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2 of men to his friends and was ready to do them a kind act. This fact and the na ture of his demise causes them the deepest sorrow. President Oakes and General Man ager Kendrick of the Northern Pacific, who came here partly to arrange for the trans fer of his office to his successor, were much affected by the tragedy. Paul Schulze was born in Germany in 184S and received a collegiate and univer sity education in his native country. He came to the United States in November, 1868, at the age of 20. After having been engaged in various occupations in Cali . fornia, in November, 1871, he entered the service of the land department of the Oregon and California Railroad in Port land, Oregon. During a visit in Germany in 1874 he met Henry Villard, who soon after became president of the Oregon and California Railroad, and Mr. Schulze was appointed land agent of that road in July, 1874, which position he held until April, 1882. In August, 1882, he was appointed general land agent of the Northern Pacific and was otherwise connected with various enterprises with Mr. Villard. In 1885 the general land office of the Northern Pacific was removed to Tacoma and he had lived here ever since. Six years ago Schulze and Henry Vil lard organized the Tacoma Railway and Motor Company, to operate the Tacoma street railways, of which Villard controlled the single line then built. Nearly $2,000,000 was spent in constructing new lines under Mr. Schulze's management as president. About three years ago Villard and Schulze 'had a falling out, but the lat ter remained in control. In December the New York bondholders applied for and had a receiver appointed for the system. Five years ago the Northern Pacific, at Mr. Schulze's instance, inaugurated the Sunnyside canal project to irrigate 100,000 acres of land in Yakima County. Later an . independent company was formed, to which the railroad transferred the canal and the railroad lands under it. Subsequently the property was trans ferred to the Yakima Investment Com pany, of which Mr. Schulze was president, the second company being to facilitate the floating of the bends. In this scheme Mr. Schulze took great pride, and it was one of his chief desires to assist in putting j under cultivation the great Yakima Valley, which needed but water to make it one of the most fertile sections of the West. After announcing his retirement from the railroad on Wednesday, Mr. Schulze said: "I am now free to look after my own in terests, which have greatly suffered on ac count of my connection with the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. I shall devote myself particularly to the reorganization of the Tacoma Railway and Motor Com pany and to the financing of the Yakima Investment Company.- :.':-: "The latter, I am glad to say, has made very satisfactory progress in the last month. It is now a matter oi but a few weeks when the company will be relieved entirely from its present embarrassment." Three receivers for this company, of which Mr. Schulze was one, were appoint ed last fall. Mr. Schulze was vice-presi dent of the Tacoma Smelting and Refining Company, a director in the Traders' Bank, and was formerly president of the Union Club. He owned a large house. He was married, but three years ago secured a di vorce. His wife and daughter had resided in Germany for a number of years previous to that. ' , Millions for Dr. ■Price's Cream Baking Powder— not a cent for the deadly alum brands. PORT TOWNSEND MEN FLEECED. Money Invested in a Building Association Proves a Total Loss. . PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., April 12.— The Interstate Building and Loan Asso ciation of Illinois obtained several hun dred dollars here by sending agents out to negotiate loans and charging a preliminary fee of from $10 to $20. Subsequently the applicants were informed that the loans had been exhausted. . Among the persons victimized were the postmaster, Collector of Customs and the ex-member of the National Democratic Committee. In other small towns on Puget Sound sums aggregating several thousand dollars were secured. A few persons who made a vigorous protest were rewarded by receiv ing shares of stock in the company. Walla IX alia Grain Rate Case. WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 12.— The Interstate Commerce Commissioners' concluded a hearing to-day in the case of two grain-shippers against the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company. The shippers claimed that the rate from Walla Walla to Portland is excessive, and asked that it be reduced. The testimony of As sistant General Manager J. G. Woodworth, General Freight Agent Campbell, Auditor Benson and other officials of the Oregon Railway and Navigation Company was taken. The decision was reserved. Fight Against Los Angeles Oil Wells. LOS ANGELES, Cal., April 12.— The first move in what promises to be a long and bitter fight against the oil wells of this city was made to-day, when the residents aroung the oil district secured a temporary injunction against the owners. This takes the matter into the courts. " > -*: SAN LUIS OBISPO KILLING. A Feud of Longstanding Ends in the Murder of a Rancher. Jose Ygnaclo Villa Meets Death at j the Hands of Unknown Enemies. VV SAN LUIS OBISPO, Cal., April 12.— A j foul murder came to light this morning i with , the discovery of the body of Jose Ygnacio Villa, a well-known rancher, hid den in the tall grass on a vacant lot in this ; city. He had been killed by a blow on the head from a blunt instrument. Villa, who was of Spanish descent, was a native of this country and about 55 years of age. He leaves a, large family. The Villas were formerly owners of the great Corral de Piedra Rancho, near this city. - The inquest is set for to-morrow .at 9 o'clock. It is supposed the murderer was prompted by revenge. Villa has figured prominently in a feud which : has existed here for years. No definite clew has yet been made public, but the officers ; seem confident of being on the right track and sensational arrests are expected. Convention at Spokane. ' . SPOKANE, Wash., April 12.— The Non partisan city convention of 160 delegates met here to-day. The A. P. A.'s ruled the convention by an overwhelming majority. They put up a straight Republican • ticket and to-night claim they will control the Republican convention to-morrow and have it indorse the ticket named. Austria spends every year 15,000,000 florins on the army. Twelve florins equal $5. PORTLAND LAND CASE. ■;/-..' An Action Involving the Title to Large : . Tracts. SOUTHERN PACIFIC SUED. It Is Sought by the Govern ment to Recover 200,000 Acres. NOT INCLUDED IN THE GEANT. ————— • Overlapping Land Claimed to Have Been Illegally Absorbed by the Road. PORTLAND, Or., April 12.— A case in volving the title to -200,000 acres of land, situated in Multnomah and Clackamas counties, near this city, will come up in the United States Circuit Court next Tues day. The case is known as the "Overlap land case," and is brought by the United States Government against the Southern Pacific Company. In 1873 Congress granted to the Northern Pacific Railroad Company the alternate sections of a tract of land from a point on the great lakes to a point on Puget Sound, twenty miles wide on each side of the road through the States and forty miles wide through the Territory. Provision was made in the same act that if a branch line were built to Portland from a point 300 miles or less east of the western or Puget Sound terminus, another tract forty miles wide should be given along ' the branch. The Puget Sound terminus is Tacoma and the "point 300 miles or less east" is Wal lula. Subsequently Congress granted to the Oregon, and California road a forty-mile tract from Portland to. the California line. As the end of both grants was at Portland, they overlapped in Multnomah and Clackamas counties, and in the overlap ping tract are 200,000 acres. The contention of the Government is that the 200,000 acres, having been given to the Northern Pacific in 1873, were not included in the grant to' the Oregon and California, which has been absorbed by the Southern Pacific, and that the Northern Pacific's prior grant excluded the . land from the grant to the Oregon and Califor nia. But the Northern Pacific failed to build from Wallula to Portland and its grant along the Columbia River was for feited to the Government. As the over lapping land— the 200,000 acres was never included in the grant to the Oregon and California, it is claimed that it cannot now be included. Trial of Preacher Reed. PORTLAND, Ok., April 12.— A number of witnesses were examined in the trial of Preacher J. C. Reed for holding up the East Portland Bank. Tne principal wit ness for the State was E. T. Holgate, pay ing teller of the bank, who was bound and gagged by Reed. He told the story of the hold* up in detail. A number of witnesses were examined by the defense to show that Reed is insane. -.' --.-"• . • ::"-?.• :-: 'r^tSS^' Died at Portland. PORTLAND, Or.. April 12.— Isaac Ross, resident manager of the California Powder Company, died to-day of. appendicitis. He was well known in San Francisco, v . NEWS FROM SAN JOSE Acquittal of a Boy Accused of the Killing of a Chinaman. Officers Probing the Mountain View Hold-Up— Suit Against a Bank. ,'SAN JOSE, Cal., April 12.— Charles Haggerdon, the 16-year-old boy accused of having ' caused the death of Lee Sun, a Chinaman, was acquitted on his prelimi nary examination to-day. Sun and another Chinaman were driv ing along the street, when young Hagger don, in company witn other boys, threw stones at the wagon. This enraged the Chinamen, and - they turned around and chased the boys. While driving at a furi ous pace the wagon capsized and Lee Sun was killed. ■<'■■' The Coroner's jury at the inquest re turned a verdict exonerating the boy from all blame. A few days later Lee Long ap peared before Justice Gass and secured a complaint charging the boy with murder. When arraigned the charge was reduced to manslaughter on motion of the District Attorney. :,■'• •""■_•,:• PUZZLES THE OFFICERS. Mystery Surrounds the Pretended Hold- Up Near Mountain View. SAN JOSE, Cai*, April 12.— The mystery ; surrounding the reported hold-up of W. Saunders, near Mountain View v deepens, and officers who have returned from the scene of the operations are not backward in denouncing the hold-up as a pre arranged job. At Mountain View they learned that the man who "passed as W. Saunders was, none other than J. B. Chamon de St. Hubert, president of the Wine-dealers' Association. Tuesday evening after supper the stranger said he was going, out for a walk and did not return until;, midnight. The next morning he mysteriously absented him self for a couple ;of hours, and then re turned and hired the buggy. Mr. Wagner, in .whose barn the robbers are supposed to have left Saunders, or St. Hubert, handcuffed to the manger, says the pretended officers came to his place and asked permission to leave their pris oner, who, they said, had been arrested on suspicion. He was handcuffed and placed in the barn. After warning Wagner to keep a watchful eye on the man they de parted. When Wagner looked into the barn. St. Hubert .was missing. A laborer "who was working in the orchard back of the barn says he saw a man running through the orchard, toward the Stevens Creek road, and that. at that point he joined two men in a buggy. The officers have . been unable to trace the route taken by the men in the buggy, but it is sup posed they have gone to San Francisco* • The whole affair is shrouded in mystery and the officers are at , a loss to account for the strange proceeding. J. B. Chamon de St. Hubert was well known in the city. Some years ago he sued J. B. J. Portal for $19,000 for defamation of character and secured $1 damages. •'„■•■ 4_fip*f -KUnTfUi m Mi . - _— Suit Against a Bank. SAN JOSE, Cal., April Another THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL, SATURDAY, .APRIL 13, 1895. action growing out of the irregularities of H. M. Leonard, '--. manager ; of the defunct Santa Clara County Bank, was begun to day. It is a suit by the Red Cloud Mining Company to recover $14,900 deposited in the bank, one-half to the credit of the mining company and one-quarter to the credit of C. D. Wright and W. W. Cun ningham. A writ of execution was served on the officers of the bank, but they re fused to pay the amount of the judgment, hence the suit against the bank. :- ; ... To Distribute an Estate. "SAN JOSE, Cal., April 12.- J. C. Black, executor of the estate of Jacob Bohart, to-day filed a final account and asked that the estate be distributed. The deceased died in 1890, leaving an estate valued at $13,000.; The heirs are his children, Alma M. Maxwell, Maggie B. Fleming, Alice B. Bohart and Carl W. Bohart, who shall re ceive share and share alike. Applies for Letters of Administration. , . SAN JOSE, Cal., April 12.— Bertha R. Cochrane has applied for letters of admin istration of the estate of her husband, A. H. Cochrane, who died in this city on the 4th inst. The estate is valued at $9800 and the heirs are the widow and a brother and sister of the deceased. Destroyed by Fire. SAN JOSE, Cal., April 12.— The resi dence of Mrs. Welch-Scully, two miles east of town, was destroyed by fire to-night. The cause was the upsetting of a lamp by a child at play. The loss is $4000, with no insurance. ___^ '! SENSATION IN PETALUMA. Ex-Mayor Walsh to Cause the Arrest of All the City Trustees. Charged With Appropriating Public Funds for the Benefit of an Individual. PETALUMA, Cal., April 12.-Ex-Mayor Walsh stated to-day that he will have all the City Trustees arrested Monday,' before they give up their seats to the in-going board. He will charge them -with misap propriating public funds to the extent of $254 for sewer and street work in East Petaluma, said to benefit none but ex- Trustee John McNear. Bicycle Case Decided. PETALUMA, Cal., April 12.— 1n the case of Maxfield vs. Turned Judge Scudder de cides that a minor contracting to purchase a bicycle on the installment plan can re cover the amount paid if the machine ,is taken by the seller for non-payment of in stallments in full. Sale of a Newspaper. PETALUMA, Cal., April 12.-The Courier was sold to Captain Head of Kansas City by the Petaluma Publishing Company to-day. _________________________ RATHER A NOVEL PLEA Pardon Asked for a Murderer Because He Is a Keeley Graduate. It Is Claimed That He Was Crazed ! ' ! '" by the' Vigorous Treat- ;':• -' r - '■'"'-" ' ment. PITTTSBTJRG, Pa., April 12.— For the first time in the history of the country pardon is to be asked for a murderer on the grounds of insanity caused by the Keeley treatment. .;■/;_ \ The case is that of Daniel Werling, who murdered his wife here last April. Charles A. O'Brien, his attorney, will go before the Pardon Board on Wednesday. He has affidavits from doctors and the best sanity experts in this part of the State, who say that the Keeley treatment fre quently produces insanity and sometimes i death. : : ./;*;; They say there are many cases of insan ity on record caused by the cure. The cause, they say, is the use of atrophia and strychnine, which, under certain condi tions, have a deleterious effect on the brain and nerves. Werling took two • courses of the Keeley treatment inside of six months before he committed the murder. "There are no longer Pyrenees," Napo leon asseverated. There would no longer be alum baking powders if consumers did not extend them patronage. LOVE HAD ITS WAY. Sensational Elopement of a Prominent Young Couple. WHEELING, W. Va., April 12.— A sen sational elopement occurred from Charles ton this . evening. Colonel A. D. Mc- Corkle, brother of Governor McCorkle, and Miss Carrie Comstock, a prominent society leader, we're the principals. The courtship met with bitter opposition from Miss Comstock's mother, which resulted in the surreptitious leave-taking to-day on a special Kanawha and Michigan train for Gallipolis, Ohio, where they were married. The affair was conducted with secrecy and the couple were safe in Ohio before their flight became known. Colonel Robert S. Carey, a member of the Governor's staff, John B. White, the Governor's private secretary, and Miss Jessie Dent accompanied' the * runaways. The affair has created a sensation, owing to the prominence of the parties. Deserved His Punishment. CORSICANA, Tex., April 12.— Nelson Calhoun, colored, was taken from the authorities to-day, carried to the scene where Mrs. Hughes was assaulted some days ago, and shot. Mrs. Hughes identi fied the negro. _ . The verdict rendered at the inquest closed with ] the ; following words: "Was carried where his hellish crime was com mitted, and there received wounds that caused- his death a "-> punishment certain , speedy and deserved." First Since the Crucifixion. CHARLESTON, S. C, April 12.— Rev. J. S. Hartsell, an Episcopalian clergyman publishes this statement:: "Good Friday this year the heavenly bodies which gravi tate around, the . sun will -bo in j exactly the same position relatively to each other and to the earth that they occupied on the day Christ was crucified. It will be the first time-such a .thing has occurred since that day." '.' ♦ . :;■'■', .r\'/.:'..K Revolutionists • Congratulated. : NEW YORK, NY., April 12.- At a meet ing of the Irish Nationalists here resolutions were adopted congratulating J. the Cuban revolutionists upon the success of their patriotic; efforts, and hoping , that Cuba would soon be added to the list of repub lics. :■-.-'•-: • Went Home Rejoicing. He started out with $60 to buy, a "fine tailor-made suit, got it for $27 50 tailor made, from Roos Bros., who are agents for Brokaw Bros, and .Rogers, Peet & Co. of New York. ;-.;-; ;v ; ' ; DAVIS A CANDIDATE Great Aspirations of the Senator From Minnesota. ' ■ ■ •;" / WANTS TO BE PRESIDENT Urged by Republicans as the Most Available Man in the West. NOTORIETY DURING A STRIKE. __ ' , — ■ On a Famous Telegram He Bases His Claim for the Nomi nation. . , .•••'. !■ ■' . ••• >.■ ' ■ . • • WASHINGTON, D. C, April . 12.— The latest candidate for the Republican Presi dential nomination is Senator C. K. Davis of Minnesota, and his Presidential boom is assuming respectable proportions. Repre sentative Tawney of Minnesota says that if a Western man is chosen, Senator Davis will be urged as the most available and promising candidate, and that Minnesota will send a solid delegation to the conven tion pledged to support him. Mr. Davis' candidacy will be interesting to California people, inasmuch as his boom was started, and, in fact, is based on his telegram regarding the great strike of the American -Railway Union. While the strike was at its height the Knights of Labor and other industrial organizations appealed to Senator Kyle of South Dakota to introduce a resolution in the Senate fa vorable to the strikers. The purport of the resolution was a dec laration that unless . transportation of United States mail was obstructed the de lay of trains by strikers was not an offense against the ' Federal Government. The leader of the' railroad strikers in Minne sota telegraphed Senator Davis, in . the name of railroad employes, urging him to support Senator Kyle's resolution. Promptly came the Minnesota Senator's reply, declining to support the resolution. It is on this telegram that his friends are basing much of his claim to the nomi nation. In it the Senator said : "You" are rapidly approaching an overt act of levying war against the United States, and "you will find a definition of that act in the constitution. I trust that wiser thoughts will gain control.. You might as well ask" me to vote to dissolve this Government." This telegram focused the eye of the public upon Mr. Davis at an exciting pe riod. Senator Davis followed his telegram some time afterward with a speech in the Senate indorsing Cleveland's action in sending Federal troops to Chicago. The Minnesota Senator is now 57 years old ; and is a native of New York. .He served as a lieutenant in a Wisconsin regi ment during the war, and began his public career in 1867, when he was elected to the Minnesota Legislature. He was .United States District Attorney, from 1868 to 1873, and was elected Governor of the State in 1875 and United States Senator in 1887. F& GROVER'S LITTLE BOOM Secretary Morton Does Some Fine Work in Cleveland's Interest. Of Course, the "Reformers" Will Agree That a Third Term Is the Proper Thing. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.—Secre tary Morton of the Agricultural Depart ment recently sent a note of thanks to J. R. Buchanan, general passenger agent of the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri . Val ley Railroad, stationed in Omaha. Mr. Buchanan responded in another tetter, suggesting that in Mr. Cleveland's nomi nation for a third term rests the chief sal vation of the country from the silver craze. Secretary Morton sent the letter contain ing this suggestion to John Dewitt Warner of New .York, a leading light of the Reform Club. , Mr. Morton's letter to Mr. Warner reads: United States Department of Agriculture,} ' Washington, D. C, March 12. j To the Hon. John Dewitt Warner, New York City— Dear Mr. Warner: The inclosed let ter from J. R. Buchanan, general passenger agent of the Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Railroad Company of Omaha, may be of interest to you. It is in reply to one written him by me, in which I thanked him for his earnest efforts in securing the publication of a screed of mine, "A Few Facts in France," in a great many of the patent-inside newspapers which are circulated out West. My object in sending you this letter of Mr. Buchanan's is to give you a thorough-going business man's views of the situation. The letter shows how fallacies flourish among the financiers of the West and South. The letter also points out the necessity of immediate coherent and organized action in behalf of sound money. Havine read the same (you may copy it if you desire), I wish •you would return the same and I will write Mr. Buchanan. Possibly our friends of the Reform Club may be benefited by seeing | Mr. Buchan an's communication. Very truly yours, > ' J. Sterling Morton. ' . The conclusion of Mr. Buchanan's letter to Secretary Morton is as follows: . . My judgment, from the present outlook, Is that the Eastern conservatives of both parties are likely to unite and possibly renominate Mr. Cleveland, who will carry the East and South. No doubt exists of his able honest conservatism, and the South wiil vote for him because they could never vote otherwise than the Democratic- ticket, thus' insuring a vote which would elect. The West will undoubtedly support the Populists, or free-silvcrites,-_nless there is a great change. If this is not done I feel the election will be thrown into the House as a result of three tickets being in the field, in which case the balance of power would be with the ree-6ilver interest, 1 believe If a vote were taken to-day on the naked question of a 16 to 1 silver platform Nebraska would give it a majority of 50,000, or near it. .These suggestions are for what information you may be able to glean from them. I believe the situation is critical and of importance. Yours' truly. ---." • ; J. B. Buchanan. .' CURES CONSUMPTION. Report of a Consul on the Discovery of an American Doctor. \* WASHINGTON. D. c.,' April 12.-TJnited States Consul-General Dekay at Berlin be lieves an American physician ' has discov ered the means 'of ' curing ' consumption, lupus and, perhaps, cancer. In his report to the State Department he says the com ing medical congress is likely to give no little attention to the discovery made by Dr. Louis Waldstein, a native of New York, announced in the German medical papers as extraordinary — the action of minute in jections of pilosarpine, a crystallized ex wlvitlUllg i v»PS»; Is at band. This fact means much to While cleaning your house, do not \ § *2§-S/"0 . "o"_§|t=-_2 the honest housewife. It means many neglect your bodily health— attend to , '"' J^^^^^e^^^^ . • -____*_ t-.' _.'■ *i- rt + i„,.~__ the "tenement of clay ' in which you : *zy Vts* —*-****- &s~ hours of toil. It means that large ..^ The only way to put this in good CL Ii P_ " » ■ supplies of strength will be demanded, healthy condition is to take Hood's i ''V.VAIM'J^ And yet this is a time when the appe- Sarsaparilla to purify your blood. '_.- _f* ' '_, tite is poor, and women are likely to '___ '-V- - - WOP^^^S >' be nervous, sleepless, weak and tired, "MOOCI.-S SLUQ I * "■ V _fc/_fS^U IC because the blood is impure. - — - — WOl H *^ 1 Let the impurities be driven out and **^^™<fc™*« ' r\e»\iG>Y> tiCsf\^ the blood enriched and invigorated and UJ wftß indeed a Bad &nd Buflering nCYCI UUn^ made to flow in a life-giving current woman. I had hardly strength enough !_________ — ■- „ "■" to every part of the body. Then to drag myself around. I could eat "«""T tt _. o ZT V there will be health, strength and hardly anything, had that tired feeling a " Tt ke^ 0 ° d ' """^ iUa every sp ring -•-_,■• , j -r B and it is the only medicine I use through . A Good Appetite. - and was weak and nervous I was the year. It enables me to do my house The only true blood purifier promi- brought to this condition by continually cleaning and fam work M through the nenMy before the people today is running down in health for twelve years, summer. a helped me very much for Hood's Sarsaparilla; and it is the most rheumatism, and neuralgia causing me palpitation of the heart. I think Hood's prominent because it is the best. » No End of Suffering. Sarsaparilla is the medicine for everyone, Merit will win, and merit has not only I was in just the condition to invite the and all who take it will never be without placed Hood's Sarsaparilla at the head grip, and this added to my troubles. I if. I have also used Hood's Pills and they of all medicines, but has practically tried different remedies and worked and are the best I ever tried." Mrs. F. H. given it, as a blood purifier, posses- waited patiently for a cure, but my Andbews, South'/Woodstock, Conn., sion of the whole field. | stomach gave out and I seemed to be con- Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. SB WkM ■■■ ■ hb__h_ n_a m _n____ AB&n dM_f9 ___■_. ___J2 ss _________ _a _■_«*__ _______ tv! I 1 i 1 %M Ifl s££ly_ I %# B B I fSP Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, tinually growing worse. I thought every j " Hood's Sarsaparilla gives me strength It sharpens the Appetite and makes ff aD > every ligament and every muscle to do extra work that most be done at _•»_ •-_-'■'_*■ ■•'■•___ tXi: J in my body was more or less diseased. I this time of the year. Mas. T. J that strength which overcomes ner. f-lt that if T did not get relief soou T WIIiLIAMBj Oilman, lowa. " vous exhaustion, and gives should die. I read so much about Hood's Nervous Prostration Refreshing Sleep. . Sarsaparilla that I resolved to try it. "For many years I have been In poor w It cures every form of disease which When I had taken one bottle, I could eat health, weak, nervous and dyspeptic. J has its origin in the blood. Those heartily without indigestion, and a few I had no appetite and I was on the border who take Hood's Sarsaparilla as a Hood's Pills relieved me of troublesome 0 nervous prostration. I have been sprino- medicine or to purify and constipation. I have now taken five or taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and it did me enrich their blood are trying no ex- "^ bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and am ever so much good. This winter it does periment. They will be benefited. in very much better health. Now not seem as though lam the same per- If they are suffering from scrofula, Wly House Cleaning < Hon. My appetite is greatty improved, 6alt rheum or other _ eruptions, they has come, but Hood's and I together will I am less nervous, am stronger and may rely upon a cure. If they are ncr- master that trial. . I feel so thankful that • Eat Heartily. vous, weak, tired and discouraged, I am well and hope my testimonial will without distress. Such a condition was Hood's Sarsaparilla will make them help other weak, tired, nervous women, n_ known 'to me before taking Hood's strong, because it will make their blood The wash tub is waiting for me but my Sarsaparilla: : \ My mother, aged 87, has pure. Spring Cleaning,, when the courage and strength- are good. -I; am taken Hood's Sarsaparilla"'a_d I know it nerves and body have, been strength- glad to write these few words in favor of has done her lots of good. Other friends ened by Hood's Sarsaparilla, will com- Hood's Sarsaparilla." Mbs. Helen have also been helped by it." Mas. G.C. pletely lose its terrors. Hibbebd, Tully, N. Y. Clay, Barre, Vermont. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the Public Eye Toda , tract from the Brazilian jaborandi plant, on the lymphatic system. This, in a sense, completes the celebrated "Heilserum," act ing favorably on patients whom serum does not cure. \ ~ ; V}V/V The key to the discovery is this: By suc cessive injections of minute doses of pilo carpine into the veins he arrives at the gradual stimulation of the lymphatic sys tem. That system increases the white corpuscles in the blood, which, in some way not agreed upon, certainly overcome and render harmless those poisonous par ticles in the blood that produce the dis ease. ' . * ; The discoverer strongly advises the phy sicians to use pilosarpine in the early stages of consumption, and, indeed, in all diseases involving . the lymphatic system. He has satisfied himself that it forms a trustworthy test for the presence of tuber culosis in man and animal. The report closes with the statement of a case of lupus of twenty-two years' duration, regarded as incurable, which was relieved immediately after the first injection and is now almost healed. . • ' ' ■ BOJ" INTEREST TO THE COAST. Pensions ■ Granted and Increases in Cali fornia and Oregon. ' "■■■:■. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.— Among the California arrivals are: E. H. Gregory, H. W. Peabody and F. Ehhraim of San Francisco. ..'.•••':_...'.. Pensions have been granted as follows : California:. Original— Geradus Mackinea, Simi, Ventura County Daniel McDonald, San Francisco; John P. Liffany, San Diego; Lawrence Cotter, San Fran cisco; Joseph Cotter, Yountville, Napa County. Additional Uriah W. Ladow, Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles County; increase, George H. Mineall,* : San l Fran cisco; Mathiaß J. Lewis, San Francisco. Mexican War widows, Margaret Seward, Los Angeles. Widows of Indian wars— Eliza S. Brock, Gilroy, Santa Clara County. - , . Oregon— lncrease : Cyrenus W. Sanford, Empire City, Coos County. ON THE DAWES COMMISSION. Three Vacancies That Will Soon Be Filled. . WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.—Mere dith H. Kidd of Indiana, who has been a member of the Dawes commission for the past two : y ears, has resigned. ; He has been appointed a member of the commission to negotiate with the TJte Indians to ascertain if they will accept the modified agreement for the removal from Colorado to- Utah. This , leaves ; three \ places _to fill on .; the Dawes ; Commission. It is expected : that these positions will-be filled ! soon,' and •it is thought the : new members will be ex- Representatives Cabaniss of Georgia, Mont gomery of Kentucky. and Assistant Com missioner of Indian Affairs Armstrong. *>; Singer Is Recalled. WASHINGTON, D. C, April ; 12-Lieu tenant Frederick Singer, late; superintend ent of the ; Naval 5 Intelligence Office, who was under orders to join the -Bennington at Mare -Island; as -executive officer, has been recalled to Washington and reap pointed to his old place. Captain Mahan, to whom the appointment was offered, has been chosen instead. Counterfeit Bank Notes Issued, WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.— A photograph counterfeit of the $5 issue of the American Exchange National Bank of New York City, series of 1882, check letter F, charter No. 1394, bank 101798, treasury number letter V 1230081, portrait of Gar field, has made its appearance. * TO OPPOSE FREE SILVER Administration Men Will Take Part in the Coming Campaign. Cleveland's Letters and Speeches the Keynote to the Movement. WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.— 1t is now certain that several members of the administration will take a prominent part in the political campaign over the money question that will be carried on in different States. ' The invitation of the Chicago business men to President Cleveland asking him to make an address' in that city on the sub ject of the currency has been followed by intimations from other ; places that { the members of the Cabinet were wanted to make similar addresses in order that the position of the administration may be placed upon the country in a most forcible way. The President has not yet answered the Chicago invitation, but if he finds it impossible to go it is expected that he will decline in a letter expressing clearly his views on the subject of money. ; '. - The campaign within the Democratic party against the free-coinage movement will no doubt take its keynote from the President's letter and the speeches which may be made by members of the cabinet. . The campaign will be directed against the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1, and the assertion will be made that such coinage would mean silver, monometallism and would be' disastrous to the business inter ests of the country, great and small, and extend to every class and condition, no matter in what pursuit engaged. "./■ Jefferson Davis Jr. Reinterred. RICHMOND, . V*., April . 12.— The re mains of - Jefferson Davis. Jr. were rein terred in the Davis section at Hollywood this afternoon. ■•'•■■•; The officers of the Davis Monument As sociation drove with ' Mrs. Davis and Miss Winnie Davis to the ceme tery, v The services at the cemetery, were ; very simple aud were conducted by Rev. Dr. Carmichacl, rector. of : St. Paul's Church. "Oh- the bier rested a -flag, ;( the same that was used when the remains of Jefferson Davis were reinterred. VETERANS RALLY, '■ ; i . JILL Dedication of the Chicka mauga and Chatta nooga Park. Ceremonies to Be Conducted by the War Department on a Noted Battlefield. 'WASHINGTON, D. C, April 12.—Secre tary Lamont has decided upon the main features of the official exercises authorized by Congress in the dedication of the Chic-_ -amauga and Chattanooga National Mili tary Park. The ceremonies will begin on the battlefield of.Chickamauga on Septem ber 10, and will comprise the formal announcement of ; the opening of the park by the War Department, representing the Government, two orations by speakers of national prominence; and the proper mili tary display. \ On the following day, exercises in con tinuation of the dedication relating to the battles of Lookout Mountain and Mis sionary Ridge will be held at Chattanooga with a somewhat similar programme. In case of rain, all exercises will take place at Chattanooga under cover, to be provided. The Secretary will arrange to have all the armies represented in the. battles par ticipated in the dedication, by setting apart: the night of September 19 to the Union and Confederate armies of the Tennessee, and the night of the 20th to the Potomac and Northern Virginia armies. The regu lar army . will be \' represented by the lieutenant-general and a detachment of troops. \ The Society of the Army of the Cumberland will hold its regular annual reunion at Chattanooga on the evening of September 18. preceding the dedication, and to this' all official visitors and repre sentatives of the other army societies will be invited. <. _ , r CABINETS, PARIS PANELS, $2.50 $5.00 Per Dozen. Per Dozen. PHOTOGRAPHER, 715 MARKET ST. J 31 THIRD ST. OUR PORTRAIT WORK and PHOTOGRAPHS in Natural Colors are well-known for their excellence of finish, likeness and artistic effect. a Dr. Gibbon's Dispensary, P??.,S? :AI??,"r ST- Established in j S5-J lor the treatment of Private Diseases, Lost Manhood. Debility or disease wearingon body and mind and Skin Dtotaaea. The doctor cures when others fall. Try him. Charges low. Care* guaranteed. Call or writ*, Br. J. JT. -IBBOA. Box 1907. SauJfranclM* ■rrrnnmramfirr-WTnar-"T_ irr ist .Mi.ii._rn—i_n¥im ■■■i_i_i.ini._.■■ n