Newspaper Page Text
BUSINESS CHANCES. IW____T~_OC____n___--__t_ AND STA- -* tienery store; established 15 years; owner must leave town. Apply 841 "_ Fifth st. __P__T_l PARTNER WANTED IN FIRST- tjPUUUU. class gentlemen's furnishing goods business, connected" with merchant tailoring ; es- tablished for over 10 years; well located; one to supervise the tailoring department preferred. A_- dress G., box 147, Call Oflice: . TTtOR SALE-OLD-ESTABLISHED WBLXrPAJ- Jc ing corner grocery and saloon in the X\ est crn Addition; best of reasons for selling. Inquire of • LEVY ft CO., wholesale liquor dealers. 219 Grant avenue. : _ _»f7__n WHOLESALE COMMISSION I*ER- - _^ I OU. chant of good standing and reputation wantspartnerin his wholesale produce commission- house; controls large first-class trade from all parts of the Pacific Coast; established since 18.9; does an enormous business and season is just opening; offer Is grand opportunity for some active indus- trious man: must have help; will guarantee In- coming man $100 per month, and during season $200- is a chance in lifetime: don't miss it. GEO. STEWART, 632 Market St., opp. Palace. "<_QAf_ FINE SALOON; DOING GOODBUSI- ttpt/UU. ness; splendid location; nice stock and fixtures; or would take a partner. 19 Sixth st. "d.. 1 r A CORNER BRANCH BAKERY— t3)JL_* ". Transfer point : doing nice business ; also nice living-rooms. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. C OFFEE SALOON AND CREAM ERIE:VICIN- ity Kearny.near Chronicle; clearingover $200: offered reasonable. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery st. ROOMS— MODERN HOTEL: COUNTRY; _■_( large lot: clearing about $300 monthly: rea- sonable terms. • SPECK'S, SO Montgomery St. Tw BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS QUICK FOR cash see GUS STRAND, 719 Market st. A LL BARGAINS THIS WEEK: • -— Pork and delicacies store $250 XVood and coal yard, horse and wagon 275 Branch bakery and coffee parlor 95 Butcher-shop, horse and wagon ; clears $100. 450 Corner saloon, clears $75 275 Saloon and liquor-store 650 Restaurant, receipts $15 a day 350 Hotel, 50 rooms, clears $150 1000 Partner in corner saloon 250 Horseshoeli gshop.... 175 Branch bakery, 4 rooms 350 Corner grocery and bar ■ 250 To boy or sell see OPS STRAND, 719 Market st. ' F\f\(\ ONE OF THE BIGGEST SNAPS I ipxO\J\J. had on hand for years; old estab- lished, good paying business in ladies' underwear, corsets, notions, etc. : select stock ; 4 living rooms; cheap rent. GUS STRAUD, 719 Market st. SALOON FOR SALE-9 YEARS' LEASE; prominent corner; Including large wine cellar and beautiful flat of 7 rooms; this saloon is the best appointed and most elegantly fit ted-up place in the city: business is well-established; reasons for selling, retiring from business; will he sold cheap for cash. Call or address JACKSON BREW- ERY, 1428 Mission st. <' I ill RESTAURANT DOING A FINK > fil'o. business on Market st.: the best bar- gain in the city. Apply to JOHN REIDY, 19 - \th st. — OR SALE— S3OO: A NO. 1 CIGAR-STAND; day trade only; first-class chance for live voting man.- Inquire of FRIEDLANDER ft KAESER, 429 Montgomery. : -.* X H' i ! EL~ FOR - SALE— HALF-INTEREST IN one of the leading houses of the city; terms an,! price reasonable. Address W. B. C, 301 Sut- ter st. -w O ALOON FOR SALE— CHEAP RENT; GOOD O trade; owner has to go away next week. In- quire 658 Mission st. ?TIOAR-STORE IN BUSINESS CENTER; V,/ price $750; rent $60; bargain: must sell on account of going North. See WILKE, 533 Califor- nia st., Phoanixbar. «sj|7' BRANCH BAKERY, CANDY AND •„ I • - • notions; 4 living-rooms. 707 Devisa- dero st. » 1 901". BARGAIN; BEST STOCKED »4pL— v/U. cigar-stand for the money; central location; am going into other business; clears monthly. Address C. 8., box 106, this office. ®>X AAA PARTNER WANTED IN PROFIT- 0-«-'."_'U. able, growing foundry business, to attend to the books and collections, etc. Address S., box 99, this office. ARTNER TO TRAX'EL THROUGH UNITED States; legitimate business; large returns. Ad- dress X., box 99, CaU Office. . -- QQAA GROCERY AND BAR; LONG LEASE; «jpOl/_» liv : !i_: rooms; cheap rent; no agents. Apply tall Office. SMALL BOARDING-HOUSE FOR SALE. AP- -0 ply CaU office. (J* Y7_l BUSINESS - !"!- AT. WILL PAY $5 A V-100- day. Inquire 819 Market St., room 45. FOR SALE-OB EAT B A I .GAIN; GROCERY' store, stock, fixtures, horse and wagon; good outside route: fine location. Apply to ROSS A HEWLETT, 300 La vis st. FOR SALE— MILK BUSINESS RUNNING 2 wagons, putting out 125 callons per day. Ad- dress A 8., box 95, Call Office. ©ll 000 WILL EXCHANGE 2 UNIM- •iJII.UUO. proved ranches for good schooner; Chicacro residence -for Oakland property. E. E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway. Oakland. FOR SALE^CORNKR LIyUOR-STORE XVITH good bar trade. ' Apply 368 Third st. DOAB_BB - HOTEL TO LET- -THAT XVELL- -IV known roadside hotel with grounds to let at San Bruno station, San Mateo county. Apply on premises or to DICK CUNNINGHAN, 306 Grove st; ban Francisco. QftflO, GROCERY AND DELICACY STORE -!__»_/. In Western Addition; rent $20: lease: owner has another store and sacrifices place on ac- count of too much to attend to. Particulars 533 California st., Phoenix bar. • - HAY, GRAIN ANDCOMMISSION BUSINESS; two-third interest: established 29 years. Ap- ply Call Office, 710 Market st. " - v=|. ,;,. y P ABE CHANCE— ACCOUNT DEPARTURE; — V fine variety store. Inquire this office. ("1 IGAR-STORE; OLD-ESTABLISHED; RARE \J bargain. Apply this. office. / I COAJL-OIL KOUTI ."cheap. INQUIRE ' 1 345 seventeenth. st. 8 QALOONjFOB SAL!". CHE AP—ONf ACCOUNT 0 of going away. . 416 Fourth st. SALE— FAMILY LIQUOR-STORE ON A Seventh st. Inquire 132 Firs; st. (III. KEN Ban. WITH 2 PRAIRIE STATE ■\J incubators (capacity 640 eggs) and fixtures, for sale, cl_eap. 324 Silver aye., nr. San Bruno rd. -^ "T )i ) GROCERY AND- BAR: LARGE •iluUll. stock; fine place, with good business; S-ieu'-; bargain ever . offered. MICHELS & WOOD, 917 Market. . -QQAA MILK, DAIRY AND CHICKEN iPv.VV« ranch across the bay; has 8 fine cows. 2 horses, new wagon, burn, outhouses and 150 Leg- horns; 4-room boose and 50 acres of land at lowest rent. GEO. STEERS ft CO., 22 Kearny st. T7OR SALE— CIGAR-STAND; $150. 235 EAST A s;reet, opposite Ferry 1. -pot. __;->.' ill ' fa A B-STOBE. ON MARKET •_••'• street: fine business: reasons forseU- ing, goin. into other business. BUCHANAN & CO., 765 Mar st. rrdoiTpAYiNG candy-store, with fac- \ X tory and Ice-cream parlor; owner has to leave for Enrope, but can stay with successor till he learns the trade. 130 Ninth st. B' LACKSMITH TOOLS AND STOCK FOR SALE in the country'; good trade | and cheap rent; house above- shop; 16 miles from San Francisco; horseshoiug and general blacksmithing. Address __ _______ San AnB elmo, Maris Co., Cal. CHICKEN RANCH - IN MARIN COUNTY, $600 : 500 chickens, cottage 5 rooms. For fur- ther information apply 12 Salina place. COB P. GROCERY ; I! "a ; 4 LIVING-BOOMS ; ■a ill seU at value In stock on account of other business. Apply 940 Bryant St. ' E~~ ESTAURANT; NO BETTER OFFER TO man and wife or to partner; cheap rent; good location and business. Apply Call Branch. C_ X AAA FIRST-CLASS SALOON IN HEART •~ ll"/l/. of city; large stock; fine fixtures; $35 a day. MICHELS A XVOOD, 917 Market st. FOR SALE— BBANCH BAKERY AND VARIE- tles with two living rooms. Apply 330 Nine- teenth st, ; B" RANCH BAKERY, NOTIONS, ETC., FOR sale. 2549 Folsom St. IjjiIRST-CLASS BAKERY FOR SALE; OXVNER 'retiring. Apply Call Branch.. ■, -' TIT ANTED— TO SUPPLY FAMILIES WITH " double-filtered dlstiUed water In 5V^-gallon lots and upward at 10c a gahon, free of expressage. The Ralston Health Food Company, 203 Sutter s„, San Francisco, telephone 1132 or 1168 Broadway, Oakland, telephone 402. DENTISTS. -:~~- AT C__o_ : alstl^Bl2a^N^^ sets of teeth are made to please or no charge; on bridges, crowns and gold plates prices reduced; small cold fillings only $2; painless extraction. ANY TOOTH FILLED OR EXTRACTED __ painlessly by my secret method without dan- gerous cocaine or gas; won 8 first prizes; prices rea- sonable; work warranted; aU operations expertly JvS^JTi _. em -- I have removed from 6 to 20 OlarreUst. DR. GEORGE W. LEEK ' D__i___P g ' lki 1- TH-OPEN EVENINGST . Sunday until noon. D^».h' i_^_Sir^_&J™WM__W__T_H_i teeth— LATEST INVENTION— FsneciaUv for bridge work ; positively guaranteed never W break any patient once seeing them wiU admit this Ls the tooth most wanted; also DR. BLAKE'S enameled platinum crowns: no display of -old ac " m " " 5U - THE HIGHEST ART IN ffiISTRY Prices moderate. Office 405 Sutter, nr." Stockton. /•IBOOME DENTAL AJSBOGIATTON, 7M VAB- V. ket> b . t ;« 3fl _.r * tn ' KM' specialists: only reli- able agent for paimess extraction; artificial teeth frm $0 ; fillings from $_ ; extracting 50c, with gas $1. DR. REA. SIXTH ST. : ALL DENTAL at lowest prices ana warranted; open evenings <J_;7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTEDTa- <P I good as can be made: filling $1. DR. SIMMS. dentist, 930 Market st., next Baldwin Theater. WORK REASONABLE AND WARRANT- ed. DR. J. W. KEY, 1122 Market st. .■>■-" DR. H. G. YOUNG. BRIDGES AND TEETH without plates a specialty. 1841 Polk st. •-. R. LUDLUM HILL, 1443 : MARKET ST., near Eleventh . no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set; extracting 50c; gas given. CXOLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 806 MAR- / ket St. DR. CHARLES W. DECKER. : A. WEEK _ ' NEWS * FOR 6 CENTS— THE WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. BUSINESS CHANCES-Continned. OR SALE— HOME RESTAURANT ; GOOD business. Apply this office. '." OR SALE— OLD-ESTABLISHED MANUFAC- turing business, with best machinery; has In process of construction orders amounting to over $5000; this Is a rare chance for a bargain. For particulars address Owner, box 162. CaU Branch. LODGING-HOUSES FOB SALE. - QA-ROOM CORNER HOUSE; RENT $40; dv price $550. DECKER, 1206 Market st. ~A A-ROOM HOUSE; RENT ONLY $75: CLEAR- ?_r__ $100 month. DECKER, 1206 Market st QA ROOMS ON MARKET ST.: ELEGANT: Q\J clears $100: $1509. SPECK'S. 30 Xlontgy. Q-9P.fl 30ROOMS : PLAINLY FURNISIIED; is£o\J. clears $40. SPECK'S, 30 Montgomery. 'I i ' 1 BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE i- quick for cash see t. US STRAND, 719 Market. (feOrrE 11 ROOMS; LODGING-HOUSE; NR. tITO I O. Market. BUCHANAN _ CO., 765 Mkt. .T~iOR SALE AT ONCE, ACCOUNT OF 81CK- ._ ness. 36 furnished rooms; very low price. Ap- ply 1314 Stockton st. . ... 4 . 1 AND ALL, COME FOR BARGAINS TO BUT- A TERFIELD .real estate, Crocker building. FURNITURE FOB SALE. H"^ GT^~i_?ASK*Yr %^C^___iTS PICTUEES) . folding. iron beds, furniture; low prices. Cal. step ladder manfd for the trade. 779 Mission st. ai OA FOR SALE— ROOMS, XVELL FUR- xOU. nished: very cheap account departure. 29 John st., off Mason, near Jackson. OUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ALMOST NEW, very cheap. Apply 101 Sacramento st. I E" "EDROOM. SETS. $11: OAK CHAIRS, $1; J_> carpets, 45c. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton. CUT PRICES IN FURNITURE AND CARPETS ' this week at McCABE'S, 948-950 Mission st. EDUCTIONS ON L.-RG__~STbck, NEXV AND second hand; 400 carpets, good as new; oil- -1 cloth, 25c; parlor suits, $19 up; linoleum, 45c; , 7-piece chamber suits, $14 50; cornice-poles, 25c; ranges, $6; cash or installments; goods shipped ; free. T. 11. NELSON, 126 Fourth st. CARPETS. A-tpErs7'4-c7_n?6__^ ' set, $11. SHIREK. 1310-1312 Stockton st. CARPET CLEANING. N C ~_TY~~ STEAM cXi__H-__-TIN-~ AN- it- novating XVorks, 38 and 40 Eighth st. G. R. STEVENS, manager. Telephone No., south 250. CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED AND novated same as new. S. FERGUSON _ CO., 23 Tenth st. Telephone number, south 36. WTIEN ,01 BECOME DISGUSTED XVITH " poor work send to SPAULDING'S Pioneer Car- pet Beating Works. 353-7 Tehama; teL So-40. C ONKLIN'S CARPET BEATING WORKS. 333 Golden Gate aye. ; telephone east 126. /r__SPET_ WELL CLEANED. BARBER'S, 239 , _* 14th, nr. Mission; tfl. (Mission) 100. THE J. E. -MITCHELL CARPET-CLEANING Co. (incorp.); old established carpet cleaning machines; cleaning 3c yard. 230 14th, tel: 6074. J MCQUEEN'S CARPET BEATING AND REN- . ovatlng works. 453 Stevenson: tel. 3228. PIANOS. VIOLINS AND SHEET BIUSIC. A^RGAINS^P-A.NOB__t6MS7ST_^r6RGANS $25. A. L. BANCROFT ft CO.. 324 Post st. BARGAINS IN NEXV AND2D-.IAND~PIA Hazelton, Brown A Simpson, Mozart, etc. : hard- limes prices; Installments. EATON, 735 Market st. SCHU BERT, STEINXVAY AND DECKER Bros, uprights, nearly new. KEEFFE, 615 Van Ness aye. , I ' PRIGHTS, ■STEINWAY, XVEBER, BELOXV U cost; Emerson $85. HEINE, 40 O'FarreU st, "l\r A NTED— GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR 1 1 $75 cash. P. A., box 91, this office. ,-i MISFORTUNE CAUSES THE FORCED SALE of an elegant upright; owner leaving the%:lty. Room 10, Flood building. EAUTIFUL STEINWAY ORDERED SOLD by owner for one-half its . value. Room 21, Flood building. SO I" ARE" PIANO, GOOD FOR PRACTICE, price $25; upright $65. THE J. DEWING CO., second floor. Flood building. . j'y'^tjg A BETTER AND EASIER PLAN TO BUY A XL good piano by renting. Be careful to go to KOHLER ft CHASE'S, 28 and 30 O'FarreU st. DECKER SROS., STEINWAY", FISCHER AND other first-class makes of pianos; little used; cheap for cash or on easy terms. KOHLER _ CHASE, 28 and 30 O'Farrell st. ■ ■ ■ : HI M M „ LONG PIANO CO., 340 POST— Pianos sold on installments; send for Illus- trated catalogue. REAT BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND Pl- anos at SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.'S, cor. Kear- ny and Sutter sts. "VTEW PIANOS FROM $100 UPXVARD; EASY -> payments. SHERMAN, CLAY _ CO., cor. Kearny and Sutter sts. lANOS SOLD UPON N'EXV RENT CONTRACT plan; please call and have it explained; the easiest terms ever quoted for procuring fine piano. SHERMAN, CLAY A CO.. cor. Kearny and Sutter. Ir«A__ TERMS; LOW PRICES. KOHLER A li CHASE. - ___^ "VAT G. BADGER, xvith benj. CURTAZ, 20 »» . O'Farrell, agent for Hallet and Davi pianos. F"~" EW , ELEGANT UPRIGHTS, STANDARD makes, almost new, half original cost; see at once. F. W. SPENCER A CO., 721 Market st. Vf AUVAIS, 769 MARKET-SHEET MUSIO % I_. price: Decker _ Son pianos. . . YRON MAUZY, 308 POST ST.— SOHMER, Newby A- Evans, Briggs and other pianos. "_• 1 1 . 1 AY~ UPRIGHT; SLIGHTLY USED; 0 grand tone ; half-cost. SPENCER, 721 Market. UPIHtIOR lOLINS, ZITHERS, OLD ft HEW. 0 H. MULLER. maker, repairer. 2 Latham place. CHEAPEST AND BEST IN AMERICA— THR XVEEKLY CALL, sent to any address in the United States or Canada one year for $1 60, post- age free. ■ " - ■ _ — _____________ HORSES. JUST ARRIX'ED— 3 CA__Io^TJS^OF~I-OR^ES weighing from 1000 to 1700 pounds; suitable for truck, wagon and road horses. G. LIND ACER, Union Stables, 862 Howard 5t. ... '•%■>:•:•:. (gjCA HORSE, HARNESS AND BUGGY; '_*•"-'• suitable for ladyorgent; stands without hitching. EASTMAN'S, Mission and 24th sts. HORSES PASTURED; 82 A MONTH; SEND for circular. F. A. HYDE, 630 Commercial st. 1 AA SETS SECOND-HAND HARNESS; ALL Iv" kinds; second-hand wagons, buggy, carts: also 20 cheap horses. Fifteenth and Valencia sts. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. HORSE, HAR^isTA-_)"~W-0_E_f~TO" wagon. 1122 V* Folsom st. INE BAKERY AND LAUNDRY WAGONS, rockaway. buggies: also back. 828 Harrisot.. . ,: /' SEWING MACHINES. S~EWIIw_ACH T-__T___NTEd7 $1 60 PER month; all kinds repaired; machines sold from $5 upward, ISe 6 * Market st. tOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Al LOT OF EASTERN ST.rNI>A-tD~]'_CKES of safes which have been taken in exchange as part payment for the XValtz safes, as foUows: 3 burglar-proof bank or coin safes, 7 jewelers' safes, 8 pawnbrokers' safes, 13 merchant safes: Are and burglar proof: all sizes; at less than half cost; see them before you order. The Waltz Safe Salesroom, 221 and 223 Markei St., factory 13 and 15 Drumm St., San Francisco. CaL ■ .- ' 1" , IXTURES OF BRANCH BAKERY— cases, candy-jars, scales, etc. 1230 Twenty- fourth st. - - OR SALE-STYLISH. MARE; DOCTOR'S OR lady's driving. Avenue . stables,. 310 Golden Gate aye. , 17IOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— CHIEFTAIN -_ colt, harness, with delivery-wagon. 1104 Mission. IXTURES OF GROCERY-STORE AT 120 Six th st. ; must be sold ; cheap. .. OOD CUSHION TIRE SAFETY; ONLY $20. 328 McAllister st. ■ • ATEW RANGES CHEAPER THAN SECOND- Ii hand. W. S. RAY Mfg Co., 12 California st. "vltilshire SAFE. letter- SCALE, » » coffee-mill and money-till ; cheap. 102 Clay st. . COUNTERS, SHELVING, SHOWCASES / bought and sold. 1121 J >:, Market, bet. 7th and Bth legal. NOTICES., ~~' I~N___TsU__R_Oß~C^^ and County of San Francisco, State of California. In the matter of the trust estate created by S. C. HASTINGS for the use and benefit of tbe poor. It appearing by the petition presented and filed herein by WALTER J. PHELPS, trustee . of the above-named trust estate, praying for an order of sale of real estate, that it is necessary, to sell the whole of the real property of said estate to pay the debts and charges against it and to avoid the ex- pense of keeping the same and prevent said prop- erty from being sold for taxes. ;•- It is therefore ordered by the Judge of said court that all persons Interested in said trust estate ap- pear before this court .in the courtroom thereof of Department 10, in the new City Hall, in said city and county, on Friday, the 19th day of April, 1895, at the. hour of 10 o'clock . in the forenoon of said day, to show cause why an order should not bo granted to said trustee to sell said real estate, ; - ' And that a copy of this order 'be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in the San Francisco Ca_.i_, a newspaper published and printed In said city and county, and that a copy thereof be personally served upon each of the execu- tors, of last will of S. C. HASTINGS, deceased, at least ten days before the said day of hearing. ■ ' _ , _,£ H \kl^SW; SLACK, Superior Judge: • Dated March 15, 1895. -:■ - - - • PAItT>iERS-liP SO T"_CE_.. - . . DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP-TO ALL whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing between J. S. ELLIOTT and XVILL WRIGHT, under the firm name of WRIGHT _ ELLIOTT, at 302 Third St., San Francisco, In the grocery business, has been this oay dissolved by mutual consent. , J: 8. ELLIOTT will continue said business at the same place and will pay all bills of said firm, and is authorized to coUect all debts due said XVRIGHT A ELLIOTT. ; J. 6. ELLIOTT. • . ban Francisco, April 11, 1895. ..-".', VyVV' : -:V : ''^ : Vv;V f y : yVViyVV;^ THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1895. ,-. V CITY' REAL ESTATE. CfcQKAA A BARGAIN— 34:6xI37:6; SACRA- tSIVO\J\J. mento st., near Hyde; rents $840 per annum. Address W., box 98, this oflice. -.. - "©CXA SEE THOSE HANDSOME. NEW fTp-Uv/. flats: McAUister St., bet. Baker and Lyon; owner on premises' Sunday. L. FRIED- I A DE It. 439 Montgomery st. . BRICK BUILDING FOR BUSINESS PROP- erty on Market st. - • Corner Pacific aye. and Baker St., 55x137:6 ft. price, $11,000. ' E. side Stanyan st., bet. Carl and Frederick sts. ; 25x100: price $2600. 50x127 :6 ft. on Jackson at., overlooking the Pre- sidio and bay; $6700. ' Two modern houses, of 8 rooms each, at Park, 25x137;6 ft.; electric road passes' houses; price $6500. ......... store brick house of 9 rooms, with stable, Bn Booth Park; lot 45x125 ft.; price $7500. . • ■-..-<- ' B.W. cor. Jones and Jefferson sts.; 137:6x137:6. Cottage house, 1367 Dolores st.; 5 rooms and bath, basement; on each side of Dolores st,-; 25x95 feet. House of 10 rooms and bath, 417 Bryant St.; price $5000. Apply to C. C. BEMIS, Real Estate and Land Agent, 324 Montgomery street. r-ROOM HOUSE ; ' MODERN IMPROVE- D ments; lot 75x105; Colma. BOVEE, TOY & i CO., or White House, Colma, San Mateo County. OR SALE— NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, WITH basement; fine view. 728 Dolores st. OUSE AND LOT; 4 ROOMS: BATH; CHEAP. Apply J. GRAHAM, 27th and Alabama sts. HOUSES FOR SALE ON SMALL MONTHLY payments; loans made on San Francisco real estate. LOUIS BLANK, 214 Pine St., rms. 58 ft 59. <_0?_ AAA BUSINESS PROPERTY: 3 _iO.UU\J. stores, 8 flats; make offer. 826 sth. XIO7:6— SXV. CORNER JERSEY AND Diamond sts. Apply within. Srr f\ A RESIDENCE OF 7 ROOMS, EXCEED^ t_s I Uv. lngly low rent. STEERS, 22 Kearny. _QAAf. LARGE NEXV CORNER STORE; t_.OU_'l/. brick basement; 8 rooms upstairs; lot 26:8x100. SE. cor. Point Lobos and Eighth avenues. "SirAn HOUSE, 5 ROOMS; BARN, ETC., «pl i \J\J. in Berkeley: lot 100x100, with creek. ! $5250— House, 7 rooms; fine corner; 120x135, with orchard. $1000— Fine corner; 40x100; macadamized ; $100 down, $100 yearly. CHAS. A. BAILEY, 46 Market St., or Berkeley ! station, Berkeley. B~ ARGAIN; $1450; 2-STORY , 7-ROOM COT- tage in Holly Park: corner lot; 50x50; can be bought for small payment down; balance same as rent. CADENASSO _ CO., 512 Montgomery st. ~\ WEEK'S NEXVS FOR 5 CENTS — THE __ XVEEKLY CALL, in wrapper, for mailing. country heal. estate. Tr?i"_o___"to~__^^^ ri\J \) ty; springs; house; partly fenced; large oaks, etc.; $100 per year. L. L. SALSBUR Y, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. ÜBDI VISION OF THE HOPPIN RANCH; this fine body of land we will sell in 10, 20 or 40 acre tracts for 1/3 of former prices, and it will grow all kinds of fruit, vegetables and alfalfa; about 4 miles NXV. of XVoodland.Yolo County, Cal., and IV2 miles from the celebrated. Hatch Yolo orchard; terms easy; healthy for -hogs and chickens: must be sold; apply at once. BOVEE, , TOY ft CO., 19 Montgomery st. IrtXCH A N ( IE FOR CLOTHING— I4O ACRES J unimproved land; part can remain at Interest. ; Box 478, Santa Clara, Cal. ■■■-■-.-:-,. 35 1j » _ 500 ACRES. NEAR MODESTO, STAN- «Ji J-U. islaus County, on line new railroad; all level, and cheap at $25; can be had, if . taken at once, for $16 per acre. SAMUEL __ KNOWLES, 481 Ninth st., Oakland. ; * N EQUAL SHOW FOR ALL; STRAIGHT, __ fair and square deal. An Investment offered that is honest. Own your own home and be inde- pendent. Try it and you will find that we advise you right. XVe wUI sell you 40 acres of alluvial soil in the Warren Green Rancho, Glenn County, Cal., for $280, one-third down, balance in 60 monthly! payments, without interest, and will throw in town lot land suitable for poultry, fruit, ber- ries or grain; needs no irrigation. - Climate unsur- passed anywhere in California. . 168 miles north of San Francisco and only 9 miles from county seat. For Investments and Information address or call on the H. M. BENSON CO., 902 Broadway, Oak- land. _ I YOU WANT A RANCH FOR GRAZING — . purposes or an orchard already improved, where only a small cash outlay is required, balance pay- able In 6 or 7 years, apply at 326 Montgomery St., San Francisco. BARGAIN IN ALAMEDA COUNTY; 320 acres of foothill land; plenty of wood and water; only $6 per acre. Inquire JAMES CA- HILL, 408 Twelfth St., Oakland. ■ 7 11 AND 20 ACRETIECES—AI FOR CHICK- I > en ranches; on 8 and 10 years* credit; $25, $30, $70 and $100 per acre; within 1 mile of town. D. H. TWING, Sonoma City, Cal. ■■» . . MARIN COUNTY-5000 ACRES 26 MILES from San Francisco. RANCHO DE NOVATO. Tracts of any size desired; fruit, grain and vege- table land: no. irrigation; 'both rail and water transportation; $40 to $75 per acre; easy terms. town of Novato; graded school, hotels and stores on the property; send for circular. .-. ; ' • Dairy for Bale with or without cows. - '— - If SYNDICATE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 64 and 65, Chronicle building. I_t__-£_S_%_ " .'-. __——___». »— — — — BBS ss3£_____S "* "™^*— PROPOSALS. • PROPOSALS FOR BURIAL OF INDIGENT Dead— Office of the Clerk of the Board of Super- visors of the City and County of San Francisco, April 9, 1896. • In accordance with resolution No. 12,040 (Third Series) 'of . the Board :of • Supervisors, SEALED PROPOSALS will be received in open session of the board on MONDAY AFTERNOON, April 15, 1895, from 3 to 3:30 o'clock, for the In- terment of such indigent dead in the City Ceme- tery as axe required to be buried at the charge of the City and County of San Francisco, including the City and County Smallpox Hospital, for the term of one year, beginning July 1, 1895, and end- ing. lime 30, 1896. NOTICE— The coflins to be made of -three-quar- ter-Inch surface redwood clear lumber, to be lined with muslin and pillowed inside and to be* shel- lacked and varnished outside, and the tops to be fastened down with not less than six screws. In all smallpox cases the coffin shall be lined with No. 10 zinc instead of with muslin, and hermeti- cally sealed, and all coffins used must be subject to the inspection and approval of the officer in charge of the Institution from which the body of the de- cedent is to be buried, and must in all cases be taken to such Institution for the purpose of having the deceased placed therein. •••--.-'•- No bid will be considered from any party who has not been engaged In the undertaking -t usiness in this city and county and conducted said busi- ness in a reputable manner for a period of at least six months immediately preceding the date hereof. The grave to be excavated to a. depth of at least six feet. • ' No body to be removed from the Institution where it lies awaiting burial within a period of tweny-four hours after death, except by express order of the Superintendent or officer in charge of said Institution. ..-.-; The contractor will be required In all cases on the death of the Indigent person from Infectious disease to inter the body of said decedent within such time as may he designated by notice from the Superintendent or officer in charge of the in- stitution where the death may have - occurred, and in all other cases within thirty -six hours after noti- fication by the proper officer. - The contractor wul further be required to con- vey the bodies of decedents' committed to his charge for Interment direct from the institution from which he receives the same to the cemetery, and then and there bury the same. And will not be permitted upon any consideration to convey such bodies to any intermediate resting-place, or to keep the same in his custody for a longer period than that required for their transit to the ceme. tery. ■ "• .-•■■-■«• Should the friends of any decedent apply at the institution where such decedent may be lying awaiting burial, for permission to bury the same- and prove to the superintendent or officer in charge i of said institution that their purpose Is to provide a decent burial, and that they have no Intention and will not allow the body to be used for the pur- pose of dissection,- then and in that case the body of said deceased shall be delivered to said friends, who shall take charge thereof and make the neces- sary arrangements for the funeral with any under- taker they may think fit, but in such event the contractor aforesaid shall have no claim against the city for the burial of said decedent. The party to whom the contract may be awarded ■hall be required in all cases to procure from the Superintendent of the City Cemetery a certificate of the proper burial of each person under the pro- visions of his contract and of these specifications, and such certificates must in all cases be attached to the demand of said contractor when presented to the Board of Supervisors for approval, and must state the names of the decedents and the Institu- tions from which the body was procured. aa - Incase of -the violation of any of the above con- ditions the contract shall be terminated by said city and county. — The party i to whom the contract is awarded will be required, prior to or at the time of the execution of said contract, to pay the cost of advertising this notice in three daUy newspapers. ' All interments of indigent persons the' ex- penses of which must be borne by the city and county (other than those from any of the public - institutions) must be authorized by the Health Officer Issuing a permit therefor, and J all bills for such interments to be approved by. the Health Officer prior to being presented to this Board. All demands for the burial of indigent persons from any of the public Institutions to be ap- .. proved by the Superintendent of the institution at which the death occurs, prior to being pre- sented to this Board.' . - : ■"'-,-.- Bidders wUI estimate and state . a specific amount for each interment. .-■-'. * .'-"■■• . -~- •> v -*.- ' In order to preserve uniformity and to facilitate i the . award the Board - has resolved to receive no bids unless made 'upon blank 1 forms prepared by. the committee, and a certified check tor. the sum of $500, drawn during the month of April, 1895, in favor of and made payable to the Clerk of the Board, must be deposited by j the bidder, ' condi- tioned that if the proposal is accented and tbe con- tract is awarded, and if the bidder shall fall or neglect to pay the printing charges, execute the contract and give a bond of $5000 within six day- after the award is made, then and in that case the said sum shall be collected and paid Into th* City and County Treasury by said I Clerk as liquidated damages for such failure and neglect. . Blanks furnished by the Clerk. . ■ ' . - The Board reserves the right to reject all bids If the public good so require. ' ' -.■;■'-.■:-•- ":'.- .."/..? JNO. A. RUSSELL, Clerk. "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE XXI- Board of Directors of the Escondldo Irrigation District will receive sealed proposals for the pur- chase of $80,000 of the bonds of said district, and bids will be received therefor at the office of the said board in Escondldo. Cal.,' untU 10 o'clock a. _. on the 16th day of April, 1895. ' - - • ■--_ -•• -:-'■■-' A. J.'WERDEN, Secretary of the Escondldo Irrigation District. I Bated March 10, 1830.- ViV : : : V ■Vi VWi '•■■: y,y '■■ '■--: ■.■ y;-. ' - '". ' "' :•' '' - i VVi. '■:. i>V -VyV ; OAKLAND REAL ESTATE. $5500. " ■y-'yyY.VA BIG SNAP. . j '••;'- "-t}.-i;.yy, MODERN HOUSE; 10 ROOMS; LAUNDRY; bath; large barn, etc.; lot 100x150; on sunny side of Tenth aye.; the Nob Hill of East Oakland; worth fully $8000; call and investigate. GRAY ft NAISMITH, 463 Ninth St. '-;■:■ RADE OR SELL, 21 ACRES ELEGANT rich land at Mission San Jose, Alameda County; orchard, buildings: all stock, tools, etc. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oakland.* 1"" "tOR SALE— 4 STORES AND 40 ROOMS. ! Seventh St.; corner lot, 100x100: $17,500; half cash. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broadway, Oak- land. ' '."-'-■■■ '-.-"" .""-'■ ■"'■•- GREAT BARGAIN— STORE AND FINE COR- . ner: Golden Gate; large lot near new railroad ; must be sold. Apply to C. K. KING, 902 Broad- way, Oakland. . - ■ OR SALE— ELEGANT HOME IN' PlE D- mont; view unsurpassed; modern 14-room house; finished In oak, ash, birch and sycamore; French plate glass; heated by furnace; best of water from well; piped through house and grounds; patent gas plant; barn for 4 horses, carriage and hay; windmill and 6000-gallon, tank;, 2 acres of grounds '. all "' improved; trees, garden, shrubbery, etc.; must be seen to be appreciated ; this beautiful home can be sold , cheap and on easy payments if taken at qnce. ' - . . :■ -.-■■". ■ FOR SALE— S7SO CASH; BALANCE MONTH- JD lv; • new modern 6-room • cottage: ■ best part of Berkeley. CHANNELL ft LANE, 908 Broadway. fOnftf. DON'T FAIL TO CALL AND LOOK «JpOUvU. at the brand new and modern 7 and 8 room houses Alden and Garfield are building and selling at $2500, $3000 and $3500; good lots; street work done; very central location: easy terms, and cannot be duplicated in this cltv for less than $4000 and $5000. Call at our office, 902 Broadway, Oakland. ALDEN ft GARFIELD. _. ffl»OA PER MONTH AND NOTHING DOWN «_>__. U for a 6-room modern cottage, well located. Apply to ALDEN ft GARFIELD, 902 Broadway, Oakland. 6 LET-IN OAKLAND, $50, BEAUTIFUL home; house 10 rooms; large corner lot; stable and yard for horse and cow; 1 block to electric line and convenient to local station; one of the finest residence locations. R. M. ANTHONY, 466 Ninth St., Oaklana. ; ■\TONEY TO LOAN— SIOO,OOO ON IMPROX'ED I»JL Oakland business or residence property only at 71/2 percent. Apply to CLOUGH ft BAKER, 1002 Broadway, Oakland. - - <B.l___P_f_ LOT 150x200, WITH DOUBLE tjp__c)x». frontage; sacrificed; house, 6 rooms; barn: near electric line; must be sold. HUGH M. CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oakland. <a»I£AA ■ MODERN COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, tJpJ-UUU. bath, 'laundry; right downtown street work complete; mortgage of $900 can stand; balance cash; see it at once. HUGH M. CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oakland. . . ■ •■■- END FOR MAP OF PIEDMONT HEIGHTS; acre subdivisions; $300to$600; one-tenth cash. WILLIAM J. DINGEE, 460 and 462 Eighth st., Oakland. .... ■:-.-• '■• ■ .- ... :;' OR SALE— MODERN HOUSE CONTAINING . 10 rooms; highly elevated; magnificent view; large grounds. Address Owner, . box 105, Call Office. 1 . CHEAP HOMES; $325, $500, $750, $850, $1000. LODGE ft TOXVELL, Fruitvale station. ©QQAA ONE QUARTER CASH, BALANCE tjyOOI'U. on mortgage; Sycamore st., near Grove; lot 83:4x1 00;. brand new 7-room cottage; charming In appearance; superb In arrangement. D. F. OLIVER, 211 Central Bank, Oakland. ffIjQXAA NEW MODERN RESIDENCE; 2- «J)OdUU. story, 7 rooms, near XVebster and Twenty-sixth sts.; good location; fins lot; terms to suit. A. H. BREED ft CO., 460 Ninth st., Oakland. OR SALE— A WELL-ESTABLISHED AND paying grocery business in Alameda; only rea- son for selling Is sickness. For full particulars, call at 1002 Broadway, Oakland, CLOUGH ft BAKER. CM QP.H COZY COTTAGE: 4 ROOMS, BATH, tj) IZiOKJ. hall; lot 30x125; well; good location; reduced for quick sale. HUGH M CAMERON, 479 Ninth St., Oakland. ■ ANTED— 50 HEAD OF SMALL MULES, broke; also 2 carloads of high grade cows, in exchange for clear Oakland real estate ; wUI pay part cash. Address P. O. box 86, Oakland. BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY sold on easy terms; small payment dewn or ex- changed. E.E. BUNCE, 1008 Broadway, Oakland. $19 AAA ABARGAIN— BUSINESS PROP- iJ&xZi.\J\J\.i. erty on San Pablo ave. :l2s feet frontage. Apply to J. W. MOSS, 958 Broadway, Oakland. ORSALE— OFFER WANTED FOR A LARGE residence and grounds on the heights, East Oak- land, near Borax Smith's palatial residence, to close an estate. BENEDICT ft CO., 457 Ninth St.. Oakland. . LOOK! $150— LOTS IN FRUITVALE ONLY $1 cash and $1 a week; buy a home and save your small earnings; the new railroad will double values In Oakland. H. B. .PINNEY, 902 Broad- way , Oak nd .. v ; ■ <_ 1 9f_f_ ' HOUSE, 5 ROOMS, IN BERKELEY" ; «_SJ---UU. lot 40x100; one-third cash. $400— Lot 40x100: $50 down, $10 monthly; near proposed railroad. CHAS. A. BAILEY, Berkeley station, Berkeley. ®7^A CASH WILL BUY A NICE 6-ROOM «Jp I O\J cottage, worth $2000, . leaving a mort- gage of $1000. Address WM. P. TODD, 1008 Broadway, pakland. ■ - ■. ■ _ OAKLAND ROOMS I AND HOUSES. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD IN XV pleasant home; 40 minutes from San . Fran- Cisco; reasonable. Address MRS. MOORE, Emery- Tffle, Cal. * -■•■■■ ■--■-■ OAKLAND FURNITURE FOR SALE. FURNITURE AND CARPETS AT YOUR OWN price. H. SCHELLHAAS. 408 Eleventh st. ALAMEDA REAL ESTATE. FOR DLMEDIATE SALE, NEAR SCHOOL and station; $2250; $150 cash; $25 monthly; new 5-room cottage and bath. $2650— cash; $26 monthly: 37x100; 6- room cottage and bath. • _. $3150-$2OO cash; $30 monthly; new cottage 7 rooms and bath. . ' \ - $3250— $50 cash: $35 monthly; 38x100; corner house In fine condition; 8 rooms and bath. • Houses to rent from $10 up; open Sundays and holidays. MARCUsE ft REMMEL, Ray-street station, Alameda, and 628 Market st., San Fran- cisco. ...... LAMEDA PROPERTY— RENT, SELL or exchange bargains. Call on XVILL BURN- HAM ft CO., 1366 Park st., Alameda, and BURN- UA_ A MARSH CO., 428 Montgomery St., S. F. ALAMEDABARGANS, FOR CASH AND IN- _x stallments— Houses to let in all parts of Ala- medn, H. V. MOREAL A CO., .1432 Park st. alameda rooms and houses. A~^i_a___S____o^rkSt^fvSSi3Skd^SS- ern upper flat, 7 rooms, three blocks Chestnut station N. G. R. R. Inquire 2036, 5 an Jose aye., from 12 to 2 p. m. '' -. BERKELEY REAL , ESTATE. ERE'S A BARGAIN; 7-ROOM nOUSE; 2 lots; only $2000. JOS. J. MASON, Dwlght- way station. . •■ : - -'. ' ; <2>_>CAA HOUSE OF B ROOMS: LARGE tIPOOUU. corner lot near 'station and school; street work all done: a bargain. JOS. J. MASON, Dwight-way station, Berkeley. * ERKELEY PROPERTY ATA SACRIFICE . beautiful homes cheap. W. E. SQUIRES, Ber- ryman station. Berkeley. •■• ...-■: - DELINQUENT SALE . NOTICES. . D" " ELI3r_.UENT""-Al_--TsJo_^ Eagle Mining Company— Location of principal place of business, ' San Francisco, California; loca- tion of works, Devils Gate Mining District, Lyon County, Nevada. -■» Notice— are delinquent upon the following described stock, on account of assessment (No. 1), . levied on the Bth day of January, 1895, tha several amounts set opposite the names of the re- spective shareholders, as follows: , , , .. "... ■.-i- . No. Names. • ■ *' _*___ Cert. Shares. * Amount. Morris Hoefllch 6- 10,000 $1,60000 H. M. Levy, Trustee......;. 7 20,000 8,000 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee. 8 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee... '9 .1,000. \ 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee 10 1,000 . 150 00 H. M. Levy, Trustee .....11 1,000 150 00 H. M. Levy, Tru5tee... .....12 .. 600 ;.- ■--- 75 00 E. B. Holmes, Trustee ...18' 20,000 i 3,000 00 E.B. nolmes, Trustee...... l 9 7,900 1,18500 ' E. B. Holmes, Trustee.. ....2o . 995 ' 149 25 And In accordance with law, and an order from the Board of Directors, made on the eighth day of January, 1895, so many shares of each parcel of such stock as may be necessary, will be sold at pnbn lie auction at the office of the company, room 60, Nevada Block, No. 809 Montgomery street, San Francisco, California, on MONDAY, the fourth day of March, 1896, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment ' thereon, together with costs of advertising and ex- penses of sale. ■ -■' -■-■: ■ .1 ■•..-. • -'•- •-_:- -; E. B. HOLMES. Secretary. I Oflice— Room 60, Nevada Block. No. 309 Mont» (Ornery street, San Francisco, California. - -, • '■:' v V i : .- POSTPONEMENT. ,V- VVVV. ■;. ' ; Notice Is hereby given that by order of the Board of Directors the date of the sale of delinquent stock . for assessment No. 1 is hereby postponed to . MON- DAY, the 26th day of March, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. __j. ..„_';.__„ _,' '- '■"'■ ■ ; ; E. B. HOLMES, Secretary. : GOLDEN EAGLE MINING COMPANY. •?• FURTHER POSTPONEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that by orderof the Board of Directors the day of the sale of delinquent stock for assessment No. 1 Is hereby I further postponed to WEDNESDAY, tho 24th day of April, A. D. 1895, at the same time and place. ... K. B. HOLMES, Secretary. '..,', ATTORNEYS-AT-F.AW. :. . • ; J'^AMEsT~K\ ROSS, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAXV, Mills building, seventh floor, room 15. ■;.■■ .v- .-.'. ADVICE FREE, DIVORCE LA A SPECIAL- ty ; collections, damages, wills, deeds; etc. G. XV. 1 1 owe, Att'y-at-law, 860 Market St., cor. Stockton. W. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.42O » California St., rms. 14-16; advice free. ... ? . John R. AITKEN, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W, BS. O 16 u__ 17, 402 Montgomery St., cor. Californi- i yi . ; X HOUSES , (TO ""LET.--; W'VvV;. Q MINNA— DESIRABLE SUNNY HOUSE; 010 18 rooms; $50. O'FARRELL ft CO., 11 Montgomery st. , '■" '.■' .''■: 4 ROOMS IN GOOD ORDER, 310 EIGHTH ST., rent $12; also 3 large rooms, rent $10. 310 Eighths.. • --.-■-....-■.. . "VTEWLY PAINTED AND IN FIRST-CLASS -i-X condition; 9 rooms, bath and laundry on Twelfth St., half block from Howard and Mission: fast car lines rent . only $37 50: fine location and should be seen. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park aye., off Twelfth st. -,-•'. '.'■-'-'■'■■'■ 9Q A O'FARRELL ST.— HOUSE 7 ROOMS; PA- _;OU pered; sunny side; reduced rents. OUSE OF 7 ROOMS, XVITH ALL MODERN Improvements. 733 Turk st. '■"■'. V XVO-3TORY BAY-XVINDOXV HOUSE; RENT reduced. 536 Hermann st., near Fillmore. , OR RENT— BEAUTTFUL NEW EASTLAKE IjlOß BENT— BEAUTTFUL HEW EA STLA-OB residerfce containing salon parlors, dining-room, kitchen, 4 sunny and capacious chambers, bath- rooms; sanitary plumbing; finished attic; 2. rooms In it; laundry; sunny exposure; Vj block from Sacramento-st. cars. O'FARRELL & CO., 11 Montgomery st. HOUSES, ROOMS EACH: MODERN IM- provements; $20. 2125 O'FarreU st. <_97 (^f. HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS AND BATH; <|p_i i .O\J. newly papered: fine neighborhood; water free. Cor. Broderick and McAllister sts. QQC TEHAMA, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH— 000 8 rooms; good yard. v MODERN BAY-XVINDOXV HOUSE 9 rooms, $55; suitable for doctor. 525 Golden Gate aye. . .. .. -• ■.. ■ ■ T/17 VALENCIA— 6 ROOMS AND BATH; A _ I water free; rent $17. ■---..- OUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES, _S HOUSES, To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDWIN ft HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. FURNISHED HOUSES. 971 A BRYANT AYE?! " BEtC^TWENTY^ I XiJ fifth and Twenty-sixth sts.: no fog; a new cottage elegantly furnished; large flower garden; greenhouse, summer-house, stable for 2 horses, coachman's room, etc. will rent cheap to right party. Apply to G. H. UMBItjEN, 14 Montgomery. ffIJQA FOR FURNISHED FLAT 6 ROOMS; «S)OU piano; 2 to 6 months; references ex- changed. Address C. 8., box 101 Call Oflice. "LXURNISHED LOWER FLAT; 315 HAIGHT, -T near Buchanan; 6 rooms, bath; rent $35. Ap- ply EASTON. ELDRIDGE ft CO., 638 Market st. COTTAGES TO LET. SUNNY COTTAG_'y__)OMIPYARI^ den; perfect order; reasonable. .117 Tenth. UNNY COTTAGES; 4 AND 6 ROOMS; BATH, basement, yard. Cor. Dolores and Fifteenth sts. OTTAGE 5 ROOMS AND BATH, BASEMENT ; stable 2 horses. ■ 120 Fillmore. $11 CA 4-ROOM COTTAGES ; YARD, SUN. tjpJ-JL.OU. 632 Second st., bet. Brannun and Townsend. ' , . FLATS TO LET. .". "VTEWLY PA__^i_El_r'sus_^~^__T^iB r _ — 1 rooms; $12; water free. -356 Third st. FINE FLAT OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH AND large porch and big yard. 2111 Geary St., bet. Scott and Devisadero; near the Girls' High School. •VTEXV SUNNY FLAT, 4 BOOMS: LARGE • — > yard. 52 Norfolk st., near Eleventh. ANDSOME SUNNY CORNER FLAT, 6 rooms and bath. '. SW. corner Grove and Gough sts., entrance 403 Grove. X'KW ~5-I.OOM~FLAT; LATEST IMPROVE- -LV ments; cheap. 8 Walter St., bet. Fourteenth and Ridley, Noe and Sanchez. • •■ ELEGANT NEXV FLATS, . AND: 6 ROOMS, bath : $10 to $17. Seventh St.. below Bryant. 5 ROOMS, BATH AND LAUNDRY. PAPERED, painted inside and out; electric bell, large yards, with front. and rear entrances: on Twelfth st., bet. Mission and Howard; fast car line; rent $25. Also, 4 rooms and bath, second floor, on Glen Park avenue; rent $15. DEMPSTER, 36 Glen Park avenue, off Twelfth street. <2»9C XV ATE R FREE; CORNER BAY-WIN- — JO. dowflat; 6 extra large, rooms and bath; all sunny front rooms. On NXV. cor. of Seventeenth and Capp sts. : key downstairs. CI C a TAYLOR — BEAUTIFUL FLAT ; 6 OxO rooms and bath; low rent; open aU day. UPPER FLAT, 6 ROOMS; RENT $18. 13 John st., near Powell and Jackson.' I X, ■.-.-, UNNY MODERN FLAT OF 7 ROOMS AND bath.- 818 Scott St., near McAllister. /_>C A NATOMA— FLAT OF 3 ROOMS, WITH DOU stable, $12. .- , ■ . • ./. TN VALID OR NERVOUS PERSON CAN HAVE A handsome unfurnished flat for $10; quiet and healthy; good attendance. Address T., box 100, Call Branch. • • ' •• '.'".'-'-: PPER FLAT 7 ROOMS AND BATH: SUNNY and desirable. . 1441 - McAllister st. G. H. UMBSEN ft CO. , 1 -39ft 1 SAN CARLOS AYE., NR. TWENTI- AO_iU2*eth; sunny bay-window flat; 4 rooms and bath; rent $16; no children. . ~ ■_ - I _9 FULTON— EXCELLENT NEW UPPER A __ 1 flat. 7 rooms, bath; modern. . _ .... . OX CI HAIGHT, NR. BUCHANAN- UPPER OAOa flat 7 -rooms, bath; rent $27 50. Apply EASTON, ELDRIDGE ft CO., 638 Market st. 6 NEW ELEGANT FLATS NEAR CITY HALL ) and new P. O. site, 629 Minna, nr. Seventh; $15, $18, $20; 5 rooms and bath. SHAINXVALD, BUCKBEE ft CO., 220 Montgomery st. •. ■■: .-■,;- QIC SUNNY FLAT 4 ROOMS; YARD. ' 716 tJ—O. Bush st., In rear. AO GEARY— 2 OR MORE SUNNY UNFUE- O"- nished rooms; also furnished gas; bath. A ROOMS; UPPER FLOOR. 82 EVERETT ST., _ near Fourth. I~j_EGANT NEXV FLATS: SEVENTH BELOW J Bryant; Sand 6 rooms; bath; $15 to $17. 17ILATS TO LET— 4 AND 5 ROOM SUNNY . flats. 668-570 Folsom st., near Second. C_99 616 GROVE, N. SIDE, LAGUNA— <P_<-_i. Flat ; 6 rooms; bath. 9 ELEGANT SUNNY MODERN FLATS. 925 _ i and 935 Golden Gate aye., opp. Jefferson square 1 0.19 FOLSOM— CORNER SUNNY BAY- AU_jii window flat; 6 rooms; bath. Inquire of J. EAGAN, 1129 Folsom st. "I CI C 3 MIS_IO~N^ NR. ELEVENTH - 6 LOxOx. beautiful papered rooms; bath; station- ary tubs. LEGANT SUNNY" FLAT 7 ROOMS, BATH; beautifully papered and frescoed. 713 Grove. 1 FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS, FLATS" A To rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent, to rent. BALDXVIN ft HAMMOND, 10 Montgomery st. mLILY LOXVER FLAT; 4 ROOMS; key at grocery, Page and Octavia sts. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. A AA ELLI_i-2'^_s_S__A___~_U__?Y^--_n —U- 1 nished housekeeping rooms; central loca- tion. 9f.£"» VALENCIA— 2 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS; -Vv furnished for housekeeping; gas; bath; $16. Q99 THIRD— FRONT FURNISHED HOUSE- OZi^i keeping suites, $9, $12; single, $1, $1 25. (&OUP: FURNISHED ROOMS COMPLETE 14) U for honsekeeping; yard. 734 Folsom. ,'■■ . "1 O9A STOCKTON— OR 3 NICE SUNNY AO-^U'rooms furnished for housekeeping; cheap. 1 AO THIRD — SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING A_o rooms, complete; gas, bath. - ; -. ELEVENTH— SUNNY CORNER BAY- window suite: new carpets and fnrnlture; gas stove and bath;- complete' for housekeeping; reasonable. • . . '. ffl> Q LARGE ROOM AND KITCHEN UNFUR- <IpO. nished. . 18 Lewis, off Taylor, near Sutter. MISSION— LARGE - SUNNY ROOMS, OUO furnished for housekeeping. . , . • ' A 7 A FOLSOM— 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- -0 < — ing, complete. '. ;-...- .. > 9Q HARRIET— A FURNISHED ROOM FOR —^t/ housekeeping.* ' . -. . ' ./, Q9£ LARKIN— 3 CONNECTING . ROOMS, P.— furnished complete housekeeping; central. 971 . MINNA— 2 NICELY FURNISHED BASE- -II ment rooms for housekeeping. , : , 499 GOLDEN GATE • AYE.— 3 ELEGANT _>.)•_ furnished house-keeping rooms; also single. 11 A 1 WELSH, . OFF" . FOURTH, BELOW 11-2 Bryant— 2. or 3 nicely furnished house- keeping rooms; reasonable.: . '■' ...... 1 BRODERICK — 4 large sunny AV A V rooms, bath, for housekeeping. ; hi A A SIXTHS-" ROOMS; $14. * ; £_91 1 JESSIE, BETWEEN SEVENTH AND U-j-L » Eighth— 4 rooms; $9. ■ . - "lAIQJACKSON, . NEAR MASON-FUR- ItllO nished large rooms; light housekeeping; $8 to $9; single $4. "-■;•■ -■; - ■-. A_f» HOWARD — NICELY FURNISHED Q'±U housekeeping rooms; also single. . C AO XV ASHINGTON— SUNNY UNFURNISH- -O\JZi ed housekeeping rooms; -running water. TOA7 STOCKTON — TWO NICELY FUR- AOU I nished rooms for housekeeping: rent cheap. GERARD - "HOCSE," 142 QSEVENTH— FUR- i nished rooms, single and double, housekeeping. AA C CASTRO, - NEAR MARKET— 3 SUNNY ~X\JO rooms partly furnished; lawn, flowers, gas, bath, laundry; no children; $15. ,/ * " ; ■• .'.".-- Ql 7 THIRD — - LARGE SUNNY .'FRONT .OA I rooms $6. $10. $12 month : $1 50 to $3 wk.* ~ ; : ROOMS TO LET. ■ v 727T'_owTRD^NrcE__ :^^ ' I DI2 sunny bay-window and' other double and single rooms..- ;;'■/ • .'.;..'*. '"' *■ -.'.:' .-."' -'■■ ."•;'-/-'.- A~O~Q VAN NESS : AYE. — NEWLY FUR- —OO nished throughout sunny suites and single rooms; also unfurnished. .' ; y. .■;:■■. . •'.-.j..' 61 GOLDEN GATE. AYE. - SUNNY - FGR- „- nished front room suitable for, two, $12; sin- gle room, $4. ;;.' : ".-■/■_. ■i-..", ',.■:;.. ■ ■ .---.y: .•:.\.-y- .-.■■. rji*(\ FOLSOM— DOUBLE FRONT FURNISH- IUU ed sunny room; rent cheap. .0. 1 r:_. *:.-■•'.■■ - intfi LARKIN— 3 SUNNY FRONT ROOMS, AUJ.U furnished; gas, bath: $5, $6 and $10. - - I9Q PAGE-2 LARGE UNFURNISHED RMS.: ____[___________!_______________■' lAT (\ MARKET, OFP. > FIFTH— ; SUNNY JLUIQ front rooms, $12 ; also others, reasonable.' ROOMS TO LET— Continued. 7A X DO LORES, NEAR TWENTIETH— 3TFUR- i * "P. nished rooms. :. ■""". '. : ' . ■"I "1 CI 26TH.NR. MISSION— SUNNY. HOUSE- XXOij keeping rooms; furnished; low rent. , t\(\a FJLLIS - ST.-SUNNY UNFURNISHED o\l\J front room, with grate. : "'.-.'■ fill STEVENSON— FRONT FUR- \f x A nished room ; single ; no sign. .' \ 10l Q POLK — UNFURNISHED SUNNY xZiXV suite, suitable for dressmaking or aentist. OOA GOLDEN GATE ■ r AVE".— BEAUTIFUL «J_(V/ sunny parlors: new carpets and furniture: very quiet; suitaole for doctor or dentist. 9 A A HOWARD— LARGE FRONT ROOMS, $10 ; V *± _ also single room, $8- ' . 99Q POWELL— NIQE SUNNY FURNISHED ___0 room. ". 7.7 Q HARRISON-FURNISHED ROOMS TO i lOlet; private family. .....•"■, ' " ■'• A A TURK— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY _.U"t front room; also room for housekeeping; reasonable. .■■■.;- - - ■ -1 99 TAYLOR — ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 1 _■_ 1 sunny rooms. ' 'yy m" SIXTH— CHEAPEST IN CITY; NICELY furnished sunny single . and I double front rooms.. ' .■ ■ " ■ ■ - '--" HE MARSHALL, COR. LAGUNA AND Mc Alltster— All sunny suites and single; splendid table; rates reasonable. MRS. J. B. MARSHALL. "I Q97 HOWARD, BET. NINTH ANDTTENTH 1 .J—* I '—3 nicely furnished . rooms, complete for housekeeping; hath: yard. Q£Xl MARKET— LARGE DOUBLE AND OD_3 single rooms; rent reasonable; transient solicited. . ■'.■'■.■ : " ' C/fQ TURK— FRONT. ROOMS- COMPLETE O _0 for housekeeping; bath and gas; $12. ELLIS— CHEAP PLEASANT SUNNY GOV/. rooms from $6 to ?8 a month. . X 991 MARKET, BET. EIGHTH AND NINTH _._•_.'_. —Large furnished sunny front room; $10. - SEVENTH — LARGE CORNER SUITE; will rent separate; sun all day; board op- tional. MINNA, COR. EIGHTH— NICELY FUR- OO I nished bay-window rooms; $1 a week. 90 A MISSION, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH— O\J Newly furnished and unfurnished rooms; cheap. I - _^ OA LEWIS, NR. JONES— UNFURNISHED OR Ode furnished room, with use of kitchen. Q9Q EDDY— PARLOR SUITE, NEWLY FUR- O— nished, suitable for doctor; rent very cheap. HE ESMOND, 737 MARKET ST., WOULD like a few more gentlemen roomers; rent low. OSEMITE HOUSE, 1045 MARKET, BET. 1- Sixth and Seventh— Single and suites; per night, 35c to $1; week, $1 50 to $5; families. X X MARKET (THE DELAWARE)— NEW A J. -A house; elegantly furnished or unfurnished suites and single rooms; aU modern Improvements; ready AprU 15. MRS. SAUNDERS, proprietress. HATSWORTH, 703 SUTTER — SUNNY, handsomely furnished rooms; bath; good ser- vice; reasonable. ■.■." ■ RLINGTON HOUSE, 127 KEARNY— AS- ant sunny rooms, en suite and single ; first.class In every respect ; terms reasonable. **•:'■,".*"./?".■< rpHE SHERMAN APARTMENT-HOUSE; 129 new sunny rooms; strictly respectable; half price of best hotels with equal accommodations: very central. 28 Eighth st„ near Market. A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS — THE -.*"- WEEKLY CALL. In wrapper, for mailing. HOARDING AND' ROOMS. y__^,'_997nr7_i__y— NEW_Y_Uß^lS_> ed sunny room; hot and cold water;. bath; large grounds ; detached house ; No. 1 table board. Of\o LEAVENWORTH — SUNNY ROOM OUO with board: strictly private ; reference. i__Of_» EDDY— SUNNY FRONT RMS.; SUITES U._iU and single;. best board; reasonable. CI 7 MASON, J.EAR SUTTER— SUNNY FUR- OX 1 nished room; board; American cook; ref. Oi)X BUSH — SUITE 2 J'RONT ROOMS; U^. L single rooms: good board; $16. ' -' -' . CHILDREN BOARDED. LADY WISHES CARE OF A CHILD. AP- ply 324% Tenth st. . ' GERMAN LADY WANTS 1 OR 2 CHILDREN to board In Fruitvale; fresh milk for baby; nice place to play and to live. Apply CaU Office, 710 Market st. ' .' ; . -" : ■ ' WIDOW WISHES CHILDREN TO BOARD; »» good home: school close by. Address MRS. KIRN, Elmhurst, Alameda County, Cal. ; . ■ COMPETENT LADY WOULD LIKE CHILD _/ to board ; good home guaranteed. MRS. H., box 85, Call Office. STORES to Let. B~^TsE_rENTT^6NCR___T__O^R: WITH elevator; suitable for wine cellar. 109 OFar- rell st., or SPECK'S. ■ :: ry-.j TO LET— CORNER SUITABLE FOR DRUG- store; near Howard and Tenth sts. . G. H. UMB- SEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st. 9Q/f Q MISSION-STORE AND 4 LIVING — — O rooms and stable. ' ' ' ■ OFFICES TO LET. E^K^ROO_r_T~ROO_r67^l___r__oo^ Mills building. ___________ . , ___ LOST. 0-T^_ETTGOl_H_rGAT_^__E_rAN^^ tro Heights a mink boa. Liberal reward if re- turned to 1837 Ellis St., near Scott. ._^ BLACK MARE, FROM CORTLAND AYE. AND Hanover st.: weight 1200 pounds: white star on forehead ; no shoes. - Reward on return •to C. RICHARDSON, Bernal Heights. LOST— A PASSBOOK WITH THE HIBERNIA Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of MILLIE MARCUS, No. 192457. The finder will please return to bank. . , . . FOUND. l_ckT____eT~w__t_T_p^^ head. Apply 7 Clay st. ■■ : ■■ ■ ■ i MEDICAL. v A~^^Vl^^^VV^o^i^acaS^t^tt^- ments or worthless . pills used: every woman her own physician for all female troubles; - no mat- ter from what cause: restores always in one day; if you want to be treated safe and sure call on men's physician ; knowledge can be sent and used at home ; all cases guaranteed. DR. POPPER, 318 Kearny st. ADIES CONSULT FREE MRS. DR. SCOTT, 110% Turk, St., for irregularities, no matter what cause ; home In confinement; also disease of the eye treated. - EMALE PILLS FROM FAMOUS PERSIAN prescription; quick; positively harmless; price, $5. COKE CO., specialists, 1423 Market st. A SURE SAFE CUBE FOR ALL FEMALE .disease: a home in confinement with best care: with the privacy of a home and conveniences of a hospital ; consultation free and confidential ; a positive . cure for liquor, morphine ; and tobacco habit; every case guaranteed without Injury to health. MRS. DR. GWYER, 311% Hyde st. AUDET - APHRO TABLETS— THE GREAT modern remedy for the cure of. neurasthenia, Impotency and all disorders of the sexual organs; $1 a box, 6 boxes . $5 ; send for circular. -J. H. WIDBER, cor. Market and Third, sole agent. POSITIVE, GUARANTEED CURE FOR IR- X regularities: used for years In private practice with Invariable success even in most aggravated cases: easy to take; . perfectly natural in action; no pain, exposure or danger;* cures in two days: sent securely sealed on receipt of $3 or C. O. D. ; strictly confidential. Address DR. J. MILTON BERGETOLE, P. O. box 2223, S. F. ■-.- ... DR. HALL, 14 _______§___. SECOND FLOOR, next Hibernla Bank ; diseases of women. ME. BORLE, SPIRITUAL MAGNETIC healer; hours 9to 12, Ito 5. 9 Mason st. TyiCE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT, Ai i at the most reasonable price In the city. MRS. at. PFEIFFER, midwife, 2014 Folsom st. ALL LADIES CONSULT • FREE i MRS. DR. DAVIES, 14 McAUister St., near Market; leads- all competitors; only qualified, trusty spe- cialist for safe, quick relief of . irregularities, no matter what cause: treatment scientific, harmless and painless; never falls; home in confinement. IF IRREGULAR OR any _ \emaLe disease see Mrs. Dr. Puetz and be content. 254% 4th. DRS. GOODWIN, SPECIALTY DISEASES OF women; ladles near or far assured quick relief j 1 of disease; irregularities restored dally; safe cure guaranted; no Instruments;- home for patients; best medical attendance; low fees; free; Drs. Scud- der's piUs and capsules warranted. 1370 Market st. MRS. DR. WEGNER, 419 EDDY __. •____!_£ ularitles cured in one day; no instruments: pills and safety capsules guaranteed; travelers at- tended; no delay; private home for ladies. LPEAU'S FRENCH PILLS. • •"• - ' -• " A boon to ladies troubled with Irregularities; I no danger; safe and sure; $2 50,- express C. O. D. ; I don't delay untU too late. OSGOOD BROS, Oak- land, Cal., agents for Alpeau et.Cle. .-.•_-<. ■ DR. AND MRS.' DR. SCHMIDT, FORMERLY of 1211"% Mission, now 1508 Market st. : month- • y Irregularities cured in a few hours; guaranteed ; no instruments used: sure preventive. -.. SMALL AD VERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCRIP- tions taken at Call Branch Office, 717 Larkin st., 839 Hayes st. and 2618 Mission st.: open till .9:30 p.m... ■■>■.' ' -•. .. -y, .■■■.'»■, •.•;.■-.-■-♦. '. -. ■•><.■. ! TYPEWRITERS AND; SUPPLIES. I" 3TC-I____l_-6_rT__rc__l_RAPH^ X forever. NAYLOR, 19 Montgomery. Rents, repairs, supplies, mimeographs, installments. - --- J 1 1 11 .1 . MARRIAGE LICENSES. . • P. J. O'Donnell and Jane A. Fangham, 28—25. i Ellas Marian and Lorenza Varela, 28—18. * ; "• , John M. Jackson and Maude E. Finch, 30—23. • M. L de Amaral and Maria Q. SUveria, 26—27. John R. Fritz and Amelia E. Krause, 85—17. J. M. Petersen and Mamie B. Hosman, 35—21. .:■ C. Monctsvais . and Manuela N. de Avon, 45—23. Harry Nordman and Minnie Bissert, 25—20. . - / DIVORCE SUIT BEGUN. - Helene Hemme against C. C. Hemme. ,-.'. ■>;'-■ DIVORCES GRANTED. I ' ■ : Ellen F. Pearson from John R. Pearson. Catherine W_£ ld from. Charles \\__d. BIRTHS— MARRIAGES— DEATHS. •;■ -. - i -;-)i' \ t : . . ■■'. ■- • ;. .. v, .; • ■ ' rßlrth, marriage ana death notices sent by mall will not be Inserted. They must be handed In at either of the publication offices and be indorsed with the name and residence of persons authorized to have the same published.] v /: BORN. : EASTON— In Berkeley. April 8, 1895, to the wife of Kimball G. Easton, a son. FORSYTH— 10, 1895, to the wife of W. Q. Forsyth, a son. MARTIN— ApriI 6, 1895, to the wife of A. Martin, a daughter. SMITH— In this city, April 8, 1895, to the wife of J. F. Smith, a son. SCHIER— this city, April 7, 1895, to the wife of G. Scnier, a son. SCHOMER— In this City, April 9, 1895, to the wife Of John F. Schomer, a son. TIETJEN— In this city, April 6, 1895, to the wife of William Tletjen, a daughter. . MARRIED. JENSEN— GANDERUP— In Oakland. April 11, 1895, by the Rev. I. L. P. Dietrichson, Jens. P. Jensen and Bine Johanna E. M.*>H. A. Ganderup. TILDEN— COHEM-In this city. April 2. 1895, by the Rev. M. P. Boyrelin, Baron S. Tilden and Lillian Cohen, both of San Francisco. . ______________ ~dle_k Butzke. Maria McCarthy, John 'ifycy Booth, Sidney McCoy, Patrick ---'-; Cunningham, Joseph P. McConneU, Josephine . CahiU, Patrick - Mahler, Bertha Sophia Collins, Timothy Plouf, Dr. J. E. Dond, Elite . Badmllovich, Savo ' Frichette,' Louis E. Scannell, John C. •' Golling, Mary . , , .>,•"■: Shullngbargar, Carrie S. Helgoth, Lorenzo L. Saver, August Kellogg, Calvin W. Taylor, W. F. Lennon, Bernard Tyler, George W. Mcßride, BeUe Wandory, Anna .-'".-; :. Zeiter, Rudolph •■■fj;:i'6\ BOOTH— At Black Diamond, Cal., April 11, 1896, Sidney Booth, aged 65 years and 3 months. ' JBfs"The funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 10 o'clock a. m.. from Masonic Tem- ple, San Francisco. Interment Cypress Lawn . Cemetery. • ■ . •..',-•'> BUTZKE— this city, April 10, 1895, Maria Butzke, a native of Baden, Germany, aged 42 years 5 months and 10 days. CAHILL— In San Rafael. April 11, 1895, Patrick Cahill, brother of Mrs. E. Conway, Mrs. Morgan and M. J. Cahill, a native of County Galway, Ire- land, aged 39 years. SST Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TOMORROW (Sunday), from San Raphael Church, San Rafael. Interment San Rafael Cemetery. • COLLINS— In this city, April 12, 1895, at his residence,. 1523 Twenty-fourth street, Timothy, beloved husband of Annie Collins, ana brother of John Collins, a native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 51 years. "'•'_' _\otice or funeral hereafter. - iVVVJ: CUNNINGHAM- In this city, AprU 11, 1895, Jo- seph P. Cunningham, a native of San Francisco, . aged 15 years and 20 days. - • DOUD— In this city, April 11, 1896, EUIe, beloved daughter of John and Kate Doud, a native of San Francisco, aged 3 years and 9 months. , ': Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY ' (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. m., from the resiaenco of the parents, 13 Garden street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. , , : • • FRICHETTE— ApriI 11, 1895, Louis E. Frichette, beloved husband of VitUlne Frichette, father of Charles and Carrine Frichette, and brother-in- law of Charles G. Buttler, a native of . Canada, aged 44 years and 6 months. ' Kg" Friends and acquaintances-' are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock v. _.. from Red Men's Hall, 326 Post street. - Interment I. O. O. F. Cem- etery. - J > :'. '*■'.'.-. GOLLING— In this city, April 12, 1895, Mary, be- loved wife of William 11. Golling and mother of XVillie and Leo Golling, a native of San Francisco, aged 29 years and 6 months. ' ' ' " : jHSTFriends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW | (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. 11.. from her late resi- dence, 212 Central avenue. Interment' Laurel . HUI Cemetery. , ■■ t : HELGOTH— In this city, April 12, 1895, Lorenzo . L. Helgoth, a native of - San Francisco, aged 1 year 5 months and 12 days. KELLOGG— In this city, April 12, 1895, Calvin W. • Kellogg, a native of Ann Arbor, Mich. i . J|_-T_e funeral will take place TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. _ from his late resi- dence, 2009 O'Farrell street. Interment private. LENNON— In Oakland, April 10, 1895, | Bernard Lennon, a native of County Louth, Ireland, aged 84 years. _ . MCCARTHY— In this city, April 11, 1895, at his residence, 633 Jessie street, John, beloved hus- band of Catherine McCarthy, and father of Mrs. M. G. Beirne, Mrs. J. J. O'Rourke and James and Lizzie McCarthy, a native of County Cork, Ire- land, aged 75 years. . ■ .'.•'■'- Friends and acquaintances are resuect- f'llly invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY (Saturday at 1:30 o'clock p.m.. from his late residence, 533 Jessie street, thence to St. Patrick's Church for services. Interment Mount Calvary . Cemetery. _. / McCOY-In this city, AprU 11, 1895, Patrick, brother of Bernard and Ann McCoy and Mrs. Margaret Kussick, a native of County Louth, Ire- land. J Louisville (Ky.) papers please copy.J SS"Friend_ are respectfully invited to attend ' the- funeral THIS DAY (Saturday), at 10:15 o'clock a. _ from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Kussick, 9 Minna street. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Please omit flowers. McCONNELL-In this city, April .12, 1895, Jo- sephine, beloved wife 'of Andrew McConnell, daughter of John and Virginia Stumpf, and sister of Mrs. W. M. Adams, Mrs. H. J. Manasse and Peter 8., Katie, John and Walter ' Stumpf, na- t ive of Downieviile, CaL, ' aged 30 years and 8 . days. '" MS- Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. if., from the residence Of her parents, corner Fifteenth and Railroad avenue, South San Francisco. Interment Ma- | , sonic Cemetery. . | . . • McBRIDE— In this city, AprU 10, 1895, BeUe Mc- Bride. a native of San Francisco. , , MAHLER— In thlscity, April 12. 1895, Bertha Sophia Mahler, beloved and only daughter of Berthold and Maria .Mahler, and sister of 'Charles, Frederick, Willie and Louis Mahler, a native of San Francisco, aged 6 years 2 months and 6 days. Friends and acanalntances are ' respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1:30 o'clock p. s_... from the resi- dence of the parents, corner Ninth avenue and X street, South San Francisco. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. *• - • - .' PLOUF— In this city, April 9, 1895, Dr. J. E. v Plouf, a native of Canada, aged 36 years 1 month and 17 days. A member of St. John's ' Lodge No. 1, F. and A. M., of Seattle, Wash., .San Francisco Chapter No. 1, R. A. M.. California Council No. " 2, R. and S. '•__, and Olive Branch Lodge No. 4, I. O. O. F. . Friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 1 :30 o'clock p. m., at Masonic Temple, * corner - Post and Montgomery streets, under the auspices of Doric Lodge No. 216, F. and A. __. RADMILOVICH— In this city. April 11, , 1895, Savo Radmilovlch, a native of Zliebe,' Austria, aged 19 years. a_r*Friends and acquaintances are ' respect- fully Invited to attend the -funeral THIS t DAY (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p.- m., from the par- lors of the United Undertakers, 27 and 29 Fifth street.. Interment Russian .Cemetery. • . SCANNELL— In this city, April 12, 1895, John C., beloved husband of the late Annie J. -Scannell, ■ beloved father of Mrs. Thomas P. Skeliy,. and grandfather of Harry T. and Frank J. Skeliy, a " native of County Cork, Ireland, aged 75 years. _t_f*Frlends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral MONDAY," April 15, at 9 o'clock _.<_., from st. Mary's Hospital, thence to St. Dominic's Church where a solemn requiem mass will be celebrated for the repose of his soul, commencing at 10 'o'clock a. *_. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. -• t BAUER— In' this city, April 12, 1895, August . Saver, a native of Germany, aged 60 years. - » . SHULINGBARGAR-April 11,1895, CarrleShnrtz, wife of C. H. Shullngbargar, a native of Mercers- burg, Pa. ;■ ■ '.' TAYLOR— this city, April 10. 1895, W. F Tay- ; lor, a native of England, aged 39 years. • . ■ ■ "-Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW . (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. jr., from Foresters' Hall, 102 O'Farrell street, where services will held under the auspices of Court Star of the West No. 696, A. O. F. and Sherwood Circle NO. 129, Com- panions of the Forest. 'Interment I. O. O. F. Cem- etery. • i The remains are at the undertaking par- lors' of Joseph Hagan .__ Co., 2428 CaUfornia street, between Fillmore and Steiner. TYLER— Iri Alameda, April 9, 1895, George W. Tyler, a native of Vermont, aged 68 years 3 months and 23 days. . Warren (Vt.) papers pfease copy. | '■■*'• ' j__~Friends and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral THIS DAY • (Saturday), at 2 o'clock p. it., from his late residence. Everett street aqd Lincoln avenue. Interment private, in Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland. , ... :. .'. -, . WANDOBY— this city, April 12, 1895, Anna, beloved wife of the late Dr. Antonio Wandory, a native of .Alsace, Germany, aged 63 years and 2 . months. . , Friends' and acquaintances are respect- fully invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 2 o'clock p. 'jr., from the par- lors of H. F. Suhr <_ Co., 1209 Mission street, near Eighth. Interment I. O. O. F. Cemetery. ' ZEITER— In this city, April 11, 1895," Rudolph, . beloved husband of Caroline Zeiter, and father of George Zeiter, a native of Beal, Canton Wallis, Schweiz. aged 25 years 8 months and 1 day. -. JEJ- Friends- and acquaintances ' are respect- | fully Invited to attend the funeral TO-MORROW (Sunday), at 12 o'clock _.. from ' his . late resi- dence, 2OT Clara street, near Fifth, thence to St. j Boniface Church, Golden Gate avenue, between Jones and Leavenworth streets, at 1 o'clock p. it. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery.. . ... - *?'..' .! a : ggg j .... v . gggj - — fl "" ..UNITED UNDERTAKERS' ,-, ; TfV , EMBALMING PARLORS. • | * Everything Ecqulslte for First -class Funerals ' I "■.■■■-; >•■--.- at Reasonable Rates. •'»..-'_■- -.;." Telephone 3167. 27 and 29 Fifth street. 'i~"V ____________ _————______^_^— 9__M___b» H McAVOY A CALLACHER, I FUNERAL DIRECTORS ft ALMER., | | .SO Fifth St., Opp.' Lincoln School. : I Telephone 3080. ■' ■; . I - CYPRESS lsWkmeteryT TN BAN MATEO COUNTY; NON-SECT AW- J laid ont on the lawn plan: perpetual care- h__l r tlful, permanent and easy of access; I see lt ' befS * baying a burial place elsewhere. exor " Cit- Otto*, ft tat* H»U Atenu., j 1 15