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OLUME LXXVII.-NO. 91. THE PACIFIC SLOPE. A Sacramento Girl Com mits Suicide by Poisoning . SEQUEL TO A QUARREL. Admonitions of Her Lover to Reform Her Ways Made Her Angry. WOULD NOT HEED HIS WORDS. After Leaving: Him She Buys Car bolic Acid and Swallows the Fatal Draught. Sacramksto, March 10.— A young woman named Georgie Montgomery ended her life this morning by swallowing the con tents of a two-ounce vial of carbolic acid at the residence of her parents, 111:; J! Mreet, in this city. The cause of the act is supposed to lie a misunderstanding which she is reported to have had with her lover, who is employed in a down-town barber shop. The girl left her home Saturday evening at 7 o'clock, apparently in the best of spirits. She promised to return at an early hour. About midnight the girl's mother was awakened by her cries for help, and rushing into her daughter's room, found her tossing in agony upon her couch. She asked what was the matter, and was horri fied to learn that the daughter bad taken poison. The services of a physician were procured, but every antidote applied was ineffectual and she soon died. Miss Montgomery's parents are respect able people, her father being an old resi dent of Sacramento, who several years hack was engaged in the undertaking busi ness but at present is in the employ of the Southern) Pacific Railroad Company as a carpenter. The girl herself has been way ward and has associated with unworthy characters. In fact, the misunderstanding she had with her lover was on account of her associates and because she had been teen in a dancehouse. Before she left home last night her mother besought her to give up her method of life and she would en deavor to furnish her ample means for en joyment. EQ CITABLE PROTECTION LEA G UE. Efforts at Sacramento to Propagate Its Tenets. Sacramento. March 10. — Senator E. C. Voorheis called a meeting of the Equitable Protection League in room 14 of the Capi tol buiMfng at 3 o'clock this afternoon for the purpose of preparing an address to the public setting forth the objects and pur poses of the league, to interest the press of California in the proposition and to push the organization of local clubs. A committee of three was appointed to visit San Francisco and endeavor to enlist the advocacy of a metropolitan journal. A committee was also appointed to secure canvassers throughout the State. The league is growing rapidly in Sacramento, over sixty new names being secured to day, and nearly all the Republican mem bers of the Assembly Lave joined the asso ciation up to date. The Agricultural Committee of the House has indorsed the plan of a bounty on agricultural exports, and the league bids fair to become a power throughout the land ACCIDENT AT NEWCASTLE. A Mother and Her Daughter Seriously Injured in a Runaway. Newcastle, March 10. — Mrs. Marie Bil lings and daughter, Miss Edith, while driving about 10 a. m. to-day, met with a serious accident. The horse suddenly be rame frightened and when turning a sharp bend in the road the occupants were thrown violently from the buggy to the ground, both sustaining serious injuries. Mrs. Billings' head struck a rock, break ing her skull and forcing out her eye. She [< not expected to live. Miss Edith is suf fering from concussion of the brain and also sustained internal injuries. Although bo seriously injured it is expected that she will recover. The buggy was wrecked. BURGLARY AT SAN JOSE. Looting of the Residence of a Prominent Citizen. San Jose, March 10.— The residence of E. L. Auzerais, on Alum Rock avenue in this city, was entered by two burglars at 3:30 o'clock this morning and a large amount of silverware and clothing was secured. The burglars were heard entering the premises by a rear door, but the family up stairs were afraid to molest the intruders. They rumaged around and secured the plunder and made good their escape. Before entering the place they broke open two carpenter chests in a house near by and secured the tools with which they gained an entrance to the Auzerais house. There is no clew to the burglars. The Hydraulic Mining Bills. Sacramento, March 10. — The Governor will to-morrow at 1 p. m. hear all persons interested in two hydraulic mining bills now pending. One of these provides that hydraulic miners found guilty of contempt may appeal to the Supreme Court. The other provides that all injunctions against hydraulic mining shall hold no longer than twelve months. Phoenix Railroad Fete. Phoenix, Ariz., March 10. — George H. Schneider, president of the Illinois National Bank, and treasurer of the As sociated Press of Chicago, arrived with the Fairbank party last evening to participate in the festivities incidental to the opening of the Santa Fe, . Phoenix and Prescott road. WORK OF THE DEACONESS. Tlie New Religious Woman Discussed in New York Churches. New York, March. 10.— Services were held in the various Methodist Episcopal churches of the city to-day under the aus pices of the Deaconesses Advocate, and Miss Kate Curtis of this city spoke at the Creal M. E. Church, where the usual Sab bath services were conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. George Gregory. Miss Horton spoke on "The Growth and The San Francisco Call. Development of the Deaconess Work in America," and Miss Curtis related some personal experiences. Mrs. Lucy Ryder- Meyer of Chicago, the originator of the movement, spoke in Grace M. E. Church. Miss Mary Lunn of Boston spoke in St. Luke's M. E. Church. Rev. Dr. Weakly of Cincinnati lectured in St. Luke's Madison avenue Church on "The Ministry of the Deaconess Among the Sick." Miss Hila Larson spoke at the West Thirty-fifth-street M. E. Church. Rev. Carl Streekerof Amsterdam, >". V., spoke at the East Seventeenth-street Methodist Church on "The Deaconess in the Hos pitals." « WITCHMEN'S ASSOCIATION. A New President Elected and a. Consti tution Adopt*'.!. Chicago, March 10. — The Switchmen's Mutual Aid Association, of which Charles Booty was elected president at the last meeting, met this evening with 400 mem bers present. The new constitution was adopted. The most important feature is the entire omission of anything which may be construed as countenancing strikes. The remaining offices, yet unfilled, were provided for to-night by the election of J. J. Carroll, treasurer; H. R. Rumbold, chairman of the board of directors; John Reston and William Burns, all of Chicago, members of the board of directors. The corresponding secretary, G. S. Cusack, lives at Chicago, in which city the head quarters of the order are located. HEN IED lil' ANDREWS. He Has Not liecn Appointed to the. Mon etary Conference. New York, March 10.— The letter of Dr. Andrews to Professor Turnbull of Colo rado Springs has been taken to imply that Dr. Andrews had been ap pointed by President Cleveland as j one of the Monetary Commissioners ; and that the conference had actually been called, but a telegraphic inquiry to Dr. Andrews brought the following reply: Pkovidknce, R. 1., March 10. The Editor of the World: Inference from letter to Turnbull wholly unwar ranted. Have received no new ap pointment. Know absolutely nothing of Presi dent's plans. Mean to attend next conference, but not necessarily as a member. Andrews. Dr. Andrews was one of the American delegates to the Brussels conference in 1892. UMATILLA INDIAN CITIZENS. Effect of a Judge's Decision in the Case of an Oregon Tribe. The White People Fear the Results of So Radical a Change. Pendleton, Or., March 10. —Umatilla County had an addition to its citizenship of 1000 Indians yesterday when Judge Fee rendered his decision. The effect of this decision, no doubt, if sustained by the higher courts, will be to remove all restric tions from the Umatilla Indians, except in handling their lands, which were allotted under condition. The Indian chiefs who have been under arrest for defying the authority of the In dian Court were immediately released and a council called at Young Chief's camp, fifteen miles above the agency, of all the Indians to consider matters. Near the agency Captain Richards has camped with Troop D, Fourth Cavalry, from Fort Walla Walla, accoutered for heavy service. Agent Harper said: "I called for the troops because Judge Fee's decision removes all my authority over the Indians. No power now exists to prevent the Indians becoming intoxicated and en dangering the lives of all on the reserva tion. They are now free to follow their natural inclinations and drift back to savagery." This radical change in the relations of the Indians to the people of this county renders some people timid. There are expressions of fear that dire results may follow. The Indian agent under the new regime can merely rent the Indian lands to whites. The Indian Court is done away with, the Indian policemen are discharged and the State courts have complete and sole jurisdiction. Ohio's New Trotting Circuit. Canton, Ohio, March 10. — Dates for a new trotting circuit organized in Canton have been announced as follows: Rockport, June IS, 19, 20; Canton, June 25, 28, 27; Younestown, July 2, 3, 4. New Philadelphia and Canal Dover were rejected through a conflict of dates and two cities are wanted in their sipad. Ak ron and Warren will probably come in. James B. Kennedy of Youngstown is presi dent and A. M. McCarthy of Canton sec retary. New York Pastor Resigns. New York, March 10.— Rev. Thomas Dixon offered his resignation as pastor of the Twenty-third-street Baptist Church at the morning service to-day. He gives as his reason that the work he especially de sires to follow is to reach non-church going people. He says he remains in fundamental creed a Baptist, but he pur poses to place his work on a union evan gelical platform with vital faith in Jesus Christ. Madge York's Murderer. Philadelphia, March 10.— This after noon James B. Gentry, the murderer of Miss York, was removed from the hospital to Moyamens prison. Gentry while at the hospital was given every luxury he de sired. At the prison all this is changed. The doctors declare that Gentry will not live to stand trial if he has to put up with the prison fare. Mining Company Incorporated. Pierre, S. D., March 10.— Articles of in corporation have been filed for the Mexi can-American Mining Company, with headquarters at Sioux Falls and Jurra, Mexico. Capital stock $3,000,000. Incor porators, J. C. Palmer, George W. Abbot and P. S. Royde, Sioux Falls, S. D.; J. D. McCarrier and M. S. Wright, Kansas City, Mo. Ex-President Harrison Is Better. Indianapolis, March . 10.— Ex-President Harrison, after a w ek of illness that threatened at one time to take a dangerous turn, is rapidly recovering and will be able to be out in a few days. This evening Mr. Harrison's physician expressed the belief that his patient would be up in a few days. The danger point has , been passed. SAN FRANCISCO, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1895. THE MOON'S ECLIPSE. An Observation of the Phenomenon at Mt. Hamilton. PROF. HOLDEN'S REPORT. The Disk of the Orb Was Vis ible at All Times During Totality. THIN HAZE OBSCURES THE SKY. A Clear Atmosphere at Sacramento Enables the People to Obtain a Good View. Lick Observatory, Hamilton, Cal., March 10.— The total eclipse of the moon, which occurred this evening, was ob served- at the Lick Observatory under somewhat unfavorable circumstances, the sky being obscured during the entire time by a thin haze. The moon was obscured by half the earth's shadow when it appeared at 6h. om., Pacific standard time. Totality began at 6h. 51m. 555., and lasted until Bh. 27m. 30s. The moon left the earth's shadow at. 9h. 25m. 205., and the penumbra about 10b. 35m. The moon's disk was visible at all times, being conspicuous a greater portion of totality. The color of the uhobscufed por tion of the disk varied from yellow to a light coppery hue. The times at which the edge of the shadow passed across some of the prominent craters were noted and the times of occultation of several small stars were observed. Edward S. Hoi-den. CHICAGO HAS A EIXE TIER. General Photographs of the Eclipse at Various Points of Contact. Chicago, March 10.— eclipse to-night was viewed at the Northwestern University observatory at Evanstown by Director George W. Hough and others. The moon entered the penumbra at 7:30 o'clock. The first contact when the moon entered the shadow took place at 7:45. Professor Hough photographed the lunar disk in partial eclipse and later secured six photographs at various points of contact. The total eclipse took place at 8:52. The third contact, when the moon began to emerge, was at 10:47 and the fourth con tact occurred at 11:35. After the first half hour the sky was re markably clear and the moon presented a beautiful picture of delicate colors, varying from light yellow or golden to dark red copper. . 7^5-. ; r; *■;', S : Not Seen at New Tork. New York, March 10.— The eclipse of the moon was not to be seen in New York City to-night in a satisfactory way. Thick, fleecy clouds obscured the phenomenon and no special scientific data were obtained in this city. The View at Sacramento. Sacramento, March 10.— total eclipse of the moon was perfect here to-night. The transit lasted from 7:45 till 9:15 o'clock and was witnessed by thousands of per sons. ANDREWS ASA CONFEREE. The Professor Hints at His Appointment by Cleveland. Colorado Springs, Colo., March 10.— A letter just received by the Summer Uni versity managers here from President E. B. Andrews of Brown University, Provi dence, R. 1., cancels that ■ gentleman's en gagement for next summer. He says: "I expect to be, in Ju'y, either abroad at the monetary conference or else using every minute in getting ready to go." The letter is important from the fact conveyed that the international monetary conference is to be held this year, and that President Andrews is to be one of Mr. Cleveland's appointees thereto. A FATAL CROSSING. A Woman Killed Where Two Men Met Death Last Week. St. Joseph, Mo., March 10.— At the cross ing where Mallory and Mcßride were killed Thursday night Mrs. Thomas Allen was instantly killed to-night, Gertie Allen, her 19-year-old daughter, dangerously, and Miss Martha Deacon, 11 years of age, fatally injured. The three ladies were returning from church and drove upon the crossing just as the Missouri Pacific fast mail from the East thundered up. Mrs. Allen's body was shockingly mutilated and she and her daughter were carried 300 feet on the engine pilot before it could be stopped. Strikers Quiet at New Orleans. New Orleans, March Among the striking screw men on the river-front to day there was perfect quiet. A mob last night threw about $1000 worth of screws and other loading implements into the river. A number of arrests have been made. The levee is lined with policemen. Order of Iron Hall Cash. Baltimore, March 10.— Iron Hall fund of $73,000, contributed by members of the order in this State, has been sent to Indianapolis to swell the fund in the hands of James F. Failey, the general receiver. Senator George Not After Re-Eleetion. Greenville, Miss., March 10. It is au thoritatively announced here that United States Senator J. Z. George will not be a candidate for re-election at the expiration of his present term. A Missing City Treasurer. Gloucester. N. J., March 10.— City Treas urer George E. King has been missing since last Tuesday and a special meeting of the Council has been called to inquire into the reasons for bis diappearance. Eclipse Observed in Colorado. Pueblo, Colo., March 10.— Not a cloud obscured the sky in Colorado, and the lunar eclipse was observable most satisfactorily. Nineteen Elders Ordained. Baltimore, March 10.— Nineteen' elders were ordained this afternoon and author ized to speak the gospel and administer the sacraments of the Methodist Episcopal church. The services were conducted by Bishop Andrews, assisted by Bishop Joyce. The reverend delegates to the Methodist conference now in session preached in the pulpits of the denomination in this city and in many out-of-town churches to-day. HEATH OF A. NEGRO. A.I Todd, Who Eloped With a White Girl, Shot. TJnionvilee, Mo., March 10.— The elope ment about a year ago ot Al Todd, a negro, with the daughter of City Marshal William Clark (white) led to murder early this morning. The couple returned yesterday to the woman's home* to stay during tier confinement. Upon the promise that Todd would never again show himself Clark told him to go, as he did not want to give the case publicity. At a late hour last night, how ever, Todd went to Clark's home and called the latter up. Clark ordered him away, but instead of going he held a re volver in a menacing manner, when Clark shot him. Todd ran about a block and fell dead. At the Coroner's jury Clark was exonerated. CONFESSED MURDERER. A. Condemned Negro Says He Killed Cashier McCullough. St. Louis, March 10.— Murray, a negro now in jail at Clayton under sen tence of death for killing Edgar Fitzwil liams. made a confession to-day in which he implicates Harry Smart and William Hensley in the murder of M. B. McCul lough, who at the time of his death was the paying teller of the State Bank of St. Louis. McCullough was killed in May, 1893, at his home in Woodstock, a suburb of this city. Murray says he took no part in the murder, but was present when it was com mitted. He makes this confession hoping to gain a respite from Governsr Stone. NEWS OF THE NAVY-YARD. The Political Headsman's Ax Is Still in Full , Swing. a A New Naval Constructor to Arrive Soon From the Norfolk Yard. Vallejo, March 10. — The political heads man's ax seems to be still swinging, as during the past week four messengers felt the effect of its keen edge, and their places have been filled by those of another politi cal faith. It is believed by many that within a month the Board of Labor will be abol ished. Naval Constructor William J. Baxter, U. S. N., is announced to come to the navy-yard as head of the Department of Construction and Repair, vice the late Naval Constructor S. W. Armistead. Con structor Baxter has recently been at the Norfolk yard. ,«j? " The Bennington is expected to arrive shortly at the yard, and it will then be seen just what is the matter with her boil ers. She will be taken in dock and have a coat of fresh paint, and her valves will be overhauled. • Orders have been issued to have the Monterey ready to leave the yard by the -"tli inst. She will probably go to San Francisco ana remain there for a few weeks. The ordnance alterations in her turrets are nearly completed. The increase of men for the navy seems to meet with general favor with the offi cers, as it will offer an opportunity to com mission the Marion, which for the past months has been only waiting for a crew. The Boston will also have an opportunity, when her repairs are completed, to be put in commission. The cruiser Olympia has been shifted and is now loaded with coal. The Albatross will probably come out of the drydoek the latter part of the week. Work on the tug for the yard is pro gressing as well as can be without having all the material on hand. Nearly 100 men are engaged on the Hartford tearing up her berth and spar decks. Work of driving piling about the dry dock continues right along. The locomo tive jib crane, to be run on the track to be laid on the pile foundation, has not yet been received, though it should have ar rived from the East long ago. Pay Inspector R. W. Allen left for Washington the first of last week and Paymaster A. W. Bacon' is now perform ing duty on the Olympia. For the present his family will reside in Vallejo.' • After this week the address of Com mander and Mrs. J. J. Brice will be at Santa Barbara, where they will remain for awhile. Lawn tennis is the principal pastime for the ladies and gentlemen at the yard and stationed on the ships during the present beautiful weather. No More Bodies Found. Cincinnati, March 10.— The wrecking crews and divers have been working all day but recovered no additional bodies of those who were lost when the Longfellow was sunk last Friday. Much of the bag gage and effects of passengers and most of the freight has been recovered. Dooming a Speakership Candidate.^] London, March 11. The Daily News in a leader urges the claims of the Right Hon. Leonard Henry Courtney to the Speaker ship of the House of Commons in succes sion to the Right Hon. Arthur Peel, whose resignation is imminent. Mr. Courtney is an Advanced Liberal. Found a Body in a Barrel. Nevada, Mo., March There is con siderable excitement at Bronaugh, Vernon County, over the finding of a body doubled up in a coal-oil barrel. The man is un known. The police are making an investi gation and bint at a sensation. A Chicago Foundry Burned. Chicago. March 10. The extensive foun dry plant, occupied jointly by Harry Perry and the Challenge Machine Company, burned to-night. Loss $75,000, partly in sured. ! ,r; Cardinal Gibbons' Trip to Rome. ... Baltimore, March 10.— Cardinal Gibbons leaves New York for Rome the first week in May, and Rev. Cornelius F. Thomas, I rector of the cathedral, - will accompany him. 7 : L.^^;:-t:l^: r i';'\-., Gre.sham Is Better. Washington, March 10. — Secretary Gresham's condition continues to improve, and it is hoped that be will be out to-mor row. WANTS MORE TIME. The Assembly Is Not Yet Ready for an Ad journment. MUCH BUSINESS ON HAND It May Be Necessary to Con tinue the Session ipr Another Week. SEYMOUR'S STRANGE BILL. The San Bernardino Senator's Bill Which Is In Conflict With Fed eral Statutes. Sacramento, March 10. — It was decided by the Senate Judiciary Committee to night to fix arbitrarily the classification scale of the county government bill. This was the subject which was referred to the Judiciary Committee last night by the Senate. A proposition was offered to estimate the population of the various counties by multiplying the vote cast for Governor in the last general election by five. This was objected to as an unconsti tutional provision. In order to determine the class to which a county shall belong the committee estimated a population for each classification, so that practically the estimate is made for each of the fifty-seven counties. In some instances the last Federal cen sus figures are taken for the basis of the estimate. This was the case in San Fran cisco, as the first class is determined to have a population in excess of ,298,000. Los Angeles is made the second class, with a population estimated at 124,000, and Ala meda takes third rank, though the actual difference in population between the two counties is a slight one. Senator Beard and Assemblyman Fas sett were discussing the salary schedule for Alameda County to-day. Assembly man Fassett thinks the salaries are too high and will make an effort in the lower House for a reduction. The talk of an early adjournment is dy ing out. The really important bills to be considered are the county government bill, the general appropriation bill, the National Guard bill and the bill to enable the valley road to secure terminal facilities in San Francisco. They might be disposed of this week, but hardly before Saturday, so there is little likelihood of the Assembly concur ring in the Senate resolution to adjourn on Thursday. Many of the Assemblymen who have local bills in which they are deeply inter ested and see little hope of securing their passage are talking to-night of continuing the session into next week. A LANDSMAN'S MARINE BILL The Proposed Law in Conflict With Federal Statutes. Sacramento, March 10. — This is the text of a queer proposition advanced in a bill framed by Senator Seymour of San Ber nardino: Section 1. That a new section be added to the Political Code, to be known and numbered as Section 2466%. Sec. 2. Section 2466%: All vessels entering any port or harbor in this State, built on the Pacific Coast, or whose home port is in this State, shall be exempt from all the provisions of Section 2466 of the Political Code. Sec. 3. All acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Ostensibly the bill has for its object the worthy purpose of encouraging the home merchant marine. The effect of the bill would be to exempt vessels referred to in the act from the pilotage charges collected on foreign and Atlantic shipping coming to San Francisco or other California ports. But there is a snag which the bill will en counter in a United States statute. An act relating to pilots and pilot regu lations approved April 13, 1866, by the President of the United States, reads as follows Be it enacted by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States ot America in Congress assembled, that no regu lations or provisions shall be adopted by any State of the United States of America which shall make any discrimination in the rate of pilotage or half pilotage between vessels sail ing between the ports of one State and vessels sailing between the ports of different States, or any discrimination against vessels propelled in whole or in part by steam or against national vessels of the United States, and all existing regulations or provisions making such dis crimination as herein mentioned are hereby annulled and abrogated. Notwithstanding this plain Federal statute, an attempt is being made to pass the bill. It has been made a case of urgency on the Senate file, has been read the first time, and will come up for second reading to-morrow. It also has a favorable recommendation from the Committee on Labor and Capital. COUNTY DIVISION AGAIN. Another Effort to be Made to Pass Davis' Bill. Sacramento, March 10.— As stated in the Call recently, another attempt to pass a general county division bill is to be made. The bill introduced by Assemblyman Davis, which was withdrawn when Senator Linder's bill was killed* in the Senate, has been restored to the file and will come up for consideration to-morrow night. THE FORESTRY STATIONS. There May Be No Appropriations For Them. - Sacramento, March Representatives of the State University are fearful that they may have the forestry stations left on their hands without a sufficient appropriation to carry them on. . The stations were forced on the univer sity two years ago, with an allowance so small that two deficiency bills, amounting Ito $1000, had to be incurred to keep the property from going to rack and ruin, j The money was paid out of the college coffers, thus practically making the re gents loan it to the State. They are averse ! to repeating the experience, and if they find the Legislature unwilling to grant the necessary appropriations they will ask for permission to dispose of the property, as it is too valuable to be allowed to go to waste. The appropriation bill has passed the Assembly, but some opposition is antici pated in the Senate. SACRAMENTO IS GRATEFUL Picnic to Assemblymen for Vot ing Funds for a Fair. Sacramento, March 10.— Sacramento is grateful to the San Francisco delegation for voting for the #40,000 appropriation for the State Fair. As an acknowledgment of this, Assemblyman Brusie of this city took the delegation out to the Haggin ranch on a picnic. A party of sixteen accepted the invitation and were driven out in a four-in hand. They spent the day in looking at the trotters in the stables and had an elab orate lunch that was furnished by their host. Those in attendance from San Fran cisco were: Messrs. Devitt. Wilkinson, Zocchi, Devine, Healey, Coghlin and O'Day. " ATTEMPTED TRAIN WRECKING. Robbers Piled Ties on the Track, but Got Nothing. Valparaiso, Ind., March 10. An attempt was made last night to wreck the midnight passenger train on the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad, about file miles west of this city. A pile of ties had been placed on the track, which was struck with great force by the engine, knocking it from the track and plowing up the track for about 200 yards before the train could be stopped. None of the passengers were injured. It is supposed to have been the work of train robbers. STEEL WORKS TO RESUME. Bethlehem. Operators .. Will Begin on a Big Rail Order To-Day. Bethlehem, Pa., March 10— The Beth lehem Iron Company to-day notified 1000 steel-workers to report to-morrow, when operations in the steel works will resume after two months' idleness. Work will be gin on a 12,000 ton order of rails for a Georgia railroad. SUICIDE OF AN IOWA FORGER. A Blacksmith Defrauds a Bank During a Period of Three Years. When an Officer Tries to Ar rest Him the Criminal Shoots Himself. Omaha, March 10. At Cromwell, a little town near Creston, lowa, Dave Blossar, a prominent citizen, committed suicide yes terday while an officer was trying to arrest him. It developed to-day that Blossar was a forger, but to what extent is not definitely known and probably never will be. The Creston National Bank became aware that it had collateral on Blossar that was forged and the investigations revealed that the peculations of Blossar extended over a period of three years. All this time Blossar bore the best reputation. It is variously estimated that Blossar's forgeries will reach $5000. Besides he has borrowed large sums from wealthy citizens on his own notes. These notes will prob ably reach $15,000. Last evening the Creston National Bank of this city filed attachments against Blossar for $1350, the amount that Blossar has forged on the bank. When the officer went to the blacksmith-shop owned by Blossar to arrest him, he endeavored to evade the officer and failing, drew a revol ver and shot himself in the right temple. It was learned that within a week he at tempted to commit suicide by taking strychnine. BURNING OF A HIGH SCHOOL Explosion of Chemicals in a Toledo Educational Institution. Complete Destruction of the Handsome and Valuable Edifice. Toledo, Ohio, March 10.— Toledo High School building, a four-story brick structure occupying the square bounded by Madison, Adams, Michigan and Tenth streets, and one of the best appointed edu cational institutions in this part of the country, was almost completely destroyed by fire between 1 and 2 o'clock this (Mon day) morning. A little before 1 o'clock an explosion that blew out part of the east wing of the build ing startled the few pedestrians who hap pened to be on the street, and a mo ment later fire burst out in the heart of the structure. The flames spread so rapidly that before an alarm could be given the main part of the building was doomed. The explosion was caused by chemicals in the laboratory. The loss is estimated at $150,000; insurance not known. Shoe Strike Declared Off. Haverhill, Mass., March 10. At a largely attended ' meeting of the striking shoe-workers to-day a motion to declare the strike off was carried. This met with considerable opposition by several speak ers and the proposition was debated at considerable length. The motion was carried by 296 to 195. All operatives who have been out on strike against the contract system in Haverhill shoe factories are free to return to work to-morrow morning, and those whose places are not already taken by non union employes will probably be taken back on the same conditions that existed previous to the strike. Kansas Women Slumming. Wellington, Kans., March 10.— A dele gation of W. C. T. IT. women, accompanied by a number of young men, visited ah the "joints" in : the city last night and held religious services in each. i They were treated politely and no unusual disturb ances occurred. PRICE FIVE CENTS. IMPRISONED BY FIRE. Eight Miners in New Mexico Caught in a Burning Mine. LITTLE HOPE FOR THEM. Rescuing Parties Have Not Been Able to Enter the Fiery Shaft. THEY ARE ALL COOL-HEADED. One Man Fell Two Hundred Feet, but Recovered and Escaped Through the Tunnel. Denver, March 10.— A special to the Rocky Mountain News from White Oaks, N. Mex., says: At 3 o'clock this morning fire broke out' in the changeroom of the hoisthouse at the Old Abe mine, and in a few moments the structure, a large and well built one. was a mass of flames. It was completely destroyed, together with the wood and smith shops, The mill, sixty feet away, escaped without damage. The woodwork of the shaft was burned out and the hoisting machinery destroyed. The damage runs high up into the thousands, but the most distressing fea ture is that eight men are imprisoned in the dark depths whose fate is unknown. There is little ground for hope that they have escaped suffocation. It will not be possible to enter the mine to search for them until some time to-morrow. Rescuing parties have been unable to pet down further than the third level by the air-shaft. The smoke and pases from the charred wood of the hoist-shaft have pene trated the upper levels, and it is impos sible to pass them. The entombed men are: Charles Sher rick, W. J. Williams, Frank Wilson, John Davis, George Baxter, — . White, Jerry Conver and W. B. Mitchell. Williams and Sherrick are old miners of experience and have faced like dangers be fore. They are cool-headed, and if any place of safety was to be found they found it. The fire drove the engineer from the hoist while George Wilkinson was going down in the bucket. He had reached the ninth level when the hoist was abandoned and was shot down 200 feet to the thir teenth, where the bucket struck, tipped and threw him into the drift. He was stunned, but recovered, climbed back to the second level and escaped by the air shaft. " - ■■'■'Vr- This is the only serious mining accident here since the burning of the South Home stake shaft several years ago, when two men were smothere '.. ANTHRACITE, MINE BURNING. Tfie Worst Fire in Tears Raging in Ee high Valley. Hazelton, Pa., March 10.— worst mine fire in the anthracite region for some time is now raging in the Hazelton slope of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company. When the fire broke out, six weeks ago, it was at first thought to be of little conse quence. The slope was closed shortly afterward. Since then hundreds of thou sands of dollars have been spent in efforts to subdue the flames. The chances of get ting the fire out soon are dubious. The mine was the most valuable oper ated by the company, employing 1100 men. The subterranean openings connect the Hazelton mines with three other valuable properties, and these latter are also in danger. It is estimated that before the outbreak itself shall have been overcome $1,000,000 will have to be expended. Prospectors Robbed in Mexico. Sierra Mojado, Mexico, March 10. — Frank Ward and H. D. Samle, American prospectors, who left here a few weeks ago for the new mining camp of Carmen, near the Rio Grande border, were attacked by a band of Mexican outlaws and robbed of their money and horses. The outlaws es caped across the river into Texas. THE BUSINESS MANS LUNCH. Hard Work and Indigestion go Hand in Hand. Concentrated thought, continued in, robs the stomach of necessary blood, and this is also true of hard physical labor. When a five horse-power engine is made to do ten horse-power work some- thing is going to break. Very often the hard-worked man coming from the field or the office will "bolt" his food in a few minutes which will take hours to digest. Then too, many foods are about as useful in the stomach as a kef? of nails would be in a fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach refuses to do its work without the proper stimulus which it gets from the blood and nerves. The nerves are weak and "ready to break," because they do not get the nourish- ment they require from the ' blood, finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked man attempts to find rest in bed. The application of common sense in the treatment of the stomach and the whole system brings to the busy man the full enjoyment of life and healthy digestion when he takes Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets to relieve a bilious stomach or after a too hearty meal, and Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discov- ery to purify, enrich and vitalize the blood. The "Pellets" are tiny sugar- coated pills made of. highly concentrated vegetable ingredients which relieve the stomach of all offending matters easily and thoroughly. They need only be taken for a short time to cure the bili- ousness, constipation and slothfulness, or torpor, of the liver : then the " Medi- cal Discovery" should be taken in tea- spoonful doses to increase the blood and enrich it. It has a peculiar effect upon the lining membranes of the stom- ach and bowels, toning up and strength- ening them for all time. The whole system feels the effect of the pure blood coursing through the body and the nerves are vitalized and strengthened, not deadened, or put to sleep," as the so-called celery compounds and nerve mixtures — but refreshed and fed on the food they need for health. If you suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia, nerv- ousness, or impure blood and disordered stomach, you can cure yourself with Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. ■y .:.■•-,- *