- WAMTBP-Coni innea. Yencp'-n^H AX " VVI 1 < HFOUR YEARS' EXPERI- J- ence in Mrs; -class custom coats, can cut Mitch- rtro - stem, ant position: city or country. Ad- dress M. S., box 91, Call Branch Office. .^ ■ WANTED— POSITION BY MAX AND WIFE 1 h ,;t s C M ks '",','- ; ; : ' !anch or Prtvate family. Ap- PiJ 01 . . Perrj -1.. city. cobeb; reliable YOUNG MAX, WITH 0 experience in care of horses and driving, wants ■oj Kind of work; wages $20 and found- refer- Address L. M.^box^Calf Branch. * ' W ANTFD-rOSITION AS GARDENER BY a' 11 man wjio understands his business: landscape .•r greenhouse work. Address J. W. 8., Wood- ward's Gardens, 1740 Mission st. «-.wood- "CITUATIOX WANTED BY A GERMAN AND Owife, without -children, on private place: man to take care of horses, garden and cow, careful rfKS'w^it-^r.ifS o^ or second work. Address J. j'K^i ■: .'.M'r.N. Ik>x ISO, Nan, I 'a l . T™ l^.^ MEI^P WANTED. j. \ .-H\nM:,i!!, : i !K; , *„n' ' ' '.' i.'V- s nousowork girls, city and country, a u^rr-i-V-? . v »u «K Kirls, assist, $12 to $15. Apply MTB3 CTTLLEy, ipg Stockton st. •V EA T GERMAN OR SWEDISH HOUSEWORK J' ■ P', rl -^ Q Auselmo, $20: St. Helena, $15; San KafaeK_s2s. MISS CCLLEX, 105 Stockton st. ( '"; 1 ! - SAN MATEO, *:.:. SEE LADY HERE y, no flock; second girl, $20, and other girls can n t, . r " Ial)1 ° sit «atlons of any kind by applying 103 Stockton st. pOOK AND DOWNSTAIRS GIRL FOR COtJN- v . ;' small family, $^5: plain ironer for country , lUn i, y ' $25; fancy ironer, short uistani-e in coun- . r j''"' * ° week; companion for family of 2. country, gls; 5 young ~irls to do light housework, $10, $15; « nurses for country, good home, $10: waitress for restAurant, city, $4" week. C. R. HAXSEX i CO., 110 Geary. \\' ANTED— LUNCH COOK, $6 A WEEK; 2 'I nurses and serving, city and country, $20; cook. German style, $25: 9 French and German second girls, $"J0: invalid's nurse, $20: 2 wait- resses and chambermaids, country hotels, $20, and Kirls for housework In city and" country. J. F. CROSETT A'CO., 312 Sutler st. "W A XTED— COMPETEXT IRISH SECOND II girl, with references, $20. and others. J. F. CROSETT A CO., 312 sutler st. ANTED 2 GOOD IBONEBS ON PIECE 1 1 work for city laundry. Apply MISS PLUN- XETT, 424 sntter st. ANTED — 3 GIRLS OR WOMEN FOR IT cleaning; waitress, $18: cook in family of 8. 525; cook for family, keep second girl, $26, see party in office 11 a. m.: housegirl for place on .Fulton St., $15; nnrsogirl care one child: young pirl assist in housework, $12: girls for Tiburon, •Alameda, Berkeley and other country places; small girl. ■ 8 a month; 511 irso girl : 7 young girls, 910 and $12 a month: 10 housexlrls, tf'.s; girl for housework, do cooking, no washing, $15, etc.; 5 <^rman girls, $15 to $25. MARTIN & CC. 749 Market st. p_ERMAN COOK, $35 SECOND GIRL FOR vr ninali family, $25; 2 nurs"girls, $12: 4 Kirls for liouseworK^jfl^ai)^ $20. MRS. :-'-D, 705 Polk. COOK. COUNTRY, $25; 10 HOUSEGIRLS, $20. MME. LEOPOLD. 057 Market st. I 00-1 M ARKET"ST., ROOM. 2, IST FLOOR: -*-v\j-t reliable male and female help, white and colored, on short notice; please give us a call for your heip. FIRST-CLASS I 3HWASHI GERMAN woman; cook: girl for light housework. 1004 Market st., room 2, Ist floor. "U'RENCH GIRL AS WAITRESS AND SEAM- X stress: reference; call between 9 and 10 a.m.; vnigi'3 rf!s. 2016 Van Ness aye. p IRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK; 2 IN FAM- T" ily. 624» 1 Lagunast. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; ONE who likes children. 828 a Union st. EABPET-SEWEKS. APPLY XJ W. & J. sLOAXE & CO., 641 Market st. AN ! >— 20 i NTH LLIGENT LADIES TO it call for 3 days and investigate our new propo- s-tion. 116 Turk St.. ground floor. GERMAN oiri, FOB PLAIN COOKING AND * ' general housework. 1C23 Minna St., oil Elev- enth, near Mission. \ r OUXG GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSEWORK X and care children: $10. 761 Harrison st. 1 Of) SIXTH — YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST I— ' ' with children ; sleep home. . \\' A X TE D— G IRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- - 11 work. 271.*; Shotwell st. "WANTED— GERMAN WOMAN COOK. AP- -1 ' ply at|bouse next church, Lyon and Washin^- ton sts, 1 2 to 2p. a. GIRL ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSEWORK, small family. 8181/4 Greenwich st. OEWERS ON LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S O wear. 24 Ellis. St., top floor. Si IBH AN D " GERMAN EMPLOYMEXT office for good working sirls. Hi- Antonio st., off Jo:.es, near Ellis. MRS. OHLSON. GIRLS WASTED — patterns CUT TO order. 25c. at McDowell Academy, 213 Powell. F. ST AT LAWRENCE DRESSCUT- X ting ScEoo!. 1231 Market st. HALE HELP WANTED. LITERS, CO UNTBY HOTEL, II $25: pantry-boy, country hotel, $15; plow hands and others. R. T. WARD & CO., 608 and 610 Clay st. TJARKE E R, $30 AND FOUND; COUNTRY -t) shop-baker, $60; 5 cooks; 3 waiters, $30; waiter lor a lunch counter, 20. MURRAY & READY, 634 Clay st. CHOPPERS TO CUT SHIXGLE-BOLTS, 1 Ou yesir job and company work : farmer and wife; 4 farmers: choreboy for a stabie; 5 brickyard la- borers and 3 ofT-bcarers for a country brickyard. MURRAY OOD BARBER FOR SATURDAY AXD SUX- v_T day. 1065 Market St., near Seventh. GIOOD BARBER FOR SATURDAY, $3; ALSO IJT apprentice. 137 Third st. "OARBER FOR SATURDAY. 606 THIRD ST. ARBER FOR SATURDAY" AND SUNDAY. 816 Batter}' st. BARBER, SATURDAY NOON AND SUNDAY. 629 Union st. "WANTED— BARBER FOR SATURDAY. 133% >' Ninth st. . . BARBER WANTED FOR SATURDAY afternoon. ■ 1920 Market St. BABBEB WANTED FOR SATURDAY. 1231 X> Market st. BARBEK FOR SATURDAY. 302J/4 FOURTH street. Bl EMPLOYMENT CALL 11. X> SCHEUNERT, employment secretary, Barbers' Association, 12 Seventh st. PL TAILOR X forcountrj'. REISS BROS., 26 Sinter st. Tir ANTED — PANTS- PRESSER. 641 MAR- IT ket st. . S TRONG BOY TO LEARN BAKER'S TRADE. 727 Larkln st. S"~ EAMEN AND GREEN HANDS; BOANDl- navlans preferred. 322 Pacific st. TABLEMAN WHO HAS HAD EXPERI- O ence doctoring and taking care of horses: steady Job to right man; wages $65; references required. Address X.. box 26, this office. •j.-, MI \. BLACKSMITHS, EXGIXEERS O and carpenters on steam whalers. 103 Mont- -I .ornery " " ■ , C (Steady MAX, with $150, AS partner O In office: will clear $75 to each; must be able to attend to office. MILLER. 23 Kearny st. St ANTED-STEADY MAX FOR LIGHTBUSI- II ness- *15 to $18 ptr week; must have $100; experience not required. 783y 2 Market st., room 3. "WANTED— MEN WHO DO NOT RECEIVE » V their wages to place accounts with, us; law and commercial collection : no charge unless success- ful. KXOX COLLECTION AGENCY. 10 .Slitter. W ANTED —"YOUNG, fXTELLIGEXT AND >\ sober man (German) to drive balcer wagon; one wlthfcxperience preferred; need not apply unless you state in your application references and partic- ulars as to "former employment. Address s., box 108, Call Branch. - BIT ANTED — FIRST-CLASS TEAM MEN OX ♦ 1 ladies' line shoes. SEIBE-GLAN VILLE CO., 25 Jessie s:. "WANTED— PARTNER IN VI NO SALOON; TT big bargain; partner preferred to hired help. 636 1 : tad 1 .. ■ GENTS TO SOLICIT FAMILY WINE trade; Rood commission. 259 Fourth st. "VTOTICE— BKMOVED~FROM 706 TO T26V.J Xi Howard St., opp. Howard-st. , Theater; best place in city for new and second-baud shoes. HKLP WANTED- Con tinned. To TAILORS — COATMAKERS WANTED Apply from 9 till li to CHARLES LYONS London Tailor, 1212-1218 Market st. - "YyAXTED— SEAMEN AND ORDINARY. AP- -11 ply 313 Pacific st., Shipping Agency. '.: TV ANTED— MEN TO GET BOTTLE SHARP '» steam beer, sc; bottle wine, Be. 609 Clay st. ARBER-SHOP AND CIGAR-STAND FOR sale, $175, in couniry. Inquire 325 Grant aye., 8. FUCIIS. " AJEX'S SOLES 40C; GUARANTEED FOR -i>X 4 months; done 15 minutes. 635 Kearny st. Rl ELECTED EMPLOYMENT SEC. BAB- bers' Protective Union. C. TROELL, 657 Clay. PUTTERS AND TAILORS TO ATTEND THE \J San Francisco Cutting School. 222 Post st., rooms 21 and 22. HOES HALF-SOLED IN 10 MINUTES; done while you wait ; at less than half the usual price: all repairing done at half price. 564 Mission .-•.. between First si. and Second st. XA A PAIRS OF GOOD SHOES, 25c TO $1. 564 «JUU Mission St.; also 631 1*5 Sacramento st. 1;!:: .: BEER: BEST IN CITY; 2 SCHOONERS for 5 cents at 228 Pacific st. WAKE THE DEAD — WE EL'S ALARM I 1 clock: no electricity. 607 Montgomery st. 17 1 1 !■: E COFFEE AND ROLLS. 704 SANSOME; X I single rooms, 15c, 20c, $1 week with breakfast. LINDKLL HOUSE, AND HOWARD— single furnished rooms, 75c week, 15c night. QOl ELLIS .ROSEDALE— REDUCED; O-.X single furnished rooms, ?1 week: 25c night. OGOOD 100 MEALS FOB ONE DIME AT ii Fourth st.; no humbug. "1 AA MEN TO TAKE LODGING AT 10c, 160 -1 \f\f acd 20c a night, Including coffee and rolls. ■ 624 Washington st., near Kearny. rpRY ACME HOUSE, 957 MARKET ST., BE- X low Sixth, for a room: 25c nißht; $1 week. BEST IN CITY— SINGLE ROOMS. 15, 20 AND 25 cents per night; SI, $1 25, $1 50 per week. Pacific House, Commercial and Leldesdorff sts. ~\\r ANTED— BORERS AND MECHANICS 1 1 to know that Ed Eolkln, Reno House propri- etor, has opened Soto House, 32 Fourth St.: 100 rooms; 25c to $1 per night: 81 25 to $4 per week. "I\r ANTED— SINGLE ROOMS, 15c A DAY'; $1 TT week; rooms for two, 25c a day, $1 50 a week; reading room: daily papers. 36 Clay st. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THE \J WEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year, for $1 60, post- age free. KOOMS WANTED. W r A^TE V D7l^rA^AltfE3A^R^A^a^Al?D^ IT nice furnished sunny room in a private family for gentleman; reference required. Write M.. M box 5. this office. PROPERTY WANTED. TjIBEE CATALOGUE— WA^TTED, NICE IM- i- proved ranch, near city, for 2 good flats; rent $25; $3000. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. wasted- miscellaneous. A NTE D-TO PUBCHABE BY. s PAI'ErTn IT Southern California. B. L. BOURLAND, Brady, Tex. HAHNT 308 SIXTH ST., PAYS HIGHEST • price for second-hand ladies', gents' clothing. • LODGING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 90 ROOMS, ON STOCKTON ST. . „'..... . .$2OOO ■*-'O 9-room house; good: worth $500 250 20 rooms; corner: what will you give? 1500 12 rooms; new and worth $1000 550 30 rooms; best corner 111 the city . .... 2000 90 rooms; clearing $300 ." 5500 j H. C. DECKER, 1206 Market st. j n ROOMS; FINELY FURNISHED; NEAR Baldwin; cheap rent; $400. MILLER, 23 Kearny. OH ROOMS; NEAR BALDWIN; CLEARS '8100; price $800. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. T ODGING-HOUBE; 18 ROOMS; ALL SUNNY; I■* nice garden front and rear. 210 Hyde st. FURXITCKK FOR SALK. BEDROOM SETS, 811; OAK CHAIRS, »1; carpets. 45c. SHIREK, 1310-1312 Stockton. pUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS \J this week at McC ABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. 1) EDUCTIONS ON LARGE STOCK, NEW AND XI second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- cloth, 25c; parlor suits. $19 up; linoleum, -5.V- - -piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash or installments: goods shipped tree. T. H. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. FUIt N ITIiKE AN TED. IpURNITURE, COUNTERS, SHOWCASES, restaurants bought.sold. ANDERSON, II2I WILLIAM [TEBFIELD, AUCTIONEER; II buys, sells and rents furnished houses. Office opposite Palaco Hotel, 2d floor Crocker building. A LARGE QUANTITY SECOND-HAND FUB- -^l. niture wanted : 20 per cent paid more than else- where. MALOXK. 110 Fourth st.; new store. - CARPETS. PARPETST4SC: LIn6I3^77^OcTbEDROOM V.-' set. $11. SHII'.KK, 1310-1312 Stockton st. CAKFJET CLEANING. CITY STEAM CARPET-BEATINO AND \J Renovating Works, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. H. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND \J renovated same as new. S. FERGUSON X FESSOR WALTER, isstiil in the city ; he can be consulted on business, marriages, divorces and all family affairs; the future plainly revealed; lovers united; trouble healed; names of friends and enemies, also the one you will marry; truth guaranteed. Office 303 Jones St., near Eddy ; hours 9 a. M., 9 p. M., Sundays 9 to 5. GRAM I) TEST CIRLK TO-NIGHT"] Or." MME. YOUNG, 723 Gough st., near McAllister. MM E. DR.THOMAS SCIENTIFIC REVEALER by eggs and cards; tells entire life, past, present, future; consultations on ail affairs, nothing excepted; names given, good advice, sure help; restores lost love by sympathy ; mistake impossible • fee $1 ; letter $2. 30 Kearny st. 1 ■\f RS. ANTHONY. MEDIUM, LIFE READER 7 ItX ladies 25c, gents 50c. 248 Third st. M ME. MOREAU, BEST MEDIUM. CLAtRVOY- ■HX ant; speaks German. 25c up. 131 Fourth st. ■\I"ME. RAVINNA.TEST MEDIUM, REVEALS i.»l- past, present and future; mimes given; 25c up. 828b Howard. ME. PORTER, CARD-READER — LADIES 50c, gents $1 ; palmistry and clairvoyant sit- tings $1 50. 506 O'Farrell St., near Jones. Ml -- .1. J. WHITNEY, CLAIRVOYANT, TEST • iU- medium and life-reader. 218 Stockton. ASTROLOGY. ~^ A STRAL SEER— PROF. HOLMES, 523 GEARY -«•% St.; horoscopes, questions, stocks, advice. MONEY TO LOAN. IST AND 2D MORTGAGE^ ESTATES^ Xpianos,alimony;anyBum. MURPHY, 62B Market TST, 2D OR CHATTEL MORTGAGE, PIANOS, X estates. Insurance, etc. SPECK'S, 30 Montgy. . 81 TO 11 PER CENT OFFERED OX GOOD M Brstmortgage security in prosperous farm- ing county. CHAS. E. XAVLOR, 19 Montgomery. MONEY TO LOAN ON MORTGAGE OB COL- lateralg. JAS. E. DAMON, 303 Montgomery. MUNICIPAL LOAN OFFICE, CROCKER bonding, room 67; telephone Main 5122. OX MONEY OX REAL-ESi'ATE SECURITY. O . SHADBOURXE JR. & CO., 313 Montgy St. ANY SUM OF MONEY ADVANCED ON your furniture, pianos or real estate; low rates; call and state your proposition or 1 write: open evenings. J. NOON AN, 1021 Mission st. ON ANY SECURITY, A r LOW BATES; _ ing confidential. 48 Crocker building. MONEY LOANED ON JEWELRY AND OTHER -ltX valuables at the Security Loan Bank, 1106 Market St., nr. Mason: private entrance 7 Turk. ATTOKNEYS-AT-LATV. DYK^FT^ETDrvrTKC^TA^fTA^FEC -TV. ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market >:., cor. Stockton. \\r W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW,42d «' ..California St.. rms. 14-15; advice free. JOHN K. AIT KEN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, §& 16 and 17. 402 Montgomery st.. cor. California. TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES. i rjiYPEWBITERS FOR RENT"" MACHINES I sold cheap. HANSON CO.,Chronlcle 8!d,r.38. A"CALIGRAPH" WILL OUTLAST ALL OTH- ers. See NAYLOR, 19 Mty st., about 1 ; rents, ' repairs, supplies Mimeographs: Installment terms. TO EXCHANGE. IjiOß SALS OR EXCHANGE FtJlt a RANCH, milk and cream business; 66 cans trade. For particulars apply 1911 .Mission st. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1895. BUSINESS CHANCES. > "Y[ OTICE— TI >BUY < >B SELL A BUSINESS OF > i-i any kind see STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. - ffijT7"?T~SALOO2J AND LUNCHHOUSE; - •-Jstt(t J >. clear $100 month. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. ' pOFFEE SALOON AND BRANCH BAKERY; \J bargain. See STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. 1 ©linn PARTNER WANTED IN FIRST- , «IP-L±V/U. class saloon: No. 1 location; best-pay- ing place In the city. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth. 1 Q^AAfi MILLINERY-STORE; OLD ES- • yOuuU. tablished; best location in the city: 3 " fine furnished rooms: pays well: owner retiring from business. See STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth. f (J£;^7Ta~BAKERY' ; NO. 1 LOCATION; 3 '4POUV/. rooms; cheap rent: good paying place; ' horse, wagon, etc. See STRAND&CO., 19 Sixth st. : 969^0 PARTNER WANTED IN A THRIV- i t)U. Ing cash business; duties light and easily learned; established several years: remaining partner a well-known business man and thoroughly . responsible; will clear to each from $50 to $75 per t month: partner preferred to hired help; see to-day. ■STRAND A CO., 19 Sixth st. ! TfOR SALE— GROCERY-STORE AND BAR; X splendid opportunity: reasonable offer accept- -. Ed; full investigation. STRAND, 19 Sixth st. ¥ir;rj GOOD COFFEE SALOON, chop- - *SiXO\J. house; cheap rent; good thing for a man ■ and wife; average, $10 to $12. STRAND, 19 6th st. - *2? IOX BUTCHER-SHOP: NO. 1 LOCATION; • X^U. pays well. STRAND & CO.. 19 Sixth. ; Q97?; RESTAURANT AND OYSTER- ■ ' — ' •-»- house; cheap ot $500; must sell: :ic- ; account of sickness. STRAND & CO., 19 Sixth st. ' *4J* lOC PARTXER WANTED IN GOOD- . tU>J-^<«J. paying butcher shop; experience un- ! necessary: see to-day. STRAND Third sts.; bargain. STRAND, 19 Sixth st. OYSTER AND CHOP HOUSE; PARTNER leaving for Europe. STRAND, 19 Sixth st. ffl; 7nfl BUTCHERS, ATTENTION— FIRST- ; «Jp • v"i class shop, city front; exclusive trade large ocean steamship company, a line of tugs, : many sailing vessels and a splendid domestic cus- -1 tom; cutting up 5 cattle, 25 sheep and 5 hogs per 1 week, and other stock In proportion; leaves clear ' profit of $200 per month; positive proof or no , sale; actually cheap at $2000 must sell; first of- • er gets it : good reason ; rent cheap, with lease. See GEO. STEWART, 632 Market st. ■ (2iQP.fl RESTAURANT AND BRANCH • <&OO\J. bakery; good place. SPECK'S, 30 , Montgomery. ■ <£? AA WOOD AND COAL BUSINESS ; RESI- ■ (JTUVKJ. dence locality. SPECK'S, 30 Montgom- ery st. ! "Q9AAA RESTAURANT WITH LARGE ■ \J\J\J. oven; near Russ House: fine trade (business men): value for money. SPECK'S, 30 , Montgomery st. Gil XA COFFEE SALOON; WORTH $400; O lO\J. must sell. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. r C«Q^n RESTAURANT; GOOD *UBIN ESS; 1 '~>)O\J. cheap rent; big receipts. MILLER, 23 Kearny. <» I 9^: BRANCH BAKERY. NOTIONS, ETC.; ; rjp.l — U. fine living. MILLER, 23 Kearny. (JOAfj SALOON ON PROMINENT STREET"; iJpjIJXJXJ. a sacrifice. MILLER, 23 Kearwy st, J ABB CHANCE FOR MAN OR WOMAN TO XV buy established cash business; large profits; near city: a bargain: owner desiring to leave city. I PROLL STEXBERO ; 873 Market st. I OIACA MOST POPULAR SALOON OFF IuJXUUI/. Market St.; elegant fixtures: private • rooms; big day and night ti/ule: full investigation ; allowed. PROLL A STEXBERG, 873 Market st. pORKER GBOCERY AND BAB: NEW STOCK ; \J and fixtures: splendid paying business: best lo- ' cation: must «e!l on account of other business. ! PROLL & STENBEKG, 873 Market st. SALOON AND LUXCH-PLACE; FIXE LOCA^ tion; owner leaving city, DECKER, 1206 • Market. OiToXn CIGAR STORE AND FACTORY; : • vu, billiards and pool; fine location, and ;arge wine cellar. Inquire 129 Third st. 1?OR SALE— CAXDY FACTORY AND ICE- X cream; good business. 1434 Market st. ■■yOR CIGAR-STAND. 235 EAST ST., X opp. terry depot. p BEAT SNAP; FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS TO VJ rent and furniture for sale; cost 9340; will sell for HIP, 231/2 Willow aye., bet. 17th and ISth sts. \ L'"» SALE— MODERN BAKERY AXD COF- X fee saloon ?250 net per month price $4000. Address box 6, Call Office, Oakland. "1 > ESTAURANT OX MARKET ST.; CHEAP XV if taken this month. Call Branch. ALOO.V AXD FIXTURES FOR SALE CHEAP; Ono reasonable offer refused. 1418 Howard. piGAR-STAND AND LAUNDRY OFFICE^ \J good trade; cheap. 803 Kearny st. T7IOR SALE— CHEAP; OLD ESTABLISHED _' restaurant; make offer. 62t> Sacramento st. C?97~ teaming business; splendid K\p£i It), double team and work for two wholesale houses on Front st., worth from $75 to $100 p< r mouth: owner sick and has to hire teamster, so is i obliged to sell; team alone worth the money, work i thrown in: the hauling Is nice, clean, light; no early or late work; pay every Saturday nignt; good substantial Income for Industrious man. Particu- lars of J. SULLIVAN, 15b Dore st. ■<3j"l A STEADY MAN AS PARTXER IX »35XtJV'. restaurant; owner good cook. 647 Sac- ramento st. I Sob SALE — A COUNTRY NEWSPAPER; X I daily and weekly; magnificent plant; fine busi- ness; everything in excellent condition; easy terms to a responsible man: owner's health cause for selling. Address Paper, box 10, this office- TOB PRINTING OFFICE FOR .SALE; FIX- -0 tures and material in lirst-class condition: cost $2000: will sacrifice for cash or city real agiate. SAMPSON, box 146, Call Branch. T property, 3 nice modern Improved cottages < in West Oakland; near station; one of 4 rooms and bath, other two of 5 rooms and bath; lot 92x113- -value $7500; rented for $50; will pay difference if more. Address H. H., 623 Golden Gate aye. RICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- er;y on Market st. Corner Pacific aye. and Baker st., 55x137:6 ft • price, $11,000. E. side Stanyan at,, bet. Carl and Frederick sts. • 26x100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson st., overlooking the Pre- i sidio and bay ; $6700. Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park 25x137:6 ft.; electric road passes houses; price 2-story brick house of 9 rooms, with stable fin South Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. S.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson sts.; 137:6x137:6. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st.; 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side cf Dolores st. 25x95 feet. House of 10 rooms and bath, 417 Bryant St.- price #5000. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY: $200 CASH and balance in monthly payments of $50, in- cluding interest at 6 per cent, will secure a lovely home on the best portion of Castro st. ; house con- tains 7 rooms and bath, attic and basement; all modern improvements; lot. 25x105; the owner is a non-resident and gives these terms to make a quick sale; price $4500. Apply to BALDWIN & HAM- MOND, 10 Montgomery St. ¥Q^ni| BARGAIN-EUSH, NEAR MASON, %POUV/'/. north side; 20 rooms. For particu- lars see E. W. SKELTON, 410 Montgomery st. l~9F\h NEW COTTAGE OP 4 ROOMS AND J _'JW. bath; brick foundation: high basement- lot 25x100. 258 Hichland aye., Holly Park. OR SALE— TENEMENT HOUSE 18 ROOMS X 1 and lot; rents $38 per month; mortgage $1800 at 7 per cent; owner compelled to sell, must sell- real value over $3000; lot 25x80; good location make an offer. Address P. R., 34 Kissllng st. TT\O YOU WANT A SUMMER HOME? See those beautiful lots at Alto, Marin County; only 40 minutes from city: price $150- easy terms JOOST & WOOLLE V, 4 New Montgomery st. 1 IC\Ci HOUSE, 6 ROOMS: BARN. ETC., CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley station, Berkeley. UICK SALE OF LOTS; 1 OR 6 NORTH OF the park, nr. StrawDerry HUI and the lake, to De sold this week; cash or time. Room 12, Flood building. .. ,-.y; r... COUNTKY KEAL ESTATE. Jr\~ rich, level land 1% miles from Vacaville; all but 1 acre in apricots, prunes and Crawford p -aches, I 4 years old and in perfect condition and loaded I with fruit; 1 acre just planted to apricots- this j place has received perfect care since planting and j is in perfect condition; the one who secures it gets 1 a snap bargain; see it for yourself. GAMAN & I LYO.N, 215 Kear.'iy st. C?IAA GOVERNMENT LAND LOCATION: 01-W. 160 acres close to San Francisco; 7 miles from railroad town; worth $1000. Apply to WHEELER it CO., 646 Market St., Chronicle bldg. POB SALE— A GOO I r STOCK FARM OF 240 X 1 acres, fenced; 2 good houses: abundance of water, variety of fruit, some timber: or will ex- change for income city property not exceeding $5000 ' or $6800 in value. Apply N., box 10, this office. | 7 11 AND 20 ACRE PIECES-A1 FOR CHICK- I i en ranches; on Sand 10 years' credit ; $25, $30, $70 and $100 per acre: within 1 mile of town. I D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ' vale; $3000; $200 down: $25 monthly. New 7- room house; Golden Gate; $2500; $100 -own ; $20 monthly. 4 lots in Mission, San Francisco; $2400, or will exchange for improved property in San Francisco or Oakland. Address E. C. GILBERT, 1118 Broadway. Oakland. MUST SACRIFICE -A FINE HOME IN Berkeley and 2 in Oakland; finest location; forced to sell. F. C. WATSON, 463 Ninth St., Oak- land. . Alameda; short walk to Morton-st. station: 180 feet on Clinton aye., 390 feet on Sher- man aye; this is a good Investment and must be sold. Apply 1 W. W. BLOW, 1010 Broadway, Oakland. 'A NT AN OFFER FOR A HOUSE ON »» Grove st.; good location. Address E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. T7IOR RENT— A RARE CHANCE: RESIDENCE X of 12 rooms and bath; very large grounds and orchard; lots of Dowers: Outside of town. Annlv to owners, A. J. SNYDER ft CO. JR. CAPELL, ONE OF THE OLDEST REAL . estate dealers in Oakland, has again opened an offlce at 478 Tenth St., Oakland. LOOK! $160— LOTS IN FRUIT VALE ONLY JU $1 cash and $1 a week; buy 11 home and save your small earnings; the Dew railroad will double values in Oakland. H. B. PINNEY, 902 Broad- way, Oakland. • "V.r>-r •^1 "*>O?r~MOUSE. ROOMS. IN BERKELEY; «J)X_-UU. lot 40x100; one-third cash. $400-Lot 40x100: $50 down, $10 monthly; near proponed railroad. CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. $| A A LOT 1 50x300, FRONTING OX TWO <{p i tjyJXJ. streets: house of 6 rooms: barn, well and fruit trees; one block to a main thoroughfare and electric cars; cash loan of $1000 on this prop- erty; must be sold, as owner is going away. H M CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oakland? . Ifi^fi CASH-* ROOMS :a X BATH; A «iP i.\JO\J bargain; 25x100; close to local. WM. P. T('IH). 1008 Broadway. Oakland. alameda KEAL, estate. P^R^eXloT^s^u^tT^oTTnlsTde^l^ \J same size, $525. J. U. YOUNG, 1243 Park st., A lamed a. "QQAA AIiAM EDA BUILDING-LOTS; $25 <£)»JV/U. cash; $10 monthly; 2 blocks to rail- road station; if yon want, bargains see us quick. MACDONALD, MOTT i CO., 1 122 Park St., Ala- rneda. : : ;*-.- 7 .. c - ' \I - MED A — BARGAINS; BEAUTIFUL -*V homes for sale and to rent, furnished or unfur- nished; free teams at office, 1365 Park St., Sundays and all times to examine property. WILL BURS- -11 Ail & CO., 1355 Park St.; branch office, BURN- HAM & MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery st. 1? OR SALE-LOT 150x207, WITH IMPROVE- -I ments, consisting of house, barn and large con- servatory; adjoins lot on which new City Hall is now being constructed ; has great prospect value. I'HAS. S. NEAL. Kiuinp.l Bank, Park St. UEIiKELEY keal estate. "q^aa~nvv. corner, NEAB~ UN IVE Rsi- v mutual consent, MR. SHELDON POMEROY having pur- chased the entire interest of E. J. THEVENET in the firm. E. J. THEVENET. SHELDON POMEROY. San Francisco, March 2, 1895. . ..-.-: _________ — ~— STORAGE. QTOBAGB OFFUBN I T U PlANOsThcTuse" O hold goods, etc. J. M. PIERCE, 735 Market st. "I7IIRST-CLASS STORAGE: ADVANCES MADE X I 421-423 Market at. CHAS. L. tAY LOP, . SEWING MACHINES. SEWING-MACHINES RENTe7>7~$l 60 PER >■ ' month ; all kinds repaired ; machines sold from $ 5 upward. 13.S Market st. J HOUSES TO LET. <2 1 £ HOUSE OF^"ROOMSrEATH7~GAR- «jP-LV/. den; stable; water. Vermont St., near banta Clara, 2 blocks from Lick School. m CEDAR AYE., NORTH OF GEARY ST., bet. Polk and Van Ness — House of 7 rooms and bath. ■ 9QI 7 CALIFORNIA— FINE HOUSE; — i/X I 8 rooms, bath and hot-air furnace. 9 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUNDRY; NEWLY painted; in Urst-class condition and very desir- able; rent $37 50: on Twelfth st.; also, on Glen Park avenue, set-tind floor, 4 rooms and bath; $15; most delightful location in the city and only najf block from Mission-st. electric or Howard-st. cable cars. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth street. THAT VERY SUNNY 10-ROOM HOUSE, 7 X Van Ness aye., cor. Oak. Apply to C. S. CAPP trie bells, tiled sink, perfect door opener, all newly • papered, grained and painted outside; lower flat, 5 rooms, bath and laundry; large yards; on Twelfth si., between Mission and Howard; fast car lines: very desirable in every way. DEMPSTER 36 Glen Park aye., off 12th st. "T^URNISHED MIDDLE FLAT OF 7 BOOMS X A and bath: rent reasonable; IO.V Howard St., near Seventh. Apply G. H. UMBSEN & CO., 14 Montgomery st. Cl XX V MODERN FLAT, 6 ROOMS AND O bath, $20 per month, including water. 23V_ Devisadero, bet. Ridley and Waller. X/>LAT, 5 ROOMS AND BATH; NW. COP.. FELL X and Laguna; all front; rent cheap. "PPER FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH; SUN ALL ' day. 829 Hayes si., near Fillmore. AY-WINDOW FLAT, 8 ROOMS AND BATH; rent $30. 1627 Clay st., near Polk. ELEGAN T SUNNY FLAT; 7 ROOMS; BATH; i XJ beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. i 9JI 7 HARRISON— FLAT; 8 ROOMS, BATH; — ill basement; laundry. SMALL DESIRABLE FLATS OF 4 ROOMS; 0 rents reduced. 327 Clementina 5... nr. Fourth. JUST FINISHED— S2S, 2213 JONES ST., 6 rooms and bath; $30, 2217 Jones. 7 rooms and bath : marine view. ASHTON & GARDNER, 411 ■ Montgomery st. (JjJ 1 9 FLAT 4 ROOMS; WATER FREE; '„*—' large cellar; 1209^. Bush st. Apply ac 1209 a Bush st. 2_ yv * A 1 A WALLER, NEAR FILLMORE— S SUNNY XX\J rooms and bath, $16; also 410b, partly fur- nished, $15, newly painted. rPO LET— NEW FLAT OF 4 ROOMS AND X bath; all modern improvements. NE. corner of Twentieth and Capp 3ts. 17 LEGANT NEW FLATS, SEVENTH ST.. iJ below Bryant— s and 6 rooms; bath; $10, $17, UNNY FLATS— 4 AND 5 ROOMS; BATH- ■TiI 2 and $13. 1240 Eighteenth. housekeeping koojls. 99 FO u R H— FUBNISH F.rTROOJI 7 £JjU\j able for light housekeeping; also single. -•)- STEVENSON, REAR-2 NICE " UNFUR- • >') I nlsbed rooms for housekeeping. 997 SIXTH — FURNISHED AND UNFUR- _-_j I nished room housekeeping and oflice rooms ; reasonable. »_> SUNNY ROOMS; FIRST FLOOR: FURNISH- -0 ed for housekeeping. 419 Minna st. "I 9 LASKIE, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH, 1— off Mission— 3 or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms. "I Of) SIXTH-2 FRONT ROOMS FURNISHED X_wU complete; housekeeping; private; cheap. '711 STOCKTON - CHEAP, FURNISHeI) til rooms for housekeeping. XOf» HOWARD-QUIET, NEAT, RESPECT- *JJ-\J able, homelike; use of kitchen. >JAn SIXTEENTH, NEAR VALENCIA— 2 • Jvil sunny furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call before 10 a. m. or aiter 5 r. m. m ELEVENTH — NICELY FURNISHED XXtfc rooms for housekeeping; suHny single and en suite. -.:.,,■ "I IAI STOCKTON — NICELY FURNISHED JLXUa sunny rooms with kitchen privilege; $2 50 to $3 per week. . 1 1 -_ y, \ HOWARD — LARCE SUNNY FUR- A-JLO\J nished room $5. 79 1 BUSH ■— FURNISHED ROOMS FOR % _-X housekeeping to let. (* MINNA — FURNISHED ROOMS FOR *J X\J housekeeping; large yard. ■I 09A STOCKTON— 2 OK 3 NICE SUNNY lO^v' rooms furnished for housekeeping; cheap. SUNNY CORNER BAY-WINDOW HOUSE- keepinK rooms cheap: others. 16 South Park. 1 QHzt PHTE- 2 SMALL ROOMS, FURNISHED XOv'tr for housekeeping: $12. ~\AZ\ TWELFTH— SUNNY CORNER HOUSE; X^tO front housekeeping rooms; rent reduced. Kf|O WASHINGTON - S.U NN V UN F vW- O\Jj-i iiishod housekeeping rooms: running water. rooms TO let. tTjo^v^aTe^cla^s^jnny^ furnished XUOO and unfurnished rooms: reasonable. -"•;•:* 9^l THIRD— NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY _iul front room; for two. OOJ GEARY— BACK PARLOR; HANDSOME- O—tt.Iy furnished; rent moderate. CC SECOND — FURNISHED StNGLE AND *JO suites; sunny; respectable; gas. GOO TEHAMA— NICE FRONT PARLOR 000 with use of kitchen: suitable for two. ■ ■ 099 MISSION — LARGE SUNNY FUR- O-i-J nished rooms: reasonable. T McDKRMOTT place, OFF JONES st., X bet. Eddy and Turk— Sunny room, r, . 7791 HARRISON, NEAR FOURTH— i I Zi : ly furnished sunny rooms; bath; $1 week. A 1 H VAN NESS— HANDSOME FRONT PAR- _X I lor furnished, $15; another, $8; gas. TnToT-iow ard — NICE SUNNY front XUtt_J room for two gentlemen; $10. C A O TURK ST.— NEWLY FURNISHED PAR- O~tO lor; other desirable rooms; bath; board If desired. 9f\ M ETC A PLACE, OFF GEARY ST., -Jv' bet. Mason and Taylor— furnished sunny front room; only for gents. Q9Q9 SACRAMENTO — 2 SUNNY FRONT ,)_,)_ rooms; furnished: suitable for light house- keeping; also single furnished room; reasonable. : "I "I Al STOCKTON — NICE SUNNY FUR- 11U2 nished rooms; light housekeeping allowed. Q-| 4 O'FARRELL — NICELY FURNISHED OX _ parlor. THIRD— NEWLY RENOVATED SINGLE \J\J or on suite. C AC POST-NICELY . FURNISHED ROOMS; O\JO single or en suite. QQQ SACRAMENTO— FURNISHED ROOMS, iJOO with or without board. MRS. E. D. DAVIS. HE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 J. new sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations; very central. . 28 Eighth St., near Market. A RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— AS- jt\- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single; first class In every respect; terms reasonable. CAT JESSIE, COR. SIXTH — ELEGANTLY wUI furnished parlor and housekeeping rooms. "yOSEMITE HOUSE, 1015 MARKET, BET. . X Sixth and Seventh— Single and. suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, SI 50 to $5; families. BOARDING AND! ROOMS. SUNNY ROOMS AND BO LBD F< >B ELDEBLY lady; also home for schoolgirl. I 434 i/ Hayes. HOWARD — NIC E~L V FURNISHED yO I rooms; good board; $15 month; $4 week. hi OMISSION— UNION HOTEL; CHEAP; RE- _±^ spec table; board and lodging, $4 50 week. "OOOM AND BOARD FOR 2 LADIES; $10 A JLV month. 504y 2 Sixth st. r. k )| POST, OPP. THE '" OLYMPIC CLUB— *- - A Front room, with tine board for one or two; reasonable. TH E BEBESFOBD, COR. STOCKTON AND a Bush sta.; established IS years: quiet and s i"ct family hotel; all modern conveniences and luxu- ries; table highest class; sunny "suites $70 to $100 per month; sunny single rooms $35 to $50 per month: transient $1 50, $2 and $2 50 per day: the only first-class downtown family hotel. WILLIAM CHAMBERLIN. Proprietor. CHILDREN BOARDED. GOOD HOM irYoß^l^OsT'/ rmrX~RE>T; small American family. 710 Vallejo st. ANTED— CHILD TO BOARD, YOUNG OR '• old; near a school; terms reasonable; good care. Address C. 8., box 141. Call Branch Office. STORES TO LET. OA7 POLK— VERY NICE STORE; 4. FINE *** J I rooms in good order; $22 50. TVriCB STORE; 3 BOOMS, 820, WITH WATER; -*-' Webster st., bet. Railroad and Haight ayes., Alameda; suitable for gents' furnishing or shoe store. STORE WITH 2 SHOW WINDOWS, 3 LIVING^ rooms. 1302 Howard st. '[ STABLES TO LET. STABLE WITH STALL FOR 10 HORSES. Jessie, near Seventh. STABLE AND CARRIAGE-HOUSE TO RENT. O Apply to J. F. HILLS, 813 Stockton st. PIANOS, VIOLINS AND SHEET MUSIC. ABE YOU LOOKING FOR A HIGH-GRADE XX piano slightly used? We can positively suit you both in the instrument and the price. B. CUR- TAZ hand. W. 3. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. NE SMALL MEDIUM AND LARGE-SIZE tire i.nd burglar proof safe. 221-223 Market st. EDUCATIONAL. :^^^lCAl7A^jrpoisTKD^r\^WHlTlSa V taught. c. EISENSCHIMEL, 235 Kearny. T TLLIAN BEDDARD, THE ENGLISH AC- XJ tress, coaches ladies and gentlemen for the dramatic. profession ; appearances arranged. Shake- spearean Academy, 406 Van Ness aye. TIEHL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, HISTORY yD bdg, 723 Market; investigate; special offer. 1 ENGLISH BRANCHES TAUGHT; YOUNG J lady teacher. • 140 Fulton, nr. Van Ness aye. SCHOOL ELECTRICAL, CIVTL, MINING, ME- O chanical engineering, surveying, architecture, assay; estab. '64. VAN DEB NAILLEN, 7BB Mkt. HEALD'S BUSINESS COLLEGE! 24 POST; always in the lead. Send for circulars. LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVERS BALE OF PERSONAL PROP- -lt erty at public auction— Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale made and Issued out of the Superior Court of Santa Clara County, Cal.. on the Ist day of March, 1895, in the matter of the insolvency of ISADORE LABELL, an in- solvent debtor, now ponding in said court, the un- dersigned, the receiver appointed in said insol- vency proceedings, hereby offers for sale at public auction all of the property hereinafter mentioned belonging to the estate of said insolvent, now in said receiver's possession, in store at the northwest corner of Second and San Fernando sts., in the city of San Jose. Said property consists of a full line 1 of dress goods, dry goods, men's and boys' furnish- ing goods, men's and boys' hats, shoes and store fixtures, amounting to as per inventory, $13 - 275 20. The above-mentioned property may be inspected any time during business hours and up to the hour of sale by applying at the sheriff's office of Santa Clara County. Said sale ill take place on the premises at the NW. corner of Second and San Fernando streets, in the city of San Jose, in said county and State, on Saturday, the lb'th day of March, 1895, at 11 o'clock a. m. of that day. Said property will be sold as a whole or in three separate parcels, as the receiver may deem most expedient and for the best interests of the creditors of said estate. J. H. LYNDON, Receiver of the Estate of ISA- DORE LABF.LL, an insolvent debtor. JOHN E. RICHARDS and JOHN G. JURY, At- torneys for receiver. - Dated San Jose this 2d day of March, 18S5. pITY AND COUNTY TREASURY, SAN FRAN- \J Cisco, March 1, 1895.— 1n compliance with the provisions of Section 5 of Order 1598 of the Board of Supervisors, approved September 15, 1880, there will be sold at public auction by E. S. SPEAR «fc CO. at their salesrooms, 31-33 Batter street, on MONDAY. April 1, 1895, at 1 o'clock p. m., sundry articles of stolen, lost and unclaimed property recovered by the police, force of San Francisco as detailed in an inventory thereof on file in the office of the clerk of the Board of Supervisors, and con- sisting of jewelry, wearing apparel, pistols, knives, etc. Open for inspection on morning of sale. J. H. 'WIDBKR. City and County Treasurer. PERSONALS. xforTc^TsTTiEßKßY^ ;i\ en~to THtT'd lS^ -i-' trier Attorney of San Francisco County that I, the undersigned, intend to apply to the honorable State Board of Prison Directors for the privilege of being paroled, at a meeting of said board to be held at San Quentin on the 13th day* of April, 1595. JESSE GRANT. JOHN SIIEEHY OF LOUISVILLE, KY., SON O of MARY ANN MoCRATE, who came to Mor- ristown, New Jersey, from the parish of Bally- backon, County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1849 or 1800, would like to hear from relatives, who ho thinks are in the West; Western papers please copy. p B. PERKINS HAS MOVED H IB POPULAR \J . fancy dry-goods store from 1114 Market st. to a better-lighted store, 1033 Market St., bet. Sixth and Seventh ; the ladies will please make a note of this and govern themselves accordingly; he has some bargains for you to-day. ANTED — HOME WITH PROTESTANT »T people for orphan girl of 12 years. Call or ad- drvss 728 V-; Stevenson st., near Ninth. HIGHEST PBICE PAID LADIES' OR GENTS' cast-off clothing. Send postal; .1. F., 15 Russ st. A DVICEFBEE;DIVOBCELAWaASFBCIAL- xx ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds, etc. G. W. HOWE, Att'y-at-law, 850 Market., cor. Stockton. PACIFIC STATES DETECTIVE AGENCY, 20 X Ellis St., rms. 1 & 2; telephone, main 5506, 8. F. FINE SUITS, $15; DRESS PANTS, $4 75T Misfit Parlors, 14 Geary st. pLOAKS, CAPES AND FURS RETAILED AT \J manufacturers' cost. 20 Sansome st., upstair*. KINETOSCOPES FOR SALE: PHONOGRAPH -IV outfits bought for cash. Bacigalupi, 946 M'k't. EEWARD— THE YOUNG LADY \NI> elderly gentleman who saw a lady fall and break her arm at the ferry on October 22. 1894, if they will send their address to HAIGHT, 220 San- some St., 8. F. \\ A LTZ IN THREE LESSONS; ARTISTIO 1 T dances for parlor or stage taught daily at 114- VINE'S, 927 Mission St., opposite U. S. Mint. rpHE ORIENTAL— 6IS TAYLOR ST., NEAR X Sutter: newly furnished family hotel; cleanest iri the city; superior French lady cook. A DVICE FREE;LEGAL AND PRIVATE MAT- XX ters. People's Law Oilice,B3B Market. Mx -C ABE. WEDDING INVITATIONS ENGRAVED AND » ¥ printed. ROBERTSON'S, 126 Post st. OOK-BOOKS AT ROBERTSON'S, 126 POST" \J street. 15 BUILDINGS BOUGHT AND SOLD," store-fixtures, doors, windows, lumber, pipe, etc.: cheap. Yard 1166 Mission ?t., nr. Eighth. WE COULDN'T DO THE BUSINESS WE'RE doing if prices were not right. Carpets, new and second hand, from 25c up Oak Bed Sets 17 50 up Mattings, per yard Tonp ' Linoleum, per"yard SOo Kitchen Chairs 25c Kitchen Tables $150 EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION, Largest stock and store iv the city; lowest prices; easy terms, if desired. »-* J. NOONAN, 1017-1019-1021-1023 Mission st, above Sixth. Open even] CECOND-HAND AS WELL AS NEW BARS,' O showcases, counter shelvings, mirrors, desks, safes, chairs, scales, etc., and a very large stock of them, too; be sore and see stock and get prices be- fore going elsewhere. J. NOON AN, 1017-1019* 1021-1023 Mission St., above Sixth. GAS FIXTURES~AND PLUMBING. 623 Golden Gate aye. U. HUFSCHMIDT. PIANO LESSONS, 25c HALF-HOUR; GER- man lady. 1126 Howard st. LD GOLD, SILVER, GENTS 1 AND LADIES'" clothing bought. COXMAN, 41 Third st. \\TINDOW shad; MANUFACTURED TO TT order by WILLIAM McPHUN. 1195 Market. __________ _ __ MEIUCAL. ASTJREi~SAFEA "." ! 1 SPEEDY 1 I xx all female diseases; ladies may have the benefit of the skill and attention of a physician of long and successful practice. A borne in confine- ment, with best cart-, with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital. Those who are siclc or discouraged should < all on the doctor and state their case; they will find in her a true friend. All consultation free. A positive cure for the liquor, morphine and tobacco habit. Every case guar- anteed without injury to health. MRS, DR. GWYER, 311% Hyde st., bet. Ell 1 and Eddy. Li IRREGULARITIES RESTORED AT? once; every case guaranteed; Cancera and Tumors expelled by Medical Electricity: refined home during coafinemont, with every comfort an I privacy; regular physician of long and successful practice ; travelers treated without delay; French pills guaranteed; sate and sure relief at any time; consultation free, confidential. M Its. DR. WYETH, Sanitarium, 916 Post St., bet. Hyde and Larkin. EDICAL CLAIRVOYANT: DIAGNOSES consultation free; lady physician specialist and tapeworms; hrs. 2 to 9 p.m. 803 Golden Gate. DB. HALL, 14 McALLISTErTsECOND FLOOR, next Hibernia Bank; diseases of women. DAUDET'S APHRO TABLETS GREAiJ JL/ modern remedy for the cure of neurasthenia, impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs] $1 a box, 6 boxes $5; send for circular. J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. TF IRREGULAR OR ANY FEMALE~DISEASFJ X see Mrs. Dr. Puetz anil he content. 2541^ 4tli. "PRIVATE HOME in COS i " I r":'.'3IENT. MRsI X M. E. ROGERS, 929 Howard s;. ALL LADIES CONSULT MRs7Tr\ SCCTT," Turk st. ; only qualified trust v r.'.«.- ! l il!s. for sure, quick relief of irregularities; no natter what cause; painless method; never fails; horn* in confinement; babies adopted: also treats dis- ease of the eye successfully. A LL LADIES, NEAR OR FAR, SAFE, QUIC_ -ex cure guaranteed of any disease or irregularity; sure relief, though others fail: home, etc. travel- ers treated; low fees; self-cure: send, call or write; strict confidence; physicians of wide experience: assistant. MRS. DR. DAY 14 McAllister St., next Hibemia Bank. French F. pills, $3; safe- guard, $5. Send stamp for answer. A NEW PROCESS— NO MEDICINE, INSTRU- — x ments or worthless pills used; every woman her own physician for all female troubles: no mat- ter from what cause; restores always in one day; can be sent and used at home ; all cases guaran- teod. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. TVRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OP* JL/ women; ladies near or tar assured quick relief of disease; irregularities restored daily; safe oars guaranted; no instruments; home for patients; best medical attendance; low fees; free; Drs. Scud- dor's pills and capsules warranted. 1370 Market st. MILS. DR. WEGNER, 419 EDDY ST.— lRREG- ularities cured in one day; no Instruments} pills and safety capsules guaranteed; travelers at- tended; no delay; private home for ladies. A LPKAU'S FRENCH PILLS. ' —X A -boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; no danger; safe and sure; $2 60, express c. O. D.j don't delay* until too late. OSGOOD BROS., Oak- land, Cjil., agents for Alpeau et Cie. DR. AXDTiRS. DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY" of 1211% Mission, now 1508 Market St.; montb- y Irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed; no instruments used; sure preventive. '. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -i-A. WEEKLY CALL, In wrapper, for mailing. _______ WENTISTsi D~RT~ artificial teeth, $10, former price $30; for a 1 short time only. DR. w. P. COOL, 22 Kearny st. pROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION, MAI^ ; \J ket, bet. 3d and 4tn, gas specialists: only rat* able agent for paimess extraction; artificial teetb I frm $a : fillings from $1 ; extracting 50c, with gas $1, D^ R. REA, 9 SIXTH ST. ; ALL DENTAL W( ' I: !v at lowest prices ana warranted; openevening3 C»7 A SET FOR TEETH : WARRANTED"^ «3P I good aa can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. A LL WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT* XX cd. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. T\R. 11. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEET_ ■ XJ without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. R. DLU M HILL, 1443 MARKET ST, near Eleventh: no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; \ teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. ' pOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MaS \J ket st. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. delinquent sale notices. "TvEITn'QUENT SALE NOTICE — GOLDEB? J— ' Eagle Mining Company — Location of principal place of business, San Francisco, California; loca- tion of works. Devils Gate Mining "District, Lyon County, Nevada. Notice— There are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 1), levied on the Bth day of January, 1895, tha several amounts set opposite the names of the rs- spec'ive shareholders, as follows: No. Names. No. Cert Shares. Amount, Morris Hoeflich 5 10,000 $1,50000 H. M. Levy, Trustee 7 20,000 3,000 00 11. M. Levy, Trustee 8 1,000 ir.ooo H. M. Levy, Trustee 9 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 10 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 11 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 12 500 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 18 20,000 8,000 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 19 7,900 1,185 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee 20 995 149 And in accordance with law, and an order from the Board of Directors, made on the eighth day of January, 1895, bo many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pub- lic auction at the office of the company, room 50, Nevada Block, No. 309 Montgomery street, San Francisco. California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of March, 1895, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex* penses of sale. .. „ r .- < E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. Office— Room 60, Nevada Block. No. 309 Monti gooiary street, Baa Francisco, California. POSTPONEMENT. Notice is hereby given that by order of the Boart of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stocli lor assessment No. 1 is hereby poitponed to MON. DAY, the 25th day of March, A. D. 1895, at th« same time and place. E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. 11