Newspaper Page Text
__ HKI.p WAJiTBP-Conttnned. C°G°at P^k . STl^ -n-kar"golden _l___^_w^_____^___Wi^ T£| ON , cI:STOiI COATS. D. COHEN; - 1 - 1044 Howard st. PiSEs-MAN ON PANTS. ">O~NATOM.A ST. B^IJSL W P B S, ! "ftUND bbstauSantl 1J loyeai .1. lay st. ipAiLOB TO HELP OUT. 225 O'FARRELL ST. VOTICE-RKMOVED FROM 706 TO 7"oi^ -*■> Howard St., opp. Howard-st. Theater; best place in city for new and second-hand shoes. ' \\ A NI"KI^STEADY~MI3rFOR~LIGII'T ME- . chanical business; $15 to $18 per week; must tout iuf^ ■ nee not required - 783ViMar- ki't st., room .>. '■ QTEAnV MAN, WITH $150, AS PARTNER 0 in office: will clears7B to each; must be able " to attend to office. MILLER. 23 Kearny st. \\ A.\>u-.HK.\ WHO do NOT RECEIVE » t t n.'ir wages to place accounts with us; law and commercial^collection: no charge unless success- tiil. KNOX COLLECTION AGENCY, 110 Sutter. r P° TAILORS - COATMAKERS WANTED A;M? hi m ,2, till ii to CHARLES LYONS ]-nmlon Tailor, 1212-1218 Market st. AY n. v l^\T" ' : AM ' x axd ordinary, ap- " P»y 313 Padflc st., Shipping Agency. I VTA XTED-COATMAKER. 022 CLAY ST., ' ' first floor, room 2. A'OUXG MAX TO LEARN THE BARBER X trade. 137 Third st. \\' ANTED— M IN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP ' ' steam boer, sc; bottle wine, sc. 609 Clay St. BARBERS— GOOD 2-CHAIB 15c SHOP FOR sale, cheap. DECKELMAN BROS., 106 Ellis. C~<OATMAKERS, FINISHERS AND APPREN- y^ tices. 541 Market, Columbian Woolen mills. PAWN E R WANTED TO TRAVEL; SMALL X capital: good income. 335 Jessie st. M EX'S SOLES 40C; GUARANTEED FOR JM. 4 months; done 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st. BARBER-SHOP FOR SALE. 220 McALLIS- ter st., opposite city] fTjRXITURE FOR SALE. lsj- XJ quire 308 Kearny st, niHREE-CHAIR BARBER-SHOP; central X location. Call 1283 2 O'Farrell st. BA RBER-SHOP in < OUNTBY FOR SALE AT IJ a bargain. 1807 Haight st. Ql OX PARTNER! COOK OB WAITER; l — «'• paying restaurant: daily receipts $15. 433 Hayes. KE-ELECTED EMPLOYMENT SEC. BAR- bers' Protective Union. C. TROELL. 657 Clay. UTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE > San Francisco Cutting School. 222 Post St., rooms 21 and 22. "OHOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; X-> done while you wait; at less than half the usual price; all repairing done at half price. 564 Mission St., between First st. and Second St. .",(>( \ PAIRS OF GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. 564 y\J\J Mission st. ; also 631 Va Sacramento st. Fii:::i; : BEST IN CITY ; 2 schooners for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. WAKE TH DEAD — WENZEL'S ALARM. TT clock ; no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. 17 REE COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; X single rooms, 15c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. LINDELL HOUSE, 6TH AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. 3-H ELLIS ,ROSED ALE— PRICED REDUCED; *J—X single furnished rooms, $1 week; 25c night. 2 GOOD 10c MEALS FOR ONE DIME AT 44 -J Fourth St.; no humbug. 1 00 ME^ TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c. 15c J.V/U and 20c a night, including coffee and rolls. 624 Washington St., near Kearny. TA> HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, fora room; 26c night; ■• 1 week. BIN SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and Leidesdorff sts. ■WANTED— LABORERS AND MECHANICS * ' to know that Ed Rolkin, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto. House, 32 Fourth St.: 100 rooms; 25c to $1 per rilght; $1 25 to $4 per week. WAXTED-SIXGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY; $1 » ' week; rooms for two. 25c a day, $1 50 a week; reading room; daily papers. 36 Clay st. r.^PEST AND BEST IN AMERICA-THS ,V WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the 1 States or Canada one year for $1 50, post- HOUSES WANTED. ANT ED- FU R WISHED FLAT OR~COt£ »» tage of 3 rooms; rent $10 to $15. Address J. C, box 147, Call Branch Oilier-. WAXTED- LOWER 3-ROOM FLAT, SOUTH "of Market St., from Second to Sixth to Brvant ; rent Sll. Address 129 Fifteenth St., near Howard. FLATS "WANTED. ANTED— SI NNV e-KOOM^LAT^SPriIE T» Western Addition; not over $25. J. 8.. 1007^o Pierce st. " ' PROPERTY WANTED. I, Iree~catFal^g!Je^wanted1 ree~catFal^g!Je^wanted, v nice isT - proved ranch, near city, for 2 good flats; rent ?25; $3000. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. T\r ANTED— PROPERTY FOR CASH; OX THE '' X. side Of the park, homesteads, Mission, and In the outskirts Of the city: must De cheap and Rood title. J.BROWNSTOXE. 11 Montgy.9to 12m. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. V" ; HASE^- F.\VSf • a'peSTn >» Southern California. B. L. BOURLAND, Brady, Tex. "Ay ANTED— A BUSINESS BUGGY, WITH OR ■ • ' without single harness; must be in first-class condition and a bargain; state price. Address Buggy, box 36, this office. . ■ HAHN, 308 SIXTH ST., PAYS HIGHEST . price for s<-i o-"l-!ian<l ladies', gents' clothing. LOST. , T OST— PASSBOOK";" ON :I "pa^lFlcTeeT? 1 £ I AR^ )XJ kin and Taylor. Return to F. BAND, 522 tt Fulton st. receive suitable reward. ; I OST— PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA -I Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco in the name of THOMAS O'NEIL, No. 110,094. The tinder will please return to bank, . LOST— MALE PUG DOG:AT MOSS AYE..SAN Leandro: name Bijou; collar and broken rib; toward. A. GIRY, 635 Kearny st. FOUND. IToCND^GOLID W^aTch7~^OWNER HAVE : same by proving property and paying expense by applying M. GLEESON, 639 Bryant St., Spring Valley yard. CLAIRVOYANTS. H^CELE^BRXr^H^CLXfiIVOYXNTT^RO^ FESSOR WALTER, is still in the city; he can be . consulted on business, marriages, divorces and all family affairs; the future plainly revealed; lovers united; trouble healed; names of friends and enemies, also the one you will marry; truth Kuaranteed. ■ Office 303 Jones St., near Eddy; hours 9 a. m., 9 p. it., Sundays 9 to r>. ME. DR.THOM AS SCIENTIFIC REVEALER by eggs and cards: tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on all affairs, nothing excepted; names given, good advice, sure help; restores lost love by sympathy; mistake impossible; fee $1 ; letter $2. 30 Kearny st. M.M P". RAVINNA.TEST MEDIUM, REVEALS pa»:, present and future; names given; 25c up. 8288 Howard. RAXD TEST CIRCLE TO-NIGHT; 10c. M II 1 :. VX YOUNG, 723 Gough, near McAllister. MRS. ANTHONY. MEDIUM, LIFE READER; lauies 25c, gents »C 248 Third st. ME. MOBEAU, BEST MEDIUM. CLAIRVOY- ant: speaks German, 25c up. 131 Fourth St. M ME. SCHMIDT, FROM VIENNA; MOST RE- nowned: revealing future events: ladies SI. gentlemen $2, by mail $3. SSG Mission st. Ml ARD-READEB — LADIES 50c, cents 81; palmistry and clairvoyant sit- tings •i 60. 606 O'Farrell st., near Jones. f \ j BS. J. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST ■Hi. medium and tlfe-n r. 218 Stockton. \ ! SPIRITUALISM. QQA LESSON; T NE-TELLINa BY *S)—J cards. Teacher, box 143. (all Branch. ASTKOLOtiY. ' " 4 STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY -.' V St.: horoscopes, ';i'.'s: stocks, advice. PARTNERSHIP NOTICES. ~ ISSOLUTION ";• PABTNEBSHTP — THE partnership firm existing under the name and style of B. 3. THE VENET <£ CO., doing business us apothecaries and chemists, corner of Washing- ; ton and Kearny" streets, in this "city and county of San Francisco, Is this day dissolved by mutual eousei MR. SHELDON POMEKOY having pur- chased the • .■.■ tire interest of E. .1. THEVENET in the firm. E. J. THE VENET. SHELDON POMEROY. San Francisco. March 2, 1895. ~~ ATTORNEVS-AT-LAW. ~/I^VJX?EI?RIifE?/^ A ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE.Att'y-at-law, 850 Market st., cor. Stockton. T\r W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,42O »? . California St., rma. 14-15; advice free. • JOB.V B. AITKEN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW, 88. *) 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st-, cor. California. TO EXCHANGE. or~sale~orlexchange for a ranch, milk and cream business; 65 cans trade. For particulars apply 1911 Mission st. ; WANTED — UNIMPROVED LAND FOR it clear .os across the bay. 657 gnlsom st. TYPE WRITERS AND SUPPLIES. mvi'i;\vr.lTK!> FOB BENT; MACHINES X sold cheap. HANSON <£ CO.,Chroi]lclc 81d,r.38. 4 "CALIGRAPH" WILL OUTLAST ALLOTS A. ers. See NAYLOR, 19 Mty St., about 1 ; rents, repairs, ; supplies Mimeographs ; installment terms. business chances. "VrOT"ICE-TcTßf) OB si :i j/a~BUSINESS of i-> any kind see STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. &QAAA MILLINER Y-STORE; OLD ES- ipO\J\J\>. tablished; best location In the city: 3 fine furnished rooms: pays well: owner retiring from business. See STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth. O ( IA BAKERY; NO. 1 LOCATION 3 <JSOUU. rooms; cheap rent: good paying place; horse, wagon, etc.; bargain. See STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. <">'\i \ PARTNER WANTED IX A THRIV- <&-jO\J. tngcasli business; duties light and easily learned; established several years: remaining partner a well-known business man and thoroughly responsible; will clear to each from $50 to $75 per month: partner preferred to hired help; see to-day. STRAND & CO., 1 9 Sixth st. .___ FOR SALE— GROCERY-STORE AND BAR; splpndid opportunity; reasonable offer accept- ed; full investigation. STRAXD, 19 Sixth St. l»1 E/\ GOOD COFFEE SALOON, CHOP- »fI}XtJU. house; cheap rent; good thing for a man and wife; average, $10to $12. STRAXD. 19 6th st. <K1 OX BUTCHER-SHOP: NO. 1 LOCATION; <IP-L^«J. pays well." STRAND <fc CO., 19 Sixth. 97 X RESTAURANT AND OYSTER- *UJ-J I O. house; cheap at $500; must sell: ac- account of sickness. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. Q "I OX PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD- WX-jO. paying butcher shop; experience un- necessary; see to-day. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth. & CCA SALOON ON MARKET ST.; CLEARS t£)OU\J. $125 month. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth. QQ7X FRUITSTORE~: HORSE. WAGON; ypO 10. clears $50 month. STRAND, 19 Sixth. C*T7X BRANCH BAKERY; 4 ROOMS; tjpJ I O. rent $14; fine place. STB AND.I 9 Sixth. V". ': RESTAURANT, NEAR MARKET AND ■!■> Third sts.; bargain. STRAND, 19 Sixth st. <1 AA PARTNER WANTED IN. LIGHT tJP-I W, mechanical business; suited to plain steady man satisfied with (16 to slB per week: no previous experience required. BUSINESS EX- CHANGE, 783Vb Market St. ©OAAA FIRST-CLASS SALOON: 3 PRI- O — v/UU. vate rooms nicely furnished; select stock; cash register and piano; business Qlearing about $200 per month; Belling at big bargain; satis- factory reasons for selling. BUSINESS EX- CHANGE, 783y 3 Market st. . OX SALOON AND 7 FURNISHED tip 1_»». rooms; rent $30; good location. BUSI- N ESS EXCHANGE, 783 Market St. TT»OB CHEAP; OLD ESTABLISHED restaurant; make offer. 626 Sacramento st. < 7 it FINE SALOON ON THIRD ST.; O I "U. billiards and pool; fine location, and large wine cellar. Inquire 129 Third st. Q/jOX FIXE COB. SALOON; 10 FURNISH- «uS'-t— i O. Ed rooms: nice fixtures and furniture; owner sick, cause of selling. Inquire 129 Third st. • ) C A CIGAR STORE AND FACTORY; <&OO\J. corner. DECKER, 1206 Market st. "PARTNER WAIN TED IN DRUGSTORE; FINE X corner. DECKER, 1206 Market st. QXXA MEAT MARKET; PAYING BUSI. C Oo\J . ness. DECKER, 206 Market. <2 OX A STATIONER^* AND CIGAR STORE; t4pOUU. DECKER, 1206 Market st. C«QXA CANDY STORE AN D~ FACTORY ON ig)Oo\J. Market st. DECKER, 1206 Market st. <n*l XA COMMISSION BUSINESS; part- -0 *•*-'"• ncr wanted with wideawake, rising young business man of good standing and reputa- tion; has a first-class trade clearing $125 per month and rapidly growing, which absolutely re- quires more assistance; prefers partner to hired help; good man wanted more than money; is cheap at $250: can give best of reference; an ex- ceedingly good business that will bear a close in- vestigation. GEO. STEWART & SOX, 632 Market. OA LODGING HOUSES from $250 to $3000 O\J 25 saloons ..from 200 to 1100 10 grocery and bars from 250 to 1000 10 branch bakeries from 125 to 500 20 restaurants from 125 to 450 5 variety stores from 150 to 350 6 butcher shops from 150 to 1200 5 barber shops ..from 150 to 400 5 cigar stores from 125 to 500 BUCHANAN & CO., 765 Market st. BUYING OR SELLING LODGING-HOUSES, saloons, cigar-stores, grocery-stores and bar, variety-stores, blacksmith, branch bakery, restaur- ants, coal and wood yards and all kinds of business, Call on BUCHANAN & CO., 765 Market. ARE CHANCE FOR MAN OR WOMAN TO buy established cash business;" large profits; near city; a bargain; owner desiring to leave city. PROLL <fc STENKERG 873 Market st. Ql AXfl MOST POPULAR SALOON OFF O-LUtJU. Market st. elegant fixtures: private rooms; big day and night trade: full Investigation allowed. PKOLL & STENBERG, 873 Market st. COR GBOCERY AND BAB: NEW STOCK v^ and fixtures; splendid paying business; best lo- cation; must sell on account of other business. PROLL & STEXBERG, 873 Market st. ! OLD ESTABLISHED HOTEL; BIG SALOON trade; house filled with steady boarders; sick- ness cause of sale: full investigation allowed. PROLL & STENBERG, 873 Market st. "(jiji OAA ELEGANTLY FITTED UP COR- %?l—\JyJ. nor saloon: rooms upstairs: big day and night trade; best paying saloon near Market st. PROLL A STEXKKRG, 873 Market St. - - - - PARTNER WANTED: LIGHT MANUFAC- turing: ready selling staple article: pleasant business year around; $65 a month guaranteed; large stock; cash required $200; investigate at once. Wilson House, 829 Stevenson St., oft' Tenth. T ODGING-HOUSE; 12 ROOMS; ALL SUNNY; XJ nice garden front and rear. 210 Hyde st. "VTOTTCE TO BUYERS AND SELLERS— THE -»-' real estate firm of Smith, Huber & Co., 30 Kearnv st., removed to 1001 Market st., SW. cor. Sixth, and have to offer these bargains: 50 saloons from $200 to $5000 75 restaurants from $75 to $3000 100 lodging-houses from $250 to $10,000 Also large list of coffee saloons, bakery, candy, cigar stores. City and county property to sell or exchange by SMITH, BER & CO., 1001 Market. fIJjQXn CIGAR-STAND ON A PROMINENT ig)OO\J, corner; splendid business; big stock; cheap rent; a bargain. MILLER, 23 Kearny. AI OX BRANCH BARKERY. NOTIONS, ETC.; tXtX-Jp. fine living. MILLER, 23 Kearny. ~<2»i XA COFFEE SALOON; WORTH $400; <^SJ-tIU. must sell. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. F~~~ OR SALE — a .COUNTRY NEWSPAPER: dally and weekly; magnificent plant; fine busi- ness; everything in excellent condition; easy terms to a responsible man ; owner's health cause for selling. Address Paper, box 10, this office. O LET — DESIRABLE LOCATION FOR A good mercantile business in a country town in very healthy locality of this State. For particulars address X., box 61, this office. OB PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE; FlX- turesand material in first-class condition; cost $2600: will sacrifice for cash or city real estate. SAMPSON, box 146, Call Branch. - %>A XA SALOON; CLEARS $120 A MONTH; C'lt/". owner desiring to leave city; a bargain. MICHELEY & WOOD, 917 Market. Q-| A A WANTED— AND WIFE, PART- »!JpXUU. not chicken ranch; incubators, chick- ens, ducks; furnished flat 3 rooms; 10 acres' run. See owner, 130 Second st., from 10 to 3. BKANCH BAKEBY AND ClGAR- store; cheap if sold this week; stock and -fix- tures worth $350 ; good location. 420 Third st. &]Kfi STEADY MAX AS PARTNER IN ifIJXUv/. restaurant; owner good cook. 647 Sac- ramento st. ■*■ ;-. ARGAIN— THE WIGWAM COFFEE SALOON for sale cheap; trade from $12 to $25 a day; price $250. Apply on the premises,- 129 Geary st. ; JEWELRY-STORE, STOCK AND FIXTURES* O Apply 1910 Mission st. PARTNER WANTED IN LODGING-HOUSE. X 948 Howard st. -. ANTED — PART STORE BY DRESS- "T maker; no family. Address 130 Second st. ■TV.fY CLIENTS EAST WILL INVEST LARGE 1»X amounts of cash and desirable Eastern prop- erty in good Western mortgaged lands, city prop- erty or mines: write full description, price, etc., and if I think we can deal will arrange interview CHARLES G. BAKND, attorney, box 2042, San Francisco, Cal. "C*OR SALES-VALUABLE PATENT MEDI- X; cine: all rights: well introduced; good sale. Address Patent, box 105, Call Branch. ■ THIRST-CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE. APPLY J Call Branch Office. YSTER AND CHOP HOUSE FOR SALE; partner leaving for Europe. 58 Third st. IJUBST-CLABS STATIONERY AND CANDY . store; complete stock; fine trade; good location; 3 living-rooms. Call 440 Van Ness aye. PARTNER WAXTED-GOOD- PAYING SA- X loon. NIT. cor. Jackson and Drumm sts. BREWERY- FOR SALE; PART INTEREST X> in brewery doing good business. Principals only will please address lor particulars D., P. O. box 2662, Ban Francisco. 1 IGAR-STORE AND FACTORY; OLD-ESTAB- \J lished and paying business; in good location. Inquire at Call Office. ]> ESTAURANT FOR HALE— ACCOUNT OF S\i the proprietor sick; make an offer; said res- taurant has been under same manager for past 12 years. Inquire at Qj.ll Branch. -^ GBOCEBY AND- BAR- WITH 8 LIVING^ vT rooms. Call Branch Office. pREAT BARGAIN; COFFEE SALOON ; DO VX bit; business. MICH ELS & WOOD, 917 Market. IjiOß SALE— FINE RESTAURANT, OPPOSITE steamboat landing; doing a fine day trade: cheap rent: the cause of selling the owner going to Europe. Apply to 232 Third st. RESTAURANT IN SANTA ROSA FOR SALE doing a good business. J. T. PETERS, Mills building. - : ; :■ • ' pOR BALE-CANDY AND ICECREAM PAR- X' Iors; good business. 1434 Market st. HOTOGRAPH GALLERY: WELL APPOINT ed; centrally located : with about 10,000 nega- tives: also rooms for family; will sell for $300. Address B. 0,. box 109, Call Branch Office. BRANCH -BAKERY AND COFFEE PARLOR; soda fountain; 4 living rooms. ; 406 Third. ; RESTAURANT AND BRANCH ? BAKERY; XV doing good cash trade; bargain. 110 Eighth.' 'a HOME RESTAURANT; GOOD BUSINESS, for sale or exchange. Apply this office. ; CIIGAR-STORE; LAUNDRY OFFICE; 3 ) rooms in rear; rent cheap; doing pood business: must be sold on account of partner's sickness. ■ 417 Hayes st. ••■■-;.. ..;*.-;v. ■•.-.• ■•-..■<;;.. ;■' ■ ;.■ • ATA SACRIFICE, IF SOLD IMMEDIATELY', XX Old corner grocery and bar. ' Inquire 317 Fifth. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, THURSDAY, MARCH T, 1895. BUSINESS CHANCES-Continued. FOR SALE— GROCERY' AND BAR; BEST Lo- cation in the city; kept by present owner 11 years; good long lease; will be sold cheap account other important business. Inquire southeast cor- ner Grove and Buchanan sts. OR COUNTRY BARBER-SHOP AND 2 bathrooms; good for $1000 a year dear; will be sold cheap. Apply to G. H. BLAIR, Dunnigan, Cal. pHEAP FOR CASH — OLD-ESTABLISHED; \J 37 cans: private trade 50 cows, horses, wag- ons, etc. Address Milkman, 1331 Fulton St., or call at residence. Nineteenth aye. and X st. fflj.,o-: GROCERY AND BAR; RENT $14. *J) ~—lO. Apply Call Branch Office. TNTERIOR AGENCY OF THIS PAPER FOR X sale; price $3500; terms cash ; clears $200 per month. Apply this office.' TITAXTED-BUSIXESS ASSOCIATE; ACTIVE, »' profitable employment; with $5000 to $6000. Address W- J. B. MIDDLETON, 30 Montgomery. RUG STORE AT A BARGAIN— A NEATLY litted-up drugstore in -a growing town not far from San Francisco; $1500. Particulars given by J. M. WRIGHT, care LANGLEY & MICHAELS CO. ' .■ . T7IOR SALE— AND WOOD YARD, FIRST- X I class location. Inquire 600 Height st. "J7IOR BUTCHEB SHOP; CHEAP. AP- J ply 546 Ninth st. OR SALE — GROCERY-STORE AND BAR; splendid opportunity: reasonable offer accept- ed; full investigation. NW. cor. Turk and Scott. p OOD OPPORTUNITY; PARTNER WANTED ; vj business established since 1860; capital re- quired from $40,000 to $50,000. Address G. L., box 22, this office. HIGH CASH PRICE FOR RESTAURANTS XX saloons, furniture. SCHOEXFELDT, 1121 Mkt. _ WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE | -* V WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. o^R^o>rs7^N^TOCKTON^T7rrr[?rrrrrs2ooo j-d€) 9-room house; good: worth $500........ 260 20 rooms; corner: what will you give?.. 1500 j 12 rooms; new and worth $1000 550 1 30 rooms; best corner in the city :. 2000 j 90 rooms; clearing $300 5500 H. C. DECKER, 1206 Market St. (2 OA A. SALOON ON PROMINENT STREET; <£)-j\J\J. a sacrliice. MILLER, 23 Kearny st. 9 A ROOMS; NEAR BALDWIN; CLEARS OUsloo;price $800. SPECK'S, SO Montgomery st. 9A-KOOM CORNER HOUSE. 222 i/ 3 FOURTH Ov st.; sickness cause. 3-~7iOR SALE— LODGIXG-HOUSE OF 35 ROOMS ; - all furnished; rent $40; or will trade for city, Alameda or Oakland lots: good reason for selling. Apply bet. 2 and 5 p. m.. 003 Front st. ! FURNITURE FOR SALE. VoirisA^l^Nl^W^Y"Tul^f^^ X; 5 rooms; all conveniences; low rent; party leaves town. 801 Harrison st. . T7IURXITURE OF 4 ROOMS, CHEAP; PLACE X 1 to rent; reasonable. 1735 Mission st. "OEDROOM SETS, $11; OAK CHAIRS, $1; X> carpets. 45c. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. PUT PRICES IX FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. : D U CTIONB ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XV second- hand: -400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c: parlor suits, $19 up ;■ linoleum, 45c; 7-p!ece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped free. T. 11. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. ~~ FURNITURE WANTED. tc^uilnituri^ counters^ showcasesT J? restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON,II2IMkt \\riLLIAM BUTTERFIELD, AUCTIONEER; | m buys, sells and rents furnished houses. Office opposite Palace Hotel, 2d floor Crocker building. LARGE QUANTITY SECOND-HAND FUR- niture wanted; 20 per cent paid more than else- where. MAI. ONE, 110 Fourth St.: new store. CARPETS. pA^?P^T^r^scTLlN^L^ulii7^b^rSED^OOM \J set. $11. SIIIKKK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARPET CLEANING. CITY STEAM cTR^E^T^BEATINij AND Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. ARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON & CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. WHEN YOU BECOME DISGUSTED WITH 11 poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works, 353-7 Tehama; tei. So-40. pOXKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 \J Golden Gate aye.; telephone east 126. /CARPETS WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 236 14th, nr. Mission; tel. (Mission) 100. rpHE J. E. MITCHELL CARPET-CLEAXIXG Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines: cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel. 6074. T MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AN D KEN- <J . ovatlng works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. PIANOS, VIOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. J ARGE UPRIGIILTrTHOROUGHLY^obD OR- XJ der, splendid tone, $125. Rm. 21, Flood bldg, WO UPRIGHTS, GOOD CONDITION; ONE X $65, one $95. Room 10, Flood building. pHICKERING, FIXE con ion. $225; \J. also Weber, splendid tone. Km. 12, Flood bldg. PLENDID new ORGAN SACRIFICED"; also second hand, $20. Rm. 13, Flood bldg. PLENDID NEW STYLE HARDMAN USED less than six months; -superb tone; elegant case; for sale this week at a very low price. Room 10, Flood building. ©7X ROSEWOOD UPRIGHT, STOOL AND «ip I O. cover; 5 installment. 221 Leavenworth st. A STEINWAY PIANO, $150; CH RING A upright, almost new, $250; new pianos at bed- rock prices, ten different makes: square pianos, $30 upward. BOWERS & SON, 23 and 25 Fifth st. p AUTION— DO NOT BUY WHAT IS CLAIMED \J to be a Steinway or Weber Upright Piano from any person not an established piano dealer without being first assurred that the piano is what is seems I to be. We have a complete record of all Steinway and Weber pianos sold on the Pacific Coast, the past twenty years. Bring the manufacturers' num- ber of piano to us and we will give you its history. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO, Pacific Coast represen- tatives for Steinway and Weber Pianos, corner Kea^ny and butter sts. NABE, BUSH & GERTS AND HAINES pianos. A. L. BANCROFT <fc CO., 324 Post st. AUVAIS, 769 MARKET-SHEET MUSIC % price; Decker & Son pianos. ■ SACRIFICING LARGE STOCK OF UPRIGHT pianos of their own make at manufacturers' prices. Hemme & Long Piano Co., 310 Post st. BARGAINS; ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL IX- struments. L. I. ST ANTON & CO., 663 Market, TO" G. BADGER, WITH BEXJ. CURTAZ & >» . SON, 20 O'Farrell st. YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMKR, Newby & Evans, Brings and other pianos. ARGAINS— NUMBER OF ELEGANT UP- Xi right pianos, to cover storage and advances; must be sold at once. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 721 Market st. TECK, CHECKERING * sons, VOSE and Sterling pianos sold on $10 installments. BENJ. ( ' I" IITA /. & SOX, sole agents. 16-20 O'Farrell st. STEINWAY UPRIGHT; -SLIGHTLY USED; O grand tone: half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. UPERIOR VIOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD & NEW. 11. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CEXTS— THE xi. WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. HORSES. ' HOKSKS I'AS r JH;jtEDT^2~X7u^THTiSENT) for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. "1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL Xl/U kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts; also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sis. . WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. QECOND-lIAND PHAETON AND DELIVEUY 10 wagon; cheap. 924 Bryant st. .-. . . 2 NEW.- 'CARTS; WAGON; MILK wagon; must sell at once. 829 Howard st. INGLE TRUCK FOR SALE; $50. 714 FRONT street. AIUiE STRONG 3 - SPRING GROCERY wagon. 337 Fifth St. : "VTBW EXPRESS-WAGON, 2D-HANI) DELIV- ■i-V cry, bus; buggies cheap, 100 Golden Gate aye. FINE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS, J rockaway, buggies; also hack. 828 Harrison. ■ FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. QTAMPS^A~FTN E COL LECTI O N OF ABOUT 0 3000 varieties, Including a full sot Columbians, unused. Address Stamp, box 132, Call Branch. BALE— IRISH WATER SPANIEL; GOOD ' retriever; $3. 1612 Pacific aye. ■ ... "T~IOR SALE— YOST TYPEWRITER IN FIRST- .I? class condition; only used 18 months; price $55. 402 Montgomery St., room 18. ■QIXGLETRUOKFOR SALE; $50. , 714 FRONT to street. _ ■.. ARGAIN— GOOD > PNEUMATIC SAFETY for $25. 326 McAllister st. • m WO FRESH COWS, 1 DURHAM AND 1 half X Jersey; gentle for family. 1312 Folsom st. BEDROOM SET, WITH TWO MATTRESSES. Inquire 1111% Paclnc st. CHEAP— FIXTURES THAT WERE ONCE IX \J the Savings Union branch, Market and Fell sts. ; suitable for an insurance or real estate office. ASHTON & GARDINER, 411 Montgomery st. WILSHIRE SAFE, LETTER-PRESS, SCALE, J»T coffee-mill and money-till; cheap. 102 Clay st. pOUNT E R S, SHELVING, SHOWCASES yj bought and sold. ]j 2iy 3 Market, bet. 7th and Bth "VTEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN BECOND- ±X hand. , W. S. KAY.Mfg Co., 12 California st. ONE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE-SIZE fire and burglar proof safe. ■ 221-283 Market st. ' c financial. ";■;- '•-. v. •■; c^eTtoloa^^j?s^x f^n^Scorea£ I*l estate. W. J. GUNN, 410 Montgomery st. ' CITY REAL ESTATE. Ali HOBIGEB. " '■-■ '. LOUIS A. SOUC. T A. SOUC&CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. HOUSES RENTED. RENTS COLLECTED. 465 AND 467 VALENCIA ST., NEAR 16TH. As we make a specialty of Mission property and are right on the- spot, we can save you time and ' $131500— 50x80; Mission, nr. 18th; cheap; store and 4 rooms; upper flat 5 rooms and bath; cottage 4 rooms; rents $70. $9000—26x80; corner Church and Day; new building; splendid business corner; store, 3 rooms; flat 8 rooms and bath; cellar 25x80, concrete floor; look at this. . $10,000—27x80 ; corner 18th and Guerrero ; mod- ern flats; 7 and 8 rooms; bath, latest improve- ment; could at small cost be made a splendid busi- ness corner as this is the transfer point of Park car line. $7000— 52x100: Bryant aye., bet. 25th and 26th sts. ; cottage 8 rooms, bath; finished basement; stable ; large garden ; must be sold, by order of ad- ministrator. , • : $4500—30x114: Liverty St., near Guerrero; bay- window flats 5 and 6 rooms, bath; all modern Im- provements; rent $38: fine view. $3000—25x80; Stevenson St., near. 18th; 2 flats, 4 and 5 rooms, in perfect order; high basement; brick foundation; rents $2S. • , $4500—25x80: Quinn St., near Valencia, bay- window flat; 4 and 5 rooms; bath; laundry; good order. $2250—25x80: Sanchez, ncr 27th; cosy cottage, 4 rooms, bath; 10-foot basement. $3150— 27x114; Valley St., near Church; 2 bay- window flats of 4 rooms, bath; brick foundation; in good order. ' $2750—25x114; 30th, near Mission; bay-window ! cottage, 4 rooms, bath: all modern improvements. $3000—25x114; Clipper, near Sanchez: bay-win- dow cottage. 5 rooms, bath; in perfect order, and stable. j $2650—26x100; York, near 24th; bay-window | cottages, 5 rooms, bath; these are new; terms to i suit. ! Our list comprises some of the best property in ! the Mission. , Lots of all sizes In any of the home- | steads: also good business corners in any part of I the Mission. Call and get a list and prices. If you want your vacant houses rented place them with us. ■ • - - L. A. SOUC & CO., 465 and 467 Valencia St., nr. Sixteenth. . ' AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY; $200 CASH and balance in monthly payments of $50, in- cluding interest at 6 per cent, will secure a lovely home on the best portion of Castro st. ; house con- tains 7 rooms and bath, attic and basement; all modern improvements; lot 25x105; the owner is a non-resident and gives these terms to make a quick sale; price $4500. Apply to BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery st. JNCOME PROPERTY, CENTRALLY L<> X cated, improvements new and modern ; first-class tenants; income $900 per annum. Address Owner, DEAKIN, 8 New Montgomery st., in art store. <3» QXOn BARGAIN— BUSH, NEAR MASON, «]pOtJv/U. north side; 20 rooms. For particu- lars see E. W. SKELTON, 410 Montgomery st. SOL GETZ & BROTHER, REAL ESTATE OWNERS, Rooki A, first floor, Crocker building, Corner Market and Montgomery streets. Headquarters for Park lots. Railroads assure San Francisco's prosperity. Bargains in lots. Call on us, the owners. <JJ» IA A $150. $200 TO»$500 FOR PARK LOTS tJpJLUv. near ocean, park or Strawberry Hill; only $25 down and $5 monthly. SOL GETZ & BRO., room A, Crocker building. ffIiJAA ' $500, $600 TO $1100 FOR GRADED «Tp ttUU. lots, ready to build on; north and south of the park, near the electric-cars; on very easy terms. SOL GETZ & BRO., room A, Crocker building. "ClTl AA TO $350 FOR BUILDING LOTS near Mission st. and electric-cars; only $10 down and $5 monthly. SOL GETZ & HIM., room A, Crocker building. — Call for maps and diagrams. SOL GETZ & BRO., Owners, Room A, first floor, Crocker building, Cor. Market and Montgomery. FOR PALE CHEAP. X? $5000— and lot on Minna St., near Mis- sion; contains 4 flats; renting for $50 per month; size of lot 45xS0; must be sold at once ; $3000 mortgage can remain. Inquire of J. BROWN- STONE, 11 Montgomery st., from 9 a. m. to 12 m. <£Q A A CASH $750 ON TIME, BUYS LOT <$\J\J\J 25x120 feet on car line; vicinity Pine st. : ready to build. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. (JjOQXn 3 NICF7 FLATS; MISSION; LOT ~*JO\J. 25x80 feet; rents $32 a month; worth $1000: terms half cash. SPECK'S, 30 Montg. St. •>( \(\ CASH, BALANCE $11 A MONTH, <iP-i-jV/V/ buys modern 5 -room cottage; lot 50x 100 feet on car line. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. BARGAIN— 2-STORY HOUSE 7 ROOMS and bath: must be sold before April 1, as the owner (a lady) is going to leave city. Apply PETER LASSEN & CO.. 1009V 3 Valencia st. WANTED— A NEAT COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS, I »» price not exceeding $3000 ; also house of 7or 8 rooms on Fell. Oak or Page sts., $5500 to $6000. i Apply toC. S. CAPP&CO., Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. . TOXfl NEW COTTAGE OF 4 ROOMS AND X—Oyi. bath: brick foundation; high basement; lot 25x100. 258 Richland aye., Holly Park. I7IOR TENEMENT HOUSE 18 ROOMS X; and lot; rents $38 per month; mortgage $1800 at 7 per cent; owner compelled to sell, must sell; real value over $3000; lot 25x80; good location; make an offer. Address P. R., 34 Kissling st. T\O YOU WANT A SUMMER HOME? \ ~ See those beautiful lots at Alto, Marin County; only 40 minutes from city; price $150; easy terms. JOOST & WOOLLEY, 4 New Montgomery st. Ql 1(\(\ HOUSE, 6 BOOMS; BARN, ETC., «ipX I \J\J. in Berkeley; lot 100x100, with creek. $5250— House, 7 rooms; fine corner; 120x135, with orchard. $1000— corner; 40x100; macadamized; $100 down, $100 yearly. • CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. UICK SALE OF LOTS; 1 OR 6 NORTH OF th&park, nr. Strawoerry Hill and the lake, to be sold this week; cash or time. Room 12, Flood build ing. COUNTRY REAL ESTATE. POSIT 1 V liTclflVE^TOß^A^lßlX^KAlrafoF X 160 acres and improvements; near Napa Soda Springs. For bargain, apply to DEAKIN. 8 New Montgomery st., S. F. ; or A. J. BAIRD, Napa City. . nll AND 20 ACRE PIECES— AI FOR CHICK- 'i en ranches; on 8 and 10 years' credit; $25, $30, $70 and $100 per acre; within 1 mile of town D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ftl9/l^? B YEAR —TO LET - 4-ACRE «IDX^V/ chicken ranch ; new 1-story, hard-finished 4-room house; barn; s' chicken-houses; close to town. Apply to GEO. C. YOUNG, Petaluma. 99 A. ACRES, NEAR PLACERVILLE: ALL -i£jr± first-class land; 4-room house, stock and all tools; $3000. 22 acres, 2 miles from town, 40 miles north ; s- room house, family orchard and vineyard, horse, cow, poultry, and all farm implements; $2500. 320 acres. improved; good soil; 7 miles from San Andreas; only $760; $320 can remain indefinitely at 7 per cent. We have a number Of cozy homes, near by from 3 acres to 20 acres, end in price from $800 to $2500. • . BOVEE, TOY & CO., 19 Montgomery st. A-ACRE poultry RANCH near OAK- XVI land: 2 horses, cows, incubators, chickens, ducks, geese,»tc.;#4oo. BPECK'B,3O Montgomery. JT. PETERS. MILLS BUILDING, OFFERS • in Sonoma County three of the finest tracts of fruit land in the State in subdivisions; on line of railroad; terms easy; send for maps. sali: OB TRADE; A <; l;i: at BARGAIN; X' 160-acre improved ranch near Los Angeles; for sale cheap, or will trade for San Francisco, Ala- meda, Oakland or Los Angeles real estate. MOK-' RIS & MERSHON, 630 Market st., op. Pal. Hotel. ANTA CLARA VALLEY LANDS— WE HAVE 0 a large and well selected list of choice lands and orchard homes in Santa Clara County. Our teams are ready at all times to show our properties. W. G. GRIFFITH, 17 North First St., San Jose, Cal. I ARIN COUNTY— SOOO ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. :. ~- \ RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land; no irrigation; both rail and -water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre: easy terms, town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property ; send for circular. . : Dairy for sale with or without cows. '.-'. -■ * . SYN DICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65, Chronicle building. TO MILKMEN AND DAIRY RANCHERS— For sale. a dairy of about 60 cows and other young stock, teams and fixtures complete; with an established trade in this city, Oakland and Alameda; also lease of 700 acres of land at a low rental in Alameda County for pasturage, hay and vegetables: 1 lon by railroad and bay shipping; will be sold at a low price on account of sickness and immediate possession. ALBERT E. CRANE, 4IO Montgomery. DWIN K. ALSIP & CO., ■ REAL ESTATE DEALERS, • '■ : . Sacramento and San Francisco. ' \ COUNTRY LANDS A SPECIALTY. Belmont lots for sale. The cheapest lots for the location, bet ween San Francisco and San i Jose; prices ranging from $150 per lot upward; each lot 40x100; terms, $10 down and $10 per month; 10 percent off for cash. : ';■•■- ■ ■ r-. !i; .:-.;> EDWIN K. ALSIP & CO., 9 Rotunda. Mills building, Sun Francisco. " ■-■. STORAGE. : -••,-.-: -.-. .-■.. CTOTXffl^JP^Uß^Troß^ipGSroa^aSu^E^ O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market at. THIRST-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADE J} 421-423 Market St. ■• CHAS. L. TAYLOR, v 1 OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. QQArtn FINE LARGE CORNER -LOT IN ♦J)O\JU". Alanieda; short walk to Morton-st. station; 180 feet on Clinton aye., 390 feet on Sher- man aye; this is a good investment and must be sold. Apply to W. W. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. ■, : . . -. ■ Ann ACRES; YOLO COUNTY; $1600: CAPAY ttUU Valley; 1% miles from railroad; produces fruits 15 days earlier than Vacaville; 2 springs and creek; 150 acres ready to plow; $400 due the State at 7 per cent: $400 cash ; can run ten years: $800 will take trade in lots. C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland. - . Q1 AA MODERN COTTAGE; 5 .ROOMS OIUU. and bath; lot 30x100; stable and well: 3 blocks from Broadway; worth $4250. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth st. Tir^NT AN OFFER FOR A HOUSE ON ' » Grove st. good location. Address E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. ' TO EXCHANGE— COZY COTTAGE FOR UN- improved lots. Address 943 Magnolia, Oak- land. OR RENT— A RARE CHANCE : RESIDENCE of 12 rooms and bath; very large grounds and orchard ; lots of flowers: outside of town. Apply to owners, A. J. SNYDER & CO. ; R. CAPELL, ONE OF THE OLDEST REAL • estate dealers in Oakland, has again opened an office at 478 Tenth St., Oakland. 97 "\< \ MODERN COTTAGE; 5 ROOMS «Jp£i I «)" '. and bath and high basement; lot 25x 129; five minutes from Fourteenth and Broadway; in fine neighborhood; small cash payment; balance $25 per month, including interest. WIL- LIAM J. DINOEE, 460-462 Eighth St., Oakland. OR SALE— HOUSE AND LOT; $375; TERMS easy. LODGE & POWELL, Fruit vale station. T OOK! $150— LOTS IN FRUITVALE ONLY XJ $1 cash and $1 a week ; buy a home and save your small earnings; the new railroad will double values in Oakland. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broad- way, Oakland. Qlll 9AH HOUSE, 5 rooms, in BERKELEY; i$ 1 1-±J\J\J. lot 40x100; one-third cash. $400— Lot 40x100: $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. I f\nn LOT 150x300, FRONTING ON TWO I O\J\J. streets; house of 6 rooms; barn, well and fruit trees; one block to a main thoroughfare and electric cars ; cash loan of $1000 on this prop- erty; must be sold, as owner is going away. H. M. CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oakland. <S*\f' r;n CASH— S ROOMS -and BATH: a tjPXUUV bargain; 25x100; close to local. WM. P. TODD. 1008 Broadway, Oakland. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -^*- WEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. jnO^N^ElT^OT^3?iBxlr77 $6l)b7~INSID^£oTi \J same size, $525. J. H. YOUNG, 1243 Park St., Alameda. . . QQAA ALAMEDA BUILDING-LOTS; $25 tTpOUU. cash; $10 monthly; 2 blocks to rail- road station; if you want bargains see us quick. MACDONALD, MOTT & CO., 1422 Park St., Ala- meda. A LAMBDA — BARGAINS; BEAUTIFUL sx. homes for sale and to rent, furnished or unfur- nished; free teams at office, 1355 Park st., Sundays and all times to examine property. WILL BURN- HAM <fc CO., 1355 Park St.; branch office, BURN- HAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. ITOrTsaLE— LOT 150x207, WITH IMPROVE- XJ ments, consisting of house, barn and large con- servatory; adjoins lot on which new City Hall is now being constructed; has great prospective value. ('MAS, S. .VEAL, Encinal Bank, Park St. BERKELEY REAL ESTATE. ~ ERKELEY— VINE ST., NEAIT~OXFORD; new 10-room cottage " cheap to close estate; near university and station. Apply WM. JONES, 24 Sacramento. ■(Jjjl O MONTHLY— NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, ♦IP J-O with mantel, bath, laundry, pantry; fenced sewered; lot 40x100; $1800. F. BOEGLE, 630 Market st.: W. C. MOHAN, Lorin. ALAMEDA ROOMS AND HOUSES. : CTO^S^7~ROoT«S^bath7~sl6^ iHB^SEV^ Xx enth, near Railroad avenue (hardware store). mO RENT, NEW COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS; ALL late improvements; lawn; flowers; rent $20; water free. 1432 Ninth St.. Alameda. HOUSES TO LET. rfnaAT'^?ElßY^u^rNY^i^Soo^r^auiET7 i Van Ness aye., cor. Oak. Apply to C. S. CAPP »t CO., House Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 413 Montgomery st. . ISSION, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH (NO. 1225) ; 2 stories ; 7 rooms and bath ; $80. Ap- ply to O. S. CAPP & CO., Real Estate Agents and House Brokers, 413 Montgomery st. "Sj-l/f FRAME HOUSE; 2 STORIES AND > i-"i. basement; 4 rooms; 8 Selina place, north Bide California st., below Stockton: water free; quiet neighborhood; key at office. Apply to G. H. BUCKINGHAM, 413 Montgomery st. PROPERTY— 20 ROOMS; CHEAP; OWNER X will put in order. 421 Powell st. QjQ HOUSE OF 3 ROOMS ON ROSE AYE., «JpO. a block from Market st. 121 Page st. \ O LET— ONLY $35 PER MONTH; CHEAP- est rent in the city ; a nice corner modern resi- dence, nearly new, freshly painted and tinted; ex- cellent neighborhood; house 1017 Ha'ght St.; key at grocery, NW. cor. Scott and Haight sts. ; it will pay you to see this— in fact it will pay you to re- move to It. Further particulars THOMAS Mo MAHON, 628 Market st., San Francisco. I 99 X FULTON— TENEMENT OF 3 ROOMS; — « ) $10. TVTICE HOUSE; 7 ROOMS AND BATH; RENT -Li cheap. 17 Caroline, off Folsom, near Sixth. mo LET— HOUSE 6 ROOMS, BATH: WATER free; $20. 1804 Stevenson, apply cor. grocery. SUNNY HOUSE, 12 ROOMS, FURNISHED; stable and carriage house. 2612 Folsom st. OUSES, FLATS, STORES, OFFICES, ALL kinds of property to rent ; furniture Insured. BALDWIN & HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. A TENEMENTS, 3 AND 4 ROOMS EACH; tt rent $9. $10. $11. 812 Jessie St.. near Ninth. FURNISHED HOUSES. T?LEGANTLY FURNISHED RESIDENCE; -Ei beautiful garden: stable: Pacific Heights; ma- rine view; contains 15 rooms, baths, etc., com- plete. Apply EASTON, ELDRIDQE & CO., 638 Market st. ]\TICE SUNNY FLAT: 5 ROOMS AND BATH; -L\ furnished or unfurnished. Apply 1306Va Jack- son St.. from 10 a. m to i p. m. - > . — — — — — — — — — »— — — — — i furnished FLATS. j J"~^olCa^u7Ss^^co^ J beds: bath; all conveniences: $25. 1917 Geary. COTTAGES TO LET. 7^rTXaE^S~RO?)MS^ BATHr~GA¥J~ALSO \J flat 4 rooms, $12. Apply 1121 Vallejo st. » ©1Q FINE COTTAGE 4 ROOMS AND BATH ; «JJ)-LO. all modern improvements. 218 Locust nve., bet. Van Ness aye. and Franklin St., Golden Gate aye. and McAllister st. <D»IQ BAY-WINDOW COTTAGE ; 4 ROOMS . <Jp±O. bath and basement. 33 Thirteenth st. GO 9 COTTAGE; 6 ROOMS; WATER FREE; *3>±.*J, 109 Twenty-sixth, near Mission. - FLATS TO LET. TT^DRI^IsH^D^MrDDIjE^F^AF^F^T^ItOOMS X: and bath: rent reasonable; 1052 Howard st., near Seventh. Apply G. H. UMBSKN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. UNNY MODERN FLAT, 6 ROOMS AND bath, $20 per month, Including water. 23V 2 Devisadero, bet. Ridley and Waller. PPER FLAT. 7 ROOMS, BATH; SUN ALL day. 529 Hayes St., near Fillmore. AY-WINDOW FLAT, 8 ROOMS AND BATH; rent $30. 1627 Clay st., near Polk. 999£ GEARY — SUNNY FLAT, 5 ROOMS, — — — v> bath; rent $22 50, water included. LEGANT SUNNY FLAT; 7 R003IS; BATH; beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. LAT 1717 a HAIGHT ST., NEAR PARK— large sunny rooms and bath, yard and garden. Inquire on premises. , ' ■ ' : . 9/j ] n HARRISON— FLAT; 3 ROOMS, BATH; i-*xx. i basement; laundry. MALL DESIRABLE FLATS OF 4 ROOMS; k? rents reduced. 327 Clementina s nr. Fourth. UNNY BAY-WINDOW FLAT ; 5 ROOMS; bath; $15. 117 Perry St., near Third. , "Sj7 LOWER FLAT; 3 ROOMS; YARD; <£) I . water; all separate; near the new power- house: 1111 Elm aye. g Inquire 1512 Golden Gate avenue. . ' " " ■'-■'■'■. . ■ ■ : • in I . I :GANT~ MIDDLE FLAT: 4 ROOMS, BATH; Hi yard. . 8 Shotwell st., near Fourteenth. •; UST FINISHED— S2S, 2213 JONES ST., ■ 6 : rooms and bath ; $30, 2217 Jones, 7 rooms and bath: marine view. ASHTON & GARDNER, 411 Montgomery st. .. "© 1 9 FLAT 4 ROOMS; . WATER FREE; «JpX^s. large cellar; 1209y Bush st. Apply at 1209 a Bush st. - ■;..- ..--..• ■:;,;-. A~\ d WALLER, NEAR FILLMORE— S SUNNY tfcxU rooms and bath, $16; also 410b, partly fur- nished, $15, newly painted. ■ '■" ' "<JJt 1 1 Fit I 4 ROOMS. 135 .1VY AYE., NEAR ;<JPXX'.UV/.|Vaa Ness aye. : rpo > LET— NEW FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND -J. bath; all modern Improvements. NE. corner of Twentieth and Capp sts. . . . : . . . . 0,9-1 FLORIDA ST.-MODERN FLAT OF 5 t/iJT: rooms and bath ; rent $18. :.'■■-.■- J? LEG ANT FLAT: 5 ROOMS"; BATH; SUN IN. Hi every room ; $29. .-■ 16 Grove st., near City Hall. ©OC ELEGANT SUNNY FLAT, OPP. JEF- ypZiO. ferson 925 Golden Gate av.,nr. Laguna. T?LEGANT - new flats, seventh ' ST.. XIJ below Bryant— s and 6 rooms; bath; $10, $17, UNNY FLATS— 4 AND 5 ROOMS; BATH; $12 ami SI 3. 1249 Eighteenth. -.■■ HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ~ T 'TTrr^iTT^KfoSr^SnfcELY FURNISHED xXUa sunny rooms with kitchen privilege; $2 50 to $3 per week. ...:.. • i 9 A "MI: It "A : . i ' PLACE, •• OFF GEARY ST., ! «£' * hot. Mason and Taylor — Nice furnished sunny < front room only for gents. *. ' . ; /'AC NATOMA —Si FURNISHED.; FRONT UUt) rooms' for housekeeping;, hot and cold water. '" ■ • .'-■"■. -...-.■■ • . .-•■ • = ■-• i HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS — Continued. 1 "forTHmVARD "- -LARGE '" SUNNY FUR- XXOU nished room $3. £1 BUCHANAN — SUNNY CONNECTING UXO front rooms with kitchen, 915; with bath. n 9-1 BUSH — FURNISHED ROOMS FOB 1 -JX housekeeping to let. " E\A({ MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR <J^£yJ housekeeping;. large yard. 1 £90 STOCKTON— 2 OR 3 NICE SUNNY -i-yJ-j\J rooms furnished for housekeeping; cheap. 4 00l PIFTH-2 PERFECTLY FURNISHED sunny housekeeping rooms; cheap. QXO MISSION.— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; O*JO furnished housekeeping; cheap. O( )Q TEHAMA, NR. FOURTH— SUNNY FUR- «-M'U nished housekeeping rooms. 99 X FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- ■■■J.I-.U able for light housekeeping; also single. Qt~\f\ FRONT SUNNY ROOM, WITH CON- <u?XV. servatory; first floor; large grounds. 48 Oak st. "1 9 LASKrE, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH— X*j 3 or 4 rooms for housekeeping; bath. 9 SUNNY CORNER BAY-WINDOW HOUSE- -J keeping rooms cheap; others. ■ 16 South Park. 944 SIXTH— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY X X' front bay-window room; 10. 1 QOQ FILLMORE— STJ \N V, NEWLY FUR- J-i/— O nished rooms; housekeeping; single; gas; bath. 1 Ql\A. PINE— 2 SMALL ROOMS, FURNISHED XOV/tr for housekeeping: 912. "MR TWELFTH— SUNNY CORNER HOUSE; ■JL"id front housekeeping rooms; rent reduced. m WEBSTER— PARLORS AND KITCHEN furnished or unfurnished for housekeeping. 09/"' LARKIN— 2 OR 3 SUNNY ROOMS; FUR" *J£i\J nished complete for housekeeping. 41 Q MINNA— FRONT AND BACK PARLOR; JM-t/ kitchen; first floor; furnished housekeeping. RAO WASHINGTON — SUNNY UNFUR- *J\J-£i nished housekeeping rooms; running water. i rt SCOTT, NEAR HAIGHT— UPPER HALF; J- I private; 4 rooms; bath; furnished. 2 OR 3 BUNNY BAY-WINDOW BOOMS; FUR- nished for housekeeping. 601 V 2 Sixth st. JAQE LLIS— 2 DESIRABLE SUNNY ROOMS, ttv/t/ complete for housekeeping; central. (11 4 FURNISHED AND UNFUR- "-!-' nished housekeeping ; also storage, j 1 £c GUY PLACE, OFF FIRST, NR. harri- XKJ son— Large sunny unfurnished room. "DOOMS TO FRONT SUITE, SUNNY | ■*•«' and elegantly furnished; all modern conve- niences; desirable for two. 42 Turk St., one block from Baldwin Hotel. BOOMS TO LET. QAI LARKIN— LARGE SUNN^UOOM^COM^ Ovrt pletely furnished, $8; suitable for two., 997 SIXTH — FURNISHED AND UNFUR- —^J I nished and office rooms to let. (if\\ POLK— COMFORTABLE SUNNY ROOM; \J\JI. part payment in chamber work. ml STOCKTON — NICE SUNNY FUR- -2 nished rooms; light housekeeping allowed. O"l 4 O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED Oil parlor. _ . £>A THIRD— NEWLY RENOVATED SINGLE Uv or en suite. 79 BRADY, BET. POTTER AND HERMAN— I A 3 unfurnished rooms cheap to small family. m TENTH, NEAR MARKET— 2 LARGE, sunny front rooms. LADY LIVING ALONE WOULD LIKE RE- XJ spectable man and wife to room; sunny parlor and bedroom with use of kitchen; rent cheap. Apply 38 Tehama st., bet. First and Second. FU\\ POST— NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; *J\Jk) single or en suite. HOWARD-SUNNY FRONT AND".OTHER \jjLiO double aud single rooms: reasonable. AA f\ JESSIE, REAR MINT— NICELY FUR- ■^tXU nished single room for gentleman. QQO SACRAMENTO— FURNISHED ROOMS, 000 with or without board. MRS. E. D. DAVIS. CQ9 POLK— FLAT 2 LARGE SUNNY UN- OOZj furnished rooms; yard. "1 99 TAYLOR — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED J-^i— ' large sunny rooms. CiCi>7 MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- Uul nished bay-window rooms; $1 week. "1 Q9Q DUPONT, COR. CHESTNUT— SUNNY lO^o furnished room. mHE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 Xne.v sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. 28 Eighth St., near Market. A 11LINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— AS- -O. ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first.class in every respect ; terms reasonable. Cm JESSIE, COR. SIXTH — ELEGANTLY O\JX furnished parlor and housekeeping rooms. ■\7-qSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. X Sixth and Seventh— and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, SI 50 to 95; families. BOARDING AND BOOMS. R^oll'A^D^B^AlßD^Oß^i^XDTE^T^^A XV month. 504% Sixth St. OOM AND BOARD FOR GENTLEMAN; PRl- \> vate; reasonable. 120 McAllister st., flat 1. P-9] POST, OPP. THE OLYMPIC CLUB— O^il. Front room, with fine board for one or two; reasonable. THE BERESFORD, COR. STOCKTON AND X Bush sts.: established 13 years; quiet and select family ■ hotel all modern conveniences and luxu- ries; table highest class; sunny suites $70 to $100 per month: sunny, single rooms $35 to $50 per month; transient $1 50, $2 and 92 50 per day: the only first-class downtown family hotel. WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN. Proprietor. . STOKES TO LET. TCTICE^SSuBT^RO^M^^oTwrrSwATER; i-N Webster St., bet. Railroad and Haight ayes., ■AJameda; suitable for gents' furnishing or shoe store. Q TORE WITH 2 SHOW WINDOWS, 3 LIVING- O rooms. 1802 Howard st. STABLES to 1 LET. QTABLE AND CARRIAGE-HOUSE TO RENT. O Apply to J. F. HILLS, 813 Stockton st. MEDICAL. A^UREr^A^E^NIS~SP^DT~CURE^FOR all female diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice. A home in confine- ment, with best care, with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital. Those who are sick or discouraged should call on the doctor and state their case; they will find In her a true- friend. All consultation free. A positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit. Every case guar- anteed without injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 3111,2 Hyde St., bet. Ellis and Eddy. ALL IRREGULARITIES RESTORED AT XX once; every case guaranteed; Cancers and Tumors expelled by Medical Electricity; refined home during coafinement, with every comfort and privacy ; regular physician of long and successful practice ; travelers treated without delay; French pills guaranteed; safe and sure relief at any time; consultation free, confidential. MRS. DR. WYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post st,, bet. Hyde and Larkin. ME D CLAIRVOYANT ; DIAGNOSIS consultation free; lady physician specialist; women's diseases; hrs. 2 to 9 p.m. 803 Golden Gate. DR. HALL, 14 MCALLISTER, SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernia Bank; diseases of women. AUDET'S APHRO TAJJLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, Impotencyand all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, 6 boxes 95; send for circular. J. H. WIDBEK, cor. Market and Third, sole, agent. TF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE DISEASE X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254^ 4th. PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT. MRS. X M. E. ROGERS, 929 Howard st. ALL LADIES CONSULT MRS. DR. SCCTT, 110% Turk st. ; only qualified trusty specialist for sure, quick relief of Irregularities; no matter what cause; painless method; never fails; home in confinement; babies adopted: also treats dis- ease of the eye successfully. A 1.1, LADIES, NEAR OR FAR, SAFE, QUICK -i v cure guaranteed of any disease or irregularity; sure relief, though others fail; home, etc.; travel- ers treated; low fees; self-cure: send, call or write; strict confidence; physicians of wide experience; assistant. MRS. DR. DAVIES, 14 McAllister St., next Hibernia Bank. French F. pills, $3; safe- guard, $5. Send stamp for answer. NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- ments or worthless pills used ; every woman her own physician for all female troubles; no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day can be sent and used at home; all cases guaran- teed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. DRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women ladles near or far assured quick relief of disease; Irregularities restored daily; safe core guarantod; no instruments; home for patients; best medical attendance; low fees; free; Drs. Scud- der's pills and capsules warranted.l37o Market st. M~ 88. DR. WEG~NER, 419 EDDY . ST.-IRREG- ularities cured in one day; no Instruments; pills and safety capsules guaranteed; travelers at> tended; no delay; private home for ladies. A LPEAI'S FRENCH PILLS. ■•- " xV A boon to ladles troubled with irregularities; no danger; safe and sure; 1 92 50, express C. O. D. don't delay - until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- laud, Cal., agents for Alpeau et Cie. ■ DX. AND MRS. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211% Mission, now 1508 Market st.;month- y irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used; sure preventive. EDUCATIONAL. . TfEßlrKsAirAisirp<HTs^^ V taught. C. EISENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. T ILLIAN BEDDARI), THE ENGLISH AC- J-J tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic profession : appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. (J TIEHL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, HISTORY O bdg, 723 Market; Investigate; special offer. ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT: YOUNG lady teacher. 140 Fulton, nr. Van Ness aye. QCHOOLELECTRICAL, CIVrL, MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay; estab. '64. VAN PER NAILLEN.723 Mkt. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ?24 POST; always in the lead. Send for circulars. " PERSONALS. Advicei'reeldivokl'l': laws a special;. -£x ty: collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. <;. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. PACIFIC STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY, 20 Ellis St., rms. 1 & 2: telephone, main 5506, 8. K. LINCOLN BROS., 226 SLXTH ST., ARE SELL- ing new cheese. 6c lb: fresh eggs, 15c dozen; fresh butter, 20c a roll 10- Ib sack cornmeal, 25c; 10-lb sack oatmeal, 35c; picnic hams, B%c lb; finest sugar-cured hams, 10c Ib; macaroni, 25c a box : rice, 20 lbs for $1 ; prunes, 25 lbs for $1 ; 10 cans table apricots, 91; 20 cans sardines, 91; 10 cans best jam, 91; 10-lb can of lard, 91; 15 cans tomatoes, 91 ; 10 cans sugar corn, $1; 12 cans oysters, $1 ; flour, 65c a sack; 4 tt> coffee, i?l. LIN- COLN BROS., cash grocers, 226 Sixth St., bet. Howard and Folsom. CARPETS WOVE TO ORDER AND FOR XV sale; also chenille-wove rugs and silk-rag por- tieres, and dealer in carpet twine In hank or chain at lowest rates. GEO. MATTHEW, 709 Fifth St., Oakland, ( .1!. FINE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75. Jj Misfit Parlors, 14 Geary st. /COCKATOOS— TWO " AUSTRALIAN COCKA- \J toos for sale. 1919 a Mason. ARD TABLES AND OFFICE DESKS. 211 Post st. ; basement ; repairing. L~ ATEST DANCE MUSIC FOR PARTIES; XJ 91 50. 1424 Greenwich st. .:.?-•':.',--.. LOAKS, CAPES AND FURS RETAILED AT \J manufacturers' cost. 20 Sansome st., upstairs. T7-INETOSCOPES FOR SALE; PHONOGRAPH XV outfits bought for cash. Bacigalapl, 946 M'k't. KEWARD— TO THE YOUNG LADY AND elderly gentleman who saw a lady fait and break her arm at the ferry on October 22, 1894, if they will send their address to HAIGHT, 220 Sail- some St., S. F. TirALTZ IN THREE LESSONS; ART I [0 " dances for parlor or stage taught daily at IR- VINE'S, 927 Mission st., opposite U. S. Mint. THE ORIENTAL— 6IS TAYLOR ST., NEAR X Sutter: newly furnished family hotel; cleanest In the city; superior French lady cook. A DVICE FREE AL AN D PRIVATE MAT- 1\- ters. People's Law Offlce,B3B Market.McCAßE. "WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND Tt printed. ROBERTSON'S, 136 Post St. riOOK-BOOKS at ROBERTSON'S, 126 POST \J street. LD BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD, store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.; cheap. Yard 116 C Mission St., nr. Eighth. ■WE COULDN'T DO THE BUSINESS WE'RE » * doing if prices were not right, Carpels, new and second hand, from 25c up ! Oak Bed 5et3..... 917 50 up Mattings, per yard 7c up Linoleum, per yard 50 c Kitchen Chairs 25 • Kiich Tables $1 5U EVERYTHING .IN PROPORTION, Largest stock and store in the city; lowest prices; easy terms, if desired. J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. Open evenings. ■. ' CECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS, O showcases, counters, shelving*, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sure and sec stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. .1. NOONAN, 1017-1019- -1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. GAS FIXTURES AM) PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate aye. li. HUFSCHMIDT. lANO LESSONS, 25c HALF-HOUR; GER- X man lady. 1126 Howard st. OLD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS' AND LADIES' clothing bought. COLMAN, 41 Third st. WINDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TO order by WILLIAM McI'HCN. 1195 Market. ■Kg* A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 6 CENTS— SS^ST WEEKLY CAL In wrapper, lor mailing. dentists. D~"r! c?~e! BLA ■•■■■< Tnl^tructilblk LATEST INVENTlON— Especially for bridge work; positively guaranteed never to break; any patient once seeing them will admit this is the tooth most wanted; also DR. BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns: no display of gold. THE HIGHEST ART IN DENTISTRY. Prices moderate. Office 405 Sutter, nr. Stockton. NY TOOTH FILLED OB EXTRACTED painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas; won 8 first prizes; prices rea- sonable; work warranted; all operations expertly done; remember I have removed from 6 to 20 O'FarreU at. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK- BEAUTIFUL ALUMINUM-LINED set OF artificial teeth, 910, former price 930; for a short time only. DR. W. P. COOL, 22 Kearny st. riROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION 769 MAR- \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas, specialists: only reli- able agent for painiesn extraction; artificial teetU frmsa; fillings fromsl; extracting 50c. with gas SI. DR. RE A, 9 SIXTH ST.: ALL DENTAL WORK at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings. <2»n A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED \s vp • good as can be made; filling ,*l. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market St., next Baldwin Theater. LL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- ed. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. R. J. J. LEEK, 1 Fl FT ft ST.; OPEN EVEN- ings and Sundays until uoo-'.. DR. LUDLUM HILL, 14 ■■.. 3 !.\RKET ST., near Eleventh; no charge for e.viri'-: Ing when plates are made; old plates made over "new; teeth from 98 per set; extracting 50c; gas pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION.' 808 MAR- \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. MONEY TO LOAN. . . ,_,. r._^ J x J . J -_w_,.., ... ■■■_.. .----.. ,_,- -IST AND 2D . MORTGAGES, ESTATES, pianos. alimony ;any sum. MURPHY.62B Market. ST, 3D OR CHATTEL MORTGAGE, PIANOS, X estates, Insurance, etc. BPECK'S, 30 Montgy. 81 TO 11 PER CENT OFFERED ON GOOD 3 firstmortgage security in prosperous farm- ing county. CHAS. E. NAYLOR, 19 Montgomery. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE OR COL- laterals. JAS. E. DAMON, 303 Montgomery. UNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER building, room 67 ; telephone Main 5122. fiX MONEY ON REAL-ESTATE SECURITY. D ♦ SHADBOURNE JR. & CO., 313 Montgy St. NY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or write: open evenings. J. NOONAN, 1021 Mission st. ON ANY SECURITY, A fTSiW IIA'tES;DEAI> VJ ing confidential. 43 Crocker building^ MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St., nr. Mason : private entrance 7 Turk. - LEGAL NOTICES. "tTeCEI YE R'S~sX£iT'oF~PERSONA ~iT PBOP- XV erty at public auction— is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale made and Issued out of the Superior Court of Santa Clara County, Cal., on the Ist day of March, 1895, in the matter of the insolvency of ISADORE LABELL, an in- solvent debtor, now pending in said court, the un- dersigned, the receiver appointed in said insol- vency proceedings, hereby offers for sale at public auction all of the property hereinafter mentioned belonging to the estate of said insolvent, now in said receiver's possession, in store at the northwest corner of Second and San Fernando sts., in the city of San Jose, Said property consists of a full line of dress goods, dry goods, men's and boys' furnish- ing goods, men's and boys' hats, shoes and store fixtures, amounting to as per inventory, $13,- -275 20. The above-mentioned property may be inspected any time during business hours and np to the hour of sale by applying at the Sheriff's office of Santa Clara County. Said sale will take place on the premises at the NW. corner of Second and San Fernando streets, la the city of San Jose, In said county and State, on Saturday, the 16th day of March, 1895, at 11 O'clock a. M. of that day. Said property will be sold as a whole or in three separate parcels, as the receiver may deem most expedient and for the best Interests or the creditors Of said estate. J.H.LYNDON, Receiver of the Estate Of ISA- DORE .LABELL, an insolvent debtor. JOHN E. RICHARDS JOHN G. JURY, At- torneys for receiver. Dated San Jose this 2d day of March, 1895. piTY AND COUNTY TREASURY, SANFRAN- \J cisco, March 1, 1895.— compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Order 1598 of the Board of Supervisors, approved September 15, 1880, there will be sold at public auction by E. 8. SPEAR & CO. at their salesrooms, 31-33 Sutter street, on MONDAY, April 1, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m., sundry articles of . stolen, lost and unclaimed property recovered by the police force of San Francisco as detailed in an inventory thereof on file In the Office of the clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and con- sisting of jewelry, wearing apparel, pistols, knives, etc. Open for inspection on morning of sale. J. H. WIDBER. • . - City and County Treasurer. DELINQUENT SALE NOTICES. , DE L INQUENT SALE N^tlcE^-'gOLDEN Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, California; loca- tion of works. Devils Gate Mining District, Lyon County, Nevada. ■ Notice— are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 1), levied on . the Btti day of January, 1895, the several amounts set opposite the names of the re- spec ive shareholders, as follows: ' No. Names. No. Cert. Shares. Amount. Morris Hoeflich 5 10,000 50000 H. M. Levy, Trustee 7 20.000 ' 3,000 00 H.M. Levy, Trustee........ 8 1,000 150 H.M. Levy, Trustee... 9 1,000 150 00 H.M. Levy, Trustee ....10 1.000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 11 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee... 12 500 - 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 18 20,000 3,000 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 19 7,900 1,185 00 E.B. Holmes, Trustee...... 20 995 149 25 : I And in accordance with law, and an order from the Board of Directors, made on the eighth day of January, 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may he necessary, will be sold at pub- lic auction at the office of the company, room 60, Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgomery street, San Francisco, : California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of March, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. v. of s.ald day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- .penses of sale. : ... E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. Office— 60, Nevada Block. No. 309 Mont- gomery street, Ban Francisco, California. ■ POSTPONEMENT. • . _ - Notice is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to MON- DAY, the 25th day of March, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. - ■. •■ • •-■ ■ E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. 9