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WAS MISLED Bl DUNN. Further .Developments in the Case of the Oakland Boat Suicide. WAS HER NAME FORSYTHE? The Man Was in Vallejo Last Night. He Has Quite a Record. There were new developments yesterday in the case of the girl who jumped off the Oakland ferry-boat into the bay, and left letters behind which showed that she was in a despairing frame of mind through having been betrayed by one C. W. Dunn. All the particulars as far as known con duce to place Dunn in a very bad light. Everything goes to show that Dunn has made an unenviable record for himself all along the Pacific Coast in the same role in which he figures in this case. The unfortunate victim left a number of letters, to which she had signed the name "Nettie Chase." That was not her name. Her right name, according to statements made by a number of persons who profess to be friends of the missing girl, was Mary Elizabeth Forsythe. They assert that she was frequently in the company of C. W. Dunn, whose right name is said to be Charles Dunning. Miss Forsythe came to San Francisco from Denver, "Colo., "about three years ago. She bad met Dunning on a train bound west between Ogden and San Francisco and had become intimate with him. Miss Forsythe, it is said, fol lowed no occupation in this city, but it has been stated that she received an income every six months— amount not known — and" that Dunning benefited by this money. The" records of the United States Secret Service Department in this city show that Charles Dunning, or C. W. Dona, or James Brooks, has been in pursuit of queer business enterprises for some time. On April 1. 1892, he was arrested by United States Postal Inspector Erwin on a charge of unlawfully representing himself as an officer of the" Postal Service. He was then going under the names of Dunning, Dunn and James Brooks, and had in his posses sion a number of envelopes on which was printed the address and credentials of James Brooks, at that time head of the Secret Service in Washington. All of these envelopes bad been printed in Oak land. The law. however, did not reach Dunn, or Dunning, because .he did not use the envelopes to defraud the Government, as in every case be placed the necessary postage stamps on fetters sent out. He was held in custody for a number of weeks, but was subsequently released for want of evidence sufficient to warrant prosecution. At the time of his arrest Dunning was sweeper and general roustabout in St. Mary's College, Oakland. The following letter, addressed "Mr. Hawkins, Coroner," was received at the Morgue yesterday morning: San Francisco, April 12, 1893. Mr. Hawkins— Sir: My Intentions were to allow Miss Chase's secret to die with her. -but as she left a note not only to you, but one to be given to the man who betrayed her, I will therefore explain who the scoundrel is. I know not the present address of this man, who is married, but his full name, as tar as 1 know, is C. W. Dunn, and he returned a short time ago from a trip to Honolulu, and until two weeks ago lias been visiting in Xapa and other country towns. He ran away with a girl one year ago and was married at Fresno, but the girl was not of age and her brother attempted to kill him one day. 'He led Miss Chase to be lieve that he was a" single man, betrayed her, and then informed her that he was already married. He intended to take her to Dr. Schmidt on Market street, but she did not want to go. Chase is an assumed name to keep her parents in the dark. Respectfully, HER FRIEND, L. B. At 407 Mason street there lives a hand some young woman who says she is the wife of C. W. Dunn, the man in the case. When asked about her husband and his connection witn the young woman who leaped from the ferry-boat, Mrs. Dunn said: "I think the young woman in question must have been out of her head. My hus band did not care for women other than me. He is not at home now and I don't know when he will be home perhaps in a week, perhaps in a month. As to the story that he betrayed the lady who has given her name as •Nettie Chase, I don't believe it. If he had done such a thing he would have told me about it." : - "Handsome Charley" has been the cogno men by which Mr. Dunn or Dunning has been known for some time. The handsome young man has left a record and is known to have operated in several towns outside of Ban Francisco as will be seen by the fol lowing telegrams: PETALUMA. Cal., April 12.— C. W. Dunn, the waiter whose infelicity Is reported in San 'Fran- Cisco papers to have caused the suicide of Net tie Chase from the Oakland ferry, has a bad record. He was once beaten and had several teeth knocked out by a wronged husband, and was later horsewhipped by ft woman. He was known here as "Handsome Charley." Dunn has left Petaluma. ! VALLEJO, Cal., April 12.— Regarding Nettie • Chase there are letters in the possession of Coroner Hawkins that are Identical with let ter- in the possession of the Vallejo Chronicle. This morning Dunn arrived in Vallejo on the early boat and paid a visit to this oflice. He stated that he did not know the woman who jumped off the Oakland boat, and announced his Intention of calling on Hawkins on his re turn to San Francisco to-night and also on the newspaper offices. "I have nothing to say," said Dunn, when asked to rive his side of the story. "The woman who took her life Ido not know, hut I will identify her If the bod. is re covered and -f can do so." When shown the handwriting of the letters he failed to recog nize it, and shook his head with surprise. Quality, not quantity, is what the people .want. Continued trials prove that a single teaspoonful of Dr. Price's is worth double the quantity of any other baking powder. m ; ym; AN EASTER GREETING. Pupils of Bernal Height* School Send a Basket of Flower* to Superin tendent Moulder. Three little schoolgirls climbed up the front steps of Superintendent Moulder's residence on Bush street last evening a little before 6 o'clock, rang his bell and to the servant who answered handed the great basket of flowers they were carrying, with the request that he "Please give them to Mr. Moulder." The flowers were the Easter greeting of the Bernal Heights School Garden Club and Circle. When | Superintendent Moulder came home and found the perfect garden of flowers spread out In his parlor he was as much pleased over the pretty compliment as any schoolboy might be with a new bicycle. He said the present of a gold headed cane could not have touched him so. In an envelope attached to one of the bunches was the following note: Mr. Moulder, Superintendent— Dkar Sir: Your interest in school gardens and your love of flowers have prompted us to send you these few blossoms, many of which were plucked from the school garden. The wild ones are from the fields, near us. May they serve to convey to you our Easter greetings. " Pupils of Bernal Heights School. The few blossoms comprised great bunches of callas, forget-me-nots, La France roses, California poppies, mar guerites, wallflowers and others. A bunch of daisies was marked, "Our school flower." In another envelope was written in a clear schoolgirl hand a short history of the Bernal Heights Garden Club, which was organized as long ago as January, 1891, with the object of "planting and keeping in order a garden in tbe schoolyard." The duty of the president of the club is to "see that every member delegated to work shall do the work assigned him," and "every member must learn all he can about the cultivation of plants, suggest plans for beautifying the school grounds and encourage all" persons to beautify their grounds." . All this came to the superintendent with the force of an inspiration. "This is the only way my hope of seeing all the school grounds beautified may be realized," he said, "just through organizations like this. I hope to see something of the kind in every school. When I have visitors who want to see the schools I shall take them to Bernal Heights after this." The Bernal Heights school is on Cort land avenue, uear Moultrie street, Miss M. E. Keating principal. BUDD'S APPOINTMENTS. Military Affairs to Be Taken Up Early the Coining Week. Governor Budd declares that the Board of Health will be appointed without regard to politics. Its members, he says, will be chosen for their special fitness alone, and one of the four will be a Republican. "I do not know whom I will appoint," he said. will make no choice for three weeks. In about a week I will come to San Francisco and will carefully investi gate the fitness of the various candidates." The boundary lines of the three military Drigade districts will be marked out in the next few days. Then the Governor will name the brigadier-generals. At present he refuses to say who the lucky men are and intimates that he is in doubt whether to make Fresno or Los Angeles the headquarters of the Southern Brigade.. From a political standpoint, of course, Los Angeles has the strongest claims. From a military point of view, Fresno pre sents many advantages, the chief of which, according to the Governor, is that as a base of supplies it would not be likely to be interfered with by a foreign warlike na tion. This fact assumes importance when Mr. Budd follows it up by stating that every action in regard to "the National Guard will be taken for military reasons. MR. UVERNASH WILL QUIT R. A. McDonald's Counsel Wishes to Withdraw From the Case. Some Interesting: Testimony Re garding the McDonald Finances. An interesting point, involving a dra matic scene, came up in Judge Murphy's court yesterday, relieving the monotony of "law and motion" day. The issue was notice filed by Attorney E. J. Livernash of intention to ask leave of the court to with draw from his position as attorney for R. H. McDonald Jr. in the case now pending against him. His motion to this effect was opposed by R. H. McDonald Jr., who was represented for this purpose by Attorney W. H. Jordan. R. H. McDonald Jr. was in court, hav ing been brought in by attendants and de posited on a bench, where he lay through out the proceedings, tenderly cared for by his wife, his head being swathed by band ages. District Attorney Barnes appeared, anx ious to have the McDonald case set, and gradually the courtroom filled . with lawyers keenly interested in the question of an attorney's rights to his clients. Attorney Jordan made the opening mo tion that Attorney Livernash be restrained from deserting his client. He produced a contract signed by Livernash agreeing, in consideration of the payment of $1300, to serve R. H. McDonald Jr. as attorney until the termination of the cases against him, without further fee. Livernash then took the stand, and stated that it would be useless for him to remain as attorney for R. H. McDonald Jr., as the latter and wife refused to follow aut the linejof defense which he desired to offer. He said that that- line of defense was in sanity.but that his client would not accede to it nor supply nim with the necessary funds to pursue this line. He had asked for $1500 to follow Up his line of defense and it had been refused. "I undertook to defend McDonald," said Livernash, "and I believe he could be ac quitted if my line is followed out, but it is useless for me to remain in the case on any other terms. I only ask that they put up the money I ask if they can. I regret ex ceedingly that these intimate matters be tween counsel and client should be brought out, and that the time of the court should be taken up with such a small matter." "I do not regard it as a small matter," rejoined Judge Murphy. "There is an important principle involved here— the duty of an attorney to his client. I hold it very doubtful whether an attorney who has made an agreement to defend a client, and who has received compensation there for, has any right to withdraw. I have always zealously guarded the rights of attorneys, and I also think clients have some rights. Here is a contract, Mr. Liver nash, which appears binding upon you." "I have served this client faithfully for a year," went on Attorney Livernash, "and 1 submit that it is useless for me to con tinue. Ido not wish to be involved in the failure of his case through no fault of mine." •-". "I don't think you have any option in the matter," said the court, and Livernash stepped down to make way for Mrs. R. H. McDonald Jr. ;- : ; - Mrs. McDonald, in reply to questions by Attorney Jordan, stated that she had no means wherewith to satisfy Livernash's demands. ' "I have a few hundred dollars," she said, "I don', know how . maiiy. I had $5000 when the trial began, and Mr. Livernash has spent $3000 of that. I have two chil dren to support. Yes, I object, I object to Livernash being discharged." Attorney Livernash proceeded to ques tion the witness as to her knowledge of the disposition of the $____ alleged to have been given to him. Mrs. McDonald admitted that Dr. Jenkinson had been paid; also A. L. Jennings $325, General Willey $50, Judge Darwin $300, besides others for gathering 2000 affidavits. Liver nash himself had paid for presenting the elaborate motion for a change of venue. Mrs. McDonald said she left $800 at one time in the safe for Livernash, and Dr. McDonald had sent him -SSOO. Afterward she remembered it was $300 for him and $200 for Judge Darwin. Finally the motion was submitted and the trial of the McDonald case was set for May 13. To strike the shackles of dyspepsia from a suffering people is a part of the mission of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow der. Little Willie Not In It. Professor Wormwood is exhibiting his trained monkeys and dogs at the Fountain this week. In the crowd that left the theater yesterday afternoon was a middle aged man accompanied by his bright little daughter, who did not look over 7 years old. Her comments were enthusiastic and original. "Say, pop, I liked those little men mon keys, and I wish I had some of 'em for brothers and sisters. They can undress 'emselves, and that's more'n our Willie can do."— Cincinnati Tribune. Sir Benjamin Richardson, a noted Eng lish physician, thinks that the normal .pe riod of "human life is about 110 years, and that seven out of ten average people ought to live that long, if; they took proper care of themselves. THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATUDARY, APRIL 13, 1895. WOMAN'S ADVANCEMENT. .-.-.■■■/- ■'-■-■■ - 1 ■■■";'-■:..■ ■■■■■ '■■ ■ .■■-.■■■■■■' ■ -.-..:,•• ■•'.:'-■•.• :■' Preparations Under Way for a Pacific Coast Congress. THE HOME TO BE DISCUSSED. Meeting of Representatives at the Young Men's Christian Association. A preliminary meeting for the purpose of developing interest in the Woman's Comrress, which will convene in this city on May 20, was held yesterday afternoon at the Young Men's Christian Association. The attendance was large and thoroughly representative of that progressive element which. seeks to lead popular thought to a higher conception of the home, and to make clear its position in industrial, social and political affairs. The "new" woman was not prominently in evidence, but the "home" woman was everywhere, and when Rev. C. 0. Brown, in the course of an address pregnant with striking epi grams, said, "The home is the dynamo of the world and the fireside is the thermom eter of the republic," she cheered lustily. , Mrs. Sarah B. Cooper presided, and in her brief address of welcome spoke of what had been accomplished in the past by such gatherings as the one proposed and what was hoped for in the future. She called attention to the general topic of discussion at the coming congress— home— and expressed a desire that a widespread in terest might be kindled to a broader in telligence and better understanding of that half of human affairs in which woman is pre-eminently concerned. Mrs. Cooper then introduced Rev. C. O. Brown of the First Congregational Church, who asked for diviue blessing and guid ance. Secretary McCoy of the Y. M. C. A. was then presented, and spoke as follows: This is Drimarilv the age of woman and never, possibly, in the history of the worla has she so come to the front and taken her legiti mate place as during the past few years, and I am sure 1 voice the sentiment of all true men when I say that every man who respects and protects womanhood rejoices in the progress she is making to-day. She has entered the busy marts of commercial life, the halls of educa tion and of other public institutions. The Young Men's Christian Association in San Francisco and throughout the country owes a debt of gratitude to the women. Ire member on my arrival here fourteen years ago a committee of eminent women waited on me and welcomed me to this city, and were re joiced in the fact that I had come here to do what I could for the moral elevation of young manhood, and pledged their sympathy and their co-operation as far as it might be prac ticable in the furtherance of our great work for young men. The old building on Sutter street was unin viting, and I suggested to the ladies that there ought to be raised at least £0000 for refurnish ing and beautifying those quarters in order to make them attractive to young men. They voted unanimously to do it, and within six weeks every dollar of money was raised, and the building made as beautiful and attractive as possible. God bless the mothers and the sisters and the wives who are doing so much for the moral tone and spiritual elevation of every community. Miss Mollie E. Connors of the Oakland High School was the next speaker. Miss Connors said in part: After all perhaps it Is a graceful thing to have Oakland represented here this afternoon. Poor little Oakland, her older sister has been so Jeal ous of her always, and all because she had the good fortune, once upon a time, to choose the right side of the bay. From a business point of view, too, she has been looked upon with much disfavor, though many -of these same business men establish! homes and help to keep Oakland what she has always been— a city of schools, churches and homes — an eminently satisfactory condition of affairs, however, from the standpoint of woman. Much has been said In regard to the merits of any congress — this coming together of people interested in the same subject. One fault, which was perhaps justly found with the programme of last year, was that men were not represented upon it; of course, there can never be any true, nappy woman world in which man shall not have a representative in fluence; no congress hereafter can be consid ered a perfect success unless there can be ex pressed therein the best thought of both men and women. • Yet man would not have been interesting in the subject under discussion— Woman. He could only theorize. All through the ages he has been ever fond of "harping on my daugh ter" ; we know his opinions of her— they have come to us in song and story all through the ages, a little running refrain of "Be to her vir tues very kind, be to her faults a little blind." We are all familiar with the woman whom man has idealized; we have not much use for her however, we can set up ideals of our own, much higher, much nobler, much truer to the given conditions. As for man, he has much to study, much to learn in the future, before it would be possible for him to fairly take part in any discussion which has for its subject- Woman. Ail the same he did not like being left out last year. He argued that it was a sign of our narrowness, and one of our. leading lights here in San Francisco was heard to say in plaintive accents, "It is in order now for the men to call a convention and therein offer up our heartfelt thanks to heaven that no resolu tions relative to our utter extermination were passed by the women." Of course, too, there are the humorous things that seem to gather, more especially about a woman's meeting— and for wnich we must expect good-natured raillery. We have made a good beginning for May in the subject chosen," 'The Home." All study now to be of any value must employ the historical method, and It is a matter of congratulation that a llittle band of women on this lur-olf western coast should be able to send out a scheme of study so thoroughly in harmony with advanced thought. Repeated failures have taught the good school people that the student cannot take in at once what has been the result of the concentrated thought of ages— Student In the order of history must go through the vari ous steps which man has taken if he Is to get a true appreciation of his subject. Your com mittee has planned the study along these latest lines of work. *. Scientific research is part of the brightest work of the day. One is glad to see it given so much prominence in a programme which from its subject might well be handled from the emotional side. There is no special men tion of child study, which bids fair tube the lifework of some ot our best educators, but no doubt it will be ably considered in some of our discussions. And, lastly, what of the spirit which should animate us in preparing for this congress? Surely it must be a spirit of work, of study, a striving to reach after all the truth the con gress may hold for us. There must be above all a setting for ourselves of high ideals, for after all, her ideal is the true measure of the woman. The true woman of to-day will not look back ward, proud of her advancement, of her achievement in the past, but with a rare sim plicity she will look forward to the beautiful womanhood the future may make possible; grand in her humility, she will signify and keep sacred the name of woman. To dignify womanhood is' the mission of the Woman's i'ougress, the surest way to elevate great struggling humanity. May there be light to guide us; strength given to help us. Make no more Riant God, But elevate the race at once! We ask To put forth just our strength, our human strength, (lifted alike, all eagle-eyed, true-hearted, See If we cannot beat thine angels yet. Such Is our task I * Can one add more to the words of Paracelsus? Rev. William Rader of the First Congre gational Church, Oakland, followed Miss Connor's, speaking briefly of the influence of the home in all the affairs of life and the necessity for a high moral standard around the hearth, where early impres sions are taken on ; and worn through life. "The. need of the world to-day," said Dr. Rader, "is a generation of noble mothers." Dr. C. O. Brown and Dr. Hirst both had encouraging words to say for the move ment, and predicted as the result of j such meetings as the coming congress a sturdier and nobler national life. ' The latter paid a high tribute to the work of Mrs. Frances Willard and Mrs.' Cooper in their efforts for the uplifting of women.^rg^^^^pMJßT!- Among those present were: Mrs. William Alvord.Miss Kate Atkinson, Mrs. George "Bar stow, Miss Mary D. Bates, Miss M. 'D. Boruck, Miss May Bourne, Dr. Amy Bowen,Mrs.' John _.. Burnett, Mrs. A. T M. Burns. Mrs. Isidore Burns, Mr*. A. B. Butler, Mrs. Daniel • Cal laghan, Mrs. Marriner Campbell, Mrs. W. B. Carr, Mrs. Helen A. Carter, Mrs. May L.Cheney, Mrs. J.G. Conrad, Mrs. P. B. Cornwall, Mrs. Mary Lynde Craig, Mrs. Ella Sterling Cummins, Mrs. Frances Davies, Mrs. Horace Davis, Mrs. James R. Deane, Mrs. Louis P. Drexler, Mrs. W. B. Ewer. Mrs. Nellie Blessing Eyster, Mrs. Lillian P. Ferguson, Mrs. Mary A. Flint, Mrs. Clara Foltz, Miss J. George, Mrs. H. Gibbons Jr., Mrs. Maria F. Grey, Mrs. A. 8. Hallidie.Miss Sarah D. Hamlin, Mrs. W. B. Harrington, Mrs. Ralph C.Harrison, Mrs. Phicbe Hearst, Mrs. Charles Holbrook. Mrs. Moses Hopkins. Miss Caroline C. Jackson, Miss F. M. Jevvett.Mrs. E. P. Keeney, Miss Cordelia Kirkland, Mrs. Mary Clay Knapp, Miss Isabelle Knight, Miss Mary Lake, Dr. Lucia M. Lane, Mrs. Jerome Lincoln, Mrs. Robert Mackenzie, Mrs. V. G. Maddox, Miss Lillie J. Martin, Mrs. Ruth McFee, Mrs. J. F. Merrill, Dr. Emma Sutro Merritt, Mrs. \V. H. Mills, Mrs. H. K. Moore, Mrs. Alexander Morri son, Miss Josie T. Molloy, Mrs. M. H. Myrick, Miss Rose O'Halloran. Mrs. George Oulton, Miss Jean Parker, Mrs. James M. Pierce, M*. Sturtevant Feet, Mrs. M. E. Pendleton, Mrs. W. P. Redington, Mrs. A. A. Sargent, Dr. Elizabeth Sargent, Mrs. W. H. Sears, Mrs. W.R. Shatter, Mrs. A. D. Sharon, Mrs. L. S. Sherman, Mrs. Robert Sherwood, Miss Milli.entW.Shinii, Miss Harriet M. Skidmore, Dr. Virginia T. Smiley, Rev. Lila F. Sprague, Mrs. E. W. Steele, Mrs. Horatio Stebbins, Miss Anna M. Stovall, Mrs. F. J. Synimes, Mrs. A. T. Toomey, Mrs. Fiona E. Waite, Mrs. Cyrus Walker, Mrs. Philip Weaver, Miss Mary B. West, Mrs. I.ovell White, Mrs. Horace Wilson, Mrs. L. S. Wilson. Mrs. M. R. Wilson, Miss Eva Withrow, Mrs. S. 8. Wright, Mrs. M. 11. de Young, Mrs. Granville Abbott, Mrs. Lloyd Baldwin, Dr. C. Annette Buekel, Miss Sophie E. Carlton, Mrs. Rem! Chabot.Mrs. Robert F. Coyle, Mrs. B. F. Dunham. Miss Ray Frank, Mrs. Sanborn Ginn, Mrs. D. W. Gei wicks, Mrs. Emma Shatter Howard, Mrs. Harriet Howe, Mrs. L. G. Judd, Mrs. Grace M. Kimball, Dr. Mary Knox, Miss Mary Lambert, Mrs. J. G. Lemmon, Mrs. H. P. Livermore, Mrs. McChes ik-v. Mrs. A. B. Nye, Mrs. A. A. 1 _nnoyer, Mrs. Pedar Sather, Dr. S. I. Shuey, Mrs. Asa Simp son, Mrs. F. M. : Smith, Mrs. Frederick S. Strat ton, Mrs. Gordon Stolp, Miss Carrie A. Vincent, Mrs. Henry Wadsworth and Miss Anita Whit ney, _____________________ ■■'.'. A FIGHT WITH A FIEND, Desperate Struggle Between a Physician and a Mor- phine Maniac. Presence of Mind and Chloroform Saved Dr. W. O. Wilcox's Life. Dr. W. O. Wilcox, the demonstrator of anatomy of the California Medical College, had a narrow escape from death yesterday at the hands of a maddened morphine eater. Had the physician lost his nerve for a single instant under the trying ordeal to which he was 'subjected a far different ending to the affair would have been re corded. Dr. Wilcox returned from the college of the faculty of which he is a member about 12 o'clock. In the patients' sitting-room stood a young man of about 20 years, of light build and that sallownessof complex ion which betokens the excessive use of Dr. W. O. Wilcox. [From a photograph.] some deadly drug. His eyes glared fiercely, and lie trembled with suppressed excite ment, He appeared to know the physician, but to the doctor he was a complete stranger. ;•).-, "He told me he desired to see me urg ently," said Dr. Wilcox in speaking of the affair. "I readily detected that he was a morphine fiend, and, as I do not care to treat such patients, I told him he would have to go elsewhere, j. I entered the con sulting-room, and. despite my protest, he followed me. I threatened to remove him by force, whereupon he burst into tears and begged I would : give him only one 'shot' of the drug. I hesitated, and, think ing I was about to refuse for the second time, his manner became threatening. In the next moment I was in the presence of a veritable madman." Instead of being a supplicant for favors, the morphine fiend now commanded that his request be complied with. On the op erating tabfe lay a keen surgeon's knife, with a blade six inches in length. The madman's attention was now directed to ward it, and in another moment he had possessed himself of it and was waving it with ferocious energy. "Give me morphine, or I will cut your heart out 1" he hissed. Dr. Wilcox felt that he was in a tight place, but he did not lose his presence of mind or evince any fear whatever. He laughed at the fellow's threat, but he ad mits the effort was a sickly one. "I thought of calling for help," said he, "but I feared that would precipitate mat ters. The fellow showed by his conduct that he thought only, of wreaking venge ance on me, and in fact, he had forgotten, all about morphine. I 'stood near my drug case, and the first object that my eye rested upon was a six-ounce bottle of chloroform. I quickly grabbed it, and had hardly done so when the fiend made a lunge at me with the knife. I removed the cork, and as he followed me I dashed some of the liquid into his face. It stopped him fora moment, and in the interval I soaked my handkerchief with the fluid. He sprang at me again, and the next in stant I grabbed '» his !■ right arm with my left hand and with the other held the sat urated handkerchief i over his mouth and nostrils. He struggled furiously, but as he was physically weak I succeeded in holding him long enough to give the chloroform a chance to do its work. It only took a minute, and in the next mo ment he sank to the floor completely anesthetized. I then gave him a 'shot' of morphine, and when he became conscious he disclaimed all knowledge of his attack upon me and left the office. I never saw him before, and hope never to see him again." > Dr. Wilcox escaped without a scratch, but his coat was badly cut. The incident, he says, was an exciting one which he will never forget.' '■ ' Mrs. U. S. Grant believes the best women to be the true wives and mothers. They always use Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. i Pointer on Capitol Removal, All have heard- the story of the minister who was tabooed in Minneapolis because he took his ' text from : St. Paul. The riv alry is still at high tide. The Minneapolis Tribune says: "All of the babies born in St. Paul Monday were girls and there were eleven of . them. The boys are evidently giving that old town a wide berth and look ing for more promising localities to settle in; at any rate there were fourteen of them born in Minneapolis the same day. There's a pointer on capitol removal that can't be ignored." . >_ . Dress rants for Easter. Men's Plain and Fancy Worsted Pants, 9 1 50 per. pair.. Men's All-wool Tweed and Fancy Cassimere Pants, - nobby , patterns, .._ 50 per pair. L. V. Merle, the ■ old I XL, Old to 020 Kearny street, corner Commercial. . • * Belgium took its name from the ■■ Belgm, a warlike tribe, which inhabited it before the time of Christ. ■:. "r y'- : : :/•": ■■ ] . ■ . \ : ..--<= " - : V .LOSS wins his; POINT, _. .. ... _. -i __. • it- A Motion for a Nonsuit in His * Case Against Wasserman , Granted. JUDGE TROUTT IS DIRECT. In an Opinion He Defends In a Strong Manner the Purity of Justice. Judge Troutt yesterday granted the non suit prayed for in the suit of Wasserman against Sloss. The court prefaced his de cision with an exhaustive review of the evidence leading thereto. The opinion contained the following: In the case of Wasserman vs. Sloss the de fendant has moved for a nonsuit based vir tually on two grounds. He urges that the con tract set forth in the complaint contravenes public policy and hence that plaintiff cannot obtain relief. And he urges also that the evi dence adduced on the part of plaintiff is not sufficient to enable the court to declare a trust in any portion of the property received from plaintiff. _" The plaintiff alleges substantially that in May, 1888, he ana the defendant were stock holders of the Alaska Commercial Company, and that two certain leases, one of which had been issued to the company by the United States and the other by Russia, conferring cer tain privileges in relation to seal-fishing, were about to expire; and that defendant then said to plaintiff that in order to renew said leases or either of them it would be necessary for de fendant to be in such a position as to enable him to interest certain persons high in au thority and influence in the respective under takings and with the respective Governments; that all of the members of said company should be willing to make some sacrifices to that end, and that it would be indispensable for defend ant to leave a certain amount of stock of the old company at his disposal, to be used by him in and about the procuring of the said new leases, and that said negotiations could not be successfully conducted by defendant unless he had the said shares of stock at his disposal to be used in the aforesaid manner. The decision then recited the facts that Wasserman had transferred 400 shares of the capital stock of the company, and ulti mately sold them at $80 a share to enable Wloss to succeed in obtaining the new leases. The decision then continues: At all times, and especially in these days when charges of bribery and corrupt conduct are made flippantly or seriously, maliciously or conscientiously, on the streets"or in lic press, it becomes a court ot justice to view with distrust and carefully to construe any contract that aims to secure the aid of persons who are supposed to have personal influence with public officers. Contracts contemplating the use of secret influences with public officers or calculated to induce the use of such influ ence, or tending to introduce improper per sonal solicitation or influence as elements in the procurement of contracts from public offi cers are held to be illegal and void as against public policy. < y-;:;«^. It has been said that the foundation of a re public is the virtue of its citizens. They are at once sovereigns and subjects. As the founda tion Is undermined the structure is weakened. The theory of our Government is that all pub lic stations arc trusts, and that those clothed with them are to be animated in the discharge of their duties solely by considerations of right, justice and the public good, hut there is a correlative duty resting upon the citizen. In his intercourse with those in authority, whether executive or legislative, touching the per formance of their functions he is bound to ex hibit trust, frankness and integrity. Any departure from the lines of rectitude in such cases is not only bad in morals, but involves a public wrong. The opinion of Mr. Justice Field was quoted to the effect that the courts refuse recognition to agreements against public policy; also the famous decision in the case of Oscanyan vs. The Winchester Re peating Arms Company, and similar de cisions to the same effect. The decision concludes: From the evidence submitted in behalf of the plaintiff in this action it clearly appears to the court that in May, 1888. when plaintiff became a party to the alleged contract, he was an In telligent and shrewd man, well acquainted with the ways of the world and thoroughly conversant with the affairs of the Alaska Com mercial Company, and in construing the afore said contract in the light of the authorities cited, the court feels satisfied that it is tainted with moral turpitude, and that the plaintiff, in the eye of the law, contemplated such an improper use of the stock which he transferred to defendant as would tend to contravene good morals and public policy. He who comes into a court of equity must come with clean hands. The motion for nonsuit is granted. The attorneys for the plaintiff declare that this is only "first blood" for the de fendant, as the case will be carried further. The World's wife says that Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the purest and best. THE WAY OF THE CROSS, Impressive Good Friday Ser vices In the Catholic Churches. Archbishop Riordan Preaches on the Crucifixion at St. Mary's. The Good Friday services in the Catholic churches yesterday began at early dawn and lasted long into the night. -They were attended by ■■ great multitudes of people, and the scenes at the different places of worship were solemn and impressive. , In the morning the Mass of the Pre sarictified was celebrated, and during the day and evening the Way of the Cross was recited. It was the day of the crucifixion ; the day on which the Son of God poured out his blood for the redemption of the world, and all Christians esteem the his torical anniversary as of especial' sig nificance. In England business is sus pended and the flay is observed as a sacred holiday. Probably the greatest throngs wefe seen at St. Ignatius Church. The large edifice was crowded. People, mostly women, passed in and out of the church during the day, and from 12 to 3 o'clock p. m.. the three hours' agony of the Savior on the cross, hundreds were unable to gain ad mittance. The church was draped in pur ple to mark the solemnity of the occasion, while a figure of the Savior, blood flowing from his wounds, was fixed to a great cross at the altar. Here . the Jesuit preacher, Rev. Father Woods, discoursed on the dying words of the crucified one. . This devotion is new in . San Francisco, and is only observed at St.' Ignatius Church, It is intended to commemorate the three hours, > uring which our Lord suffered the agonizing. tortures of the crucifixion, and was devised by Father Alphonsus Messia of the Society of Jesus, who first intro duced, it in the city of Lima, in Peru, about the year 1715. It was soon spread through South America and Mexico, thence to Europe, and is now practiced in many churches throughout the Catholic world. It consists of a series of short discourses on the seven last words of our Lord on the cross, interspersed with sacred music,; both vocal and •„ instrumental, and with prayers appropriate : the Y occasion. '; Its object is to animate all faithful Christians to meet with grateful hearts the : love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, endured a i three hours' bitter agony upon the cross; and to renew the memory of the very day and the very hours in wtiich he suffered death. * .- Another, striking incident of the Good Friday services was the silence of the bells. They had not been > rung ■ ;!. since Holy Thursday. The whole service was intended to represent the sorrow and 'gloom, of 'the world; and everything was as hushed and silent" as • the grave. The bells will be silent until Easter, when they will peal forth in honor of the resurrection. Archbishop Riordan preached a powerful sermon on the crucifixion at St. Mary's Cathedral in the evening. The assemblage was so large that there was not standing room in the edifice, and many 'listened to the discourse from the stone steps without. The Archbishop began by speaking, of the last supper, and carried his listeners through all the sufferings of the Savior to his death on the cross. "He spoke of Christ as "the apostle of love who went forth to Calvary to redeem mankind." "And to-night," he said, "we come to the foot of the cross to meditate and to weep; to learn how much he loved us ; to realize our own ingratitude for that love. "You all know about the passion of our Lord. For nineteen hundred years the cross has been lifted up on high through out the world as the symbol of God's love" , The Archbishop here most eloquently pictured the betrayal of the Savior, who, as prisoner, though the Son of God, ''knelt beneath the olive trees and there began the agonies preceding his death"; how he "looked down the ages and foresaw the sins of man throughout all time." The distinguished prelate here plunged into the condition of tilings at the time of the "crucifixion, reviewing historical inci dents in most graphic detail, and closed with a beautiful and touching peroration on the last suffering of the Savior as he hung nailed to the cross. ■.-.: .y-liri!iiL.y : .i The Archbishop will celebrate the solemn high mass at the Cathedral on Easter Sun day, and the following choir will render the musical services: Overture, orchestra; Haydn's third mass, the Imperial, with full orchestra and choir; offertory, "Kegina Cecil," P. Giorza. Theodore G. Vogt, con ductor; Robert A. Willig, leader of or chestra; Everett Pomeroy, organist and director. In the evening Kosewig's Ves pers will be sung. Choir— Sopranos, Mrs. F. E. Wilson,' Miss L. Goodman, Miss E. M. Byrne, Miss M. H. Higgins, Miss M. Mohan, Miss Lang, Miss Hayes, Miss Panola, Miss Schmidt; alto, Miss Sullivan; tenors, Charles Goetting, D. B. Moody ; basso, S. J. Sandy. • There will be special musical services at all the Catholic churches on Easter. AN IMPRESSIVE GREEK RITUAL.", Services at the Russian Cathedral Celebrated by Bishop Nicolas. With all the ceremonious ritual of the established church of Greece there was held last night at the Russian cathedral the regular services of the day which is called Good Friday by the modern churches. The Right Rev. Bishop Nicolas of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands, the head of the Greek church here, performed the services in most solemn manner. Accord ing to the Greek Kalends there is a varia tion of time between the various days cele brated by the church, but yesterday the Good Friday of the Greek church fell si multaneously with that of the other re ligious calendars, and as a natural conse quence the cathedral on Powell street was crowded. ■' ?'V' ■'.'■' : - .'. ..-> p -v". V *. Every priest and acolyte wore the full robes of his office, and the air within the church, where all was decoration and color effects, was heavy with the incense being burned. Instead of calling it Good Friday, the Greek church called yesterday Holy and Great Saturday. The religious day does not begin until 7 o'clock, as the ritual says : "About the seventh hour the bells are rung for matins." Long before the bells had ceased to ring the cathedral was crowded. So strong was the religious sentiment that every other person in the building held a taper, or candle, burning. The highly decorated robes of the Eriests, the dimly lit cathedral and the eavy falling smoke from the censers, made a picture as unusual in this country as it was attractive. Throughout the service was the chanting undertone of the ritual. Not one person in the church, except those who had come to see and not to worship, failed to make the proper re sponses. When in the course of the ritual the symbolical body of Christ was carried through the aisles not a whisper disturbed the silence of the church. In delivery Bishop Nicolas was most solemn and effective, and the responses met his de mands. .-~y-'-i It was after 10 o'clock when the arduous ritual was completed, and even then the congregation left reluctantly. The remedy rests with the afflicted. If consumers strictly taboo so-called "cheap" baking powders, they will not be manufac tured. Dr. Price's is the best, purest. LIBKARY ASSOCIATION. The Question of Free Access to Books Considered." At a meeting of the Library Association last evening the free access to the shelves of public libraries was the topic under dis cussion. -yVVi J. J. Rowell, librarian of the State Uni versity, presided, and before opening the discussion Dr. Edward R. Taylor delivered a brief address, in which the advantages of organizations for library workers were out lined. He spoke of the good to be derived from meetings where a general interchange of ideas on the subject of library work could be indulged in. He argued for closer association, more frequent meetings and wider discussion relating to library matters in general. ' George D. Clarke, . librarian of the San Francisco Free Public Library, then read a paper on the subject under consideration, which was a presentation of the methods in vogue in the large libraries of the East. He quoted reports to show that free access to shelves had in some instances proved satisfactory, while in other cases it had been found detrimental. J. W. Harborne of the Alameda Library made a strong argument for free access to the books by patrons. He was followed by H.F. Petersen of the Oakland Free Public Library, who was fn favor of limited access.* His idea was to cover the books with a screen or net work, this permitting the books to be viewed by the patrons, but not handled. ! E. H. Woodruff, librarian of Stanford University, took a different view of the matter. He was for the catalogue system first, last and all the time, and did not be lieve in allowing free access to the shelves. a^^\ _xro- M PERCENTAGE PERCENTAGE \_4l PHARMACY, > j|feJL^Bs3 MARKET ST., . /^^* Bet. Filth and Sixtb,: -" .-»-_■"' I »__ above Hole Bros. Customer- sjloors above Hale Bros. ONE-HALF SAVED On the price of your prescriptions, ' as we pay no percentages to ', physicians, y ' Strychnine, K. „ S., per ounce 9 1 10 Pink Pills and Pond's Extract....' ..".. 3?. Cooper's Blood and Liver Specific....... .. 85 Joys, Hood's and Ayer's Sarsaparilla.... .£-65 Paine's Compound and Kali's Catarrh Core, ' 60 Ayer's, Beecham's and Culler's Pills. ;. -:-Vl3 Parson's Sarsaparilla _ . ...'..... . ............"■■ 65 Homeopathic Tinctures and Pe11et5.......... 15 Humphrey Specifics. 20, 40, 80 fascination creates a perfect complexion.... "' 85 Trilby, the best skin f00d...................... 76 Malvlna Cream and Camel 1ine..:...: 35 Fountain Syringes .";;... '..'-quart 70c. 3-quart 75c, 4-quatt 85 Trusses, others ask $5 to $15, our price...... ..............:.... .....fl 75 to 500 Electric 8e1t5... :....... 5 00 Galvanic or Pa radio Catteries. ...._, $7 and 10 00 Silk Stockings.... 8 50 Obesity 8e1t5..:.; .:.....;.......-....... 2 '25 \ ■ The above to be had also at the Ferry •' Ci_-._at- , Drugstore, 8 Market si. at same prices f. : J V] ?{ jy__ -i NEW TO-PAY. _ __ _=__.G_l__T ____,_? T_____ S_7____=_T . We have placed pretty styles in Tan Shoes within the easy irrasp of every one. We have the stock, the styles, and onr biff winning card. Low Prices. THOSE PI.KTTY TAX OXFORDS FOB ONE DOLLAR. Wo have them In pointed or narrow square toes, all sizes and widths, and for style, fit and endur- ance we know they have no equal. ■/ -' v "-.' : A STYLISH CHILD'S TAN BUTTON SHOE FOR ONE DOLLAR. Blade on perfect fitting last and warranted to give the wearer the utmost satisfaction. Sizes Bto 101-:.... 51 00 Sizes 11 to 2... :$1 25 SULLIVAN'S $2 50 MEN'S TAN CALF SHOES. The only shoe of Its kind that Is made right. We have them in all style toes. For perfect- fitting qualities and stylish appearance on the foot they have no equal. Country orders (Died by return mail or express. Our new Illustrated catalogue sent free, postpaid, to any address for the asking. . ' . - : . SULLIVAN'S SHOE-HOUSE, 18, 20, 22 Fourth Street, Just Itelow Market. {From U. S. Jmirnal of Medicine.) | Prof. W. n.Peeke,who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, ' has without doubt treated and cured more cases than anyliving Physician; his success is astonishing. Wo j have heard of cases of 20 rears' standing cured by him. He pnbllshesn valuable work oa this disease which ho sends with a large bottle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferer who may send their P.O. and Express ad- dress. We advise anyone wishing a cure to address, Prof. W. H. PEEKE, P. D., 4 Cedar St., New York. CALIFORNIA Title Insurance aß_ Trust Company, MILLS BUILDING. _^ Money to Loan on Real Estate at Lowest Market Rates. j Real Estate Titles Examined and Guaranteed THIS COMPANY WILL HEREAFTER MAKE and continue Abstracts of Titles for the use of j attorneys at short notice, and at the usual rates charged by searchers. We are prepared to verify all Abstracts made by any other seacher of records. Its facilities for searching and the reputation and responsibility of the company are so well known that the -abstracts furnished can be depended upon as being most complete and reliable. L. K. ELLERT, Manager. IS THE VERY BEST ONETO EXAMINE YOUB eyes and fit them to Spectacles or Eyeglasses with Instruments of his own invention, whoss superiority has not been equaled. My success has oeen due to the merits of my work. v .'■».< N Ollice Hours— l 2 to 4p. it. r -_ GRANITE MONUMENTS t3rC. Jones- Bros. & Co. Cor. Second and llrannan Sts., S. F. . BSS" Superior to ai.i/othkbs and the latest de- signs. Strictly Wholesale. Can be pur#hased ihrough any Ketal Dealer. DR.M™LTYr THIS WELL-KNOWN AND RELIABLE SPE- clallst treats PRIVATE CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES OF MEN ONLY. He stops Discharges; cures secret jUoed aad skin Diseases, Bores and Swellings: Nervous Debility, Impo- tence and other weaknesses of Manhood. - lis corrects the Secret Errors of Youth and their terrible effectH, Loss of Vltsiitv, Palpitation of tho Heart, Loss of Memory, Despondency ana other troubles of mind and body, caused by the Errors^ ' Excesses and Diseases of Boys and Men. ■' . - He restores Lost Vl*or and Manly Power, re- moves Deformities and restores the Organs to Ileal h. "Heal _ cures Diseases caused by Mer- cury and other Poisonous Druses. . * Dr. McNulty's methods are rezular and scien- . tific. v He uses no patent nostrums or ready-mads - ! preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. -His New Pamphlet on Prl- rate Diseases seat Free to all men who describe their trouble. Patients cured at Horns Terms renso able. ' *BS&Am *Mi M *lJ_»Bß__gl|fa Hours— 9 to 3 dally; 6:30 to 8:30 eve-lags. Sun- days. 10 to in only - Consultation frea and sa- credly confidential. Call un or address . P. K'.JSCOE McX! LTY, M. D., ;' >, : 20J-_I Kearny St., Sin Franc-see, Cal. : ■'.-, _nf- Howaro of- strangers who try to talk to yo« About your disease on the streets or elsewhere t They are cappers or steert-rR for swindling doctors 13