the members of the com mittee of eleven attended the meeting yes terday, and a lack of interest in the affairs of the body seemed to prevail. "We had a meeting this afternoon, passed some reso lutions and adopted a form of a bill which will be jointly presented to the Assembly and Senate," said James H. Barry, when spoken to on the subject yesterday. "Whether our resolutions and acts will have any effect or not I don't know. If they do not it will be the end of the com mittee of eleven. A number of members are tired of the way things are dragging along. There is nothing to show for the work that is done, and if we cannot accom plish anything, the sooner we break up the better. The committee will stand or fall on the action of the Legislature in this matter." He Was Jerked Off a Cable-Car. W alter Bassett, a carpenter living at Sunny side, was riding on the dummy of a Howard street cable-car last night. At Sixteenth street the car gave a sudden lerk forward and Basnett was thrown ott. In falling the step of the car struck him on the back and, fortunately, threw him olf the track. He was taken to the Receiving Hospital in the patrol wagon. Dr. l'ettit examined him, but found no bones bro ken. He thought, however, his spine might have been injured by the blow. In 1014 an order was established in Pales tine, the Noble Order of Martyrs. INJUNCTION ON THE NEVADA BANK. Rudolph Spreckels sues to En join a Certain Stock Transfer. WANTS IT IN HIS OWN NAME. Pledged It for His Brother but Wants to Vote It Him self. Rudolph Spreckels has brought suit-in the Superior Court to enjoin the Nevada Bank from transferring from his name cer tain shares of stock' pledged by him to se cure certain payments from C. A. Spreck els. Judge Hebbard has granted a tempo- Rudolph Spreckels, the Plaintiff. [From a photograph.] rary injunction and will hear the case. The undertaking is in the sum of $10,000 and the sureties are C. P. Splivalo and Joseph Kahn. The complaint sets forth that in January, 1894, Claus Spreckels and C. A. Spreckels entered into an agreement by the terms of which Claus Spreckels was to transfer to his son certain valuable property in con sideration of certain yearly payments to be made by him, the last one to become due next January. To secure his yearly pay ments C. A. Spreckels pledged some secu rities said to be far more valuable than the total of the payments so secured. At that time, so runs the complaint, Ru dolph Spreckela owned 5000 shares of Paauhau Plantation Company stock, which stood in Claus Spreckels' name. This stock Rudolph agreed to pledge as addi tional security for the payments from C. A. Spreckels, provided that Claus Spreck els would transfer it to his (Rudolph's) name on the books of the corporation. This was done, and Rudolph indorsed the certificates, it being agreed, so the com plaint alleges, that the stock should re main in Rudolph's name until after the maturity of the debt. It was also agreed, sets forth the plaintiff, that upon the pay ment of the first yearly installment of the debt 2500 shares of the stock should be re turned to Rudolph, and that upon the liquidation of the indebtedness the re maining 2500 shares should also be re turned. Claus Speckels transferred his claim against his son to the Nevada Bank, turn ing over all the securities hypothecated in cluding Rudolph's 5000 shares of Paauhau stock. C. A. Spreckels paid his first yearly in stallment amounting to $351,750, and half the stock was turned over to Rudolph. The other payment will not become due till next January, but the Nevada Bank, so the plaintiff claims, disregarding the agreement, now threatens to send the stock to Honolulu and have it transferred from Rudolph's name not withstanding the alleged fact that it holds other securities far in excess in value of the payment still to be made. It is charged in the complaint that the bank's action is taken for the purpose of voting the shares against Rudolph at the next election and preventing him from protect ing his interests in the corporation. It is also charged that the proposed action is meditated solely for the purpose of injur ing the plaintiff in his property and finan cial credit. Incidentally the plaintiff claims that the transfer and reissne of the stock will im pose a large expenditure upon him, be cause the Hawaiian Government levies a tax upon such reissues. The plaintiff claims that if the bank be permitted to pursue its intended course he will be injured through the depreciation of the stock from its present value of $250,000, far beyond any amount of damages he might be able "to recover. Therefore, he prays that the bank be enjoined from re moving the stock from the jurisdiction of the State of California and from having it transferred from the plaintiff's name pend ing the maturity of C. A. Spreckela' in debtedness. HE WOULD BE A DESPERADO Daniel McCarty Stole a Pick and Tried to Brain a laborer. Daniel McCarty is a youth of 18 years with an ambition to shine as a desperado in the region south of Market street. As a start on his chosen career he had himself booked for assault with a deadly weapon and petty larceny at the Southern police station yesterday afternoon. It is probable that a charge of assaulting an officer will also be placed against him. McCarty was out on Channel street yes terday to see what he could devour and incidentally looked for a row. There was a gang of laborers at work digging a ditch, and some of their implements were lying around unused at the time. McCarty grabbed a pick and started off with it. Two of the laborers, Pat Walsh and John Zim merman, went in pursuit of the pick picker. Just as they were about to catch him McCarty picked up a rock and hurled it at Walsh, striking him on the head and inflicting a painful though not a serious wound. And again McCarty turned and made away. At this juncture Officer T. P. Riordan was hailed, and he joined in the pursuit, and soon overtook the reckless youth. The officer started with his prisoner for the Southern police station. When they reached the corner of Ninth and Brannan streets the officer stopped to speak to an acquaintance, and at a moment when he was off his guard McCarty struck him a terrible blow and knocked him down. But the officer quickly regained his equilibrium and very soon had McCarty once more in the clutches of the law, and locked him ud for further reference in'the Police Court to-day. McCarty had in his possession, in addition to the stolen pick, a bundle con taining several bars of soap. The Hesper Case. Ed Larsen, another witness against the men convicted of the murder of Mate Fitzgerald on the bark Ilesper, was arrested by United States Marshal Baldwin yesterday. Sparf, oue of the convicted men, is to have a new trial. The Iron Crown of Lombardy was founded in 1805, and re-established in 1816. NEW TO-DAT-DRY GOODS. GREAT SPECIAL SALE _ , — -OS* ■ LACES AND EMBROIDERIES! This week in connection with our GRAND OPENING DIS- PLAY OF SPRING GOODS we are holding our annual Special Sale of NEW LACES AND EMBROIDERIES at figures cor- responding with the following UNMATCHABLY LOW PRICES! GUIPURE EMBROIDERIES AT HALF VALUE. -A»t So por "Yard. 15,000 yards CAMBRIC GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, regular value 10c, will be offered at 5c a yard. -A.t 100 per Yard. 10,000 yards CAMBRIC, NAINSOOK and SWISS GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, regular • value 20c, will be offered at 10c per yard. .Ajt ISo per "Yard. . 8000 yards CAMBRIC, NAINSOOK and SWISS GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, regular value 30c, will be offered at 15c per yard. -^.t; £SOo per Yard. 6000 yards CAMBRIC, NAINSOOK and SWISS GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, regular value 40c, will be offered at 20c per yard. j&jt 250 per T*ard. 5000 yards CAMBRIC, NAINSOOK and SWISS GUIPURE EMBROIDERY, regular value 50c, will be offered at 25c per yard. .A-t 3Oc per Yard. 2000 yards CAMBRIC and SWISS EMBROIDERED DEMI-FLOUNCING, 27 inches wide, hemstitched and scalloped edges, regular value $1, will be offered at 50c pc» yard. LACES 1-EXCEPTIOSAL BARGAINS 1-LACES! .A.* 25 Cents per "Yard. CHANTILLY LACE, all Silk, I]A. inches wide, in Black. Cream, Pink, Sky, Lavender, Cream and Gold, regular value 40c, will be offered at 25c per yard. 4O Cents per Yard. CHANTILLY BOURDON LACE, in Black and Beurre, all Silk, 7 inches wide, regular value 60c, will be offered at 40c per yard. .A.t SO Cents per Yard. CHANTILLY GUIPURE LACE, all Silk, in Black and Cream, 7 inches wide, regu- lar value 75c, will be offered at 50c per yard. j£SkJt 3O Cents per Yard. NET TOP POINT DE GENE LACE, 9 inches wide, in Beurre and Ivory; regular value 50c, Will be offered at 30c per yard. M M/W^^ MURPHY BUILDING, g (/(/ . -MarUt Street, comer of Jones, / JVlOriii. " rra^pg||piVlOßJE. THE END JDL JL JL JLorif Amd JL M Mmaf OF THE . ..r- — ■■* > "\\^^i I^ T^^ ' «^i \ Vvj ij|l RED *! %l 4 lisppil L-itl 1 1 JElrt Ms_j%M V^TT?^ IS AT HAND. *ywA||^fP^ You've time enough left to make your selec- tions, but none too much. Don't wait until the last moment and be disappointed, in the rush of , customers. SATURDAY POSITIVELY ENDS IT. CALIFORNIA FURNITURE COrtPANY (N. P. Cole & Co.) 1 17-123 Geary Street WHY BE SICK O'BRIEN & SONS, «£•/: /7/lSyiS *> SIAXUFAOTUEEKS OF > WHEN 3%k. A TRIFLE fl Mf" ft AFI R I A ft!" A WILL BUY -^3?^ the Greatest L I Wl &■ iKßlulirX HEALING fgE^V^ INVENTION; I 111 La Ufßll f| 111I II U LU| ' Dr.Sanden's Electric Mi. a complete body OK patent Spring Buggy HaS NO'EqWl. battery for self-treatment, and guarantees or money • • refunded. It will cure without medicines Rheuma- P nvnar PnlHflh Poffl illlfl OMrl Dnlt Qt turn, Lumbago, Sciatica, Lame Back, Kidney and 0011161 UUlflcll UaTB AVB. 3110 "UIX 01. Liver Complaints, Nervous Debility, Weakness. . T.i. n h one *•««* iii Losses, Drains, and all effects of early Indiscretion Telephone J^ast, 143. or excess. -To weak men it is the greatest possible ■ ■ ■ ' boon, as a mild, soothing electric current is applied gmuwimgnm t\n fH^^r Mil I <«■ direct to tlie nerve centers, and improvements are BHBgg— »BX ■BB ya YT iF&B LL^ felt from the first how used. Pamphlets free. ml ■ .IIVi £»£«■ mmkmw. ' Address SAXDES ELECTRIC CO., DRUG IB SaFE AKO SURE. SEHD^o. FOR"WQMAH'S SAFE V .'Council Building, Portland, Or. STCSESH GUARD: Wilcox Specific Co.,Phila^Pa. 'ONE YEAR BORROWS ANOTHER YEAR FOOL." : YOU DIDN'T USE SAPOLIO LAST YEAR. PERHAPS YOU WILL NOT THIS YEAR.