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OAKLAND TO SAM JOSE. Plans for the Forty-Mile Boule vard Are Taking Shape. MASS -MEETING TO BE HELD.! .The Good Roads Association Asks the Co-operation of Citi zens. :..." The wheelmen and horsemen of Oakland as well as the . citizens of the town have . taken up the idea of a boulevard from Oak .'•: land to San Jose with a vim, and the mass ... meeting which has been called by the Ala • meda County Good Roads Association at . the Reliance Clubrooms on the evening of ' the 23d inst., will, doubtless, be largely at tended. Circular letters will be sent out to-day to I ' several hundred gentlemen who are known I . to be interested in the good roads question, j urgently requesting them to be on hand to give their views on the matter, and to lend their aid to a speedy consummation of the project. John A. Britton, chairman of the asso ciation, who is one of the most ardent ad vocates of the boulevard, has been doing : : considerable figuring on the probable cost of the driveway, and the best route by which it could be built, and is assured in his own mind that the scheme is entirely feasible both from a financial and topo graphical point of view. He said ester : -My idea of the matter and the one which ; . seems to meet with the most favor is to con struct a macadamized road forty feet wide by what we call the lower route. This road runs out of Oakland to San Lean- ! dro, thence to San Lorenzo, Mount Eden, Al- i varado, Centerville, Irvington, Mission San Jose and into San Jose. It runs all the way through a beautiful coun- ; ;" try and the distance is about forty miles, j There is another route running through San ' Leandro, Haywarda, Decoto and Niles, but it is ' more or less "hilly and not so favorable for a ' boulevard as the one previously mentioned. Of ' : course the first thing is to think of is a drive way, which, in addition to being a source of ; great pleasure to those who would use it for '• ' recreation.would be of vast benefit to the farm- 1 ■ . eTs and orchardists along its line, and would i ' greatly enhance the value of their property. Later I should advocate the addition of a | i RESIDENCE" OF G. E. LIVERMOEE AT ROCKRIDGE, TO BE CON VERTED INTO A CLUBHOUSE. strip of road for the use of cyclists exclusively and another strip for pedestrians. The road could be bordered on each side with handsome trees, and considering the • beautiful country traversed I do not think there would be a handsomer boulevard in the world It would recall the good ola times when . scores upon scores of carriages crossed the ferry every Saturday, Sunday and holiday and drove out through Oakland into the surround ing country. We had good roads then and people appreciated them, but now the roads •are so poor that even Oakland people will not use them, let alone pleasure-seekers, who have to cross the bay to drive. J. B. Crockett of the San Francisco Gas Com pany was over to see me a. day or two ago, and . he skid that such a boulevard would bring the people over from San Francisco in crowds. He stated that he had formerly driven a great deal in Alameda Coon ty, but had been compelled to go elsewhere by the increasing dilapidation of the roadways. As to the probable cost of the boulevard and the methods by which the money could be raised I have not consulted much with those interested, but 1 have no doubt that when the people who are to be benefited are shown the advantages to be. gained they will come for : ward readily and push the scheme along. Of course the cost will be large, for such a road would contain 8,448,000 square feet or •938,606 square yards of surface, but on such a big job the contract price per yard would be small. The materials would not have to be hauled any great distance, for good quarries : could be opened all along the route. There are ■ two ways by which the . money ' could be raised. The first "would be to tax the _>eople owning property on each side of the "■ road so mnch per front foot. This might raise some opposition on the ground that the people •' immediately along the road would be paying "' for something which would be for the benefit of the larger portion of the county. ' i -These objections could be overcome by the second method, which would be to consolidate " the entire country to be benefited into one im • mense district, and taxing each- property •• holder in that district according to the amount he would be benefited by the building of the boulevard. There could be lew objections to such a plan, as each one would pay for his share and the pro rata would be comparatively • -Email. All these matters will doubtless be discussed before the meeting of the association on the 23d inst., and I have no doubt many other valuable ideas will be advanced which we may be able to take advantage of in the future. Could we manage to build such driveway it would be but a few years before it would be lined ,on each side by handsome residences. People who can afford their own teams would be glad of the chance to build on the line of • the boulevard, and such improvements would Of course greatly enhance the value of the sur rounding property. The larger portion of the expense would, of course, have borne by residents of Ala meda County, as the line between Alameda and Santa Clara counties Is much nearer to San Jose than to Oakland, but I have no doubt that Santa Clara County people would gladly contribute their share. • •' The association is making rapid strides in '• many ways, particularly in membership, and • before long we hope to have enrolled a large number of citizens who will aid us not only in makini. the boulevard plan a go, but in im proving the streets of this town. Not a great many years ago Oakland was famous for her drives and handsome streets, but that is all past now, and unless better care is taken of them, even the few roads that are now in good repair will follow the rest. THE COMING REGATTA. .'Varsity and Columbia Crewn Training Hard for the Race- ISudd and Staff to Attend. •" ".Lovers of aquatic sport are eagerly look ing forward to the regatta which is set for . ;he 27th inst. Interest in the event centers of course on the f oar-oared gig race be tween representatives of the University of California and the Columbia Boat Club,* •hough other events equally deserving of _otice are promised. - The Berkeley crew has been training . viththe utmost faithfulness, and, under . .he able coaching of E. M. Garnet* of Harvard, has been. transformed, from a lot . •>f lubbers into a crack crew, whose action tis a pleasure to watch. The members of the crew who will row for the honor of the 'varsity are: Trew stroke and captain, Whittemeyer No. 3, Cole No. 2 and Hutch inson bow. The men average 161 pounds in weight, and are in fine condition. They pull the same stroke which Cornell used in the Henley regatta and with which Harvard beat Yale twenty-two lengths in 1885. The Columbia crew began training two weeks ago. Every evening they row oyer the two-mile course using the 'Varsity gig, because their boat is not yet finished and will not be till within a day or two of the race. This, of course, is a disadvantage,, but the Columbia., on account of their greater experience in rowing, are willing to concede that much to their opponents. The members of the crew are: Leon Smith, stroke; Alec Rosborough, No. 2; F. P. Howard, No. 3; H. H. Haight, bow, and George Clement, coxswain. All the men show up well and are mastering the details of the celebrated Bob Cook Yale stroke, on which Trainer Ernest Folger insists. In boating experience the Columbias have a slight advantage over the 'Varsity four, but two of their men have never rowed in a race before, and in fact most of the noted oarsmen of that organization are now out of the city. ■ On Sessions Point a grand stand to seat 2500 people will be erected. The Native Sons are doing everything in their power to help along the event, and Governor Budd and his staff will be the guests of honor. OAKLAND'S BURLINGAME. A Country Club Organized in the Athens of the West. Rockridge. the Old Livermore Resi dence, to Be the Club's Home. * Oakland is to have a "Blingum" of its I own. Plans for a country club for Ala- I meda County have been perfected, and by i the end of this month . the organization I will be complete. The home of the new club is to be at j Rockridge, the late residence of Charles ' E. Livermore. It is situated within easy I driving distance of the city of Oakland and !is an ideal spot for club purposes. The property has been bonded in the sum of $25,000— a figure which the owner refused a year ago • A portion of the purchase price can re main on mortgage for a_ indefinite time, and of the balance all but $3000 has already been subscribed by leading, society and business of the Athens "of the West. The organization of the club has been kept ' very quiet, and' even now that its success is assured the names of its subscribers* are withheld. This is because the : Oakland Country Club is to be the most exclusive institution of its kind, and its subscribers do not wish to be troubled just yet with importunities for membership from any of the ineligibles with whom they may chance to t>e acquainted. Kockridge is a beautiful property, situ ated in the Piedmont foothills. It occu pies a little valley just northwest of Pied mont Heights, and is completely sheltered > from the wind by great grassy slopes that 'are in themselves beautiful. The property consists of thirty-two acres of the richest land in Alameda County, through the cen ter of which a tiny brook ripples. The land is, thickly wooded, and presents a studied wildness and luxuriance of vegeta tion which is indescribable. Palms, elms and orange trees and evergreens, acacias and other flowering trees abound. On the property are two houses— the old Livermore homestead and the other a. modern country house in the colonial style. Large stables and carriage houses, a "laundry, an engine-house for pumping water to the tanks on the heights . above all are in complete order and ready for use. Upon the grounds are tennis courts and links for the fashionable game of golf, and the club members are already talking of the possibilities of pools. . The club has behind it some of the wealthiest men of Oakland, but it is under stood that while it is to be very exclusive a large membership of the right sort of people is considered desirable. Wherever the compass points there will be found Dr. Price's Baking Powder. THE TAX UNCHANGED. Tho Chosen Friends Decide That They Want No Redac tion. Hardly bad the session of the Grand Council of the Chosen Friends been called to order by Grand ; Councilor Selvage, yes l terday, when a motion was made to recon sider the vote .by which it had been de cided Wednesday to ? retain the per capita tax at $1. • The motion, however,.. was promptly declared out of order on 'the ground that the matter ' had been finally i disposed of Wednesday for the session. , An appeal was taxeh, but only five votes were recorded agaifist sustaining the de cision of the grand councilor, and thus ended what had been one of the burning questions of the session. Without loss of time the question 0f.,. bi ennial or annual sessions was placed be fore the representatives, and after a short debate it was decided', by a large majority, to meet annually, and" April 8, 1896, was fixed as the date' of the next.- convention. It bad previously been decided to hold it again in this city. - V^^^^^^^^SBfmX The laws were then amended so as to provide for the payment of mileage and per diem to all representatives. Hereto fore only one delegate from each council had been granted this, allowance, all the others paying their own expenses, though in some instances five representatives were accredited to the grand council from a sin gle council. ' . -.'.-*"' <.- A resolution was passed instructing the executive committee to appoint organizers, who are to be paid their actual , traveling expenses, $25 a month, $100 for each new lodge instituted < and $2 for each member ,-thereof. ■ A rising vote of thanks was tendered the i press of San Francisco for the publication of the proceedings of the session so fully. ; * THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1895. FESTIVAL DAYS OF Mil Ukiah's Generous Invitation to the Half- Million Club. PRESIDIO TROOPS REVIEW. San Francisco to Don Gala Garb on May Day — Interior ; Towns Astir. All day yesterday the excursion commit tee of the Half-million Club was flooded with inquiries and the club's office in the Mills building was the scene of intense activity.. Secretary Davis was scarcely able to attend to all the parties desirous of registering for the excursion to the fiesta. It is now absolutely certain that a second train will be necessary. The principal event of yesterday ' was a generous and magnificent proposition made by a delegation of Sonoma County citizens, headed by Mr. Sbarboro. It was in effect that the ladies of Ukiah tendered to the Half-million Club and its excursion guests an invitation to attend a barbecue at Ukiah on May 3, and President A. W. Foster of the San Francisco and North Pacific Kailroad followed that invitation up by tendering the free use of a special train to the Half-million Club and its ex cursion guests to take them to the bar becue and to convey them on a visit to the large vineyards and wineries of the Italian- Swiss Colony. The train will take the party from this city through Marin, Sonoma and Mendo cino counties, running forty-six miles along the banks of the Russian River to Ukian, the terminus of the road, and re turn. The ladies of Ukiah and Mendocino County propose to demonstrate what true California hospitality is. The entertainment committe, through its chairman, Alt Bouvier, has accepted the kind invitation and generous offer and has tendered to President Foster and his company, to the ladies of Ukiah and Men docino County and to the Italian-Swiss colony the thanks of the club. The tickets for the excursion are on sale at the Union Trust building, second floor, corner of Montgomery and Market streets. INTERIOR TOWNS ASTIR. Good Words Come Prom Bakersield, Tulare, Auburn and Newcastle. .' ' Chairman W. M. Bunker of the promo tion committee yesterday received from S. W. Ferguson, manager of the Kern County Land Company l of Baker-held, the an nouncement that Charles F. Wilson and George F. Weeks would represent Bakers field as delegates, and that S. C. Smith and C. N. Beal would be the alternates. . • Mr. Ferguson stated that he -had taken steps to get an expression from his fellow citizens of Bakersfield in regard to the ex cursion and hoped to be able to report favorably from them. .From J. F. Madden, chairman of the Newcastle citizens' committee, an interest ing communication was received, He said in part: - " Meetings of Newcastle citizens have been held, and much interest is shown in the ex cursion movement. A Los Angeles Fiesta com mittee has been appointed, as follows: Dr. Mar tin Schnabel, T. H. Mitchell, William B. (.ester, K. J. Mason and J. F. Madden. A committee of two Messrs. Schnabel and Mitchell— will pro ceed to Los Angeles. The other three members of the committee will, as soon as the-north bound excursion leaves Los Angeles, proceed to meet it and assist in entertaining the«x cursionists, and to extend any required infor mation, and will* not leave them until their faces are again turned toward San Francisco. Sight-seeing and carriage-riding will probably consume all the time the strangers will be with us. It is quite probable that we will be able to distribute strawberries, and possibly cherries, to the people. In fact, our part of the pro gramme will be properly taken care of, and I think we will send away a pleased lot of people when the visitors leave us. Dr. Schnabel and J. F, Madden will rep resent Newcastle on the permanent execu tive committee, which is being formed in this city for the purpose of continuing the present movement of advertising the re sources of California. Continuing, in his communication, Mr. Madden aalls attention to the fact that one-fourth of all the green and deciduous fruits shipped from California to the East in 1894 was from Placer County, and that the greater part of it came from within a radius of ten miles from Newcastle. \ B. M. Berry of the Auburn committee instructed Chairman Bunker that J. W. Morgan and J. M. Fulweiler would be the Auburn delegates to the Half-million Club excursion. . • Tiie people of Auburn will furnish con veyances to the excursionists, who will leave immediately upon the arrival of the train, and driven through a mining and agricultural country to Penryn, where the train will be retaken. A. J. Pillsbury of tbe Tulare committee wrote that his people were at a loss to know when the excursion train would reach that : place. As. the train is an nounced to leave San Francisca at 3 p. m. and arrive in Los Angeles at 8' a. m. he judged it to be a "special" and a "flier," and he wanted to obtain a sufficient delay at Tulare to give the citizens "an equal chance with Fresno and Porteiville to show their good country off." Sacramento's delegates will be Hon. William Beckman, F. W. Pratt and R. J. Cohen, and Porterville will be represented by Erail Newman. ENTEBTAINMENT COMMITTEE. May-Day Festivals — The Excursion Up the Sacramento Biver. Alfred Bouvier, chairman of the enter tainment committee of the Half-million Club, yesterday outlined the present plans of that committee to a representative of the Call. "The excursion," said Mr. Bouvier, "will arrive in San Francisco from Menlo ■. Park between 4 and 5 o'clock on the afternoon of April 30, but there will be no programme for the night of April 30. "It is proposed to make Wednesday, May 1, a May-day holiday, and all merchant and business houses will be requested to make as elaborate and brilliant a display of bunting as possible, in order to give the city a genuine holiday appearance. The committee feels ■ sure of active co operation in this matter on the part of the principal '■ stores. On the Ist of May, the May-day festival will be in progress in Oakland, and the committee on entertain ment will place itself in communication with the managers of the Oakland festival, and will make suitable arrangements for the utilization of that particular means of entertainment: '■--'■; Mr. Bouvier said: We hope to arrange for a grand review of the troops at the f residio, and that will be a de cided feature. '-.J.! On the afternoon of May day there will be a grand double concert at Golden Gate Park, and it is expected that many business houses will close in the afternoon to enable employes and others to enjoy some of the daylight attrac tions. ■ ' ; In the evening there will be the brilliant illumination of the bay, and it is expected that all the shipping in the harbor will lend a friendly hand to add to the brilliancy of the occasion. r * y fy l t* , Wm!l&?' l fMn A isffafssw • On May 2 the bay and Sacramento River ex cursion will be the closing feature, and this Is a matter *of vital importance to the ' general scheme.. : * ■ :,- : ...\:V.-.. .. 'In trip •- up the Sacramento River as far as Knights Landing, returning by train, will be the main event of that day, and it is as yet un determined whether we can combine * the bay and river excursions or .whether to attempt a' double - excursion. The '■ preference :: la : lor a single .excursion. One of the handsome side wheel steamers .will be secured— the San Ra fael or the Tamalpais, either of which can nav igate the Sacramento River. . After a brief in spection of the bay , and a stop at Mare Island, tne steamer will proceed to Knights Landing, giving the excursionists a view of the wonder fully productive valley of the Sacramento, which, at this season of the year, is a veritable thing of beauty and a wholesome joy. ; The importance of impressing visitors with the fact that we have a navigable stream like the Sacramento at our very doors is obvious, and there are, furthermore, many people in San Francisco and vicinity who do not appre ciate it and to whom this excursion may prove a valuable instruction. "The committee," concluded Mr. Bouvier, "finds the enthusiasm increasing, and a grow ing disposition on every side to lend a vigor ous helping hand for the furtherance of the new, united and progressive California. The excursion to Ukiah, decided upon yesterday, will leave Tiburon ferry on May 3at7:4oA. M. THE GRAND JURY'S WORK, A Very Watchful Eye Will Be Kept on the Board of Supervisors From This Time On, ! . The Grand Jury spent most of the time of its session yesterday in deciding Upon what matters it could best investigate, as the usual length of its term as a Grand Jury has nearly been reached. It was de cided to take up the*most important mat ters ; to take up no new- business unless of vital importance; to cut off some business which has been well dealt with, and to pay no attention to petty criminal cases. As a result there will be no more indict ments of persons supposed to be guilty of election frauds, as sufficient evidence can not be secured. Indictments of persons owning houses of ill-repute and the in mates will also be dropped, as the cases of those indicted are ' before the ;'■ Supreme Court to test the legality of the power of grand juries in their cases.- It was the sense of the grand jurors that there was a very large amount of important business for them to investigate, and that they would be unable to deal further with mis demeanors. The business on hand is likely to take all of the time of the Grand Jury for the next month or so, even with three meetings a week. It is as follows: Investigation of the Board of Supervisors, both in regard to Spring Valley water matters and the bitu minous rock combine; the rumored frauds in connection with the ferry foundation : the increase in secretly granted divorces; straw bond matters; the actions of H. H. Davis and others in settling claims against the Southern Pacific Company, and charges which ' are to be made by Mayor Sutro. George T. Gaden sent a communication to the Grand Jury that he, as clerk of Mayor Sutro, would submit some charges for the jurors to investigate at their next meeting. The straw bond investigation may result in the impeachment of Judge Campbell. The cases of straw bonds in his court are said to have been very numer ous and flagrant. Tbe greatest attention of the grand jurors will be directed to the matter of the ferry foundation and to the Supervisors. :_ : _ "Vy'Vy': Japan meditates division of China into three kingdoms. Purity,' strength, econ omy, are avowedly :i the ' provinces * over which Price's Cream .Baking Powder is regnant. _______________________ COUNTERFEITERS CAUGHT One of Them Escaped on a Bicycle, Was Eventu ally Captured. The Wife of the Runaway Helped to Pass the False Coin. r The secret service agents of the treasury had an exciting chase after a counterfeiter yesterday. A man and a woman had been passing imitation $5 pieces for over a week and try as hard as he could Agent Harris found it impossible to run them to earth. The counterfeits were very poor and in stead of being molded were stamped out of a brass sheet with a die and then plated. There was no milling on the imitations and the wonder is that so many people accepted them. The last victim was Mrs. Nellie Herman, who keeps a lodging-house at 865K Market street. Last Wednesday John Baddeley and his wife Laura hired a room from Mrs. Herman. Baddeley paid three days' rent in advance and received . change for ass piece. A few hours later Mrs. Baddeley got change for another ; $5 piece, as her husband was out. Before 6 o'clock next morning the couple disappeared and when the landlady came to examine her money she found it bogus. She had Baddeley ar rested and taken to the Southern police station, but for some unaccountable reason he was allowed to go without being charged. ' . Mrs. Herman next applied to Secret Service Agent Harris, and he at once put his sons, Dudley and Roland, on the case. Baddeley had left his washing at the lodg ing-house, and was to return- for it, so the Harrises took up their station thereto wait for him. About 7 o'clock, while looking out of the window, Mrs. Herman ex claimed, "There he goes on a bicycle!" The two detectives went down the • stairs three at a time and jumped on the first car that came along. Baddeley turned up Golden Gate avenue, and the Harrises left the car and chased him on foot. The counterfeit saw them running, and, sus pecting something, put on a spurt. He was rapidly leaving them behind, when the secret service agents saw a wagon at tached to a couple of horses in front of a store. They wasted no time, but jumped in and again gave chase, while .the owner of the team shouted behind them. Baddeley was soon overtaken and ar rested. When the owner of the wagon un derstood that it was a counterfeiter they had been chasing he said he was glad the officers had taken his vehicle. Baddeley was taken to the County Jail and to-mor row he will be turned over to the United States Marshal. ' ''' ' When her husband did \ not return Mrs. Baddeley went to look for him. As soon as she put in an appearance at 865}£ 'Mar ket street she also was placed under arrest. She refused to talk about the matter when locked up in the City Prison, but said she was married to Baddeley eight months ago in Oakland. Her maiden name was Laura Clark. Baddeley is an engraver and printer by profession and used to work with Han cock Bros., the printers and ; engravers in the Nucleus building. ; He answers tne description of a man who hired a room from Mrs. Brown at '3l6 Third street' and received $3 50 in change for a bogus $5 piece. He played the same game on Mrs. Allen of 414 Fourth street and Mrs." McCord of ; 423 Sutter street. While he was working one end of the town his wife is stfpposed to have been operat ing in the other. They must have passed great numbers 'of the counterfeits as they are both well dressed, and Baddeley asserts that the bicycle he was riding is his own. At ; the ' jail last night \he - said the - whole matter was a mistake and that he intended making the Harris ; boys suffer for .;. his arrest. He denies having passed the coun terfeits, but "the . secret • service agents say they have a clear case against him and his wife. .V: ... ;"V-; i "* ;- ; ;'"'': V y\' > Baddeley's father and mother are a most respectable ' couple 7 and very well to do. They called to see their son last night and when informed of his arrest the old lady fainted. .Baddeley and his wife will; have their preliminary examination to-day be fore United States Commissioner Heacock. Kaster Hats. Our, Hat Department is crowded with Men's and Boys'. Hats, .; Largest stock of Straw Hats In the city, all at prices 50 per cent lower than can be had elsewhere. . L. V. Merle, the old I X L, 616 to 620 Kearny, cor. Commercial. * THIS IS FINANCIAL CHAOS, ■ '.'■- ■:■■■ ■■■■- ■ , San Francisco Has No Opera tive Law for a Tax Levy. THE OLD LAW IS REPEALED. Assessment Completed Under It May Be Illegal— The New Act Tardy. Something in the nature of panic pre vails among the powers that be at the City Hall in relation' to the power to levy and collect taxes. There was to have been a conference be tween the members of the Finance Com mittee and the heads of departments yes terday, the City and County Attorney, the Auditor, Tax Collector, and each of these was present at the meeting of the com mittee for a time, but they did not get to gether, and no definite action was taken further than to determine to communicate with the State Board of Equalization, and arrange a meeting with them, to determine upon some ground that the city can take and stand to with the support of the State board. ";"-"-'". The fact appears to be Ithat^the new rev enue law has left San Francisco without a revenue law for this year. The old law has been repealed after the assessment has been made, under it, and the new law, which provides an entirely different method and times for taking the assess ment, leaves hardly enough time in its change of dates for the levy to be made, even if there was money enough in the treasury to enable it to be taken. '• "■•-" Auditor Broderick thought he had dis covered a perfectly clear and lawful way out of it, but John A. Russell, clerk of the Board of Supervisors, has made another discovery that spoils all that. The law requires the Auditor to furnish the Assessor with blanks for the collection of personal tax before March 1, while the act was not signed and did not become a law. until March 28, which Broderick de clared was a fatal defect and practically defeated the operation of the law until next year, leaving the sity to work under ! the old law for this year. The clause re pudiating all ' laws in conflict did not operate against it. But Mr. Russell yesterday called atten tion to another law, approved the same day, which distinctly repealed the old law. It reads: ' •• Section 1. An act entitled "An act in relation to the assessment and collection of taxes upon personal property in the city and county of San Francisco," approved March 18, 1391. is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. All counties and cities and counties of this State are hereby required to conform to the provisions of the Political Code in relation to the assessment, equalization, levy and col lection of taxes on personal property for reve nue purposes, and all laws now in torce in relation to revenue are hereby made applicable to all such counties and cities and counties. Sec. 3. All acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act are hereby repealed. This is neither as deep as a well nor as wide as a barn door, but it is enough. There is no cloud of doubt hanging over it. The old law is repealed. Now, the Assessor has about completed his levy of the assessment under tnat law. It is not done according to the provisions of the new law and is therefore not done lawfully. That is what the taxpayers may have a chance to say anyhow. Therefore there is consternation. The new law requires • the personal tax to be collected in March, and it is now the middle of April. There are many reasons why the. tax cannot be assessed and col lected under the new ; law this year. * It is known that the repeal of the special law governing the collection of taxes in San Francisco, and the bringing of this city and county under the general law, was largely due to Mr. Morehouse, chairman of the State Board of Equalization. It was determined to communicate with him and the board, arrange a conference and try to discover a way out of the difficulty, which to the officials at the City Hall seems just now undiscoverable. Supervisor Taylor, speaking of the mat ter yesterday, said: "This simply means chaos. I had a long talk with Governor Budd before he signed this act, and pointed out to him some of the trouble it would bring about. He said in reply, 'Oh, it will only disarrange your finances for one year.' I told him that a disarrangement of a few months in the shape we are would compel us to shut up shop. It looks as though this was going to compel us to do it." _______________________ A Chopin Recital. ' A Chopin piano recital was given last night at Y. M. C. A. Hall by Hugo Mansfeld, under the auspices of the Hawthorne Society. " The audi ence numbered about 1000, and consisted of some of the best-known musical people of the city. The programme was opened by introduc tory remarks by Albert Lyser, and a biographi cal sketch of the famous composer was deliv ered by Dr. W.E. Price. The renditions of some of the choicest productions of the com poser by Mr. Mansfield were received with merited applause by the audience. • KNOWLEDGE Bring 3 comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to nealth of the .pure liquid laxative principles embraced; in . the remedy, Syrup of Figs. , Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative; effectually cleansing the system ■ dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing coustipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession because it acts on - the ; : Kid- neys, Liver; and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. :.-'..-' ' ;'- Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 50c and $1 bottles; but it is man- ufactured ■ by the California ; Fig Syrup Co.only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will '■ not accept any substitute if offered ' NEW WESTER^ HOTEL. KEARNY AND WASHINGTON ■ STS.-RE- modeled and renovated. KING, WARD A CO. European; plan.; Rooms BOc, to 91 50 per day, 92 to 98 per week, 98 to 930 per month; j free baths; hot and cold water ever} - room; tire grates In every room; elevator runs all night. ':_'.;._■; NEW TO-DAY. Saving — Day This is your pay day, no doubt— should be your saving day too. A big item of expense is in the cost of your clothing is it not so ? How to save on that outlay is then the question. . Go v direct to the Manufacturing Wholesalers, who make all the clothing they sell and share their pro- fits with no one, and you can save fifty per cent on the cost of your purchase. Where to go ? Here— and only here. OPEN TO-NIGHT UNTIL 10. OOAIIfl! O af 1 i Illf 111 BROS * &co Wholesale Manufacturers Props. Oregon City Woolen Mills Fine Clothing For Man, Boy or Child RETAILED At Wholesale Prices 121-123 SANSOME STREET, Bet. Bush and Pine Sts. ALL BLUE SIGNS POSTERS AND ALL LARGE PRINTING. STERETT PRINTING CO., 533 Clay Street. PI I Pi? itching PILES f I Li*^ SWAYNE'S 1 iDßiraw "\** II" til I. ABSOLUTBLT OUBHS. Will I 111 til I SYMPTOMS— Moisture; Intense 1 truing aad stinging: moat at night; worse by ._" -atoning, If allowed to continue tumor* farm and protrude, , ■which often bleed and oloerate, becoming rery sore. WAYNES OINTMENT .top. the Itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in mcttlUM re— .o v the tumors- *** jour Drncgisi for it. ■ - ■ : AUCTION _^ _ v _^_______. A STIRRING J-^ EVENT=== '*W* t HP I" I r"? /"* F^ IT? ATp ___S_^_^Nk. THE GREAT _H_k AUCTION SALE fgjP OF THE GOLDEN GATE PARK. HAIGHT-STREET _; stan_an street. BASEBALL GROUNDS 25 25 2 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 • 1 li vJ _V>_s \j if-, If *» wobcbsb cc; HOCtosagi-toia ■' APRIL 18, 1895, : At 12 O'clock Noon at Salesroom, — • 10 MONTGOHERY SREET. giro g -5 100 5 : m 137:6 fe w 137:6 o, '. mm^^^^^ „ CC ~ M "13 ■• IM _C_fr__>9^<^^ v * — "* _l. °* —' *. •vV^* J^^rtyiV'^J^^v m _°_ «- ■ , 5 2 > _3^"<^™'\V __ N *s_S^'_- • v to cc >-> s C ./^^r^f l^ -^^j ** ct 137:6 „ g 137:6 § _ •>^^S^ I iB^Sl . _g^c»"* *^k w 100 h> . tt . 100 o< jf\r vi. /V ■ __ ea^s^^^^M^^^s^o^_^s^o m jff «o<_!B__S© OfflOOM©g«--osb3wo — 3__S /Sr /_ © ©cc ce 1 © i©l_ r iF^tr^^^__^^fe^_ s? a a l a a r m ) * "^^sV' 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 o .^^*^ — — ; Ig, SHRADER STREET. • A STRONG ARGUMENT 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25125 25 j In favor of purchasing a lot ,'.;• § © : ■ •' - , OS At this sale is _!____ H _ MO ,e00 " , ® o, * k!lefc ! , -' 3 That the property is in San Francisco. _. 5 ■•■•• . " ' . ■-■ ■-■■»• S; That it is near the terminus of _ . That it is near the terminus of M . 3 streetcar Hues. ' ;■-_■■■ ; ■„_, ■ " — : ,s 137:6 to I m 137:6 M ': - ■ 0" en '■ as o> ..-'.vs^ That it fronts on Golden Gate Park. — m- : .1 tllll*l l *llii l -118-Wrlf-rflffl--Bf_WW_-Tlf^^ M __ _ tS i- 1 X! I ' ~ 137:6 ' os 1 os 137:6 » That the streets are all graded, : ; — j Sewered and macadamized. ■■'. .] . , I . . That the lots are to be sold .' _$ | m * . ''bbbm-hmwhi* J ._.._. _._.•_..__"»_._ • 0e»8h-©tt90«_C8e> • At Auction to the highest _ ' {_! • . » j « : Bidder. £ *• : That the terms are only 1-5 26 25 26 25 25 25 25;25;26;25|25 • Cash, balance in 1, 3, 3 and 4 years. Electric .'.COLE STREET Road " i ■ * ' ■ - ■ That you need on« of these lots. BALDWIN & Title Guaranteed by the California __ -_,«_,_-._.•-. H A/VIMOND Title Insurance and Trust Company. .. --if, V- Tlv -' 4, *- , > Policies issued at the rate of 810 per AUCTIONEERS, lot. 10 MONTGOMERY STREET. JOSEPH T. TERRY & CO., General Auctioneers, Warerooms, 747 Market St.. opp. Grant aye. Established 1868. : Telephone _!96. Sales of every description ; attended . to. * Prompt ! returns made. Your business solicited. NEW TO-DAY. ; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY Tlo.iL Mai * Sons, REAL ESTATE AGENTS And Publishers "Real Estate Circular." REMOVED TO 4 Montgomery Street, ra|ol : TRUST ffl_.K?«, COMER MARKET. NEW PROPERTY. Ellis-st. corner: rents s274 50 $30,000:90x125; covered with six 2-story dwellings and 9 flati; both streets in good order. Oak st.: new flats, extra well built: rents $105; lot 27:6x137:6: north side, bet. Fillmore and Steiner; $14,000. Geary st.. north side, near Hyde; 25x87:6, and very good 2-story $9000. Clay St.. north side, bet« Central aye. and Walnut St.: 25x127:8; fine view. Jackson and Walnut corner: 33x127:8: 5000. Jackson St.: 2 lots, 27:6x127:8; $2750 each; bet. Central aye. and Walnut st. House, aud Lots— S3ooo to 85000. Keduced to $3600— 24 th st. and Poplar alley, just W. of Valencia; 30x84 and cottage, 5 rooms, bath, hot and cold water; street sewered and macad- amized. $4100— Rents $37: 3 flats, 5, 5 and 4 rooms, bath, hot and cold water each; lot 25x77:6; Broad- way, near Hyde st. ; street bituminized. Cheap— Cottage and large lot, 50x120 to rear street; Hermann, bet. Fillmore and Steiner; IVa blocks from the Haight-st. cable-cars; $4500. Clementina St., bet. Ist and 2d; 25x75 and 3- story .olid brick building, 10 rooms and modern conveniences; $3500. ■ $4500—3 flats and lot 25x137:6: on Filbert, nea» Fillmore; house built 1 year; rents $41. Bryant st., N. side, near tith; 2 flats and lot 25x 75; rents $41; $4500. $4500— Large lot, 54x136 and good 2-story bow- window house, 8 -rooms, garden, well: a comfort- able home; lot fronts on Douglass st. and Clara aye.. near 17th at. 2-story bow-window bouse and lot 25x114; house has 9 rooms, bath and modern conveniences; on 24th st., N. side, bet. Sanchez and Noe; $3800. Potrero aye., NW. cor. 23d; 45x100, with 2- story and 1-story buildings; rents $35, and corner 26 feet still vacant; both street work done. Stevenson St., 78 feet from 6th; 24x75 and 2- story frame building ; only $5000. Lots 81750 to 83500, with Bay View. Union st., N. side, magniflcent view; 27:6 x 137:6: only $2100; bet. Scott and Devisadero, In Baldwin Park. Union at., N. side, bet. Devisadero and Broderick; 27:6x137:6: $1850; bay view; cable cars pass. Lots 25x137:6; $1760; or any size front at same rate: Union St., bet. Devisadero aud Broderick; street sewered: cable-cars pass. creen-st. lots; 25x137:6: $2000: or any size front at same rate ; bet. Devisadero and Broderick. Devisadero St., W. side, near Green; lot 34x100; $3400; line view. Magnificent view, on Park road, not to be ob- structed: lots 25x150; only $2250 each; street graded, macadamized and sewered; 1% blocks from Haight-st. cable-cars: lot faces City Park. Scott st., W. side, near Green ; magniflcent view; 80x107; $3000. 85000 to 810,000 —Small Investment - ami Income Property. Spear-st. lot; 45:10 1 /2-xti0; bet. Mission and How- ard ; $9000. Business lots; 16th St., near Mission; 25x95; j $6250 each. " Howard-st. store property; rents $77 60; 30x .125; 3-story building, 3 flats and store; also rear building: near 15th st. ; $10,500. 3£s#& Bush at., near Mason; S. side; 3-story and base- ment modern house; rents $75; $10,000; make offer. $11,000; rents $96: 2 solid three-story bow- window houses in first-class order, with 6 fine medium-sized flats, which always keep rented; Thirteenth st., near Howard: street Accepted. O'Farrell St., near Jones; 22x68:9 and house of 6 rooms': $7800. Bents $74; price $8500; Fifth st., near Folsom; 25x75 and 3-story building; 2 stores below. $8000— Rents $68; Folsom st., bift. 6th and 7th; 87:6x90, and 2-story building: 2 stores below. Bargain ; Valencia st. : growing business 20tU and 21st; 40x92:6 and old-style cottage; re- duced to $8500. . '■■•;;- J Bargain: 4th St.; $6500; 25x80; 2- story build- ing; store below; rents $40. Cheap; $5500; Pine St., near Stockton: 34:6 x 77:6 and 2-story house, 12 rooms and modern con- veniences. Make offer; rent $80: $10,000: Haight St.; 5 flats; bet. Webster and Fillmore: 27x137:6; houses in first-class order; always rented. Pierce at.; 2 fine, nearly new houses and lot, 37:6x105; bet. Golden Gate aye. and Turk; will be sold cheap. > ■ ' - ■ Weak Men and Women SHOULD USE DAMIANA BITTERS; THE great : Mexican Remedy; gives He— th ana Strength to Us Saxual Organs. 11