Newspaper Page Text
-VOLUME LXXVII.-NO. 124. ALONG THE COAST. A Woman in Sacramento Killed by a Brutal Beating. BIG BLAZE* AT BENICIA. Identity of the Man Who Com mitted Suicide at Sausalito. STANFORD WINS IN DEBATE. Body of the Angels Camp Flood Vic tim Found — Methodists at Santa Rosa. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12.— Neri ■••, Germenia, the little Portugese woman who • Called at the police station a week ago and •..reported to the sergeant in charge that she • had been beaten by Manuel G. Dandried, '. in whose service she was employed, died •' '..last night. "' The woman's story, as related to the • authorities through the aid of an inter- . -preter, was both sad and unusual. She ' said that two years ago Dandried per '-.' suaded her to leave her native home in • .sunny Portugal, and offered what seemed to her fabulous wages to come to Cali fornia and act as his servant. She gladly ; accepted his offer, and came only to find herself in a position of veritable slavery. ;•.'•;• Since her arrival Dandried has fre '•' quently beaten her. The cause of the last ./'.'beating she received was a trivial one. A .few small turkeys had disappeared and ?Dandried accused his nepnew, a boy of ..tender years, of having killed them, and proceeded to chastise him unmercifully. The woman interfered in the lad's behalf and was knocked down and repeatedly kicked, despite her being in delicate health at the time. From the effects of this assault the woman was taken sick and a physician was called in. He found upon examina tion that it would be necessary, in order to cave the woman's life, to perform an ope ration. This was done successfully.' The woman afterward complained of great pain in her side and declared that ' : the bandages were too tight. Dandried, without notifying the physician in charge; ' cut the retaining bands with . a pair of scissors. Internal hemorrhage ensued and the woman died. .'-i,' M ♦ FIRE AT BENICIA. ' JDestruetion of an Immense Warehouse "-,'•/-• Stored . With ' TFlieat. , . - '^P. ••" '^ENTCIAV CaI.," April 12.— The immense warehouse and office ol Balfour, Guthrie & Co., together with the contents, was en . tirely destroyed by fire this forenoon. The • blaze was discovered shortly' after 10 : o'clock and the entire Fire Department . was called out. There were no hydrants on the wharf, : "find before it was possible to get a stream Of water on the flames they had made such headway that nothing could be done by . the firemen except to prevent the flames : from destroying the wharf. V{VV, yViV • The amount of property destroyed will . amount to more than $110,000, as there was . stored in the warehouse 3500 tons of wheat ... belonging to the Fair estate. ; The warehouse was 400 feet long, and a .'substantial building, having all the im •' provements for handling grain, with rail v road tracks on both sides. The watch man, Mr. Pinkham, tells this story: • ' "I bad left the office about twenty - minutes to attend to the warehouse, when ■my attention was called by some one snouting to me that the off lee was on fire. '•• "I hastened back as fast as I could and ' '.found that the fire was breaking out of tbe : 'windows. lam unable to account for the origin of the blaze, but hardly think it was the work of incendiaries." '. The watchman was badly burned about the face and hands in trying to extinguish • the fire. m . . METHODISTS AT SANTA ' ROSA. ''.■.The District Conference' Selects Petaluma as the Next Place of Meeting. V ■ -SANTA ROSA, Cal., April 12.— The next •meeting of the Santa Rosa District Confer ence of the M. E. Church South will be /.held at Petaluma. It was so decided at the . . session Thursday. D. D. Parker of Elmira, ; i W. R. Ferguson of Dixon, R. A. Latimer ; .of Santa Rosa, T. J. McGimpsey of Boone \ ville, were elected delegates. .'/Dr. W. A. Finlay of Santa Rosa, W. ...Lundblad of Woodland and W. M. Arm .' .strong were granted authority to preach, Dr. Finlay and Mr. Lundblad as regular ■/pastors, and Mr. Armstrong as a travel : . .ing pastor. Thursday night an able sermon ; '. was delivered by Rev. R. P. Wilson oi San .=.'• Francisco and a number of reports were : heard from the ministers. ' .. This forenoon was spent in considering ; the business affairs of the churches. The meetings will close this evening. — » .',"'. , r ~r: IDENTIFIED AT SAUSALITO. The Unknown Suicide Was a Resident of San Francisco. . SAN RAFAEL, Cal., April 12.— body of the unknown suicide-found at ' Wildwood Glen, near Sausalito, yesterday, '. was identified to-day as that of Louis E. . .Frachette of 211^ Prospect place, San Francisco. He was a native of Canada and was 43 years of age. He left home at 6 o'clock on Thursday, saying he was going to a arugstore to get some medicine, but instead took the first boat tor Sausalito ' and made his way to the picnic ground, where he shot himself. * Coroner Eden held an inquest to-day, the jury returning a verdict "that he came ' to his death . from a gunshot wound, self inflicted, with suicidal intent. The body was taken to San Francisco for interment. The deceased leaves a widow '. and two children. SANTA CRUZ HEIRESS. Claim to a Share of an Estate Left by a South American Millionaire. .. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., April 12.-Re cently a millionaire named' Coffin died in South America, leaving an estate valued at $10,000,000 to four heirs. Miss Anna Coffin believes that she is among the heirs, as Coffin was her father's brother. She had never seen the deceased, but knows that , The San Francisco Call. she had an uncle who went to South America many years ago. Steps are to be taken to present her claim to a share of the estate if the relationship should be proven. REEDEEY FORGERY CASE. Another Day Consumed in the Taking of Evidence Against Professor Sanders. FRESNO, Cal., April 12.— Several jurors in the Sanders forgery case complained to day of feeling ill, and asked that the at torneys bring the trial to a conclusion as soon as possible. The county has been at a very heavy ex pense in the investigation of the Wootton case, and it was manifestly impossible to cut short the testimony on either side with out, prejudice to the interest of justice on both sides. Judge Webb rescinded the order committing the jury to the custody of the Sheriff, and permitted the jurors to so home each evening, with a caution not to talk about the case or read the news papers. The testimony to-day bore almost ex clusively on the book from which . the forged draft is presumed to have been torn, and the evidence of grand jurors and others was submitted to show .that when they examined it there were forty-nine unto'rn leaves and one stub. Ex-District Attorney Church testifiei that since then he had permitted counsel for the defense to remove six or seven of the leaves for the purpose of examination and that a writing had been given to that effect. The prosecution will close its testimony to morrow morning. FOUND NEAR SAN ANDREAS. Recovery of the Body of the Victim of the . . Angels Flood. SAN ANDREAS, Cal., April 12.-The body of Otto Lundt, drowned by the flood from . the broken dam above Angels on Wednesday, was found five miles from here to-day, lodged among some rock and logs. It was horribly mangled and could be identified only by a scar. It had been carried ten miles from the accident. The body was brought here and an in quest held. The verdict was that Lundt came to his death by accidental drowning. The body was taken to Angels to-night and the funeral will be held there i to morrow. Lundt was a German, 71 years of age. . '_.";;\';t ' No other deaths from the flood are re ported. WON BY STANFORD. Orator Sand Captures the Carnot Medal in the Intercollegiate Debate. PALO ALTO, Cal., April 12.— Stan ford-Berkeley intercollegiate, debate for the Carnot medal offered by Baron Cou bertin took place this evening. The sub ject chosen was, "Was Casimer - Perier Justified in Resigning the Presidency of France?" Stanford was - represented by Sheldon, Harrington . and Sandwick ; and Berkeley by Friend, Lyser and Clark. The judges decided in favor of Sandwick, who supported the affirmative side of the question. ' , :■■•■•*;.': .■_.- SHIPPED FROM SAN GABRIEL. A Fruit-Grower Who Claims to Save ; . Sent the First Oranges East. ..^ " LOS ANGELES, Cal., \ April 12. -This evening's Express prints a dispatch signed "William H. Mills," asking for the name and address of the person who shipped the firat carload of oranges from California to the East. Mr. Mills says he asks for the information on behalf of the California Press Association, which desires to confer on the first shipper the badge of the asso ciation. To-night J. de Barth Shorb, the well known orange-grower and vineyardist of San Gabriel, writes the Times, stating that he can claim that honor. He says he shipped his first carload in 1877, and has telegraphed Mr. Mills to that effect. GENERAL FUND EXHAUSTED. The Small Balance Remaining Will Be . Paid Out To-Day. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12.— general fund in the State Treasury is about exhausted, and the small balance of $73,209 remaining will be' wiped out to morrow, there being already more than claims enough to use it up. . ' The 'first money to come into the treas ury*will be from the second installment oi the railroad taxes, which will be paid in on or before the 29th inst. The second in stallment of State and county taxes will begin to come' in immediately after May 15, and by June 1 between $900,000 and $1,000,000 will have been received into the treasury. : j VaV;VVV ' Southern Pacific Economizing. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 12.— announcement that the Southern Pacific had withdrawn from sale tickets for St. Paul and . Minnesota points via El Paso, Fort Worth and Kansas City and also by the northern route via Ogden and Kansas City, turns out to be only partially correct. The southern gateway to extreme northern points is still open, but no more tickets are being offered via Ogden and Kansas City. While the Southern Pacific Company offers no official reason for the action taken it is supposed to be simply on the score of economy. '■'•■'■'■ ** Congregationalists' at Kenwood. ■ SANTA ROSA, Cal., April 12.— con vention of the Sonoma Association of the Congregational Church came to a close at Kenwood last evening. Rev. J. K. Har rison of San Francisco gave an illustrated lecture at the church to a large audience as the concluding feature of the conven tion. During the day there were a num ber of interesting papers read ' and discus sions entered into with spirit by nearly all the delegates present. Attempted Suicide Near Madison. WOODLAND, Cal., April 12.-David Bayha, a young German, made a desperate attempt to commit suicide near Madison Thursday evening. He severed his wind pipe with a razor. He is still conscious, but his death is momentarily expected. Bayha was no doubt suffering from tem porary aberration of the mind. Distinguished Guests at Santa Crux. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., April ' 12.-Mrs. Nettie Gunlock, national president of the G. A. R., arrived this evening and isLbeing entertained by Shenandoah Circle. R. M. Sibley, a Rochester (N. V.) banker, arrived to-day with his family in the pri vate car lolanthe. They have been in the State two months. Accidental Shooting at Eureka. EUREKA, Cal. . April 12.'— Henry . Bar ron of Upper Redwood, aged 16, rested a rifle on the bank of a creek-while he at tempted to catch a salmon. The gun slipped and was discharged,! shooting him through the body and causing almost in stant death. ; - %i v* • : ' ' '• SAN FRANCISCO, j SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 13, 1895. SONOMA'S MERRY WAR Interest in the Carnival Contest Daily In creasing". RESULT OF THE COUNT. Miss Spottswood Now Leads in the Race for a Throne of Roses. NEW FEATURES BEING ADDED. • Arranging for the Opening Proces sion and the Grand Car- ••■ nival Ball. SANTA ROSA, Cal., April 12.— The con test for queen of the rose carnival in creases in spirit daily, and additional names are being added by the voters to the list of popular belles. The result of the IISS ANITA BISHOP, » ONE- OP !_ THE PAIR CONTESTANTS. FOR i QUEEN OP THE ROSES. -',' . _.. . \ • .:, :*>«» <.£"».; •.' v voting to-day placed the leading candidates i in the following order : A -*' It . I— Miss Spottswood.v.'-/«' . ; : , - • ( ; 2 Miss Matthews. • .. • . , 3— Miss Donavan. ,';._ i 4— Miss Davis., '■•,'-•! •..• . •; -\ s— Miss Bishop. ... 6— Miss Solomon. . -.;, s ,;_ .-; •• _- •_„*,,., . Everything is being done to insure the success of the carnival, by the manage ment. They have been fortunate in secur ing the services of the celebrated Ronco vieri American ■ Concert band which is composed of forty pieces, to play, during the carnival, A grand concert will .be given in the large Atheneum. and besides the musical treat thus afforded the selec tions are to be illustrated by electric and calcium lights, which will be managed by expert scenic artists. The lights used will be powerful and the effect will be impos ing. ' : "- Y'\?.- - The procession will form upon the arri val of the morning train from San Fran cisco and proceed through the principal streets. The morning of the second day will be thus taken up. The. bicycle race, in which 400 skilled wheelers will participate, comes off in the afternoon. Riders are coming from all oyer the, county, and some are here from the East. . The grand band concert in the Athen eum will be the closing event of the second day. The programme for the remaining two days has been agreed on, but it will of course be subject to changes. The flower show will be formally opened on the first evening in Ridge way Hall, and an elaborate display it will be. On Friday, April 9, the Sonoma County schools will participate, and at ' night 1 will occur the grand carnival ball, which will be opened with a fancy floral dance by twenty-four boys and girls. ""- '- n ; ,-,',;'" HEALDSBURG TO PARTICIPATE. New Candidates for the Throne of Roses Will Be Put Forward. HEALDSBURG, Cal., April 12.—Presi dent of the Rose Carnival Association A. R. Hardin and Mayor E.W. Woodward of Santa Rosa were in this city to-day to in duce citizens to , participate in the rose carnival..-' Healdsburg's co-operation was readily assured, and this city will con tribute many attractions lto the 'display; The wheelmen's club will participate ,in a body, the ladies will contribute both floral and personal beauty, while the merchants and manufacturers will have appropriate' floats. , Other names will be added: to the list of contestants for the floral crown. The residents of Healdsburg will join with tHeir neighbors to capture the floral throne. WILL BE AT SANTA BARBARA. The Olympia Certain to Remain Through , , out the Flower Festival. * SANTA BARBARA, Cal., April 12.— The _ report is ; in : circulation that the Olympia has sealed . orders which .will make it impossible for. her to -i be in -. Santa -Barbara during J the .flower festival. The fact that vessel left Santa Barbara Tuesday ogives f some color »to this assertion; but i the ; statement *is un founded. The Olympia* has merely gone down . the r coast a few miles for torpedo practice and to land men for several days' drill and rifle practice. " The Olympia is not equipped for a voy age and has on board a large number :of middies who are not commissioned. More over, the vessel is under orders from the War Department to come to Santa Bar bara and remain' throughout the '•'; flower festival. Captain Reed : and his fellow officers have accepted an invitation to be present at a reception to be given in their honor on the 16th inst. by Mrs. Rowland Hazard and daughter. The vessel returns here on the 15th. A sharp contest is being waged for choice seats alone the line of the floral parade next Thursday, the . sale of which com mences Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. The first man was in line Thursday night at 10 o'clock. Various -subterfuges was tried to displace him, winding up with a friendly physical contest for the seat and the calling up of a Justice of the Peace at 4 o'clock Friday morning to issue a war rant. The successful contestants were ar rested on a charge of assault. Both men were in line at a late hour last night. One had been out the night before, but was j de termined to stick to his post till the sale began. . ■ • _ Crime in Round' Valley. UKIAH, Cal., April 12."-: Crime in Round Valley continues. Yon Palmer, a cowboy, has been arrested for cattle steal ing. He was placed. under $2000 bonds. Jack Littlefield and Hiram Tuttle, cow boys, have been apprehended for changing marks and brands on cattle. ; On Wednes- day Grist Brothers lost fifty-five hogs. Joe Gregory has been arrested for stabbing Jack Llttlefield " and placed under $3000 -bonds." ; . ; .'."'•• '^. J : / -;^ FRESNO BANK FAILURE Culmination of a Struggle Which Began With the j Panic of 1893. Depositors In the Suspended Loan and Savings Bank to Be , Paid In Full. FRESNO, Cal., April 12.— The Fresno Loan and Savings Bank suspended business this morning. A notice on the door says: Depositors will be paid in full, but our in ability to realize on securities makes it impos sible to meet demands. From Vice-President E. F. Bernard, who became connected with the management in August, 1894, it is learned that the fail ure is aue to accumulating interest on real estate mortgages and the inability to make other collections due. . The struggle began in the panic of 1893, and they were forced to close their doors in June, 1894, for > a day or so, but continued business. There is due depositors $412,478, about equally divided between the commercial and savings depositors. Their total assets amount to $710,000, which includes notes and mortgages secured by real estate to the amount of $454,710; . The bank premises and other real estate is valued at $175,000, and the amount of actual cash is $81,000. Allowing $100,000 for shrinkage in value of real estate and worthless securities they still have assets amounting to ; $200,000 more than liabilities. . The other banks have offered to take the commercial business off the Loan and Savings Bank's hands, dividing . equally between three banks— First National, Fresno National and Farmer-*. = There is no probability of a run on any of the Fresno banks on account of the suspen sion of the Loan and Savings Bank.. Peo ple are not excited over it, ; and the assur ance of the bank officials that depositors will be paid in full is generally believed, and there is better feeling than might have been expected. . The other ; banks are well prepared to stand a run. if one should come, and , they are fe«ling no uneasiness. .; In fact the bankers of : Fresno > held a meeting to-day to consider the advisability, of assuming liability for $200,000 of the debts due by the closed bank. " • Watsonville Wants the Grand Parlor. " WATSONVILLE, Cal., April ; 12. — At the session of the Grand Parlor of Native Sons, to be' held in Oakland this month, an active fight will ' be '/made to secure the next Grand Parlor for this city. The local, Native Sons are enthusiastic on the sub ject, and ,'iiT; case _ the prize is secured, will have the unanimous backing of all citizens in entertaining the Grand Parlor in this city.*.; ■■ r° ' " : - " v SAN JOAQUIN ROUTE. Course of the People's Road After Leaving Stockton. THE LINE MAPPED OUT. It' Will Strike Stanislaus River Southeast of Burnett Station. N WOMEN ARE RAISING FUNDS. Valuable Assistance Given the Project by the Fair Sex .'> of Stockton. STOCKTON, Cal., April 12.— Plans were received here to-day from San Francisco showing the route of the valley road from Stockton through San Joaquin County to the Stanislaus River. ' This is the first authentic information received by the sur veying party here, and the route mapped out is not that printed before. The line, according to the instructions received to-day, runs parallel with the Mariposa road southeasterly for several miles until it strikes an angle in that road where it crosses a large tract belonging to Rosenbaum — Crawford of this city. Here it deflects a trifle and runs in a straight line. to the southeastern corner of the county, where Jacob Meyer has a large ranch. The road passes through some very valu able farming land, but the owners of all the large tracts are in thorough sympathy with the project, and some have already made • generous subscriptions, so there is no doubt that the rights of way to the Stanislaus River can be easily obtained. Among those through whose land the road will pass are: G. S. Ladd, S. A. French, Rosenbaum & Crawford, F. G. Galglani, Mrs." A. Muenter, J. , K. Doak, Andrew Wolf, J. V. Mondon, A. McNeil S. Vanner, A. Chidester, G. S. Hall, H. L. Poyner, James Leighton, J. W. Gahn, Mrs. P. B. Swing, L. Bassillio, J. L.Payner, N. B. Sperry, E. C; Smith, John Morey, Mrs. I.: Brennan, Hannah Brennan, the estate of J. W. Jones, James W. Jones, Alice D. Jones, D. L. Jones, N. S. Harold, L. L. Huntley, Stockton Savings and Loan So ciety and Jacob Meyer. This will cut sev eral, large tracts in, twain, among them those of J. K. Doak, Andrew Wolf, A. Chi-! dester and H. J. Chalmers. These men, however, have come forward with grants of the right of way. ~ .. ; , .' : . ; . ; ':/; ; ': i \ The line of * the . road will , run. past the schoo— louse ) in section 14, township 2 south, range east. It "strikes the Stanis laus River, according 'to the' new map, five or six miles southeast of Burnett, a station ; on 'the line of the Oakdale branch* of the Southern Pacific road, between Stockton and Merced. This would indicate that the road will not run to Modesto, which was intimated by Engineer Storey when here. He stated then that it might not go to that point, but to some place midway be tween Modesto and Oakdale. '• ■;* '- - v -; : V ' .It f is possible that this route may be changed, if any, engineering difficulties are found in the way, which is hardly thought probable. . j '■;"■ • '^V'VV'-'V The surveyors have about finished their work inside the city limits, but still make their headquarters here. A week from to morrow there will be a monster picnic at Goodwater Grove, just outside of Stockton, ' which will be given by the ladies-committ ee of ■ the Stockton Commercial Associa tion .to help the fund they are raising for the road. . The Stockton Athletic Club has taken hold of the project, and will hold its field day exercises in conjunction with the picnic, so the affair will probably, net con siderable money, and Stockton will take a half holiday on that afternoon. To-morrow all the schoolgirls in the city will go out among the homes to solicit subscriptions for the fund being raised by the ladies. * \ V" -" -- "» -- — " The committee appointed by the Com ' mercial Association to make a comparison between the city assessment and the sub scription list, to .j the valley road has the names of 160 persons assessed at over $10,000 each who have not yet contributed anything to the fund. They will be waited upon and asked to give their proportion of. the amount to be raised, which has now very nearly reached the required sum. Companies A and B, Sixth Regiment, N. G. C., will hold a military carnival next Monday night, the proceeds of which will go to swell the fund of the new road. Liv ing pictures, representing war scenes, will be shown. Stockton has never been so thoroughly enthusiastic over anything in all its his tory. '■;/., -■■-'■:■ . .I W^: .'. FRESNO'S PROFFERED AID. Ready to Meet Any Demands in the Interests of the People's Road. FRESNO, Cal., April 12.— The Chamber of Commerce has sent the following mes sage to the directors of the new road : The executive committee ,; of the Fresno Chamber fof j Commerce, ■ having • already ex pressed its full sympathy with the movement to secure another railroad through this valley, • now begs leave to : renew Its previous assur ance and to ask if jitjis jin j contemplation |on your part to send a committee to this city to confer with the citizens of Fresno with respect to your plans j and expectations so far as we are : concerned. ,1 We have ? remained \ inactive until now, not from lack of interest, but in the hope that you would, in due course of time, indicate to us your wishes. : ■ The people here are alive to j the importance of securing the San- Joaquin Valley Railroad and its machine-shops : for this city, and are anxious to learn what you expect of them. EXTENDED TO SANTA CRUZ. Claus Spreckels' Intimation Regarding . the .Valley Road's Route. ■ : SANTA CRUZ, Cal., April 12.— Claus Spreckels, who was at his country resi dence' at : Aptos this, week, said i that' he intended to lengthen the -wharf at \ Aptos so ' that his ; ships could ; load - there, as hi contemplated f^ making • shipments \ from there instead of , Moss Landing, as at pres ent. He intimated that the valley, road would be extended to Santa ; Cruz, and up the coast to San Francisco.' . , < ' ~ = . ' Paso Robles' Distinguished Guests. . % PASO ROBLES, Cal., April 12.— U. ,8. Grant Jr., accompanied by his wife and , the Misses Woods, arrived here this morn ing. - The party, after staying a few days at the springs, will journey on to San Francisco and thence to San Dieeo. They express more than ordinary surprise and delight at the beautiful surroundings here and anticipate a pleasant sojourn. WANTED IX SAN FRANCISCO.. Warrants for the Arrest of the Five China men Detained at Sacramento. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12.— A tele gram was received to-day by the police au thorities of this city from Chief Crowley of San Francisco stating that he had dis patched Officers Gleiman and Farrell with warrants, for the , arrest, on a charge of felony and embezzlement, of- the five Chinamen who were captured on the Ore gon train last evening by Policemen Baltz and Douglas of the local force. They will be returned to San Francisco. < . It appears that these Chinamen, in com pany with four others, were the directors of a Chinese beneficial fund, organized and subscribed to by the Mongol sewing ma chine operators of San Francisco, and it sis claimed that the ,- board of directors unanimously agreed to divide the funds of the organization and depart for pastures new. Five of them decided to go to Oregon, and were captured en route by the Sacramento police. The others left in the direction of Los Angeles, and are still at large. ,' ■ ■ ■ . . . CAUGHT AT SACRAMENTO. Bandit Brady's Double' Found to Be an Inoffensive Swede. Nevada County Detectives Pursue a Man Thought to Be Bogard's' Slayer. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12— On the arrival of the freight train known in rail road men parlance as No. 6, which reaches this city at 2 o'clock a. m a large force of detectives, police and yardmen were. on hand. They immediately surrounded the train and instituted a search for the sup posed murderer of Sheriff Bogard, they having been notified by. telegraph that he had boarded the train at Colfax and was afterward seen in Rocklin. As the long line of freightcars came to a standstill, the .engineer, having been sig naled to stop a few blocks from the depot, the assembled forces closed in on all sides, and Policeman Douglas, discovering a man seated on the bumpers between the two head cars, made a* rush for him. The man at once sprang to the ground on the opposite side of the train, at the same time making a motion as though to draw a weapon. The officer compelled the man to throw up his hands. ■ By this time' Detective Ahem arrived at 'the side of -the supposed desperado, and while Policeman Douglas kept him cov ered • with i his • revolver - Ahem - searched him, the rest of the' force with drawn revolvers standing guard. : •■■ i - : - '•-- They were chagrined to find that their captive was an inoffensive ' Swede, who aid not possess an extensive command of tho Anglo-Saxon tongue and was nearly frightened to death. In general appear ance he bore a resemblance to Brady, but his meek demeanor would have touched even that notorious outlaw with pity. .Word was received to-day from the de tectives' in Nevada County that the man they were after had been seen in the neigh borhood of Columbian Hill, and that they were close , upon his track. j They claim that they will capture him without doubt. They are not positive that he will prove to be Brady, but say, that several who have encountered the fugitive recognize him as the man wanted, by aid of the photos in the possession of the pursuing force. He is traveling on foot and through a country which is almost impassable. V Vy.h STATE FAIR PREMIUMS. Awards to Be Offered for the Best Ex- hiblts of Dairy Products. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12. — There was a meeting of the State Board of Agri culture .here to-day for the purpose of revising the premium-list for the next State Fair. Owing to the importance of the butter-making interest it was decided to offer premiums for cows producing the greatest amount of butter fat, the contest to continue seven days. The awards will be : Five-year-olds and over— premium $60, second . .. ."..." >v ;', Four-year-olds and over— First $50, second $25. Three-year-olds and over— First' $40, sec ond $20. ' Two-year-olds and over— First $30, second $15. ■>;.-;■ yyV.V -*->'" ' Eighty per cent of pure butter fat shall be the basis for determining the yield of marketable butter. Special efforts will be made to arrange for a general exhibition of electrical mo tors, in view of the approaching utiliza tion of the American River water-power for transmitting vast electric power into this city. Eastern manufacturers will be asked to send their latest motors for this exhibition. B. M. Lelong, secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, was appointed superintendent of the horticultural depart ment. __________ • THROWN OUT OF EMPLOYMENT. An Entire Division Force of the South ern Pacific to Be Rendered Idle. SACRAMENTO, Cal., April 12.— There is a sweeping retrenchment to be made on the part of the Southern Pacific Company on the first of the coming month, that will throw an entire division ; force out ;of em ployment, add seventy miles more of tho road to the Sacramento division, and place the added care of this amount of track to the already arduous duties of : Superin tendent J. B. Wright. The company has decided to combine the Truckee division with the Sacramento hill division ? and place this combination under charge of the present superintend ent of the latter division. This will neces sitate an addition to the ' present force of clerks in the Sacramento office, , but 5 the removal of the headquarters of the Truckee division from Wadsworth and the removal of one superintendent will -result^ in con siderable saving to _ the company. ■ ; Super intendent Agler, who has been in charge of the Truckee division, will assume com mand over the ■ Ogden ; division, and ; will remove to that city. v » "'". VW " To Construct a New Plant. SANTA CRUZ, Cal., April 12.— The Electric | Light/ and Power . Company i are about to let the contract for a new plant, consisting of a new i process of gas manu facture/ , " PRICE FIVE CENTS. TRAGEDY AT TACOMA Paul Schulze Ends His Life With a Pistol Bullet. DESPONDENCY THE CAUSE He Felt Too Keenly His Re moval From an Honored Position. FRIENDS ARE GRIEF-STRICKEN. The Deceased Had Endeared Him self to Many by His Generous Disposition. TACOMA, Wash., April 12.—Disheart ened by financial difficulties and his re moval from an honored position, Paul Schulze, general land agent of the ' North ern Pacific Railroad, killed himself this morning at 11:30 o'clock by sending a 38 --caliber bullet through his head. The body was not found until 3:45 p. _ and it was nearly 5 before the Coroner was notified. The news became public after 6 o'clock and greatly surprised the entire city. Mr. Schulz* was one of the best known men in the Northwest. A German by birth, he entered the Northern Pacific ser vice under Henry Villard. and nearly ten years ago was made general land agent at the west end of the road. During the last year or so his policy had not been approved by the Northern Pa cific management, and frequently it has been rumored that he would be removed. Last Wednesday he announced that he had resigned at the request of Land Com missioner Phipps. He did "not seem to feel badly about the matter then, but it is certain that he felt keenly that the re moval showed a lack of appreciation of his services. ' Schulze was , president of the Yakima Investment Company, owner of the Great Sunnyside canal in Yakima County, with assets of over $2,000,000, and president of the Tacoma Railway and Motor Com pany, owner of two-thirds of the street railway system here. Both companies are in receivers' hands, and he was one of the receivers of the former company. The financial difficulties of that company had caused him much trouble. Schulze spent but part of Thursday at his office, though his resignation was not to take effect until Monday. He went home at 8 o'clock and ate dinner. After dinner he ordered a fire built in the kitchen, and the servants.who and out of the room, say that he burned several bundles of private papers, including letters. At 9 o'clock he sent for Dr. Yocom, his physician, and complained of a pain in his chest. The doctor was there over an hour, and about 10:30 Mr. Schulze retired. 7 "'2 At 8 o'clock this morning Henry, his Japanese servant, took up a light break fast. He told his master that he was going to market and asked if he wanted anything purchased. Mr. Schulze re plied •in the negative. At 11:30 the ser vants heard a noise in the direction of Mr. Schulze's room, but "paid little attention to it at the time. At 2 o'clock the man Henry returned, and as somebody had telephoned for Mr. Schulze he went to his door and knocked. There was no response, and Henry decided not to disturb him. He tried the door, but it was locked. A little before 4 o'clock Alfred Anderson, Mr. Schulze's private secretary, telephoned to the house and directed the servant to arouse Schulze. The door was still locked and finally the servant broke it open. He found his master lying stiff iv death, with a bullet through his head. The ball had entered the right temple and stopped just inside the skin on the opposite side. Dr. Yocom was called. He made an ex amination and notified the Coroner and friends. There will be no inquest. A number of warm personal friends and Northern Pacific officials gathered at the house and learned the details' of the sad story, some of them choking with sobs. Mr.' Schulze was one of the most generous i^Sfe^- Distressing $_?',_-. '« g* Irritations \W of the jf^^% skin w / 4&i&*^ s^ I Instantly (s~^^^ y\ j ßelieved by Wnr^(CDTICDRA Distressing irritations, itching and scaly skin and scalp diseases, tor- turing and disfiguring humors — all are speedily cured by the CUTI- CURA REMEDIES. The cures daily effected by them are simply wonderful. No other remedies are so pure, sweet, gentle, speedy, and effective. -.- They are beyond all doubt the greatest skin cures, blood . purifiers, and humor remedies of modern times, and especially appeal to mothers and children. Their use preserves, purifies, and beauti- ; fies the skin, and restores the hair when all other remedies fail. Sold throughout the world. Price, CtrnctntA, 50c.; Soap, 35c. ; Resolvent, $i. . Potter Druo and Chem. Corp., Sole Prop., Boston, Mass. ' -J_f-/'AII ahout the Skin. Scalp, and Hair,'* 64 pages, 100 testimonials, mailed free to any address. NerVOUS Instantly relieved by a Cutt- ! • , ;'•■'.- curii Plaster, because It vital- PainS and izes the nerve forces, and henca _ - cures nervous pains, weakness* numbness, and paialyst*